Page 1: Next generation of Trigger/DAQ

Snowmass2001 - P. Le Dû

Next generation of Trigger/DAQ

• Where are we today?• Evolution 2005-2010 • On/off line boundaries• What next ? 2010-2020• LC’s Triggers• Technologies• What about standards?• Technology transfer to others fields

Patrick Le Dû -

Page 2: Next generation of Trigger/DAQ

Snowmass2001 - P. Le Dû

General comments about Trigger/DAQ

• From the Physics: NO loss

• From the Detector : Deadtimeless

• From the Machine : use 100%

• from T/DAQ people: maximum efficiency and minimum maintenance

Can we achieve the ultimate T/DAQ system ?

Page 3: Next generation of Trigger/DAQ

Snowmass2001 - P. Le Dû

Tevatron selection scheme

Level 3

Available time (sec)

Production rate

10 10 101010 10






- 2




- 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 0 2

Hardwired processors ( FPGA)Level 1

Level 2

Recorded Events




Higgs? 396/132ns 4 µsec 20-100 sec > Sec

Standard PC’s Farm

10-50 KHz


1 KHz

Coarse , dedicated data

RISC Processors and DSPsoptimized code

“Off-line” code


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4.2 µs

<50 Hz


L1 BufferPipeline) L1 Trigger

L3 Farm


10 KHzAccept

Acce/rej< 1KHz 100 µs latency

7.6 MHz Xing rate

48 Input nodes50 ms latency

L2 Global


L2 Buffer&


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LHC Multilevels Selection scheme

Available time (sec)

Production rate

10 10 101010 10







- 2






- 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 0 2

Hardwired processors (ASIC , FPGA)

Standard processor farms& Networks

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

# / sec






25ns few µsec ~ms > Sec

Recorded Events


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Evolution 2005-2010

• LHC (ATLAS & CMS) Two levels trigger– L1 = physics objects ( e/g,jet,m ..) using dedicated data – L2 + L3 = High Levels « software » Triggers using « digitized data »

• Complex algorithms like displaced vertices are moving downstream– CDF/DO : L2 vertex trigger – LHCb/Btev : L0/L1 b trigger

• Use as much as possible comodity products (HLT)

– No more « Physic » busses VME,PCI ..– Off the shelf technology

• Processor farms• Networks switches (ATM, GbE )

– Commonly OS and high level languages

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“Logical Strategy” for event selection

Prompt Trigger “Identification of objects”

Prompt Trigger “Identification of objects”

High Level Trigger Selection “L 1 objects “ confirm

Particle signatureGlobal Topology

Trigger Menu

High Level Trigger Selection “L 1 objects “ confirm

Particle signatureGlobal Topology

Trigger Menu

Event Filter On-line processing

Event Filter On-line processing

collision rate

> KHz

> Hz


Coarse dedicated data

FinalDigitized dataoptimised code

Partial to full event“Off-line” code type

Local identification of• Energy cluster• Track segment• Missing energy


Classification of Physics/calibration Process

• Refine Et and Pt cut• Detector matching•Mass calculation• VTX & Impact parameters ...

• Full or partial reconstruction• Calibration & monitoring • “Hot stream” physics• “Gold platted ”events• Final formatting etc ...

Storage& analysisS1 S2 S3 S4 Sn

Few µsec

Few msec

Few sec Data streams

Logical stepsMHz




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On-off line boundaries

• Detectors are becoming more stable and less faulty• On-line processing power is increasing and use similar hw/sw

components (PC farms..)• On-line calibration and correction of data possible• More complex analysis is moving on-line

– Filter event– Sort data streams…

become flexible

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Trigger strategy & Event Analysis


Sec. Temporary storage

•Monitoring •Calibration•Alignements

•Physics monitoring•“Gold Platted“ events• Physics samples

On-Line Processing


“Garbage”Final storage


Calibration Constant Sub-Detector performanceEvent Background Infos to the LHC

“Analysis” farm “Analysis” farm



Fast Analysis Stream Physics streams



Sec. S1S1 S2S2 SnSn

Simple signatures

Complex signatures


Others signatures


Event Candidate & classification

Simple signatures : e/g , µ, taus ,Jet • Refine Et and Pt cut• Detector matching

Complex signatures :•Missing Et, scalar Et•Invariant and transverse mass•separation …•vertices, primary and displaced

Selection:•Thresholding•Prescaling•“Intelligent formatting “

HLT Algorithms Select« Physics tools »

Select objects and compare to Menus


Partial/Full Event Building


1-2 KHz



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Snowmass2001 - P. Le Dû

Summary of T/DAQ architecture evolution

• Today– Tree structure and partitions

– Processing farms at very highest levels

– Trigger and DAQ dataflow are merging

• Near future– Data and control networks centered

– Processing farm already at L2

• More complex are moving on line• Boundaries between on-line and off-line

are flexible• Comodity components more towards L1

L1 L1











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Snowmass2001 - P. Le Dû

What next ? 2010-2020

• Next generation of machines– LC (Tesla,NLC,JLC)

• Concept of « software trigger »

– VLHC : like LHC – CLIC : < ns sec collision time!– Mu collider : Not invetigated yet!

• Next generation of detectors : – Pixels trackers : ex 800 M Ch (Tesla)– Si-W calorimeters: 32 M Ch. (Tesla)

Very high luminosity > 10**34

High or continuous collision rate (< ns)

multimillion Si read-out channels


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LC beam structure

• Relatively long time between bunch trains 199 ms

• Rather long time between bunches: 337 ns

• Rather long bunch trains ( same order as detector rerad-out time: 1ms

• Relatively long time between bunch trains (same order as read-out time): 6.6 ms

• Very short time between bunches: 2.8 ns

• Rather short pulses : 238 ns


/ / /199 ms


2820 bunches 5 Hz 150 Hz/

85 bunches

6.6 ms238 ns

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LC basic trigger concept : NO hardware trigger

• Read-out and store front end digitized data of a complete bunch train into buffers – Deadtime free -- no data loss

• DAQ triggered by every train crossing– build the event and perform zero suppression and/or data

compression– full event data information of complete bunch train available

• Software selection between train : software trigger– using « off-line » algorithms

• Classify events according– physics, calibration and machine needs

• Store events : – partial or everything!

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• Flexible– fully programmable – unforeseen backgrounds and physics rates easily

accomodated– Machine people can adjust the beam using background


• Easy maintenance and cost effective– Commodity products : Off the shelf technology

(memory,switches, procsessors)– Commonly OS and high level languages– on-line computing ressources usable for « off-line »

• Scalable : – modular system

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Consequences on detector concept

• Constraints on detector read-out technology– TESLA: Read 1ms continuously

• VTX: digitizing during pulse to keep VTX occupancy small• TPC : no active gating

– JLC/NLC : • 7 ms pulse separation

– detector read out in 5 ms– veto trains

• 3 ns bunch separation– off line bunch tagging

• Efficient/cheap read-out of million of front end channels should be developped– silicon detectors ( VTX and SiWcalorimeters)

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Conclusion about LC triggers

• Software trigger concept remains the ‘ baseline ’ – T/DAQ for the LC is NOT an issue !

• Looks like the ‘ ultimate trigger ’ – satisfy everybody : no loss and fully programmable

• Feasible - (almost) today and affordable– Less demanding than LHC

• Consequence on the detector design– constraint on detectors read-out electronics (trackers)

• Consequence on the sofware environment:– on and off-line are merging : need to develop a complete

integrated computing model with common ressources from calibration, selection (algorithms and filter) and analysis /processing paths….

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Technology forecast (2005-2015)Fast logic & hardware triggering (L1)

• Move to digital & programmable• ASICS not anymore developped • FPGA’s is growing and can embed complex algorithms

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Technology forecast (2005-2015)(Software trigger)

• Processors and memories– Continuous increasing of the computing power

• More’s law still true until 2010! x 64• Then double every 3years

– Memory size quasi illimited !• Today: 64 Mbytes• 2004 : 256 MB• 2010 : > 1 GB

• Networks:Commercial telecom/computer standards– Multi (10-100) GBEthernet– But : Software overhead will limit the performance…

x 256 by 2016

Systematic use of : Off the Shelves comodity products

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Snowmass2001 - P. Le Dû

About standards

• Evolution of standards : no more HEP!– HEP : NIM (60s) CAMAC (70s), FASTBUS (80s),– Commercial OTS : VME (90s), PCI (2000) CPCI?

• Looking ahead: today commercial technologies– No wide parallel data buses in crates– Backplanes used for power distribution,serial I/O, special functions– High speeGb/s fiber & copper serial data links – Wireless data link emerging– Higher densities for micros,memories standards commercial part– Hundred of pin packages

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Transfer to other fields

• Last year IEEE NSS-MIC Conference shows a great interest and a common interest

• Medical Imaging as similar requirement as us for diagnostic TEP– Large data movment and on-line treatment– Fast selection and reconstruction

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Final Conclusions

• Trigger/should not be an issue for the next generation of machines like LCs

• Fully commercial OTS comodity components• Programmable & software triggers • On-line and Off-line boundaries become very

flexible: need a new « computing model »• Challenges for 2020

– Very high luminosity > 10**34

– High or continuous collision rate (< ns)

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