Page 1: Notes on Ernest Hemingway and the Sun Also Rises

Sarah M. Lucas

The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway

Hemingway: A History-Born in Oak Park, IL in 1899, six siblings, played football and boxed in high school-Writing career began with The Kansas Star in 1917 after editing and writing for high school paper-turned down to get into Army b/c of eye injury from boxing in high school, but volun-teered with the Red Cross as an ambulance driver, seriously wounded in Italy-returned after WWI, northern MI, Chicago-1921-Married Hadley Richardson--> Paris (correspondent for Toronto Star, interviewed David Lloyd George, George Clemenceau and Benito Mussolini), in Paris met Gertrude Stein, “entrance to world of authors and artists”, the “Lost Generation”-Lost Generation-postwar generation, believed war had destroyed everything, millions of lives, truth and life were futile and harsh, etc-First book: 1923, Three Stories and Ten Poems-The Sun Also Rises (1926), made Hemingway a prominent author-divorced wife, 1927, and married Pauline Pfeiffer same year, moved to Key West, two sons born, Patrick and Gregory (1929, 1932)-father committed suicide in 1928, supposedly began to influence Hemingway to put sui-cide in novel(later in the 1940’s), brother and sister also committed suicide-traveled around, Spain (reported on the Spanish Civil War, Fascists/Nationalists vs. those for democratic government, inspiration/basis for For Whom The Bells Tolls, 1940), Italy, Africa, China, wrote about experiences, bullfighting, big game hunting, etc-divorced wife in 1940, married third wife, Martha Gelhorn in same year(China, and lived then in Cuba)-WWII-volunteered as a submarine spotter(US Navy) with his fishing boat, The Pilar, then in 1944, was a war correspondent, went along with and ahead Allied invasion troops-Divorced Martha-1945, and married his *FOURTH* wife, Mary Welsh in 1946, lived in Venice, but returned to Finca Vigia(Translated: Lookout Farm) by Havana-1950-Across the River and Into the Trees, not a critical success, but 1952-The Old Man and the Sea, catapulted him to the top again, and given Pulitzer Prize in 1953, and later the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954 for “powerful, style-forming mastery of the art of narration”-1954-went to Africa for big game hunting, reported dead after two plane crashes in two days, had bad internal and spinal injuries, and a concussion, but noted that the obituar-ies were all positive and favorable-Cuba-high blood pressure, depression, injuries for both him and wife, children in car accident with severe wounds, literary friends dying, diabetes, heavy drinking, etc-moved to Ketchum, Idaho after Cuban government(Castro, post Bay of Pigs) took over Finca Vigia-continued to suffer depression, paranoia, etc, underwent shock therapy in 1961 but with no significant improvement-early morning on July 2, 1961-committed suicide shooting self through the mouth with his favorite gun

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Sarah M. Lucas

-diagnosed with hemochromatosis, body couldn’t break down iron fast enough, causes mental and physical problems-wife admitted five years later it was suicide-big game hunter, fisher, boxer, etc, daring and courageous sports, engrossed with vio-lence-wrote about ostracized men, isolated from society, discovered identity in bravery, and fortitude and journey for personal honor-great American author of short stories and novels-two Hemingways-smiling “Papa” in photographs, and talented/sensitive author, and possible third: depressed, messed up guy-According to The Toft: chauvinistic, girls don’t usually like him, boys do (Gee, wonder why?)-According to good ole wiki: he is public enemy number one according to feminist critics

Chapter I-Robert Cohn introduced, boxer in college, nose flattened-quiet, bit of a wallflower, 1st wife left him, beat him to filing for a divorce, miniature painter, took almost all of money-Jewish, always felt a bit bullied because of it, Princeton, boxing gave him satisfaction of knowing he could knock someone down, his way of combating anti-Semitism -dad richest of faith in NY, mother oldest-post divorce, went to CA, art review, edited magazine-met Frances Clyne while editing, forceful, ambitious?, loved her-she urged him to go to Euro, 3 years, 1-traveling, 2-in Paris, writing second book-2 friends for Cohn-1)Braddocks-literary, 2)Narrator-Jacob Barnes, tennis-At first, Frances was very careless and free in terms of her relationship, but when Cohn got $300 a month allowance and her looks flee, she wanted to marry him, no longer be mistress, she is controlling in relationship in terms of not letting him look at other women-Cohn represents Hemingway’s author, sensitive, “romantic” side?-Narrator often sarcastic, sardonically observant about Cohn

Chapter II-Cohn goes to America to publish second novel, personality change, 1) women sud-denly are attracted to him, according to Hemingway it opens up his eyes to “love” or maybe in his case sex, 2) plays bridge with his rich friends, 3) reading W.H. Hudson, “The Purple Land” which apparently is the 1920’s men’s version of today’s romance novels/chick flicks, meaning it portrays love and life completely unrealistically. Yes, sir, that is all the things needed for a personality change-Cohn gets this brilliant idea to go to South America, explore culture, has money, flee Frances?, dislikes Paris, invites Jacob to go with him, Jacob says no, too expensive, goes to Spain during summer-Cohn feels like he’s not living life to fullest, Jake-only bull fighters do (Hemingway’s Mr. Macho, appearance)-mentions bullfighting-Hemingway enjoyed that type of sport, as does Jacob Barnes, vs Cohn’s kinda passive boxing

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Sarah M. Lucas

Chapter III-Barnes has a drink with a prostitute, and later when they go to grab a bite to eat (he feels lonely and wants to have dinner with someone), she kisses him and cuddles, but he passes her off saying he’s “sick”-At the restaurant, he admits he got hurt in that war, her reply: “That dirty war,” -[they] “agreed that it was in reality a calamity for civilization and perhaps would have been better avoided”-Lost Generation viewpoint, don’t really have a very interesting conversation-He and the prostitute, (Georgette) meet up with Cohn, Frances and the Braddocks, Georgette bored by Frances and Mrs. Braddocks lesser French and conversation about Paris (clean vs dirty) (Barnes introduces her as his fiancee?) and by their urging decide to go dancing, there Georgette ends up dancing and kinda leaves Barnes-*drumroll* Brett(Lady Ashley) arrives with guys (surprise), but they kinda seem gay, calling each other dear, etc, and Brett says that she can get drunk safely around these guys (so, essentially, they won’t rape her because they’re gay, that’s what I’m thinking)-Brett’s group of possibly gay guys start dancing with Georgette, Barnes kinda is ticked off a bit, but gets over it, talks to Cohn a bit, Barnes says that the “whole show makes me sick,” shows his growing dissatisfaction with his love life, and Brett-Speaking of the devil, Brett pops up between Cohn and Barnes, Cohn becomes en-grossed with her, tries to get her to dance with him, but Brett dances with Jacob instead, Barnes says that she likes to keep having men chasing after her, the number keeps get-ting higher-Brett and Barnes decide to leave together, Barnes leaves money with a “patronne” for Georgette if she asks after him, and if she doesn’t for the “patronne” to save it for him-Brett and Barnes get into a cab and drive, Brett confesses that she’s been miserable-Brett seems to have freedom of a man vs the freedom that Frances, the Braddocks, etc have

Chapter IV-In the cab, Barnes kisses Brett but she asks him to stop, they both state that they love each other, but Brett doesn’t want to have a romantic relationship due to Hemingway’s problems b/c of the war, she feels like she’s paying for all the men she’s been with through this-Hemingway find his wounds a bit amusing, doesn’t really dwell on it-they arrive at a club, Hemingway requests that Brett kiss him, they go inside and met Zizi, a portrait painter, and Count Mippipopolous (We’ll just call him Count Mippy or Mippo)-Count Mippy, like Cohn, becomes engrossed with Brett, Barnes talks to the Braddocks who are at the club as well, they inform him that the prostitute, Georgette, started a fight with another girl (possibly another prostitute? yellow cards <---> prostitution connection, something along the lines of certification?), Georgette went home with another fellow, also found out Cohn went home with Frances, looking down-After agreeing to meet Brett the next day, Barnes leaves and goes back to his flat, gets his mail and such, gets dressed in his pajamas, reads bull-fighting paper, and begins to think about his wound

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-An officer said he had given up more than his life, but Barnes attitude was that he wouldn’t have really minded life as it was except Brett came along, he started thinking about her, then begins to cry-Brett arrives in style, with the count, drunk, and ticks off the “concierge” of Barnes’ apartment by demanding to see him very early in the morning, she tells Barnes that the count has offered to take her to Biarritz, Cannes, Monte Carlo and he would pay her $10,000, but she refused, also tries to convince Barnes to go out with her and the count, he refuses, they arrange dinner for the three of them for the next day, tries to convince her to stay with him at the apartment, but she refuses and leaves-Barnes goes back to bed and thinks some more about Brett-Seems to be a very boring life-Some work, lots of drinking and social meetings, very lazy life it seem, is this Lost Generation viewpoint as well?

Chapter V-Barnes wakes up, enjoys the morning, goes to a press conference, then meets up with Robert and goes out to lunch with him-They discuss South America, Cohn still wants to go, doesn’t want to take Frances, “not her type of thing”-Cohn begins to question Barnes about Brett, Brett becomes sore about it-Reader learns that the two met in a hospital during the war, V.A.D.=Volunteer Aid De-tachment, own “true love” died of dysentery, so she married Ashley during the war to become Lady Ashley -Brett is currently divorcing Lord Ashley, so she can marry Michael Campbell, currently in Scotland, who we meet later, Barnes calls her a drunk-Barnes becomes increasingly annoyed with Cohn’s questions about Brett, eventually tells him to go to hell, Cohn gets ticked off about the go to hell comment and not the in-sults on Brett, and Barnes smooths things over and ignores Cohn hint that he wants to keep talking about Brett, shows Cohn’s kind of passive side, they both leave their sepa-rate ways-Cohn is so passive, likes compliments, kinda a bit of a drama queen, whereas Barnes is just a black and white, “give it to me straight” guy, constant contrasting between Cohn and Barnes

Chapter VI-Brett stands Barnes up the next day for lunch or dinner, so after waiting a while, Barnes walks and promenades around Paris a bit-He goes into a bar and meets Harvey, a supposed old friend, who plays poker and goes to the races, possible gambler?, he tells Barnes that he hasn’t had anything to eat in five days(while currently drinking), Barnes gives him money, they discuss the author Mencken-Robert Cohn arrives, he and Harvey have a minor disagreement, call each other names, etc, Harvey slightly makes fun of Cohn for not really doing what he wants, not intelligent in Harvey’s terms, Harvey leaves-Cohn and Barnes discuss Cohn’s writing, not getting any further in terms of progress, frustration

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-Cohn is so passive, he seems to have everything he wants and whines about what he doesn’t have, not really a writer kinda, whereas Barnes is a journalist?, but has suffered more so than Cohn (i.e. his war wound and everything else caused by it), possibly Barnes is more of a writer than Cohn?-Cohn is described as nice, good looking, loved to win but okay with being beaten, Barnes observes that his confidence inspired by his visit to America is gone, replaced with the longings for adventure-Frances appears and joins the party, she acts slightly fake happy, asks to talk to Barnes, and informs him that Cohn wants to leave her, she thinks its because she wants to marry him, and told people about him, he likes the idea of a mistress and not a wife, “hasn’t lived enough” -Frances got a divorce really fast, no alimony, so she could marry him, if he leaves her, she’s slightly screwed, she is afraid because her looks are going she won’t find another husband-Jake tries to be Switzerland, neutral, while Frances is faking cheeriness, and a little bit bitterly sarcastic, they both go back to Cohn, Frances announces she is going to Eng-land, Cohn gave her two hundred, not original one, she’s going to visit friends, -Cohn paying her to leave him? What is it with guys paying girls to do things? Is this Hemingway’s view? That girls will do anything that guys pay them too? Or purely for their own pleasure? WE ARE NOT ALL WHORES! Or “floozies” if you want to be time period appropriate. -Frances goes on a little rant about 1)going to visit friends who don’t know she’s com-ing, they can’t refuse her, tiptoe around her various feelings/mistakes in life, all the awk-wardness 2)about how she made Cohn leave a secretary earlier in life for her, so now he’s leaving her the same way and 3) about how her leaving Cohn is helping literature and young writers "We all ought to make sacrifices for literature. Look at me. I'm going to England without a protest. All for literature." states that all Cohn wants is a mistress, not a marriage-Barnes watches Cohn take all of the insults and such without saying anything-passive, Barnes does nothing to stop it, kinda states that insulting Cohn is like destroying the world, Barnes eventually claims to go and see a friend inside the bar and then leaves through a side door

Chapter VII-Barnes heads back to his flat, finds out from his concierge that Brett had called on him, the concierge’s opinion on Brett completely changes from the night before because she gave her 200 francs, and is very sweet-Hemingway/Barnes goes on a little rant about how the concierge is very judgmental about a persons social and family status, and Barnes visitors/callers are affected be-cause of it-more chauvinistic views? = all women are extremely judgmental? But able to be paid off again? So, in his views, women are whores, judgmental, picky, sadistic, money-lov-ing, and easily swayed. -Brett arrives a little bit later with the Count in tail, bringing roses, Brett familiar with Barnes house, knows where the drinks, etc

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-claims she doesn’t remember their date earlier that day, says she was too drunk to re-member, both the Count and Barnes don’t believe her, why doesn’t she want to remem-ber?-Barnes not feeling well, goes to bedroom, Brett enters, talks with him while soothing his brow, sends Count away to get champagne, even though Barnes says he’s fine staying-Barnes asks Brett why couldn’t they live together, she said she’d make him unhappy by “trompering” with everyone (cheating), claiming that it’s the way she is, the way she is made, also says she couldn’t live quietly with him in the country-announces she’s going to San Sebastian, kinda implying that she’s trying to get away from him and their love, and then Michael is coming back (The guys at the club, Cohn, Michael, Count Mippo, how many more guys are there!?)-Count Mippo returns with the alcohol, they all have a discussion about multiple things-Count says that Lady Ashley/Brett doesn’t need a title(which she’ll lose after the di-vorce) because she has “class written all over her”-Brett downs the champagne like crazy, getting drunk kinda fast, Count says she is charming sober and drunk-Count’s life ideals: Always have values, for him always in love, has value of love, he knows Brett loves Barnes, and even though he loves her, he’s okay with it-Later the three go out to dinner, Count asks why the two don’t marry, excuses: careers and lead own lives, lying though teeth, real reason: Brett isn’t happy with Barnes be-cause of his disability due to the war-They go to the club to party some more, Brett and Barnes dance, discuss Brett and Michael’s impeding marriage and divorce involved, Brett says she’s miserable(an appar-ent theme that I’m seeing), and Barnes feels like he’s in a recurring nightmare-Barnes and Brett leave in the Count’s car, he stays at club, they go to Brett’s hotel, kiss several times, but Brett requests that Barnes doesn’t come up to her room, Barnes leaves and goes to his flat

Book IIChapter VIII-Brett and Cohn both leave for a while, and Barnes stays in Paris, Brett in San Sebas-tian and Cohn’s destination is the country, seems kinda coincidental-Barnes’ friend Bill Gorton arrives in Paris and visits Barnes for a few days, then heads to Budapest and Vienna, and eventually returns to Barnes, completely drunk-All this time, Barnes, Gorton and Cohn are planning on going on a fishing trip in Spain-Gorton claims he doesn’t remember a thing about Vienna, saying it was not so good, but that Budapest was wonderful-In Vienna, Gorton saw a prize fight between an African-American and a white man, and the African-American did really well, everyone started to heckle and throw things, A-A goes to make a speech, white boy hits him, and the A-A knocked him unconscious, peo-ple threw more things, Gorton rescued the man, got only his clothes back, but after the his contractor blamed that the contract was violated b/c of the A-A punching the white boy, Gorton lent the “nigger” (that’s what they call the A-A man during this whole dia-logue, prejudice against African-American’s very apparent) money to go back home-The pair decides to go eat, walks down the Boulevard, Gorton goes on some rant about taxidermists and money and stuffed animals, “Road to hell paved with unbought

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stuffed dogs”, Gorton reveals that the secret of his success is to never be “daunted” (in-timidated) in public, a cab passes the pair and then backs up-Brett is in the cab, Barnes leans that she is just back from San Sebastian, introductions all around, they get in taxi and go out to eat together, brief discussions about Paris and VIenna, Brett says she is “an ass to leave Paris” and that she had “interesting, not frightfully amusing” time but didn’t do a thing really-Gorton goes off a little bit on taxidermists again (He is a taxidermist?), Brett leaves af-ter setting another date with Brett to meet with her and Michael (Fiancee)-Gorton and Barnes set off once more to a cafe with American tourists (Daisy Miller, anyone?), after eating they wander around Paris some more, and decide to go meet Brett and Michael-Michael is completely drunk, keeps complimenting Brett, eventually they split, Brett and Michael go back to their hotel, and Gorton and Barnes go to a boxing match

Chapter IX-Boxing match was good, Barnes gets a letter from Cohn asking about their fishing trip, Barnes begins to arrange things so that he and Gorton may leave for it soon, meets up with Brett and Michael that evening, Brett and Michael plan to go to Spain with Barnes and Gorton and Cohn, discuss the trip a little, Brett asks Barnes to escort her back to the hotel that Michael theorizes is a brothel-The two discuss Cohn, Brett says he is the one who she went to San Sebastian with, Barnes is a little bit bitter, Brett describes Cohn as dull and like a child, later Cohn is de-scribed as enthusiastic that Brett is coming-Gorton and Barnes head out on a train, with Brett and Michael to later follow, they can’t eat due to the dining room cars being reserved, they didn’t bring food with them, bribe the waiter to bring them food, supposedly the people who reserved the cars are Catholics-Gorton and Barnes discuss traveling with the typical American family in their compart-ment, and fishing, family gets food, all are kinda complaining against the Catholics (Barnes is a supposed Catholic) the American father makes a reference to the KKK, saying the hassle is enough to make a man join the Klan-Lots of describing the landscape-Eventually they all reach their destination, Gorton and Barnes split from the family and meet up with Cohn and all go back to the hotel

Chapter X-Gorton, Barnes and Cohn wander around Bayonne in the morning and eventually hire a car to take them across the French-Spanish border into Spain to Pamplona-As they drive, Barnes observes the landscape, and they eventually arrive and settle into their hotel-As they eat Cohn annoys both Barnes and Gorton with his “air of superior knowledge” and is nervous because he isn’t sure that Barnes knows about him and Brett, Gorton bets Cohn that Brett and Michael won’t arrive that night like they are scheduled too sim-ply because he is angered with Cohn’s air-The group splits, Cohn to the barbershop, and later the hotel, and Gorton to write some letters, and Barnes wanders around town

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-He comes across the bull fighter archivist who kept track of Barnes’ magazines about bullfighting and he then goes to the cathedral in the town-Inside it was dark, dim, incense, he begins to pray for everybody (Mike, Bill, Cohn, Brett, bullfighters, himself, etc), for bullfights to be interesting, “fine fiesta”, good fishing, for money, he also wonders about how Count Mippo is getting along-Barnes calls himself a rotten Catholic and regrets his lack of religiousness, wishing he was, Catholicism = grand religion-The group reunites over dinner, Robert is still anxious, Barnes notices but doesn’t do a thing, Brett and Michael’s train is due in the middle of dinner-Cohn goes to the station and Barnes accompanies him just to harass him, Gorton stays and eats dinner, on the walk to the station Barnes “was enjoying Cohn’s nervousness” and “hoped Brett would be on the train”.-As they wait for the late train, Barnes continues to enjoy Cohn’s anxiety, he feels bad about it, but he states that he felt bad and that “Cohn had a wonderful quality of bringing out the worst in anybody”-Extended metaphor throughout the book-They arrive back and continue dinner with Gorton discussing things, the bet is put off onto bullfights, Barnes states that betting on bullfighting “would be like betting on the war....You don’t need any economic interest,” Barnes receives a telegram from Brett and Michael that states they were stopped for the night in San Sebastian, without show-ing his group the message, Barnes relays it to them and states that they send their re-gards to Cohn, further messing with Cohn, due to his jealousy of Cohn and Brett, and his new found hatred of him (supposedly caused by the air of superiority earlier that day)-Also at dinner, Cohn has had a haircut, a bath, is well dressed, etc. Prepping up for Brett? -They plan to have Brett and Michael follow them while the group continues on to Bur-guete, Gorton and Cohn stay out late-Cohn informs Barnes that he will say behind meet Brett and Michael when the arrive, stating that he thinks Brett may have been under the misunderstanding that they were to meet in San Sebastian, again he has another air of superiority on this topic and Barnes gets ticked off again at Cohn’s “pleasure to be able to talk with the understand-ing that I knew there was something between him and Brett,” Cohn also becomes senti-mental about missing the fishing trip, but states he will bring Brett and Michael up once he meets them-Barnes and Gorton discuss Cohn, who told Gorton that he had a date with Brett and San Sebastian, they both make a few jabs at Cohn and being Jewish, also stating that he’s nice but he’s “just so awful”-paradox of the story-Barnes informs Gorton about Cohn and Brett’s San Sebastian dalliance and Gorton goes on a mini-tirade about how Brett should have gone with Barnes, himself or “some of her own people,” then proceeding to jokingly say that his face is very handsome-The chapter ends on a bitter note with them complaining about Cohn and stating their anticipation for fishing-Cohn vs. Barnes-Cohn likes success but Barnes likes the struggle?

Chapter XI-Gorton and Barnes prepare to leave, on an overcrowded bus, very hot outside

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-Cohn offers them a drink out of a wine-skin, and when Barnes drinks he scares him by imitating an air-horn, and does it several times, causing Barnes to spill the wine, grow-ing tension between the two-Bus leaves, more Barnes observing the landscape, notices that the Basques like their country vs seeing American before their own country-Barnes is enjoying the Spanish culture, feels slightly at home with it, Bill is okay with it-Lots of drinking on the bus with the peasant Basques, when the bus stops, Barnes/Gor-ton buy some Basques drinks and vice versa, the bus becomes less crowded and the two groups sit by one another, the Basques teaches the American’s how to drink on the bus, very friendly atmosphere9-Gorton talks to the new friends while Barnes talks to another fellow who lived in Amer-ica for 15 years who is slightly unhappy with Spain now that he saw America-Barnes references Prohibition when he says “theres plenty if you can pay for it,” the two briefly mention fishing and bullfighting and the conversation ends, with Barnes ob-serving that it was too much effort for the man to talk in American English-The bus continues on, Barnes continues to observe the brown green countryside, forests, wooded mountains, plains, the Roncevaux Monastery in the mountians-Arrives in Burguete, brief encounter with a cavalry soldier (carabineer, inspects Barnes’s fishing rods), they arrive in the inn, are overcharged by the lady in charge, it’s very cold, Gorton plays piano and eventually orders hot rum punch to keep warm-The drink arrives without much rum in it, so Barnes pours half the rum bottle into it, “Di-rect action...It beats legislation”-Gorton, they eat a warm dinner and then go to bed-No women like Brett, Frances, Georgette, etc in Burguete, so far, freedom for Barnes? at least a mini-vacation away from Paris and all its complications

Chapter XII-Barnes wakes up before Gorton, goes out of the room before he puts his shoes on-considerate, goes and digs worms up for fishing while being watched by goats-He goes in and wakes up Gorton and the two have breakfast, talking about irony and pity the whole time as well as a few other random things like planes vs horses vs bikes, “Say something pitiful” “Robert Cohn” “Not so bad,” its all a very playful and joking con-versation-Says that Barnes is now all about sex, drinking, society, cafes, etc, changed because of Europe, is now an expatriate.-They joke about the different ways to have an “accident” like Barnes-Gorton goes on about some little tangent about American history and “faggots”-Gorton says that Barnes is a swell guy and couldn’t say that in NY without being called a “faggot,” or in todays terms “No homo”-Evidence of time periods: discrimination against African-Americans and homosexuals-They leave and begin to walk to the fishing spot, lots of descriptions of the landscape, Bill says “This is the country,” arrive at the fishing spot after a long hike and they both start fishing in different places-It’s more of a mediative place, the Spanish country, very soothing, Jacob and Bill have freedom away from society, Cohn, Brett and Michael

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-Barnes hooks six trout and eventually reads a book by A.E.W. Mason while waiting for Bill to return(and he does with more fish, friendly competition), they have a nice lunch and wine, and joke around some more about people they went to school with-As they both start to doze off for a nap, Gorton asks Barnes about the “Brett business” and Barnes confesses that he’s been in love with her on and off for a long time, but states he’d rather not discuss it, both doze off for a nap-They wake up late in the afternoon and return to the hotel, with the next five days con-tinuing like this, fishing, lazy afternoons, swimming, playing bridge, etc without any word from the Troublesome Three (Brett, Michael and Cohn)

Chapter XIII-In the morning a letter arrives from Michael stating that Brett fainted and they stayed with friends in San Sebastian and plan to arrive on Wednesday in Pamplona, they also get a telegram from Cohn saying that he’ll arrive there on Thursday, Barnes put Brett ahead of everything he enjoys, fishing, time with his male friends, etc-Gorton and Barnes say farewell to the Englishman they played bridge with at night, Wil-son-Harris, who they have grown to like, a very amicable, tight and loving friendship be-tween the three, they have drinks in a pub, treated by Harris, who gives them his con-tact information and hand-tied fishing flies-they invited Harris to come to Pamplona but he wanted to stay and fish longer-Barnes and Gorton arrive in Pamplona and find out that Cohn, Brett and Michael have all arrived, Barnes discusses bullfighting with Montoya, a fellow avid fan of bullfighting and hotel owner who favors “aficionados” like Barnes-Apparently American’s aren’t really passionate about bullfights but there are a few like Barnes who are equal to the Spanish in their passion, reader also finds out about the bullfights that night and the next day-Bill and Jacob meet up with Cohn, Michael and Brett, we learn a little bit about Michaels back story as a soldier(Gave away medals that weren’t his to girls, bankrupt by friends and creditors, etc), Barnes looks for Brett and Michael, not Cohn, Everyone shakes hands but Cohn only because its courtesy-They go to watch the bulls that night, Barnes and Brett walk along and Cohn joins them, rising tension?, Bill and Mike opposite them during the spectacle-The lowdown on bullfighting: bulls are released from their pens at steers(male bulls who have been castrated), the steers try to calm the bulls down, but often enough the steers are gored by the angry bulls(I had to look this up on Sparknotes because I didn’t understand what was going on), in SAR one steer is gored and excluded from the pack of several bulls and steers at the end, symbolism of Cohn?-Brett watches, almost as fascinated as Barnes, later after the group is rather cheerful and drunk, Michael starts calling Cohn an steer, saying he followed Brett around in San Sebastian like steer, also states that Cohn wasn’t wanted in San Sebastian, that Brett and Michael were fine on their own, “What if Brett did sleep with you? She slept with lots of better people than you,” Michael heckles Cohn, Cohn is passive-aggressive, stating repeatedly that Michael is drunk but doesn’t throw blows, Michael states again that Cohn wasn’t wanted in San Sebastian, that Cohn wasn’t invited to parties thrown by Michael and Brett’s friends, that he just followed Brett around and looked at her

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-Cohn as a steer-quiet life, don’t talk that much, get kicked around a lot, hang around a lot,etc-Bill leads Cohn off who is sallow, pale, etc-Michael, Brett and Barnes discuss Cohn and Brett a bit, apparently Cohn called Brett Circe(sorceress who bewitched men into pigs from the Odyssey), Michael sobers up af-ter Cohn leaves, we also learn that Michael knows a lot about Brett’s affairs and is okay with them-The group heads back to the hotel, Barnes talks with Montoya about the bulls, M. says the were nice bulls but didn’t give him a good feeling, Barnes goes up and talks with Gorton about Mike, Gorton says that although he may dislike Cohn and it was stupid for him to go to San Sebastian after Brett, there was no reason to talk like that too him, briefly discuss bullfighting-Everyone goes down to dinner, Cohn is still sallow, taut, reserved, formal, curt, keeps looking at Brett and cheers up, Brett was beautiful, Bill and Michael very funny together-”It as like certain dinners I remember from the war. There was much wine, an ignored tension and a feeling of things coming that you could not prevent happening. Under the wine I lost the disgusted feeling and was happy. It seemed they were all such nice peo-ple.” -Barnes, foreshadowing, sums up the current situation

Chapter XIV-Barnes is drunk and alone in his room, first he reads and then he begins to think about numerous things while Cohn goes up to his room and Michael and Brett are laughing next door-Barnes realizes that women are “swell friends” because in order for men to be friends with women they must be in love with them, dwells on how his and Brett’s friendship is something for nothing, gets slightly angry with himself and then accepts the friendship, even though he can never give Brett what she really wants in their relationship that she has in every other relationship-Wishes that Mike wouldn’t be mean to Cohn because Barnes liked it and then is dis-gusted with himself because of it, Barnes=very moral-Mike is a bad drunk, Brett and Bill are good drunks and Cohn doesn’t get drunk-Preparations for the fiesta are made, nobody gets drunk, little tension it seems but nothing explodes, is quietness building up for an explosive ending at the bullfighting fi-esta?-Cohn follows Brett and Barnes to church

Chapter V-The fiesta explodes, dancing, parades, drinking, etc, the days and nights blend, reli-gious procession, etc-Brett is denied entrance to the church because of her lack of a hat(she’s always wear-ing one at other times in the book?), so everyone dances around her as she waits out-side, crowns her with leaves, worshipping a goddess? Bacchanalian(Greek god Diony-sus, Roman God Bacchus-drunkenness, madness, wine etc) rites, Brett gets taught how to drink out of wine-skins

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-Barnes goes and buys two big wine skins and fills them then everyone begins to drink and eat (Brett, Michael, Bill, Cohn has supposedly passed out and been put away somewhere)-Barnes goes and finds Cohn to check on him while everyone else parties, Cohn wakes up two hours later, they all head back to the hotel drunk and have a huge meal there, everyone else stays up but Barnes goes to sleep around four o’clock am, wakes up at six to the rocket that announces the bulls running through the street to the bullring.-Note on the Pamplona Bull Running-The men race through the streets with the bulls chasing them down to the bull ring, its a tradition that is hundreds of years old but very bloody as people have been killed and many are injured each year-Barnes watches the run down his street and then returns to sleep while the rest of the group watches in the bullring, several people were injured due to bulls jumping in the crowd, Cohn reports back to Barnes (Barnes is sleeping in Cohn’s room b/c his own room is locked), everyone says it was grand, but they all go to sleep-Nobody is up before noon, the excitement mounts as the bull-fights grow nearer, the group heads to the ring and eventually shall separate into separate seating sections, Bill and Jacob closer to the action, everyone else higher up, Cohn says that he is afraid that he will be bored and Brett is nervous about her going through it-Bill and Barnes advise everyone not to watch the horses during the several minutes that they are possibly being gored? The two walk back to the hotel to get the wine skins and binoculars, Bill states “That Cohn gets me...He’s got this Jewish superiority so strong that he thinks the only emotion he’ll get out of the fight will be being bored,” Barnes suggests watching him with the glasses-Is Hemingway anti-Semitic? He keeps enforcing the fact that Cohn is Jewish-They arrive back at the hotel and run into Montoya who invites them to meet the mata-dor Pedro Romero, they meet him and wish him luck and then return to the bullfight, ap-parently he is very handsome-Romero shows promise by being the best bull fighter, dancing continues once the fights are over, the group reunites, Brett is completely fascinated by the bullfighting and Cohn was queasy with the violence, Bill and Mike tease him about it a bit, Cohn gets a bit frustrated but remains passive, Brett is also attracted to Romero-The next day the bull fights continue and Romero is the star, Barnes teaches Brett(she sits with him and Michael, Bill and Cohn are in own section) all the things to watch in bullfighting, Romero displays grace and mastery of the bulls, bullfights continue, as does the fiesta

Chapter VI-it is raining, no bullfights that day, Montoya asks Barnes for advice, American ambas-sador wants to meet Romero, and another bullfighter, Montoya doesn’t want Romero to be corrupted by foreigners, to stay with the Spanish culture, Barnes advises Montoya not to give Romero the message-everyone is in a cafe, everyone is drunk, Mike especially, Barnes begins to talk to a critic and Romero about his past and future fights, Romero is very humble, eventually Romero and the critic join the rest of the party, Brett begins to talk with Romero, both seem fascinated with each other, Michael keeps on shouting drunken rude things down the table at the pair while everyone tries to shush him

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-Montoya comes in, sees Brett talking to Romero, doesn’t address Jake, eventually Mike begins to pick on Cohn again, asking if Cohn thinks he belongs with the group, eventually Jake gets Mike out of the cafe to avoid a fight, Cohn is sallow again, but is described as enjoying the “childish, drunken heroics” of it all-Michael and Jacob go outside and watch the revelers in the rain, eventually joined by Bill and Brett and a friend of Bills who isn’t named(girl), they wander up and down the streets a bit trying to find someplace to have a drink, but they eventually separate, Bill, Michael and the girl(Edna) go to harass the English tourists who they feel don’t belong there-Brett, Cohn and Barnes are together in a pub, they decide to stay, as does Cohn but Brett tells him to leave her and Barnes alone and to go to hell, so Cohn eventually wan-ders off, leaving Brett very frustrated-The pair talk about Cohn and Mike a little while, stating that it is frustrating for every-one, because of Mike being drunk, of Cohn being annoying, and following Brett around, etc-Barnes and Brett decide to go for a walk, they find out that Cohn has stayed nearby the pair, and they get annoyed again with him, they start walking again and Brett confesses that her self-respect is shrinking as Mike and Cohn are slowly killing it along with her-self, she is in love with Romero, asks Barnes to help her through everything, he readily agrees, Barnes also tells her that he still loves her-They head to a cafe where they find Romero, and eventually he joins them at their ta-ble, quiet flirting ensues between Brett and Romero, its obvious attraction, they discuss palm reading and bull fighting, “bulls are my best friends...always [kill them] so they don’t kill me”, and Barnes leaves with an excuse, leaving the two alone, bearing un-pleasant looks from Romero’s earlier table, he returns to the cafe later and Brett and Romero are gone

Chapter VII-Barnes meets up with Edna who is now introduced, Michael and Bill, and finds out that they have nearly caused several brawls among the tourists and have been kicked out of the cafe, Bill disappears and Mike, Edna and Barnes continue to another cafe-They run into Cohn, who demands to know where Brett is, Barnes says he doesn’t know as Cohn repeatedly demands to know, Mike says that she’s on her honeymoon with the bullfighter, Cohn gets angry, and turns to Barnes, demanding for confirmation and calling him a pimp-Barnes swings at Cohn who promptly begins to fistfight with him, knocking Jake uncon-scious and Mike to the floor-Barnes heads back to the hotel after he wakes up, and stumbles upstairs in a bit of a daze, he runs into Bill who says that Cohn is really torn up and asking for Jake, Jake fi-nally relents and goes in to see Cohn-Cohn cries and begs for forgiveness from Jake, who he calls his “only friend” which is first refused and then eventually given, the pair shake hands, and both go to sleep heal-ing their wounds-The next morning Jake wakes up and watches the running of the bulls, a man is gored, and people simply run around and over him in their haste of trying to get to the bullfight-

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ing ring, Jake and a waiter at a cafe discuss the man, his death and how it was “All for sport. All for pleasure...All for fun”-Jake heads back to the hotel to sleep, but Mike and Bill burst in on him with alcohol, they all start drinking, and Jake is informed of the numerous injuries at the ring due to one man tripping and causing everyone else to trip and then be hurt by bulls-They also tell Jake about last night and what happened between Cohn, Romero and Brett. Apparently, Brett and Romero were discovered together by Cohn who then pro-ceed to repeatedly hit Romero, who just kept on getting back up and struck down, even-tually Cohn says that he wouldn’t hit Romero anymore, when Romero stood up and hit him back as hard as he could, then feel to the floor and couldn't get back up-Brett then gave Cohn a scolding that was greatly needed, and Cohn burst into tears and begged forgiveness from both Brett and Romero, he offered his hand to Romero who promptly hit him again-Mike then goes on to describe how Brett was currently caring for Romero, as that’s what she does best, and constantly did it to himself, he also states that he gave her a scolding about her dalliances with “Jews and bullfighters and all those sorts of people,” to which Brett responded “Yes, I’ve had such a hell of a happy life with the British aris-tocracy” referring to her first husband Lord Ashley who made her sleep on the floor with him and kept a loaded gun with him at all times while he was sleeping as he threatened to kill her, Brett removed the shells each night while he slept-So her earlier hard life is being made up through her current freedom?-Eventually Mike leaves and Jake asks Bill if he heard about the man being gored to death, to which Bill replies “Was there?”-Could the man gored equal Cohn? Both are ignored by their “friends” when they are hurt, although one is hurt by the bull, the other by his own faults

Chapter VIII-Last day of the fiesta, Cohn had left earlier, Mike, Bill and Barnes are at a cafe for lunch, Brett appears-They discuss Cohn, and the fight and Romero’s condition, he will be bullfighting, Brett has been taking care of him, Michael starts harassing Brett about her “bull-fighter boyfriend,” Brett becomes angry and she and Barnes leave the cafe and begin to walk about town for a little while-Brett states that the bull-fighting people that Romero is associated with aren’t happy with her at all-They go into a church because Brett want’s to pray for Romero, but she gets nervous there and goes out several minutes later, saying she feels like she’s not meant to be re-ligious-Brett is described as carefree and happy, like she was before she went with Cohn to San Sebastian, eventually the two go back to the hotel and Brett asks Barnes to look af-ter Mike for her, and she goes to care for Romero-At the hotel, Montoya bows to the pair but doesn’t smile, what’s his problem? does he believe that they’ve “corrupted” Romero-Barnes goes upstairs and sees Michael, who looks terrible and is drunk, encourages him to get some sleep, then goes with Bill to get some lunch in the town, after eating

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they meet up with Brett and head on to the final day of the bullfight, Michael is left be-hind sleeping at the hotel-Belmonte, Romero and Marcial are fighting, Romero gives Brett his cape-The crowd demands that Belmonte(he came out of retirement to fight Marcial) give it more than he can, and do the impossible in the ring because he is the most experi-enced bullfighter, but since he cannot do what they want him to do the crowd turns on him, heckling him, booing, throwing things at him, etc, -Belmonte’s return has been spoiled by Romero, Romero is what Belmonte used to be, circle of life?-Romero gets a vision impaired bull, and has to put in a lot of effort to get it right, and make up where the bull lacked, Romero’s last bull however is the one that killed the man earlier that morning-The last bull is everything Romero would want in a bull, and he eventually kills it and gives its notched ear to Brett and the crowd carries the sore Romero out of the stadium-After the fight, Bill and Barnes go get something to eat while watching the festivities of the last evening of the fiesta-Barnes is feeling “low as hell” because of Brett and Barnes and gets very drunk, Bill en-courages him, 3 absinthes in an attempt to try and forget/get over his depression, also says to hell with Cohn, he heads back to the hotel to Brett’s room and finds out from Michael who is inside that Brett left with Romero and had been looking for him to say goodbye-Barnes tried to fall asleep and later joins Michael and Bill because he is hungry, the three eat and “it seemed as though about six people were missing” (Cohn, Frances, Brett, Romero, The Braddocks and the Count?)

Book IIIChapter XIX-The Last Chapter! Dun dun duhhhhh!-It’s the morning and the fiesta is over, Barnes has breakfast with Gorton, says he plans to stay away from Paris for another week, and go to San Sebastian, Mike will go back to Saint Jean de Lux-They get a car, drive back to Bayonne, Montoya doesn’t say goodbye to anyone, they drink on the way there and then in a bar while they wait for BIll’s train, where they drink some more and play poker dice-Michael confesses that he only has 20 francs and thats it, because he barely had enough to pay Montoya, in fact Brett put up most of the money so she has no money as well, they drive out and drop Michael off in Saint Jean, they bid farewells, and he prom-ises to eventually pay his share of the car, Bill gets dropped off at the station to head to Paris and eventually go back to America before Barnes returns to Paris-Barnes heads to the hotel in Bayonne, and thinks about the quiet that lays ahead of him in San Sebastian, states that he is done with fiesta-ing-He has a pleasant dinner and several drinks and overtips the waiter, seeing his happi-ness, and thinks about how different France and Spain are, in France there are no friendships for obscure reasons, “spend little moneY”, have good qualities, etc-Barnes continues to overtip several people in Bayonne the next morning and states he is doing so to make friends for when he comes back to the town, he heads out on a train

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for San Sebastian back into Spain and feels like a fool for returning to the country, where “you could not tell about anything”-He arrives in San Sebastian and settles down, having all telegrams and some mail for-warded to him from Paris and Hotel Montoya, he goes swimming in the sea, and then drinks, relaxes and observes a lot more, also walks around the harbor and promenade, at dinner he discusses cycling with many bicyclists, and then goes swimming again the next day, very lazy vacation away from everyone -He receives two telegrams(one from Paris the other from Pamplona) from Brett asking him to come to Madrid as she is in rather big trouble, Barnes drops everything in his va-cation and plans to leave that night for Madrid, replying to Brett with a telegram signed “Love”-”That was it. Send a girl off with one man. Introduce her to another to go off with him. Now go and bring her back. And sign the wire with love. That was it all right”-Barnes arrives in Madrid, and gets a room at Brett’s hotel, and goes to see Brett, who says she’s “had a hell of a time” and that Romero left the day before, as she made him go-She says that it isn’t the sort of thing [keeping him] one does, that she doesn’t think she hurt him, Barnes says that she was “probably damn good for him” but then she says that he shouldn’t be living with anyone-Romero was supposedly ashamed of her, his bullfighting friends nagged him about her, wanted her to grow her hair out to make her look more womanly, eventually he got over his shame, and wanted to marry her so she wouldn’t leave him, she refuses because she doesn’t want to ruin their possible marriage and children, she couldn’t leave him as she had no money, he offered her money but she refused, which is why she sent for Ja-cob-Brett says she’s going back to Mike because he’s nice and awful and her sort of thing, Barnes is holding her this whole time, hugging her while she cries and shakes-They get tickets for the train and go and have drinks again, three martinis each, and have a conversation about Romero and then go and have lunch somewhere else and they drink some more, Brett asks Jake not to get drunk, saying that he doesn’t have too(All his troubles over?)-They decide to ride around Madrid for a bit, Brett: Oh, Jake, we could have had such a damned good time togetherJake: Yes, Isn’t it pretty to think so? *FIN*-If onlys, hads, and buts...what could have happened if....trope of an ending?Themes: Lots of cycles, the bullfighters, love, and heartbreak, bad times and good times, Lost Generation in the cafe’s and bars of Paris, no direction.

Thoughts on the BookHonestly, I enjoyed Hemingway’s terse writing style even if he was straight and to the point at times. His views on women annoyed me a bit, but not so much that I couldn’t read the book. The contrast between Cohn and Barnes was interesting to see, as was the characterization of Cohn, Brett and Barnes. I also enjoyed seeing the lack of direc-tion the Lost Generation had, in terms of socializing, drinking, smoking, etc constantly and not really working and how all of this was seemingly caused by WWI. If given the

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chance, I would read another one of his books. And I’d give The Sun Also Rises an 8.5 out of 10.

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