
Nokia 105

Issue 1.0 EN


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Psst... 2Safety 4Get started 6Basics 14People & messaging 19Entertainment 23Office 24After-sales policy 25Product and safety information 27



Read these simple guidelines.Not following them may bedangerous or illegal. Forfurther info, read the completeuser guide.


Switch the device off whenmobile phone use is notallowed or when it may causeinterference or danger, forexample, in aircraft, inhospitals or near medicalequipment, fuel, chemicals, orblasting areas. Obey all

instructions in restrictedareas.


Obey all local laws. Always keepyour hands free to operate thevehicle while driving. Your firstconsideration while drivingshould be road safety.

INTERFERENCEAll wireless devices may

be susceptible to interference,which could affectperformance.

QUALIFIED SERVICEOnly qualified personnel

may install or repair thisproduct.


OTHER ACCESSORIESUse only batteries, chargers,and other accessoriesapproved by Nokia for use withthis device. Do not connectincompatible products.



Your device is not water-resistant. Keep it dry.


To prevent possible hearingdamage, do not listen at highvolume levels for long periods.Exercise caution when holdingyour device near your ear whilethe loudspeaker is in use.


Get startedKeys and parts


1 Charger connector2 Flashlight3 Headset connector(3.5 mm)4 Screen5 Scroll key6 End/Power key7 Microphone8 Keypad9 Call key10 Selection keys11 Earpiece


Insert the SIM card and battery

1. Switch the phone off,and remove the backcover.

2. If the battery is in thephone, lift it out.

3. Slide the SIM under theholder with the contactarea face down.


4. Line up the batterycontacts, and push thebattery in.

5. Press the back coverdown until it locks intoplace.

6. To switch on, press andhold until the phonevibrates.


Charge the battery

1. Plug the charger into awall outlet.

2. Connect the charger tothe phone. See 5 on page26. When done, unplugthe charger from thephone, then from the walloutlet.


Switch your phone on

1. Press and hold thepower key.


2. To set the time, pressup or down. Press OK.




3. To set the date, pressup or down. Press OK.Your phone is now ready.


Lock the keys

Lock the keys when notusing your phone.

1. Select Menu, and press*.

2. To unlock, selectUnlock, and press *.


Change the volumeVolume

1. Scroll left or right tochange the volume.

2. You can also connect acompatible headset orother device to theheadset connector.



3. To use the loudspeakeron your phone whencalling, selectLoudspeaker. You canalso use the loudspeakerwhen listening to radio.


BasicsExplore your phone


1. To see the apps andfeatures of your phone,press Menu.

2. To go to an app orfeature, press the scrollkey up, down, left, or right.


3. To open the app orselect the feature, pressSelect.



4. To go back to theprevious view, press Back.

5. To go back to the homescreen, press .


Go toMenu

6. To use the flashlight,press the scroll key uptwice. To switch off, pressup once. Do not shine thelight in anyone’s eyes.


Write textPress a key repeatedlyuntil the letter is shown.

Type in a spacePress 0.

Type in a specialcharacter or punctuationmarkPress and hold *.

Switch between charactercasesPress # repeatedly.

Type in a numberPress and hold #. To goback to letter mode, pressand hold #.


Use predictive text1. Select Options >Dictionary and thelanguage.2. Start writing a word.When the word you want isshown, press 0.

Change a wordPress * repeatedly untilthe word you want isshown.

Add a new word to thedictionaryIf the word you want isn'tin the dictionary, write theword, select Spell, andtype in the word.

Switch betweenpredictive and traditionaltextPress # repeatedly.

Switch predictive text offSelect Options >Dictionary > Dictionaryoff.


Change the ringtone


Display settings

Tone settingsSettings

1. Select Menu >Settings > Tone settings.

SelectRinging volume

Tone settings

Ringing tone

Nokia tune

2. Select Ringing tone.



Ringing tone


3. Pick a ringtone, andselect OK.

Tip: To switch quickly tosilent profile, press andhold #.


People & messagingMake or answer a call


1. Type in the phonenumber.To type in the + character,used for internationalcalls, press * twice.



2. Press to make thecall. To end the call, press



3. When someone callsyou, press to answer.


Save a name and phone number



1. Press Menu, and selectContacts.



Add contact


2. Select Add contact.


Contact name:

Jim Brown

3. Write the name, andpress OK, then type in thenumber, and press OK.


Save numbers in five separate phonebooks1. Press Menu, and selectContacts > Settings.2. To use the phonememory, select Memoryin use > Phone.3. Select Multi-Phonebook > Phonebookstyle > Multi-Phonebook.4. To add a contact to aphonebook, press Menu,and select Contacts >Settings.

5. Select Multi-Phonebook > Managecontacts.6. Select a contact, andmark a phonebook.7. Press Done, and savethe changes.

Select which phonebookto useSelect Multi-Phonebook >Current phonebook andthe phonebook you wantto use.

Rename a phonebookSelect Multi-Phonebook >Rename phonebooks andthe phonebook, write thename, and press OK.


Send and receive messages1. Select Menu >Messages.2. Select Create message.3. Write your message.4. Select Options > Send.5. Type in a phonenumber, and select OK.Your message is sent.6. To read a receivedmessage, select Show onthe home screen.7. To read the rest of themessage, press down.

You can send textmessages that are longerthan the character limitfor a single message.Longer messages are sentas two or more messages.Your service provider maycharge accordingly.Characters with accents,other marks, or somelanguage options, takemore space, and limit thenumber of characters that

can be sent in a singlemessage.


EntertainmentListen to the radio

1. Connect a headset, andselect Menu > Radio. Theheadset cable works asthe radio antenna.

99.0 101

4. 100.00 MHz

2. To go to the nextchannel, press down.


Manual tuning

Save channelAuto tuning

FM radio

Switch off

3. To close the radio, pressOptions, and selectSwitch off.


OfficeSet an alarm


Alarm tone

Alarm clock

Set alarms


1. Select Menu > Clock >Set alarms.



Set alarms




2. Select an alarm. Tip: You can set up to

five different alarms.


3. To set the hour, pressup or down. To set theminutes, press right andthen up or down. PressOK.


After-sales policy

Need assistance afteryou've bought yourphone?

Contact the store whereyou bought it for help andadvice.


Feature-specificinformation1 The images in this guide maydiffer from your device screen.2 The antenna area ishighlighted.3 Avoid touching the antennaarea while the antenna is inuse. Contact with antennasaffects the communicationquality and may reduce batterylife due to higher power levelduring operation.4 Important: This device isdesigned to be used with astandard SIM card (see figure)only. Use of incompatible SIMcards may damage the card or

the device, and may corruptdata stored on the card. Pleaseconsult your mobile operatorfor the use of a SIM card thathas a mini-UICC cutout.

5 If the battery is completelydischarged, it may take severalminutes before the chargingindicator is displayed or beforeany calls can be made.6 You can send text messagesthat are longer than thecharacter limit for a singlemessage. Longer messagesare sent as two or moremessages. Your service

provider may chargeaccordingly. Characters withaccents, other marks, or somelanguage options, take morespace, and limit the number ofcharacters that can be sent ina single message.7 Do not connect products thatcreate an output signal, as thismay damage the device. Donot connect any voltagesource to the audio connector.If you connect an externaldevice or headset, other thanthose approved for use withthis device, to the audioconnector, pay specialattention to volume levels.


Product and safetyinformationNetwork services andcostsYou can only use your deviceon the GSM 900, 1800networks. You need asubscription with a serviceprovider.You may also need tosubscribe to some features.

Emergency calls1. Make sure the device isswitched on.2. Check for adequate signalstrength.

You may also need to do thefollowing:• Put a SIM card in the device.• Switch the call restrictions

off in your device, such ascall barring, fixed dialling, orclosed user group.

• If the device keys are locked,unlock them.

3. Press the end keyrepeatedly, until the homescreen is shown.4. Type in the officialemergency number for yourpresent location. Emergencycall numbers vary by location.5. Press the call key.6. Give the necessary info asaccurately as possible. Do not

end the call until givenpermission to do so.

When you switch your deviceon for the first time, you areasked to create your Nokiaaccount. To make anemergency call during theaccount setup, press the callkey.

Important: Activate bothcellular and internet calls, ifyour phone supports internetcalls. The phone may attemptto make emergency calls boththrough cellular networks andthrough your internet callservice provider. Connectionsin all conditions cannot beguaranteed. Never rely solely


on any wireless phone foressential communications likemedical emergencies.

Take care of your deviceHandle your device, battery,charger and accessories withcare. The followingsuggestions help you keepyour device operational.• Keep the device dry.

Precipitation, humidity, andall types of liquids ormoisture can containminerals that corrodeelectronic circuits. If yourdevice gets wet, remove thebattery, and let the devicedry.

• Do not use or store thedevice in dusty or dirtyareas.

• Do not store the device inhigh temperatures. Hightemperatures may damagethe device or battery.

• Do not store the device incold temperatures. Whenthe device warms to itsnormal temperature,moisture can form inside thedevice and damage it.

• Do not open the device otherthan as instructed in the userguide.

• Unauthorised modificationsmay damage the device and

violate regulationsgoverning radio devices.

• Do not drop, knock, or shakethe device. Rough handlingcan break it.

• Only use a soft, clean, drycloth to clean the surface ofthe device.

• Do not paint the device.Paint can prevent properoperation.

• For optimal performance,switch the device off andremove the battery fromtime to time.

• Keep the device away frommagnets or magnetic fields.

• To keep your important datasafe, store it in at least two


separate places, such asyour device, memory card,or computer, or write downimportant info.


Always return your usedelectronic products, batteries,and packaging materials todedicated collection points.This way you help preventuncontrolled waste disposaland promote the recycling ofmaterials. All materials of thedevice can be recovered asmaterials and energy. Checkhow to recycle your Nokia

products at wheeled-binsymbol

The crossed-out wheeled-binsymbol on your product,battery, literature, orpackaging reminds you that allelectrical and electronicproducts and batteries mustbe taken to separate collectionat the end of their working life.Do not dispose of theseproducts as unsortedmunicipal waste: take them forrecycling. For info on yournearest recycling point, check

with your local waste authority,or go to For more info on theenvironmental attributes ofyour device,

Battery and charger infoUse your device only with anoriginal BL-5CB rechargeablebattery. Nokia may makeadditional battery modelsavailable for this device.Charge your device with AC-11charger. Charger plug typemay vary.The battery can be chargedand discharged hundreds oftimes, but it will eventuallywear out. When the talk and


standby times are noticeablyshorter than normal, replacethe battery.

Battery safetyAlways switch the device offand unplug the charger beforeremoving the battery. Tounplug a charger or anaccessory, hold and pull theplug, not the cord.When your charger is not inuse, unplug it. If left unused, afully charged battery will loseits charge over time.Always keep the batterybetween 15°C and 25°C (59°Fand 77°F). Extremetemperatures reduce thecapacity and lifetime of the

battery. A device with a hot orcold battery may not worktemporarily.Accidental short-circuiting canhappen when a metallic objecttouches the metal strips on thebattery. This may damage thebattery or the other object.Do not dispose of batteries ina fire as they may explode.Obey local regulations.Recycle when possible. Do notdispose as household waste.Do not dismantle, cut, crush,bend, puncture, or otherwisedamage the battery in any way.If a battery leaks, do not letliquid touch skin or eyes. If thishappens, immediately flush

the affected areas with water,or seek medical help. Do notmodify, attempt to insertforeign objects into thebattery, or immerse or exposeit to water or other liquids.Batteries may explode ifdamaged.Use the battery and chargerfor their intended purposesonly. Improper use, or use ofunapproved or incompatiblebatteries or chargers maypresent a risk of fire,explosion, or other hazard, andmay invalidate any approval orwarranty. If you believe thebattery or charger is damaged,take it to a service centre


before continuing to use it.Never use a damaged batteryor charger. Only use thecharger indoors.

Additional safetyinformationSmall childrenYour device and its accessoriesare not toys. They may containsmall parts. Keep them out ofthe reach of small children.

Medical devicesOperation of radiotransmitting equipment,including wireless phones, mayinterfere with inadequatelyshielded medical devices'

function. Consult a physicianor the medical device'smanufacturer to determine ifit is adequately shielded fromexternal radio energy.

Implanted medical devicesTo avoid potentialinterference, manufacturersof implanted medical devicesrecommend a minimumseparation of 15.3 centimetres(6 inches) between a wirelessdevice and the medical device.Persons who have suchdevices should:• Always keep the wireless

device more than 15.3centimetres (6 inches) fromthe medical device.

• Not carry the wireless devicein a breast pocket.

• Hold the wireless device tothe ear opposite the medicaldevice.

• Switch the wireless deviceoff if there is any reason tosuspect that interference istaking place.

• Follow the manufacturerdirections for the implantedmedical device.

If you have any questionsabout using your wirelessdevice with an implantedmedical device, consult yourhealth care provider.


Hearing Warning: When you use the

headset, your ability to hearoutside sounds may beaffected. Do not use theheadset where it can endangeryour safety.Some wireless devices mayinterfere with some hearingaids.

NickelThe surface of this device isnickel-free.

Operating environmentThis device meets radiofrequency exposure guidelinesin the normal use position atthe ear or at least 1.5

centimetres (5/8 inch) awayfrom the body. Any carry case,belt clip, or holder for body-worn operation should notcontain metal and shouldposition the device the above-stated distance from yourbody.The sending of data files ormessages requires a qualitynetwork connection and maybe delayed until such aconnection is available. Followthe separation distanceinstructions until the sendingis completed.

VehiclesRadio signals may affectimproperly installed or

inadequately shieldedelectronic systems in vehicles.For more info, check with themanufacturer of your vehicleor its equipment.Only qualified personnelshould install the device in avehicle. Faulty installation maybe dangerous and invalidateyour warranty. Check regularlythat all wireless deviceequipment in your vehicle ismounted and operatingproperly. Do not store or carryflammable or explosivematerials in the samecompartment as the device, itsparts, or accessories. Do notplace your device or


accessories in the air bagdeployment area.

Potentially explosiveenvironmentsSwitch your device off inpotentially explosiveenvironments, such as nearpetrol pumps. Sparks maycause an explosion or fireresulting in injury or death.Note restrictions in areas withfuel; chemical plants; or whereblasting operations are inprogress. Areas with apotentially explosiveenvironment may not beclearly marked. These usuallyare areas where you areadvised to switch your engine

off, below deck on boats,chemical transfer or storagefacilities, and where the aircontains chemicals orparticles. Check with themanufacturers of vehiclesusing liquefied petroleum gas(such as propane or butane) ifthis device can be safely usedin their vicinity.

Certification information(SAR)This mobile device meetsguidelines for exposure toradio waves.Your mobile device is a radiotransmitter and receiver. It isdesigned not to exceed thelimits for exposure to radio

waves recommended byinternational guidelines. Theseguidelines were developed bythe independent scientificorganisation ICNIRP andinclude safety marginsdesigned to assure theprotection of all persons,regardless of age and health.The exposure guidelines formobile devices employ a unitof measurement known as theSpecific Absorption Rate orSAR. The SAR limit stated in theICNIRP guidelines is 2.0 watts/kilogram (W/kg) averaged over10 grams of tissue. Tests forSAR are conducted usingstandard operating positions


with the device transmitting atits highest certified powerlevel in all tested frequencybands. The actual SAR level ofan operating device can bebelow the maximum valuebecause the device is designedto use only the power requiredto reach the network. Thatamount changes depending ona number of factors such ashow close you are to a networkbase station.The highest SAR value underthe ICNIRP guidelines for useof the device at the ear is 1.48W/kg. Use of deviceaccessories may result indifferent SAR values. SAR

values may vary depending onnational reporting and testingrequirements and the networkband. Additional SARinformation may be providedunder product information

Nokia support messagesTo help you take maximumadvantage of your phone andservices, you receive freecustomised text messagesfrom Nokia. The messagescontain tips and tricks andsupport.To stop receiving themessages, select Menu.To provide the servicedescribed above, your mobile

phone number, the serialnumber of your phone, andsome identifiers of the mobilesubscription are sent to Nokiawhen you use the phone forthe first time. Some or allinformation may also be sentto Nokia when updatingsoftware. This informationmay be used as specified in theprivacy policy, available

Copyrights and othernoticesDECLARATION OFCONFORMITY


Hereby, NOKIA CORPORATIONdeclares that this RM-908product is in compliance withthe essential requirementsand other relevant provisionsof Directive 1999/5/EC. A copyof the Declaration ofConformity can be found availability of products,features, apps and servicesmay vary by region. For moreinfo, contact your Nokia dealeror your service provider. Thisdevice may containcommodities, technology orsoftware subject to export

laws and regulations from theUS and other countries.Diversion contrary to law isprohibited.The contents of this documentare provided "as is". Except asrequired by applicable law, nowarranties of any kind, eitherexpress or implied, including,but not limited to, the impliedwarranties of merchantabilityand fitness for a particularpurpose, are made in relationto the accuracy, reliability orcontents of this document.Nokia reserves the right torevise this document orwithdraw it at any time withoutprior notice.

To the maximum extentpermitted by applicable law,under no circumstances shallNokia or any of its licensors beresponsible for any loss ofdata or income or any special,incidental, consequential orindirect damages howsoevercaused.Reproduction, transfer ordistribution of part or all of thecontents in this document inany form without the priorwritten permission of Nokia isprohibited. Nokia operates apolicy of continuousdevelopment. Nokia reservesthe right to make changes andimprovements to any of the


products described in thisdocument without priornotice.Nokia does not provide awarranty for or take anyresponsibility for thefunctionality, content, or end-user support of third-partyapps provided with yourdevice. By using an app, youacknowledge that the app isprovided as is. Nokia does notmake any representations,provide a warranty, or take anyresponsibility for thefunctionality, content, or end-user support of third-partyapps provided with yourdevice.

Downloading of maps, games,music and videos anduploading of images andvideos may involvetransferring large amounts ofdata. Your service providermay charge for the datatransmission. The availabilityof particular products,services and features may varyby region. Please check withyour local Nokia dealer forfurther details and availabilityof language options.TM © 2013 Nokia. All rightsreserved. Third party product/names may be TM ofrespective owner.

This product is licensed underthe MPEG-4 Visual PatentPortfolio License (i) forpersonal and noncommercialuse in connection withinformation which has beenencoded in compliance withthe MPEG-4 Visual Standard bya consumer engaged in apersonal and noncommercialactivity and (ii) for use inconnection with MPEG-4 videoprovided by a licensed videoprovider. No license is grantedor shall be implied for anyother use. Additionalinformation, including thatrelated to promotional,internal, and commercial uses,


may be obtained from MPEGLA, LLC.


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