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    I am an entrepreneur who has been starting new businesses since I was a child. Business is in my blood. I cant help myself. My adventures in entrepreneurship have seen me do things

    that some people may think are crazy, and other things that

    people may think are impossible.

    But I am living proof that anyone can start a business with no

    cash whatsoever.

    In the course of my career, I have started dozens of

    businesses, often with no money at all. I opened a ski lodge

    to meet women. I bought 23 properties with no cash of my

    own. I started a video game business with $2,000 and made a

    $15,000 profit in the first week.

    I have started a business using the cash advance from my

    credit card and sold it for a $350,000 in one year. I have

    doubled, tripled and quadrupled my money on the stock

    market. I have bounced back from bankruptcy and gone on to

    build a $10 million company.

    And I have lost everything not once, not twice, but many

    times. I have learned more than most people ever wanted

    to know about starting businesses, buying real estate, raising

    capital and trading in stock options.

    Now my biggest challenge is to give away $1,000 to a worthy

    cause every single day for the rest of my life.

    This is my story the story of the life of an entrepreneur.

    I have always lived on the edge even when I became so

    wealthy I no longer needed to.

    The life of an entrepreneur is a roller-coaster ride, full of the highs

    of success and the bitterness of defeat. It is an exciting adventure.

    And sometimes, you can even make a living - or a killing.

    I hope you enjoy my story and learn from my mistakes!



    The Four Commandments 2

    How to Sell Something that 5 Doesnt Exist - Yet

    How to Get Your Costumers to 6Finance Your Business

    How to Give It All Away 8 Without Dying First

    Terry Allen



    Terry Allen is a born entrepreneur who has launched more

    than 20 businesses. He now owns New Business Resources

    LLC, a start-up company that offers a variety of services to

    more than 100,000 newly formed businesses each month.

    He is also a partner in Chicago Venture Partners LP. His

    latest project can be found at


    In the course of my entrepreneurial adventures, I have

    learned the true essentials of starting a successful business.

    To create a thriving business of your own, follow what I

    call the Four Commandments.

    1. Discover what you love

    Whatever you do in life, you must have a passion for it.

    Starting a business is full of challenges and pitfalls, and if

    you dont love what you do, you will give up long before

    your business reaches its full potential. If you dont love

    what you do, you will find a way to stop doing it and

    the easiest way to do that is to make your business fail! If

    you want to succeed, make sure that your business is

    your passion.

    2. Do your homework

    Every industry has its own rules and its own way of doing

    business. Unless you understand these clearly before you

    begin, you will surely fail. The best way to discover these

    tricks of the trade is to get some experience working in

    the industry, even if you have to work for free!

    3. Go for it!

    When you have found what you love and done your

    homework, start your business, regardless of whether you

    have the money. I have started many businesses with less

    money than the cash advance on your credit card. I have

    started a business when I was so flat broke I couldnt even

    get a credit card.

    One of two things will happen. Either youll succeed,

    make some money and feel satisfied, or youll have a

    valuable learning experience. You may fail and lose all

    the money you borrowed or invested, but you will have

    learned something important.

    Remember, learning experiences can be expensive just

    ask someone who has had to pay off college or university


    4. Ride with the tide

    Also known as go with the flow. Channel your resources

    towards what is working for you easily. If one part of your

    business is easy to sell and another is like pulling teeth,

    channel your energies towards the easy part. Another way

    to say this is ride the horse in the direction it is going.

    And remember: if the horse is dead, get off.


    I started my first business at nine years old. I used to go out

    catching night crawlers with my father. It was great, because

    I got to share in my fathers enthusiasm, and we collected

    bait for our regular fishing expeditions. And best of all, I

    was allowed to sell the excess earthworms, eliminating the

    need for my parents to pay me an allowance.

    Flushed with the success of my first venture, I was excited

    to receive a loom for making potholders for Christmas.

    I had visions of making potholders and going round the

    neighbourhood selling them to local families. I was sure I

    was closing in on my first million.

    But my dreams were dashed when I realised the cost

    of materials. There wasnt enough margin to make the

    business profitable.


    My parents and I moved to a new house with a vacant lot

    next door. For the next few years, the vacant lot served

    as the site for a kids carnival I held each summer. I hired

    my sister and her friends to man the booths. Apparently I

    never paid them.

    I sold popcorn. Popcorn is a great product it encouraged

    people to buy Kool-Aid and sodas, which I also sold at

    the carnival. Popcorn makes any event an occasion. I sold

    wax-paper bags of popcorn for 5 cents. They cost me a

    penny. I was in heaven.

    As a kid I came up with many other ventures. I would

    collect newspapers and stockpile them until I had enough

    to sell them to the scrap paper dealer. The dealer would

    collect them once I had collected a ton of newspapers

    20 stacks of papers three feet high. My parents couldnt

    park their car in our garage until I went away to school.

    I hired a lawn mower and spent the summer mowing

    lawns. I earned $10 a week a princely sum at the time,

    enough to pay for the hire of the mower and to employ

    local kids to do some of the lawns for me. And while

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  • another kid was mowing lawns for me, I was buying cases

    of Coke at 212 cents a bottle. Then I walked around the

    new housing estates that were under construction, selling

    the bottles for ten cents apiece.

    Business was in my blood.

    By the time I went to college I was always on the

    lookout for business opportunities. The first came to me

    in the bookstore while I was buying my first semesters

    textbooks. The bookstore only offered hardcover editions,

    which were much more expensive than paperbacks.

    I found a distributor ten miles away who sold paperbacks

    and went door-to-door from one fraternity house to the

    next. Many students bought my books and returned the

    hardcovers to the college bookstore.

    This wasnt my only business venture in college. I also

    sold personalised stationery to students, distributed a kit

    for binding paperback books into hard-bound books and

    operated a Roommate Placement Service in Boston.



    Dont let your classes interfere with your education

    The real learning always seems to take place outside of

    class. Dont let classes get in the way of learning the real

    deal I never did!

    If you have an idea and the passion to carry it out,

    finding the money is easy

    Almost everyone has a credit card and every one is a

    source of money for you to start your business. All you

    have to do is ask.

    Time is the critical factor that ultimately determines how

    much you can accomplish

    Many entrepreneurs underestimate by half the amount

    of money they will need to start up their business. And

    worse, it usually takes three times longer than expected to

    reach profitability.

    Every selling situation offers the opportunity to be the

    buyer Use it!

    In every sales situation, one person becomes the buyer

    and the other does the selling. The buyer has all the

    power. The challenge is to take on the role of the buyer,

    even when you are really trying to sell something. A job

    interview is a good example. If you appear unconcerned

    whether you are offered the job or not, you will often find

    yourself in the buyer position. And before you know it

    the interviewer will be chasing you down the hall with a


    All unhappiness is due to the difference between our

    expectations and our experiences

    Manage your expectations and you will rarely be

    disappointed or unhappy. This is a very valuable skill to

    learn as it gives you what is most important happiness


    When I graduated from Harvard Business School, I got my

    first and only full-time job as assistant to the president

    of Carris Reels. The good news was that my parents had

    given me the use of their summerhouse. The bad news

    was that it had no hot water and an outside bathroom. Not

    a good thing in Rutland, Vermont.

    So I was looking for a place to live. I found an old

    schoolhouse that was being offered for sale in a closed-

    bid auction. Although I had only 37 cents in my cheque

    account, I put in a bid for $4,850 and won the auction. I

    had 30 days to come up with the money.

    My favourite Harvard professor had told me that the two

    most important things to remember were:

    1. every business is for sale

    2. money is no problem

    My idea was to start a bunk-style ski lodge and charge

    about half the usual ski lodge rates. I found some

    investors, got a loan and set to work converting the

    schoolhouse. A month after arriving in town I was the

    president and half-owner of a company, I had a roof over

    my head and indoor plumbing. Not to mention a haven

    for ski bunnies.

    Chateau Ecole was born.



    Where theres a sound business, there are willing investors

    There are willing investors for every sound business idea.

    If you cant find an investor to back your business idea,

    you probably wont be able to market it.

    The first product or service you sell is usually not the

    biggest profit-maker

    The first product, service or idea that launches your

    business is usually not the one that makes you the big

    bucks. Once you have your business up and running,

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  • your customers will tell you what they really want. You

    will build relationships with customers and suppliers and

    discover markets you never dreamed of.

    The sale begins when the prospect says no

    When the prospect says no, it is your opportunity to get

    creative and turn the prospect into a customer.



    I was eventually fired from Carris Reels, which was a cause

    for great soul-searching. I decided I should probably work

    for myself. That way, if I ever got fired again it would be

    my own doing. I decided to become a real estate agent.

    I was terrified of failing the state real estate exam, so

    I studied like crazy. I passed the test with such flying

    colours that I started teaching a course on how to pass the

    exam. This kept me going financially until my first real-

    estate deal closed. I was also teaching courses on business

    at Castleton State College.

    My real estate company was called Better Realty. One of

    my promotions was what I called the Better Realty House

    of the Month. Under the heading were the words: I think

    this house is such good value that if it doesnt sell at this

    price in 30 days, I will buy it myself at this price.

    This program got me a lot of listings. It also got me 23

    properties in two years all acquired without a cent of my

    own money.

    Of course, most of the properties I bought with no money

    down were multi-family low-income housing. They were a

    hotbed of domestic disturbances, often attended by police.

    Once I replaced all the zinc piping in a tenants bathroom

    with copper pipes. I came back on a maintenance call to

    find that her boyfriend had cut all the copper pipes and

    sold them for scrap. I could tell another dozen stories like

    that. The bottom line is that owning this kind of real estate

    really sucks. Just because you can buy it with no money

    down, doesnt mean you should.

    In fact, most of the time, you probably shouldnt.


    You can build a real estate portfolio with no money down

    But just because you can doesnt mean you should.

    Managing real estate especially low-income properties

    is one of the worst possible businesses you can imagine

    The moment of pleasure you felt when you got the

    property for no money down will soon evaporate when

    you realise what a headache it is to manage.

    Never borrow money from your mother

    Money borrowed from family is tainted. Your family

    will loan you money because they love you, despite the

    desperate state of your finances. But they will exact a

    price greater than any interest you could possibly pay.

    Emulation is as good as creation

    Dont be afraid to copy. If it works for them, it might just

    work for you.

    There is no such thing as a stupid question

    At the ripe old age of 26 I was appointed president of

    the Rutland Savings & Loan. The reason they chose me?

    Because I asked so many questions at board meetings.


    I came across another opportunity too good to pass up

    the Rental Store in Rutland. I had no idea whether it

    was a good business or not, but the store had two big


    1. the owner offered it to me for nothing down

    2. the store had a load of tools that I could use for my

    real estate renovations

    In typical fashion, I went on to buy first one, then two and

    finally another five rental stores in surrounding towns. But

    as with the real estate business before it, I soon found it

    was more fun to buy the stores than to run them.

    In addition, a huge amount of competition began to spring

    up. Prices dropped and I realised I had to stop buying

    new stores to try to recoup past losses.

    It was time to try some marketing tricks to boost revenue.


    Do your homework before you ask a banker for money

    You have to educate your banker. If your banker doesnt

    understand your business, you havent got a hope of

    getting the money.

    So make sure you understand your business and can

    explain it clearly.

    Just because you can get 100% financing or buy with no

    money down, doesnt mean you should

    The business has to make sense for now, and the future.

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  • Beware of easy-entry businesses

    If its easy for people to get into the business, they will.

    Easy entry businesses attract stupid competition and

    stupid competition can send you broke.

    Make certain that you as the entrepreneur are suited to

    the business

    If youre a mechanic and your business needs a marketer,

    youre doomed.

    Its always easier to buy than to sell

    Remember that when you are looking at a new venture.

    Do you really want it now and in the future?


    In the course of my adventures in the equipment rental

    trade, I drove around a lot between stores, keeping an

    eye on the managers and making sure the business was

    turning over smoothly. I spent many hours on the road,

    which was a great opportunity for creative thinking.

    One day, it occurred to me that I needed a book about

    how to market my equipment rental stores. I searched

    Books in Print but found nothing. I thought that if I

    needed a book like this, other equipment rental store

    owners must need one too. And so my first book,

    Advertising and Promotion Ideas for the General Rental

    Store, was born.

    First, I had to test the market. I couldnt just assume that

    other equipment rental store owners would be looking

    for a book like this. So I got my hands on a list of 1,000

    equipment rental store owners.

    I sent out a letter setting out the table of contents of my

    proposed book, along with an order form. I offered a

    pre-publication discount if they paid the money within 30

    days. Of course, it wasnt just pre-publication - apart from

    the contents page, not a single word of the book had been


    The response to my mailing was incredible. Over 100

    people sent money, over $1,000 in total. This was a small

    fortune in those days more than I had ever earned in

    one week at my highest paying job. A printer agreed to

    print up 2,000 copies for $2,000, and after mailing costs of

    $1,000, I stood to make a profit of over $12,000.

    I completed the book in less than a month. Every single

    one of the 2,000 copies was sold with the first mailing.

    Of course, buoyed by my great success, I promptly forgot

    everything I had learned. I hired a graduate student to

    write similar books for hardware stores and florists. We

    sent out 15,000 mailings and sold next to nothing. It

    seemed a similar book had recently been marketed in

    both industries.

    I lost half my profits from the first book but learned a valuable

    lesson every market is different. Always test the market.



    The best new business ideas come when you find a

    problem with no known solution

    Sometimes if you want something done, you have to do

    it yourself. I needed a book that didnt exist, so I wrote it.

    All I had to do to make a success out of it was to know

    that enough other equipment rental dealers had the same


    Trust your intuition

    Every good business decision I have ever made has felt

    right. Sometimes that didnt seem like a good enough

    reason to go ahead, but I have always trusted my gut


    Do your market research with an order form

    Dont ask people what they want ask them what they

    will buy.

    Dont believe that something has to exist before you can

    take orders for it

    You dont need a prototype, you dont need a photograph.

    All you need is a hand-sketched drawing or a verbal

    description of what its going to be. If youre lucky,

    you may generate enough advance orders to pay for

    manufacturing the real product.

    Every market and market segment is different test

    them all

    If you encounter success in one market, dont assume you

    can duplicate it in any other industry. The new market

    must be tested with an order form.



    Six months after starting an ambitious new venture, we

    were nearly out of cash. We needed to sell something

    and fast.

    But what could we sell to make some quick cash? It

    occurred to me that there might be a market for the list of

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  • real estate sales on our records. No one at our company

    had particularly high hopes for this idea, but I was

    determined to give it a shot.

    We got a list of all the real estate brokerages in Massachusetts

    and sent out 5,000 packages. For $50 a year we offered a

    monthly list of all the real estate sales by county.

    To everyones astonishment, we got 500 orders with

    $50 cheques enclosed. That was enough to finance the

    new business - the Real Estate Transfer Directory. It also

    opened our eyes to the magic of selling information.

    A second mailing signed up another 500 customers and

    within a year we had over 1300 subscribers. We marketed

    a weekly list of sales, which went mainly to insurance

    agents and fuel oil dealers. This company grew to become

    Auto-Data Systems.


    Collecting deposits from your customers is the very best

    source of start-up capital

    There is no interest to pay on this money and there is

    no need to give away stock. You return the capital by

    providing the product or service preferably with a large

    profit margin.

    When on an elephant hunt, dont chase after the rabbits

    Its essential to understand your companys dominant

    mission and focus your energies on that specific business.

    There will always be exciting new opportunities to tempt

    you. Only pursue those that are in line with your company


    An entrepreneur works 24 hours a day

    The only good news is that the entrepreneur has the

    freedom to decide which hours she or he works!

    When you fail in business, dont take it personally

    Even though I have learned this lesson many times, I have

    never been able to do it. I still feel business failure deeply.

    No matter how many times I tell myself there is no failure,

    there are only learning experiences, it still hurts.



    A combination of bad luck, bad timing and bad

    management had finally taken my real-estate data supply

    business beneath the red line for good. I had discovered

    that I was a good entrepreneur but a lousy manager.

    After years of sailing close to the wind, we had finally

    sunk. Bankruptcy was my only option.

    I felt like a terrible failure. I was still selling the Merchants

    Welcome Service, another of my ventures, at trade shows,

    and pretty soon something caught my eye. There was

    enormous interest in one of the earliest video games,

    Pong. I found a new Pong game that was superior to the

    product selling at the trade shows.

    I bought one game as a sample. Without any sales

    literature or brochures, I turned up to the trade shows.

    The Pong booths were always staffed by fast-talking

    hustlers who convinced everyone who came in that the

    video game business was a potential gold mine.

    Then, people came to my booth and found that I was

    selling a better game for 30% less. I didnt have to say

    anything, just write up the orders. At the first trade show

    weekend, I took deposits on 27 units and made a profit of


    The cash profits were cheering me up and making me feel

    less like a failure. But soon things started to go wrong. My

    video game competitors didnt take kindly to my success.

    Before I knew it, I had been ousted from the trade shows.

    After some pretty hairy incidents trying to break the

    blockade, I gave up. Pretty soon the video game industry

    moved on too.




    In January 1980 I found myself in a sticky financial

    situation. I had lost my entire net worth trading options

    on the stock market, and owed over $11,000 to a

    clearinghouse in Chicago.

    I decided to run some seminars on the stock market to

    make some quick cash. One of the men I approached

    for a loan to set up the seminars was all fired up about a

    game called All About Town. The game layout was based

    on the streets of the town and it included vouchers from

    local merchants. I caught his enthusiasm, and once again I

    was excited about the prospect of starting a new business.

    My adventures with All About Town provided some of

    the most difficult moments of my entrepreneurial career. I

    had artists working in my living room until my wife nearly

    threw me out. I hired alcoholics and kids from a juvenile

    corrections program to assemble games. I probably broke

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  • child labour laws by putting my kids and stepkids on the

    production line.

    I fought with the county about permits for my building. I

    worked like a demon to have my games placed in Macys

    stores only to have Macys hide them in the stationery

    department. And to add insult to injury they never paid

    me for the games. I had my credit cards stolen by an

    employee, who used them to buy an expensive guitar,

    bifocals and a trip to Vegas.

    And after all that, All About Town never really made

    any money while I was running it. Sure I paid off my

    considerable debts and the credit cards that I had used

    to finance the purchase. But I only really made money

    when I sold the business. Over the next three years I

    collected $350,000.

    But in the end, I was proud of myself I had moved into

    a strange town, penniless, and had made over $100,000 in

    one year.



    Starting your own business can result in truly

    staggering profits

    I started All About Town with cash advances from my

    credit cards and an unsecured loan at 100% plus interest.

    In less than a year, I had started a business and sold it for


    Having your own business will inevitably result in

    experiencing the ecstasy of victory and the agony

    of defeat

    My experiences with All About Town ranged from the

    sublime to the ridiculous.

    The business jungle is crawling with snakes

    Not everyone is as honest as you are. If you find that

    someone has been less than honest with you, forever treat

    what they say with scepticism.

    Large retail department stores are the most ruthless

    and difficult of any business organisations

    You may need their help to succeed, but dont count on

    it being easy. They will drive a very hard bargain, and if

    they ever pay you at all, it will be very late. They will take

    a cash discount whether you offer it or not. If you feel a

    sense of pride in having your product for sale at one of

    these prestigious outlets, you will pay a high price for

    the privilege.



    One day an appointment was cancelled and I had two

    hours to kill. My thoughts turned to my old company

    Auto-Data Systems. I called their offices and spoke to my

    former office manager. We arranged to have lunch.

    We discussed the company and how it was doing these

    days. Suzanne was dissatisfied with the way the new

    owners were running the company. They wouldnt give

    her the small resources she needed to improve the service.

    They had not paid me as promised so I had no love for

    them either. We casually suggested that we should go into

    business together in competition with them.

    Before we knew what had happened, she had given one

    months notice and I was once again setting up shop in

    the real-estate data business. By providing a better service

    than the competition, and through aggressive marketing,

    we were relatively successful.

    After a year or so in business, we had taken over 40%

    of our main competitors business. Even though our

    competitors were better financed and had more clout in

    the market, we outfoxed them. We found a way because

    we wanted it more.

    We did it by:

    1. keeping our prices lower than theirs

    2. guaranteeing faster delivery of the information

    3. offering better statistical information

    4. offering extended payment terms

    5. offering a freecall number

    6. providing higher-quality data

    7. delivering more than we promised, and

    8. maintaining close contact with our customers, sending

    personal thank you notes, Christmas and birthday cards.

    Eventually we moved into a range of new services and

    took over a major competitor. This new venture was

    so successful that by 1996 we had a $5 million dollar

    company and 100 great team members. But I was

    unhappy. The company had grown too large for me.

    It was time to sell. We negotiated for a company called

    ABI to buy us out for $10 million.



    The list is king

    Probably 70% of success in direct mail campaigns is due to

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  • the list, 20% is due to the offer and 10% can be put down

    to the copy.

    Every list should be segmented for higher returns

    Our lists were segmented into current and former clients,

    respondents to our earlier mailings, respondents to our

    competitors mailings, and newly established and qualified

    accountants. Careful targeting to segmented lists brings

    higher returns.

    A good list should be used over and over

    You may get a better response from each successive

    mailing. Each time you contact your prospects, your

    credibility increases.

    Your customer is the absolute best prospect for

    additional sales

    Some successful direct mail marketers send mailings

    to their list up to 20 times a year and they often make

    increased profits on each mailing.

    Test, test, test and test some more!

    Direct mail can be a very scientific marketing tool. Each

    mailing should be coded so that response rate and

    profitability can be calculated. Keep testing, and save the

    big dollars for the methods that tested best.

    Never underestimate the importance of the offer

    Your prospects will be looking at your mailing and

    thinking Whats in it for me? Answer them quickly and


    Include testimonials

    Testimonials sell. Testimonials are pure gold in any direct

    marketing campaign.

    Offer a money-back guarantee

    Few people will take advantage of it, but the increased

    response rate will easily cover the cost.

    Always include a Post Script (PS)

    The most read sentence, after the first sentence, is the PS.

    It should repeat the major emotional appeal or offer of

    the mailing.


    Now that I was finally wealthy and successful, I wanted

    to give something back to the community. My accountant

    suggested I set up a charitable remainder trust so that I

    could live in luxury and money would be given to my

    selected charities when I died.

    I told him I thought that sounded like the most boring thing

    imaginable. Whats the fun of giving your money away if

    you dont get to enjoy it? I set up a charitable trust. The

    trust is required to give away 5% of its assets each year.

    My goal is to give away much, much more. I want to give

    away $1,000 each day for the rest of my life - $365,000

    each year - and to create a base so that the same amount

    could continue to be given away by the trust forever.

    Giving money away is more fun than making it. There is

    something deeply satisfying about giving money to worthy

    causes while youre still alive.

    I hope my story has communicated the spirit of an

    entrepreneurs life. I have always lived life on the edge

    and Ive never been able to stop.

    An entrepreneurs life is an adventure sometimes

    terrifying, sometimes magical, sometimes fun, but always

    exciting. Whether this is the life for you, is something only

    you can decide.

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