  • 8/17/2019 Notes for Authors2016 04



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    Notes for authors

    The following text provides notes for authors contriuting to the !ournal P  ERIPHERIE .

    What we expect of articles

    The !ournal P  ERIPHERIE  is fore"ost a foru" for discussion. #e therefore prefer articles to

     pose a pertinent thesis and provide argu"ents on the asis of the current state of the art ofacade"ic research. #e particularl$ value:

    %  clarit$ of structure

    %  logic of argu"ents

    %  clarit$ of language

    %  innovative content

    %   political relevance

    Final editing

    &efore handing in articles' the texts should e thoroughl$ chec(ed regarding "ista(es and



    #e welco"e articles of approxi"atel$ )5'000 characters *including spacing' footnotes and

    references+. Shorter articles of ,0'000 characters are also welco"e- these are usuall$ "oreli(el$ to receive attention.

    Subheadings in articles

    o"plex and hierarchical s$ste"s for headings and suheadings should e avoided.

    enerall$ a si"ple outline with one level of headings is preferred. f used' suheadings

    should provide infor"ation regarding the content of the chapter.

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     Additional subheadings

    f a "ore co"plex outline is necessar$ we reuest that $ou avoid nu"ering. 3ore than two

    levels of *su+headings is not per"itted.


    An aesthetic appearance reuires a coherent for" of uoting. #e chose the following s$ste"

    that is inding for all contriutions to the !ournal:

    1.  Si"ple references should read as follows *na"e $ear: page nu"er+ or' for exa"ple'

    *34ller 10: ,)+. f the reference involves "ore than two titles' please use the

    following for"at: two authors reuire na"ing oth authors with a 789' for exa"ple:

    *34ller 8 3eier 10: )5+. n the case of "ore than two authors onl$ the first authorshould e na"ed' followed $ 7et al.9' for exa"ple: *Schule et al. 1;;: 2,+. A

    directl$ previousl$ referred to title can e cited with 7iid9.

    2.  nglish' =rench' ?ortuguese' and/or Spanish please provide a

    er"an or >nglish translation in rac(ets. =or sources with non%@atin ased writing s$ste"s please use the standard translation s$ste" used $ liraries.


    =ootnotes should e used as little as possile. The$ have to e nu"ered for each article and

    "ust e displa$ed at the otto" of each page. The$ are ill%suited for longer re"ar(s.

    nfor"ation that is indispensile for the understanding of the text should e integrated into the

    "ain od$ of the text. f this does not "a(e sense' this "a$ indicate that the footnote is not

    reall$ necessar$. =ootnotes are generall$ reserved for references involving "ore than three

     oo(s or to indicate controversial discussions. >ndnotes can e turned into footnotes with

    3icrosoft #BC processing.

    List of references

    =or the list of references we as( that $ou use the following sche"a:

    1.  &oo(s: surna"e' na"e *$ear+: title in italics. ?lace of pulication.

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    2.  Articles in anthologies: surna"e' first na"e *$ear+: Dtitle with uotation "ar(sE. n:

    surna"e' first na"e *ed.+: title in italics. ?lace of pulication' p. FF%FF. f "ore than

    one article fro" a oo( is cited then onl$ cite na"e' $ear' page nu"ers of each


    ,.  Gournal articles: surna"e' first na"e *$ear+: DtitleE. n: !ournal na"e in italics' Hol.FF' issue FF' p. FF%FF.

    ).  Articles fro" the internet: surna"e' first na"e *$ear+: title in italics. #elin(' last

    access: date in the for"at of da$."onth.$ear *C.3.IIII' i.e. 1.1.2016 or


    5.  Articles in internet anthologies: surna"e' first na"e *$ear+: Dtitle in uotation "ar(sE.

    n: surna"e' first na"e' *ed.+: title in italics. #elin( in the for"at of www.x$.net'

    last access: date in the for"at of C.3.IIII.

    6.  Articles fro" internet !ournals: surna"e' first na"e *$ear+: Dtitle in uotation "ar(sE.

    n !ournal title in italics' Hol. FF' issue FF' p. FF%FF *if availale+' #elin(' lastaccess: date.

    ;.  #e as( $ou to spell out first na"es for transparenc$. f $ou have ever searched a

    catalogue for . 3aier or G. S"ith $ou will (now wh$J

    .  n the list of references all authors of a pulication will e listed' each author

    separated $ a se"icolon: surna"e *1+' first na"e *1+- first na"e *2+ surna"e *2+-

    first na"e *,+ surna"e *,+ K...L 8 first na"e *n+ surna"e *n+. &etween the second last

    and the last author a 8 is used. n the case of two authors a co""a is used after the

    first na"e *1+: surna"e *1+' first na"e *1+' 8 first na"e *2+ surna"e *2+

    .  >ach listing is closed with a full stop. f necessar$ the $ear of the pulication isfollowed $ an outline *a' +.

    Presentation of figures

    =igures and nu"ers should e coherentl$ and aestheticall$ presented. urrencies should e

    written in their co""on areviation.

    Tables and figures

    Tales and pictures can e integrated into the text *and therefore the file+' ut it is advisale to

    send one high ualit$ pdf *"ini"u" 2.)00 dpi+ cop$ of the file without an$ tales and

     pictures the the editors as co"patiilit$ prole"s with graphs are uite co""on. n this case'

    graphs also have to e sent as separate files. =ewer co"patiilit$ prole"s occur when using

    the for"at of >ncapsulated ?ostscript for the file *co""onl$ DepsE+' T== *co""onl$ DtifE+

    or ?C= .#hen using ?C= files please "a(e sure that all font t$pes used are e"edded. T==

    files should e high ualit$ as otherwise all integrated text could e out of focuse in print

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    for". raphs integrated into word processing progra""e often do not provide satisf$ing


    ?ictures and i"ages have to e availale in high ualit$ with enough contrast. . Msing

     pictures and i"ages is onl$ advisale if it supports the articleNs argu"ents. #hen using

    diagra"s slight hatching is "ore convenient than the level of gre$. #e as( $ou to test whetherthe ualit$ of the i"ages' diagra"s and graphs is still sufficient when reduced $ ;0 O.

    Tales and i"ages have to e nu"ered *Ta. 1 to n- A. 1 to n+- within the text these

    nu"ers have to e used *not: Dsuch as the following tales showE' ut instead Das tale n

    showsE+. u"ers and titles are placed aove the tale9s i"age' the source is placed elow.

    As P  ERIPHERIE  is pulished in the for"at of C A5 the font in tales has to e 12 pt as

    generall$ tales are reduced $ ;0O when printing. As a font we use Ti"es ew Bo"an'

    width 105O and line spacing of 1'25.

    #e reuire i"ages as separate files' est in high ualit$ T== for"at or as a ?C= with a

    "axi"u" of 2.)00 dpi.

    Highlighting and special characters

    Mnderlining' old and other for"s of highlighting are to e avoided. f highlighting is

    necessar$ please use italics.

    ?lease search for special characters in the font t$pe DTi"es ew Bo"anE. f $ou are

    unale to locate the"' tr$ font t$pe Ds$"olE. f $ou are unale to locate the needed special

    character in this font t$pe' please use $our preferred choice' ut onl$ for the special characterand T for the whole text. This font t$pe has to e availale to the editors' so please provide

    it in the for"at of 7?ostscript T$p 19 or 7Truet$pe9 or at least provide the na"e. 3anual

    h$phenation is not necessar$. n the case h$phens are used' please re"ove the" $ using

    7replace9. The code for the conditional h$phen is: P%.

    Summaries and e!words

     P  ERIPHERIE  pulishes >nglish language su""aries of its articles. These su""aries should

    roughl$ e 200 words or 1.200 characters and outline the "ain theses of the article.

    Additionall$ we reuire five to ten (e$words for each article. ?lease provide the" in >nglish


    As P  ERIPHERIE  is a "e"er of the internet portal 7@in(snet9 *http://www.lin( we put

    selected articles on this wesite and on our own wesite. #e assu"e authorsN agree"ent to

    have their articles featured on these two wesites if not indicated otherwise.

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    1.  The deadline for the su"ission of articles or reviews is: the first wee( of Ganuar$

    *for the su""er/special edition+' 3a$ *for the autu"n edition+' or Septe"er *for the

    spring edition of the following $ear+.2.  Authors are as(ed to provide their postal address' including the e"ail address at the

    end of the article. Additionall$ we reuire a short author iograph$ for the section

    7Authors9 at the end of each !ournal edition.

    ,.  f possile save $our file in BT= for"at *Bich Text =or"at+ or 3icrosoft%#BC%

    =or"at ;%200,. Then we can "a(e sure we are ale to open the file.


    Cav$' &en!a"in' 8 Son$ ?ellisser$ *201,+: QThe itienship ?ro"ise *Mn+=ulfi lled. The Bight to Rousing in

    nfor"al SettingsD. n: International Journal of Social Welfare' &d. 22' r. 1' S. 6%)'!sw.120,,.

    Rei"' Susanne' 8 Mlri(e Scha *16+: Berechnung und Beschwörung – Überbevölerung! "riti einer #ebatte.


    @w$' 3ichael *200,+: Q?or una "ir *2001+: QRege"onWa $ contrahege"onWa para otro "undo posileD. n: Seoane' GosX- Taddei'

    >"ilio *Rg.+: Resistencias (undiales) #e Seattle a Porto *legre' S. ;%101.

    #ittgenstein' @udwig *166+: %ractatus logico+,hiloso,hicus – -ogisch+,hiloso,hische *bhandlung .=ran(furt a.3.

    Address of author:

    3ichael Vor"acher 

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