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• To understand the importance of nonverbal behavior in the communication process

• To learn how paralanguage can affect the message you communicate

• To improve your perception of body movement in nonverbal communication

• To learn how space is used to communicate in the business organization

• To recognize the impact of dress and appearance,color, and time on those around you

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What is non-verbal communication?

• Non verbal communication can be defined as all those messages that are not encoded with words

• More than 90% of our message is communicated nonverbally

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• Instant effect in terms of conveyance and response• Aids verbal communication by compressing

complex data• Response to visuals and plain sounds is more

powerful• Best method to convey information to illiterate

people and overcome barriers of language

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Major categories of non-verbal communication

• Paralanguage-how we say something• Kinesis- how we communicate with our bodies• Proxemics -how we communicate with space• Communication through dress and appearance• Communication through color• Communication through time

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PARALANGUAGE• While Language deals with what is said, Paralanguage deals

with how it is said• Paralanguage can reinforce or undermine the verbal message• Paralanguage voice qualities include rate,volume,emotion,

rhythm, pitch and resonance in combination with vocal qualifiers

• An increase in rate could indicate anger, impatience or anxiety. A decrease in rate can indicate thoughtfulness, reflective attitude or on the other hand boredom and lack of interest

• Paralanguage conveys emotion

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• Volume –adjusted to the audience,loudness shows rudeness or lack of self-control

• Pitch-high pitch may indicate fear, immaturity or emotional disturbance

• Pronunciation-accepted standard of the way in which a word is said.

• Intonation-sound pattern• Stress –changes implied meaning• Non-fluencies-indicate hesitation

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• Eye Contact• Facial Expressions• Gesture• Posture• Side-to side

movements• Forward and

Backward movements• Vertical movements

• Attitudes• Status• Affective states or

moods• Approval seeking• Inclusiveness• Interaction markers

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Characteristics of Kinesics

• Conveys meaning

• Always present

• Emotionally expressive

• Dominates interaction

• More Trustworthy

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Kinesics is influenced by

• Biological factors-body shapes and features

• Habitual factors-occupation and adaptation

• Cultural factors-conduct

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• Emblems-sign language• Illustrators-tied to verbal language• Regulators-control oral communication by

alerting the sender• Affect Displays-indicate emotional states

such as anger and embarrassment, no control over them

• Adaptors-unconscious gestures

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• Communicates meaning

• Clues to the self-confidence or status

• Posture of superiors and subordinates conveys meaning

• Some firms make selection decisions primarily on the basis of gesture and posture

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• Energy conveys Competence and inspires Respect

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• All of us communicate by the use of space around us.

• Communication zones determine social interaction.• Feature-fixed Space-buildings • Semi-fixed Feature Space- furniture• Informal Space • The space we occupy in the organization

communicates much about our status in the organization.

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Zones of Informal Space

• Intimate Distance-physical contact upto 18 inches; confidential information, handshake

• Personal Distance-18 in. to 4 ft.;casual and friendly conversation

• Social Distance-4 ft to 8ft; organizational communication

• Public Distance-12 ft to upper limits of visibility and hearing

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Use of Space vs Status

Th e h ig h er u p p eop leare in th e o rg an iza tion

th e m ore an db ette r sp ace th ey a re a llo tted

Th e h ig h er u p p eop leare in th e o rg an iza tion ,

th e b e tte r p ro tec tedth e ir te rrito ry is

Th e h ig h er u p p eop leare in th e o rg an iza tion ,

th e eas ie r it is fo r th em to in vad eth e te rrito ry o f low er= s ta tu s p erson n e l

Th reep rin c ip les

u se o f sp acevs s ta tu s

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• Classification and identification of products

• Attraction and differentiation

• Added dimension to maps, charts and graphs for more information

• Psychological effect

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Color,Dress and Appearance

• Color is related to particular moods.

• Clothes communicates much about us to others “ The apparel oft proclaims the man”

• Top Executives have an unwritten code for corporate dress.

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• Being early or late

• Setting and meeting of deadlines

• Individuals with high status given priority

• Time taken to give and receive feedback

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Checklist of Techniques for Improving Nonverbal Communication Skills

Establish and maintain eye contactUse posture to show interestReduce or eliminate physical barriersImprove your decoding skillsProbe for more information

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Checklist continued

Avoid assigning non verbal meanings out of context

Associate with people from diverse cultures Appreciate the power of appearanceObserve yourself on videoEnlist friends and family

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NON VERBAL ASPECTS OF WRITTEN COMMUNICATION• Font size and style• Margins• Spacing • Quality of paper• The appearance and feel of a document

convey impressions about the status of the sender and also makes it more readable and attractive to the receiver.

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• Universally understood

• Attract attention

• Extensively used

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• Bar charts-

• Line graphs-trends, future results

• Pie chart-percentages

• Flow chart- procedure/alternate action

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• Show space relationship

• Geographical information

• Sociological factors

• Routes

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• Sirens• Whistles• Bells and buzzers• Beeps• Tunes

• Warning• Call/stop• Start and end• Electronic gadgets• Signature

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• Positive withdrawal of suspension of speech

• Short silences are effective

• Emphasis ,Sympathy,Anger or Displeasure

• At times silence can cause discomfort, embarrassment,or confusion

• Complemented by body language

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