
NMD202 Web Scripting


Contact Information

Email – [email protected]

Lecturer is a part time member of staff. Students are encouraged to use email to make an appointment.


Website – to be provided

Set Text - Yank, K., C 2007. Build your own Database Driven Website using PHP & MySQL., Sitepoint, Collingwood, Victoria

Recommended Text - Valade, J.;C 2006. PHP and MySQL, Your Visual Blueprint for Creating Dynamic, Database-driven Web Sites. Hungry Minds Inc, U.S.

Schedule Duration Topics

Week 1( Jul 25)

PHP Syntax

Week 2(July 31)

PHP Operators, expressions, constructs

Week 3(Aug 7)

PHP Forms, server validation, email

Week 4(Aug 14)

MySql Concepts

Week 5( Aug 21)

Handling Databases PHP

Week 6(Aug 28)

File and IO operationsString manipulation

Week 7(Sep 4)

MVC Patterns PHP

Week 8(Sep 18)

Session and Cookies

Week 9(Sep 25)

PHP & Ajax

Week 10(Oct 2)


Week 11(Oct 9)

Object Oriented PHP

Week 12(Oct 16)


Item FocusValu

eDeliverables Due Date

Prac ExercisesCode Exercises (Week1-Week4)

10% Series of exercises Week 4


Dynamic Web Site 50% Project BriefData ModelPrototypeWorking System Presentation Class

Week 5Week 5Week 8 Week 11Week 11

Exam 40% 3 hour paper


Code Testing

Cross browser compatibility

Validate against the standards

Web Best Practices

What we will cover today

What is Server Side Scripting History of PHP Syntax Examples and Exercises

What is Server Side Scripting

Server side scripting refers to operations (scripts) that are executed on the server before feeding information to the browser Examples: ASP, PHP, Java Servlets, JSP, CGI, etc

What is PHP

Stands for Hypertext Preprocessor General Purpose Scripting language. Usually runs in a Web server Initially interpreted, compiled after PHP4 Loosely-typed (does not do type checks) Procedural or Object Oriented (you choose) PHP is case-sensitive

History of PHP

Started 1994 as a set of CGI binaries written in C First Release 1995 PHP v2 PHP v3 1997, Parser has been rewrote PHP v4 2004, Zend Engine, compiler PHP v5 2008, Object Support


The best feature PHP – FlexibilityThe worst feature PHP - Flexibility

Basic Syntax

PHP only parses code within its delimiters:

<?php Some PHP code here ?>


<? ?>

Basic Syntax

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"


<html lang="en">

<head><title>Hello World</title>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" >



<?php echo "Hello World"; ?>




Setup Development Environment

Do the Hello World example

Basic Syntax


> Bigger than

< Smaller than

== Equal

=== Equal type

=! Different

? Ternary

++ Increment

-- Decrement

&& And

|| or

Basic Syntax


Variables are prefixed with a dollar symbol and a type does not need to be specified in advance

Basic Syntax


$x = 1;

$y = 2;

$z= x+y;

echo z;

$x = “Hello”;

$y = “World”;

$z= x.” “.y;

echo z;

Basic Syntax

Loopsfor ($n=0;$n<5;$n++){

echo $n;


while (condition)

do something


foreach ($array as $key){

echo $key;


Basic Syntax

Conditional Structures

If (condition)


do something




do something else


Basic Syntax

Conditional Structures

switch (variable){

case x:

do something




Basic Syntax


$a = array();



$a = array();



Basic Syntax


function show($a){

echo ($a);



function sum($a,$b=20){

return ($a+$b)


echo sum(1);

echo sum(1,5);

Basic Syntax

Native Functions

PHP has hundreds of base functions and thousands more from extensions

Google and PHP Manual are the developer’s best friends

Debugging PHP

Using echo Using die() Using print_rUsing debuggers (


Display all even numbers between 0 and 6 using an echo statement

Write a function that compares two numbers and echos which one is bigger

Load an array with numbers and iterate through them echoing which numbers are odd or even, use the foreach iterator

Write a function that returns the current date with the full textual representation of the month ie: 12 January 2008

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