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The Perniciousness of Federal Character, Zoning and Regionalism – By Azu Obiaya

Section 14(3) of the 1999 Nigerian constitution states “The composition of the Government of the Federation or any of its agencies and the conduct of its affairs shall be carried out in such a manner as to reflect the federal character of Nigeria and the need to promote national unity, and also to command national loyalty, thereby ensuring that there shall be no predominance of persons from a few State or from a few ethnic or other sectional groups in that Government or in any of its agencies.”

In full acknowledgement of the good intentions of the framers of our 1999 Constitution, as necessary to address the need for balancing the interests of the multiplicity of ethnicities in our country and the disparate levels of literacy and economic progression, I believe that, with the increasingly ethnic-based disturbances, continued balkanization of the country by non-sustainable ethnicity-driven state creation, the acrimonious political discourse that is fueled not by substance but ethnic or regional considerations, the citadel of incompetency and mediocrity that, for the most part, is the civil and public service today, given the related diminished standards, the time has come for re-consideration of the Federal Character requirements. The concept and practice of allocation of federal and state government positions, issues advocacy by zones or regions, political aspiration by zoning, undermines the principle of fair play and unity that is, seemingly, the objectives of the requirement. Specifically, mediocrity, continued ethnic rivalry and balkanization, gerry mandering of political aspirations, regional factionalism, a system that seeks to put geo-political affiliation ahead of performance and qualifications, a polity that is perpetually heated up, are all products of the “fair play” arrangements of the Federal Character, quota and zoning mechanisms.

Federal Character requirements may superficially convey the impression that there is a balancing of geo-political representation at the federal Ievel and ethnic or tribal at the state level, viewed unemotionally, it is a practice that is deleterious to a nation that seeks to be amongst the first twenty economically developed countries by the year 2020. How does an allocation of federal government positions ensure that we have the best and the brightest in those positions? What happens if a particular region lacks persons with the requisite skills, proficiency and expertise to fill its allocation? What about the subordinate personnel, from a different region, who has superior qualifications? How does such allocation foster the competition amongst the regions and states that is necessary to boost literacy and economic levels which, ultimately, should result in the production of personnel who are able to compete with their peers on a national level, or on international level against those countries, such as Belgium, that


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have to be pushed out of the top 20 economies by Nigeria’s economic ascendency. Do we really want to continue to teach our children that you can study hard (or not) and then leave it to prayers, that when you seek to perform your civic duty, as a federal or state employee, that you have the luck of having geo-political zone balance in favor of your state of origin?

If our mechanism for recruiting and promoting our current and future policy makers and implementers is already flawed, how can we expect the organs of government to function at a performance level that results in the delivery of the “benefits of democracy?” It is frightening when we realize that these individuals make and implement policies that impact all aspects of our daily lives. As Nigerians, we have never shied away from competition. It is this need to be the best that we can be that is manifested by the professional, academic and entrepreneurial excellence of our citizens in more organized societies. It is also this pursuit of one-upmanship that also fuels the chaos that is our daily lives. Alas, this chaos cannot be constructively channeled, because we are depriving the brilliant performers of the opportunity to contribute to our nation’s socio-economic growth, thanks to Federal Character requirements.

Contemporary times reflect a nation that has not learned from the horrors of its 1966 civil war and is ever more divided along tribal, ethnic, regional and religious. As a nation, we are seeing more events of loss of life caused by tribal or ethnic affiliation. We are subjected to daily bombardment by the news media of political events, activities and shenanigans with underpinnings of tribal, zonal and regional affiliations. The run-up to the presidential election of 2010 was full of the strife associated with whether or not the presidential slot was zoned to the North and the reverberations of that period continues until now, with ramifications for the upcoming 2015 elections. Similarly, the various state level political party structures are caught up with fights as to where succession has been zoned to or the number of times a particular tribe has assumed an office. Nor has the, relatively, recent instance of the deportation of economically disadvantaged Anambra citizens from Lagos or the eviction of non-indigene civil service workers from some South Eastern states (supposedly, based on the challenge of meeting the minimum wage increase) indicated that we are anywhere close to the promotion of national unity that is specified in Section 14(3) of the constitution.

I am a firm believer that the tapestry of the Nigerian nation is stronger and prettier because of the diversity of our people. Together, we are better than we are apart. However, we may never achieve the togetherness if we continue to institutionalize measures that divide us. The use of the Federal Character, zoning and quota mechanisms are artificial constructs that remove the fairness principle from how we live and work. These are heinous mechanisms that put deserving people at a disadvantage, while resulting in a dumbing down of our governance structure. In our constant cry for visionary leaders, we must acknowledge that we will never find those


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stellar leaders if we continue to utilize a quota system that gives precedence to tribal, state or zone affiliation, instead of personal attributes of excellence.

It is my hope that in the forthcoming national discussions, that there is a robust and consequent review of the Federal Character or any such requirements that do not truly foster unity, fairness, meritocracy and nationalism. The iconic American civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King said, in his “I have a Dream” speech (March on Washington, D.C., August 28, 1963), that he dreamt of a nation where his children “will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Our aspiration as a nation should be similarly so, with judgment not on the basis of tribe, ethnicity, zone, but on character and the ability to contribute to our nation building.

Azu Obiaya


[email protected]


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