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Follow your Dream

Newsletter of the

Lions Club of Gungahlin


August 2013

We meet at 6.30/7pm on the first and third Thursday each month at:

Trevino's Restaurant Gold Creek Country Club,

50 Curran Drive Nicholls, ACT

PO Box 366 Gungahlin ACT 2912

Our point of contact is: [email protected]

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Gungahlin Gems August 2013

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Presidents Report Fellow Lions

Thanks to all those who volunteered for the Lions Foundation committees. At the board

meeting last week it was decided to reduce the committees from 6 to 4:

Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF)

Australian Lions Foundation

Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation ALCCRF

Lions District 201N2 Diabetes Foundation

The 4 committees chosen all do some wonderful work both locally & abroad. At

the meeting on Aug 15 the committees will have their first meetings to elect a chairperson,

put some ideas forward for fundraising & awareness & set some basic goals that they want

to achieve. We are only limited by our imagination so let's get the brainstorming happening

& come up with a plan to make it happen. There are some great ideas on each of the

foundation websites that can be found by visiting the Lion's website and

selecting the links to each foundation.

Many thanks to all those who assisted Garry with the Rifle Club catering. Nearly

$900 net was raised on the night so well done to all those involved.

Don't forget our next meeting on the 5th of September is the Youth of the Year dinner so

please make the effort to attend & support Alison's good work. Also, a reminder that this is a

mixed night so invite your partners along.

Yours in Lions

Steve Holm


Coming Events

Dinner meeting 15 Aug – Guest speaker Wendy Freeman from ACT Scouting and our

Japanese youth exchangee will be attending. It’s a partner’s night

Youth of the Year September 5. Partner’s night

The Queen’s shoot is 13-17 November

The 4-Wheel-Drive meet is in Queanbeyan on 1 & 2 February 2014


Board meeting 08 August - decisions: Club needs three members to complete the food supervisor’s course (club funded)

and would like six more volunteers to undertake the course. More discussion to


Lion Sue to go ‘Lion-at-Large for six months will remain contact for Karinya House.

Foundation support project refined to four foundations. Further discussion at 15 Aug

dinner meeting.

Some Activities account funds to be put into 6 month Term deposit.

Increase in number of members authorised to pick up certified mail from Australia


Four contestants readied for Youth of the Year contest to be held 05 September.

Partners night with a number of guests including past YoY contestant Alistair Coe


Excellence is the inevitable result of pursuing dreams.

Barry J. Palmer

Lions Clubs International President

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Youth Exchange: by Lion Mick

Yuka Komatsu comes from Iizuka near Fukuoka in Japan. She’s 20 and studies at

Kyushu Sangyo University undertaking a degree in commercial tourism. Her father is a Lion

of the Iizuka club.

Our district has accepted eight youth exchangees from Japan this year – two are

with the Kambah club, five are with the Milton-Ulladulla club and of course we Gungahlin

Lions are hosting one.

Yuka’s English is not the best at the moment – though better than my Japanese! –

and so our daughter Belinda, who is fluent in Japanese, has been helping out.

We have a list of places to visit and things to do to keep Yuka busy and to present

Australia to her in the best light. We’ve included opportunities for her to meet up with the

other Japanese youth exchangees here in Canberra and at the coast. On Saturday (10th

) she

met up with the two girls staying with Kambah Lions Club’s President Chris Howard and

his wife Mary and we all had a great time corralling sheep, watching them being shorn and

later throwing boomerangs. Since then we have been to quite a few places — Parliament

House, the War Memorial, Arboretum, National Library, the Lego display at the Hellenic

Club, and more..

We plan to bring Yuka to the club meeting on 15 August so that she can meet more

Australian Lions and she would like to tell us a bit about herself and her family.

Christmas Cakes – by Lion Mick I caution Lions about the penalties for nodding-off at meetings and also for raising their

hand to ask a question at an inappropriate time. Either action might be rewarded by the

allocation of a task! President Steve’s call for a coordinator for our Christmas Cake project

The Japanese Lions are well organised and

provide their exchangees with business cards to

assist in introductions especially where

language might be difficult.

Yuka and Mary Howard (Kambah Lions)

readying a sheep for shearing

Learning to throw a boomerang at Gold

Creek Station

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was answered when I volunteered —no, I hadn’t fallen asleep —so the more subtle methods

of tasking above did not need to be invoked on this occasion!

We have some cakes left over from last year. They are perfectly good — some say

better as they have ‘aged’ — but in any case we will only order sufficient additional cakes to

match the total sold last year. Lion George will assist me in the coordination task and we

now have a place to store the cakes.

We will continue to sell cakes at Gungahlin and Kippax at Christmas as this

provides opportunities to show the Lions ‘face’, gives potential to recruit and, by means of a

strategically placed donation container, offers both customers and non-buying passers-by the

chance to contribute to ‘Save Sight’ and other projects which benefit from our cake selling


Gluten-free cakes. At the last meeting some members suggested that a gluten-free Lions

cake should be made available because of the number of people wanting that type of cake. I

have enquired and was rewarded with a prompt response from the Multiple District Cake


‘… at this present time there are no plans to produce a gluten-free Lions cake. At our

training weekend leading into this Lions year we learnt that Top Taste had done some

research into this sort of specialty baking and with the cost of having to set up special

ovens etc. in a flour etc. free environment the cost would have to be shared right down the

line making the end product too dear and the general public simply would not purchase.

This doesn’t mean that at some time in the future with manufacturing of food products

becoming more and more automated that something could be done to produce these sorts of


However, for now and for the immediate future with our Lions Christmas Cakes, there will

not be a gluten-free cake made. I know that for those who ask the question this is not the

answer that they will be looking for, however, I hope that this gives you enough

information to be able to answer it to some satisfaction.

Take care

Kaye Smith IPDG 2013-2014, MD Cake Chairman (Pro Tem) 07 3204 6697, 0408 796 646, [email protected]




First, two items of youthful wisdom:

A good wife always forgives her husband when she’s wrong

How can a stranger tell if two

people are married?

‘You might have to guess based on

whether they seem to be yelling at

the same kid.’

Derrick aged 8

How does a person decide who to


‘You got to find somebody who likes the

same stuff. Like if you like sports, she

should like it that you like sports, and she

should keep the chips and dip coming’.

Allan, aged 10

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When Lion Rob (Thomson) was a little boy he was always getting into mischief

and so his mother, exasperated, finally asked him, ’Robert, how do you expect to get into

heaven?’ Little Rob, quick as a flash said ’Well, I’ll run in and out and in and out and keep

slamming the door until St Peter says ‘For heaven’s sake, Robert, come in or stay out!’

Lion Tony went to the doctor and the doctor asked him ‘Did you drink your orange

juice after your bath?’ Lion Tony replied, ‘After drinking the bath I didn’t have much room

for the orange juice!’

Talking about doctors, Lion Chris was telling me that she’d been to the doctor

because she had a very sore throat. ‘Go over to the window and stick your tongue out’ the

doctor had said. ‘Will that help my throat?’ asked Lion Chris. ‘No’ said the doctor, ‘I just

don’t like the fellow next door!’

When Lion Sue and Allan caught an intruder in their bedroom he pulled out a gun

and said ‘Now that you’ve seen me I’ll have to shoot you’. Pointing his gun at Lion Sue he

said ‘I like to know the names of my victims. What’s your name?’ ‘Susan’ said Lion Sue.

‘Oh no’ said the intruder, I can’t go through with this. My mother was named Susan.’ He

then aimed the gun at Allan. ‘What’s your name? ‘Allan, but my friends call me Susan!’

I went to the bookstore and asked the saleswoman where the self-help section was.

She said that if she told me it would defeat the purpose.

If a parsley farmer is sued can they garnish his wages?

And one for Lion Steve (F): If the police arrest a mime do they tell him he has the

right to remain silent?

If you try to fail and succeed which have you done?

Lion Keith was in the Army for a little while. One day the Sergeant asked him

what fortifications were. ‘That’s easy’ said Lion Keith, ‘Two lots of twentyfications’.



By the numbers

When you’re explaining what Lions do, think of one of these numbers:

6 — on average, the LCIF SightFirst initiative requires a donation of only US$6 to save a

person from blindness – or restore their sight.

6 million — number of dollars (US) given to Haiti after their 7.0 earthquake

4 million — children worldwide who have participated in the Peace Poster project.

729 million — dollars (US) provided in grants to communities by Lions Clubs International

Fund (LCIF) since 1968.



Here are the names of our:

District Governor (DG): Allan McDonald, Ulladulla Milton Lions club

1st Vice District Governor: Lorraine Mairinger , Kangaroo Valley Lions Club

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2nd Vice District Governor: Sally Wilton, Nowra Lions Club

Immediate Past District Governor (IPDG): Gary Parker, Canberra Valley Lions Club

Cabinet Secretary: Greg Best, Ulladulla Milton Lions Club

Cabinet Treasurer: Danny Howard from our club

Zone 7 Chairperson Lee Panting from our club. This zone covers the clubs of Canberra

Belconnen, Canberra City, Canberra Valley, Gungahlin

Club Care Team — Team Member: Danny Howard from our club


Photo Gallery:

Our 17 January gathering at Lion Garry’s place — another successful curry night’.


President Steve presents

Lion Mick withLife


A little advertisement: If you want a place

close by to show visitors life on a farm try Gold

Creek Station. Craig was particularly good at

demonstrating different aspects of mustering

and shearing sheep and other interesting rural


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Editor’s note: I recently purchased two small booklets – ‘Don’ts for Wives’ and ‘Don’ts for

Husbands’ — both originally published in 1913. There were two piles of these booklets in

the shop – one for each title – but the pile ‘Don’ts for Wives’ was far lower than the other.

This led me to speculate that either there were quite a few wives keen to find out how they

might do better or there were some rather plucky husbands purchasing for their wives! As it

turned out I saw the same books later at another store though in that case the pile ‘Don’ts for

Husbands’ was lower. You might wish to speculate why this was so but while you are doing

that I can tell you there was also a ‘Don’ts for Mothers’ and my initial thought was how

anyone would dare suggest to their mother what she should and shouldn’t do and what the

reaction might be if they did. I was relieved to find, on opening the booklet, that it offered

advice to pending and new mothers! In any case the advice offered in all three booklets

seemed sensible and, when there isn’t much copy to fill the newsletter I might bless the

pages of future editions with some of the sage advice they contain!


Talking of sage advice, here are some words from our International


‘Lofty Dreams Lead to Great Service

Just beyond the modest home I grew up in Australia was the bush, where

kangaroos, wallabies and kookaburras roamed amid gum and wattle trees. My father, Jack,

was an accountant who took the same train to work and sat in the same seat day after day. I

trained to be a wool classer but I dreamt of doing something more influential. So I

eventually went into real estate and built up my business.

As a Lion I also dreamt of making a big impact. So when a young Australian

woman spoke to our club about an orphanage she worked at in India, my club dove right in.

The parents of many of these children had been killed by rebels. We helped get them better

housing, and from that point many thrived in school.

For years I had another dream I kept to myself. I saw the remarkable ability of

Lions to change lives, and I wanted to fully devote myself to Lions. The dream came true a

few years ago when I learned I was to be nominated for international president. Lions,

follow your dreams. They will not lead you astray. Nearly every great accomplishment

began as a wildly ambitious dream whether it was landing a man on the moon, running a

four-minute mile or webbing together the entire world through computers. Listen to your

heart. Don’t ever impede a great idea whose time has come. To me, dreams are not visions

that arise in sleep but plans that don’t let you sleep.

Identify your dream and work to achieve it. It’s up to you to decide what your

dream is. Plant the seed and let it grow. Find inspiration and guidance from other clubs and

from Lions Clubs International. As I like to say, don’t tell me to aim for the stars when there

are footprints on the moon.

Anne and I look forward to you Following Your Dream in 2013-14. Good luck,

Godspeed and congratulations–excellence is the inevitable result of pursuing dreams.

Barry J. Palmer

Your Lions Clubs International President

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Continuing the Series of diagrams on our International organisation, here is the

administrative structure at the District level.

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SUN 0 -3 -6 -1 -4 1 -2 -5 -5

MON 1 -2 -5 0 -3 2 -1 -4 -4

TUE 2 -1 -4 1 -2 3 0 -3 -3

WED 3 0 -3 2 -1 4 1 -2 -2

THUR 4 1 -2 3 0 5 2 -1 -1

FRI 5 2 -1 4 1 6 3 0 0

SAT 6 3 0 5 2 7 4 1 1

SUN 7 4 1 6 3 8 5 2 2

MON 8 5 2 7 4 9 6 3 3

TUE 9 6 3 8 5 10 7 4 4

WED 10 7 4 9 6 11 8 5 5

THUR 11 8 5 10 7 12 9 6 6

FRI 12 9 6 11 8 13 10 7 7

SAT 13 10 7 12 9 14 11 8 8

SUN 14 11 8 13 10 15 12 9 9

MON 15 12 9 14 11 16 13 10 10

TUE 16 13 10 15 12 17 14 11 11

WED 17 14 11 16 13 18 15 12 12

THUR 18 15 12 17 14 19 16 13 13

FRI 19 16 13 18 15 20 17 14 14

SAT 20 17 14 19 16 21 18 15 15

SUN 21 18 15 20 17 22 19 16 16

MON 22 19 16 21 18 23 20 17 17

TUE 23 20 17 22 19 24 21 18 18

WED 24 21 18 23 20 25 22 19 19

THUR 25 22 19 24 21 26 23 20 20

FRI 26 23 20 25 22 27 24 21 21

SAT 27 24 21 26 23 28 25 22 22

SUN 28 25 22 27 24 29 26 23 23

MON 29 26 23 28 25 30 27 24 24

TUE 30 27 24 29 26 31 28 25 25

WED 31 28 25 30 27 32 29 26 26

THUR 32 29 26 31 28 33 30 27 27

FRI 33 30 27 32 29 34 31 28 28

SAT 34 31 28 33 30 35 32 29 29

SUN 35 32 29 34 31 36 33 30 30

MON 36 33 30 35 32 37 34 31 31









Xmas Day

Boxing Day

GLC Meeting

GLC Meeting

Int ConvHamburg

Int Conv Hamburg

Int Conv Hamburg

Int ConvHamburg

GLC Board Meeting

GLC Meeting

Rifle Club BBQ

GLC Meeting DG Visit

GLC Meeting

GLC Board Meeting



GLC Meeting

GLC Board Meeting

GLC Meeting Queens Shoot

Queens Shoot

Queens Shoot

Queens Shoot

Queens Shoot


4WD Show Queanbeyan SG

4WD Show Queanbeyan SG

GLC Meeting

GLC Social

GLC Meeting

GLC Board GLC Meeting


GLC Board Meeting

GLC Meeting

GLC Meeting

GLC Meeting

GLC Board Meeting


GLC Meeting Board elections

GLC Board Meeting

Triton BBQ CIT ? TBC

District Convention


GLC Social Function

GLC Board Meeting

Childcare Centre



4WD Show Queanbeyan


GLC Board Meeting

GLC Meeting









Int ConvHamburg


District Convention




GLC Meeting

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Youth of the Year

At our September 5th

meeting we will once again have the pleasure of watching and

listening as some of the young people in our area compete in the Youth of the Year competition.

Whether public speaking or impromptu question it is always an interesting time as these usually

very highly motivated students present their prepared speeches and unprepared responses to


Our present Prime Minister was a Youth of the Year entrant. Closer to home Alistair Coe

was a contender in one of the Ginninderra Lions Club Youth-of-the-Year competitions (picture

below) — and look where he is now!


Got any no-longer-wanted glasses? The looking type, not the drinking type! Bring them to the

meeting and we'll get them to OPSM on the top floor of the Belconnen Mall.

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