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“An out-and-out civil resister argues to himself, that a state allows personal freedom only in so far as the citizen submits to its regulations. Submission to the state law is the price a citizen pays for his personal liberty. Submission, therefore, to a state wholly or largely unjust is an of a state is not satisfied to live on its sufferance. Thus considered, civil resistance. Thus considered, civil resistance is a most powerful expression of a souls anguish and an eloquent protest against the continuance of an evil state.”

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Nightways are the rightways.

Nightways is a stand against the watchful eye of the capital class and its corrupt views. Anger is the fuel and spray paints the tool. Nightways art work has been shaped and stylised to the asectic of the streets in which practiced.

Nightways (left) Samer (right) 2013 Zurick Building, Portsmouth.

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Breaking Bad Production 2014 SouthamptonArtist ( form left to right) Nightways, Skyhigh, Snow, Nzie, Tems.

Nightways - Abandoned war bunkers in Portsmouth, 2013.

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Broken Window TheoryBroken window theory, this the-ory when in place is supposed to keep order and control in society. The idea is that if law enforcement fails to take small crimes seriously then criminals would recognize this and this could lead to more serious crimes being tolerat-ed in society. Thus the theory predicts that if one broken window is left unrepaired then other broken windows will arise. The unrepaired window is a signal that nobody cares about the area, place, and com-munity.

This can be related to many parts of graffiti. If a ‘piece’ or ‘tag’ arises in a location and isn’t cleaned off it shows other graffiti artists that this spot is okay to vandalize because no one cares to clean it off. I see ‘tags’ and ‘pieces’ of graffiti pile up on walls. If the first one was cleaned off or the person who did it punished harshly, would the others have still appeared?

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My Dog Sighsinterview

Whats are your views on graffiti and the laws that be to pre-vent it?

Interesting one. I can completely understand the laws to pro-tect people’s properties from graffiti. But I can also appreciate that there is an ignored and overlook section of society that are looking to find their place and by writing their name they have the opportunity to be recognised and gain respect from their peers as well as male a mark (quite literally) in their environment Although it’s taken a while I’ve also began to ap-preciate the aesthetics of a well written tag. It’s like a highly refined calligraphy. Of course most graffiti, with the exception of tags, throw ups and illegal train painting, take place on legal walls and abandon buildings due to the time it takes to produce. With the availability of legal spaces graffiti as an artform has really grown.

Street art is a different kettle of fish altogether. Artist look-ing to interact with the public on some way with a political or witty message. Much of this work eminated from the punk/anarchy/political posters and messages sprayed on walls. I know it’s wrong but a small clever stencil sprayed up on a wall somewhere gets people stopping and thinking. Interacting with their environment and opening their horizons.

As an artist that uses spray paint alot in his work I take it you have exprimented with gaffiti when you where younger pur-haps?

I never did. I came into street art quite late in life. I was a professional with a young family and was past the need to ter-ritorial piss. My way to involve my self in the scene was to make art on ob-jects/litter found on the streets and place them back to inter-act with the public.

If not graffiti then street art, please evaluate on what is it about having your work in public or on a big wall that appeals to you?

I like the inclusivity of it. Galleries are filled with a very narrow demographic of society. Usually educated often cultured. Street art is about engaging everyone. Positively or negative-ly. Good art promotes discussion and thought and revising and reviewing your own ideas and beliefs about the world. It makes you reevaluate your perspective. I want all demographics to be involved in this and putting work on the street be it freeart-friday or painting walls, achieves that very well. With wall painting there is no curation or elitism. There are no economics driving it. No authorities telling you what should and shouldn’t be there. This creates an excitement for me. And as an artist it creates a tremendous freedom. I paint what I like, where I like. I give my message in diluted. I bear my soul to the entire world, warts and all for you dissect and absorb into your own life. I speak to who I want. On my terms. And there’s something pretty cool about that.

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What are your views on graffiti laws? I think that there has to be some sort of a law against graffi-ti as vandalism because if there wasn’t it would be chaos haha and also it would take a lot of fun away from doing it in the first place.

How did you find graffiti? I was completely hooked on graffiti from the first time I travelled to london with my folks on the train and seeing name after name and just wondering what it was all about but I just knew I loved it and had to do it, and I have been involved heavily in art ever since.

MorfWhat does/has graffiti allowed you you accom-plish as an artist?- Graffiti for me has always been an escape from the world, I didn’t really set out to try and accomplish anything through it other than to constantly progress, I guess I have become a bet-ter drawer because of it. And because of that I now want to become an Illus-trator.

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The run off of urban culture, mix and grime of everydaylife which leaves nasty paste sludge of urban existance. This nasty paste spreads in the streets and it comes to acumilate in curtain cracks and crevises between fences and boundrys dsigned by man. Walls that serve purposes. Along the boundrys of everything you’ll find the pock-ets of paste and shit. You’ll find mattresses, empty liqure bottles, tires, dipers, dead demestic animals. Then there will be these beautiful graffiti murals. Underneth a bridge you’ll go from mattress to dead animal to one of the most beautiful walls.

The artistry that goes into that, the ,the risk, the intent.

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