Page 1: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

Geology of NorthernCaliforniaFrank DeCourtenDepartment of Earth Science Sierra College

Standing more than10,000 feet (3,000 m)above the surroundingterrain, Mt. Shasta isthe largest volcano innorthern Californiaand symbolizes thedynamic geologicprocesses that haveshaped a spectacularlandscape.

Northern California


Page 2: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASKNorthern California.1 Introduction

� What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?� What is the Farallon subduction zone?� What two types of plate boundaries exist in northern California today?� What are terranes, how do they originate, and why are they important in northern


Northern California.2 The Sierra Nevada: California’s GeologicBackbone

� What is the Sierra Nevada batholith?� What kinds of rocks surround the Sierra Nevada batholith?� When and how was the modern Sierra Nevada uplifted?� What types of gold deposits occur in the Sierra Nevada?� What is the Mother Lode?

Northern California.3 The Klamath Mountains� In what ways are the Klamath Mountains and the Sierra Nevada similar?� What kinds of rocks comprise the ophiolites in the Klamath Mountains and what tectonic

events do they signify?� What mineral resources occur in the Klamath Mountains?

Northern California.4 The Great Valley� What factors have led to the formation of fertile soils in the Great Valley?� What was the origin of the sedimentary rocks in the Great Valley Sequence?� What is the origin of the natural gas produced in the Great Valley?� Why is the Great Valley so prone to chronic flooding?

Northern California.5 The Northern Coast Ranges� What is the Franciscan complex and how did it form?� How did the San Andreas fault system originate?� What is the Salinian block?� How old are the northern Coast Ranges and what tectonic forces elevated them?

Northern California.6 Volcanoes of the Cascade Range and ModocPlateau

� What California volcanoes are part of the Cascade Range?� What is the Cascadia subduction zone?� What kind of volcanic activity typifies the Cascade Range?� Why is Mount Lassen an especially interesting volcano in the Cascade Range?

Northern California.7 The Basin and Range of Northeast California� What tectonic forces are responsible for the pattern of alternating mountains and valleys

in the Basin and Range province?� What mountains and basins in northern California belong to the Basin and Range province?

Northern California.8 The Northern California Ice Ages� During what time periods did northern California experience Ice Age conditions?� What landscape features resulted from the Pleistocene Epoch glaciations in northern

California?� How did the Pleistocene landscape of northern California differ from the modern setting?

Northern California.9 Northern California Earthquakes� What plate tectonic settings are associated with northern California earthquakes?� What is the likelihood of another major earthquake in northern California?� What might be the effects of a large northern California earthquake?� Given the severity of the potential hazards, how can the effects of earthquakes be mini-

mized in northern California?

Northern California.10 Living on the Edge: Coastal Hazards inNorthern California

� In comparison to the coast of southern California, why is the northern California shorelineso rugged and scenic?

� What coastal hazards exist in northern California?� How do human activities affect coastal hazards?


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Page 3: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

Northern California.1IntroductionCalifornia’s Varied Landscape: California is arguably the bestplace in the world to study geology. Few areas of comparablesize are as geologically varied, physiographically diverse, or sospectacularly scenic as the Golden State. California’s abun-dant natural resources reflect in large measure its rich geolog-ical history, and earthquakes, floods, and mass wasting eventsunderscore the importance of ongoing geologic processes forresidents and visitors. With the boundary between two of thelargest lithospheric plates on the planet running for morethan 1,300 kilometers along the western side of the state,California is an outstanding natural laboratory for studyingEarth processes and plate interactions.

During the 1960s and 1970s, our understanding of earthdynamics shifted dramatically as the modern theory of platetectonics was developed and refined. Many of the new con-cepts of that era either were developed in California or werespecifically formulated to explain and/or reinterpret itsincredibly varied geological features. Today, with a new the-oretical framework and vastly improved tools for explorationand analysis, scientists continue to consider California ageologic paradise.

The rocks in California tell an amazing story of the evolu-tion of land and life at the edge of North America. Althoughit would require many years to explore all the geologic won-ders in California, a first course in physical geology is anexcellent start to a lifetime of fascinating adventure in theGolden State. The purpose of this chapter is threefold: (1) tointroduce the broader aspects of California’s geologic setting,(2) to outline the major tectonic events that have shaped itslandscape over geologic time, and (3) to examine the impactson humans of the state’s ongoing geologic evolution. I alsohope you will consider this chapter an invitation to beginyour own lifelong exploration of one of the most magnifi-cent landscapes in the world.

California’s Physiographic Provinces: The Californialandscape can be divided into a dozen regions of distinctiveand characteristic geology, landforms, climate, geomorphictrends, soils and vegetation, and drainage. These naturalareas are known as physiographic provinces. After the geo-logic alignment of the state’s major mountain systems, mostof the geomorphic provinces are oriented in a northwest-to-southeast trend (Figure NC.1). Hence some of the provinces,such as the Sierra Nevada and the Coast Ranges, extend fromthe northern part of the state to the southern portion. For thepurposes of the present discussion, we will arbitrarily definenorthern California as the region between Monterey Bay(latitude approximately 36.5° N) and the California–Oregonborder. In this portion of California, seven natural physio-graphic provinces comprise the landscape: the northernSierra Nevada, the northern Coast Ranges, the northernCentral Valley, the Klamath Mountains, the Cascade Range,the Modoc Plateau, and portions of the Basin and Range.Though there are consistent geologic patterns within each ofthese regions that make them distinctive and identifiable,

none can be regarded as simple or monotonous. Each of thephysiographic provinces in northern California is a variedand fascinating geological realm with endless opportunitiesfor applying the knowledge you have gained in your physicalgeology course. Collectively, they represent a region of suchcomplex origin that scientists have yet to develop completelysatisfactory explanations of all of the geologic features in thisvaried terrain. The common attribute of all the physiographicprovinces of northern California is that, one way or another,each reflects the consequences of plate tectonic interactionsalong the western margin of North America over the past500 million years.

Geologic Map of California: Geologic maps are indispen-sable assets in exploring the natural history and geologic set-ting of any region. Such maps show the distribution of rocktypes and ages on the surface, along with information aboutthe orientation of the various rock bodies, the nature of theircontact with adjacent rock masses, and the trends and extentof geologic structures such as faults and folds. This informa-tion is essential in unraveling the geologic history of a regionbecause it reveals spatial patterns in the distribution of rocksof various types, ages, and degree of deformation that reflectthe tectonic and geologic events of the past. In addition, geo-logic maps are of critical importance in locating surface andsubsurface deposits of earth resources and in identifying theareas most susceptible to various geologic hazards.

2 Geology of Northern California

� Figure NC.1 The Physiographic Provinces of California




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Page 4: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

Northern California.1 Introduction 3

� Figure NC.2 Geological Map of California

The geologic map of California (Figure NC.2) has beencompiled by the California Geological Survey over manydecades of geologic mapping. This map is scaled to showthe entire state and, as such, it portrays only the broaderdistribution of various California rocks and structures.

Nonetheless, you will notice at a glance the strong similaritybetween the physiographic provinces in California and thedistribution of various rock types. For example, notice thesimilarity in location, trend, and extent of the SierraNevada province and the large area of red, blue, and green



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Page 5: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

colors on the geologic map. These colors represent theMesozoic-age plutonic igneous rocks that comprise thecore of the Sierra Nevada (red) and the older rocks thatwere metamorphosed by the emplacement of the magma(blue and green). A very similar pattern is observed in theKlamath Mountains physiographic province northwest ofthe Sierra Nevada, suggesting that the two regions sharesome common geologic traits. The similarity between thephysiographic provinces of California and the distributionof various types and ages of rock in the state underscoresthe importance of the geologic foundation in shaping thecharacter of the landscape.

The Westward Migration: For the past 500 million yearsconvergent plate tectonic interactions have prevailed alongthe western margin of North America. Early in theMesozoic Era, about 200 million years ago, the rate of plateconvergence increased significantly as the ancient supercon-tinent of Pangaea began to break up. The North Americanplate separated from the northern part of the supercontinentvia the opening of the Atlantic Oceanic basin. Seafloorspreading in this basin propelled the North American plateto the west while the Eurasia and African plates moved inthe opposite direction. Several different oceanic plates weresubducted under the leading edge of the North Americanplate as it slowly moved west. The last and largest of theoceanic plates to descend beneath North America was theFarallon plate, remnants of which still exist along thewestern margin of North and Central America. This platetectonic interaction along the western edge of NorthAmerica produced the Farallon subduction zone, whichwas established in mid-Mesozoic time and persisted fromsome 160 million years ago until about 30 million years ago.Many of the major geologic trends in California are theresult of this long history of plate convergence.

Origin of the Modern Transform Plate Boundary: TheFarallon plate originated at an oceanic ridge to the west and

southwest of North America. On the other side of thatancient spreading center, the Pacific plate was sliding to thewest, while the Farallon plate moved in the opposite direc-tion toward the advancing margin of North America. A littleless than 30 million years ago, the western edge of NorthAmerica collided with, and eventually overran, the Pacific-Farallon ridge near the latitude of modern Los Angeles. As aconsequence of this collision, the North American platecame into contact with the Pacific plate (Figure NC.3).

The collision between North America and the Pacific-Farallon ridge ended plate convergence in the Californiaregion and established the modern transform plateboundary. After the initial collision of the ridge and thecontinent, the transform plate boundary expanded northand south as North America continued moving west, over-running more of the ridge in the process (Figure NC.4).The relatively small Cocos, Rivera, and Juan de Fuca platesrepresent modern remnants of the ancient Farallon plate.The famous San Andreas fault system developed as a conse-quence of the transform plate boundary between the NorthAmerica and the Pacific plates.

The geologic setting of modern northern California isthus influenced by two different kinds of boundariesbetween the North American and oceanic plates to thewest: a transform boundary from Monterey Bay to CapeMendocino and a remnant convergent boundary to thenorth. We will explore the consequences of these interac-tions in more detail in the sections that follow.

California and Accreted Terranes: One of the conse-quences of the long history of plate convergence along thewestern margin of North America was the accretion ofnumerous blocks of rock to stable crust of the continent.Such blocks added to the edge of a continent by plate con-vergence are known as accretionary terranes, or simplyterranes. Five hundred million years ago, there was no landwhere the Pacific Coast now stands. The crust of California

4 Geology of Northern California

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� Figure NC.3 Interactions between The Farallon, Pacific, and North American plates over the past 40 million years.

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Page 6: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

has since been assembled in piecemeal fashion as seamounts,island arcs, coral reefs, and small continental blocks that werecarried on subducting oceanic plates collided with the west-ern edge of the continent and were embedded into the exist-ing margin. The rocks in the various terranes weremetamorphosed and deformed as each was sutured intoNorth America like pieces of a mosaic. In this manner, NorthAmerica grew incrementally westward with the addition ofeach fragment. Geologists are in general agreement thatabout 100 such terranes were accreted to the western mar-gin of North America since the breakup of Pangaea about

200 million years ago. Several others were added in earlieraccretionary events in the Paleozoic Era, before NorthAmerica separated from Pangaea. It was not until Cenozoictime that all of the terranes were in place along the PacificCoast and the modern California landscape began to emerge.

California, as a whole, therefore represents a geologiccollage, an amalgam of pieces assembled through the con-vergence of plates along the west edge of North Americaover the past 500 million years. Northern California is espe-cially intriguing because here both a remnant of an ancientconvergent boundary and the modern transform boundaryto the south continue to shape the landscape. It is not sur-prising that geologists find northern California such a fasci-nating region. It is a place where the geologic past meets thedynamic present, and there is no place in the world bettersuited for geologic exploration. Let’s look a little closer.

Northern California.2 The Sierra Nevada: California’s Geologic Backbone 5

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� Figure NC.4 Major terranes of western North America. Inaddition to the Franciscan Complex and the Salinian block illustrated here, dozens of smaller terranes have been identified innorthern California.

Section Northern California.1 Summary● The geology and landscape of northern California isextremely varied, with seven different physiographicprovinces, each with distinctive rock assemblages andgeologic histories.

● Convergent plate boundaries have existed for 500 mil-lion years in the northern California region. After NorthAmerica separated from Pangaea early in the MesozoicEra, the rate of convergence increased as several oceanicplates were subducted under the west-moving continent.

● The subduction of the Farallon plate in the MesozoicEra resulted in many of the geologic trends that can beobserved in modern California. About 30 million yearsago, plate convergence ended as the transform boundarybetween the Pacific and North American plates began todevelop. The unique geologic setting of modern north-ern California is shaped by both a remnant of theMesozoic subduction zone and the continuing evolutionof the more recent transform plate boundary.

Northern California.2The Sierra Nevada: California’sGeologic BackboneThe Sierra Nevada is California’s best known mountainsystem. Stretching for more than 700 kilometers fromLake Almanor in the north to Tehachapi in the south, thisnorthwest-trending mountain system is home to threenational parks and the highest peak in the coterminousUnited States at Mount Whitney (14,495 feet/4,418 metersabove sea level). Winter storms passing east from the PacificOcean over the high Sierra Nevada produce heavy snowfallthat is an essential supply of water to the entire state.Materials released from the weathering of Sierra Nevada

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Page 7: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

bedrock help sustain the fertility of California’s rich agricul-tural soils. It was in the Sierra Nevada foothills that goldwas discovered in the 1800s, and the course of Californiahistory was forever changed. Without the Sierra Nevada,California would simply not be California.

The bedrock of the Sierra Nevada is dominated by theMesozoic Sierra Nevada batholith, one of the largest andmost complex masses of granitic rock in the world. Adjacentto the batholith, and sometimes as xenoliths and roofpendants within it, are older Mesozoic and Paleozoic meta-morphic rocks that were invaded by the subterraneanmagma. More recent episodes in the evolution of the SierraNevada are documented by Cenozoic volcanic and sedimen-tary rocks that rest on the granite-metamorphic basement.

The Sierra Nevada Batholith: The geologic map ofCalifornia clearly indicates that the Mesozoic granite of theSierra Nevada batholith comprises the core of the SierraNevada. Vast exposures of such light-colored plutonic rockin the high country of Yosemite, Kings Canyon, andSequoia National Parks, is in part what led John Muir torefer to the Sierra as “the range of light” (Figure NC.5).The Sierra Nevada batholith is a complex assemblage ofperhaps as many as 200 individual plutons representingmagma bodies emplaced mostly between 140 million and80 million years ago at depths of 10 to 30 kilometers

beneath the surface. Most of the plutons comprising theSierra Nevada batholith consist of felsic rock such as gran-ite, rich in light-colored quartz, potassium feldspar, andsodium-rich plagioclase (Figure NC.6). Some of the plu-tons are richer in the darker ferromagnesian minerals andconsist of rock more similar to diorite or gabbro.

The Sierra Nevada batholith represents the deep rootsof a Mesozoic volcanic arc that developed along the west-ern margin of North America above the Farallon subduc-tion zone. In this ancient subduction zone, magma wasproduced by partial melting and migrated upward througholder crustal material to build a chain of andesitic volcanoesthat rivaled the modern Andes Mountains of SouthAmerica. Recent geologic studies have revealed evidence oflarge calderas formed by explosive eruptions in this ancientvolcanic chain. Late in the Cenozoic Era, the uplift of theSierra Nevada resulted in the nearly complete erosion ofthe volcanic edifice that originally concealed the batholiticrocks. However, isolated remnants of the ancient volcanoescan still be seen in places along the crest of the range(Figure NC.7).

Paleozoic-Mesozoic Accretionary Terranes of theNorthern Sierra Nevada: The magma that formed theSierra Nevada batholith was emplaced into older rocks thateither accumulated on the seafloor west of the margin of

6 Geology of Northern California

� Figure NC.5 Vast exposures of granitic rock characterize the Sierra Nevada, John Muir’s “Range of Light”.


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Page 8: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

Paleozoic North America or were accreted to the edge ofthe continent in convergent plate interactions that pre-ceded the Farallon subduction zone. These old rocks weredeformed and metamorphosed during several differentaccretion events and altered by the heat and fluids associatedwith magma rising from the Farallon subduction zone inlater Mesozoic time. Metamorphic rocks such as marble,slate, schist, serpentinite, and greenstone are common inthe pre-batholithic terranes of the Sierra Nevada. Some of

these rocks have been affected by multiple periods of meta-morphism. In addition, these rocks are commonly foldedand faulted by the compressional stress generated alongancient convergent plate boundaries (Figure NC.8).

It has taken geologists many decades to unscramble thecomplicated history recorded in the metamorphic rocks sur-rounding the Sierra Nevada batholith. Within the graniticcore of the Sierra Nevada, exposures of these rocks arefound as roof pendants and xenoliths (Figure NC.9) pre-served in the plutonic rocks. In the foothills north and westof the batholithic core of the Sierra Nevada, extensive expo-sures of metamorphic rocks have revealed a complex historyof metamorphism and accretion. Because there has beenmuch greater Cenozoic uplift in the southern Sierra Nevadathan in the north, erosion there has progressed to a deeperlevel in the crust and much of the older rock that formerlysurrounded the granitic plutons has been removed.

Within the western foothills metamorphic belt, geolo-gists have identified three primary units of metamorphosedrocks that are separated from each other by major faults.These faults probably were produced when seamounts,undersea volcanic arcs, oceanic crust, or other fragments oflithosphere collided with the edge of North America. Themetamorphosed and deformed rocks comprising these

Northern California.2 The Sierra Nevada: California’s Geologic Backbone 7

� Figure NC.6 Close up of granite from the Sierra NevadaBatholith. Dark crystals are biotite and hornblende, white crytals areplagioclase and potassium feldspar, and the gray translucent crystalsare quartz.

� Figure NC.7 Dark-colored rocks of the Ritter Range in the east-ern Sierra Nevada are remnants of the Mesozoic Sierra volcanic arc.

� Figure NC.8 Folds in these Paleozoic sedimentary rocks along theYuba River were developed during the collision between a block ofoceanic rocks and western edge of North America in the Mesozoic Era.


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Page 9: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

terranes are almost entirely of oceanic origin, and generallyolder than the tectonic events that sutured them to theNorth American continent. Some represent mafic magmaerupted by undersea volcanoes, and the characteristic pillowstructures can still be observed (Figure NC.10). Otherterranes include oceanic sedimentary rocks such as chert,mudstone, and limestone that have been metamorphosedto varying degrees. There is strong evidence that some ofthe accreted fragments traveled thousands of kilometersbefore the now-vanished plates carrying them sank intoancient subduction zones. Ophiolites, sequences of rocksrepresenting oceanic lithosphere, are present in some ter-ranes, and probably originated as fragments splintered fromthe descending oceanic plates sutured into the various ter-ranes. Adding complexity to some of the terranes is the

presence of mélanges, chaotic mixtures of deformed andmetamorphosed rocks that are formed in subduction zonesettings. We will learn more about ophiolites and mélangeswhen we explore the northern Coast Range, where theyformed within the much younger Farallon subduction zone.

Cenozoic Rocks of the Sierra Nevada: At the end of theMesozoic Era about 65 million years ago, the Sierra Nevadawas an elevated volcanic terrain perched on a complex base-ment comprised of older rocks intruded by the concealedSierra Nevada batholith. As Cenozoic time (the TertiaryPeriod) began, igneous activity appears to have temporarilysubsided in the Sierra region, and erosion was beginning toattack the summits of the dormant volcanoes. The volcanichighland extended into what is now western Nevada and theancient shore of the ancestral Pacific Ocean was locatedalong the foothills of the dormant volcanic arc in centralCalifornia. Rivers draining the volcanic highland ran westacross the site of the modern Sierra Nevada. These ancientrivers steadily wore away the volcanic bedrock, and trans-ported great quantities of sediment to the ocean basin to thewest. This long period of erosion in the Early Cenozoic Eraproduced a pronounced plain, which has since been elevatedhundreds of feet above the floors of modern stream valleysin the Sierra Nevada region (Figure NC.11).

During the Eocene Epoch, about 50 million years ago,river-deposited sediments began to accumulate in theancient river systems of the Sierra Nevada. In the streamchannels, coarse gravel deposits formed. On the flood-plains, fine sand, silt, and mud accumulated. These river-deposited sediments are still preserved in many places inthe foothills of the Sierra Nevada as colorful exposures ofconglomerate, sandstone, and mudstone. Geologic map-ping in the early 1900s demonstrated that exposures of theancient river gravels were aligned as elongated ribbons, indi-cating the location and drainage pattern of the 50-million-year-old river channels. Soon after the California GoldRush began, prospectors discovered that some of theEocene-age river gravels contained rich concentrations ofgold in the form of nuggets, flakes, and fine particles. Therichest gravel deposits became known as the “auriferousgravels.” Such gold-bearing sediments were intenselymined and processed in the mid-1800s, primarily by wash-ing away the weakly-cemented material with powerfulsteams of water and separating the small gold particles fromthe loosened sand, pebbles, and cobbles (Figure NC.12).Known as hydraulic mining, this process was phased outafter 1884 because so much sediment had been washedfrom the Sierra slopes that agriculture and river navigationdownstream in the Central Valley was being adverselyaffected. The best exposures of the auriferous gravels todayare in the scars and excavations left from the hydraulic min-ing activities more than century ago.

During the Oligocene and Miocene Epochs, 35 millionto 5 million years ago, volcanic activity resumed along whatis today the crest of the Sierra Nevada and areas to the east.The initial eruptions were violent caldera-forming explo-sions that sent great flows of ash and fragments of volcanic

8 Geology of Northern California

� Figure NC.9 Dark-colored xenoliths in Sierra granite representfragments of older rock assimilated into the magma prior tocrystallization.

� Figure NC.10 The rounded pillow structures in this outcrop ofmildly metmorposed basalt in the western metmorphic belt indicateeruption of lava on the seafloor.


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Page 10: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

rock surging west through the canyons carved by theEocene-age rivers. These pyroclastic deposits hardenedinto tuffs and welded tuffs that partially filled the ancientcanyons (Figure NC.13). The later eruptions producedbasalt flows, volcanic breccias, and volcanic mudflowdeposits known as lahars. The Tertiary-age volcanic rockscompletely filled some of the valleys of the western slope of

the ancestral Sierra Nevada, forcing the ancient streamsfrom their channels. In the past few million years, as themodern Sierra Nevada rose, vigorous down-cutting has leftthe erosion-resistant valley-filling Tertiary volcanic rocksperched high above modern river beds. Sinuous ridges

Northern California.2 The Sierra Nevada: California’s Geologic Backbone 9

� Figure NC.11 Beyond the deep canyon of the Yuba River on the Sierra Nevada west slope, the flat surface reflects a lengthy interval of erosion inthe early Tertiary Period.

� Figure NC.12 Hydraulic mining in the Sierra Nevada involvedwashing Eocene sediments with powerful jets of water. Photo takenin 1905 at Junction City, California.

� Figure NC.13 Oligocene tuff near Soda Springs, Californiaconsists of ash partcles and white pumice fragments welded into acoherent rock.


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Page 11: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

capped by Tertiary volcanic rocks demonstrate the phe-nomena of inverted topography in many places in theSierra foothills (Figure NC.14).

Recent Uplift of the Sierra Nevada: Though the rocksof the Sierra Nevada document a long history of geologicunrest, good evidence suggests that the modern rangereflects a relatively recent pulse of uplift. Although theSierra Nevada was probably an elevated tract of land sincethe mid-Mesozoic Era, recent geologic studies suggest that5 million to 10 million years ago, the mountain system roseto its current elevation, primarily by westward tilting alongnormal faults located along the eastern escarpment.These faults, many of which remain active today, haveuplifted and tilted the range to the west, producing a spec-tacularly rugged eastern escarpment and a gently inclinedwestern slope. The steep eastern escarpment of the SierraNevada was a formidable barrier to the migration of peo-ple during the Gold Rush. Even today, only a few highwayscross the crest of the northern Sierra Nevada throughpasses that range in elevation from more than 3,000 meters(9,945 feet) to just over 2,200 meters (7,259 feet) above sealevel.

Geologists have not yet determined the precise cause forthe recent uplift of the Sierra Nevada. The forces affectingthe Sierra region are complicated by its proximity toregions of differing plate tectonic interactions. In the Basinand Range province to the east, tensional stresses arestretching the crust and producing the numerous normalfaults, such as those along the eastern escarpment of theSierra Nevada. To the west, the modern transform bound-ary between the Pacific and North American plate producesshear stresses that tend to move the Sierra Nevada block tothe northwest. Recent studies also suggest that the denselower crust of the southern Sierra Nevada may have beenremoved in late Cenozoic time by heat associated withmaterial upwelling from the mantle. The removal of thedense root beneath the Sierra Nevada would have increasedthe buoyancy of the Sierra Nevada, causing it to rise. All ofthese factors may have been involved in the recent ascent ofthe Sierra Nevada. Whatever the precise cause of uplift maybe, there is no doubt that it is still continuing. The northernportion of the Sierra Nevada is currently rising at a rate of 2to 3 millimeters per year, estimated on the basis of streamincision rates and the increased tilt of ancient streambeds.

The Mother Lode: Gold and Geology of the SierraFoothills: California is known as the “Golden State” for areason: since the initial discovery in the mid-1800s, morethan 115 million ounces of gold have been produced in thestate, an amount equivalent to a volume of more than 190cubic meters! At current prices, the cumulative value ofCalifornia gold is more than $110 billion. Though gold hasbeen found in many places in California, more than 75% ofthe amount recovered historically has come from the west-ern foothills of the Sierra Nevada. It was also in this regionthat James Marshall first noticed the glittering nuggets inthe American River in 1849 and ignited one of the most dra-matic human migrations in history.

10 Geology of Northern California


� Figure NC.14 Inverted topography in the Sierra Nevada foothillsis a common consequence of Miocene volcanic activity.




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Page 12: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

Gold was initially discovered in California as flakes andnuggets resting in modern river gravels. Such deposits areknown as placers, and early miners invented several tech-niques to wash the gold particles from the loose river sedi-ments. Soon, miners began to exhaust the placer deposits,and looked upstream from the gravel bars to find the sourceof the gold particles. They eventually found two sources forthe placer gold. First, it was discovered that the Eocene-ageriver deposits were also rich in gold, particularly the lowerchannel-filling conglomerates. The “auriferous gravels”were more difficult to work than modern placers becausethey were more consolidated and generally exposed highabove the modern streams. The invention of the hydraulicmining methods mentioned earlier helped to solve thesedifficulties, but the disastrous environmental consequencesended this practice in the 1880s. At the same time, prospec-tors discovered a second source of the placer gold: quartzveins in the bedrock in the western foothills metamorphicbelt were found to contain large masses of native gold. Suchgold-bearing quartz veins are called lodes, and the largestconcentration of such ores in the Sierra foothills becameknown as the Mother Lode (Figure NC.15).

Geologists are still not certain about the source of all thegold in California, but the variety of ore types suggests mul-tiple origins. Much of the Mother Lode gold may have beenoriginally disseminated in the oceanic metamorphic rocks orin the younger igneous bodies. Some of the gold may haveoriginated in the volatile gases associated with the graniticmagma that intruded the Sierra Nevada basement during the

Mesozoic era. During metamorphism related to either bur-ial, tectonic accretion, or the emplacement of magma, hotfluids were introduced into the rocks of the Mother Lodebelt and migrated through them along fractures, faults, orshear zones. Interactions between the circulating hot(hydrothermal) fluids and the metamorphic rock concentrat-ed gold in the quartz-rich fluids. The hydrothermal fluidseventually cooled as they circulated through the fracturedmetamorphic rock, leaving veins of quartz laced with puregold. When the gold-rich metamorphic rocks were erodedby Cenozoic-age streams, the heavy gold particles accumu-lated in nearby stream sediments and the less dense compo-nents of the bedrock were washed farther downstream.

In the Mother Lode belt, all three types of golddeposits—placers, auriferous gravels, and lodes—were pres-ent. It is not surprising that this region was the primary tar-get of the Gold Rush prospectors and miners. Thoughproduction of gold in California fell dramatically after the1860s, people occasionally still find gold in the streams ofthe Sierra Nevada.

Northern California.2 The Sierra Nevada: California’s Geologic Backbone 11

� Figure NC.15 Specimen of gold from Grass Valley, California.Inset map shows location of the Mother Lode region in the westernfoothills of the Sierra Nevada.



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Section Northern California.2 Summary● The Sierra Nevada is California’s geological backboneand the largest mountain system in the state. It is aregion of majestic scenery with three national parks, andthe highest peaks in the coterminous United States.

● The core of the Sierra Nevada is comprised of theSierra Nevada batholith, a large mass of granite emplacedinto older rocks during the Mesozoic Era. Magma risingfrom the Farallon subduction zone constructed thebatholith beneath a volcanic arc similar in origin to themodern Andes Mountains of South America. Surroundingthe Sierra Nevada batholith are older metamorphic rocksin which numerous accreted terranes can be recognized.The metamorphic rocks form roof pendants and xenolithsin the batholithic rocks and extensive bedrock exposures inthe western foothills. Cenozoic sedimentary and volcanicrocks record more recent periods of erosion and pyroclas-tic volcanic eruptions in the Sierra Nevada region.

● Though the Sierra Nevada was an elevated regionduring the Mesozoic Era, the uplift of the modernmountains appears to have occurred primarily during thepast 5 million to 10 million years, when normal faultingalong the eastern side was initiated. The Sierra Nevadawas lifted and tilted to west during this time, creating thegentle western slope and the abrupt eastern escarpment.

● Gold in the Sierra Nevada was concentrated in plac-ers, Eocene stream gravels, and in lode deposits of thewestern foothills. In the famous Mother Lode belt of theSierra Nevada foothills, all three types of gold depositsare present.


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Page 13: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

Northern California.3The Klamath MountainsThe Klamath Mountain region is a rugged highland with ageneral elevation of 1,500 to 2,150 meters (5,000 to 7,000feet) above sea level. This elevated terrain is deeply incisedby the Klamath River and its major tributaries, the Trinityand Salmon Rivers. These rivers carry water to the PacificCoast through winding and spectacularly rugged canyons(Figure NC.16). The deep river gorges separate theKlamath highland into several distinct mountain ranges,including the Trinity Alps and the Siskiyou, Marble, andSalmon Mountains, some of which extend northward intosouthern Oregon. These rugged mountains are generallylower than the Sierra Nevada to the south, with the maxi-mum elevations reaching only about 2,750 meters (9,000feet). The Klamath Mountains separate the northern CoastRange on the west from the volcanoes of the Cascade Rangeto the east. Unlike most other geologic provinces in north-ern California, the Klamath Mountains lack a prominentnorthwest orientation. Instead, the individual mountains in

this province have a crude north-to-south alignment or aweakly curved trend.

Even a quick glance at the geologic map of Californiareveals a strong similarity in outcrop colors and patterns ofthe Klamath Mountains region and the Sierra Nevada (seeFigure NC.2). These similarities arise from comparable,though not identical, geologic histories in the two regions.In a general sense, the Klamath Mountains can be consid-ered a northwest extension of the geologic trends of theSierra Nevada. However, the continuity between the tworegions is broken by the young volcanic rocks of the south-ern Cascade Range and by the sediments of the northernpart of the Central Valley. The Klamath Mountains shareswith the Sierra Nevada a long history of subduction-relatedaccretion, beginning in the Paleozoic Era during whichnumerous oceanic terranes collided with the western edgeof North America. The dozen or so terranes recognized bygeologists in the Klamath region are separated from eachother by major east-dipping fault zones. Granitic plutons ofMesozoic age were emplaced into the accreted terranes inseveral areas of the Klamath region, though such rocks arenot as widespread in the Klamath region as they are in theSierra Nevada. Both the Sierra Nevada and the KlamathMountains experienced glaciation during the Pleistoceneice ages, though the lower elevations in the Klamath regionresulted in smaller and less extensive glaciers. The KlamathMountains region also experienced gold mineralizationduring the late Mesozoic Era, though none of the Klamathgold districts were as rich as the Mother Lode of the SierraNevada. Despite these similarities, the geologic story of theKlamath Mountains is not exactly the same as the SierraNevada. In the following sections, we focus on the uniqueattributes of the Klamath Mountains with respect to thesimilar Sierra Nevada.

Klamath Mountain Terranes and Ophiolites: In gener-al, the Klamath Mountains region consists of numerousoceanic terranes representing fragments of crustal materialthat were embedded into the western margin of NorthAmerica since Early Paleozoic time. The fragmentsinclude metamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rocksthat represent volcanic island arcs, submarine plateaus,reeflike bodies of limestone, and deep ocean sedimentsthat were intensely deformed during accretion. It has takengeologists many years to unravel the complicated tectonicpattern in the Klamath Mountains, but it now appears thatas many as a dozen different accreted terranes exist in theregion. Some of these terranes no doubt represent thesame fragments recognized in the western metamorphicbelt of the Sierra Nevada. In general, the Klamath terranesbecome younger from east to west, a pattern that probablyreflects the westward growth of North America through aseries of plate collisions along the western edge of the con-tinent. Some of the Klamath terranes may have originatedthousands of kilometers from North America, whereasothers were probably of local origin. Fossils discoveredrecently in the eastern Klamath terranes suggest that rocksas old as Late Precambrian, nearly 600 million years old,are included in the oldest accreted fragments.

12 Geology of Northern California

� Figure NC.16 The rugged canyon of the Salmon River in theKlamath Mountains privince.







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Page 14: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

Of particular interest in the Klamath region are exten-sive exposures of mafic and ultramafic rocks known asophiolites, sequences of igneous rocks thought by geolo-gists to represent disrupted oceanic lithosphere. Ophiolitesconsist, in ascending order, of upper mantle peridotiteoverlain by layered and massive gabbro, sheeted basaltdikes, and basaltic pillow lavas (Figure NC.17). Ophiolitesequences can be emplaced on land during plate conver-gence simultaneously with the accretion process. As rela-tively thin and dense oceanic plates sink into subductionzones, fragments of the descending lithosphere are some-times incorporated into the accretionary mass. The heat,pressure, and chemically active fluids that accompany plateconvergence usually result in significant deformation, dis-ruption, and metamorphism of the ophiolite sequences. Inmany exposures of the Klamath Mountains ophiolites, themafic igneous rocks have altered into the metamorphic rockserpentinite, but careful studies can still reveal their originas components of oceanic lithosphere. We will learn moreabout sepentinite in our examination of the northern CoastRanges, where they are also abundant.

In the Klamath Mountains region, the Trinity andJosephine ophiolites are two of the largest and best knownrock sequences of their type in the world. These two rockassemblages represent slivers of oceanic lithosphere thatwere incorporated into the accreted terranes at differenttimes and different places in the Klamath region. The Trinityophiolite is part of the Paleozoic–Early Mesozoic EasternKlamath-Yreka superterrane, which is very similar to theNorthern Sierra terrane of roughly the same age to thesouth. Most geologists feel that the Trinity and the NorthernSierra terranes were originally part of the same accretedoceanic plate. The mid-Mesozoic Josephine ophiolite is

younger, about 162 million years old, and is exposed in thenorthwestern part of the Klamath region. The Josephineophiolite may be in part equivalent to similar rocks in thewestern metamorphic belt of the Sierra Nevada. Neither theJosephine nor the Trinity ophiolite sequences are preservedin their entirety in the Klamath Mountains; they were dis-rupted and metamorphosed during accretion. Nonetheless,there is little doubt that ophiolites of the Klamath Mountainsrepresent fragments of accreted oceanic lithosphere.

Mesozoic Plutonic Rocks of the Klamath Mountains: TheMesozoic Farallon subduction zone that generated great vol-umes of felsic magma in the Sierra Nevada region extendsnorth to the Klamath region. However, the magma thatintruded the Klamath basement was emplaced mostly as iso-lated plutons of relatively limited size and did not coalesceinto larger masses similar to the Sierra Nevada batholith.The relatively small exposures of light-colored granitic rocksin the Klamath Mountains contrast with the darker meta-morphic rock of the terranes to create spectacular landformssuch as Castle Crags (Figure NC.18). The Mesozoic-ageplutons of the Klamath region range in age from about 136million to 174 million years, and tend to be somewhat moremafic (containing more ferromagnesian silicate minerals)than the granitic rocks comprising the Sierra Nevada.

Gold and Chromite Mineralization: The geologicsimilarity between the Klamath Mountains and theMother Lode region of the Sierra Nevada did not escapethe notice of prospectors and miners in the mid-1800s.Gold was discovered in placer gravels along the Klamathand Trinity rivers soon after the Gold Rush began.Additional gold deposits were eventually located inancient river sediments and in the metamorphic basementrocks. Ultimately, the Klamath Mountains became thesecond largest gold producing region in California.

During and just after World War II, deposits of chromitewere extensively mined in the Klamath region. Chromite isan iron chromium oxide mineral (FeCr2O4) that is the onlysource of chromium, a valuable metal used in the manufacture

Northern California.3 The Klamath Mountains 13









� Figure NC.17 Ophiolites are sequences of rock that representoceanic lithosphere emplaced on land at convergent plate boundaries.

� Figure NC.18 Castle Crags is an exposure of 167-million-year oldgranite in the Klamath Mountains.


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Page 15: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

of specialized steel alloys and in corrosion-resistant steelplating. Chromite is very rare in crustal rocks, but compris-es a significant fraction of the upper mantle material. In theKlamath Mountains region, the mantle slices preserved inthe Trinity and Josephine ophiolites contained numerouspods of chromite-bearing rock that were rich enough to bemined. Much of the ore was depleted after the 1960s, andproduction of chromite from the Klamath Mountains hassince declined dramatically. For a time, however, theKlamath Mountains was the primary source for this valu-able strategic metal.

(50 miles) wide. The northern portion of the Great Valley isknown as the Sacramento Valley, and the southern twothirds is designated as the San Joaquin Valley. These namesoriginate from the two large rivers systems that drain theinterior basin from the north and south, respectively. Theserivers meet southwest of Sacramento in the Delta regionand eventually drain into the San Francisco Bay.

The Sacramento Valley is a remarkably flat interior basinsurrounded by elevated terrain to the west (CoastalRanges), north (Klamath Mountains and Cascade Range),and east (the Sierra Nevada). The Sacramento River systemreceives runoff from these adjacent highlands via severalmajor tributaries including the Feather, Yuba, American,Pit, and Bear Rivers (Figure NC.19). Because northernCalifornia receives significantly more rain than southernCalifornia, the Sacramento River is California’s largestriver, carrying about 18 million acre-feet of water, six timesmore than the San Joaquin River, toward the sea annually.This water is a critically important resource for agriculture,industry, commerce, and domestic use statewide.

Soils and Agriculture in the Great Valley: The surfaceof the Sacramento Valley is covered by recent andPleistocene-age alluvium washed into the bottomlands bystreams draining the adjacent highlands. These stream sed-iments consist of a heterogeneous assemblage of channelgravels, river bank sands, silt, and clay deposited on thebroad floodplain, and in some places, peat deposits repre-senting plant litter that accumulated in lakes and wetlands.The rivers draining the Sacramento Valley typically followmeandering courses that shift continuously across the

14 Geology of Northern California

Section Northern California.3 Summary● The Klamath Mountains province is a mountainousupland deeply incised by the Klamath River and its trib-utaries. Several distinct mountain ranges comprise theregion, with elevations up to 2,750 meters (9,000 feet).In contrast to the strong northwest orientation ofCalifornia’s major landforms, the ranges in the KlamathMountains province have a weak north-to-south align-ment or a curved trend.

● The bedrock of the Klamath Mountains province hasstrong similarities with the Sierra Nevada to the south,and can be considered as a northwest continuation of thegeologic patterns of the later. In both areas, metamor-phic bedrock comprising multiple terranes is intruded byMesozoic granite plutons and overlain by Cenozoic-agesedimentary and volcanic rocks. The rocks comprisingsome of the Klamath Mountains terranes are almostidentical in type, age, and origin to those of the northernSierra Nevada. At least a dozen terranes have been iden-tified in the Klamath Mountains, some of which can beassembled into larger superterranes.

● Ophiolites, representing fragments of oceanic litho-sphere, are prominent in the terranes of the KlamathMountains region. The Josephine and Trinity ophiolitesare dominated by mafic igneous rocks commonly alteredto greenstone and serpentinite.

● Gold and chromite have been mined from theKlamath Mountains region. The gold probably originat-ed in a manner similar to the Mother Lode deposits ofthe Sierra Nevada. The chromite deposits are concen-trated in the mantle rocks present within the KlamathMountains ophiolite sequences.

� Figure NC.19 The drainage basin of the Sacramento River.




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Page 16: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

nearly flat floodplain. Over time, the migrating rivers havedeposited thick sequences of interlayered river sediments.These alluvial deposits are generally several hundredmeters thick, but can be much thicker in the lower areas onthe west side of the valley.

The soils developed on the alluvium of the Great Valleyare among the most fertile in the world. These soils, coupledwith abundant water, mild climate, and a lengthy growingseason have made the Great Valley one of the most agricul-turally productive regions in North America. The annualvalue of California agricultural products exceeds $32 billionand most of the products are grown in the Great Valley. Inthe Sacramento Valley, the principal crops are rice, almonds,walnuts, orchard fruits, grapes, and feed grains. Even beforecultivation, the fertility of the Great Valley was noted byearly explorers who reported that the Sacramento Riverflowed through an incredibly lush grassland, with largestands of oaks trees and numerous wetlands.

Soil fertility is the consequence of several inter-relatedfactors, including the texture, chemistry, micro flora andfauna, moisture, and organic content of the soil. However,some vital nutrients can be obtained by plants only fromchemicals released during the weathering of mineral grainsin the soil. These mineral nutrients include potassium,magnesium, and calcium. The alluvium of the SacramentoValley is naturally rich in minerals such as feldspar and micathat release these nutrients as they undergo chemicalweathering. These mineral grains, in turn, originated pri-marily in the plutonic rocks and associated metamorphicterranes of the Sierra Nevada and the Klamath Mountains.The agricultural productivity of the Sacramento Valley soilsreflects, in part, the vast exposures of these rocks in theupper reaches of the Sacramento River watershed.

Deeper Structure of the Great Valley: Beneath the allu-vium and soils at the surface, the bedrock of the GreatValley is comprised of a thick sequence of mostly Mesozoicand Cenozoic sedimentary rocks that are downfolded in agreat asymmetrical syncline (Figure NC.20). These strataare called the Great Valley Sequence, an enormous mass ofoceanic sediments exceeding 6,000 meters in maximum

thickness. Because they are folded downward to depths of15,000 feet or more, the strata of the Great ValleySequence are only exposed at the surface in the foothills ofthe highlands on either side of the valley. To the east, alongthe Sierra Nevada foothills, the rock layers dip gentlytoward the center of the valley, although they are steeplyupturned to the west, where they are exposed in thefoothills of the Coast Ranges (Figure NC.21).

The Great Valley Sequence is comprised mostly of sand-stone and shale representing sediment that accumulated in adeep forearc basin that developed in the Mesozoic Era. Thisbasin was located between the offshore trench and the ances-tral Sierra volcanic arc above the Farallon subduction zone(Figure NC. 22). Much of the sediment eroded from the vol-canic and metamorphic rocks in the Klamath and SierraNevada regions was transported to the deep seafloor byturbidity currents. These great undersea landslides proba-bly were triggered by volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, orstorm events along the ancient continental margin. Repeateddeposition of sediment by turbidity currents leads to thedevelopment of submarine fans on the seafloor, and geolo-gists recognize sediment of this type in many portions of theGreat Valley Sequence. Some of the sediments in the GreatValley Sequence are rich in organic matter, primarily theremains of microorganisms that continually rained down tothe seafloor from the shallow waters above. Over time, thisorganic matter has become transformed in the subsurface tothe combustible hydrocarbons that comprise natural gas.Where these gases are trapped in the porous subsurface sand-stones, productive gas wells can be developed. From 1977 to1998, the annual production of natural gas in the SacramentoValley region averaged about 100 trillion cubic feet. Themajority of this gas originates in the Great Valley Sequence.

Above and Below the Great Valley Sequence: The sedi-ments of the Great Valley Sequence were deposited on top ofoceanic lithosphere that can still be recognized by geophysi-cal techniques. The deeply buried oceanic crust in the GreatValley is 7 to 8 kilometers thick and the moho beneath is 11to 16 kilometers below the surface. Surprisingly, this relative-ly dense oceanic basement appears to be perched above thewestern extension of the Sierra Nevada batholith. The pres-ence of a thick slab of dense oceanic rock deep beneath theGreat Valley may act like a gravitational anchor, helping toexplain why this region has remained so low with respect tothe surrounding terrain.

The forearc basin in which the Great Valley Sequenceaccumulated persisted into the early part of the CenozoicEra. By about 25 million years ago, the rate of subsidencedecreased and the basin began to fill in the north. Starting inLate Cenozoic time, the oceans gradually drained away fromthe Great Valley, and all of the sediments washed into thelowland accumulated in terrestrial environments such asriver beds, lakes, and swamps. As we will soon see, volcanoesin the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Range became active atroughly this same time, and some of the erupted materialflowed or fell into the Great Valley. Consequently, along themodern periphery of the Great Valley, the Late Cenozoic

Northern California.4 The Great Valley 15Di


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Page 17: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

rocks are characterized by interlayered volcanic and terres-trial sedimentary rocks.

The Sutter Buttes: About 12 kilometers northwest ofMarysville stand the Sutter Buttes, a circular cluster ofragged volcanic peaks, about 17 kilometers (10 miles) indiameter, that rise to an elevation of more than 650 meters(2,100 feet). These peaks are such a striking feature in the

monotonously flat interior of the Great Valley that theyhave attracted attention ever since humans first arrived innorthern California (Figure NC.23). The core of the SutterButtes consists of several rhyolite domes emplaced as shal-low intrusions from 1.6 million to 1.3 million years ago.Surrounding this core is a circular zone of slightly olderpyroclastic material of andesitic composition. Geologists

16 Geology of Northern California

� Figure NC.21 Submarine fan deposits of the Great Valley Sequence exposed in the foothills of the Coast Ranges dipping steeply to the east (left).


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� Figure NC.22 The Mesozoic forearc basin in which sediments ofthe Great Valley Sequence accumulated was located between theancestral Sierra Nevada volcanic arc and oceanic trench related tothe Farallon subduction xone.





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� Figure NC.23 The Sutter Buttes are the only prominent moun-tains in the Great Valley of northern California.


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Page 18: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

generally consider the Sutter Buttes to be the southernmostexpression of volcanic activity related to the Cascade Rangeto the north. However, development of the Sutter Buttesmay also have been influenced by the migration of theMendocino triple junction. We will review both of theseaspects of northern California geology in later sections.

Flooding in the Sacramento Valley: Because it is anearly flat surface drained by California’s largest river(Figure NC.24), the Sacramento Valley is prone to recur-ring floods (Figure NC.25). The annual flood cycle gener-ally peaks in late winter and early spring as heavy winterrains give way to the melting of the snow pack in the bor-dering mountains. Before people settled there, the flood-plain adjacent to the Sacramento River and its tributarieswas repeatedly inundated in a cyclic pattern. The annualfloods renewed the floodplain soils and scoured the channelof accumulated sediment and debris.

Today, the intense agricultural and residential develop-ment in the Sacramento Valley has resulted in a serious floodhazard for millions of people. Billions of dollars have beeninvested in flood control measures that include large dams inthe foothills, miles of levees, and river bypass channels. Evenwith these measures, the threat of seasonal floods has notbeen eliminated from the Sacramento Valley. Attempts toreduce flooding along the Sacramento River have also dimin-ished the beneficial effects of this natural process.

Northern California.4 The Great Valley 17

� Figure NC.24 Flowing on a low gradient with an extensive flood plain, the Sacramento River is subject to seasonal flooding that places millions ofpeople at risk.


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� Figure NC.25 Flooding in the Sacramento Valley, 2005–2006.Photo on the left was taken from space on Dec. 10, 2005 immedi-ately prior to heavy late winter rains. Photo on the left is from Jan. 4,2006. Note that the Sutter Buttes were entirely circled by floodwaters from the Sacramento River.


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Page 19: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

Northern California.5The Northern Coast RangesThe rugged north coast of California is one of the most sce-nic seashores in the world. In most places along this rockycoast, beaches are narrow and sea cliffs rise from the water’sedge to elevations of several thousand meters in just a fewkilometers. Spectacular examples of coastal landformssuch as sea stacks, sea arches, and marine terraces(Figure NC.26) provide evidence of recent emergence of thenorthern California Coast. The vigorous erosion that accom-panies such an actively rising coast is responsible for thespectacular ruggedness of the Northern California seaside.

The relatively young coastal mountains of Californiadefine the Coast Ranges physiographic province that extendsmore than 600 kilometers (960 miles) from the TransverseRanges in the south to the Oregon border, and beyond.Within this region, coastal mountains such as the Santa CruzMountains, the Mendocino Range, the Gabilan Range, andthe Diablo Ranges of northern California are all aligned in aconsistent northwest trend. The Coast Ranges are generallyoriented parallel to the Great Valley and Sierra Nevadaprovinces to the east, and have a similar extent. This suggeststhat the geologic evolution of these regions may be linked to

18 Geology of Northern California

Section Northern California.4 Summary● The Great Valley is an elongated lowland situatedbetween the Sierra Nevada on the east and the CoastRanges on the west. The northern portion of the GreatValley is referred to as the Sacramento Valley, named forthe large south-flowing river system that drains it. Thewatershed for the Sacramento River includes the high-lands of the northern Sierra Nevada, Cascade Range,Klamath Mountains, and the northern Coast Ranges.Because these mountainous regions receive more precip-itation than other regions of the state, the Sacramento isCalifornia’s largest river.

● Great quantities of alluvium have been depositedacross the floor of the Great Valley by rivers drainingthe adjacent highlands. The fertility of the soils of theGreat Valley reflects, in part, the concentration of vitalmineral nutrients derived from the weathering of rocksin the adjacent watersheds. The natural fertility of theGreat Valley soils, coupled with the prevailing climateand abundance of water, has made the Great Valleyone of the most productive agricultural regions in theworld.

● In the subsurface of the Great Valley, Mesozoic andCenozoic sedimentary rocks of the Great ValleySequence are downfolded in the form of a large syncline.The Great Valley Sequence sediments accumulated in adeep forearc basin associated with the Farallon subduc-tion zone. Most of the sandstone and shale in these rockswas transported to the deep ocean floor by turbidity cur-rents and accumulated as submarine fans. Organic mat-ter in parts of the Great Valley Sequence has producedsignificant quantities of natural gas.

● The Great Valley Sequence accumulated on denseoceanic lithosphere that lies deep under the GreatValley. This dense slab of rock is thought to be related tothe low elevation of the region in relation to the sur-rounding highlands.

● The Sutter Buttes are a distinctive cluster of volcanicdomes that erupted in the Sacramento Valley 1.6 millionto 1.3 million years ago. The magma that surfaced in thislocation may be related to the Cascade Range volcanoesto the north or to the migration of the Mendocino triplejunction along the coast.

● Because it is a nearly flat valley drained by California’slargest river, the Sacramento Valley is naturally prone tocyclic flooding. Over geologic time, the recurring floodsthat inundated the floodplain have added alluvium to thevalley surface and renewed soil components. Flood con-trol measures, such as levees and upstream dams, arenecessary to protect floodplain communities and indus-tries, but they also limit the beneficial effects of theannual flood cycles.

� Figure NC.26 Steep cliffs, sea stacks, and sea arches charac-terize northern California’s emergent coast.




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Page 20: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

some of the same tectonic events. However, the recent emer-gence of the Coast Ranges was strongly affected by the evo-lution of the San Andreas fault system and the developmentof the modern transform boundary between the Pacific andNorth American plates. Thus, though the older bedrock ofthe Coast Ranges can be related to broader tectonic patterns,the story of their more recent emergence involves plate tec-tonic events that affected only the coastal region.

The California Coast Ranges have traditionally beendivided into northern and southern portions, with SanFrancisco Bay arbitrarily dividing the two. However, forsound geologic reasons, it is more meaningful to divide theCoast Ranges into northern and southern portions separatedby the San Andreas fault system. This great fault zone slicesdiagonally across the Coast Range, and the areas on oppositesides have unique and distinctive geologic histories. By thisdefinition, the northern Coast Ranges extend northwardfrom approximately Monterey Bay and the Gabilan Range tothe Oregon border. It is this part of the larger Coast Rangesprovince that we will refer to as the North Coast Ranges, andon which we will focus in the following sections.

The Chaotic Franciscan Complex: In most of theNorthern Coast Ranges, the basement rock consist of anincredibly complex assemblage of intensely deformed andmetamorphosed sandstone, shale, chert, basalt, and plutonicrocks. In many exposures of these rocks, layering and otherinternal structures have been obliterated by internal move-ments such that some geologists have described it as a“churned” rock assemblage. In the early 1900s, the nameFranciscan was applied to these mangled rocks for theirprevalence in the San Francisco Bay region. Since then, theFranciscan rocks have become one of the most famous andwell studied rock units in the world. For decades the com-plexities of the Franciscan assemblage defied geologicexplanation. With the advent of the plate tectonic paradigmin the 1970s, geologists began to unscramble the origin ofthis chaotic rock sequence. Today, there is general agree-ment that the Franciscan rocks represent a subductioncomplex, a mixture of rocks that form in association withsubducting oceanic lithosphere.

The age of rocks comprising the Franciscan complexranges from about 200 million to 80 million years. Recallthat about 140 million years ago, the Farallon plate began tosubduct beneath western North America, generating themagma that ultimately formed the granite batholith of theSierra Nevada (see Figure NC.22).Offshore of that ancientcontinental margin, a deep trench developed on the oceanicfloor. In this trench, sand and rock fragments were washedfrom the continent and accumulated in great thickness. Suchsediments comprise graywacke, an impure sandstone that isthe most common rock type in the Franciscan assemblage.The Franciscan graywacke deposits commonly exhibit gradedbedding, suggesting that turbidity currents transportedthem into the deep basin. Other deep ocean sedimentaryrocks in the Franciscan complex also include fine-grainedshale and chert (Figure NC.27). In addition to the sedimen-tary components of the Franciscan rocks, mafic igneous

rocks such as pillow basalt, gabbro, and peridotite are pres-ent. The igneous materials probably comprised portions ofthe Farallon plate that originated at ancient spreading ridges,as submarine lava flows, or in the upper part of the mantle.As the Farallon plate collided with North America, and wasforced downward, the igneous rocks were subjected to hightemperatures, extreme pressures, and chemically active fluidsincluding hot seawater. Alteration of the iron and magne-sium-bearing silicates in the igneous components of theFarallon plate produced such minerals as chlorite, pumpel-lyite, antigorite, chrysotile (asbestos), and lizardite. Thesegreenish-colored minerals are abundant in greenstone andserpentinite (Figure NC.28), both of which are common inthe Franciscan complex. Serpentinite plays an important rolein creating the “churned” appearance of the Franciscan com-plex. It is significantly less dense than the igneous rocks fromwhich it develops. Under the temperature and pressure con-ditions that prevail in subduction zones, serpentinite canbecome mobile and plastic, squeezing upward into the over-lying rocks to disrupt the original layering.

The internal structure of the Franciscan rocks is so com-plex that it bewildered geologists for decades. The originallayers of the sedimentary rocks are highly deformed (Fig-ure NC.29) or even completely obliterated by serpentiniteintrusion and tectonic deformation. The igneous rocks areusually metamorphosed, fragmented, and broken into iso-lated blocks. The entire rock assemblage is further compli-cated my numerous faults and shear zones that separate thesequences into discontinuous blocks. Such a mixture ofdeformed, jumbled, and altered rocks is known as amélange, a French term for a mixture of different compo-nents. The origin of these rocks was a mystery to geologistsuntil the plate tectonic theory provided a new model forinterpreting the complexity of the Franciscan assemblage.

The Franciscan rocks, as a whole, are now thought to bea subduction complex, a heterogeneous mass of deformedand altered rocks that forms in and near subduction zones.The sedimentary components of the Franciscan complex

Northern California.5 The Northern Coast Ranges 19

� Figure NC.27 Chert of the Franciscan complex exposed inMarin County. Most of the layers are 5 cm thick.






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Page 21: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

represent sand, silt, and ooze that accumulated in the trenchor on the Farallon plate as it approached North Americaduring the Mesozoic Era. Some of these sediments werescraped off the plate as it descended beneath the leadingedge of North America and deformed by the immense pres-sure generated in the zone of plate convergence. Some sedi-mentary rocks were also pulled downward by the descendingFarallon plate to depths of 15 kilometers or so beneath thesurface. In this high-pressure and low-temperature environ-ment, blueschist was produced, a metamorphic rock rich inthe bluish mineral glaucophane. The igneous componentsof the Farallon plate descended to even greater depths andencountered higher temperature conditions where the ser-pentintite and greesnstone formed. Slices of rock weresometimes broken from the descending slab and thrust overor crushed against the edge of the continent. In addition, theFarallon plate was evidently carrying isolated seamounts,lava plateaus, and coral reefs that became detached andembedded into the Franciscan mélange. Geologists currentlyrecognize no fewer than nine such micro-terranes in theFranciscan Complex in the San Francisco Bay region. Thechaotic nature of the Franciscan complex thus reflects thediversity of rocks types, the varying degrees of metamor-phism, the accretion of exotic terranes, and the intensity ofdeformation that result from plate subduction.

The subduction of the Farallon plate persisted under thenorthern Coast Ranges for more than 130 million years,extending well into the Cenozoic Era. During this time, athick wedge of Franciscan rocks developed along the lead-ing edge of North America, but the coastal mountainranges had not been elevated from the seafloor. About30 million years ago, the plate boundary along the westcoast began to shift from a convergent type to a transformboundary. The emergence of the modern Coast Ranges islinked to development of the modern transform boundarybetween the Pacific and North American plates.

Evolution of the San Andreas System: Recall that theFarallon plate originated at an offshore spreading ridge thatseparated it from the Pacific plate moving to the west (seeFigure NC.3). Segments of this spreading ridge were offsetby transform faults to create an irregular divergent bound-ary. Through the Mesozoic and Early Cenozoic Eras, theNorth American plate was moving faster to the west thanwas the Farallon plate to the east. Consequently, the westedge of North America eventually collided with the spread-ing ridge as the intervening Farallon plate was consumed bysubduction. This collision first occurred at the approximatelatitude of modern Los Angeles about 30 million years ago(Figure NC.30). One consequence of this collision was thecreation of a point where three plates—the Farallon, Pacific,

20 Geology of Northern California

� Figure NC.28 Serpentinite, like this sample from the northern Coast Ranges, is California’s official State Rock.


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Page 22: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

and North American—met. Such points are called triplejunctions, and they signify places where different kinds ofplate boundaries exist in proximity to each other.

After the initial triple junction developed, the NorthAmerican plate continued to overrun more of the spreadingridge. This caused the original triple junction between theFarallon, Pacific, and North American plates to separateinto two (see Figure NC.30). The continued westwardmotion of the North American plate caused the two triplejunctions to migrate in opposite directions along the conti-nental margin. The northern triple junction migratedthrough the San Francisco Bay area about 10 million yearsago. Today, the Mendocino triple junction is located nearCape Mendocino, more than 200 kilometers (130 miles)north of San Francisco. The corresponding point to thesouth is the Rivera triple junction, located near the south-ern tip of Baja California.

The collision between the spreading ridge and the NorthAmerican continent brought the Pacific plate into contactwith the North America plate. Because both plates had west-erly motions, this new boundary ended the long era of plateconvergence and subduction. Instead, differences in the rates

and directions of plate motion gave rise to a transform plateboundary, in which the two plates slide laterally past eachother. The development of the transform boundary betweenthe North America and Pacific plate initiated the famousSan Andreas fault system (Figure NC.31). The San Andreasfault is perhaps the best known fault in the world, but it is

Northern California.5 The Northern Coast Ranges 21

� Figure NC.29 Deformed chert in the Marin Headlands terraneof the Franciscan complex.


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� Figure NC.30 Evolution of the San Andreas fault system as atransform boundary between the Pacific and North America Plates.The Juan de Fuca Plate north of the Mendocine Triple Junction is aremnant of the Farallon plate.





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� Figure NC.31 Major Fault of California, including the SanAndreas and related stike-slip faults that represent the boundarybetween the Pacific and North American plates.




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Page 23: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

only one of hundreds of faults in the zone that bears thesame name. Collectively, these faults accommodate the rel-ative motion between the North American and Pacificplates through right-lateral strike-slip displacement (Fig-ure NC.32). It is important to understand that the San

22 Geology of Northern California

� Figure NC.32 The right-lateral displacement on the SanAndreas Fault is illustrated by the offet of this stream channel in thesouthern Coast Ranges. View is to the west from the NorthAmerican plate (foreground) to the Pacific plate (distance).


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� Figure NC.33 Major faults in the San Francisco Bay area. Theblue arrows represent their average displacement rates.




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� Figure NC.34 Granite of the Salinian Block with dark-colored xenoliths at Point Reyes National Seashore. This granite is very similar to the plu-tonic core of the Sierra Nevada,




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Page 24: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

The granites of the Salinian block are 78 million to 110million years old, and are remarkably similar in age andcomposition to the granites of the southern Sierra Nevada.In addition, metamorphic rocks associated with the granitebasement of the Salinian block are almost identical to theroof pendants of the Sierra Nevada. These similarities sug-gest that the Salinian block was part of the Sierra Nevadabatholith before the development of the San Andreas faultsystem. The Salinian block has since been transported aminimum of 550 kilometers (340 miles) to the northwest byright-lateral displacement along this fault.

The Rise of the Northern Coast Ranges: Overlying thebasement rocks of both the Salinian block and theFranciscan complex are as much as 6,000 meters (nearly20,000 feet) of Cenozoic-age sedimentary rock thatrecords the emergence of the modern Coast Ranges. Thissedimentary record is complicated by motion along theSan Andreas system, but it is clear that there were severaldifferent basins where oceanic and terrestrial sedimentsaccumulated. The older deposits in these basins are mostlymud, ooze, and sand that settled out on the continentalshelf. Some sequences, such as the Monterey Formation(Miocene Epoch; 11 million to 22 million years old), accu-mulated in deep water, where organic material becameconcentrated in the mud and ooze (Figure NC.36). TheMonterey Formation is believed to be the source rock ofmuch of California’s petroleum.

By Late Pliocene time, 3 million to 4 million years ago,the coastal basins were receiving mostly terrestrial sedi-ments, indicating that the northern Coast Ranges were ris-ing from the seafloor during this time. However, thecomplex association of Late Cenozoic river, estuary, andbeach deposits in the northern Coast Ranges indicates thatthe precise timing and rate of uplift was somewhat variable.Accompanying the uplift of the modern northern CoastRanges was the eruption of volcanic ash and lava in theareas around Sonoma (3 million to 8 million years ago) andClear Lake (2 million to 10,000 years ago). Ash from theseeruptions is commonly found within the layers of LateCenozoic sedimentary rocks. This relatively recent volcanicactivity in the northern Coast Range is probably related tothe northward migration of the Mendocino triple junction.In the Clear Lake volcanic region, shallow residual magmais probably responsible for the steam that has produced asmuch as 2,000 megawatts of electricity annually at TheGeysers geothermal field.

The forces that raised the north Coast Ranges in LateCenozoic time are continuing to elevate the region. Thegeneral northwest alignment of mountain ranges anddrainages is attributable to the orientation of the strike-slipfaults that influenced the Late Cenozoic uplift. Several ofthe mountain ranges are still being squeezed upward bycompression generated by small differences in the align-ment of active faults. The coastal mountains of northernCalifornia have only recently emerged as land, and they willgrow even higher as the Pacific plate continues to slide pastthe North American plate.

Andreas fault system is actually a zone of dominantly strike-slip faults that ranges from 100 kilometers to nearly 300 kilo-meters wide. The collective motion of these faults allows thePacific plate to slip to the northwest relative to the NorthAmerican plate at an average rate of about 5 centimeters(2 inches) per year. This may sound very small, but it is enoughto displace older geologic features by more than 300 kilome-ters (185 miles) since the transform boundary originated.

In the San Francisco Bay area, the San Andreas fault isone of several large right-lateral faults that comprise theplate boundary (Figure NC.33). Other major faults in thisregion include the Calaveras, Hayward, and San Gregoriofaults that are nearly, but not exactly, parallel to the plateboundary. The San Andreas fault extends offshore fromPoint Arena to the Mendocino triple junction. The SanAndreas fault zone produces continuous earthquakes, someof which pose serious threats to California residents. Wewill examine the pattern of seismic activity along the SanAndreas in a later section.

The Salinian Block—An Immigrant from the South: Inthe northern Coast Ranges, rocks of the Franciscan complexare absent west of the San Andreas fault. In places such asPoint Reyes National Seashore, the basement rocks consistof Mesozoic-age plutonic and metamorphic rocks overlainby Cenozoic-age sediments (Figure NC.34). These rockscomprise a block that can be traced south from Point Arenato the southern Coast Ranges. Because such materials areespecially prominent around the Salinas Valley, geologistsrefer to this mass as the Salinian block (Figure NC.35).

Northern California.5 The Northern Coast Ranges 23












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Page 25: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

24 Geology of Northern California

� Figure NC.36 Folded layers of the Monterey Formation in the Monterey Peninsula area of the northern Coast Ranges.



onSection Northern California.5 Summary● The northern Coast Ranges include mountains suchas the Mendocino Range, the Santa Cruz Mountains,and the Diablo Range that are aligned parallel to theGreat Valley and Sierra Nevada. These are relativelyyoung mountain ranges, and their continuing uplift isrelated to the emergence of the northern coast.

● The bedrock of the northern Coast Ranges is domi-nated by the Mesozoic-age Franciscan complex, anincredibly varied mixture of sedimentary and metamor-phic rocks known as a mélange. The Franciscan complexaccumulated in or adjacent to the Farallon subduction,and includes several exotic terranes that originated farfrom northern California.

● The San Andreas fault zone cuts diagonally across thenorthern Coast Ranges and is part of the modern trans-form boundary between the Pacific and North American

plates. This boundary evolved when North America col-lided with and overran the Farallon-Pacific plate spread-ing center, beginning about 30 million years ago.Right-lateral strike slip motion on the San Andreas andother faults helps to accommodate the northwest motionof the Pacific plate relative to the North Americanplate.The Salinian block is a large fragment of crust inthe northern Coast Ranges that has been transported atleast 550 kilometers to the northwest by right-lateral dis-placement along the San Andreas fault zone.

● The mountains of the northern Coast Ranges are all rel-atively young, with uplift beginning only 3 million to 4 mil-lion years ago. The rise of the Coast Ranges is documentedby the shift from marine to terrestrial sediments in LatePliocene time. The forces that lifted the Coast Rangesappear to be related to the interaction of blocks separatedby various faults within the San Andreas fault system and tothe northward migration of the Mendocino triple junction.

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Page 26: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

Northern California.6Volcanoes of the Cascade Rangeand the Modoc PlateauThe landscape of northeastern California is dominated bythe Cascade Range and the adjacent Modoc Plateau (seeFigure NC.1), which together create a scenic volcanic won-derland in this part of the state. The Cascade Rangeincludes majestic Mount Shasta (4,319 meters/14,161 feethigh; Figure NC.37), Mount Lassen (3,188 meters/10,457feet high), and scores of other smaller volcanoes of all types.The Modoc Plateau is a high lava plain east of the border-ing Cascades averaging about 1,350 meters (4,500 feet) inelevation (Figure NC.38). Many volcanoes are perched onthis arid plateau, but the largest of them is the MedicineLake volcano (Figure NC.39) near the eastern margin ofCascade Range. This immense shield volcano rises to anelevation of 2,375 meters (7,795 feet) and covers more than2,000 square kilometers (770 square miles).

Both the Modoc Plateau and the Cascade Range innorthern California represent only a portion of larger geo-logic provinces that extend into adjacent states. TheCascade Range extends northward from the southern ter-minus at Mount Lassen for more than 800 kilometers (500miles) into southern British Columbia. Other prominentCascade volcanoes include Oregon’s Crater Lake, MountBaker, and Mount Hood, along with Mount Rainier andMount St. Helens of Washington. The Modoc Plateau islikewise continuous with the Columbia Plateau of Oregon,Washington, and Idaho. The Modoc Plateau encompassesnearly 26,000 square kilometers; the Columbia Plateau isroughly 20 times larger.

The principle volcanic features of the Cascade Rangeand Modoc Plateau are all relatively young, generallyresulting from eruptions that occurred during the past3 million years (Figure NC.40). Earlier Cenozoic-age vol-canic activity did occur in the region, but the structuresbuilt during this time have either been eroded or obscuredbeneath the younger lava flows. The most recent activity

Northern California.6 Volcanoes of the Cascade Range and the Modoc Plateau 25

� Figure NC.37 Mt. Shasta is the second highest composite in the Cascade Range and measures about 20 km in diameter at the base.





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Page 27: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

that exists along the margin of North America, north of theMendocino triple junction. Here, oceanic plates aredescending beneath the continent in the Cascadia subduc-tion zone, in the process generating magma that continuesto rise into the Cascade region.

The Cascadia Subduction Zone: The Cascadia subduc-tion zone extends for 1,200 kilometers (750 miles) along thewest edge of North America from southern BritishColumbia to northern California (Figure NC.42). Alongthis convergent plate boundary, the Juan de Fuca plate (and

26 Geology of Northern California

� Figure NC.38 Crater Mountain in Lassen County is one of several young shield volcanoes that erupted the basaltic lava in the Modoc Plateau region.


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� Figure NC.39 Map showing location of Mt. Shasta and theMedicine Lake shield volcano, 60 kilometers to the east.




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� Figure NC.40 Recent eruptions of the volcanoes of theCascades Range. Note that Mt. Shasta and Mt. Lassen in Californiahave both been active in the past several centuries.




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occurred in the years 1914 to 1917, when Mount Lassenexperienced a series of small summit eruptions (Fig-ure NC.41). The recent volcanic activity in the CascadeRange and Modoc Plateau is related to the plate convergence

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Page 28: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

its southernmost segment, the Gorda plate) is moving underthe advancing continent at a rate of 3 to 4 centimeters peryear. Water released from the sinking slab causes subsurfacerock to melt, forming magma bodies beneath the CascadeRange. Magma produced in this way is dominantly andesiticin composition and commonly contains large amounts ofdissolved gases such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, and sul-furous vapors. The larger volcanoes in the Cascade chain arecomposite cones built through a series of explosive erup-tions, such as the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, alter-nating with less violent effusions of viscous magma.

The Cascadia subduction zone is terminated to thesouth by the Mendocino fracture zone, a transform fault

that separates the Juan de Fuca (Gorda) plate from thePacific plate (see Figure NC.42). Because there is no plateconvergence south of the Mendocino fracture zone, nosubduction-related volcanic activity occurs in that part ofCalifornia. Mount Lassen, at the southern end of theCascade Range, is located just slightly north of the land-ward projection of the Mendocino fracture zone.

California’s Cascade Volcanoes: Among the hundreds ofvolcanoes in the California portion of the Cascade Range,three merit special attention because of their size andpotential for future activity. Though future eruptions couldoccur almost anywhere in the region, Mount Shasta,Medicine Lake, and Mount Lassen volcanoes appear tohave been the most active over the past several centuries.Each of these volcanic centers has a unique history, andposes distinctive threats to residents and visitors.

Mount Shasta (see Figure NC.37) is one of the largestcomposite volcanoes in the Cascade chain. This volcanowas constructed over the past 100,000 years by hundreds oferuptions, including at least 13 in the past 10,000 years.These eruptions produced andesitic lava flows, pyroclasticflows, and debris flows, some of which extended well beyondthe base of the volcano. Shastina, a small volcanic cone onthe western flank of Mount Shasta (Figure NC.43), resultedfrom eruptions that occurred between about 9,300 and

Northern California.6 Volcanoes of the Cascade Range and the Modoc Plateau 27

� Figure NC.41 A summit eruption from Mt. Lassen in 1915.





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� Figure NC.42 Plate tectonic setting of the Pacific Northwest.Subduction of Juan De Fuca plate beneath North America accountsfor the volcanism of the Cascade Range.


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Page 29: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

9,700 years ago. The most recent activity at Mount Shastawas about 200 years ago, when several small debris flows,possibly triggered by steam eruptions, originated from thesummit region.

At Medicine Lake, eruptions began about 700,000 yearsago, when great volumes of basalt lava flowed onto the sur-face, building the base of this large shield volcano (FigureNC.44). The eruption of voluminous basalt flows is gener-ally associated with divergent plate boundaries or hotspots, and is unusual in subduction-related volcanic areas.The basalt eruption at Medicine Lake is probably related tothe proximity of the region to the Basin and Rangeprovince immediately to the east. In this area, the earlystages of continental rifting may be in progress as a newdivergent boundary develops in Nevada. Perched atop oralong the gently sloping flanks of the Medicine Lake vol-cano are numerous cinder cones that provide sources fordecorative rock, concrete aggregate, and roadbed material.The more recent eruptions at Medicine Lake, some proba-bly less than 100 years old, have produced silica-richmagma that resulted in obsidian flows and rhyolite domeson the higher slopes.

Mount Lassen (Figure NC.45) is unusual with respect tothe other volcanoes of the Cascade Range in that it is not acomposite volcano. Rather, it is a lava dome volcano, a bul-bous steep-sided structure formed by viscous magma abovea volcanic conduit. The rock comprising the lava dome atMount Lassen is mostly dacite, representing sticky silica-rich magma that oozed up the conduit a little more than11,000 years ago. Before the development of the MountLassen lava dome, a much larger composite volcano existedto the west. Geologists have named this ancient volcanoMount Tehama (Figure NC.46), and it was the site ofnumerous violent volcanic blasts over the past 600,000years. Mount Lassen is the only California volcano to beobserved erupting in historic time. Between 1914 and 1921,a series of small eruptions, mostly producing ash and steam,occurred near the summit of the lava dome. In May of1915, however, somewhat larger eruptions sent glowingavalanches of debris down the flanks of Mount Lassen, andproduced a small dacite lava flow on the. Today, visitors toLassen Volcanic National Park can explore hot springs,boiling mud pots, and gas-discharging fumeroles that pro-vide hints that the volcanic system is still active.

Volcanic Hazards in Northern California: All of thevolcanoes of the Cascade Range and Modoc Plateau regionare geologically young, and it is almost certain that therewill be future eruptions in the region. In addition, the pres-ence of magma at shallow depths may be responsible for thegeothermal activity around Clear Lake in the northernCoast Ranges. Though these areas are distant from largepopulation centers, future eruptions could produce wide-spread impacts, adversely affecting distant communities aswell as local residents and visitors. A major volcanic erup-tion in the Cascade Range or elsewhere in northernCalifornia could also affect agriculture, transportation,communications, water quality, timber resources, andrecreation over a broad area.

Volcanic eruptions can threaten human welfare by gener-ating destructive flows of lava or debris, by filling the skieswith clouds of ash and other fine rock particles, and by emit-ting noxious gases such as carbon dioxide, chlorine, or acidic

28 Geology of Northern California

ShastinaMount Shasta

� Figure NC.43 Mt. Shasta and Shastina, seen from the north





� Figure NC.44 Basalt Flow and Cinder Cone in the MedicineLake Highland of Northern California.




� Figure NC.45 Mt. Lassen, the southern most peak in theCascade Range.




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Page 30: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

compounds. Of these multiple potential hazards, large flowsof pyroclastic material from Cascade volcanoes would be thegreatest threat in northern California. The geologic evidenceindicates that between 300,000 and 360,000 years ago, anexplosive eruption at Mount Shasta produced a volcanicdebris flow that traveled 45 kilometers from the volcano andburied an area exceeding 450 square kilometers in rubble(Figure NC.47). Even larger volcanic mudflows, known aslahars, resulted from prehistoric eruptions at both MountLassen and Mount Shasta. And during the relatively smalleruptions of 1915, ash particles from Mount Lassen fell as faraway as Elko, Nevada, 500 kilometers (300 miles) to the east.

Mindful of the serious implications a large eruption innorthern California would have, geologists have preparedvolcanic hazard maps of the most sensitive areas and havehelped develop evacuation plans for disaster response agen-cies. In addition, both Mount Shasta and Mount Lassen(along with other areas in central and southern California)are continuously monitored by scientists from the U.S.Geological Survey for signs of renewed activity. In theabsence of any means to accurately predict future volcaniceruptions, the combination of hazard assessments before-hand, strategic preparedness, and monitoring will help limitthe harmful consequences of future eruptions.

Northern California.6 Volcanoes of the Cascade Range and the Modoc Plateau 29

Brokeoff Mountain 2815 m

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Presumed original form of Mount Tehama

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Andesites of Mount Tehama

� Figure NC.46 The original profile of Mt. Tehama near the lava dome of Lassen Peak.





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� Figure NC.47 The hummocky terrain in the foreground was produced by an avalanche of volcanic debris from Mt. Shasta more than 300,000 years ago.





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Page 31: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

Northern California.7The Basin and Range ofNortheast CaliforniaEast of the Modoc Plateau in extreme northeasternCalifornia, the volcanic table land is broken by numerouslarge normal faults into a series of elevated blocks andlower basins. Principal among these mountains and valleysare the Warner Range, rising to 3,017 meters (9,892 feet),and Surprise Valley, lying 1,600 meters (5,200 feet) lower

immediately to the east. The displacement between theWarner Range and Surprise Valley is a result of the motionalong normal faults along the base of the steep easternescarpment of the mountain block. These faults comprisethe Surprise Valley fault zone, which has a total cumulativeof more than 14,000 feet. Normal faulting in this areabegan as early as 14 million years ago, but much of the dis-placement has occurred in more recent times. The HoneyLake basin to the south of Surprise Valley is also a depres-sion bounded by normal faults.

The pattern of alternating high mountains and interven-ing basins in these small areas of northern California con-tinues eastward for hundreds of kilometers into Nevada andportions of the adjacent states. This corrugated landscape,covering more than 770,000 square kilometers (300,000square miles) of western North America is known as theBasin and Range province. In this immense region, tension-al forces are stretching the Earth’s crust and fracturing itinto blocks bounded by normal faults. The hanging walls ofthe normal faults move downward to form the basins orgrabens, while the mountain blocks remain high to formhorsts. Surprise Valley and the Honey Lake basin are onlytwo of hundreds of depressions formed as the crust in theBasin and Range province yields to tensional stresses.

Geology and Geothermal Resources of the WarnerRange region: The bedrock of the Warner Range consistsmostly of volcanic rocks erupted since about 36 millionyears ago. Included in this thick accumulation are lahardeposits, tuffs of various types, and felsic to intermediatelava flows. These older volcanic rocks appear to be relatedto subduction of the Farallon plate. Younger basaltic (moremafic) lava flows in the region are about 3 million to 8 mil-lion years old and probably signify a shift from subduction-related volcanic activity to the rifting-related eruptions.The prominent normal faults are relatively young, displac-ing the entire succession of volcanic rocks.

Numerous hot springs and “mud volcanoes” occur alonga north-to-south zone near the base of the Warner Range,within the Surprise Valley fault zone. Exploratory drillingalong the fault zone has encountered water as hot as 170° Fat depths from 500 to 1,500 meters (1,600 to 4,900 feet).This geothermal activity probably reflects the interactionbetween water moving down from the surface and hot youngvolcanic rock in the subsurface. Since 1984, the hot waterfrom the Surprise Valley springs has been used to heatschools and hospitals in the small communities of the valley.In 1993 alone, this saved roughly $50,000 in fossil fuel costs.

The Lake Tahoe Graben: Though it rests along the east-ern edge of the Sierra Nevada physiographic province, thegeological structure of the Lake Tahoe basin is similar tothe grabens of the Basin and Range province. This magnifi-cent lake fills a deep depression created by normal faultingto a depth of nearly 500 meters (more than1,600 feet).Volcanic activity 3 million to 4 million years ago created anatural dam of basalt and andesite at the north end of thegraben that blocked the drainage of the upper TruckeeRiver. The basin-forming normal faults are still active in

30 Geology of Northern California

Section Northern California.6 Summary● The Cascade Range of northern California is part of achain of mostly composite volcanoes that extends northinto British Columbia. This chain includes the famousvolcanoes of the Pacific Northwest including MountRainier, Mount St. Helens, Mount Hood, and CraterLake. In northern California, Mount Lassen and MountShasta are the most prominent volcanoes of the CascadeRange. The Modoc Plateau to the east is a high volcanictable land with numerous shield volcanoes, such as thatin the Medicine Lake highland, and cinder cones.

● The magma that sustains the volcanic activity in theCascade Range arises from the Cascadia subductionzone, in which the Juan de Fuca plate descends beneathNorth America. Water released from the subductingplate induces the formation of magma bodies more than100 kilometers beneath the surface. This magma is gen-erally intermediate to felsic in composition, relativelyviscous, and laden with magmatic gases. These factorscommonly lead to explosive eruptions and the construc-tion of composite volcanoes in the Cascade Range.

● Mount Shasta is a large composite volcano built in aseries of eruptions over the past 100,000 years. MountLassen is a lava dome volcano that was last active in theearly 1900s. The Medicine Lake highland is a largeshield volcano, with smaller cinder cones and obsidianflows on its flanks and summit. The most recent erup-tions in the Medicine Lake region may have occurredonly 100 years ago. All of these volcanoes are potentialsites of future eruptions in northern California.

● Because they all have the potential for future activity,the Cascade Range volcanic centers pose serious volcanichazards for people in northern California. The geologicrecord of previous eruptions demonstrates that theCascade volcanoes can produce pyroclatic flows, volcanicmudflows known as lahars, and ash falls that could affectcommunities hundreds of kilometers away. These threatscan be mitigated by continuous monitoring of the volcanicareas, assessment of the potential hazards beforehand, andpreparations for responses to the future eruptions.

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Page 32: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

the Lake Tahoe region, producing many small to moderateearthquakes. Ancient landslide rubble on the floor of LakeTahoe is thought to have resulted from a major landslidetriggered by a powerful Ice Age earthquake. Recent imag-ing of the lake (Figure NC.48) reveals numerous faultscarps resulting from recent displacement, a further indica-tion of active faulting.

Northern California.8The Northern California IceAgesDuring the Pleistocene Epoch, 1.8 million to about 10,000years ago, all of the regions of northern California wereaffected by multiple climatic oscillations. In the higher ele-vations of the Sierra Nevada, Klamath Mountains, and theCascade Range, numerous valley glaciers formed, and inthe basins of the Great Valley and Basin and Range, lakesgrew as water accumulated in the lower terrain (FigureNC.49). Even the coastal regions were affected, because sealevel fell when the glaciers were expanding and rose whenthey were in retreat. Based on evidence from the SierraNevada, where the effects of the Pleistocene glaciers aremost striking, geologists have identified four major glacia-tions corresponding to periods of cool climatic conditions.Some of these glaciations appear to be comprised of multi-ple cycles of glacial growth and decline. The glacial periodswere separated by warm interglacial intervals when glaciersmelted back and the lowland lakes diminished. The multi-ple ice ages of the Pleistocene Epoch in northern Californiasignify a period of erratic oscillation in climate, not a longinterval of enduring cold.

Because of their oscillatory nature, establishing a detailedand accurate history of glacial events from the geologicalevidence is difficult in most places. Each glacial advancetends to obliterate or obscure the evidence for the previousone. Geologists are in general agreement, however, that thetwo most recent glacial epochs in northern Californiapeaked at about 160,000 years ago (the Tahoe glaciation)and 20,000 years ago (the Tioga glacation). Of these twoglaciations, the earlier Tahoe appears to be longer and moresevere than the later Tioga. There is also geologic evidencefor earlier glaciations, but it is more fragmentary and local-ized than for either the Tahoe or the Tioga event.

Northern California.8 The Northern California Ice Ages 31

� Figure NC.48 Several scarps mark the trace of active faults onthe floor of the Lake Tahoe Basin. Note the large blocks of rock onthe lake bottom that document an ancient catastophic landslide.


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Section Northern California.7 Summary● The Basin and Range province of extreme northeastCalifornia is a landscape of alternating mountains andvalleys that extends eastward into Nevada and adjacentstates. The corrugated terrain is the result of intensenormal faulting caused by the tensional stresses thataffect the entire Basin and Range region of westernNorth America. The mountain blocks such as theWarner Range represent the footwall (or horsts) of thenormal faults, whereas basins such as Surprise Valleyrepresent the downthrown grabens. The Honey Lakeand the Lake Tahoe basins also developed as grabens dis-placed downward by normal faults along the easternedge of the Sierra Nevada province.

● The Warner Range is the most prominent mountainrange of northeast California, and is composed primarilyof Cenozoic-age volcanic rocks. Hot springs and mud

volcanoes along the fault zone at the base of the easternescarpment indicate the presence of young and hot vol-canic rock in the shallow subsurface. These hot springshave been used locally as a source of energy for spaceheating.

● The Lake Tahoe basin lies in a graben that developedthrough the downward displacement of rocks along nor-mal faults to the east and west. The elongated grabenslopes gently to the north, and was blocked by lava flowsthat erupted 3 million to 4 million years ago. The natu-ral volcanic dam impounded the waters of the ancestralTruckee River, creating the beautiful alpine lake.Ongoing seismic activity in the Lake Tahoe region sug-gests that the normal faults are still active and the basinis still evolving.


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Page 33: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

Effects of Valley Glaciers: The overall effect of glacialerosion in mountainous regions was to increase the reliefand sharpness of the landscape through the development ofU-shaped glacial troughs, horns, arêtes, and cirques.Although these landforms are displayed in spectacular fash-ion around Yosemite National Park in the central SierraNevada, they are also present in many other mountainregions of northern California. Wherever the Pleistoceneglaciers existed, glacial polish and striations on bedrocksurfaces are common (Figure NC.50). Such erosional fea-tures are widespread in the Trinity Alps, in the higher peaksof the Cascade Range, and in the alpine terrain west andsouth of Lake Tahoe. The Pleistocene-age valley glaciersalso left extensive deposits of moriane of several types inthese same mountain areas, along with glacial erratics(Figure NC.51).

Lowland Lakes and Wetlands: During the cool climaticintervals of the Pleistocene Ice Ages, increased precipita-tion and reduced evaporation led to the development oflarge lakes and wetlands in the lower areas of northernCalifornia. Ice Age lakes that form in response to cool cli-mate cycles are known as pluvial lakes and there were sev-eral of them at various times in the Honey Lake basin, inSurprise Valley, and in the Great Valley. In the Great Valley,

large lakes formed repeatedly during the PleistoceneEpoch. One of the largest Ice Age lakes in the Great Valleyexisted between 800,000 and 600,000 years ago and coveredthe entire valley from its north end to the southern extrem-ity. At other times, there were several smaller lakes with

32 Geology of Northern California

� Figure NC.49 Donner Lake in the northern Sierra Nevada, rests in a U-shaped glacial trough carved by Pleistocene glaciers.


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� Figure NC.50 Glacial striations on bedrock the northern SierraNevada.


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Page 34: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

extensive wetland habitats between them. The lush nativevegetation provided forage for a remarkable menagerie ofIce Age creatures, including giant bison, elk, ground sloths,mammoths, large cats, and bears. The remains of thesecreatures have been found in excavation sites throughoutthe Great Valley.

The Ice Age Landscape of San Francisco Bay: Earlierthan about 600,000 years ago, the Sacramento and SanJoaquin Rivers did not flow to the Pacific Ocean via SanFrancisco Bay as they now do. Instead the drainage fromthe surrounding highlands accumulated in one or morelakes in the Central Valley. Tectonic activity in the northernCoast Ranges had already produced a valley where the baynow is, but only local streams flowed into and through it.Sometime after 600,000 years ago, water from centralCalifornia began to flow into the San Francisco Bay, whereit mingled with ocean water to create the large estuary thatexists today. However, cycles of climate change during theLate Pleistocene caused sea level to fluctuate several times.During cool intervals leading to glacial advances, sea levelfell by as much as 120 meters (390 feet), causing water towithdraw from San Francisco Bay to the west. About20,000 years ago, for example, the shoreline of the PacificOcean was located beyond the Farallon Islands, more than30 kilometers (18 miles) west of the modern Golden GateBridge. At that time, San Francisco Bay was a broad rivervalley where streams from the Great Valley met with localtributaries before turning west through a valley that thenexisted in the Golden Gate area. Since about 20,000 yearsago, the climate has become warmer, the Late Pleistocene

glaciers melted, and sea level rose. By about 8,000 yearsago, sea water had once again invaded San Francisco Bay tore-establish the estuary of modern times (Figure NC.52).

Northern California.8 The Northern California Ice Ages 33

� Figure NC.51 Erratics of light-colored granite perched on dark-colored volcanic bedrock in the northern Sierra Nevada.





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� Figure NC.52 Sea level rise over the past 20,000 years has con-verted the San Francisco Bay area from a river valley to an estuary.




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Page 35: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

Northern California.9Northern California EarthquakesEarthquakes in California are an inevitable consequence ofthe interactions between tectonic plates along the forwardedge of a west-moving continent. The forces generatedalong the transform boundary between the Pacific andNorth American plates, and at the convergent boundarybetween the Juan de Fuca and North American plates,result in thousands of earthquakes every year. The groundliterally shakes continuously in California, but most ofthese tremors go unfelt by people and rarely cause damage.Nonetheless, the seismic history of northern California

includes some devastating events that provide a chronicreminder of the natural hazards facing those who live near aplate boundary. The infamous 1906 San Francisco earth-quake (estimated magnitude 7.8 on the Richter scale)occurred along a segment of the San Andreas fault morethan 400 kilometers long, ignited fierce building fires, andclaimed more than 2,000 lives. In 1989, the magnitude 6.9Loma Prieta earthquake in the Santa Cruz Mountains left62 people dead in the San Francisco Bay area and causednearly $10 billion in damages. In the dynamic tectonicenvironment of northern California, where millions of resi-dents live in close proximity to active faults, future seismicdisasters are as certain as those of the past have been tragic.

Earthquakes in northern California are associated withthree different plate tectonic settings. The San Andreasfault system, including scores of subsidiary faults, generatesmany tremors in the San Francisco Bay area and the north-ern Coast Ranges. These earthquakes release stress associ-ated with the northward motion of the Pacific plate alongthe edge of the North American plate. The earthquakesgenerated along this plate boundary tend to have very shal-low foci, less than 15 kilometers deep (Figure NC. 53), andcan be very powerful. In the densely populated urbanizedarea around San Francisco Bay, many buildings have beenconstructed on soils or bedrock that are not very resistantto seismic vibrations. In both the 1906 San Francisco andthe 1989 Loma Prieta earthquakes, intense ground shaking,liquefaction, and fire all contributed to scope of the disasterand were related to the poor response of weak soil or rockto earthquake vibrations.

The second area of notable seismic activity is associatedwith the Mendocino triple junction along the northerncoast, where each year 80 to 100 earthquakes greater thanmagnitude 3 occur. Here, forces generated as the Juan deFuca (Gorda) plate descends into the Cascadia subductionzone can produce powerful earthquakes in a zone that dipseastward beneath the continent. In this plate tectonic set-ting, earthquakes occur in both the oceanic plate and onland, including some that can be powerful. In July andAugust of 1991, four major earthquakes, ranging from mag-nitude 6.3 to 7.1, occurred near the Mendocino triple junc-tion, and there is good geologic evidence for even largerprehistoric events, possibly as great as magnitude 9. Inaddition to the impacts of local communities, large coastalearthquakes in northern California have the potential toproduce tsunamis that could affect distant regions border-ing the Pacific Ocean.

Along the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada, active nor-mal faulting associated with the continuing uplift of themountain block produces a third zone of seismic activityfrom the Lake Tahoe area south to Owens Valley. The east-ern Sierra earthquakes are mostly generated along normalfaults, but several prominent strike-slip faults in the regionindicate that both tension and shear stresses exist in thisarea. Although the majority of eastern Sierra earthquakesare small, several greater than magnitude 6 have occurred

34 Geology of Northern California

Section Northern California.8 Summary● During the Pleistocene Epoch, California was affectedby multiple cycles of climatic oscillations. Cool intervalsresulted in the growth of valley glaciers in the higherelevations of the Sierra Nevada, Klamath Mountains,and the Cascade Range, and pluvial lakes developed inthe lowlands.

● The two best documented glacial intervals are theTioga glaciation about 20,000 years ago and the preced-ing Tahoe glaciation that peaked about 160,000 yearsago. Both of these glacial intervals involved multipleadvances and retreats that reflect the climatic oscillationsof the Pleistocene. There is evidence of earlier glacia-tions, but the precise chronology and extent for themhas yet to be determined with certainty.

● Valley glaciers in the mountainous regions carved U-shaped valleys and sculpted arêtes, horns, and cirques inbedrock exposures. Moraines and glacial erratics can alsobe identified in most mountains above 2,000 meters inelevation.

● In the lower elevations of the Basin and Range andGreat Valley, pluvial lakes expanded and declined inrhythm with the Pleistocene climatic cycles. The largestof these Ice Age lakes submerged the floor of the entireGreat Valley between 600,000 and 800,000 years ago.

● Sea level rose and fell multiple times during thePleistocene Ice Ages. During times of glacial advances,sea level fell as much as 120 meters. Under such condi-tions, San Francisco Bay was a river valley throughwhich rivers carried water to the Pacific coast locatedabout 30 kilometers west of the modern shore. Whenthe California glaciers melted during warm interglacialintervals, sea level rose. The modern estuary in SanFrancisco Bay formed about 8,000 years ago as glaciersin the interior mountains were melting under the influ-ence of a warming climate.

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Page 36: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

in the past 40 years. In Lone Pine, along the southern por-tion of the Sierra Nevada fault system, an 1872 earthquakedestroyed all but seven houses and killed no fewer than 27people. This earthquake occurred before seismometerswere developed, but it may have been California’s mostpowerful historic temblor. A recurrence of such an earth-quake along the Sierra Nevada fault system would havemajor impacts on the resort communities in the Reno-Tahoe area, and regions farther south.

Earthquake Forecasts in Northern California: Eventhough scientists have been intensely studying earthquakesin California for more than a century, no reliable means topredict their occurrence with precision has been developed.Instead, geologists can forecast the probabilities of futureearthquake occurrences based on measurements of groundmotion and strain, historic patterns of seismic activity, andgeologic evidence of fault activity. In recent years, theanalysis of seismic gaps, seismically “quiet” segmentsalong active faults, has helped to identify places most proneto future earthquakes. Because no two faults are exactly thesame, the forecasts for major earthquake potential varyacross the state, from very unlikely in some places to almostcertain in others.

The time frame is a key consideration in making andusing earthquakes forecasts. Over the long span of geologic

time, the probability of a major earthquake in California is100%, but the likelihood of such an event tomorrow is verylow. Geologists generally try to forecast earthquakes overperiods of 20 to 50 years to coincide with the time framesmost widely used by planning commissions, disasterresponse agencies, and the insurance industry. In 1989, theU.S. Geological Survey developed the first widely acceptedearthquake forecast for the San Andreas fault system. Thisforecast estimated the probabilities for major earthquakesbetween 1988 and 2018 within the entire fault zone. Theprobabilities varied from 10% to 90% at various locationsalong the fault system. Interestingly, the Loma Prieta earth-quake occurred in an area where a seismic gap had beenidentified in this study (see Figure NC.53).

In 2007, an interdisciplinary team of scientists known asthe Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilitiesdeveloped a new updated earthquake forecast called theUniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast, Version2 (UCERF). The new forecasts involve a broader array ofdata and techniques for estimating probabilities than didearlier assessments. Statewide, the UCREF estimates theprobability of a magnitude 6.7 earthquake in the next 30years at more than 99%. Californians also face a 46%chance of experiencing a magnitude 7.5 or larger earth-quake in the same time frame.

Northern California.9 Northern California Earthquakes 35

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� Figure NC.53 Distribution of earthquake foci along the San Andreas Fault from San Francisco to Parkfield. Note that most earthquakes occurwithin 15 km of the surface. The seismic gap filled by the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake is represented on the bottom panel.



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Page 37: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

In northern California, the probabilities are lower thanfor the state as a whole. UCERF estimates that there is a93% chance of a magnitude 6.7 or greater earthquakein the northern part of the state, with a 63% chanceof the temblor occurring in the San Francisco area (Fig-ure NC.54). The faults most likely to produce this largeearthquake are the Hayward-Rogers Creek (32% proba-bility), San Andreas (21% chance), and Calaveras faults(18% probability). The UCERF estimates only a 2%probability for an earthquake of magnitude 8 in northernCalifornia, illustrating that very large earthquakes are rare,even along the San Andreas fault system. This may seemcomforting, but we should not forget how disastrousearthquakes in the magnitude 6 to 7 range have been inCalifornia. Earthquakes in this range of magnitude haveresulted in more than $65 billion in property losses inCalifornia since 1971.

Living with Earthquakes in Northern California:Although human activities such as underground fluid injec-tion can initiate earthquakes, such practices to reduce theearthquake threat in northern California would be extremelyrisky. There is no way to guarantee the size, location, or

duration of such an induced earthquake,and even a moderate temblor could havedisastrous consequences in densely popu-lated areas. In the absence of any safemechanism to control seismic events inCalifornia, careful planning and prepara-tion for them makes good sense.

The California Geological Survey, theUnited States Geological Survey, and theCalifornia Office of EmergencyManagement have collaboratively devel-oped forecast models and seismic hazardmaps that are used to plan communitiesand make preparations for coordinatedresponses to earthquakes. In addition, inthe most sensitive areas, stringent buildingcodes have been developed that result inmore earthquake-resistant structures. Localzoning ordinances in many areas limit resi-dential and commercial development inlocations where strong ground shaking orliquefaction are anticipated. Personalpreparation is also important, and check-lists are available at the aforementionedagencies that provide guidelines for prepar-ing homes and apartments for a potentialearthquake. The combination of continu-ing earthquake research, careful planning,stringent building codes, wise land use, andpersonal preparation is the best way to limitthe property damage and loss of life infuture northern California earthquakes.

36 Geology of Northern California

� Figure NC.54 Major faults of the San Andreas system in the San Francisco Bay Area.This map from the United States Geological Survey also identifies features resulting fromrecent offset along these faults by the circled numbers.




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Section Northern California.9 Summary● Northern California earthquakes occur as a conse-quence of convergent plate interactions in the Cascadiasubduction zone, in relation to the transform boundarybetween the Pacific and North American plates to thesouth, and along the normal fault zone at the base of theeastern escarpment of the Sierra Nevada. The SanAndreas fault zone, part of the transform plate boundary,has historically produced the most large earthquakes, butdestructive earthquakes could occur in the other platetectonic settings in northern California as well.

● Earthquakes in populated regions of northernCalifornia have resulted in intense ground shaking lead-ing to collapse of structures, liquefaction, landslides, andfires that have claimed many lives and caused billions ofdollars of property damage. The 1906 San Francisco andthe 1989 Loma Prieta earthquakes were the two mostdestructive earthquakes in northern California history.

● Geologists can formulate earthquake forecasts alongactive faults on the basis of ground motion and strainmeasurements, historic seismicity including “quiet”

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Page 38: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

Northern California.10Living on the Edge: CoastalHazards in Northern CaliforniaWith 1,800 kilometers (1,120 miles) of ocean frontage,California has more coastline than all but two other states,Florida and Alaska. The northern portion of the Californiacoast trends northwest, directly facing the enormous and

tectonically active Pacific Ocean basin. Winter stormsapproach the exposed northern coast from the open ocean,bringing with them powerful wind-generated waves. Inaddition, normal wind swells, longshore currents, and occa-sional tsunamis also strike the north coast with full force. Incontrast, the east-to-west alignment of much of the south-ern California coast partially protects the shoreline from thevigorous erosion experienced in the north. Consequently,the northern California coast is rugged and rocky ratherthan broad and sandy (Figure NC.55). Some locations alongthe north coast, such as Big Sur and Mendocino, are worldfamous for their spectacular coastal scenery.

The California coast also is unique in its recent emer-gence and in the variety of rock types exposed along thesteep seashore. Recall from our earlier discussions thatmountains of the northern Coast Ranges have been ele-vated over just the past several million years and, in fact,are still rising. The coast of northern California is there-fore an emergent coast, where the land is being lifted bytectonic forces relative to sea level. As bedrock rises fromthe seafloor, it is exposed to the various agents of coastalerosion. In most places, the uplift exposes rocks of theheterogeneous Franciscan complex or the Salinian ter-rane. These rock assemblages include both easily erodedmaterials such as marine shale or sandstone and moredurable igneous and metamorphic rocks such as granite,basalt, and greenstone. The erosion of such mixed

Northern California.10 Living on the Edge: Coastal Hazards in Northern California 37

segments known as seismic gaps, and geological evidenceof prehistoric fault activity. The most recent forecastsestimate the probability of a magnitude 6.7 or greaterearthquake in northern California at 67%. Faults in theSan Francisco Bay area within the San Andreas faultzone are most likely to produce this future earthquake.

● Because it is currently impossible for humans to pre-vent or weaken earthquakes, preparation for them isessential in reducing their impacts on people. In north-ern California, continued monitoring of active faultscoupled with wise land use regulations, stringent build-ing codes, and effective response plans will substantiallyreduce the impacts of future earthquakes.

� Figure NC.55 The steep and rugged shore in Point Reyes Nationa Seashore is typical of the scenic coast of northern California. Note the nearlyflat marine terrace above the sea cliffs.


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Page 39: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

bedrock assemblages produces an irregular coastline, withcoves and pocket beaches developing where soft rocksexist and headlands (Figure NC.56) projecting whereharder rocks are exposed.

Coastal Landforms of Northern California: Because ofthe pervasive coastal emergence, the shoreline landformsin northern California are mostly of erosional origin. Seacliffs and wave-cut platforms are actively forming in manylocations, and elevated marine terraces are commonlyobserved above the coastal bluffs (Figure NC.57). Becausethe marine terraces originated as wave-cut platforms nearsea level, geologists can estimate the rate of uplift alongthe coast by establishing the age of the terraces using fos-sils preserved on their surfaces. Radiometric ages for fossilmaterial from the terraces suggest that the most prominentsurfaces rose to their present elevation at rates varyingfrom about 28 to 45 centimeters per thousand years in theSanta Cruz and Monterey Bay areas. Farther north, in theMendocino area, the rate of emergence is even higher.This helps explain why the coast of California shows suchstrong emergent features, even though sea level has been

rising for the past 20,000 years. The land simply is risingfaster than the sea.

Sea cliffs along the north coast are continuously under-cut by waves generated during powerful winter storms.Because waves approaching a projecting headland arerefracted around it, the wave-cut notches in some areas candevelop into sea caves on opposite sides of the bedrockexposure. Continued wave erosion can deepen the cavesuntil they connect, forming a sea arch (see Figure NC.26).Sea stacks (Figure NC.58), isolated exposures of bedrock,represent remnants of sea arches that have collapsed as aconsequence of a continued wave erosion. The long-termeffect of the formation of wave-cut platforms, sea caves,sea arches, and sea stacks along an emergent coast is thesteady landward retreat of the cliffs. This has placed manycoastal developments at risk along the northern Californiashoreline.

In addition to erosional features, depositional landformshave also developed in some areas along California’s northcoast. In places where streams discharge into bays or coves,spits (Figure NC.59) and baymouth bars (Figure NC.60)can develop from the accumulation of sediment transportedby both rivers and longshore currents. Tombolos, sandspits that extend from the shore to a sea stack, can also beseen in several places along the northern California coast(Figure NC. 61). Tombolos are generally rare, but theabundance of sea stacks along the emergent northernCalifornia coast has created many places where the condi-tions exist under which tombolos form.

Coastal Hazards in Northern California: The majority ofCalifornia’s population lives within 100 kilometers (60 miles)of the coast. In northern California, the rugged beauty ofthe seashore has resulted in extensive residential and recre-ational development along the rapidly eroding emergentcoast. Geologists have determined that coastal erosion iscausing some sea cliffs in northern California to retreat atrates as high as 1.1 meters (3 feet) per year. In spite of recentregulatory action to restrict coastal development, there are

38 Geology of Northern California

� Figure NC.56 A pocket beach developed between projectingheadlands on the Monterey Peninsula.


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� Figure NC.57 A marine terrace along the northern Californiacoast with remnant sea stacks. Note the younger sea stacks formingalong the modern coast.


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Page 40: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

still hundreds of miles of coastline in northern Californiawhere people and property are threatened by retreatingcliffs and unstable ground.

The principal hazard along the northern California coastis mass wasting triggered by wave undercutting, heavyrainfall, or earthquakes. Rock slides and slumps have repeat-edly caused extensive damage to structures perched abovesea cliffs (Figure NC.62). These problems are most severewhere the bedrock is soft, sheared, or water saturated.Unfortunately these conditions are common along the tec-tonically active north coast, which is underlain by the highlydeformed rocks such as those comprising the Franciscancomplex. Mass wasting activity along the northern coast alsoextends offshore and down the continental slope. Turbiditycurrents initiated by earthquakes or storm events havescoured several impressive submarine. Monterey Canyon,the largest submarine canyon on the Pacific Coast, is deeperthan the Grand Canyon and extends offshore for more than400 kilometers (250 miles).

Because the northern California coast faces the PacificOcean basin where strong earthquakes occur frequently,tsunamis pose an additional hazard. Tsunamis can travelthousands of miles from their source, so even earthquakesin Japan or South America could affect people in northernCalifornia. In fact, the principal tsunami threat to northernCalifornia may be distant, not local, earthquakes. This is

Northern California.10 Living on the Edge: Coastal Hazards in Northern California 39


� Figure NC.59 A spit at the mouth of the Russian River.


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� Figure NC.60 A baymouth bar in Marin County, California.


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� Figure NC.61 A small tombolo connecting the shore to a seastack remnant in northern California




� Figure NC.62 Mass wasting in Bodega Bay resulted from under-cutting of the sea cliff by waves generated during winter storms of1997–1998.


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Page 41: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

because the dominant strike-slip motion along the SanAndreas fault system, much of which is on land, would notlikely produce large vertical displacements on the seafloor.Subduction-related earthquakes generated in convergentplate boundaries more commonly result in the type of dis-placement that initiates tsunamis.

In April 1964, a 7-meter (23-foot) tsunami generated bythe magnitude 9.2 Alaskan Earthquake struck CrescentCity on the north coast, resulting in 11 deaths and an esti-mated $15 million in property damage. In the same town, aboat harbor suffered $10 million in damages from a tsuna-mi that struck in November 2006. Other coastal towns innorthern California to experience tsunami damages includeEureka, Half Moon Bay, and Santa Cruz. A major earth-quake in the nearby Cascadia subduction zone is a primaryconcern in these coastal areas because it could potentiallyproduce a much more disastrous tsunami than any experi-enced thus far. There is good geologic evidence of a majorearthquake, perhaps as large as magnitude 9, in this area300 years ago that may have caused a tsunami in Miho,Japan. Fortunately, most populated areas along the north-ern California coast have tsunami warning systems andevacuation plans in place.

Human Activities and Coastal Hazards: Although masswasting and wave erosion are natural processes alongCalifornia’s north coast, they have been intensified andtriggered in places by human activity. Whenever an ocean-facing slope or shore is modified for construction of roadsor buildings, there is potential for otherwise stable slopesto fail. Highway 1, along the north coast, has experiencedrepeated closures due to mass wasting events. Property

damage associated with mass wasting along this scenichighway has been significant in such coastal communitiesas Bolinas, Stinson Beach, and Pacifica (Figure NC.63).Farther south along the same highway at Half Moon Bay, abreakwater completed in 1961 to protect the harbor result-ed in a fourfold increase in the rate of coastal erosion tothe south. This was the natural response to the interrup-tion of the southward flow of sand along the beach and therefocusing of wave energy produced by the breakwater.Many cities and planning commissions carefully reviewproposals for coastal development in an effort to reducethe negative impacts that result from altering naturalslopes and shores. However, much of the developmentalong the north coast was approved before the impacts ofhuman activity were fully evaluated or understood. Coastalerosion will continue to be a concern for residents ofCalifornia’s scenic north coast.

40 Geology of Northern California

� Figure NC.63 Coastal erosion in northern California threatensthousands of homes such as this one near Bolinas.




Section Northern California.10 Summary● The northern part of California’s long coastlinedirectly faces the Pacific Ocean and is vigorously erodedby wind waves, storm events, longshore currents, andoccasional tsunamis. In addition, geologic forces are stilllifting the Coast Ranges faster than sea level is rising sothat new bedrock continuously appears along the emer-gent coast. In many coastal locations, the emergingbedrock is a mixed assemblage of hard and soft rock suchas the Franciscan complex that does not respond uni-formly to the agents of erosion. The combination ofthese factors produces an irregular and spectacularlyrugged coast with many projecting headlands and smallcoves and pocket beaches.

● Erosional landforms such as wave-cut platforms, seacliffs, sea caves, sea arches, sea stacks, and marine ter-races dominate the scenery along the emergent coast ofnorthern California. In places where rivers deposit sedi-ments along the coast, or where longshore currents areactive, sand can accumulate to form depositional featuressuch as spits, baymouth bars, and tombolos.

● Many people live near the actively eroding coast innorthern California. Coastal development is commonlyat risk because of cliff retreat and mass wasting eventsthat undermine support for structures. In addition,earthquakes in the Pacific Ocean basin can generatetsunamis that have affected several coastal communi-ties. Human modifications, such as breakwaters, to pro-tect portions of the coast can intensify erosionelsewhere and interrupt the transportation of sedimentalong the coast.


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Page 42: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

Review Workbook 41

Review WorkbookESSENTIAL QUESTIONS SUMMARYNorthern California.1 Introduction� What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?Physiographic provinces are regions of distinctive geology, landforms,climate, geomorphic trends, soils and vegetation, and drainage. Innorthern California, seven physiographic provinces are recognized:the Sierra Nevada, the Klamath Mountains, the Great Valley, theCoast Ranges, the Cascade Range and Modoc Plateau, and the Basinand Range. Collectively, these provinces endow northern Californiawith extraordinary geologic diversity.

� What is the Farallon subduction zone?The Farallon subduction zone developed at the convergent plateboundary between the North American and Farallon plates about200 million years ago. The entire subduction zone persisted until about30 million years ago, when portions of it were disrupted by the collisionbetween North America and the Farallon-Pacific spreading ridge.Many of the major geologic features of northern California resultedfrom the convergence of plates in the Farallon subduction zone.

� What two types of plate boundaries exist in northern California today?North of Cape Mendocino, the Juan de Fuca plate, a remnant of theFarallon plate, continues to be subducted under continental litho-sphere to the east. South of Cape Mendocino, the transform bound-ary between the Pacific and North American plates shapes thegeologic setting of northern California. The San Andreas fault systemis directly related to the transform boundary, whereas northernCalifornia’s volcanic centers are related to the subduction process.

� What are terranes, how do they originate, and why are they impor-tant in northern California?Terranes are large blocks of rock, typically bounded by faults, repre-senting seamounts, oceanic rises, reefs, island arcs, or other oceanicfeatures accreted to continents at convergent plate boundaries.Terranes are comprised of exotic rocks that become detached from asubducting plate and are sutured to the edge of the overriding conti-nent. In northern California, many terranes accreted over the past500 million years have been identified by geologists.

Northern California.2 The Sierra Nevada: California’s GeologicBackbone� What is the Sierra Nevada batholith?The Sierra Nevada batholith is a large body of plutonic rock thatcomprises the core of the Sierra Nevada, California’s best knownmountain system. It consists of more than 100 individual plutonsemplaced mostly between 140 million and 80 million years ago.

� What kinds of rocks surround the Sierra Nevada batholith?Metamorphic rocks of Paleozoic and Mesozoic age surround theSierra Nevada batholith. Most of these rocks are of oceanic origin andrepresent terranes accreted to North America before the intrusion ofmagma into the batholith during the Mesozoic Era.

� When and how was the modern Sierra Nevada uplifted?Though the Sierra Nevada region may have been elevated since thelate Mesozoic Era, a pulse of rapid uplift 5 million to 10 million yearsago lifted the mountain range to its present height. The recent ascentoccurred via normal faulting and westward tilting along the easternescarpment of the range.

� What types of gold deposits occur in the Sierra Nevada?Gold occurs in the Sierra Nevada regions as particles in modern riversediments (placer deposits), as flakes and nuggets in Eocene-age

stream deposits known as “auriferous” gravels, and in association withquartz veins, or lodes, in Mesozoic-age basement rocks.

� What is the Mother Lode?The Mother Lode is a northwest-trending belt of gold mineralizationin the Sierra Nevada foothills. Along this trend modern placerdeposits, ancient gold-bearing river sediments, and lode deposits asso-ciated with quartz veins have all produced significant amounts of gold.

Northern California.3 The Klamath Mountains� In what ways are the Klamath Mountains and the Sierra NevadaSimilar?In both the Sierra Nevada and the Klamath Mountains bodies ofMesozoic-age granite have been emplaced in older metamorphicrocks representing numerous terranes accreted to North America.Gold mineralization is common to both areas as well, but slices ofoceanic lithosphere (ophiolites) are more common in the KlamathMountains than in the Sierra. In general, the Klamath Mountainsrepresent a northwest continuation of the geological trends of theSierra Nevada.

� What kinds of rocks comprise the ophiolites in the KlamathMountains?Ophiolites represent disrupted fragments of oceanic lithosphere con-sisting of mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks associated with oceanicsediments. During emplacement of ophiolite sequences on land byplate convergence, the oceanic rocks generally became deformed andmetamorphosed to greenstone, serpentinite, schists, and other alteredmaterials.

Northern California.4 The Great Valley

� What factors have led to the formation of fertile soils in the GreatValley?The soils of the Great Valley have developed on alluvium derivedfrom the weathering granitic and volcanic bedrock in the SierraNevada and adjacent ranges and deposited on a nearly flat surface bythe Sacramento and San Joaquin River systems. These factors, alongwith the warm climate and abundant organic matter of the CentralValley, promote the formation of nutrient-rich, water-retaining soilsthat can support high agricultural productivity.

� What was the origin of the sedimentary rocks in the Great ValleySequence?The Great Valley Sequence consists of sandstone, mudstone, andshale that accumulated in a forearc basin associated with the MesozoicFarallon subduction zone. These rocks include sediments that weretransported by turbidity currents to the deep seafloor where they builtlarge submarine fans.

� What is the origin of the natural gas produced in the Great Valley?The natural gas resources of the northern Great Valley (SacramentoValley) originate from organic matter trapped underground in theoceanic sediments of Mesozoic and Cenozoic age.

� Why is the Great Valley so prone to chronic flooding?The Great Valley is remarkably flat, surrounded by elevated terrainthat receives abundant rain and snow, and has a climate that can pro-duce both heavy winter rains and rapid spring melt of snow. Thebroad floodplain adjacent to the Sacramento and other rivers in theGreat Valley has developed over thousands of years of recurringfloods. The natural flooding behavior of rivers in the Great Valley is aserious threat to the populous cities, large farms, and industrial cen-ters that have been established in the region.


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Page 43: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

Northern California.5 The Northern Coast Ranges� What is the Franciscan complex and how did it form?The Franciscan complex is a complex assemblage of deformed rockconsisting of oceanic sediments such as graywacke, shale, and chertmixed with metamorphosed igneous rocks. Such a complex rock mix-ture is known as a mélange, and represents an amalgamation of rockthat formed in the Farallon subduction zone.

� How did the San Andreas fault system originate?The San Andreas fault system is the consequence of the developmentof a transform boundary between the North American and Pacificplates over the past 30 million years. The faults in the San Andreassystem are mostly right-lateral strike-slip faults that accommodate thedisplacement between the Pacific plate (moving to the northwest) andthe North American plate.

� What is the Salinian block?The Salinian block is a large terrane in the northern Coast Ranges thatincludes granitic and metamorphic basement rocks, similar to those ofthe Sierra Nevada, overlain by Cenozoic-age sediments of oceanic andterrestrial origin. From its original position near the south end of theSierra Nevada, the Salinian block has been transported more than300 kilometers northwest along the San Andreas fault system.

� How old are the northern Coast Ranges and what tectonic forces ele-vated them?The northern Coast Ranges are relatively young mountains, rising totheir present elevations in the past 3 million to 4 million years. Theforces that lifted these coastal mountains are probably related to com-pression between fault slices in the San Andreas system and the north-ward migration of the Mendocino triple junction.

Northern California.6 Volcanoes of the Cascade Range andModoc Plateau� What California volcanoes are part of the Cascade Range?Mount Shasta (elevation 4,319 meters/14.161 feet), Mount Lassen(elevation 3,188 meters/10,457 feet), and the Medicine Lake highlandare the principal volcanic features of the Cascade Range in northernCalifornia.

� What is the Cascadia subduction zone?The Cascadia subduction zone generates the magma that sustains thevolcanic activity in the Cascade Range. This subduction zone is creat-ed by the downward movement of the Juan de Fuca plate beneath thenorthwest edge of North America. The Cascadia subduction zone isonly partly in northern California, extending northward from nearCape Mendocino to British Columbia.

� What kind of volcanic activity typifies the Cascade Range?Cascade volcanoes are mostly composite cone (or stratovolcanoes)that alternate between effusive eruptions of viscous andesitic lava andmore violent explosive events that result in pyroclatic flows. Theexplosive phase of activity was most recently demonstrated by the1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington, but the geologicrecord provides evidence of much more violent prehistoric activity inseveral Cascade Range locations.

� Why is Mount Lassen an especially interesting volcano in the CascadeRange?Mount Lassen is noteworthy among Cascade Range volcanoes becauseit is the most recently active volcano in California (it last erupted in1914–1921) and is classified as a lava dome, not a composite volcano.Geothermal activity and ongoing seismic activity in the Mount Lassenregion suggest that the underground magma system is still active.

Northern California.7 The Basin and Range of NortheastCalifornia� What tectonic forces are responsible for the pattern of alternating moun-tains and valleys in the Basin and Range province?Tensional, or stretching, forces have broken the crust in the Basin andRange into hundreds of blocks bounded by normal faults. The blocks

displaced downward (the hanging wall) along these faults are repre-sented by the low valleys that separate the elevated ranges.

� What mountains and basins in northern California belong to theBasin and Range province?The Warner Range, more than 3,000 meters (9,870 feet) high, is thebest example of a Basin and Range mountain system in northeastCalifornia. The adjacent Surprise Valley and the Lake Tahoe basin tothe south both developed as a consequence of the downward displace-ment along normal faults.

Northern California.8 The Northern California Ice Ages� During what time periods did northern California experience Ice Ageconditions?Multiple cycles of climate change affected northern California duringthe Pleistocene Epoch, but the Tahoe and Tioga glaciations, about160,000 and 20,000 years ago respectively, are the two best docu-mented episodes.

� What landscape features resulted from the Pleistocene Epoch glacia-tions in northern California?Valley glaciers developed in the mountainous regions of northernCalifornia several times during the Pleistocene Ice Ages. Erosionalfeatures produced by these glaciers are widespread and include pol-ished and striated bedrock surfaces, U-shaped glacial troughs, horns,arêtes, and cirques. In addition, sediments released from melting iceat the close of the glacial episodes left glacial erratics and morainedeposits in many locations.

� How did the Pleistocene landscape of northern California differ fromthe modern setting?During the periods of maximum glacial advance, the crest of theSierra Nevada was buried under a thick ice cap. From this high massof ice, valley glaciers extended down the major canyons, in some casescompletely filling them with ice. Valley glaciers also existed in theKlamath Mountains and in the Cascade Range. In the lowland valleys,pluvial lakes expanded and withered repeatedly in rhythm with thePleistocene climatic oscillations. The decrease in sea level that accom-panied the glacial intervals exposed the floor of San Francisco Bay as abroad river valley several times. The Pacific shore was more than 30kilometers west of its present location.

Northern California.9 Northern California Earthquakes� What plate tectonic settings are associated with northern Californiaearthquakes?Northern California earthquakes occur mostly along the San Andreasfault system (part of a transform plate boundary), in the Cascadia sub-duction zone (a convergent boundary), or along the eastern escarpmentof the Sierra Nevada (a zone of developing plate divergence, or rifting).

� What is the likelihood of another major earthquake in northernCalifornia?Given the tectonic forces currently affecting the crust in northernCalifornia, another major earthquake is certain to occur eventually.Modern techniques for forecasting earthquake activity, including theanalysis of seismic gaps, suggest that there is a 67% probability of anearthquake exceeding magnitude 6.7 in the next 30 years. The faultsin the San Francisco Bay area, such as the Hayward-Rogers Creek,Calaveras, and San Andreas faults, are mostly likely to produce thisearthquake. In this densely populated and intensively developedregion, such an earthquake could have disastrous consequences.

� What might be the effects of a large northern California earthquake?Depending on the location of the epicenter and the magnitude, theground shaking of a large earthquake in northern California couldresult in damaged or destroyed buildings, fires, collapsed bridges, dis-rupted communications and transportation networks, contaminateddrinking water, liquefaction of soils, and tsunamis along the coast.Millions of people and billions of dollars in property are vulnerable toearthquake hazards in northern California.

42 Geology of Northern California

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Page 44: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

� Given the severity of the potential hazards, how can the effects ofearthquakes be minimized in northern California?Experience has shown that earthquakes hazards can be reducedthrough a combination of wise land use, continuous seismic monitor-ing, stringent building codes, and personal and public preparedness.Fortunately, most populated regions in northern California have plansin place for effective responses to a potential earthquake, and the reg-ulated development of communities has reduced the number of peo-ple at risk.

Northern California. 10 Living on the Edge: Coastal Hazards inNorthern California� In comparison to the coast of southern California, why is the northernCalifornia shoreline so rugged and scenic?The northern California coast trends northwest, directly facing thewaves, storms, and tsunamis generated in the Pacific Ocean basin. Inaddition, the emergent coast of northern California continuouslyexposes new bedrock to the vigorous erosion that results in such land-forms as sea cliffs, sea caves, sea arches, and sea stacks. Finally, in mostplaces, the bedrock of the northern California coast is a complexassemblage of hard and soft rock that erodes to an irregular shore withprojecting headlands separated by recessed coves and pocket beaches.

� What coastal hazards exist in northern California?Coastal hazards in northern California are primarily related to ero-sion, mass wasting, or seismic activity. Erosion of sea cliffs by wavescauses the cliffs to retreat at rates as high as a meter per year, poten-tially affecting structures overlooking the ocean. Mass wasting occursreadily along the steep slopes descending to the sea along the emer-gent coast, especially during the rainy season or where the rocks areweak and/or absorb water. Tsunamis generated by earthquakes in thePacific basin have struck the California coast many times, some fromvery distant epicenters.

� How do human activities affect coastal hazards?Whenever humans modify the natural conditions along the coast,dynamic responses result that can sometimes intensify coastal hazards.For example, although breakwaters can protect one location fromwave erosion, they also deflect the energy of approaching waves toother places where erosion increases. When coastal slopes are modi-fied for the construction of roads or buildings, mass wasting can resultif the balance between gravity and friction on a table stable slope iscompromised. Today, in most coastal communities, awareness of thesecoastal hazards has led to restrictions on development, but there arestill many places where people and property are at risk.

Review Workbook 43

ESSENTIAL TERMS TO KNOWaccretionary terranes, terranes – a large block of rock withcharacteristics different from surrounding blocks. Terranes are typi-cally bounded by large faults and are thought to represent seamounts,oceanic rises, reefs, island arcs, or other oceanic features accreted tocontinents at convergent plate boundaries.

alluvium – a general term for sediment transported and depositedby running water.

arête – a narrow jagged ridge separating two glacial valleys or cirques.

basalt – a dark-colored fine-grained igneous rock that forms frommagma of mafic (45% to 52% silica) composition.

batholith – a large body of plutonic igneous rock with a surfaceexposure exceeding 100 square kilometers.

baymouth bar – a spit that extends across the mouth of a bay, clos-ing it off from the open ocean.

blueschist – a foliated metamorphic rock that contains glaucophane,a bluish-colored mineral of the amphibole group.

breccia – a detrital sedimentary rock consisting of angular rock par-ticles larger than 2 millimeters.

caldera – a large circular to oval depression that develops on thesummit of a volcano in response to the partial evacuation of theunderlying magma chamber.

chert – a fine-grained nonclastic sedimentary rock consisting ofmicrocrystalline quartz, which may include the skeletons of silica-secreting microorganisms such as radiolarian.

cinder cone – a small steep-sided volcano consisting of a looseaccumulation of volcanic cinder.

cirque – a generally circular depression that forms in the uppermostreaches of glacial troughs occupied by valley glaciers.

composite volcano – a volcano composed of lava flows, pyroclasticlayers, and mudflow deposits; sometimes referred to as a stratovolcano.

dacite – an extrusive igneous rock intermediate in compositionbetween rhyolite and andesite.

diorite – an intrusive igneous rock with nearly equal amounts ofdark-colored and light-colored minerals. Diorite is intermediate incomposition between granite (felsic) and gabbro (mafic).

emergent coast – a coast where land has risen with respect to sealevel.

Farallon plate – an ancient lithospheric plate that separated theNorth America plate from the Pacific plate during the Mesozoic andEarly Cenozoic Eras. Remnants of the Farallon plate include themodern Juan de Fuca, Gorda, Cocos, and Rivera plates in the easternPacific Ocean basin.

Farallon subduction zone – the east-dipping zone of subductiondeveloped where the Farallon plate descended beneath the westernedge of the North American plate during the Late Mesozoic andEarly Cenozoic eras.

fault – a fracture in the Earth’s crust that includes displaced rockmasses.

felsic – a term describing the composition of magma or igneous rockthat contains more than 65% silica and is rich in sodium, potassium,and aluminum.

forearc basin – a basin of sediment accumulation located between avolcanic arc mountain system and an offshore oceanic trench. Forearcbasins are developed in association with subduction zones at conver-gent plate boundaries.

fumerole – a vent at the surface that emits volcanic gases.

gabbro – a dark-colored intrusive igneous rock of mafic composition.

glacial erratic – a rock carried by a glacier from its source to a sur-face of dissimilar bedrock.

glacial polish – a smooth and glossy bedrock surface produced bythe movement of a glacier over it.

glacial striation – a linear scratch or shallow groove on a bedrocksurface produced by the movement of a sediment-laden glacier over it.

graben – a term for the block of rock displaced downward as thehanging wall of a normal fault.

granite – a light-colored plutonic igneous rock of felsic composition.

greenstone – a metamorphic rock containing the greenish mineralsepidote, chlorite, or amphibole that results from the metamorphismof mafic igneous materials.

headland – land that projects seaward from an irregular shore line.




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Page 45: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

horn – a steep and jagged peak having the form of a pyramid thatdeveloped between glacial cirques.

horst – a term describing the block of rock displaced upward as thefootwall of a normal fault.

inverted topography – a term describing any landscape featurethat originated at a low elevation, but is currently elevated above thesurrounding terrain, or vice versa.

lahar – a volcanic mudflow composed of water, ash, and particles ofvolcanic rock.

limestone – a chemical sedimentary rock composed of calcite, CaCO3.

lode – an ore deposit in which the valuable commodity is concentratedin a vein or pod within crystalline igneous or metamorphic rock.

mafic – a term describing the composition of magma or igneous rockthat contains 45% to 52% silica and is rich in calcium, magnesium,and iron.

mass wasting – the downslope movement of material under theinfluence of gravity including rockslides, mudslides, rockfalls, anddebris flows.

mélange – a deformed and sheared mass of metamorphic and sedi-mentary rocks that forms in seduction zones.

moraine – a ridge of mound of unsorted and nonstratified glacialsediment (till) deposited by melting glaciers.

mudstone – a fine-grained clastic sedimentary rock consisting of amixture of sand, silt, and clay-size particles.

normal faults – a dip-slip fault in which the hanging wall has moveddown relative to the footwall. Normal faults develop from tensionalstress and are most common in areas of divergent plate boundaries

ophiolite – a sequence of mafic igneous rock representing oceaniclithosphere and upper mantle; ophiolites consist of pillow basalt, sheetedbasalt dikes, layered and massive gabbro, and mantle periodite.

Pangaea – a supercontinent consisting of all the Earth’s landmassesthat existed at the end of the Paleozoic Era, about 250 million years ago.

peridotite –an ultramafic igneous rock thought to comprise muchof the upper mantle.

physiographic province – a region of unique geology, landforms,drainage, soils, climate, and flora and fauna distinct from adjacentareas on the basis of these features.

pillow structures – rounded or bulbous structures that develop inlava erupted under water.

placer – a term applied to stream-transported sediment such as sandand gravel that contains significant quantities of a valuable mineralsuch as gold, silver, or platinum.

pluton – an intrusive igneous body that forms when magma coolsand crystallizes below the surface and within the crust.

plutonic – a term describing the origin of an igneous rock that crys-tallized from magma within the crust.

pocket beach– a small beach along an irregular coast located in arecess between projecting headlands.

pyroclastic – a term that describes the fragmental texture or charac-ter of volcanic rock such as tuff and volcanic breccia produced duringexplosive eruptions.

roof pendant – a mass of metamorphic rock preserved above thetop of an underlying pluton. Roof pendants represent remnants of the“country rock” into which subterranean magma intruded.

sea arch – an archlike exposure of coastal bedrock that results fromwave erosion of sea caves along a projecting headland.

sea stack – a remnant of bedrock on a wave-cut marine terrace.

seismic gap – a portion of an active fault that has produced fewerand smaller earthquakes than other segments of the same fault.

Sierra Nevada batholith – a large composite pluton consisting ofmore than 100 individual masses of intrusive igneous rock making upthe basement of the Sierra Nevada.

serpentinite – a greenish-black metamorphic rock that forms frommafic igneous rocks such as basalt, gabbro, and peridotite. Sepentiniteoccurs in the western metamorphic terranes of the Sierra Nevada, inthe Klamath Mountains, and in the northern Coast Ranges. It is theofficial California state rock.

spit – a sandy projection of a beach into a body of water such as a bayor estuary.

superterrane – a large fragment of crustal rocks that is comprisedof smaller terranes amalgamated during accretion to a continentalmargin.

syncline – a down-arched or concave-upward fold in a sequence ofrock layers. (Note: the above definition is used to conform to that ofMonroe, Wincander, and Hazlett)

tombolo – a spit that extends outward into the sea or a lake thatconnects an island or sea stack to land.

transform plate boundary – a boundary between plates thatslide past one another and whose crust is neither produced ordestroyed. The strike-slip faults of the San Andreas fault zonerepresent the transform boundary between the Pacific and NorthAmerica plates.

triple junction – the point at which three lithosphere plates meet.

tsunami – a large sea wave that is produced when mass on theseafloor is suddenly displaced by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, orsubmarine landslides.

tuff – a fine-grained pyroclastic igneous rock that consists of consoli-dated particles of volcanic ash.

turbidity currents – a dense mixture of sediment and water thatflows downslope on the ocean floor.

ultramafic – a term describing the composition of magma origneous rock that contains 40% or less silica and abundant magne-sium and iron.

volcanic – a term describing the origin of igneous rocks frommagma that cools rapidly after its eruption during a volcanic event.

volcanic arc – a chain of volcanoes that develops on the earth’s sur-face where magma rises from an underlying subduction zone.

welded tuffs – a hard volcanic rock composed of tiny ash articlesthat are firmly welded together by the heat associated with an explo-sive volcanic eruption.

xenoliths – a type of inclusion in which a fragment of older rock isincorporated into younger igneous rock.

44 Geology of Northern California

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Page 46: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?

Review Workbook 45

More on Northern California GeologyCalifornia’s stunning scenery, rich geologic heritage, and abundantnatural resources have stimulated considerable interest from geolo-gists for more than two centuries. Scientific studies in the state haveresulted in a vast body of technical literature on California geology.Fortunately, there are many excellent summaries available thatdescribe the geologic features of northern California in comprehensi-ble terms and in the context of modern geologic concepts. Your col-lege or local library may have copies of the following books that youmay find valuable in learning more about the geology of northernCalifornia:

Assembling California, John McPhee, 2003, Farrar, Straus, andGiroux, New York, 304 pages.

Geology Of California, Deborah R. Harden, 2004, Pearson-PrenticeHall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 552 pages.

Geology of Northern California, E.H. Bailey, editor, 1966, CaliforniaDivision of Mines and Geology (California Geological Survey)Bulletin 190, 508 pages.

Roadside Geology of Northern and Central Califorina, by David Altand Donald Hyndman, 2003, Mountain Press Publishing,Missoula, MT, 384 pages.

The California Geological Survey is an excellent source of informa-tion on earthquakes, rocks and minerals, geologic hazards, and map-ping programs in the Golden State. The Web site at contains links to a vast array ofinformation on the geology of California. In addition, the U.S.Geological Survey Web site ( offers a search fea-ture that allows you to retrieve many USGS publications on specificaspects of California geology, water resources, and geologic hazards.

Finally, check with the geology department at your local college anduniversity about other sources of information and additional opportu-nities to explore California geology. Most college geology programsoffer field courses and introductory lecture courses that address thediverse geologic features of the state.

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Page 47: Northern California Geology of Northern Geolo · 2009. 4. 20. · ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction What are northern California’s physiographic provinces?


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The Geology of Northern California provides an overview of the physiographicfeatures and geological history of northern California’s magnificent landscape.Written to accompanying any college-level earth science course, this moduleexplores the rich geological heritage of northern California. The major geologicalfeatures of the northern Sierra Nevada, the Klamath Mountains, the CascadeRange region, the northern Great Valley, the Basin and Range, and the northernCoast Ranges are explored with an emphasis on applying the fundamental conceptsof modern geology to the interpretation of the scenic and varied terrain.

This module also surveys the affect of geological processes on humans in northernCalifornia. The origin of the rich mineral and fuel resources of the Golden Stateare explored in the context of hundreds of million of years of the tectonic evolution.In addition, the multiple hazards to people and property that result from California’son-going geological evolution are considered. We learn why future earthquakes,volcanic eruptions, slope failures, and floods will affect northern Californians, andhow an understanding of these threats can help reduce their potential impacts.

Use this module to help make any introductory geology course more relevant tocollege students throughout northern California by providing local and regionalexamples of the consequences of dynamic geologic processes. Work with yourCengage Learning representative to learn how you can incorporate this or any of the modules from our Regional Geology Series into your course. Visit to learn more about other bonus content available and how to order it.

About the Author:Frank DeCourten is Professor of Earth Science at Sierra College in Grass Valley,California, where he teaches courses in geology, geography, and environmentalsciences. He has written four books and numerous research papers and populararticles on the geology of western North America.

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