Download - Newspaper features

Page 1: Newspaper features

Main Newspaper Features

Page 2: Newspaper features

Headline- This is bold headline to stand out to the readers and doesn’t give away to much of the news article encouraging people to read more.

Newspaper title which stands out in bold and is recognisable to the local people.

Advertisements encouraging people to get a half price hair style.

Fillers to fill the blank spaces.

Coloured pictures.Small amount of columned text.

Large bold statistics to inform readers.

Informing the audience of the upcoming sporting adverts.

Telling readers to scroll through the newspaper towards the end which makes them stop at previous pages which appeal to them.

Questioning the audience to get them involved In the newspaper.

Page 3: Newspaper features

A box around the text

Caption which is providing descriptive information about a photo

This is a cut-out because here the background has been blurred out leaving only the main subject

A filler to cover the blank spaces on the page


The font of the text is one size

Strapline- This is a sentence written next to the main headline however is in small font to catch the readers eye

Masthead- This is placed at the top of the newspaper and provides the newspapers title as well as the date and place it was published

Plug/puff- This sometimes occurs in a newspaper article and is intended to be flattering and make the reader have a positive opinion then on this person or company

Main cover image- This is normally linked to the main headline on the page. It is often in the centre of the newspaper to grab the readers attention as well as bright colours to draw them in

Page 4: Newspaper features

Filler due to it filling up a small space on the page

Broadsheet- A full sized newspaper

Byline- the reporters name at the beginning of a story

A caption which is a block of descriptive text about an image

Flag- The name of the newspaper

Leg-Column of text

Jump line-This is placed near the story headline to inform the readers which page or column to go to if they would like to continue reading the newspaper article

Masthead- This is placed at the top of the newspaper and provides the newspapers title as well as the date and place it was published

Ears- This is a bit like a filler which allows space on the newspapers front page for things like advertisement, other pages to turn to and coupons.

Headline- Typically in large font to increase the readers focus and make it look graphic to encourage them to continue reading

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