Download - Nov 27th, 2013 #52


The Voice of North Grenville Nov 27, 2013

TIMESthe north grenville

Vol. 1, No.

The opening of the new exhibit on the old school houses of North Grenville at Geronimo Coffee House last Saturday was yet an-other example of the North Grenville Historical Soci-ety using their Archives to promote our local history. In a very productive and successful collaboration with the North Grenville Photography Club, the ex-hibit, which covers the pe-riod from 1823 until 1965, was arranged for the two societies by Doug Mac-

donald and Larry Loke. The opening night wine and cheese reception saw a full house at Geronimo, with Mayor David Gordon helping to unveil the dis-plays. One of the sponsors of the event was the CIBC Kemptville branch, and the branch manager, Amanda Guerin, attended with her family. Amanda noted the importance of such an event for the downtown business community. She hoped the exhibit would bring many more people

into the downtown during the Christmas season, and introduce them to places like the Geronimo Coffee House.

Contemporary pho-tographs of many of the old school houses, taken by members of the NG Photography Club, are displayed beside historic pictures and information about the schools and the boys, girls and teachers who attended them over so many decades. The his-torical material was drawn

from the holdings of the NG Archives, owned and managed by the Historical Society. This was the latest in a growing list of projects for which the holdings of the Archives have been used by the Historical Society to promote and publicise local history in the community.

In the past year alone, the Society has put on displays at the Municipal Centre dealing with World

Launch of school history exhibit a full house

photo courtesy Micheal Pacitto

continued on page 2

A happy crowd attend the opening at Geronimo

Salvation ArmyKettle Campaignsee page 7

2Nov. 27, 2013

The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville

War I, the 125th Anniver-sary of the Salvation Army in Kemptville, and the old General Stores of NG’s hamlets. Material from the archives have been used in public talks in Kemptville and Ottawa, and perma-nent displays of historic photographs can be found at the Branch Restaurant. Exhibits were also put on for the Dandelion Festival,

Canada Day in Oxford Mills and last year’s Old Town Christmas event. A forthcoming project will involve setting up a World War I exhibit at the Ar-mouries to mark the 100th anniversary of that cata-clysmic conflict. This will be in conjunction with the Navy League of Canada.

The high standard of the displays using archival

continued from front page


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holdings has added a great deal to the cultural life of the municipality, and pro-cedures are in place, and closely followed, to com-plete the reorganisation of the NG Archives in order to make our shared his-tory more accessible to the public. Not at all bad, for a voluntary organisation.

The School House ex-hibit continues until De-

cember 27 at Geronimo Coffee House, Prescott Street in Kemptville. Admission is free and it is open during regular Geronimo business hours. The two organising groups want to thank Heather Childs for providing such a great space, as well as the CIBC and NG Times for the support which has made the event possible.

Exhibit co-ordinator Doug Macdonald points out some aspects of the display to Mayor David Gordon

The energy behind the exhibition: Doug Macdonald, CIBC Kemptville bank manager, Amanda Guerin, and co-ordinator Larry Loke

Amanda Guerin, CIBC, with NGHS President, Bill Adams. All photos credit: Barbara Gour

Bayfield ManorCraft & Bake Sale

Saturday, December 7, 20132 - 4 pm

3Nov. 27 2013

The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville


Catering For All


Erick Le Pors

On Thursday, November 21, Matt Felker (left) representing O’Farrell’s Financial Services presented a cheque for $500 to Kemptville and District Home Support Inc. Treasurer, Jim Heppell and Executive Director, Susan Smith to support programs assisting seniors and physically disabled adults to live independently.

L-R Ruth Garrett, PRO Kemptville Legion, Ralph Pulfer, President Kemptville Legion, Mary Cooke, Secretary, Kemptville Legion

Each year the Legions have an opportunity to submit a scrapbook relating to events that happened throughout the year. This year, Branch 212 Kemptville received 1st place in the District and went on further to place First in the Provincial competition. Ruth Garret, editor, is holding the Provincial award and Mary Cooke, co-editor with the President is holding the District award.

Congratulations to Ruth and Mary for their achievement.

First place in District and Provincial competitions

O’Farrell’s Financial Services present cheque for $500 to Kemptville and District Home Support Inc.

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4Nov. 27, 2013

The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville

by Beth Nicol

TIMESthe north grenville Mailing Address

P.O. Box 35, Oxford Mills, ON,

K0G 1S0

The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc.

GraphicsMicheal [email protected]

EditorDavid [email protected]

Copy EditorPat [email protected]

CFORob [email protected] ISSN 2291-0301

Production ManagerMarguerite [email protected]

MarketingGord J. [email protected]

Marketing Peter [email protected] 989- 2850

Staff Reporter Beth [email protected]

Dear Editor:It has become very dan-

gerously evident that many drivers in this area do not have any regard for their own, or other road users’ safety when they negotiate left hand turns, particularly those at “T” junctions. These should be regarded as 90 de-gree (right angled) turns and not, as seems to be the com-mon practice, any other angle considerably less than that, such that they nearly take off the nose of any car coming up to the same junction from a different direction! This happens because they are making their turn too soon, too fast! Particularly bad for this is the “off set” one that crosses Clothier West (Cty Rd 18) at Hurd/Somerville. Drivers driving East/West, in either direction on Clothier West, making left turns tend to turn too early, usually at speed, hence having to cut the corners, to the fright of other drivers approaching the Hurd/Somerville junction!!

This junction is just one of the many in Kemptville that are negotiated in this way and there will soon be a fatal, near head-on, collision if drivers don’t take more care!!

I would like to bring to the public’s attention the above web site, which gives the correct instructions for using our roundabouts and the drivers signalling pro-cedures, when using them. Many local drivers have, obviously, never seen it, or prefer not to acknowledge its existence, judging by their complete lack of signalling when negotiating them!!

Why do roundabouts (traffic islands) instill such a lack of understanding of the basic rules of the road, the English language, and the paralysis of the turn signal/indicator light finger. (the other one certainly seems to

work OK!).“YIELD” means that you

yield ( give way / let go / let pass by) cars from the left, which means that once you are on the roundabout people should yield to you, because you are the one coming from their left. You never enter the roundabout and then stop to let someone from your right hand side pass in front of you! This is inviting a rear end collision and a lot of con-fusion all around! The idea of these islands/ roundabouts is to keep traffic moving!!

ALWAYS use you r RIGHT turn signal to EXIT the roundabout EVEN if you are going straight on through it. This advises the on-coming drivers that you are not about to cross their path, so they can then enter the roundabout safely with-out having to stop i.e. they can keep moving.

This is especially impor-tant when two lanes enter and exit the roundabout and you are legally using the lane

nearest to the centre circle. As well as advising the on-coming traffic, you are also advising an errant driver, who may have cut up beside you on the outside lane and who doesn’t want to exit right where you do!! (This can happen when travelling west from the Hwy 416 with two lanes entering the roundabout. If the driver on the inner centre lane decides, quite legally, to exit, then the driver in the outer lane should be made aware of this fact just in case he/she wants to carry on round to the next exit. Of course, if they are, they too should be signalling their intentions, for now they will be crossing the left lane of traffic to achieve this.)

If you are making an immediate RIGHT turn off the roundabout, indicate that fact BEFORE you get to the roundabout. This advises the on-coming drivers that you are not about to cross their path, so they can then enter the roundabout safely

without having to stop i.e. they can keep moving, also following drivers can keep moving too, knowing that you are about to be out of their way.

If you are making a LEFT turn by going around the is-land, use your LEFT indica-tor/turn signal BEFORE you enter the roundabout and then use your RIGHT one to exit it. This informs the drivers be-hind you of what you are doing, and the ones who are coming in from the right and also the approaching drivers that you are about to cross their path. i.e EVERYONE knows what is going on and NO GUESSING is required!!

Having difficulty cross-ing busy traffic lanes to go West (left) on Hwy 43, between the traffic lights into the Shoppers Drugmart Pharmacy Mall and the next roundabout at McEwans Gas? If the answer is yes, then did you also know that U-TURNS can be safely negotiated, quite legally and safely, by using a round-about/traffic island? Instead

of “dicing with death” and dodging across the road, just turn right going East and proceed to the traffic island/roundabout and activate your LEFT turn indicator, prior to getting there, and go all the way round to your exit, when you will be signalling RIGHT, as normal. Easily and safely done without any stress and the squealing of brakes! (Entry into Stinson’s, TSC etc is a lot more safely done this way and quicker too, on many occasions.) NB. Once the planned road-way improvements are made and a dividing barrier is in place between the two traffic lanes, this U-Turn practice will be the norm, because neither lane will be able to cross from one side to the other. Why not get into, or continue, the practice of us-ing your car signals and the roundabouts, as they were designed, and have a more relaxing day as well!?

Thank you for your atten-tion and safe driving,Yours sincerely,John Baldwin,Kemptville.

Cutting corners and stopping on roundabouts (traffic islands) makes (car) ends meet

“Once in royal David’s city, stood a lowly cattle shed, where a mother laid her baby in a manger for His bed: Mary was that mother mild, Jesus Christ her little child.” Cecil Frances Alexander

What was once a celebra-tion of the birth of Christ, a child most holy, born in humble circumstance, has become a celebration of ex-cess. It is far more insidious than the rush to purchase presents; the choice to buy or not, each according to his or her own circumstance, is ours to make. Food, on the other hand, is basic to our survival. Putting it on ignore is not optional.

Mouthwatering ads for desserts that delight; eye-catching displays of cookies in seasonally decorated box-es; tables overflowing with platters of meat and bowls filled with every vegetable combination imaginable. All that you could possibly want to eat and more; a weighty statement that is. There are two issues at play here which

should trouble each and every one of us.

“All that you could possi-bly want to eat.” The problem lies with the fact that many Canadians want very much to eat but often have to choose between purchasing food for their families or keeping the hydro on, or as is the case for some struggling single parents, food or daycare. Pro-grams such as the Fill a Bag drive rely on the generosity which so often accompanies the approach of the Christmas season; some families in North Grenville rely on the food donated for subsistence. Without the devoted work of churches, schools and ser-vice groups, the food banks would be unable to support the increase in the number of clients they serve. The odd thing is that we do not have a food shortage here, which brings us to the second issue.

“And more.” Food waste should be an all consum-ing issue for governments worldwide. It isn’t. Presently over 295 million people in the world are undernour-ished; approximately half of the population of the

North American continent is morbidly obese. There is a connection. A government funded group called WRAP, the Waste and Resources Ac-tion Programme, published a report five years ago entitled, “The food we waste,” which documented the results of a study of the disposal of household garbage in thou-sands of British households. At that point in time, it was determined that an average of 70 kilograms of food was wasted annually by each and every citizen. That does not include the produce or past dated goods tossed out by grocery stores. I posit that a check on the composters and trash cans of Canadians would show similar results.

A visit to your local food bank will show that the ma-jority of supplies available are non-perishable food items. This is a polite way of saying box upon box of processed foods; very nec-essary, very practical, very fattening. Think back to the produce department of your local grocers. Is there a way to connect produce that is close to shelf life and the

food banks? In some places, this relationship has already been established; for the most part, it goes straight into the dumpster. Forward thinking community groups such as the “Giving Garden” are making a difference as they promote growing and sharing healthy home-grown foods.

A change in our personal shopping habits can also have an impact on the reduction of food waste. Menu planning, shopping for fresh produce daily,or every second day ,and planning for ways to use leftovers can reduce your food bill as well.

There is another food waster. The dreaded, “expiry” or “best before” date. The regulations are interesting and in some ways misleading. The Canadian Food Inspec-tion Agency points out on its website that the “best before” date only applies to the qual-ity of a food’s flavour and freshness. The dates refer to a food’s freshness, not to its safety. The only products on which the CFIA requires an “expiration date” are infant formula, meal replacements and nutritional supplements

due to the vitamin contents. Canned or packaged items have no need for “best be-fore” dates; they don’t apply. Yet there they are in many cases. On unopened con-tainers, a “best before” date does not equate to an “expiry date” and yet thousands of kilograms of waste each year can be credited to foods found to be a day or so past the suggested date stamped onto the box or plastic tub. The Canadian Partnership for Consumer Food Safety Education offers a chart indi-cating the shelf life of opened and unopened foods kept in the refrigerator.

On a global scale, the ac-cumulated produce not sent to the trash will eventually find its way to world markets as the changes in purchasing patterns redirect where and how our excesses are used. Sounds simplistic? Check back to the opening verse of, “Once in Royal David’s City.” Sometimes paring back to the simple basics and re-examining our values and how we put them into practice is a necessity.


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5Nov. 27 2013

The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville

Municipality Matters

The wonderful gate that the North Grenville Municipality put up recently to detract people from going down to Deeks Quarry to dump their garbage was recently destroyed. This is our tax dollars working for our community and some idiot took it into his/her hands to destroy it for a joy ride. This gate is located on Scotchline Road West leading into Deek's Quarry.

Vandals destroy Scotchline Road Gate

Gord Brown, Member of Parliament for Leeds-Grenville applauded new legislation to help keep our communities safer by crack-ing down on cyberbullies.

“Our Government is com-mitted to helping ensure that our children are safe from online predators and from online exploitation,” said Brown. “We have an obli-gation to help put an end to harmful online harassment and exploitation.”The proposed legislation would:- ban the non-consensual dis-tribution of intimate images

Gord Brown applauds government action to crack down on cyberbullies

- empower the courts to order the removal of intimate im-ages from the internet - permit the court to seize the computer, cell phone or electronic device used in the offence - provide reimbursement for victims - impose a maximum penalty of five years in prison

While bullying has al-ways been a concern, tech-nology has given the bullies a worldwide audience to the humiliation and intimida-tion of their victims. These actions can destroy lives. Recent tragedies have helped show the seriousness of this crime, and our Conserva-tive government is taking the necessary action to help prevent it.

“Through this legislation, our government is sending the message that the bullying and sexual exploitation of our children is a crime and will not be tolerated,” added

Brown.This proposed legisla-

tion builds on our govern-ment’s continued efforts to crack down on cyberbullies and help stop online threats. Through resources such as and our cam-paign, our government is providing Canadians with the tools necessary to help protect themselves and their families.

At the same time, our government is funding the development of a number of school-based projects to educate kids on the dangers of bullying and help prevent it before it begins.

“Canadians can count on our government to continue taking action to help keep our streets and communities safe,” said Brown.

For more information on Bullying Awareness Week, please visit the website

Minister of Health and Long-Term Care Deb Mat-thews has committed to per-sonally looking into a pro-posal by North Grenville’s Beth Donovan Hospice for funding to create a long-awaited residential hospice in the community.

The minister’s commit-ment came during question-ing by Leeds-Grenville MPP Steve Clark at a recent meet-ing of the Standing Commit-tee on Estimates at Queen’s Park.

In pressing the minis-ter for her support, Clark stressed, “I think our commu-nity has worked well with the LHIN. They’re ready to go. I want them to move forward … (Beth Donovan Hospice)

Clark stands up again for North Grenville residential hospiceBeth Donovan project ‘ready to move forward,’ MPP tells Minister

has always provided volun-teer residential hospice and now wants to move to the next level of providing that 10-bed model, and they’ve worked quite closely with the Champlain (LHIN).”

In her response at the October 29 committee meet-ing, Matthews told Clark, “I will happily do that. I will obviously look into that par-ticular request, but there is no question in my mind that the hospices that are being built across this province are providing excellent care to people at the very end of their lives."

Whi le he sa id he ’s pleased by Matthews’ inter-est, Clark emphasized what North Grenville needs now is funding to get the service up and running.

“This residential hospice service has been a priority of mine from the moment I was first elected MPP,” said Clark. “I’ve championed it with every CEO of the Cham-plain LHIN who has held the

job and I wanted to use the opportunity at the Estimates Committee to speak directly to the minister.”

Indeed, in his second ever Member’s Statement on April 12, 2010, Clark spoke about the late Beth Dono-van, founder of the hospice which serves North Gren-ville, Merrickville-Wolford and Elizabethtown-Kitley, and the 10-bed residential hospice project that was her passion.

“It is my hope that Beth Donovan’s dream will soon become a reality,” Clark said in his statement.

“Today, more than three years later, I still have that same hope. But we’re at the point where we need the ministry and the Champlain LHIN to turn that hope into action,” said Clark. “The hospice team has put together an outstanding business case and it is clear there is a need for this service in the rapidly growing community of North Grenville.”

For Advertising rates please contact Gord

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The continuing story of animals getting loose in South Gower is being brought directly to Council by local residents on De-cember 2. After repeated and failed attempts to have the By-law Officer, James Peterson, deal with the issue of large cattle roaming loose in neighbours’ gardens, and even on the highway, an appeal to Council has now been seen as the next logical step to take.

For the past few years, local residents Doug Shirley and Vicky Stamison have been e-mailing and call-ing the By-law Officer and other municipal staff in an attempt to find a permanent solution to what they see as a potentially dangerous situation. Young children have come face to face with very large and intimidating Highland cattle, when in-adequate electric wire has failed to stop the animals trespassing and running loose. It has often been the case that the there was, in fact, no current running through that fence. Three years ago, the owner of these animals, who had previously been banned from owning cattle after they were found neglected and starving on his property, agreed to sell the livestock. This never happened, and

since then he has gradu-ally become less and less able to cope with them. Although there is a law in place allowing the By-law Officer to have the cattle impounded and removed at the owner’s expense, this has not been done.

The OPP have been con-tacted a number of times, and they have now promised to patrol the area regularly to check for cattle running loose on the highway. But, as Vicky Stamison says: “It would be in the OPP's best interest to have the mu-nicipality do their job, not to mention the colossal waste of money to have an officer drive by at some random moment to see if any cows are loose”. Further annoy-ance has been caused to the taxpayers when they tried to arrange to get on the agenda for Council in order to pres-ent the entire story to their elected representatives.

In short, they were told that it would be a waste of their time, as Council would only pass the matter directly back to the By-Law Officer. Vicky and Doug are looking to the Council to actually pay attention to their concerns and do something about them, not simply pass the buck once again. Vicky is expecting something to be done: “I will be expecting the By-law Officer or his superior

to be in attendance and be accountable to the Council about why nothing is being done to permanently put a stop to the cattle trespassing on Doug's property as per the Bylaw”. The matter is on the Council Agenda for the meeting of December 2. It is to be hoped that these citizens are received with respect and their concerns dealt with, not simply met with cliched expressions of sympathy.

Frustrated taxpayers looking for actionby David Shanahan

6Nov. 27, 2013

The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville

by Beth Nicol

Community Living North Grenville hosted a Ladies Night at the Kemp-tville Pentecostal Church on Thursday, November 21. This is the third year that Community Living has hosted this event; once again the evening was considered to be a resounding success. Local vendors set up dis-plays that tantalized; med-leys of seasonal music were performed by Crystal Craig. After a tale of Christmas past shared by Cathy Botham, tea and treats were served up by members of the Kempt-ville 73’s. The tables were a-glitter with gold packaged chocolate surprises. All in all, it was a setting perfect for a bit of relaxation, laughter and girl talk … until Major (Retired) Dee Brasseur hit centre stage.

Down to earth, funny, intense and brutally hon-est, Dee took her audience by the hand and led them along the path she took to a successful career in the Ca-

Major (Retired) Dee Brasseur captivates and motivates at Community Living North Grenville’s Ladies Night

nadian military. With slides to illustrate her points, she shared her recipe for suc-cess: having a vision, self knowledge, the willpower to overcome obstacles and high but achievable expectations. These will garner you results commensurate to the efforts you have expended. Or, in Dee’s words, “You have to be willing to do whatever you have to do to achieve that vision.”

Dee’s desire to excel at her chosen career gave her the drive and determination to take on an organization which severely restricted op-tions for female employees. As one of the two first female fighter pilots in the world, the first female flight instruc-tor in the Canadian military and the first female Aircraft Accident Investigator, Dee has successfully met each of her goals.

The intensity and levels of stress she has experienced along the way have had their impact on her health. She retired from the military suffering from PTSD. After

treatment, she returned to the military as a reservist with the hope of promot-ing change from within the system. The change she sought was improved fund-ing for research, education and training, and treatment initiatives for PDST suffer-ers. When it became clear to her that her chances of suc-cess were about a million to one, she left and took up the cause on her own. A million numbered Challenge Coins produced by Rod McLeod, hand finished and beautifully designed are now for sale. The fifty dollars raised by the sale of each coin goes into a fund managed by Commu-nity Foundation of Ottawa. This will be used to fund PTSD treatment, research, education and family sup-port. Now all Dee has to do to accomplish her next goal is to sell one million coins. For more information visit her website at:

Communi ty L iv ing North Grenville supports adults and children with de-

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7Nov. 27 2013

The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville

The parking lot in front of the Salvation Army Christmas Distribution Centre on Sanders Street was busy on Sunday, No-vember 24. Volunteer driv-ers and their teams arrived to collect their maps and the bags to drop off on the doorsteps of North Gren-

ville households. Business groups, youth groups, old and not so old; in they came ready to spend a cold afternoon going door to door.

The p lanning and preparation done by vol-unteers at the North Gren-ville Community Church was evident as each team leader signed in, received a number and was given

This is the week to Fill Your Bag

by Beth Nicol

Salvation Army officially opens their Kettle Campaign

On Friday, November 22, the Salvation Army and its Advisory Board members officially kicked off its annual fundraiser, the Kettle Campaign, at the North Grenville Municipal Center rink. Members of the Salva-tion Army Brass Band entertained with Christ-mas Carols as Mayor Dave Gordon, and Mil-fred Harper manned the kettle. The event was

held for the hour prior to the Kemptville 73’s game against Smith Falls.

For each of the five North Grenville kettle lo-cations to be looked after for one day, a minimum of twenty-five volunteers are needed. That is one hundred and fifty volun-teers for a week’s cover-age. If you are willing and able to help lighten someone’s load, contact this link to the Salvation Army volunteer regis-

tration site. You can se-lect your own location, day and time slot. Bring a friend. The registra-tion site is: Click on the “Sign Up Now” link under the log-in graphic.

Donations may also be made on line at It is a secure site and also generates official govern-ment approved e-receipts.

by Beth Nicol

a corresponding bundle of bags. Attached to each bundle was a map indicat-ing houses on a specific route. And away they went.

Over the next week, North Grenville house-holds are asked to fill the bag with canned/dry goods and household products. Next Sunday morning the bags should be put out on the porch or where they

can be easily spotted from the road. At 1 pm, vol-unteers will retrace their routes, collecting the filled bags and dropping them off at the S.A. Christmas Distribution Centre. Gro-cery carts will be used to help unload the cars this year.

Please, do the best that you can. Check your pan-tries or check the shelves at your grocery store on shopping day. Soups, pas-ta, canned fruit or veg-etables, tooth paste, soap, cookies, crackers, boxes of pancake mix; the choices are endless. All will be put to good use. Christ-mas baskets which are traditionally distributed to those in need will be filled first; the remaining goods will help to stock the Food Bank shelves for the remaining winter months.

Bottom line: Fill the Bags and set them out on the morning of Sunday, December 1. They will be picked up that afternoon. Together we can make this year’s Fill a Bag drive a success.

8Nov. 27, 2013

The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville

Prices effective: Friday, November 29 to Saturday, December 5, 2013“We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable family requirements”

Limerick Forest

9Nov. 27 2013

The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville

Regular Store Hours Mon. - Fri. 8 to 8 Sat. - 8 to 6 Sun. 9 to 6

613.258.3014301 Rideau Street, Kemptville Many people seem to

think that Jesus came into this world to teach us how to be good people. Even a lot of Christians think that being a Christian is all about being “nice”, or good, or going to church on Sundays. But if Jesus meant to be just that, an-other guru teaching us to love each other and not to be bad, then why the Cross? Why did he have to die? And be certain of this: his death was not an ac-cident, not something that happened to him because of some bad men who felt threatened by his teaching. Jesus talked about what was going to happen to him for months before that “Good” Friday. In that last week before his arrest, he said:

“The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glori-fied. Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it pro-duces many seeds...Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” He said this to show the kind of death he was going to die.” [John 12.23-24, 27, 32-33]

He was even more ex-plicit about being in control of events when he said: “The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again.” [John 10.17-18] So, if his death was the reason he was on earth, why was it necessary? The image of the grain of wheat explains it: his death was required in order to produce a harvest. As we saw last week, this world is fallen, broken, and the human race is separated from their Creator, from the very reason they exist in the first place. Because of a decision to be our own god and not submit to our Maker, or even acknowl-edge him as such, there is a vast gulf between us. God cannot, and will not, have a relationship with sinful people, because he is holy. These are two concepts

that our society has largely rejected; we are not even sure of what they mean anymore.

We are so used to an imperfect world, imper-fect people, imperfection in every aspect of life, that we find it impossible to imagine a holy, perfect God. Worse than that, we find the idea of sin unac-ceptable. Everything is relative in our thinking: what is true for you is not necessarily true for me. We suspect people who see things as “black and white”; we preach relativ-ism, not absolutes. But what do we mean when we say something is “good”, or “evil”? To what are we comparing things? What we are actually saying is that some thing are closer, or further away from what we know to be...what? Sin is the thing that stops us from understanding, know-ing, or even being perfect, holy even. Paul explained it to the Roman Christians when he said:

“I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin liv-ing in me. For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.” [Romans 7.15-20]

Given that basic flaw in our nature, it has proved impossible for us to cross that divide between our-selves and a holy and perfect God who we re-jected and whose author-ity our very minds have renounced. But we belong

with God, we were made, designed to be in a rela-tionship with him. Without that, we have no real peace, no real meaning, no foun-dation on which to build a life of purpose, no hope of the eternity we sense in our souls. So we replace that with false hope. We claim to believe that we are God’s children, that we are self-contained, capable of achieving meaning and purpose in a world we are told is an accidental combi-nation of cells and proteins. We cannot be as good we know we want to be, or should be, so we settle for good enough.

This position is one that has to be acknowledged, otherwise Jesus does not make sense. To be a Chris-tian, it is required that we admit that we are in need of saving, in need of someone to close the gap that each of us sense, to whatever degree, between us and a holy God. We have to ac-cept Jesus’ diagnosis of our ailment, our disease. But, if that were all, if we only had the disease, then we are in a very bad way indeed. But Christianity is Gos-pel, that is, Good News: because there is a cure for the disease. God created the human race out of love. He has not stopped loving us. In that love, he chose to be the cure for our disease. All through the Bible there are promises, pictures, hints, of what God intended to do to bring us back to him. Finally, John’s Gospel puts it clearly:

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to con-demn the world, but to save the world through him.” [John 3.16-17] So what we think of Jesus and why he came is fundamental. Nice teacher, or Saviour: what do you think?

Fundamentals 4:Holiness and Sin: Outdated Ideas?

by David Shanahan

10Nov. 27, 2013

The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville

On Friday night, the visi-tors were the Nepean Raiders. Having played each other last week, both teams knew what they were in for. It started quickly as Kemptville scored 3:01 after the opening faceoff. A clearing pass from the 73's end was misplayed by the Raider goaltender and Dean Galasso used his quickness to recover the puck behind the Nepean net. After gaining control, he flipped it out front to Dylan Giberson who slapped it into the net behind the out of position

goalie. Nepean then went on to score a power play goal to even the score. The Raiders took the lead after a turnover by the 73's in their own end that ended up in the back of their net. Before the end of the period, Kemptville got their own power play chance. David Higgs carried the puck into the Nepean end and sent it across the blue line to Bran-don Cole. Cole and Giberson passed the puck back and forth several teams before Cole found Jesse Blais open in the left corner, Blais sent the pass to Giberson for the back door goal and his second of the game. In the second pe-

riod the Raiders were able to score one more on 73's goal-tender, Matt Couvrette. There was no scoring in the third and Nepean stole the win. The 73's outshot the Raiders 39-25 but were unable to get another one passed the Nepean goal-tender. Giberson picked up the second star of the game.

On Sunday, the Smiths Falls Bears came to town to play the 73's. The Bears are one of the top three teams in the league and present a big challenge for the 73's. Again, Kemptville jumped out to a quick start as Erik Brown scored 1:51 into the game. After a clean face off

win by Olivier Chabot, Matt Martin recovered the puck and passed to his defense partner, Jonathon Masters. Master sent a nifty pass from the blue line to Brown on the left wing. Brown took it all the way into the Bears end and from the circle beat the goalie with a bad angle shot. The lead lasted almost three and a half minutes before the Bears tied it up. It remained tied at one until almost the end of the period. With four seconds left, Olivier Chabot won a faceoff in the Smiths Falls end and the puck came back to Quinn Carroll. Carroll fired a hard shot at the net and Brown was in front to hammer home the rebound. Kemptville had a 2-1 lead at the first intermission. The second period started and the wheels came off the 73's game. The Bears scored four times in the first five minutes of the frame to take a 5-2 lead. Kemptville coach, Pe-ter Ambroziak, called a time out to try to settle down his team and also switched goal-ies. Jacob Lucier went in to replace Matt Couvrette. The strategy worked as the 73's got one back to make it 5-3. Quinn Wichers and Justin Haasbeek combined to dig the puck out of their own end and send Dylan Giberson on a breakaway. With two Bears trying to catch him, Giber-son accelerated and beat the goaltender to capitalize on the play. When the third period got underway, Kemptville was only down by two, and getting that was within reach. But Smiths Falls had other plans. They were able to score twice in the latter half of the third and Kemptville was not. The Bears went on to win 7-3. Erik Brown picked up second star honours in the loss.

The 73's play two away games this week. On Wednes-day night, they travel to the Jim Durrell Complex in Ot-tawa to face the Junior Sena-tors. Ottawa is currently in fourth place in the CCHL. The game is at 7:30. On Friday night, the team visits the Robert Hartley Sports Complex to tangle with the Hawkesbury Hawks. Then, on Sunday, the team returns home to have a rematch with the Junior Senators. Open-ing faceoff is at 2 pm at the Municipal Centre. Remem-ber to support your 73s with the “Movember” campaign at You can do your part! Catch the Junior A fever! Hockey with edge!

The 73’s dropped both games this weekend


We got you covered! Jonathon Masters (5) and Matt Martin (30 cover Bears Neil Doef (19) and Taylor Henry (18) in front of Matt Couvrette (1)



Kemptville [email protected]

11Nov. 27 2013

The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

2 3 Information and Decision Making 1:00-2:30


5 Labour Market Info 9:30—11:00

6 Information and Decision Making 9:30-11:00

9 10 Information and Decision Making 1:00-2:30

11 Special Workshop Smart Serve 9:00—1:00

12 Social Media and Email 9:30—11:00

13 Information and Decision Making 9:30-11:00


17 Information and Decision Making 1:00-2:30

18 Workplace Excel-lence 9:30—11:00 PRIME! Info Session 2:00—3:00


Come in for Coffee and snacks!

20 Information and Decision Making 9:30-11:00

23 24


26 Office Closed for Boxing Day

27 Information and Decision Making 9:30-11:00

30 31

1 (January) Happy New Year

from CSE Consulting!

2 (January)

3 (January) Information and Decision Making 9:30-11:00

December 2013 Mapping the journey to successful


Employment Readiness Workshops

Check out our online job board at: Employment Ontario programs are funded in part by the Government of Canada. Les programmes Emploi Ontario sont financés en partie par le gouvernement du Canada.

North Grenville Employment

Resource Centre

125 Prescott St Kemptville

Call to register: (613) 258-6576 (800) 214-7066

Mon—Fri 8:30AM—4:30PM

Follow CSE on:

CSE Consulting will be pro-viding outreach services, by appointment, on Wednesdays at the:

Merrickville Community Health Centre

9:00 AM—12:00 PM In the Boardroom

Call 613-258-6576 to make your appointment

Image by club photographer Dave Percy I was out for a quiet stroll enjoying the fall colors noticing how most of the leaves had

fallen leaving this beautiful blanket of color on the ground. A pleasant view, insulating the earth that will all too soon be covered with another blanket called snow. Taken with my Canon 6D with a 17mm-40mm lens.

The NG Photography Club

The highlight of last Tuesday’s Friends of the Ferguson Forest AGM was the election of the fol-lowing to the Executive Board; namely, Margaret Zebarth, Bill and Monica Wallace, Ivan Russell, Jane Hunt, Liza Duhaime, and Peter Bunn.

Outgoing Chair, Kath-erine Church, orchestrat-ed the business meeting with panache and was

by Pat Babin

Friends of the Ferguson Forest AGMthanked by Peter Bunn, secretary, for a job well done during the last de-cade.

Peter also thanked the outgoing Board mem-bers: Jim Beckett, Trev-or Buck, and Katherine Church, three long-time members of the Board.

A total of 108 residents are now active members, according to Ivan Russell, membership chair.

A new display board in fabric art, created by Colleen Morris-Wilson,

was unveiled by Jane Hunt. A masterpiece!

The business meeting was followed by guest speaker, Jim

Moran, who provided the audience with ex-cerpts from his exciting book, The Sentinel – A Wildfire Story.

Refreshments were prepared and served by Jean Kilfoyle and Roberta Russell.

Meeting was held at the Norenberg Building.

Once again the spectacular Canadian Pacific Holiday Train is stopping in Merrickville to host a fantastic concert and to support our local food banks. The amazing Holiday Train will stop at the East Broadway & County Road 2 tracks at 5:45 pm on Wednesday Novem-ber 27 for about one hour. This year, we are thrilled to have two of Canada’s best recording artists and singer songwriters on the train to entertain us! Jim Cuddy, a lead singer from Blue Rodeo and Juno award winner, and Melanie Doane will perform an exciting concert at the Merrickville stop! Hot chocolate will be provided and traditional Christmas carols will be played by local duet, Ballintra with flute, whistle and guitar beginning at about 4:30 pm.

A Holiday Train and a fantastic concert in support of

local food banks

12Nov. 27, 2013

The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville


Yoga for everyone. Wednes-day starting Oct. 23, 5:30-6:30 pm: Thursday, Oct. 24, 12 - 1 at Independent Grocer. Call Maureen 258-9902

Boat & car storage available at Osgoode Storage. Dry con-crete floor and steel walls. Book your spot now. Call 613-826-2511

Osgoode Mini Storage avail-able. Short and long term units available in various sizes. Clean and secure, com-parative rates. Call 613-826-2511

House Cleaning-Every work-ing Mother and Father needs a House Wife. Each home is custom priced to ensure my cleaning will meet your needs & budget. Sandi 613-219-7277

Grade 9-11 MATH TUTORING: Local math teacher, 4 years experience. Old Town Kemp-tville, $30/hr 613-863-5639

Stonehouse Studio Sewing - new in Kemptville! Altera-tions or new; formal or ca-sual. Sharon 224-3182

HANDYMAN, no job too big or too small. I can do it all.Free estimates and references available. Paul 613-791-8597

DRUM LESSONS - Professional drummer/teacher accepting students. All levels welcome! Bryan Valeriani 613 298 5913

Helen’s Sewing Room All kinds of sewing 613 258 5584

Rock My House Music Centre offers lessons in Piano, Violin, Guitar, Drums, Bass and Vocals.

Piano and Music Theory Lessons: Elisa Lane 613-215-0549

Kemptville - Shop AVON at home Personal service and 100% guar-antee. Anne Hunt 613-258-3806 [email protected]

Bowen Therapy Restore your health. Pain, Respiratory, Diges-tive & more. 613-799-3315.

O ne Tear St udio, Paint ings/Soapstone Sculptures/Butterfly Hear ts. Visit by appointment o r c h a n c e w w w. H a n n a M a (613) 258-7297

I Can Sew It : Rhonda Cybul-skie - 613-258-524 8 [email protected]

Al’s Cleanup Services Dump runs, Grass, Landscaping Al Scott R R #1 Oxford Station(613) 258-3847

House Cleaning - Kemptville area. For quote call 613-294-0385 or [email protected]

Property Clean up, yards, ga-r a g e s, b a s e m e n t s , l o a d s to dump,anything removed. 613-258-7955

Sienna Fine Arts Art Classes and Supplies www.siennaf 613-878-9706

Commercial/Residential clean-ing- Kemptville area. For quote email [email protected] or call 613-867-2184


Brand new! Contemporary two bedroom condo terrace home with 1.5 bathrooms in a desirable neighborhood. 1138 sq. ft. of beautiful living space with many upgrades. Great location close to hos-pital, schools, hiking trails and shopping. $1300.00 per month - Condo fees, water and one parking spot are included. Natural Gas and Hydro extra. Call Mike at 613-325-0754.

Farmhouse for rent Decem-ber 1st. Osgoode Area. Large 4 bedroom, 2 bath home for rent. $1300. + utilities. Dou-ble attached garage, large mudroom, 3 season porch, fridge and stove available if required. For more informa-tion please call 613-826-2511

2 bedroom unit for rent, $950, Gas and Electricity ex-tra Downtown Kemptville-Contact Justin 613-296-5906

Kemptville Two Bedroom, Two Bath Bungalow. Finished base-ment, backyard and garage. Quiet Neighborhood $1200 + utilities. No Smoking. No Pets. References. 613-258-5510

Spacious, quiet 2 bedroom apt. Excellent for retirees. Stove & fridge incl. No smok-ing, no pets. 512 Clother, call 258-3010

Modern Kemptville 3 bed-room, 2.5 bath townhouse. $1500+utilities. 613-852-4246

One bedroom apt. in country; new appliances; 10 minutes to Kemptville. $750 all incl.


Corner TV entertainment unit. Expresso color. Excel-lent condition, $200. Call 258-5103

Barely used Yardman snow blower, 277 cc, OHV S.E.T., electric starter, 26”, lazy owner, $550. Call 613-258-7563

Moving Sale: Mechanical and power tools. Some home furnishings, snowblowers, STIHL chain saws, lumber and more. Call 258-3098

FREE: Two white bird cages in reasonable shape (one round, one rectangular with a stand). Were used for love-birds. 613-258-0302.

Rowing machine. Excel-lent condition Photos avail-able. ve3mhm@sympatico 613.258.3557..............$ 25.00

Scroll saw, Delta, 15” Photos available [email protected] 613.258.3557 $ 22.00

1954 Heintzman Upright Grand Piano, very good con-dition. Asking $1350 obo. Contact Kathy 613-215-0657

Firewood, cut, split and deliv-ered $90/cord. Call Peter at 258-5504

Restored Antiques grand-mother and grandfather Platform Rockers $250 each 613 258 1712

Storage trunk with brass-like fittings, 31Wx17Dx15H, can be padlocked, leather handles, lightweight, $40 258-5558WANTED

Snowblower, Yardman, 9.5 hp/27”, like new, $700, call 613 258-9320

Good quality winter tires size 205/55R16 M+S Price nego-tiable, call 613-258-0935

Oak rocking chair, kitchen table 6 chairs, Lazyboy rock-er recliner, 6 piece wall unit. 613-258-5475

Faux fur coat, black, worn only twice, size 20-22 $125: pillows-small, decorative, handmade, hand-stitched, 8@$15 ea or all $100; baby layette, 7-pc, brand new in matching drawstring bag $175. Call 258-558

First 15 words are FREE for North Grenville Residents. Extra Words: 50 cents a wordCLASSIFIEDS





WANTEDArtists and Artisans to


held on December 14 & 15 at

B&H Shopping Plaza, Kemptville Registration fee: $30.00

If interested, please contact: Finian Paibomesai by email: [email protected]

Send in your letters to the

editor to editor@

TRACTOR OPERATOR REQUIREDpart time for snow removal Experienced a must ! Call Eric 613 850 3742


On November 17, 2013, Peter Gordon Sadler (aged 47 years) left this world peacefully, and "stepped out" to be with his Lord after a valiant fight

for 17 months against Glioblastoma. His family and close friends were by his side.

Loving husband to Linda (nee Fisher), cherished and devoted father to Nicholas, Timothy, and Caro-line all at home. Survived by his parents Arthur and Phyllis Sadler (Brockville), brothers David (Betty), Stephen (Laura), Paul (Wendy) and sister Julia Sa-lomon (Carl). Also survived by his in-laws, Robert (Bob) and Dianne Fisher of Addison, and David and Patricia Fisher. Fun loving uncle to Allison, Rebecca (Ian) and their son Gavin, Jeremy, Nicole, Jessica,

Matthew, Mya, Corrin, and Jackson. With Pastors Ben Last and Michael Croteau of-

ficiating, a Celebration of Life was held at Southgate Community Church (Kemptville), Tuesday,

November 26.

In MemoriumPeter Gordon Sadler


First 15 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2,

shading $5. Submit to

[email protected].

Email must include name, address

and phone #. Must be related to

North Grenville and be paid in advance by


The North Grenville Times

is Locally Owned and Operated

For Advertising rates please contact Gord at [email protected]

or call 613 258 6402

13Nov. 27 2013

The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville

S U D O K UMedium

Solutions to last week’s Sudoku


ACROSS1. Farm equipment5. Cantaloupe for example10. The bulk14. Former Italian currency15. Gladden16. A single time17. End ___18. A cherished desire20. Warehousing22. Distort23. Card with one symbol24. Notes25. Travel plans32. Charges33. Bonkers34. Big wine holder37. Unique38. Inflammations of the big toe39. 5280 feet

40. Born as41. Flora and fauna42. Lift43. Plague45. Anagram of "Doles"49. In song, the loneliest number50. Honors53. Change places57. Illogical59. Wild goat60. Encounter61. Antlered animal62. Wings63. Cocoyam64. Anxiety65. Not more

DOWN1. Add2. Enumerate3. Chocolate cookie4. Guarantee5. Scanty6. If not7. One time around8. Ear-related9. Roman emperor10. Slogan11. Scallion12. Gain points in a game13. Canvas shelters 19. Jittery21. Air force heroes25. Computer symbol26. Anagram of "Note"27. Small island28. Detached29. Way to go30. Smidgens31. N N N N34. 8 in Roman numerals35. As well36. Adolescent38. Martini ingredient39. Cloth 41. Anagram of "Debit"42. Telephoned44. Commode45. Ooze46. Rowed47. Enticed48. Muse of love poetry51. City in Peru52. Any day now53. Catholic church service54. Competent55. Orange pekoe56. X X X X58. Holiday drink

Solution to last week’s Crossword



COMMUNItY EVENtSNov 27 Holiday Train and fantastic concert to support local food banks, Merrickville

East Broadway & County Road 2 tracks at 5:45 pm. Entertainment and hot

chocolate beginning at 4:30 pm.

Nov 28 Youngsters of Yore, Kemptville Public Library, 1:30 pm. Guest speaker

28—Ann Campbell—Tales of her Travels.

Nov 28 KYC Annual General Meeting (6:30 pm) and Open House Open House (4-6:30

pm), at the Kemptville Youth Centre. We’d love to share our latest statistics

showing how far we’ve come. Come in to see our building and be part of the

Kemptville Youth Centre. Please RSVP [email protected].

Nov 29 Meeples Helping Peeples (Special Game Night) 7:30 to 11 pm at Maplewood

Hall, Oxford Mills. Come learn to play Blueprints, Z-Man Game's newest release

or one of the other many family favourites like Agricola, Carcassonne and Tsuro.

Door prizes provided byd Z-Man Games, Twice The Fun and Comfort

by AJ's - Amission $3; Kids 12 and under $1 (proceeds to support the OMCA).

Nov 30 Christmas Bazaar, St. James Anglican Church Saturday, 10 to 2 pm. Leslie

Hall, Clothier Street, Kemptville. Home Baking, Gifts, Lunch. Adults/$8

Children under 10/ $5.

Nov 30 Old Town Christmas 10 to 4 pm - Enjoy horse-drawn wagon rides, an Artisan

Market in the Old Fire Hall, fire barrels with hot dogs and s’mores, and roving

carollers. Be sure to visit our North Pole!

Nov 30 St. John’s United Church While browsing the bake table, candy corner and

craft table, take time for coffee/tea and a muffin, served from 9-11 am. For those

looking for an inviting warm lunch, Joyce and her crew will be serving up

something wonderful from 11:30-1:30, accompanied by some festive caroling.

A special welcome to the children to do some shopping in the Kids Korner where

only they can shop and we'll even help with the wrapping and tagging.

Nov 30 Lantern Making Workshop: 1 to 3pm at Maplewood Hall, Oxford Mills. This

workshop is in preparation for the tree lighting ceremony in Oxford Mills, Dec

6. The paper lanterns made can be used at the tree lighting ceremony and through

the Christmas holidays. Come join us and you will leave with your very own

lantern. All supplies will be provided. For more info please email

[email protected] or call 258-6485.

Dec 6,7 The North Grenville Concert Choir proudly presents Handel's "Messiah",7:30

pm at St. James Anglican Church accompanied by Ottawa's Divertimento

Orchestra! Tickets $20 at Brewed Awakenings, at the door or cal613-258-9978.

Come and enjoy the spirit of Christmas!

Dec 6 A Country Christmas Remembered. The heritage village of Spencerville

invites you to an old-time Christmas experience celebrating family entertainment,

'Breakfast with Santa', hearty country food and a community sense of fun. Travel

by horse-drawn wagon as you enjoy the charming village, historic Mill, and

special shopping for the whole family (including a childrens' shopping

emporium!). For full details check the website A

FAMILY Passport of $15. or a SINGLE Passport of $5. is your ticket to all

events in the village, with the exception of the Turkey Dinner.

Dec 8 The 7th Annual Breakfast with Santa takes place at the North Grenville

Municipal Centre. There will be two sittings, one at 9 am and the other at 11 am.

Cost is $8 for adults, $5 for children. Children under 2 get in free. All proceeds

go to the North Grenville Cooperative Preschool and Learning Centre.

Dec 9 Sustainable North Grenville’s “Give North Grenville” Silent Auction. Join us

at the Branch Restaurant & Texas Grill at 6:30 pm. Enjoy some friendly bidding,

get some great ideas for spending your gift-giving dollars locally and support

North Grenville’s entrepreneurs. 6:30 pm.

Dec 14 3rd Annual Christmas Showcase, Sale & Cafe, 9.30-4.30 pm. Presented by

The Artsy FM Sister Chicks at the North Grenville Community Church, next to

Kemptville Hospital. Amazing Door Prize. Free Admission.

Weekly and recurring events

Wed The North Grenville Photography Club - Meeting first Wednesday of every

month at the Old Fire Hall, 25 Reuben Crescent. For more info see

Bingo- First and third Wednesday of the month, Kemptville Legion. Games start

at 1 pm. All welcome. Refreshments available.

Klub 67 Euchre every 2 & 4 Wednesday of the month starting at 1:15 pm,nd th

St. John's United Church downstairs. Everyone welcome - $5. Vivian Howe 613-


Probus Club of North Grenville every 3rd Wed. of the month with the

exception of Dec., July and Aug. 9:30 am., St. Paul's Presbyterian Church Hall.

New Members Welcome.

The Branch Artisans Guild, North Grenville Community Church (downstairs),

2659 Concession Street every 3 Tues. 7 pm. New members welcomed!rd

Thurs Bridge -St. John’s United Church, 6:45 pm. Cost $5, partner preferred but not

necessary. For more info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691.

North Grenville Toastmasters - Meeting 1 & 3 Thurs. of the month, 7 pm atst rd

O’Farrell’s Financial Services, Cty Rd 44. Info, call 258-7665.

The French Connexion: Le quatrième jeudi du mois, venez nous joindre pour

un souper et des conversations en français.

Fri Friendship Lunch - Until Dec. 13. Leslie Hall, hosted by four churches of

Kemptville and the Salvation Army, 11:30 am. Freewill offerings are gratefully

accepted. Call 613-258-4804 for more information.

Sat Games night, 6:30 pm, St. John's United Church. Fully accessible. Please call

Barbara at 613-258-4526 for further details.

Mon North Grenville Cancer Support Group. Every 3rd Mon. of the month with

exception of month of Dec., July and Aug., 2 pm, St. John's United Church.

Anyone needing support is welcome to attend.

Modern Square Dancing in Kemptville at NG District High School, 7-7:45 is

free to all beginners. Casual attire! Info Shelley 258-0016 or email

[email protected] welcome.

Tues BNI Networking Group Breakfast- Alumni Building, University of Guelph, 7-

8:30am. Call 613-258-0553 for more information.

Bridge- St. John’s United Church, 12:15 pm. Cost $3, partner preferred but

not necessary. Info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691.

Mothers of Preschoolers Support Group-St.John’s United Church, 6:30-8 pm.

Whether you’re a townie, rural, stay-at-home, working, teen, adoptive, special-

needs, single or married, MOPS is for you! For more information, call Angie

Brown at 613-223-3979.

M,W,F Kemptville and Area Walking Group, Municipal Centre - Early birds: 8 am,

others 8:30 am Contact: Eva 258-4487.

14Nov. 27, 2013

The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville

Have you ever thought of checking out church, but felt too shy? Kemptville now has an opportunity for you to do so with "Messy Church" at St. John's Unit-ed. Now "messy" is not an adjective most will associ-ate with the solemnity and calm we usually expect to find in a church; but the title fits the relaxed, invigo-rating, and fun atmosphere at St. John's United on the afternoon of November 2.

"Messy Church" is a program which offers people, especially families who are not church-goers, the opportunity to come and have fun doing crafts and other activities, shar-ing in music, a scripture story, and a meal. The idea began in England nine years ago, and has been growing around the world ever since.

St. John's held its first "Messy Church" in the church basement. Over 40 people of all ages attended. The children enthusiasti-

Messy Church

by Barbara Rousseau

New Ways in “Standing Up” at St. Michael’sA student/teacher written play and presentations complete the National Anti-Bullying Week.

by Nathalie Morais

National Anti-Bully-ing week started out with Bill Belsey going around school to school giving presentations. Now at St. Michael’s Catholic High School it has expanded to Pink Shirt Days, having one of their own students appear in a music video and student/teacher writ-ten play to expand the message.

For Pink Shirt Days it is exactly what the name entails . Students and teachers come to school for that day wearing pink shirts to commemorate a movement that started out in Nova Scotia. What happened was a grade nine boy wore a pink polo shirt on his first day of school and was beaten up because of his choice of shirt. Two grade 12 students heard about the event, decided to bring in 50 shirts for the next day and emailed classmates to get them on board for their idea. The next day there was a “sea

of pink” with hundreds of students wearing pink. At St. Michael’s, every last Wednesday of the month is Pink shirt day in support of ending bullying.

The student who ap-peared in the music video with the artist “Classified” (Luke Boyd) is Rylan Bak-er, a grade 7 student. Rylan had been hired as an actor to be in Classified’s most recent video “3 foot tall” where he was portrayed as though he was 3 feet tall and a smaller version of Classified. Needless to say, with the song becom-ing a hit, Rylan Baker has become a star at our school and a symbol against bul-lying.

Also since the end of last year, Elisabeth Friend, a grade 12 graduating student, and Mr. Michael Blouin have been work-ing on a play called, very fittingly, “Bully”. “The plot is centered on a mix of teenagers in a high school and their different struggles dealing with bullying.” Elisabeth, when

by Beth Nicol

Kemptville Bulk Barn franchise owners, Bill and Janet McAdam, presented a cheque for $3771 to Leeds and Grenville Alzheimer’s Society board member, Marlyn Scharf on Thursday November 21. This repre-sented the proceeds from the annual “Coffee Break” fundraiser. To add a bit more interest to the campaign, the names of all those donating $5 or more were put into a draw for a pair of first level tickets to a Senators’ game courtesy of Bill and Janet. Dinner and parking were in-cluded. The store went on to

match all donations made on the last day of the fundraiser. For the second consecutive year, the Kemptville Bulk Barn store had the highest number of donors out of over 200 participating Bulk Barn Franchises.

The number of Canadi-ans affected by Alzheimer’s disease has been steadily increasing as the popula-tion ages. The Alzheimer’s Society is working towards a nation-wide dementia plan that would focus on: funding for research; earlier diagnosis and intervention; integra-tion of community; home and primary care; enhancing skills and training for those

Bulk Barn offers support to the Alzheimer’s Society

working with dementia pa-tients; and recognizing the needs of and giving support to caregivers.

The Bulk Barn stores, coast to coast, have partici-

The owners of the Kempt-ville Bulk Barn franchise, Janet and Bill McAdam, present a cheque for $3771. to Leeds & Grenville Al-zheimer Society Board Member, Marlyn Scharf. Looking on is staff member, Matt Rice. The number of in store donors was the highest of all the 200 Bulk Barn stores for the second consecutive year.

asked what the play was about, said “It varies from the perspective of the vic-tim, to the bully, to the bystanders.”

Mr. Blouin had several students last June present self written monologues to him as an assignment and he found they would make perfect characters in a play. “Having seen writ-ing from me in the past, he asked me if I wanted to be a part of it, which of course I did, and we went on from there!” Elisabeth was clearly honored to be given this chance from one of her favourite teachers. “We really wanted to get a scope on how many people bullying even one person effects on many different levels.”

The week finished off with assemblies on anti-bullying and morn-ing readings with anti-bullying philosophies. It is a sight to see when there are so many students ready to do anything to stop in-justice in their school and community.

cally moved from activity to activity: decorating fish cookies, fishing for apples, investigating with mag-nifying glasses, making soft-sponge pictures of a biblical theme, dressing in costumes for drama, playing "Fish", and doing crossword puzzles. Grown-ups partici-pated in the activities too, simply wanting to take part in the fun or to help their children.

In life, we don't often experience cross-genera-tional activities - but "Messy

Church" works that way. Older and younger people of all ages acted like kids enjoying the moment to-gether. St. John's, which is located at 400 Prescott St. in Kemptville, will hold its next "Messy Church" on Saturday, December 14, from 4 to 6 pm, with the theme being: "Celebrating The Nativity".

Anyone wanting to par-ticipate needs only to show up, and bring their curiosity and willingness to jump in and have fun with others.

pated in Alzheimer’s Month fundraisers since 2005 raising over $1 300 000. All funds raised at store level stay in the community to support local programs. To the Bulk Barn organization and to the McAdams, on behalf of the Leeds and Grenville Alzheimer Society and those they serve, thank you.

The Voice of North Grenville

Grammar Minuteby Pat Babin

The most widely spoken language in the world is Mandarin Chinese with 880 million native speakers.

English quiz:

1. What is the most commonly used letter?2. The least used letter?3. What is unique about the word almost?4. Examples of palindrome sentences:a. A man, plan, a canal, Panama.b. Was it a rat I saw?c. Red rum, sir, is murder. Examine closely; why palindrome?5. The only State with a one-syllable name?Answers: 1. e; 2. q; 3. all letters are in alphabetical order; 4. closer examination warranted; 5. Maine

List three English words that begin with dw.The top eight misspelled words: Definitely Consensus Indict Unnecessary

Three English words that begin with dw. dwindle, dwarf, dwelling, Dwight


Teghan and Trista Sargeant with Mojo collect their prize at Kemptville Animal Hospital

Owen Preston and Duke at PetValu with Steve Clark

Pet contest winners 2013


16Nov. 27, 2013

The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville

Winter is fast approach-ing and it’s time to embrace the cold and its hidden medi-cal benefits! Cryotherapy (cold therapy) is a com-mon practice used by many health care professionals and athletes, and has probably been used to treat pain and swelling since the last ice age. In 1978, the Japanese developed the idea of whole body cryotherapy, and the idea spread to Europe for further evaluation and test-ing. This led us to an in-novative technology proven to have positive effects on the human body in only 2-3 minutes. Kemptville Phys-iotherapy Centre is proud to announce the arrival of the Ottawa area’s very first CryoSauna!

Entering a CryoSauna will expose your body to

temperatures down to -150 degrees Celsius. This pro-motes a cooling process that lowers your skin temperature to approximately -1˚ C for a period of up to three minutes. During this time your body goes into “protection mode” and the blood in your extremi-ties relocates to your core. Once you exit the chamber, the re-warming process be-gins where new, fresh oxygen and nutrient rich blood flows through your body. This is especially beneficial for any type of acute inflammation or chronic injury!

Who would have thought getting into a freezer with minimal clothing would ever be beneficial? Cryosauna sessions will help rejuvenate your body, and allow it to restore you to your healthi-est self! With greater athletic

capabilities, reduced pain, healthier skin, more energy throughout the day and bet-ter sleep at night, you will see why so many people are seizing the opportunity to speed up recovery time from injury and help age-related conditions. Although each treatment lasts just under 3 minutes, the effects of the CryoSauna continue working long after you walk out the door, allowing you to burn between 500-800 calories a session. From the moment your treatment starts, your body begins naturally heal-ing itself. The CryoSauna boosts the effects of exercise, diet, Physiotherapy, Massage, Athletic Therapy and all kinds of therapeutic treatments. Re-sults are achieved faster and last longer. You've got to see it to believe it.

BOOK AN APPOINTMENT TODAY!! Call Kemptville Physiotherapy Centre at 613-258-7661

CryoSauna arrives in Kemptville!

Joe Plunkett613-258-0663

Toll Free: 1-866-880-5397

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