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Becoming a Resource ManagerThrough the 5Cs

Margie Kensil Senior Consultant

[email protected]

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Today We’ll Discuss 5Cs, Trust, What Clients Want

7 Basic Financial Needs

One bank’s 80% hit rate – no cold calling

Net-Sharing and LinkedIn

Paperless, purposeful planning

Buyers with answers

VIP and Resources for the Resource Manager

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There Will Be No Scripting



Magic Pills or Promises

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A Group Exercise to Get Us Going

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In Teams There are 5Cs of Trust-Based Selling. What are they?

LinkedIn is being used by some banks as part of their overall sales strategies. How about yours?

What are some ways you prospect for new business?

What tools do you have/use to prepare for calls, to execute calls and to articulate value after calls?

If you could get better at one thing in the sales process what would that be?

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The 5Cs1. Conversations *

2. Curiosity

3. Customization

4. Collaboration

5. Connecting

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Sales Email Stats

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Sales Voicemail Stats

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Sales Call Stats

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Social Selling Stats

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The 7 Basic Financial Needs

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Basic Financial Needs1. Managing_____________________

2. Managing_____________________

3. Managing_____________________

4. Managing_____________________

5. Managing_____________________

6. Managing_____________________

7. Managing_____________________

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Basic Financial Needs1. Managing Growth – yes/no, how much, how fast

2. Managing Cash – in/out/keep

3. Managing Information – Sabermetrics replaces “gut feel”

4. Managing Fiduciary Responsibilities – people and uncle

5. Managing Risk – real, rep, other

6. Managing the Future – 50% gone

7. Managing Personal Wealth – the total partnership

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Key RM Sales Activities Sourcing Prospecting/Net-Sharing Social Collaboration Appointing (Pre-clients, Clients, COIs) Preparing and Executing Conversations Cross-Solving/Deep and Wide VIP(Conversation Recap/3By) Orienting/Onboarding (31631) Value Touches (3 Before 8)

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The Prospecting Funnel

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Sourcing – Being a BankerPreneur In the Box

• Drive territory micro recorder/tablet/smart phone• Centers of Influence• Net-Sharing

Out of the box• The DOS and the market as COIs• Source where you dine• Publix manager becomes COI

Monty Python• Speak + Write = Brand Me (marketing is a partner here)

Technology• Hoovers, Google,, others?• LinkedIn

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How One Bank Prospects with Trust


1 2 3 4 5 6



Note OR Emails OR Drop-offs

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

AppointmentPhone Calls/


Final Touch Voice Mail Messages

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“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”

– Dale Carnegie (1888-1955)

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The Purpose of Net-Sharing Make valuable connections with people who can:

• Take advantage of the solutions you offer• Recommend you to those who might buy something• Put a personal and public face on your bank• Seen as someone who can provide economic advice• Serve as a resource and give back to the community

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Why People Dislike Net-Sharing Fear of:

• Seeming too pushy or desperate• Approaching new people• Bumping into competitors• Not knowing what to say (or not to say)• Appearing awkward and/or nervous• Having nothing interesting to say

• Book Alert – Networking for Introverts

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Business Net-Sharing Opportunities Selecting Organizations to Join

• Informal Contact Networks – Chambers of Commerce• Formal Contact Networks – BNI• Community Service Organizations – Rotary, Kiwanis• Professional Associations – RMA, ABA, CBA, BAI• Internal Networking – Sharing with Partners

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The Process1. Join/attend right events and organizations

2. Prepare before attending the meeting or event

3. Maximize your time at the meeting or event

4. Follow-up after the event with VIP

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Preparing to Net-Share1. Research the audience – get the names2. Learn about key attendees – industry, company, personal3. Determine A,B,C criteria4. Cards in pockets – which ones?5. How you introduce self and initiate conversations6. Client versus prospect strategy7. Take pen, take notes8. Prepare follow-up before you go9. What are your objectives for the event10. What you will say/ask11. Offer articles or information (that you prepared for) as a reason to


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Net-Sharing ConversationsAppear Approachable

Introduce yourself

Ask great questions

Get/give cards – left/right pocket

Look at card, comment, hold it

Be interested with questions

Conversation short – use PCS to indicate what you do (to help)

Notes on card and A,B,C

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Your Personal Capability Statement Customize your statement to match the interests of the individual

Memorize components of your message, rather than the message as a whole

Practice stating the message aloud

Have different proposition statements prepared

Have stories ready to share

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Asking Great Questions

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Initiating Net-Sharing Conversations General conversation starters

• How long a member• How get involved• How often attend• What for fun

Business-oriented personal questions• How get interested in your business• One sentence – what your business does• What are trends and how stay current• What do you like most – some challenges

Top Networking question• ________________________

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Effective Net-Sharing Follow-Up Create a system to record information collected

Prioritize business cards collected

Follow-up immediately and fulfill your promises

Express appreciation immediately

Maintain the connection

Connect with them on LinkedIn

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LinkedIn™ – Connecting the Bank to Your Personal Brand

“Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.”

Jeff Bezos, Founder of Amazon (1964- )

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LinkedIn Started 2003 as recruiting tool Now 414 million members, 120 in US Four levels of connection: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Group 2.3 million Groups 3.5 million company pages Connections in the News Three levels of commitment

• Free• Premium• Sales Navigator

Measure with SSI – www/

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What Top Performers Do Top performers spend 25% more time on research and preparation Top sales and marketing pros send 148% more connection

requests and share 23% more content Social selling behavior leads to a 2X increase in sales

performance through new clients, meetings secured and opportunities generated

Social selling adoption is higher amongst older sales professionals: • 27% are over 30 years old

• 33% in 30-45• 34% in 45+

Top performers on two hours a day. Bankers on 17 minutes a month

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10.5 Ways to Successful Social Collaboration

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Free Service Generates Mind Share

85% 15%


0% 18%

29% 24%29%



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Paperless, Purposeful Call Planning“Failing to plan, means planning to fail.”

–Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

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Call Preparation Process1. Initial Research

• Business, Industry, Humans

2. Call Road Map• Maximum and Minimum Goal• The time, the examples, your value proposition

3. The Conversation• Rapport, Set Direction, Question, Stories, Joint Commitment

4. Leave Behind• Nothing about you – it’s about them

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Take These on a Discovery Call Enough Business Cards – plus one (95% factor)

Two pens that work

Plenty of paper with some pre-boarded questions• Some send some questions ahead • Some bring a tablet or iPad

Open mind and the ability to listen actively without trying to respond to every question

Leave behind that has nothing to do with the bank

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Send some high impact questions ahead

B-N-G starts the process

Identify priorities and challenges

Gain deeper understanding of key need areas

Summarize the discovery conversation

Insight Questions to differentiate you

Ask the 97% question

The Seller Has the Questions

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The Buyer Has the Answers

“The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.”

Thomas Berger (1924- )

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Onboarding New Clients

3 Days • Telephone Reach Out By Sales Manager• Welcome, their role, feedback about RM

1 Week • Board Member Welcome Call

6 Weeks • Telephone Reach Out by Sales Assistant• Introduction, gauge experience, cross solving

3 Months • Visit by RM/SM• Review relationship, cross solve, add value, lunch

Ongoing •Visits by RM and possible joint calls with SM

1 Year • Anniversary Card – Developed By Marketing• Sent by Division Executive with personal note

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Resource Manager Success Practices

“In trust-based selling the point is not to win competitive battles but to constantly improve the collaborative relationship with customers themselves.”

Charles Green

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3 Before 8 3 Somethings of value to arrive before 8:00 AM

• Send a Lead and leave it alone• Forward an article and let it be• Drop off a White Paper on a targeted subject• Share a Best Practice or a new idea

Make Technology/CRM work for you

3 Touches per business day X 240 days = 720 annual touches X 20 bankers = 14,400 value touches

What if you did 1 a day?

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Resources for the Resource Manager

“You can get anything you want in life if you help other people get what they want.”

Zig Ziglar (1926-2012)

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Resources for the Resource Manager

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“Can I be excused? My brain is full!”

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It’s a Privilege to Serve

Join our Business Banking Network

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