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DAILY LOBOnew mexico

Burqa Bansee page 3

September 15, 2010 The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Inside theDaily Lobo


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See page 2


by Ruben [email protected]

� e Board of Regents discussed the University’s fate in the face of grim 3.2 percent budget cuts at a meeting in the SUB Tuesday. � e cut amounts to about $9.6 million less from the state.

“Unfortunately that pales in com-parison with what may be coming,” Regent Don Chalmers said. “Po-tentially another 5 percent. We also have to � ll the hole (from) that one-time money we got from the stimu-lus package ... I think that number is close to $12 million.”

Paul Roth, executive vice presi-dent for the Health Sciences Center, said the University is scaling back graduate student employment.

“We are looking at some substan-tial � nancial crises,” Roth said.

“Taking some of the biggest hits

in face of the cuts are graduate stu-dents. Letters from various depart-ments all related the same thing: Graduate student employees are be-ing cut.”

During the public comment sec-tion of the meeting, four graduate students spoke out in support of graduate student employment.

Megan McRobert, GPSA coun-cil chair, defended the graduate stu-dents’ role in education. She esti-mated that 50 percent of classes are taught by people pursuing a gradu-ate degree, though there are no o� -cial numbers.

“I think it’s incredibly interesting that we’re here today talking about a new baseball stadium at the same time that we’re talking about cuts in academics,” she said.

McRobert was referring to the planned $4 million renovation to the baseball � eld, which was also dis-cussed at the meeting.

Regent President Raymond

Sanchez said that the funds used for construction are not the same funds used for other services.

“Severance tax money cannot be used for general operations,” San-chez said. “It is a separate item that is meant for capital improvements.”

Nevertheless, attending students expressed concern about how mon-ey is being spent.

“I understand that there are dif-ferent lines of funding but it is hard ... to hear that that kind of money is being spent on a sports facility,” graduate student Jakob Schiller said. “I think that now is the time for cre-ative thinking on how to proceed so that education is the No. 1 priority of this University.”

While the budget dips, some numbers are going up.

As of this school year, Roth said the University saw a 5.3 percent in-crease in student enrollment, mak-ing the student population on main campus close to 27,700 students. He

said students are also taking more credit hours than in past semesters. � is enrollment increase quali� es UNM for additional state funding.

In the letters from departments, o� ces also o� ered to cut phones lines and share administrative assis-tants to save on costs. Richard Wood, president of the Faculty Senate, pre-sented the letters to the regents.

“� e budget cuts that we face pose a really grave risk to UNM’s core mission,” he said.

Mark Peceny, chair for the De-partment of Political Science, wrote a letter on behalf of his depart-ment, which is being asked to take a $52,672 cut.

“I would prefer to give up the 3 percent raise I am receiving as a de-partment chair before any of my col-leagues face reductions in their own salaries or before I break a promise of support to any of our graduate stu-dents,” Peceny wrote. “I will have to break some promises in the spring.”

by So� a Sanchez [email protected]

Hispanic Business Magazine has named UNM’s Anderson School of Management the nation’s sixth best graduate business school for His-panic students for the second year in a row.

� is honor measures schools’ ef-fectiveness in attracting Hispanic

students and providing them with ac-ademic support.

Doug Brown, dean of Anderson School of Management, said the rec-ognition is � attering, but there is al-ways room for improvement.

“(We’re) pleased, but not satis-� ed,” Brown said.

He said the school is working to increase the number of Hispanic fac-ulty. � e school has six full-time His-panic professors, two of which were

hired this year, and one part-time professor.

“� ey are wonderful role mod-els and particularly good professors,” Brown said.

Brown said strong Hispanic re-cruitment is equally as important as making sure students are comfort-able and supported.

“We hope to provide a nurturing and encouraging climate and hope-fully leading to career success for all

Junfu Han / Daily LoboAllison Buck , No. 8, and Ashley Rhodes, No. 4, celeberate with teammates during their victory over in-state rival New Mexico State Tuesday night at Johnson Gym. The Lobos came back from a one-set de� cit to win the match. See page 10 for full story.

Man shottwice inoffi cerdispute

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by Shaun [email protected]

A 19-year-old man, recently released from the UNM Mental Health Clinic, was shot twice by police when he approached offi-cers and refused to drop a knife Tuesday morning, Albuquerque Police Department Chief Ray Schultz said in a statement.

Chandler Todd Barr is in sta-ble condition at UNM Hospital, according to APD.

UNMH has listed the man, “do not announce,” and cannot confirm the man is even at the hospital, a UNMH spokesperson said.

Schultz said the man was sent to the UNMH with two gunshot wounds to the chest. Leah Kelly was the officer involved in the shooting, APD confirmed.

“He very quickly began ad-vancing on the officer,” Schultz said. “He was in a very close proximity to the officer, still armed with a knife, refusing to drop the knife or stop.”

This is APD’s 11th officer-in-volved shooting this year, seven of which were fatal.

Barr has no criminal record in New Mexico, according to the New Mexico Courts website.

The incident occurred in Downtown Albuquerque on Tuesday morning shortly after 8 a.m., near Central Avenue and Third Street, in front of the Grey-hound bus station.

According to information ob-tained by the Albuquerque Jour-nal, Barr was homeless and pos-sibly from Oklahoma.

The incident began after offi-cers responded to a call about a man who was bleeding from his wrists because of self-inflicted cuts. Schultz said the man had a bus ticket but was upset he would have to pay an additional fee. He left and returned to the bus sta-tion holding a knife and bleeding from both wrists.

Despite award, Anderson stresses improvement

Regents rally over looming budget cuts


of our students,” Brown said. John Benavidez, a marketing pro-

fessor and UNM Anderson School of Management, leads graduate and un-dergraduate students in real-world marketing projects that have brought top honors to UNM. He said UNM business students are among the na-tion’s brightest.

“� e thing about New Mexico is that we are so isolated from big busi-ness, so our students don’t get a lot

of exposure here,” Benavidez said. � e Cadillac National Case Study Competition, held annually in De-troit, Mich., gives students an op-portunity to get real-world exposure.

see Anderson page 3

see Shooting page 3

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CAMPUS EVENTSSAC: New Student Organization Charter WorkshopsStarts at: 8:00amLocation: SUB Lobo Computer Lab These workshops are for new organization or groups who were NOT chartered for the 2009-2010 school year. For more info: or 277-4706.

Striving For Balance: Women’s Counseling GroupStarts at: 11:30amLocation: Women’s Resource CenterThis group is about achieving a sense of bal-ance between the daily demands of everyday life while meeting your needs today.

RE-Charter Student Org. WorkshopsStarts at: 12:00pmLocation: SUB Lobo Computer LabThese workshops are ONLY for Student groups who were chartered in the 2009-2010 school year. For more info visit or call 277-4706.

Community Experience MeetingsStarts at: 2:15pmLocation: SUB Lobo-ACome be a part of your ASUNM student-based community service agency and make a differ-ence on campus!

Alcoholics Anonymous Support Group Open MeetingsStarts at: 3:30pmLocation: Women’s Resource CenterFor women and men to share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problems and help others to recover from alcoholism.

Alpha Pi Omega, Inc. Interest MeetingStarts at: 3:30pmLocation: SUB Amigo RoomAll interested women are welcome.

ASUNM Full Senate MeetingStarts at: 6:30pmLocation: SUB: Lobo A&B The Full Senate meeting will begin at 6:30pm in the Lobo A&B Room (3rd fl oor of the SUB.)

The Karate KidStarts at: 7:00pmLocation: SUB Theater Tickets are $2.00 for UNM Students, $2.50 for UNM Faculty/Staff, and $3.00 for the Public. For group rates call 277-4706.

COMMUNITY EVENTSGenetics and EthicsStarts at: 5:00pmLocation: St. Thomas of Canterbury Episcopal Church A conversation with students, faculty, and health care professionals in response to the ELCA Draft Social Statement on Genetics

Hebrew Conversation Class: BeginningStarts at: 5:00pmLocation: 1701 Sigma Chi NE Offered every Wednesday by Israel Alliance and Hillel

LOBO LIFE Event CalendarPlanning your week has never been easier!

DAILY LOBOnew mexico

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PageTwoNew Mexico Daily lobowedNesday. septeMber 15, 2010

volume 115 issue 18Telephone: (505) 277-7527Fax: (505) [email protected]

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail [email protected] for more information on subscriptions.The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the editor-in-chief. All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

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Every Wednesday the Daily Lobo challenges you to identify where we took our secret picture of the week. Submit your answers to [email protected]. The winner will be announced next week.

where are we?

Dylan Smith / Daily Lobo

Timothy Maria correctly identified this picture, which was taken at the Center for Southwest Research in Zimmerman Library.

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New Mexico Daily lobo


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news Wednesday, september 15, 2010 / page 3

Two female officers on bicy-cles arrived in the area within three minutes and found the man at Central Avenue and Second Street, Schultz said. The man be-came aggressive and approached Kelly, who then shot the man twice in the chest.

“He was armed with a deadly weapon. He had injured himself, refusing to obey officers in a very crowded and congested area,” Schultz said. “The officers have a duty to protect themselves.”

The officers have been placed on standard three-day adminis-trative leave.

Downtown workers coming in for the work day were greeted with police sirens and tape. Cen-tral Avenue between First and Third Street was blocked but re-opened shortly. As police contin-ued their investigation, Second Street, between Gold Avenue and Copper Avenue, stayed closed most of the day.

All bus routes through the Al-varado Transportation Center were detoured or delayed, ac-cording to city transit officials.

Anderson, which has competed three consecutive years, won in 2005 and 2006.

A team of MBA students, led by Benavidez, present their marketing idea to top executives at General Mo-tors. The students compete against schools such as Loyola University, Tulane University, University of Mis-sissippi, Clemson University and others.

“Anderson offers a lot of experien-tial learning opportunities that you’re not even guaranteed to get at larger universities,” Benavidez said.

Anderson is also teaming up with Albuquerque’s Hispano Chamber of Commerce to host a “Hispano MBA Day,” an event aimed at improving Hispanic recruitment.

Nicole Guevera, a second-year Anderson undergraduate student, said keeping students at UNM is in the University’s best interest.

“The ranking is a huge incentive to continue my education in Anderson’s MBA program,” Guevera said. “I think that being ranked among the top 10 shows that Anderson … is better for all their students, Hispanic or not, be-cause we’re learning how to conduct business with diverse communities.”

by Elaine Ganley Associated Press

PARIS — The French Senate on Tuesday overwhelmingly passed a bill banning the burqa-style Islamic veil on public streets and other places, a mea-sure that affects less than 2,000 wom-en but that has been widely seen as a symbolic defense of French values.

The Senate voted 246 to 1 in favor of the bill in a final step toward mak-ing the ban a law — though it now must pass muster with France’s consti-tutional watchdog. The bill was over-whelmingly passed in July in the lower house, the National Assembly.

Many Muslims believe the legisla-tion is one more blow to France’s No. 2 religion and risks raising the level of Islamophobia in a country where mosques, like synagogues, are sporad-ic targets of hate. However, the law’s many proponents say it will preserve the nation’s values, including its secu-lar foundations and a notion of frater-nity that is contrary to those who hide their faces.

The bill is worded to trip safely through legal minefields. For instance, the words “women,” “Muslim” and “veil” are not even mentioned in any of its seven articles.

France would be the first European country to pass such a law, though oth-ers, notably neighboring Belgium, are considering laws against face-covering veils, seen as conflicting with the local culture.

The measure, carried by President Nicolas Sarkozy’s conservative party, was passed by the lower house of par-liament, the National Assembly, on July 13.

It would outlaw face-covering veils, including those worn by tourists from the Middle East, on public streets and elsewhere. The bill set fines of euro150 ($185) or citizenship classes for any woman caught covering her face, or both. It also carries stiff penalties for anyone, such as husbands or broth-ers, convicted of forcing the veil on a woman. The euro30,000 ($38,400) fine

French senate passes burqa ban

Oum Al Khyr Charlton gestures while addressing reporters during a news conference held in Montreuil, east of Paris. A ban on the burqa-style veil was voted on Tuesday in the French senate.

Remy de la Mauviniere / AP Photo

Shooting from PAge 1 Anderson from PAge 1

Drider, a mother of four from Avignon, in southern France. “It is ... against in-dividual liberty, freedom of religion, liberty of conscience,” she said.

and year in prison are doubled if the victim is a minor.

The bill is aimed at ensuring gender equality, women’s dignity and securi-ty, as well as upholding France’s secu-lar values — and its way of life.

Some women, like Kenza Drider, have vowed to wear a full-face veil de-spite a law. Drider says she prefers to flirt with arrest rather than bow to what she says is an injustice.

“It is a law that is unlawful,” said

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[email protected] / Ext. 133Opinion editor / Jenny Gignac The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895LoboOpinionLoboOpinion Wednesday

September 15, 2010



by Chris [email protected]

I am excited for fall TV, which probably means I actively hate books, so much so that during commercial breaks, I run out of the room to burn down libraries.

It also means that I have no intelligence. Because I enjoy TV, I have a short attention span and am incapable of completing. Fish. Seven up. Chester the Cheeto Cheetah. Toilet bowl cleaner.

Yup, unless my ass is parked on the couch with a laugh track blasting, I don’t care.

Well... Maybe TV could be considered an art form

in its own right when not represented by its base forms (“America’s Home Videos,” “Wipe-out,” “Dancing with the Stars” and “Idol” — I am looking at you).

Yet how can this be? It’s actually fairly simple. If you would be-

lieve it, it starts with watching the right shows. And lucky you, I have assembled a guide to the best TV watching this fall. Note: This is in-credibly biased and not in any way objective.

“Community”Why to watch: Seriously, it’s the best tra-

ditional sitcom on television right now. And while fans of the series lamented Jeff and An-nie’s creepy relationship, (seriously, what the f**k; he’s in his late 20s, and she’s still in her teens. Not OK, Dan Harmon) the show still has a lot of life left in it, especially after epic episodes such as “Modern Warfare.” After all, “Abed and Troy” are still around, and as long

as they have after credit teasers, the world will remain a good place for TV fans everywhere.

Why it’s art: “Community” subverts tra-ditional TV tropes — the will-they-or-won’t-they, buddy-friends-fringing-on-homosexual relationship, sassy black woman, old guy who can’t remember anything — and reinvigorates them through sly misdirection that keeps the show fresh. Furthermore, the show always makes full use of its characters, so newcom-ers can enter the “community fairly quickly.” Plus, the show’s dissection of accepting awful luck, such as ending up at a community col-lege, is one of the most fascinating character studies I have seen in a while.

“Bored to Death”Why to watch: A must for quasi-intellec-

tuals everywhere, myself included. The show details an overeducated, alcoholic, pothead, spiritually starved journalist and one-time novelist’s foray into the criminal world as an unlicensed private detective as played by Ja-son Schwartzman. Naturally, he’s incom-petent and tries to deal with rash and illogi-cal criminals in a logical way, which doesn’t work and is half the show’s fun. Oh yeah, and if Zach Galifianakis doesn’t sell you, nothing will.

Why it’s art: A surprising amount of nu-ance is spent on character development. In particular, the protagonist’s desire to quit drinking to appease his ex-girlfriend, and his consequential failures, is particularly mapped out over several episodes in ways that a nov-el or film couldn’t compare with. Throw in the reflections on a vacuous life by a Playboy newspaper editor, as played by Ted Danson, and you have got a great show. Plus, it makes a clever use of empty space in plotting to em-ulate real life, so that it never feels boring but instead like the day-to-day that we all en-counter in the real world.

“It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”Why to watch: Charlie Day is allowed to

open his mouth in every single episode. Some of the best quotes: “Here’s a confession: I’m in love with a man. What? I’m in love with a man ... a man named God. Does that make

me gay? Am I gay for God? You betcha.” Or, “And I’ll take that advice under cooperation, alright? Now, let’s say you and I go toe-to-toe on bird law and see who comes out the vic-tor?” It’s kind of like Seinfeld, but meaner, and with dead baby jokes, cocaine jokes, un-bridled racism, prejudice and the extremes of selfish behavior that would make George Castanza look like a saint.

Why it’s art: Every episode challenges your convention of what you think is accept-ably funny. Is it OK to laugh as the gang tries to decide if Dee is dating a mentally retarded man and that when she dumps him, she finds out he is? Or how about when faced with a dumpster baby that the gang tries to make into a child actor for a quick buck, but then drops back in the dumpster when he proves unprofitable? Or better yet, how about de-stroying a Mexican family home via “Extreme Makeover” in order to win some good karma, all while trying to Americanize the poor fam-ily with threats of violence? The answer isn’t easy, and while some might dismiss “Sunny’s” humor as crass and superficial, the attuned viewer will appreciate the subtle dissection of cruel comedy.

Other runners up“30 Rock” finished last season strong de-

spite a middling performance there for a while. Here’s to hoping the writer can con-trol the characters’ eccentricities and faults this season instead of blowing them up into one-dimensional clowns as was the case last season, expect for Tracy Jordan. Anything that man says is pure gold and should not be messed with.

“The Office” is in its last season with Steve Carell. Why shouldn’t you watch? As long as it cuts back on its Dwight time, it should be an-other great season and possibly the last good one.

Anyone who says “American Dad” is just like “Family Guy” is lacking a brain stem. “AD” is good, absurd humor. That is the kind that still takes time for nuanced character devel-opment before launching us into complete absurdity, such as a fight with a crocodile. Se-riously, though, just watch the show.


I am appalled about how many people on scholarships, such as the Pell Grant and the Lottery Scholarship, are using this money (in-tended for school) for everything else not re-lated to school. I was in a class this morning and overheard some students talking about how they used the majority of their scholar-ships for school and books. At first, I was re-lieved, until they started talking about the money they had left over, which for some of them was over $3,000. So they went and bought alcohol, drugs (I am not kidding about this one), games for Xbox/PS3 and other stuff that isn’t remotely related to school or liv-ing expenses. Does the school do anything to monitor where this money is going that they are basically throwing at college students?

I have to hold down two jobs to pay for tu-ition, books, food, rent and everything else. Sometimes I only get 15 hours a week, which with today’s prices on food and rent, I barely make ends meet.

So it greatly upsets me when I hear that scholarships that I have applied for and been turned down on end up going to a student to use for his/her own luxuries. While I do realize that I can apply for student loans like most in my position, I wonder where the line is drawn between giving money to students for college expenses and giving money to students for whatever they desire to spend it on.

I know that a lot of students could have used that extra $3,000 to pay for their own tu-ition or books. What does UNM, or the gov-ernment for that matter, do to control this wild spending of scholarship money? I am pretty sure when each of the scholarship founders created these scholarships, they didn’t have alcohol, drugs, games, $900 bicycles or $1,200 televisions on their minds.

Elyse DuranUNM student


It has been an effective tool of U.S. foreign policy to justify military action against weak-er countries in the name of defending human rights. The planned stoning of the single mother in Iran is only the latest installment of this long-running deception.

The Western media has cast the United States as the pure-hearted savior of these women from the satanic, misogynistic mullahs of Iran. If only this Hollywood pipe dream were true. The real-ity is that the United States is only interested in human rights when it serves the interests of Wall Street.

The fact of the matter is that Iran sits atop vast amounts of oil that Uncle Sam would love to get his hands on. So in conclusion, my fellow citizens, please remember if a woman was be-ing stoned to death for adultery in a country that had friendly relations with corporate America, the U.S. media would be strangely mute.

Muhajir RomeroUNM student

“This is incredibly biased.”


It all starts with the right shows


editOriaL BOard

Pat LohmannEditor-in-chief

Isaac AviluceaManaging editor

Jenny GignacOpinion editor

Leah ValenciaNews editor

Letter suBmissiOn pOLiCyn Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.

Loans should go to studentswho don’t spend it on drugs

Western media casts ‘pure-hearted saviors’

Page 5: NM dAILY LOBO 091510

Wednesday, september 15, 2010 / page 5newsNew Mexico Daily lobo


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daily crosswordin the lobo features

DAILY LOBOnew mexico

by Melissa Nelson Associated Press

PENSACOLA, Fla.— A federal judge said Tues-day he will likely dismiss only parts of a lawsuit by 20 states challenging the Obama administration’s health care overhaul as unconstitutional, though he didn’t specifically say what portions.

The Obama administration had asked U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson to dismiss the entire lawsuit. The states and the administration disagree over whether people should be required to have health insurance, and whether states should pay additional Medicaid costs not covered by the federal government.

The judge said he will issue a ruling by Oct. 14. The lawsuit is likely to wind up before the U.S. Supreme Court.

If Vinson upholds the states’ challenge, he would overturn decades of law enforcing the federal govern-ment’s power to regulate interstate commerce, said Ian Heath Gershengorn, deputy assistant attorney general.

“This court is free to disagree with Congress’ poli-cy judgments but it is not free to overturn 75 years of Constitutional law,” he said.

Administration attorneys also argued that the sec-tion requiring health insurance doesn’t take effect until 2015 and it’s up to an individual taxpayer — not the states — to challenge the law then.

But David Rivkin, an attorney representing the states, argued the law will destroy the state’s con-stitutional sovereignty by burdening them with un-controlled Medicaid costs. The federal government is over reaching its taxing authority by penalizing

people for not taking an action — not purchasing health insurance, he said.

“By imposing a mandate on inactive individuals, they are eviscerating state sovereignty,” he said.

The judge questioned whether the administration was correct in arguing that all Americans are active participants in the health care system regardless of whether they choose to have health insurance and are therefore subject to penalties under the government’s authority to regulate commerce.

Health insurance is the mechanism to regulate the health care market, Gershengorn said.

“The healthiest individual can be hit by a bus. He cannot keep himself out of the health care market,” Gershengorn said.

But Rivkin likened the health care law to the sub-prime mortgage crisis.

“If this cost shifting is allowed, then it would let the government demand that people buy a prescribed package of mortgages,” he said.

Florida’s Republican Attorney General Bill McCol-lum filed the lawsuit just minutes after President Ba-rack Obama signed the 10-year, $938 billion health care bill into law last March. He chose a court in Pen-sacola, one of Florida’s most conservative cities. A similar case is unfolding in Virginia.

There, the Obama administration also tried to get the lawsuit dismissed, saying Virginia lacked stand-ing to sue, but a federal judge has allowed it to con-tinue, ruling that the overhaul raises complex consti-tutional issues.

The other states that are suing are Alabama, Alas-ka, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Idaho, Lou-isiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah and Washington.

DES MOINES, Iowa — An Iowa airman has died at an Air Force base in New Mexico.

Marie Vanover, a spokeswom-an for Kirtland Air Force Base near Albuquerque, says Devin Berry died at the base. She says no other information is being re-leased and that the investigation is continuing.

The Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier in Iowa says the 20-year-old airman from Independence, Iowa, died Thursday.

LAS CRUCES, N.M. — Las Cruces police have charged three more teens in an incident in which a handgun was fired into the air outside a high school

volleyball game in the southern New Mexico city.

A 17-year-old boy is charged with negligent use of a firearm, unlawful carrying of a deadly weapon on school premises, un-lawful carrying of a handgun by someone under age 19, conspira-cy and public affray.

Two 16-year-olds are charged with unlawful carrying of a dead-ly weapon on school premises and conspiracy.

Two other 16-year-old boys were charged last week.

Police say a handgun was fired into the air Sept. 7 after a handful of teenage students began fight-ing in a parking lot after a girls high school volleyball game.

No one was hit by gunfire.


district court probation officer in Albuquerque is charged with demanding or receiving a bribe, perjury, tampering with public records and extortion after being accused of selling clean urinaly-sis reports to people under court order to submit to drug testing.

Bernalillo County sheriff ’s spokesman Larry Koren says deputies arrested William Garcia at his job at the courthouse Mon-day afternoon.

Koren says people on proba-tion who are required to undergo drug testing face jail time if drugs are found during a urinanalysis.

He says Garcia allegedly had been selling clean urinalysis re-ports. Koren says the alleged pay-offs were less than $100.

Garcia told KOB television in Albuquerque that he is innocent.

His bond has been set at $100,000. Garcia remained in the Metropolitan Detention Center in Albuquerque on Tuesday.

news briefs

Iowa man dies atNM base, details to come

Shots fired into air at high school sports event

Man accused of sellingfake urinalysis reports

State challenges Obama

by Joan LowryAssociated Press

WASHINGTON — A midair collision last year over the Hud-son River between a tour helicop-ter and a small plane that claimed nine lives was the result of a se-ries of missteps that began min-utes before the accident, investi-gators told a federal safety board Tuesday.

An air traffic controller, engaged in a bantering personal phone call while directing traffic, was dis-tracted and violated several pro-cedures, investigators said. As a result, the pilot of the small plane was likely using the wrong radio frequency, preventing controllers from reaching him moments later to warn of the impeding crash with the helicopter, they said.

The Teterboro Airport control-ler, who cleared the plane for take-off, waited more than two min-utes to give the pilot a new radio frequency when he handed off the plane to controllers at nearby Newark Liberty International Air-port. When the controller did re-

lay the frequency to the pilot, he spoke very rapidly, making his words difficult to understand, in-vestigators said.

The pilot - Steven Altman, 60, of Ambler, Pa. - read back the fre-quency to the controller incorrect-ly as 127.8 instead of 127.85. Con-trollers are supposed to listen to a pilot’s readback of a frequency and correct it if it’s wrong. How-ever, the controller was busy han-dling other traffic and, distracted by the personal phone call, proba-bly didn’t hear the incorrect read-back. He also received a radio call from Newark controllers at the same moment.

The National Transportation Safety Board was meeting to deter-mine the cause of the accident and make safety recommendations.

The accident also underscores weaknesses in cockpit technol-ogy designed to prevent such col-lisions, the board was told. The pilots of both aircraft apparently overlooked alerts from traffic advi-sory systems in their cockpits mo-ments before the accident.

The crash occurred in a busy air corridor over the river where

pilots are supposed to use “see and avoid” procedures to prevent collisions. Aircraft in the corridor aren’t actively separated by air traffic controllers.

However, the helicopter’s pi-lot - Jeremy Clarke, 32, of Lanoka Harbor, N.J. - apparently couldn’t see the plane, investigators said. Clarke would have had to look be-hind his right shoulder to see it coming.

The helicopter was visible out the window of the plane, a Piper Lance. But a presentation by in-vestigators demonstrated that it would have been difficult for Alt-man to discern the helicopter against the background of the New York skyline until the last few sec-onds before the accident.

Altman and his two passengers - his brother, Daniel Altman, 49, of Dresher, Pa., and his 16-year-old son, Douglas - were killed in the collision. Also killed were Clark and five tourists from the Bologna area of Italy: Michele Norelli, 51; his son Filippo Norelli, 16; Fabio Gallazzi, 49; his wife, Tiziana Pe-droni, 44; and their son Giacomo Gallazzi, 15.

Officials look at cause of crash

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By Dan Elliott Associated Press

LOVELAND, Colo. — Firefight-ers were trying to gain ground on a wildfire in the northern Colorado foothills Tuesday ahead of strong winds expected to move in, poten-tially spreading the flames.

The fire, the second major blaze to break out on the Front Range in a week, has burned nearly 1,000

acres, or about 1½ square miles, of tinder-dry grass and trees in steep terrain just west of Loveland.

The fire, which has destroyed two homes, was 20 percent con-tained. Terry Krasko, a spokesman for the team coordinating more than 400 firefighters, said the con-tainment figure is expected to be higher by the end of the day.

“The fire’s looking very, very good,” Krasko said.

Officials rush to contain fireEarlier, incident team man-

ager Jim Thomas said the next 36 hours are pivotal for crews to make headway because of the wind in the forecast. Thomas said the fire wasn’t moving toward populated areas but gusts of up to 20 mph were possible Tuesday and winds of up to 28 mph were expected Wednesday.

“We’re going to go out and pound on it,” said Thomas, who also led the fight against a wildfire near Boulder last week that de-stroyed at least 166 homes.

The northern Colorado fire prompted the evacuation of a four-mile radius, but some resi-dents were being allowed into the evacuation area Tuesday to check on their homes, escorted by sher-iff ’s deputies.

Sheriff ’s officials said they want the residents to spend only about 30 minutes in their homes before they are escorted out again.

Officials said earlier they ex-pected some people would stay, even if the return was supposed to be temporary. It wasn’t clear what deputies would do if anyone re-sisted leaving.

Authorities don’t know exactly how many homes and residents are in the evacuation area. The Red Cross said 76 evacuees have registered with the agency.

Sheriff ’s investigators believe the fire was started Sunday by two people burning leaves and tree branches at a home. They plan to turn their findings over to prose-cutors to determine whether crim-inal charges should be filed.

Larimer County on Tuesday banned most outdoor fires, out-door tobacco smoking and fire-works in unincorporated parts of the county. The ban runs through Nov. 1.

Dawn Madura / Daily LoboA wildfire burns in Loveland, Colo. Monday, Sept. 13, 2010. Firefighters worked Monday to control a wildfire that destroyed at least two homes in the northern Colorado foothills.

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Wednesday, september 15, 2010 / page 7New Mexico Daily lobo sports


by Ryan [email protected]

He is just a little bit misunder-stood — that’s all.

UNM head football coach Mike Locksley stressed discipline within his program, after the Lobos (0-2) fell to Texas Tech 52-17 on Saturday.

At his weekly news conference Tuesday, Locksley said discipline isn’t necessarily the right word.

“First of all, I think in football terms, when you talk about ‘disci-pline,’ sometimes that’s miscon-strued,” Locksley said. “For me, I bet you could also substitute that word to ‘not playing smart.’”

So then, Locksley disciplined de-fensive lineman Ugo Uzodinma this week for not playing smart. Uzodin-ma was ejected from the Tech game on Saturday for kicking another player during a dead ball situation, and Locksley announced Uzod-inma will not play against Utah on Saturday.

“I felt (it) was a selfish penalty,” Locksely said. “That is not who he typically is.”

Again, Locksley said he will stress reducing mistakes on the football field this week in practice, especial-ly in light of the 16 penalties for 145 yards the Lobos had against the Red Raiders.

“We have done quite a bit of run-ning,” Locksley said. “Some of the other penalties when you get pass interferences, and we had a cou-ple of late hits out of bounds that when you watch on the tape, you know those are questionable calls. I think our team understands the importance, and they did pay the price with the way they ran, and we will continue to do that or make the change of bringing a guy out.”

Locksley: It’s not ‘discipline,’ it’s ‘playing smart’

Some of Locksley’s young play-ers agreed they have to play quality football.

So far, A.J. Butler, who made the transition from tailback to safety in the offseason, has played tremen-dous in UNM’s first two games. Against Oregon, Butler had 10 tack-les and against Texas Tech made his

first collegiate start at safety.Butler said that the Lobos have to

stay within the football realm.“We have to stay in our play-

books,” Butler said. “Whatever our assignments are, we have got to stay fundamentally sound and whatever techniques it takes. Even if I’ve got to step with my left foot, I have got to

do that, and it’s that simple. But, you know, as the game goes on, with the adrenaline rush, you kind of forget those things.”

What the Lobos can’t forget is their opponent this Saturday: Utah, the No. 14 team in the country, rolls into Albuquerque.

Locksley said there is still a lot

of work to be done this season. “We look forward to going out, like we always do,” he said. “We prepare well, and I think our players have given energy. And the part that we have to continue to correct is play-ing smart football. I think that is the missing piece for this inexperienced football team.”

UNM punter Ben Skaer has his punt blocked in the Lobos’ 52-17 loss to Texas Tech Saturday at University Stadium. Head coach Mike Locksley said his team needs to play “smarter.”

Emma Difani/ Daily Lobo

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by Joseph WhiteAssociated Press

WASHINGTON — Washington Redskins running back Clinton Por-tis, known for his outspoken view-points, had plenty to say on the radio Tuesday about women reporters in NFL locker rooms.

The league swiftly condemned his comments as inappropriate and

offensive, and Portis later issued an apology through the Redskins.

Addressing the NFL’s investiga-tion of the New York Jets’ treatment of TV Azteca reporter Ines Sainz, Por-tis said that both sides have wander-ing eyes when the sexes are mixed in such a setting.

“I think you put women reporters in the locker room in position to see guys walking around naked, and you sit in the locker room with 53 guys,

and all of the sudden you see a nice woman in the locker room. I think men are going to tend to turn and look and want to say something to that woman,” Portis said in his week-ly appearance on 106.7 The Fan.

The Jets are being investigated by the NFL after a few players made cat-calls directed at Sainz on Saturday while she was waiting to interview

Ross D. Franklin / AP PhotoTV Azteca reporter Ines Sainz, left, measures Arizona Cardinals wide receiver Steve Breaston’s bicep during the team’s media day for Super Bowl XLIII, in Tampa, Fla. Sainz said on her Twitter account she felt “very uncomfortable!” at a Jets practice Saturday, where players called out to her in the locker room.

see Sexist page 10

Player scolded for comment

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Wednesday, september 15, 2010 / page 9New Mexico Daily lobo sports

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Career Week: Career Preparation

Resume RescueSeptember 10 & 13, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PMUNM Career Services, Student Services Center Room 220

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September 13, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PMSchool of Engineering - Student Services, Suite 2080

Learn how to successfully perform a job search as well as what employers expect from you in the interview process.

How to Work a Career FairSeptember 9, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PMSchool of Engineering - Student Services, Suite 2080

September 14, 12:00 - 1:00 PMUNM Career Services, Student Services Center Room 220

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Resume & Cover Letter WorkshopSeptember 13, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PMUNM Career Services, Student Services Center Room 220

September 14, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PMSchool of Engineering - Student Services, Suite 2080

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Frank Franklin / AP PhotoHeisman Trophy winner Reggie Bush, now with the New Orleans Saints, smiles while posing for photos after a news conference in New York Dec. 10, 2005. Bush said Tuesday that he is forfeiting his Heisman Trophy.

Former USC starreturns Heisman

by Ralph RussoAssociated Press

Reggie Bush took the unprece-dented step of giving back his Heis-man Trophy on Tuesday, saying the scandal over improper benefits while he was a star running back at Southern California should not stain “the dignity of this award.”

The New Orleans Saints’ star won the Heisman — symbol of the best player in college football — in 2005.

Returning the trophy has no practical effect on Bush since he’s already in the pros and a member of a Super Bowl championship team. However, it is the first time in the award’s 75-year history that a player has returned it.

USC was hit with heavy sanctions by the NCAA this summer after it determined Bush and his family had received hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts from two fledgling California-based marketing agents. The NCAA ruled that Bush was in-eligible for the 2005 season, which opened the possibility that the Heis-man Trophy Trust would take back the award.

One of the few guidelines given

to Heisman Trophy voters is that a player must be in compliance with NCAA rules to be eligible for the trophy.

“The persistent media specula-tion regarding allegations dating back to my years at USC has been both painful and distracting,” Bush said in a statement released through the Saints. “In no way should the storm around these allegations re-flect in any way on the dignity of this award, nor on any other insti-tutions or individuals. For the rest of my days, I will continue to strive to demonstrate through my actions and words that I was deserving of the confidence placed in me by the Heisman Trophy Trust.”

Just after USC was sanctioned, the eight-member trust, based in New York, said it was considering what to do about Bush, who won in a landslide vote over Texas quarter-back Vince Young.

The trust met Tuesday; it had no comment. Whether the 2005 Heis-man will be vacated or given to Young remains to be seen.

“Just heard about Reggies Heis-man,” Young posted on his Twitter

see Bush page 10

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by Brandon [email protected]

In front of a home crowd of 2,252 screaming fans, the UNM volleyball team beat in-state rival New Mexi-co State in a five-set see-saw battle Tuesday at Johnson Gym.

Head coach Jeff Nelson said he was satisfied with his team’s fight and perseverance.

“You could tell that we real-ly wanted this one,” he said. “We didn’t let the pressure get to us, and we kept taking it to them.”

UNM improved to 5-5 over-all with the win, while the Aggies dropped to 6-4. The victory also gave the Lobos bragging rights in the Rio Grande Rivalry for the sec-ond straight season.

“This is a big win for our regional ranking,” junior outside hitter Kelly Williamson said. “We can now offi-cially say that we are the best team in the state.”

The Lobos started out shaky in Game 1, quickly falling behind 1-0 after a quick 25-20 wake-up call by

NMSU. “They came out guns blazing,”

Williamson said. “We made too many errors (in the first game) and basically handed it to them.”

In Game 2, the Lobos respond-ed by outhitting the Aggies .410 to .185 for the 25-16 shellacking. UNM posted 21 kills to NMSU’s eight.

“We went into the locker room pumped up,” senior right-side hitter Taylor Hadfield said. “It was a major momentum shift for us. We got our offense rolling, and we cut down on our errors.”

The Aggies took Game 3 for a 2-1 advantage, but the Lobos bounced back with a 25-17 win in Game 4, setting the stage for an exciting fina-le in game five.

“We made it interesting,” Had-field said. “The crowd was really loud in the fifth game.”

The Lobos jumped out to an 8-3 lead in the fifth game and never looked back. Two NMSU hitting er-rors and a Hadfield kill sealed the Aggies’ fate for the 15-7 win.

“This feels so good,” senior

outside hitter Lisa Meeter said after the match. “We talked about what we needed to do before the game and that was basically to go out and fight to the end.”

The Lobos were paced offensive-ly by Williamson, who notched a ca-reer-high 20 kills. Hadfield chipped in 19 kills, and Meeter added 14. Ju-nior libero Allison Buck led the back row with 15 digs, while senior set-ter Jade Michaelsen dished out 50 assists.

NMSU’s Kayleigh Giddens led the Aggies’ offense with 15 kills.

“You’ve got to hand it to NMSU,” Nelson said. “They put up a fight and weren’t going to hand it over to us. They’re a great team and a great program, and they’ve got some great athletes. We were just the better team tonight.”

account. “Reg will continue to be the 2005 Award recipient and I will con-tinue to be honored to have been in the 2005 Heisman campaign with such a talented athlete.”

Allegations of improper benefits to Bush and his family were first re-ported by Yahoo! Sports in Septem-ber 2006, months after Bush had al-ready been drafted No. 2 overall by the Saints.

The NCAA and Pac-10 began investigating Bush and the USC football program soon afterward, and Bush immediately denied any wrongdoing.

One of the marketing agents, Lloyd Lake, sued Bush trying to re-coup nearly $300,000 in cash and gifts. Bush was supposed to give a deposition in the case, but never did. Eventually, the case was settled and Bush never had to give his side of the story publicly.

In handing out its penalties, the NCAA cited USC for a lack of insti-tutional control. Its report cited nu-merous improper benefits for Bush and former basketball player O.J. Mayo, who spent just one year with the Trojans.

The penalties included the loss of 30 football scholarships over three years and vacating 14 victories in which Bush played from December 2004 through the 2005 season. USC, under coach Pete Carroll, beat Okla-homa in the BCS title game on Jan. 4, 2005, and won 12 games during Bush’s Heisman-winning season, which ended with a loss to Texas in the 2006 BCS title game.

After the 2009 season, Carroll left USC to take over as coach of the NFL’s Seattle Seahawks.

In July, USC replaced athletic di-rector Mike Garrett with Pat Haden, and one of the first moves Haden made was returning USC’s copy of Bush’s Heisman Trophy.

Bush’s decision ends four years of questions, debate and turmoil surrounding allegations that taint-ed one of the great performances in college football history.

“I think it’s a sad day, that’s the way I feel about it,” said former

Nebraska quarterback Eric Crouch, who won the Heisman in 2001. “Hav-ing to actually be the first time in the history of the award that someone has given it back ... I don’t know if he actually had to. Maybe this is on his terms.”

Eddie George, the 1995 Heis-man winner from Ohio State, felt the same way: “I don’t think he should’ve gave his Heisman away. I think it’s a shame that it’s come to this for Reggie.”

USC won 34 straight games and two national titles during Bush’s sensational three-year career.

In 2005, he was spectacular, running for 1,740 yards, scoring 18 touchdowns and helping the Tro-jans reach the national champion-ship game against Texas and Young.

When it came time to award the Heisman, Bush ran away with the vote. He received 784 first-place votes, the third-most in the history of the award and finished 933 points ahead of the Texas star.

“It doesn’t matter if he gives it back. Everyone still knows Reggie Bush was the best player that year. Look at the runs. He was clearly the best player,” former Nebraska flank-er and 1972 Heisman winner John-ny Rodgers said.

But it was Young who came away with the biggest prize. He had one of the greatest games in college foot-ball history and scored the win-ning touchdown with 19 seconds left in Texas’ 41-38 victory at the Rose Bowl. Meanwhile, Bush’s most memorable play from the title game was an ill-advised lateral that result-ed in a USC turnover.

Bush jumped to the NFL as a ju-nior after the Rose Bowl and was drafted by the Saints.

As a pro, he’s had some brilliant moments and has been a produc-tive player. However, so far, he has fallen short of becoming the star he was projected to be.

“Now that this is behind me, I look forward to the future and win-ning more awards and champion-ships here in New Orleans! Who Dat!” Bush tweeted.

Bush from page 9

quarterback Mark Sanchez. Also, an assistant coach seemed to deliber-ately throw the ball to players who were near Sainz during a practice drill.

Portis said he wasn’t aware of what went on with Sainz, but he of-fered his opinion on what he con-sidered to be a female reporter’s perspective.

“You know, somebody got to spark her interest, or she’s going to want somebody. I don’t know what kind of woman won’t, if you get to go and look at 53 men’s (bodies),” Portis said. “I know you’re doing a job, but at the same time, the same way I’m going to cut my eye if I see somebody worth talking to, I’m sure they do the same thing.”

NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said the league quickly addressed the player’s remarks with the Redskins.

“The comments are clearly in-appropriate, offensive, and have no place in the NFL,” he said in an e-mail. “We have contacted the Red-skins and they will discuss the matter directly with Mr. Portis.”

A few hours later, the Redskins is-sued a statement from Portis.

“I was wrong to make the com-ments I did, and I apologize,” the statement said. “I respect the job that all reporters do. It is a tough job and we all have to work and act in a pro-fessional manner. I understand and support the team on these issues.”

Redskins spokesman Tony Wyl-lie also issued a statement, saying the Redskins “have a clear and unambig-uous policy about being professional on these issues.”

“We will take the necessary steps to remind everyone about it,” Wyllie said. He did not say what those steps

would be.The Association for Women in

Sports Media said it has been in con-tact with the NFL about Portis’ re-marks and appreciates the league’s swift response. The AWSM also re-leased a statement detailing the his-tory of the legal battle for equal ac-cess to locker rooms.

“AWSM continues to monitor is-sues regarding locker-room access and is committed to helping create and maintain a work environment that is free of harassment and hostil-ity,” the statement said.

In the past Portis has riled team-mates and coaches when speaking his mind. He uncharacteristically stayed out of the spotlight through this year’s training camp and pre-season. Recently, he has been talking about how much he was enjoying his new low profile.

Sexist from page 8

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Wednesday, september 15, 2010 / page 11New Mexico Daily lobo lobo features

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Get your name out there with the Daily Crossword

505.277.5656SPONSOR THIS

SUDOKUGet your name out there with the Daily Sudoku505.277.5656

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis


ACROSS1 “Mamma Mia!”

group5 Social rebuff9 Tunesmith Porter

13 Hang glide, say14 RL and TL

automaker15 Top16 What b.i.d.

means, inprescriptions

18 Masters champbetween Fuzzyand Tom

19 ___ spill20 When Good

Friday occurs21 Like citrus juices23 Many a realty

deal25 North African port26 Some rear

entrances32 Garage, perhaps35 Minuscule bits36 Dover is its cap.37 Feudal laborer38 “__ clear day ...”39 Beatles girl who

paid the dinnerbill

40 __ de vie: brandy41 Singer K.T.43 Eye or ear

follower44 The first official

one wasNovember 11,1919

47 Detective fond ofaphorisms

48 Stranded at theski lodge,perhaps, and ahint to thispuzzle’s hiddentheme

52 Deep bow55 Wild party57 Transfer __58 Dubai leader59 Many are


62 Pull-down item63 Still-life subjects64 Seat of Allen

County, Kansas65 Tees off66 Like morning

grass67 Kadett


DOWN1 Fur giant2 Knife named for

a frontiersman3 Gets water out

of4 Softball pitch

path5 CAT procedure6 Jour’s opposite7 Link letters8 San Francisco

and environs9 Vegas attraction

10 Page with views11 __ Johnston,

former fiancé ofBristol Palin

12 Corp. VIP14 Like __ in the

headlights17 Sitcom with a


22 Slimeballs24 Dating from25 Pump figure27 Benny’s

instrument28 Greek column

style29 Chief Valhalla

god30 On Soc. Sec.,


31 Off, so to speak32 On the briny33 Letter starter34 19-Across holder39 Martha of

comedy41 Workers’

protection gp.42 Ready to mail43 Stashed supply45 Wax-winged flier

of myth46 Frisbees, e.g.

49 Slump50 Brit’s fireplace51 Like a cold

sufferer’s voice52 Weigh station

rig53 AKC part: Abbr.54 Sausage unit55 Lost, as a big

lead56 Open to breezes60 Have obligations61 Giovanni’s god

Tuesday’s Puzzle SolvedBy Mike Peluso 9/15/10

(c)2010 Tribune Media Services, Inc. 9/15/10

daily sudokuSolution to yesterday’s puzzle

daily crosswordMal and Chad

level 1 2 3 4

Page 12: NM dAILY LOBO 091510

Page 12 / Wednesday, sePtember 15, 2010 New Mexico Daily loboclassifieds

AnnouncementsLONELY? LOG ON To

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! AGORA Helpline. Help Others-Class Credit- Great Experience! Just a few hours a week! 277-3013. Apply online!

NOT IN CRISIS? In Crisis? Agora listens about anything. 277-3013.

Fun Food MusicHAVE YOUR PARTY at 505-908-0771.

YOGA! BRING A FRIEND: Clear your mind/stress. Improve body/mind bal- ance. (1HR). Call Kunti 505-315-1466.

WEEKLY TAI CHI classes, 792-4519.

Lost and FoundUNM ID FOUND near Olympia Cafe/ Papa Johns on 9/7. M. GALLEGOS. Claim at Student Records office.

ServicesABORTION AND COUNSELING ser- vices. Caring and confidential. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING. Curtis Boyd, MD, PC: 522 Lomas Blvd NE, 242-7512.

PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instruc- tor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA.

TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799.

MATHEMATICS/STATISTICS TUTOR. BILLY Brown. You CAN Succeed in Math! Get Help Early. 20% discount through September. PhD. wel [email protected], 401-8139.

PREGNANT? NEED HELP? The Gabriel Project offers monetary and emotional support to all pregnant women regardless of circumstance. Free pregnancy tests and ultrasound. Call 505-266-4100.

ELEPHONIC RECORDING MUSIC Production & Sound Services. UNM student discounts. Call 505-797- 1333

BIRTHRIGHT CARES. FREE pregnancy tests, help. 262-2235.

FEEL LIKE A NEW PERSON!: Foot massage. Reflexology treatments. Stu- dent Discounts! 505-315-1466.

TUTORIA EN ESPAÑOL: $13/HR. Con- versation/Platicas. Document editing $3/Page. 505-315-1466.

?BACKPACK BUSTED? ABQ Luggage & Zipper Repair. 1405-A San Mateo NE. 256-7220.

ENGLISH TUTORING: $13/HR; Docu- ment editing: $3/page. Call Sarah Re- hberg 352-6125.

Vehicles WantedTIRED OF EXPENSIVE vehicle repair? Mobile Mechanic will come to you. 30+yrs bumper to bumper experience. 304-4365.

TIRED OF YOUR Old clunker vehicle? We’ll buy. 304-4365.

Apartments1 BDRMS, 3 blocks to UNM, no pets. Clean, quiet, and affordable. 301 Har- vard SE. 262-0433.


UNM NORTH CAMPUS- 1BDRM $490 +utilities. Clean, quiet, remodeled. Move in special! 573-7839.

MOVE IN SPECIAL- walk to UNM. 1BDRMS starting at $575/mo includes utilities. No pets. 255-2685, 268-0525.

$770- 2BDRM AVAILABLE- Minutes from UNM, Shuttle Bus Available, Leas- ing Now. Call & Reserve 505-842-6640.

CLOSE UNM/ DOWNTOWN. 1BDRM $350/mo +utils. Singles. 266-4505.

STUDIOS 1 BLOCK UNM, Free utilities, Refrigerated A/C. $445/mo246-2038. 1515 Copper NE.

$500- STUDIO- IMMEDIATE Move in Available. 5 minutes from UNM and Apollo College. Spacious for 1. Call at 505-842-6640.

1BDRM, 3 BLOCKS from UNM. Hard- wood floors, beamed wood ceiling, new windows, light and bright. 114 Sycamore. $575/mo +utilities, +dd, cat okay. No smoking. Call 550-1579.

UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Con- sultant: 243-2229.

$575- 1BDRM LEASING NOW. Minutes from UNM and Apollo. It is a must see. Call us at 505-842-6640.

$825- 1BDRM W/OFFICE- Available for Move in- Minutes from UNM, Shuttle Bus to UNM, Office available in home. Call 505-842-6640.

$595- 1BED LOFT- Lg. square footage, near UNM, Available Today, must see home, Call 505-842-6640 ask for Jes- sika.

WWW.UNMRENTALS.COMAwesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FPs, court- yards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1 and 2 and 3BDRMs. Garages. Month to month op- tion. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week.

Houses For Rent916 KNOX CT NE townhome. $1000+util. 2BDRM, 2.5 BA. Laundry room with full appliances. Furnished. 730-5849 for details.

2BDRM HOUSE FOR Rent. W/D, FP, in close barrio three blocks from UNM. $850/mo. 720-1934 or 881-3540.

IMMACULATE TWO BDRM study fur- nished house. Las Lomas. 2CG, 3mins to UNM, no smokers or pets. $1400/mo. 842-6229.

UNM 3BDRM $1050/MO. 897-6304.

3BDRM HOUSE FOR rent South Valley. Big lot, fence for horses, extra parking for vehicles, gas & electric. Price $850/mo +utilities. 720-1934 or 881- 3540.

Rooms For RentFRIENDLY, EASY-GOING female look- ing for roommate.Cool house, large, roomy living quarters, hardwood floors, FP, huge backyard. Minutes east of UNM. No pets. If interested, call for de- tails. 321-2996.

MILLIONAIRES SEEKING LADIES- Free room - board, spending money, in- heritanceship. 265-4345.

GRADUATE STUDENT: FURNISHED room, W/D, cable, smokeless, free utili- ties. $295/mo +$50dd. 344-9765.

ROOM FOR $200/MO +utilities. 8x10 room, house is located on Lomas and Juan Tabo. Call Jordon @ 505-934- 1843.

SHARE 2BDRM,1BA house. San Ma- teo/Lomas area. Must be: quiet,N/S,Re- spectful/clean, gay + cat friendly. Grad student/prof, Lg term pref. $350/mo util- included.

QUIET FEMALE STUDENT wanted to share nice 3BDRM, 2.5BA home. 10 mins from campus. $400/mo, w/utilities included. (505) 490-1998

Audio/VideoMOVIE SLATES, COMPRESSED air, lens & camera cleaning products 30% off (includes DustOff and nozzles). F&F 265-5678 Nob Hill.

Bikes/CyclesSCOOTER 49CC 2005 Piaggio Ty- phoon. Less than 2K miles. Asking $1,500. Calll John 366-9158.

For SaleSMALL, NEW REFRIGERATOR for sale. Black color, $90. Please contact Dulce at [email protected] or (505)927- 6194.

LIKE NEW HOYER lift manual. 400# ca- pacity $500 OBO. Call after 5:00pm 869-5505; ask for Mona or Dave.

PIMENTEL CONCERT GUITAR Mint Condition, Not a Scratch, Rosewood, Back & Sides, Hard Case $2,600 OBO. Call 362-4827.

FurnitureSTRONG, STURDY WOODEN coffee table for $40. Please call 944-6221 if in- terested.

Vehicles For Sale2008 ROKETA 54250B Scooter $2000 o.b.o. 550 miles 719-232-5679.

1985 FORD RANGER XL $1,300.Manual Transmission, 4 cyln.In great condition. Tires replaced, air fil- ter replaced, oil changed, & all fluids filled. Call 505.804.9695.

2005 JEEP GRAND Cherokee Laredo 4X2, dark blue, for sale, $8900. 505- 975-1759.

Child CarePT/FT ADMIN WORK intern opening. Children’s Learning Center. Email re- sume to [email protected]

CAREGIVERS FOR TOP Quality after- school child care program. Play sports, take field trips, make crafts, be goofy, have fun, and be a good role model. Learn, play, and get paid for doing both! $9/hr plus paid holidays, paid planning time, paid preparation time, and great training with pay raises. Must be able to work Wednesdays 12PM – 5PM in the Fall. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE, 9:- 30 – 2:30 M-F. Call 296-2880 or visit Work-study encouraged to apply.

Jobs Off CampusDAVID WEBBER CPA 617 Amherst Dr NE: seeks part-time, motivated, market- ing person. Call 243-7800

HELP WANTED: NEW Mexico Dancewear is looking for a mature, part time professional Sales Person for a permanent position.Call 292-2747 for an interview appointment.

IT HELP NEEDED for Small Business- (es). Please send resume to [email protected]

!!!BARTENDING!!!: UP TO $300/day. No experience necessary, training pro- vided. 1-800-965-6520ext.100.

FRONT DESK PERSON for Storage Fa- cility. FT/PT Available. Bilingual ++. Send resume to [email protected]

WANTED: EGG DONORS, Would you be interested in giving the Gift of Life to an Infertile couple? We are a local Infer- tility Clinic looking for healthy women between the ages of 21-33 who are non- smoking and have a normal BMI, and are interested in anonymous egg dona- tion. The experience is emotionally re- warding and you will be financially com- pensated for your time. All donations are strictly confidential. Interested candi- dates please contact Myra at The Cen- ter for Reproductive Medicine of NM at 505-224-7429.

THERAPIST WANTED OT and PT: Part- time and full-time positions. Call 265- 2168.

RESIDENT MANAGER WANTED - Free 1BDRM townhouse style apartment in exchange for leasing and light mainte- nance duties at 16-unit complex 3.5 miles from UNM. Email ckraus@sonic. net

ADVANCED MATH/SCIENCE TUTORS for middle/high school students, PT, $12/15 per hour. Send resume to [email protected].

JCPENNEY PORTRAIT STUDIOS are looking for exceptional people. Do you like photography and working with peo- ple? Then you maybe just what we are looking for. Call Veronica 505-792-0224 or email us today, smp0337@lifetouch. com.

MAKE MONEY HELPING People. Help People Make Money. Make Money Help People. Visit www.thecoolcareer. com or call John 610-1856.


$15 Base/Appt.Flex Schedule, Scholarships Possible! Customer Sales/Service, No Exp. Nec., Cond. Apply. Call now, All ages 18+, ABQ 243-3081, NW/Rio Rancho: 891- 0559.

TALIN MARKET IS now hiring for all po- sitions: stocker, cashier, receptionist, barista, and seafood department. We of- fer great benefits and competitive pay. Come pickup an application at 88Louisiana Blvd SE @ the corner of Central and Louisiana.

Students! Check here daily for new:

Jobs On Campus, Jobs Off Campus, Jobs Wanted, and Volunteer positions.

Jobs On CampusINSURANCE AGENCY HIRING Guerilla Marketers. Extroverts preferred. Well paid. $1/contact card you collect. $5/ap- pointment you set. $10 bonus paid to you per sale my agency makes. Inter- ested? Call now (505)710-5168.

Jobs WantedEARN $1000-$3200 A month to drive our brand new cars with ads. www.Ad

VolunteersCONCEPTIONS SOUTHWEST, UNM’s Arts and Literary Magazines, is seeking volunteer staff members for the 2010- 2011 issue. Currently, the magazine needs volunteers for the editorial staff, graphic designers, and a web consul- tant. This opportunity is a great resume builder and perfect for anyone inter- ested in the field of publications. Con- tact Chris Quintana at chrisq6@gmail. com or 505-249-4990 for application in- formation.

Discount Tire CoDiscount Tire is now hiring for Tire Technicians/Warehouse tech. We have flexible schedules and great starting pay. No experience needed, we will train. If you have a great attitude and you’re a hard, reliable worker, please apply at 4600 Pan American Frwy NE (NE corner of I-25 and Montgomery).

Or e-mail resume to

[email protected]

Please no phone calls.




• Come to Marron Hall, room 131, show your UNM ID and receive a special rate of 10¢ per word in Personals, Rooms for Rent, or any For Sale category.

new mexicoDAILY LOBO

CLASSIFIEDs• 30¢ per word per day for five or more consecutive days without changing or cancelling.• 40¢ per word per day for four days or less or non-consecutive days.• Special effects are charged addtionally: logos, bold, italics, centering, blank lines, larger font, etc. • 1 p. m. business day before publication.



• Phone: Pre-payment by Visa or Master Card is required. Call 277-5656.• Fax or E-mail: Pre-payment by Visa or Master Card is required. Fax ad text, dates and category to 277-7531, or e-mail to [email protected].• In person: Pre-pay by cash, check, money order, Visa or MasterCard. Come by room 131 in Marron Hall from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.• Mail: Pre-pay by money order, in-state check, Visa, MasterCard. Mail payment, ad text, dates and category.





UNM Student Publications MSC03 2230

1 University of New MexicoAlbuquerque, NM 87131


• All rates include both print and online editions of the Daily Lobo.

• Come to Marron Hall, room 107, show your UNM ID and receive FREE classifi eds in Your Space, Rooms for Rent, or any For Sale Category.

• Phone: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American Express is required. Call 277-5656• Fax or Email: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American Express is required. Fax ad text, dates and catergory to 277-7530 or email to classifi [email protected]• In person: Pre-payment by cash, money order, check, Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American Express. Come by room 107 in Marron Hall from 8:00am to 5:00pm.• Mail: Pre-pay by money order, in-state check, Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American Express. Mail payment, ad text, dates and catergory.


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Computer StuffDogs, Cats, Pets

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Jobs WantedVolunteers

Work Study Jobs




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To place your free ad, come by Marron Hall, Room 107 and show your student ID, or email us from your unm email account at [email protected].

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Audio/VideoBikes/CyclesComputer StuffPetsFor Sale

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