Page 1: Nonagenarian Tea elebrating Those 90 - Thalia Lynn · 2019-10-03 · Tea May 9, 2019 elebrating Those 90 and Up. 2 Information you need to know ... The JOY Singers continue to spread

Thalia Lynn Baptist Church at Town Center

JOY Newsletter ~ June 2019

serving our 55+ community

Nonagenarian Tea

May 9, 2019


Those 90

and Up

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Information you need to know ...

The JOY Singers continue to spread JOY during our sing-alongs at area Retirement Homes.


JOY Singer Schedule

June 4 10:00 am Waterford

June 11 10:00 am Rehearsal

June 18 10:30 am Bay Lake

June 25 10:00 am Rehearsal

Washington, D.C. Tuesday, September 24th

Twenty seats will be available for

a day-trip to see the Bible Museum

and the National Cathedral.

Cost and itinerary information

are available in the

church office. Please use a

pink trip envelope for payment.

Smith Island Cruise Friday, June 21st

We had a great response for this trip! Fifty sight-seers will depart at

9:00 a.m. to travel 2 ½ hours to Crisfield, Maryland where we will board

the Chelsea Lane Tyler for a 50-minute cruise to Smith Island.

The trip includes lunch at Bayside Inn and time to explore the island.

(Please park in the Princess Anne Parking lot.)

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JOY Ministry

Seeking . . .

to know and honor Christ

to minister to others

and to finish well.

Are We Ready?? — JOY Ministry Notes

Praise the Lord!

Sing to the Lord

a new song,

His praise in the

assembly of the saints.

For the Lord takes

delight in His people;

He crowns the humble

with salvation.

Let the saints rejoice

in this honor and

sing for joy!

Praise the Lord!

(Psalm 149, selected)

On Thursday, May 9th, we celebrated our Thalia Lynn nonagenarians with an

“Afternoon Tea”. I enjoy words that “trip across the tongue” and nonagenarian” is

such a word. Chronologically it follows hexagenerian, septuagenarian, octogenarian,

etc. Those “Senior Saints” who had already achieved the auspicious milestone of 90,

or who will celebrate their 90th by the end of the year were invited. REALM

searched the rolls and determined that there were 31 people who fit that description.

Hard to believe!

Invitations were addressed and mailed, linens were starched and ironed, special tea-

pots, cups, and saucers were selected, food items were purchased and prepped . . . We

made scones, pecan tassies, egg salad and chicken salad sandwiches, lemon curd,

Devonshire cream, cucumber bites, fruit salad . . . And, tea, of course! We trans-

formed the Fellowship Hall into a lovely tea room with treasured doilies and linens, a

silver service, cut glass, china, and orchids.

Guests began to arrive as the scent of blueberry scones wafted from the kitchen.

What a happy occasion as friends new and old welcomed each other. Several of the

honorees have been at Thalia Lynn for many years while others had only arrived 2-3

years ago. There was a lot of sharing and reminiscing around the tables with friends

and family. The three orchid centerpieces went home with the oldest person at each

table. (They didn’t seem to mind admitting their ages to win the prize!)

“How?” you may ask, does such an event happen? With planning, preparation, and a

lot of help from a number of people. Thank you’s go to Donna Irwin, Barbara Par-

ker, Minnie Nery, Helen Jones and Mickey Vetra! We had a great time working to-

gether to bring about this event for some wonderful people.

How does any celebration come about? How do our most important celebrations,

our weekly corporate worship services come about? With planning, preparation, and

a lot of help from a number of people, of course. Months in advance, Prentis sched-

ules the sermon topics and scriptures. Then Bret, with input from the church staff,

formulates the orders of worship for our two services. He has already been working

several weeks in advance with the choir, orchestra, and worship band to prepare ap-

propriate music. Individual musicians practice their parts. Heather types and prints

the bulletin. Deacons, scripture readers, and greeters are scheduled. Audio-visual

techs are scheduled and prepped. I am sure I omitted something, but you get the

idea. Many elements must be in place on Sunday mornings to help focus our hearts

and minds on The Main Thing. The most important preparation is our personal

worship, Bible study, prayer, and abiding in Christ throughout the week. How much

more vibrant and focused our corporate worship is when we have been faithful. For

He Alone is Worthy!

JOY-fully Yours!

Sharon Walpole

Minister to Senior Adults

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~Mary Burgess

Endless Energy Do you have “endless energy”? I hope you do but I don’t. I was reading an article the other day that was discussing energy - endless energy. Very interesting! This article said that we could have it; but, you have to work at it. Well, I would make a career to get endless energy. I doubt it would come easy or quick for me! Let me list some things this article says about energy. It’s a “wonderful secret of energy and vitality available to us” if you want it! Listen: “Believe that if you utilize the principles of eliminating hate and living spiritually, life will be improved and possibly lengthened.” “Every day of your life affirm that God is pouring creative energy into you!” “We destroy our energy because of the tempo at which we live, the pace at which we go.” From the Bible we hear: “But they that 'wait' upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31 KJV) #1 - “Wait”. “Slow down”. Get into God’s pace, God’s tempo; for God is in you. There’s another important factor to endless energy: #2 - “If you get too much of yourself you are in dull company.” Now, what does that mean? A person who is conscious only of yourself, your aches and pains, your current life happenings, and unpleasant things around and about you, you are in dull company. Get interested in something - absolutely enthralled with something - be somebody - do something! #3 - “Get interested in something, soak your life in it! Throw yourself into it in a big way!” Hold fast to your God-given ideals. Believe you can draw from God, the source of all energy and power you need. Then you can have endless energy! When you feel your vitality going down, call upon God. Keep going guys and I’ll meet you right around the corner! Pray with us for: Ed & Joan Grant Sue DeVaughan Bob Gunter Ray & Pauline Ashe The Forresters Tom & Jean Hall Evelyn Adams And your friends and family Our world Sometimes “God puts rainbows in the clouds so that each of us in the dreariest and most dreaded moments can see a possibility of hope.” ~ Maya Angelou

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~Helen Smith


It's beautiful the Summer month of June

When all of God's own wild flowers are in bloom

And sun shines brightly most part of the day

And butterflies o'er lush green meadows play.

Light hearted skylark songster of the wing

High o’er the quiet and lonely moorland sing

So mellow the Gentle breath of June day breeze

The birds rejoicing on the leafy trees.

~ Francis Duggan




ANNE LAINE: We are praying always for God's continuing grace, love, protection and provision to

continue to give you health and strength to do all He wills for you to do in Jesus name. "WE LOVE YOU."

KIM GREEN: And her lovely sister Emily Hardison sang a beautiful rendition of "I Can Only Imagine" in

our talent show. Their song warmed our hearts and put smiles on all of our faces.

JANE CROW: Is giving God all the glory for surviving her Walk for Life walk-a-thon. Way to go Jane! We

all are so proud of you.

MARTHA BUTLER: Went to Harrisonburg May 4th and 5th to attend her granddaughter’s, Ashley Butler,

graduation from James Madison University. She will be staying up there two more years to get her

masters in speech therapy.

CHARLENE GARRETT: Grandson, Jake McCann, received artist of the month for the whole school.

PEGGY VAN ZANDBERGEN: Granddaughter, Danielle Bryner, graduated from Regent University on May


We are praying for all the sick and shut-in. May God's grace, love and mercy heal each and everyone

and have everyone back on their healthy way with a smile.

REMEMBER : No one loves you like Jesus.


May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with

us all ever more. Amen

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Date Unknown From one of Joyce’s Journals

It was spring of 1959. Paul Tavass’ Suzanne Shoppe was a discriminating baby boutique in town. Well, they had the most beautiful and expensive bonnet in their inventory that I had ever seen. I wanted it for my little girl. I went home and told her father about it, confident he’d agree to the purchase. It didn’t work! He explained that the quarterly bills were due and I had to wait till the following month for the bonnet. But that wouldn’t work. I was afraid Easter would be over if I waited. Sooo, I began to manipulate. I wanted that bonnet for my daughter at any price. Finally, I devised a plan and presented my case. We would pay all of the bills and then put off our church offering till the following month. Then we could catch up on our offering. In the meantime I could buy the bonnet in plenty of time for Easter Sunday. Sounded good to me. BUT! Randall didn’t buy in to it. Can you believe it? I cried myself to sleep. My behavior was not that of a good and faithful steward. I’d forgotten all about that verse in scripture- - -GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER! Now, I’m not proud of that story. But, let me tell you, I’m not the same person today that I was in 1959. Thank God my understanding of stewardship is different. You see, it took me a while to get this picture straight. Then, I was willing to celebrate Easter and God’s great gift to me with compromise, and all for a child’s bonnet. What possible difference does that bonnet make today? For me today, my offering, my tithe, is an act of worship, a discipline, an act of obedience. Something I choose to do off the top, before bonnets, pleasure, or any other worldly things. And, it’s not just about tithing, it’s also about what I do with the other 90%. Everything I have is a gift from God, and I must manage it with integrity. Just as I must choose to love, even the unlovely. Just as I must choose to forgive, even when I’ve been wronged. I must choose to be a faithful and obedient steward, even when I’m in the valley or when the quarterly bills are due. Giving when I am on the mountain top, when I can afford it, or when it’s convenient is not enough! I have a higher calling. We all have a higher calling. God has been faithful to me - and He has blessed me and my house beyond measure. Not just with what money buys, THANK GOD - but with all that money can not buy! Don’t just take my word for this. If you are playing games with God, let this be a time of new beginnings. God will fill your cup to overflowing. He has done that for me! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!

Submitted by Randall for Joyce

~Joyce Pierce 1936-2015

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~Kitty Montgomery

OK, April showers have come on schedule but not sure they are done. It's now time for May flowers and trees to bloom, ready for a beautiful spring. The temps are warmer and people are venturing out to the beaches already. We enjoyed a beautiful, inspirational Holy Week with something everyday leading up to Easter Sunday. We praise God for the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and our hope for eternal life! May started with the National Day of Prayer. We had a nice lunch and a great message by Thom Owens, who always leads us in this special time! Prayer is one of the most important ways to communicate with our Lord. The Mother-Daughter Tea on May 4th was well attended and was led by our own Emily Crouch. I was not able to attend but heard it was wonderful as only Emily can do. On May 5th was our annual Youth Spaghetti Dinner & Churchwide Talent Show. WOW! What a night! We have talent in this church; I had no idea. It was such fun and of course the food was delicious! If you missed it, be sure and watch for it next year. It is well worth your time and donation. Then, of course, Mother's Day on May 12th. We made it to church but missed Sunday School. Monty and I were invited to our youngest great-grandson Grady's Baby Dedication Service at his parents church in Chesapeake. He, along with four other families, were there for the dedication of their children. It was a big day for everyone. Following, our son Bobby took us to lunch at Carrabba's. We had 4 generations present! How special! I feel so blessed being the Mother of 3 children, 9 grandchildren and now 7 great-grands. I had beautiful flowers, cards, calls and lunch out on top of the beautiful church service. Hope all our Mothers had a lovely day too! I feel a little out of the loop for missing 2 Sundays due to Monty having a terrible, annoying cough. We thought it was allergies but turned out he needed a change in one of his heart meds. He is better but it’s not totally gone yet. I am so sorry to announce one of our class members is leaving our church to attend church with her children at another church. Gosh, Sallie Finch, we will miss you so much and hope you will not forget us. Keep in touch! Laverne and Randy Anderson were blessed this month to be able to attend the graduation of their grandson at George Mason University. How exciting. Our May Birthdays were Curly Reeves: 5/7 and Dale Smith: 5/20. Hope you both had great birthday celebrations. Please watch our Prayer List for updates & praises. Our prayers are so important, to be able to lift each other up regardless of what it is or how insignificant it may seem. We depend on each other but we need God's hand on our lives. Monty and I will be traveling this month and ask you for prayers for us. We are going to stop in Raleigh to visit Ann Lee Davis, just overnight but we are excited to see her. We will also go to Mississippi for a surprise birthday for a cousin of mine. We hope to see lots of family on both sides and new great-great grand nieces and nephews. We may also attend a high school graduation, just miss a college graduation, plus we have a wedding we could possibly attend - if time allows. It will be a wonderful family time after over 3 years of being home bound from the road. Please pray all goes well! There will not be a newsletter next month as the printers take a month off. Meantime, I pray for health, wealth and happiness for you all and God's blessings in abundance! Til next time, AMEN!

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Thalia Lynn Baptist Church celebrated its 40th Anniversary on Sunday, July 6, 1997.

Members, friends and former staff members gathered at the 10:30 A.M. worship service for a program of Reflections and Expectations. Dr. Mark Olson gave special recognition to Charter Members and expressed appreciation to them for their dedication and faithfulness through the years. Several Charter Members led in the service with prayers, Scripture reading, and sharing of memories. Dr. Olson delivered a challenging sermon titled “Planting a Mustard Tree on Virginia Beach Boulevard.” A churchwide luncheon was served at 12:30 P.M. in the near-by cafeteria of Princess Anne High School. It was a glorious Lord’s Day of fellowship, remembrance and looking ahead to the coming years. God had blessed the church through the years and the people offered thanks. (copied from A History of Thalia Lynn Baptist Church, 2007)

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~Lill Duggan, Church Historian

Looking Back

22 Years ...


Downsizing: What, When, How? Thursday, June 6 at 6:30 p.m.

Enjoy a baked potato-salad bar supper, followed by a presentation by Micah Hunt with tips to help navigate through the details of downsizing whether personally or for a family member.

Understanding Dementia and the Continuum of Care Sunday, July 14 at 12:15 p.m.

Join us for a light lunch, followed by information from Joan Motley regarding dementia, healthcare options, Medicare and Medicaid. Come with your questions.

Call 757.499.0557 for more information or to make a reservation.

Reservations are requested. Please call Monday through Thursday prior to the event. Donations to help cover the cost of the meal will be accepted.

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by Celeste Raub

Atria Virginia Beach 1628 Old Donation Pkwy, VB 23454

Clara Forester - Rm 205

Ballahack Woods 208 Ballahack Rd, Chesapeake 23322

Martha Manoso

Bayside Health & Rehab Center 1004 Independence Blvd, VB 23455

Mable Backus - Rm 10

Beth Sholom 1049 College Park Ave., VB 23464

Buck “Jim” Reid - Rm 115

The Gardens of Va Beach Assisted Living 5620 Wesleyan Dr, VB 23455

Evelyn Hitchings - Rm 129 Frank Creasy - Rm 210

Harbourway Assisted Living 1217 Alliance Dr VB 23454

Annette Hunt - Apt 241

Lake Taylor Transitional Care 1309 Kempsville Rd, Norfolk 23502 Frances Gailey - Dogwood 9A

Marian Manor 5345 Marian Lane, VB 23462 Lorene Jones - Rm 003 Bob Gunter - Apt 235

The Memory Center 1853 Old Donation Pkwy, VB 23454 Bettie Maxwell - 301B

Thornton Hall Nursing & Rehab 827 Norview Ave, Norfolk 23509

Doris Bagley - Rm 211

The Waterford at Virginia Beach 5417 Wesleyan Dr, VB 23455 Jacob Pena - Rm 213

Westminster-Canterbury 3100 Shore Dr., VB 23451 Barbara Bailey - 608 Homebound Friends: Genevieve Bennett, Mary Lou Cochran, Sam Doyle, Bron & Gail Forrester, Cherry Moore, Virginia Tillery

Have you ever wondered why good things happen to bad people and vice versa? You’re not the only one. All of us have asked this same question at some point in time, but often we never get an answer for why this happens. These questions often arise when we go through difficult times. The library has a book that helps with these questions. The book is called Hope in Times of Trouble by Discover House Publishers. This book is small, but it has a huge impact. There are only 4 chapters in the book, but each chapter is broken down into sections. The chapters are: Why would a good God allow suffering? How much does God control? Does God want me well? When tragedy strikes. Each section of this book breaks down the question into smaller chunks. For example, with the question, “Why would a good God allow suffering?”, we are given three reasons as to why suffering could happen. Then we are given more answers as to why suffering could happen. The book goes into great detail, and provides scripture to go with the answer. It is great because this book

does not sugar coat anything. This book also includes quotes from other Christians, such as C.S. Lewis, to let us understand what even some strong Christians feel like. If this book sounds interesting to you come to our church library to check it out. Need guidance in choosing a book? See Margaret, Church Librarian, for assistance.

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Carol Norville

Jim Bayley

2 3

Joy Davis


Pam Burgess

Sam Doyle


Sandy Meurn

Gail Forrester

Carl Fore

Pete Tonkin


Martha Miciotto


Diane Littleton



Bill Rainey

10 11

Steve Brinson

Barbara Buckelew

Walter Edwards


Mary Lou Carlson

Gary Coggin

Micki Johnson


Bobby Allen

John Atwood

Nancy Brinson

Eloise Vickers

14 15

Robert Reid


Jim Reid


Barbara Parker

18 19 20

Joseph Snook


Brenda Mize


Ann Ellis

23 24 25

Cheryl Balden

Ruth Holidia


Marilyn Brister

Shirley Dixon


Keith Kirksey

28 29

Carol Pepper

Don Porter

Al Scherman

Tim Raub




Ana Cretu

Bonnie Cuthriell

Andrea Culligan

Ed Shipley

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JOY Seekers

Thalia Lynn Baptist Church

4392 Virginia Beach Boulevard

Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462


Angela Butler and Daughters,

Katelyn & Abigail

at the JOY Dinner — June 20 at 6:00 p.m.

Devotion: Ruthanne Crabtree

(rescheduled due to scheduling conflict in April—thank you, Ruthanne!)

Menu: Hawaiian Chicken, Fried Rice, Herbed Broccoli,

Pineapple Mango Salsa, Salad, Roll and Hawaiian Cheesecake Fluff Dessert

Cost: $10. Reservations and payment are due

by noon Monday, July 17th

Please use the JOY Dinner envelopes for reservation/payment.

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