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Since the dawn of time, communities have congregated around water: The Tigris and Euphrates rivers, The Nile, The Louisiana River Delta

Even small-town America bears the names of its communities, where else but the local water tower.

This is a grassroots campaign to build grassroots communities.

Good morning. My name is Samuel Smith and these are…


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This is Nwanda. At the tender age of 15, Nwanda has already traveled far and wide. Everyday, she walks four kilometers to fetch water for her family. Water that is still deadly.

Nwanda is one of the billion people around the world who have to go through this torturous trek.


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Despite the efforts to solve this problem by various organizations from different industries, there are still a lot of communities that need help.

Especially in Africa.


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You see, most of the water projects in the world involve drilling deep wells that cost $30,000 or so.

Unfortunately, 63% of African communities are similar to Nwanda’s, and they don’t have the resources to fund and maintain this machinery.

They are the poorest of the poor. Their existence is so overlooked that they are often not even included in their nation’s census. They can’t ask the government to fund projects that will provide them what is accessible to most of us: sturdy homes, electricity, education, food supplies, and most importantly, clean, running water. So they walk four kilometers to collect water that could kill them.

It’s time for water to come to these communities, instead of the community going to the water.


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With this breakthrough invention, Nwanda no longer needs to walk four kilometers to fetch water. Now, she only needs to take four steps.


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The simple fact is that, while we may all be starving college students, every one of us could find $3,000 if our life depended on it.

We have lifelines. Bank accounts. Credit cards. Family. Friends. Kickstarter. We all have some way to find that kind of money.

But Nwanda can’t, because Nwanda lives in a place where no one listens or cares. Not even the government. Except us. We listen.


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Local language radio is king when it comes to communicating with the African tribes.

Only a couple of families in the village will own a small-battery powered transistor radio.

The radio has become a tool that teaches the community where to gather when the sun sets; the small radio is the hub of activity for listening and engaging in a conversation with fellow tribe members. Surrounded by music and an exchange of ideas, this is a primary activity in the evening and at night, as there is no electricity to power the non-existent light sindoors.


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