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Novel luminescentimmunoassays

This item was submitted to Loughborough University's Institutional Repositoryby the/an author.

Additional Information:

• A Doctoral Thesis. Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirementsfor the award of Doctor of Philosophy at Loughborough University.

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Publisher: c© V.K. Mahant

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3 JUL 1990 1 1 JUN 1992




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Page 5: Novel luminescent immunoassays - Loughborough … luminescent immunoassays This item was submitted to Loughborough University's Institutional Repository by the/an author. Additional




A Doctoral Thesis J

submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of

DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY of the Loughborough University of Technology

Supervisor: Professor J N Miller Department of Chemistry

Loughborough University of Technology

June 1983

© V K MAHANT (1983)


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: flf T~cr..r,4: ~! L:':-i.ry ~

;~::--V%i--~ ~-~ ~-.. -- .----! l C!,., i .. --------~ j ::.~. OCl'l.<t-"'¥ !-01, I

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This is to certify that I am responsible for the work submitted in this thesis, that the original work is my own, except as specified in acknow­ledgements or in footnotes, and that neither the thesis nor the original work contained therei~ has been submitted to this or any other institu­tion for a higher degree.

i i

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To my first and most devoted teachers - my parents

i i i

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I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Professor J N

Miller for his guidance, constructive criticism and invaluable

assistance throughout the research period.

The assistance received from the following members of

the technical staff is thankfully acknowledged: Messrs J N

Swithenbank, M L Patel, A F Bower and M R Coupe.

The encouraging support received from all my friends, in

particular Mr J S Hunjan and Dr D K Bhanot is greatly apprecia­


My thanks go to all my laboratory colleagues and other

research students for their friendly cooperation in every

possible way.

Thanks are also due to Mrs J Smith for her patience and

competence in transforming the pencil-written draft into this

typed manuscript.

Finally, my wholehearted thanks go to my parents and all

the members of my family for their words of wisdom, inspiration

and financial assistance.


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Chemiluminescence and fluorescence immunoassays are increa­

singly being employed in analytical sciences in order to circumvent

problems associated with radioimmunoassays. Fluorescence immuno­

assays in practice suffer from background interferences, and have

inferior limits of detection. Chemical excitation of conventional

fluorescent labels via peroxyoxa1ate offers an attractive approach

for improving the detection limits of fluorescence immunoassays.

Initial studies were primarily concerned with (a) development

of a peroxyoxa1ate-f10w injection analysis 1uminometer, because

reproducibility was poor in the static system; (b) solubility of

bis-(2,4,6-trich10ropheny1)oxa1ate in aqueous environments; and

(c) analytical parameters affecting peroxyoxa1ate chemiluminescence.

Following these studies, simple methods to remove serum fluores­

cence and the peroxyoxa1ate chemiluminescence quenching problems

were examined. Calcium hydroxy1apatite, Blue Sepharose CL-6B,

etc were employed to reduce serum fluorescence. The non-specific

quenching problem, on the other hand, was eliminated using

imidazo1e-HC1 buffer.

Fluorescence immunoassays utilising fluorescamine- and

fluorescein-thyroxine were investigated for developing a polari­

sation immunoassay and a chemiluminescence immunoassay based on

peroxyoxalate excitation. The preliminary work included: (a) studies

into poor reversibility of the fluorescence enhancement immunoassay

when fluorescamine-thyroxine was utilised, (b) possibility of


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recycling immobilised antibodies, and (c) a simple approach for

enhancing assay sensitivity, namely the two-phase sequential

addition technique. Further work with thyroxine involved the

development of chemi- and photoluminescence assays based on the

enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technique. The performance

of these assays against the standard colorimetric procedure is


Finally, a viable chemiluminescence enhancement immunofssay

for human serum albumin based on peroxyoxalate excitation was

developed. In this study a wide variety of fluorescent labels,

for example, fluorescein isothiocyanate, dansyl chloride,

fluorescamine, etc and the effect of fluorophor:protein ratio

on the chemiluminescence signal were examined. The kinetics of

the enhancement effect were briefly investigated to provide

an insight into the mechanism. The results obtained using the

chemiluminescence enhancement immunoassay correlated well with

a standard human serum sample and the colorimetric procedure

based on bromocresol green. The potential of this technique in

the development of a generally-applicable chemiluminescence enhance­

ment immunoassay is discussed.


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Frontispiece Certificate of Originality Dedication Acknowledgements Summary: Novel Luminescent Immunoassays


I NTRODUCTI ON General Background: Antibodies

the Dual Role of

Page No


i i

iii iv v



1.2 Classification of Ligand Assays 3 1.2.1 cZassification of Immunoassay

Techniques 3

1.3 Principles of Immunoassay 4 1.3.1 Non-Gorrrpetitive Binding Assays 7

1.4 Non-isotopic Immunoassays 9 1.5 Luminescence Spectroscopy: Fundamental

Concepts 9 1 .5. 1 Chemie~ectronic Reactions .,. 15 1 .5.2 Peroxyoxa~ate CL: Genera~

Background 18 1.6 Fluoroimmunoassays: Basic Principles 20

1.6.1 Fluorescent Labels

1.6.2 Heterogeneous FIAs

1 .6 .3 Homogeneous F IAs

· ..

1.6.4 Major Advances in FIA Techniques

1.7 Bio- and Chemiluminescence Immunoassays 1.7.1 General Background


1. 7.2 Indicator Reactions: Bio- and

1. 7.3 Enzyme 1.8.1

Chemi~uminescence .••

Luminescence Immunoassays

Immunoassays General Background

1.8.2 Heterogeneous Assays

1.8.3 Homogeneous Assays

· .. · ..

· ..

· .. 1.8.4 Some Recent Advances in EIAs

22 22



30 , 30,

3l 33 35





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Page No

1.9 Novel Luminescent Immunoassays: Research Programme 40


2.1.1 Synthesis of TCPO • • . 44 2.2 Labelling Techniques: Some Fundamental

Aspects 44 2.2.1 Conjugation Procedures Employed

in LIA Studies 48

2.3 Instrumentation 50 2.3.1 2.3.2

Fluorimetry ... Lwninometry Design of the Peroxy­oxalate-fia Lwninometer General Analytical Procedure .,.

50 50


56 Analytical Parameters Affecting PeroxyoxaZate CL 56 Performance of the Peroxy-oxaZate-fia Lwninometer 60


3.1 Introduction: the Background Interference Problem 64

3.2 Experimental 71 3. 2. 1 Genera l : photo- and ChemiZwnines-

cenae Measurements 71 3 . 2 . 1 • 1 Procedures: Background

Photolwninescenae Redun-tion 71 TCPO-ExCited Lwninescenae: Non-specific Quenahing and Elimination Procedures 74

3.3 Results and Discussion 75 Background Photolwninescenae

Reduntion: Evaluation of Adsorbents 75

3. 3 . t 2 Elimination of Peroxyoxa late CL Quenahing: Physico-Chemical Approaches 85

3.4 Conclusion 90

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4.1 General Introduction: Biological Role



and Assay Techniques 93 Experimental: Luminescence and Radio­immunological Procedures 4.2.1 General-

4.2.1 .1 Fl-uorimrmowassays uti-



Using FL-T 4 • • • 98 Reayal-ing of Antibodies 99 Luminesaenae Immuno-assays Util-ising FITC-T4 100 Luminesaenae Immunoassays Based on ELISA 10]

Results and Discussion Fl-uoroimrmowassays Util-ising

FL-T4 Reayal-ing of Antibodies ... Luminesaenae Immunoassays Util-i­sing FITC-T 4 Luminesaenae Immunoassays Based on ELISA


103 111



4.4 Conclusion 125


5.1 Introduction: Physiological Role and Assay Techniques 129

5.2 Experimental 132



5.2.1 General- 132 Comparative Studies of Anal-ytiaal- Parameters 132 Immunoassay Studies

Results and Discussion 5.3.1 .1 Comparative Studies of Anal-y­

tiaal- Parameters Immunoassay Studies


133 134

134 138


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1.1 General Background: the Dual Role of Antibodies

An elegant feature of the immune defence system is its

abil i ty to "tailor" an anti body in response to exposure to an

immunogent (bacteria, virus, etc) and its subsequent inactivation

to abolish the harmful effects. The hallmark of adaptive immunity

is the specific non-covalent interaction between an antigen*{Ag)

and an antibody (Ab). namely immunoglobulin G (IgG). Immuno­

globulin G is a glycoprotein of molecular weight of 160,000 and

cons i sts of two long "heavy" cha ins and two shorter or "1 i ght"

chains [1]. The chains are linked together by disulphide bonds

to form a V-shaped structure. The ends of the heavy and the light

chains of IgG form two identical antigen binding sites, which are

highly antigenic specific. The high specificity and sensitivity

of antibodies was realised by Thomson [3] in 1941; he stated:

"conceivably. the endocrinologist may utilise the action of

specific anti-hormones in the study of the interactions of the

endocri ne gl ands" . Immunoassays, thus exploit the two outstandi ng

properties of antibodies: structural specificity. representing

the capacity of Abs to differentiate between Ags of similar

structure [4]; and high intrinsic sensivitity, referring to the

utilisation of antibodies for the assay of subnanomolar quantities

t Immunogen: a substance which provokes an immune response [2].

* Antigen: a substance which combines with a specific anti­body [2].


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of an antigen. Thus, the greater the difference in affinity of

the antibody for the two closely related structures, the more

specific the assay.

All immunochemical techniques are based on the use of anti­

bodies as specific binding proteins, but these techniques differ

in the mechanism by which the Ag-Ab interaction is monitored.

Thus the classical methodologies [5], as exemplified by precipita­

tion methods, rely upon the interaction of an antibody (at least

divalent) with its corresponding antigen (multivalent) to register

a visible or instrumentally-detected response. These techniques

are hard to use for the quantitation of low molecular weight

species, for example haptens1", which do not form a precipitate

upon reaction with antibody. The other shortcomings [5] of these

methodologies include: lack of sensitivity, a requirement for a

relatively large amount of monospecific antibody, and a relatively

long incubation period. However,these shortcomings are circum-

vented through the use of labelled immunochemical reactant

(labelled Ag or labelled Ab) techniques. These techniques exploit

the physico-chemical properties of a label (a luminescent group)

to serve as a qualitative index of Ag-Ab interaction. The distribu­

tion (or a change in the signal) of the labelled reactant in an

assay system permits quantitation of the sample (unknown) from a

standard dose-response curve.

The explosive impact of the labelled immunoassay techniques

1" Hapten: a low-molecular weight (~ 4000) substance that is an antigen but not an immunogen, unless otherwise coupled to an immunogenic carrier such as albumin [1].


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is quite evident from its plethoric applications. for example

clinical diagnosis. pharmacology. taxonomy. quality control.

forensic. and environmental sciences.

1.2 Classification of Ligand Assays

Ligand assays make up a group of assay techniques [6] that

depend upon specific non-covalent interactions between ligands

(substance to be bound) and binding proteins and which obey the

law of mass action. They are usually subdivided [5,6,7] into

three categories: (a) immunoassays. employing antibody and anti­

gen; (b) receptor assays, employing receptor proteins. for

example steroid receptors for the assay of steroids; and (c)

protein binding assays, for example thyroxine binding globulin

for the assay of thyroxine. The assays are either heterogeneous

or homogeneous. Heterogeneous assays, for example, radioimmuno­

assays always require a physical separation of Ag and Ab-Ag

complex prior to measurements. On the other hand, homogeneous

assays exploit a change in the physico-chemical properties of a

label. for example, a fluorescent group in fluorescence enhancement

immunoassays and hence avoid the need for a separation procedure.

Immunoassays currently dominate the area of ligand assays.

1.2.1 Classifioation of Immunoassay Techniques

This is based [8] on the reaction mechanisms in which labelled

immune reactants are employed. namely


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a) By the nature of the reaction - this reaction can either be

competitive or non-competitive.

Competitive binding assays are basically of two types: the

simultaneous addition assay technique in which all reagents

are incubated together, and the sequential addition assay

technique in which an unlabelled antigen is incubated with a

specific antibody prior to the addition of a labelled anti­

gen. Non-competitive binding assays are exemplified by the

immunoradiometric and their variations (see Table 1);

b) On the basis of whether an antigen or an antibody is labelled;

c) On the basis of whether an antigen or an antibody is to be


d) On the basis of any separation step employed.

1.3 Principles of Immunoassay

Radioimmunoassay (RIA) techniques pioneered by Yalow and

Berson [9] represent a class of competitive binding assays. The

mathematics [6,10] of the Ag-Ab reaction are based on two assump­

tions: the reactants obey the law of mass action; and that

the antibody is incapable of discriminating between a labelled

antigen and an unlabelled antigen. The equilibrium between an

antibody and its corresponding antigen can be represented (equa-

tion 1) as:

kl [Ag] + [Ag*] + [Ab]<=, =:kr==. =' [Ab Ag*] + [Ab Ag]

2 standard

or known



(1 )

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where: [Ag] = the molar concentration of unlabelled Ag,

[Ag*]= the molar concentration of labelled Ag,

[Ab] = the molar concentration of unlabelled Ab,

[Ab Ag*] = the molar concentration of Ab Ag* complex

[Ab Ag] = the molar concentration:ofAb Ag complex

k1 = the rate association constant for the forward


k2 = the rate dissociation constant for the backward


k1/k2 = Ka' the affinity constant [11] of the Ab

The proportion of *Ag bound to the Ab is thus inversely

proportional to the amount of unlabelled Ag in the sample and

is determined from a standard dose-response curve (Figure 1).

Since the labelled antigen produces no significant change upon

binding to its corresponding antibody, a separation step is

therefore an integral part of R1A, thus making the assay rather

difficult to automate. The separation procedures [7,12] usually

employed are: (a) use of second precipitating antibodies,

(b) the use of solid-phase antibodies, (c) fractional precipita­

tion of antibodies, for example with ammonium sulphate, po1yethy-

1ene glycol, alcohol, etc, and (d) adsorption of the free antigen

on dextran-coated charcoal, silicates, etc. One of the principal

advantages of utilising radioactive (y-emitter such as 125 1) labels

is the sensitivity with which the radioactive emission can be

detected to determine extremely low analyte concentrations, often

picomolar to femtomo1ar quantities. However, R1As being hetero-

geneous are (a) difficult to automate, (b) time-consuming, and


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\ \ \

Counts miri- 1



\ \ , , ,

..... ...... ---1 Concentration of Ag (ng.m1 )

FIGURE 1: Example of a standard dose-response curve showing both the decrease of the antibody-bound labelled antigen and the increase of the free labelled antigen resulting from the addition of increasing concentrations of unlabelled antigen in an assay system



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(c) error-prone due to complexities in sample manipulation and

due to non-specific adsorption of sample. In addition, radio­

isotopes present health hazard problems. Consequently, there has

been an upsurge in non-isotopic label techniques (Section 1.4) since

the last decade.

1.3.1 Non-Competitive Binding Assays

These assays were developed by Miles and Ha1es [13] in order

to circumvent a number of disadvantages associated with the compe­

titive binding assays. The main criticisms [14] of competitive

binding assays are: (a) all the unknown antigen does not react

with the antibody, (b) there is a substantial background activity

(ca. 50~) at zero antigen dose, and (c) labelling an antigen may

alter the immunoreactivity. The use of labelled antibodies in immuno­

radiometric techniques was therefore suggested for circumventing

these disadvantages. Furthermore, antibodies are easier to label

than most antigens, and also, they can be labelled with higher

specific activity than most antigens, thus resulting in enhanced

assay sensitivity. A severe limitation of the immunoradiometric dS~YS

and the i r va ri ants (sandwi ch, double sandvli ch etc, see Table 1),

however, is the dissociation of hapten-Ab complexes in the presence

of solid-phase Ags. Moreover, sandwiches cannot be prepared with

hapten. As a consequence, immunoradiometric techniques and their

variants are confined to analysis of macromo1ecu1ar antigens for

example IgG, albumin etc. The principles of the major types of

non-competitive binding assays are outlined in Table 1.


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Principles (bound or unbound Assay format fraction measured after appro­

priate incubation)

Immunoradiometric Ab* + Ag ... Ab*Ag + Ag-l

Sandwich (two-s He)

Doub 1 e sa ndwi ch

Indirect sandwich (e.g. radio-all ergosorbe nt test)

+ separa te AgAb* + Ab*Ag-l

(I- = sol id-phase)

f-Ab + Ag ... AgAb-l

+ Ab* Ab*-Ag-Ab-I

Ab t-Abl Ag· S Ab2AgAb~

+ Ab*


(Abl and Ab2 represent first and second Ab)

i-Ag + Ab (IgE)

+ bAgAb + Ab* (anti-IgE)

+ rAg - Ab - Ab*

TABLE 1: Major types of non-competitive binding assays


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1.4 Non-isot opic Immunoassays

The non-isotopic immunoassays (NIIAs) are of special interest,

because they overcome the problems of health hazards and special

disposal problems, the non-isotopic labels have longer shelf-life

than the radioactive labels and they avoid the use of specialist

radioactive counting equipment. Furthermore, the assays may be

homogeneous and hence easily automated. The various types of NIIAs

are summarised in Table 1.1. Currently, immunoassay techniques

employing fluorescence, chemiluminescence and enzyme labels are

the methods of choice, because of (a) high intrinsic sensitivity, -1 ng.m1 in many cases; (b) economical advantages, fluorescent

and chemi1uminescent labels are inexpensive, and simple equipment

such as filter fluorimeter can be used for detection; (c) rela­

tively simple labelling procedure; and (d) assays may be homo­

geneous. On the other hand, NIIAs,for example, meta11oimmuno-

assays, are heterogeneous and require the use of complicated

equipment. However, the decisive factors upon which choice of

assay is likely to be based will be the sensitive determination

and practicality (ease of performance, low cost, etc). Non-

isotopic immunoassays have been reviewed in a number of pub1ica-

tions [15,16,17,18,19].

1.5 luminescence Spectroscopy: Fundamental Concepts

luminescence is the light emitted by an atom or a molecule

after it has absorbed energy to go to an excited state [20]. The

term chemiluminescence (Cl), bioluminescence (Bl), and fluorescence


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Immunoassay Technique

Enzyme Immunoassay

Particle Counting Immunoassay


Electroimmunoassay (Voltammetric immuno­assay)


Bio- and Chemilumi­nescence Immunoassays


(a) Enzymes (b) Enzyme cofactors (c) Enzyme inhibitors (d) Enzyme substrates

Particles: (a) La texes (b)L iposomes (c) 501s (d) Microspheres (e) Erythrocytes

Virus (bacteriophage)

Electroactive groups

(a) Fluorochromes (b) Fluorogens (c) Fluorescence


Bio- and Chemiluminescent

TABLE 1.1: Major types of NIIA techniques


Homogeneous assays possible, simple labelling procedure, long shelf-life and simple detection system required, for example spectrophotometer

Homogeneous assays possible, simple labelling procedure, long shelf-life (except liposomes) and simple detection system required (spectrophotometer, particle counting etc)

Homogeneous assays possible, limited shelf-life and diffi­cult labelling procedure

Homogeneous assays possible, difficult labelling procedure, and susceptible to background interferences

Homogeneous assays possible, simple labelling procedure, long shelf-life, simple equipment required, but suscep­tible to background interferences (serum fluorescence and scattering)

Homogeneous assays possible, long shelf-life, high intrin­sic sensitivity (pico- to attomole levels), simple detec­tion system, but have poor precision due to time-depen­dence of signal

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describe a particular example of the general phenomenon of lumines­

cence. These different forms are concerned with the excitation

mechanisms (see below), which occur prior to the emission of

luminescence. Aristotle (384-322 BC) described the BL of prutefying

fish (bacteria) and fungi in "De Anima". The term fluorescence

was applied by Sir G Stokes in 1852, to the blue-white observed

in the mineral f1uorospar(Latin f1uo, to flow). The present

discussion deals with molecular luminescence only.

The fundamental step of any photoluminescence process is the

excitation of a molecule from its ground state to a higher elec­

tronic state (Sl' S2 etc) by absorption of a quantum of electro­

magnetic radiation of an appropriate wavelength [20,21]. The

excited states are transient and quickly collapse to the ground

state with a concomitant release of some of the absorbed energy.

In most molecules all the energy is released as thermal energy to

the surroundings, but in some cases some of the energy is emitted

in the form of fluorescence or phosphorescence, depending on the

pathway followed when returning from the excited state (Figure 1.1).

Alternatively, the excited states (singlet or triplet) formed

initially as a result of photon excitation (or by chemical excita­

tion) in certain circumstances may transfer their excitation energy

to an energy deficient acceptor mo1ecu1e.-The principal mechanisms

[21,22,23] of energy transfer (ET) are:

a) Radiative ET. This process has been termed [24] "trivial",

not because it is unimportant, but because it is easy to conceive

and explain: life on earth depends upon radiative ET from the


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Se ----.~-,I---

Absorption (1015 sec- l )


Internal conversion (1013 sec- l )

Fluorescence 8 -1 (10 sec )

Intersystem crossing 8 -1 (10 sec )

......... ~

T e



Phos phorescence (100- 3 sec- l )

S o


FIGURE 1.1: Electronic energy state diagram showing the photophysical events of absorption, fluorescence, and phosphorescence. Typical unimolecular rate constants in sec- l are given in brackets. Radiative and non-radiative transitions are represented by continuous and broken lines, respecti vely.



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sun [25]. The mechanism of ET depends on the capture of a photon

by an acceptor, A, emitted by ,a donor, D (equation 1.1):

D* -----"""""- D + hv (l. 1 )

A + hv - """ A* (excited state)

Radiative ET is characterised by (a) change in the donor emission

spectrum, (b) invariance of the donor emission lifetime, and (c)

lack of dependence upon viscosity of medium. The process is

considered to be the dominant mechanism of ET in dilute solutions

and can occur if the donor and acceptor chromophores are more

than 1000A apart. The probability of reabsorption by a given

acceptor varies as r-2, r being the donor-acceptor separation.

b) Non-radiative ET: This process entails the transfer of non­

radiative energy from an excited fluorophor (donor) to the ground

state of a neighbouring chromophore (acceptor). The possible types

of ET (equations 1.20-1.23) between donor and acceptor molecules


i ) Singlet-singlet ET

'D* + 'A ... 'D + 'A* (1.20)

ii) Triplet-singlet ET

3D* + 'A ... 'D + 'A* (l. 21 )

i i i ) Singlet-triplet ET

'D* + 'A ... 'D + 3A* (l. 22)


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iv) Triplet-triplet ET

(1.23 )

These transfers are considered under the resonance ET and the

exchange ET process. The resonance ET is a long-range process

and can occur over considerable distances (SOoA or more). The

efficiency of ET varies as the inverse sixth power of the distance

between the donor and acceptor chromophores. The singlet-singl,et

ET is fully permitted, because the process does not entail a change

in spin, in either component (equation 1.20). Triplet-singlet ET

(equation 1.21), however, is less common due to spin-forbidden

transition. Singlet-triplet ET (equation 1.22) and triplet-triplet

ET (equation 1.23) resulting in triplet-sensitised phosphorescence

are also not generally observed due to spin-forbidden transitions.

The electron exchange process depends on the interchange of

electrons between D* and A (equation 1.3):

D* + A ~ (D---A)* ~ D + A* (1. 3)

The exchange mechanism of ET is a short-range (lO-lSOA) phenomenon

compared with resonance ET. The permitted transfers in this mecha­

nism are singlet-singlet, triplet-singlet, triplet-triplet

(commonly) and singlet-triplet (see equations 1.20-1.23). The

exchange mechanism of ET is a diffusion limited process and con­

sequently, its rate depends upon the viscosity of the medium.

The rate of ET is also subject to an exponential decrease with


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decreasing acceptor concentration. On the other hand, the

resonance ET process is not diffusion limited, it does not depend

upon solvent viscosity and can be observed at lower concentrations.

1.5.1 ChemieZectronic Reactions

These are reactions [26] in which at least one elementary

step involves the conversion of chemical energy into electronic

excitation energy. The relationship [27] between photo- and chemi­

luminescence is depicted in Figure 1.2. It is apparent that the

emitted light should have the same energy distribution in photo­

and chemiluminescence. If, however, the luminescent species is not

a reaction-product molecule formed directly as a result of an

exergonic reaction (e.g. luminol) then sensitised (ET) CL can

occur (equation 1.4)

A + B + - -> D* (electronically excited)

D* + Acceptor -> D + Acceptor*

*Acceptor -> Acceptor + Light

The requirements [28] for an electron transfer reaction

(1.4 )

are that the electron must approach the acceptor at an energy

level equal to or greater than the first excited state, and

secondly, the excited system must be free from a strong quenching

environment. The criteria [29] for the occurrence of CL reaction


a) sufficient excitation energy


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(Ground state)

FIGURE 1.2: A diagrammatic repres~ntation of the relationships between photo- and chemiluminescence process. Path (l) and (2) = chemical excitation and CL emission, respectively; path (3) and (2) = photon

.excitation and photoluminescence, respectively.


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b) species capable of transfer into an electronically excited

s ta te,

c) a chemical reaction proceeding at a relatively high rate to

provide the excitation energy, and

d) a system of reaction coordinates favouring excited state


Chemiluminescence efficiency, QCl' is the number of photons

emitted per molecule reacting [30]. The overall QCl (equation 1.5)

is a product of two separate efficiencies: excitation efficiency

(Qex) of the chemical reaction, that is, the number of electronically

excited product molecules formed per molecule reacting; and

fluorescence efficiency (Qf)' representing the number of photons

emitted per electronically excited molecule.

The Cl intensity (Cll; equation 1.6) is a product of reaction

ra te and QCl.

dc CLl = QCl x d£

(1,. 5)

(1 .6)

where: Cll = number of photons emitted per second;

dc d£ = reaction rate (number of molecules reacted per second).

Generally, Cll decreases with time because of reactant consumption.

The principal advantages of Cl methods over conventional fluorimetry


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are lower limits of detection and simple equipment requirements.

1.5.2 Peroxyo:rnZate CL: GeneraL Background

Peroxyoxalate CL is a generic name representing a class of

reactions involving peroxyoxalate intermediates [31]. It is

reported [32] to be the most effective (Qex = 60%) non-biological

CL reaction. Peroxyoxalate CL has been reviewed in a number of

publications [30,32,33,34]. The oxalate esters such as bis(2,4,6-

trichlorophenyl) oxalate (TCPO) and bis(2,4-dinitrophenyl) oxalate

(DNPO) react with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a suitable

fluorophor (anthracene) to produce CL (see below) via an energy

transfer process involving a high energy intermediate.

The electron transfer in the excitation step proceeds via a

charge-transfer complexation process. In general, charge-transfer

complexation (equation 1 . .]) occurs [35,36] when one partner is an

electron donor, D and the other is an electron acceptor.

(1 .7)

The formation of a charge-transfer complex is interpreted in terms

of interactions between the w electrons of the donor-acceptor pair.

McCapra [32] has proposed a pathway (scheme 1) which permits

electron transfer as the excitation step in the peroxyoxalate CL.

The most commonly employed oxalate ester in peroxyoxalate CL

studies is TCPO, because (a) DNPO is not as shelf-stable as TCPO,

(b) DNPO is difficult to synthesise, and (c) CL of DNPO is of shorter


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+ Anthracene

Radical cation

ca e -2

+ CO2

Radical anion


a a


Charge-tra nsfer comp1 ex

El ectron~ transfer


OCX)'" '" * I I ~G ~ ....-:: ....-:: H


+ Excited state

2c oe

SCHEME 1: Mechanism of TePO-excited luminescence, using anthracene as an example


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duration [37] than CL of TCPO. On the other hand, DNPO gives a

brighter emission than TCPO, because QCL increases with increa­

sing electronegative substitution [38]. The most attractive

feature of peroxyoxalate CL is versatility:emission wavelength

can be varied and is characteristic of the excited fluorophor.

Furthermore, the kinetics of the emission can be modified by

alterations in solvent [39]. Evidently (Table 1.2), the most

efficiently excited fluorophors are those with high fluorescence

efficiency and lO~1 excitation energy [31,40]. The ma,jor limita­

tion of the peroxyoxalate system, however, is that the oxalate

esters (TCPO, DNPO, etc) yielding efficient CL are not soluble

in water.

1.6 Fluoroimmunoassays: Basic Principles

The use of fluorescent labels in immunoassay techniques

provides an elegant approach, because such labels lend themselves

to simple conjugation, high intrinsic sensitivity and excellent

selectivity. The sensitivity advantage of the technique arises

from the direct emission of the excited fluorescent label. The

selectivity advantage of the technique is derived from the depen­

dence of fluorescence on the excitation and the emission wave­

lengths of the fluorescent label. The utilisation of fluorescence

lifetimes and fluorescence polarisation enables further assay

selectivity. Moreover, the use of photophysical parameters such

as polarisation enables the development of homogeneous assays.


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Fl uorophor Relative CLl Qf t.xcltatlon t.!Jfrgy

(KCal.mol) Emission Wavelength (nm)

Peryl ene 900 0.94 66 470

Anthracene 42.3 0.36 76 400

Pyrene 1.6 0.32 77 385

Phenanthrene 1.4 0.13 83 365

Fluorene 1.35 . 0.80 95 310

TA8LE 1.2: ·Comparison of data [31] for TCPO-excited luminescence of various fluorophors

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1 .6.1 . Fluorescent wbe Ls

Coons and co-workers [41] in 1941 utilised f1uorescein­

labelled antibodies as topographical markers for the localisation

and identification of antigens in tissue cells. It is only

recently that an extensive use of fluorescent labels in immunoassay

techniques has been made. The choice of a label is critical [42,43]

in developing FIAs. The label should, therefore, be (a) sensitive

to the environment (b) soluble in water, (c) stable during storage

and experimental conditions, (d) not influenced by matrix effects

including light scattering, (e) highly fluorescent (high Qf) and

(f) easy to conjugate. t10reover, the label should not produce

any adverse immunological effects. The most widely employed

labels in FIA techniques are shown in Table 1.3.

1.6.2 Heterogeneous FIAs

The main types of heterogeneous assays are (a) competitive,

(b) f1uoroimmunometric (immunof1uorimetric), (c) sandwich, and

(d) indirect sandwich. The solid-phase procedures have received

most of the attention thus far, because of simplicity of separa­

ting the bound and the free fractions. The commercially available

FlAX system developed by International Diagnostic Technology

(Santa C1ara, California, USA) is based on the use of plastic

dipsticks called ".STIQ". In this system, the antigen or antibody

is immobilised on the surface of the "STIQ" sampler. The sampler

is incubated with the sample containing a fixed amount of the

labelled antigen and washed prior to fluorescence measurements


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Fluorescent Label Sens it i v ity to Excitation/Emission Environment Maxima. (nm)

Fl uram Sensitive 394/475

DNS-Cl Sens itive 340/480-520

MDPF Sens itive 395/485

RBITC Stabl e 550/585

FITC Stab 1 e 492/518

TABLE 1.3: Physico-chemical properties of fluorescent lables.

Abbreviations: Fluram = 4-phenylspiro-(furan-2(3H)-1-phthalan)-3,3-dione DNS-Cl = Dimethylaminonapthalene-5-sulphonyl chloride MDPF = 2-methoxy-2,4-diphenyl-3(2H)-furanone RBITC = rhodamine-B 200-isothiocyanate FITC = fluorescein-isothiocyanate


Prone to inferference by serum fluorescence

Prone to interference by scattered 1 i gh t and serum fluorescence

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to remove the unbound labelled antigen and the sample materials.

The Immuno-Fluor assays developed by Bio-Rad Labs (Richmond,

California, USA) employs transparent polyacrylamide immunobeads

of 5-10 microns in diameter. The FlAX and the Immuno-Fluor systems

can both be adapted to perform competitive binding assays, sand­

wich assays, etc.

The principal advantage of the heterogeneous assays tech­

nique is enhanced assay sensitivity due to the removal of back­

ground interference (ChapterThree). The detection limits of the

technique thus-depends on the intrinsic fluorescence of the

solid-phase (immunobeads) materials and light scattering

(mainly Tyndall and Rayleigh) interferences. On the other hand,

the shortcomings of the technique include (a) high-cost of the solid­

phase immobilised antibodies or antigens, (b) poor precision mainly

due to non-specific adsorption of sample materials and sample

losses, and (c) difficulties in automation.

1.6.3 Homogeneous FIAs

Table 1.4 shows the various types of homogeneous FIA tech­

niques. Some of these are described below:

a) Enhancement and quenching FIAs: The interaction of a labelled

antigen upon binding to its appropriate antibody may induce a

change in the polarity of the microenvironment of the fluorophor

and hence affect its signal. The first enhancement FIA for

thyroxine utilising a fluorescein-thyroxine conjugate was des-


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Technique Reference(s)

Enhancement FIA 44,45,46,47 Quenchi ng FIA 42,48 Energy transfer FIA 42,47,48,49 Polarisation FIA 42,47,50,51 Double antibody binding FIA 42,52 (mixed binding reagent FIA) Protection FIA 42,48 "D; fferentia 1 heavy-atom" quenchi ng FIA 53 (solvent quenching FIA) Internal reflection FIA 54 Release FIA 55 Autocorrelat;on FIA 56 Cytometric FIA 57

TABLE 1.4: Homogeneous FIA techniques


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cri bed by Smith [44]. The fluorescence enhancement phenomenon

was ascribed to intramolecular quenching of the fluorescence

of fluorescein-thyroxine by the iodine atoms of thyroxine, possibly

via the heavy-atom effect, the effect being relieved or abolished

upon binding to anti-thyroxine antibodies. Lim [45] recently

developed enhancement FIAs for haptens and macromolecular anti­

gens utilising the fluram enhancement effect. The quenching FIA,

on the other hand, is based on quenching of the fluorescence of

a labelled antigen when an antibody complex is formed [47].

Thus, for example, binding of fluorescein-gentamicin to anti­

gentamicin antibodies induces quenching, the effect being reversed

in the presence of unlabelled gentamicin.

The attractive feature of these techniques is that they are

simple to perform. However,the techniques suffer from background

serum fluorescence (Chapter Three) and therefore have inferior

limits of detection.

b) Energy transfer FIAs: The process of energy transfer entails

the transfer of non-radiative energy, ' .. (Section 1.5) from an

excited fl uorophor (donor) to the ground state of a nei ghbolJri ng

choromophorR(acceptor). The requirements for an efficient energy

transfer process are that the fluorescence spectrum of the donor

should overlap the excitation spectrum of the acceptor, and secondly,

the donor-acceptor pair should be in close proximity (~ 5 nm).

The technique [48,49] is based on the use of an antigen and an

antibody labelled with a suitable donor (e.g. fluorescein) and


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an acceptor (e.g. rhodamine) lapel, respectively. The interaction

of the labelled antigen 9nth the labelled antibody results in

fluorescence quenching of the donor label and possibly fluorescence

enhancement of the acceptor label. The presence of unlabelled

antigen causes the effects to reverse. The advantage of this

technique is that it is applicable to both haptens and macro­

molecular antigens. Furthermore, the use of labelled molecules

cancels experimental errors in some cases. However, the technique

requires the use of moderately purified labelled antigens and it

is susceptible to background interferences. In addition, the

need to label two molecules is a disadvantageous feature of the

assay, because labelling may involve tedious purification proce-

dures, for example the use of affinity chromatography.

c) Polarisation FIA: When a fluorescent molecule is excited

with polarised light, the fluorescence is polarised to a degree

that is inversely proportional to the Brownian motion that occurs

between absorption and emission of light. Thus, for example, the

smaller the fluorophor the faster will be its Brownian motion

and hence the degree of polarisation will be low. On the other

hand, macromolecular fluorophors have relatively high polarisa­

tion values due to restriction in the Brownian motion. The degree

of polarisation (equation 18) is defined [50] as:

p = (18)


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where: 11\ = intensity of the emitted light polarised parallel

to the excitation polarisation.

11 = intensity of the emitted light polarised perpen­

dicular to the excitation polarisation.

Polarisation FIA thus exploits an increase in the polarisation

value when a small labelled antigen (usually a hapten) binds

to its antibody. The concentration of the unknown antigen is .

calculated from a standard dose-response curve, which relates the

degree of polarisation to the standard concentration. Recently,

Jolley et al [58] have described an automated system for the

assay of gentamicin, theophylline, phenytoin and phenobarbital.

Polarisation FIA offers the advantages of being rapid, precise,

and intrinsically sensitive. It is limited in practice to

determination of antigens with molecular weight of "" 20,000

because the technique depends on measurement of increase in the

polarisation value following antigen-antibody interaction. Further­

more, rotation of the antigen-antibody complex and incomplete

immobilisation of the antibody-bound labelled antigen reduces

the theoretical maximum polarisation value of 0.5 for fully

oriented immobilised molecules [47]. The other shortcomings of

this technique include the requirement for polarisation equipment

and the susceptibility of the technique to background inter-


d) Autocorrelation FIA: This technique [56] is based on the

antigen-antibody reaction occurring at the surface of carrier


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microparticles (acrylamide or polystyrene). Determination of

the number fluctuation and diffusion of these particles in a

microlitre volume of the solution enables discrimination of

the slowly-diffusing particles bound to the labelled antigen and

the relatively fast-diffusing unbound labelled antigen, including

endogeneous (serum) fluorophors.

1.6.4 Major Advances in FIA Techniques

a) High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) FIA: This

approach enables enhanced assay sensitivity due to the excellent

separation capabilities of HPLC combined with the high intensity

and high monochromaticity of laser excitation [59). The HPLC­

fluoroimmunoassay described by Lidofsky et al [60) for insulin

has detection limits of 0.4 l . The relatively high-cost

of the equipment, however, is a disadvantageous feature of the


b) Time-resolved FIA: This technique [43,61) provides an

elegant approach of enhancing assay sensitivity by enabling the

removal of background fluorescence interferences (Chapter Three).

Time-resolved fluorimetry is based on discrimination of fluoro­

phors with different decay-time. The rare earth metals (europium,

terbium, etc) and the polycyclic hydrocarbons (pyrene derivatives),

are particularly useful labels in FIA techniques. The fluorescence

decay-time of the metal chelates is usually in the range of 10-

1000 ~s compared with 1-20 ns of endogeneous serum fluorophors.


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Thus, using pulsed excitation and time-gated detection system,

the background emission is allowed to decay to negligible levels

and the fluorescence of the label is measured. Furthermore,

with pulsed excitation photobleaching and photolysis of the

sample are minimised. The principal advantages of fluorescent

metal labels are (a) high intrinsic fluorescence, (b) large

Stokes' shift (270 nm for europium), (c) narrow emission maxima,

and (d) emission wavelength may be selected outside the range

of serum fluorescence, for example 590 nm and 613 nm for the

europium che1ates. Time-resolved FIAs have recently been

described by Pettersson et a 1 [62] and Hemi 11 a et a 1 [63] ,

using the che1ates of europium.

1.7 Bio- and Chemiluminescence Imunnoassays

1 .7 .1 GeneraZ Background

Bio- and chemiluminescence immunoassays (CLIAs) are analo­

gous to FIAs, differing only in the mechanism of sample excita­

tion. Thus, for example, FIAs are based on photon excitation

and bio- or chemiluminescence immunoassays are based on chemical

excitation. Bioluminescence (BL) is an enzyme-mediated chemi­

luminescence phenomenon, but from the analytical point of view the

two phenomena are identical [30]. Bio- and chemiluminescence

immunoassays are thus generally classified [64] as luminescence

immunoassays (UAs). The major advantages [6'4] of the procedures

based on BL systems accrue from their high quantum efficiency

and high specificity of the reaction compared with the techniques


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based on CL procedures. Consequently, BL procedures exhibit

the potential of detecting attomo1e (10-18 moles) quantities

of an antigen [64]. The other attractive feature of these pro­

cedures is that conjugation of an antigen with a BL/CL label

can influence [30,39] the reaction (BL/CL) by modifying (a) the

reaction rate, (b) the fluorescence efficiency, and (c) the

excitation efficiency. Furthermore, these three parameters

are also sensitive [30] to the changes in the environment, for

example binding of a labelled antigen to its antibody. Conse­

quently, a number of possible effects can be exploited. For

example, a change in the kinetics of a BL/CL reaction upon

antibody-antigen formation may permit quantitatio'n of a sample

antigen from a single intensity-time curve.

1 .7.2 Indicator Reaations: Bio- and Chemi Zwrrinesaenae

A severe practical limitation of chemi- and bioluminescence

labels is that at the present the ,number of available reactions

yielding efficient luminescence is relatively small [30].

Furthermore, most conjugated labels (including fluorescent labels

exhibit diminished luminescence compared with the unconjugated

forms [30,65]. Consequently, this imposes a severe constraint on

the development of sensitive luminescence immunoassays (LIAs).

However, coupled reactions involving CL and BL extend the

range of analyses. For example, any reaction that produces or

consumes adenosine triphosphate (ATP), nicotinamide adenine

dinucleotide (NAD), nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate

(NADP), flavin mononucleotide (FMN), can be coupled to luminescent


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reactions. The most widely employed BL reactions [30,66] are:

a) Firefly (photinius) reaction):

ATP + luciferin + O2

Luciferase 2+ > Mg

AMP = adenosine monophosphate

PP = pyrophosphate.

b) Bacterial reaction:

AMP + PP + oxyl uciferi n +

+ Oxidoreductase NADH(NADPH) + FMN + H ) NAD+(NADP+) + FMNH2

Luciferase FMNH2 + RCHO + O2 Mg2+ ~ FMN + RC0 2H + light (Amax =

The limits of detection and luciferase stability depend on

490 nm)

purity of the sample. The purified enzymes enable low detection

limits and are stable for at least a day at room temperature

[30,67]. Recently, bioluminescent labels such as ATP, NAD, luci­

ferase, peroxidase and glucose oxidase have also been employed in

immunoassay techniques [30,68,69].

-The most widely employed labels in CLIA techniques are

luminol and isoluminol. Luminal and its analogues (see below)

produce light in the presence of suitable oxidising systems, for

example H202/peroxidase, H202/transition metal ions (Cu2+,

2+ CO ) etc. The reaction of luminal CL is:

~"""N/'10 '1 ....... N/'l lIf

rAlO l'rH OXidiS;g ~O 1 ...... 09 + Ne

VL--..('NH system ~ 4fP0 b . t \9

(1 ) 32 LlghC (). = 430 nm) max

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When, Rl = Hand R2 = H, then (1) is luminol [70].

When, Rl = Hand R2 = -~-Cl, then (1) is luminol-carbamyl o ,

chloride [70]. When, Rl = Hand R2 = -C-C-SH, then (1) is mercapto-" I

acetyl-l umi no 1 [70]. 0 For coupling [30] luminol to an antigen, luminol is usually

transformed into ei ther a diazoni urn salt or an azo carboxyl

methyl phenyl derivative. The potentials of l,2-dioxetanes

(containing adamantyl groups) labels in immunoassay techiques

has recently been suggested by Wynberg et al [71]. An attractive

feature of these labels is that thermal activation is required

to induce CL.

1.7.3 Luminescence Immunoassays

The four major types of LIAs are summarised in Table 1.5.

Some of the recently developed LIA techniques i ncl ude:

a) Solid-phase Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay

This technique [72] is based on the use of a pair of electrodes

to oxidise the labelled antigen bound to the surface of

an anode immobilised with the antibodies. The light generated by

oxidation of the label is transmitted through a transparent cathode

and measured using a photomul tiplier tube. Alternatively, the

light can be measured directly by making the cathode an integral

part of the photomultiplier tube.


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Immunoassay technique Label(s) Typica 1 Indicator Reaction

(a) Luminescence immunoassay Lumi no 1, i so 1 umi no 1 H202/peroxidase, H202/microperoxidase

(b) Luminescence enzyme multiplied Dehydrogenase NADH/bacterial luciferase system immunoassay technique

(c) Luminescence cofactor immuno- ATP derivatives Luciferin/firefly 1 uci ferase assay

(d) Luminescence enzyme immuno- Peroxidase Lu rn; n01 . /H202 assay

TABLE 1.5: The four major types of LIA techniques

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b) Energy transfer CLIA

This technique [73] as exemplified for the assay of cyclic

adenosine monophosphate (AMP) involves the use of anti -At·IP

anti bodi es 1 abe 11 ed with 1 u minol • Peroxidase and H202 are

added to the assay sample and luminescence (sensitised) derived

from the antibody-bound fluorescein-AMP is measured at 540 nm.

c) ONPO - excited LIA

Boguslaski and Carrico [74] have described a DNPO-excited

LIA for sisomicin. In the described assay, sisomicin was labelled

with rhodamine-B and DNPO was used to excite the labelled antigen.

Increasing amounts of the unlabelled antigen in the assay caused

an increase in the luminescence of the labelled antigen.

The principal advantages of LIAs are (a) high sampling rate,

because most BL/CL reactions are fast; (b) high specificity; and

(c) low detection limits, picomolar quantities in many cases.

On the other hand, LIAs suffer from poor precision due to time­

dependence of the signal. This problem, however, can be minimised

using flow injection analysis (Section 2.3.2). In addition,

homogeneous LIAs suffer from environmental influences (Chapter Three)

for example quenching.

1.8 Enzyme Immunoassays

1 .8. 1 Genera Z BaakgroW'ld

Initially, enzyme labelled antibodies were utilised [75,76] in

immunohistochemical procedures and later the enzyme labels were shown


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to be qui te suitabl e for use in immunoassay techniques [77,78].

The high specificity combined with the catalytic properties of

an enzyme enables enhanced assay sensitivity and specificity.

Enzyme immunoassays (EIAs) have been reviewed in a number of

publications [8,79,80,81]. Automation of EIAs has been des­

cribed by Saunders et al [81]. Heterogeneous EIAs are basically

of two types:

a) Competi ti ve

i) wi th enzyme-l ab ell ed anti gen

ii) with enzyme-labelled antibody.

b) Non-competitive

i) with enzyme-labelled anti-immunoglobulin for the assay

of specific antibodies

ii) with enzyme-labelled antibodies for the assay of antigens.

Homogeneous assays are exemplified by procedures such as enzyme­

multiplied immunoassay technique (EMIT) and enzyme-channelling

immunoassay (see below). An example of heterogeneous assay is the

enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The most widely used

labels in EIA techniques are given in Table 1.6.

1.8.2 Heterogeneous Assays

ELISA is the most popular analytical procedure, because the

use of solid-phase (polystyrene tubes, glass beads, etc) immobilised

antibodies or antigens facil itates the separation of the bound and

the free fracti on. Moreover, ELISA has sensiti vity comparable to

radioimmvnoassay techniques, because of the removal of matrix


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Label (source)

Malate dehydrogenase (Pig heart mitochondria)

Lysozyme (Egg white)

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (Leuconostoc mesenteroides)

Peroxidase (Horseradish)

Alkaline phosphatase

(Calf intestinal mucosa)


(Escherichia Coli)

Typical Indicator


Micrococcus luteus


P-creso 1 /H202 O-dlnisidine/H202 P-nitrophenyl­phosphate









TABLE 1.6: Enzyme immunoassay techniques and labels


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effects. The catalytic activity of the labelled antigen bound

to the solid-phase is inversely proportional to the amount of

sample antigen. The detection [81,82,83] of the label may be

performed (a) co10rimetrica11y using chromogenic substrates

(Table 1.6); (b) f1uorometrically using f1uorogenic substrates

such as tyramine; (c) chemi1uminometrica11y using 1umino1 CL;

(d) thermometrica11y based on heat measurements, for example

using catalase and hydrogen peroxide; and (e) e1ectrochemica11y

(see below).

Some of the problems [84,85] inherent in the ELISA procedure

are steric hindrance and diffusion limitations at the solid-phase

affecting the enzyme reaction, resulting in poor assay performance.

1.8.3 Homogeneous Assays

There are basically two types of homogeneous assays:


These are of two main types:

i) Enhancement assay. This technique [86,87] is based on the

principle that binding of a labelled antigen to its antibody results

in enhanced activity of the label. Enhancement assays have been

described for haptens [88] (e.g. thyroxine) and proteins [86,87],

using labels such as malate dehydrogenase and a-galactosidase,

respecti ve1y.


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ii) Steric hindrance or quenching assay: This technique [89]

is based on the principle that binding ofa labelled antigen to

its antibody results in inhibition of the activity of the label;

Rubenstein [87] has suggested that inhibition of the enzyme

activity is either due to steric exclusion of the enzyme substrate

or due to conformational changes in the label. Steric hindrance

assays have been developed for a number of analytes, for example

morphine using lysozyme as the label [90].

b) Enzyme-channelling immunoassay. This technique [91,92] is

based on rate acceleration generated by introducing two enzymes

that act sequentially into a microenvironment. In this technique

the antigen and the label (e.g. glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase)

are co-immobilised on agarose particles. Binding by antibody

labelled with a second enzyme (e.g. hexokinase) in the presence + of a suitable substrate (e.g. glucose/ATP/NAO ) results in an

increase in the rate of product (6-phosphogluconolactone/ADP/

NADH) forma ti on.

1.8.4 Some Recent Advances in EIAs

a) Electrode-based EIAs

Meyerhoff and Rechnitz [93] have described solid-phase assays

for cyclic AMP and bovine serum albumin using urease as the label

and urea as the enzyme substrate. The amount of the labelled antigen

bound to the solid-phase was measured using an ammonia gas sensing

el ectrode.


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b) Simultaneous Dual-enzyme Immunoassay

B1ake et a1 [94] have developed a simultaneous dual-enzyme

immunoassay for thyroxine and triiodothyronine. In the described

assay thyroxine and triiodothyronine were labelled with alkaline

phosphatase and a-D-ga1adDsidase, respectively, and the antibody­

bound fraction was measured ca1orimetrica11y using phenolphthalein

monophosphate and O-nitropheny1-a-ga1acoside as the substrates for

the enzymes. The advantages of this technique over the single

assay procedure include: (a) better diagnostic efficiency, for

example of thyroid disorders, (b) shorter overall assay, (c)

low-cost, and (d) smaller sample volume requirements.

1.9 Novel Luminescent Immunoassays: Research Programme

This research programme is primarily concerned with the

following developments:

a) methods for removing background interferences inherent in

photo- and chemiluminescence procedures;

b) luminescence-linked immunoassays using thyroxine (T4) as a.mode1


c) TePO-excited LIA for human serum albumin (HSA) with flow

injection analysis.


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2.1 Materials


Human proteins/serum

Albumin, lyophilised, electrophoretic purity 100%

Standard human serum

Sterile pooled serum (normal)

Thyrogl obul i n

Protein standard solution

Animal proteins/polypeptides

Bovine albumin (fraction 5 -purity 96-99%)

Bovine y-globulin (electrophoretic purity 99% + <1% NaCl)

Bovi ne i nsul in

Anti bodi es

Purified and monospecific rabbit immunoglobulins to human albumin and a-2-macroglobulin

Sheep-phenytoin antiserum



Hoechst (UK) Ltd, Hounslow, Middlesex

Hoechst (UK) Ltd.

Miles Laboratories Ltd Stoke Poges, Slough

Sigma Chemical Co Ltd. Poole, Dorset

Si gma (Poole)

Sigma (Poole)

Sigma (Poole)

Sigma (Poole)

DAKO-immunoglobulins Ltd, Mercia Brocade L td, 14eyb ri dge , Surrey

Guildhay Antisera, Surrey.

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Monoclonal anti-T4 T 4 -anti serum

Bi ndi ng reagent

Insulin-binding reagent

Ch roma tog ra ph i c

Sepharose CL-5B

Blue Sepharose CL-5B

Column PD-10 (containing Sepha­dex G-25M)

DEAE-Sephadex A50

Sephadex G-25 (medium grade)

Calcium hydroxylapatite (Bio-Gel HTP)

Chemicals. Reagents. etc

Fl uorescami ne


l-dimethyl aminonapthalene-5-sulphonyl chloride

Fluorescein isothiocyanate isomer I

Fluorescein isothiocyanate isomer I (10% on celite)



Miles Labs (Slough)

Advanced Labs. Kent.

Wellcome Reagents Ltd. Beckenham. Kent.

Pha rmaci a L td. Hounslow. Middlesex

Pharmacia (Hounslow)

Pharmacia (Hounslow)

Pharmacia (Hounslow)

Pharmacia (Hounslow)

Bi-Rad Labs. Watford. Hertfordshi re

Roche Diagnostics Ltd. Welwyn Garden Ci ty.

Roche Diagnostics Ltd.

BDH Chemicals Ltd. Poole. Dorset

BDH (Dorset)

Calbiochem Ltd. Bishops Stortford.

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L -thyroxi ne

Thiomeroso1 (sodium salt)

Tyrami ne hydroch 1 ori de

Hydrogen peroxide. 20 volumes (AR grade)

Titani urn di oxi de

Titanium (11) oxide granular 'Patinal' (0.8 - 2 mm)

Imidazole (SLR grade)

2.4.6-trich10ropheno1 (98%)

Oxalyl chloride (98%)


Sigma (London)

Si gma (London)

Sigma (London)

Fisons Scientific Ltd. Loughborough

Fisons (Loughborough)

BDH (Dorset)

Fisons (Loughborough)

A1drich Chemical Co Ltd. Gi11ingham. Dorset

A1drich Chemical Co Ltd ( Dorset)

'TABLE 2.1: A List of the Materials Utilised

Protein Molecular Weight Reference

Human serum albumin 66.241 95 Human thyrog1 obu1 i n 660.000 96 Bovin albumin 69.000 95 Bovine insulin 5.734 97 Bovine y-g10bu1in 160.000 98 Rabbit IgG 140.000 99

TABLE 2.2: Molecular Weights of Proteins


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2.1.1 Synthesis ofTCPO

TCPO was synthesised according to the methodology of Mohan

and Turro [37). A solution of O.lM 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (TCP)

in 250 ml of benzene was dried (50ml) azeotropically by distilla­

tion. The TCP solution was cooled to lOoC and 0.H4 of freshly

distilled triethylamine was added dropwise. This was followed

by the addition of 0.055 mole of oxalyl chloride. The reaction

mixture was allowed to warm to room temperature and stand over­

night. Benzene was removed from this mixture using a rotary

evaporator and to the residue 50 ml of petroleum ether was added.

This mixture was stirred for 15 minutes, filtered and further

washed with petroleum ether. The white solid was dried under

vacuum for one hour and recrystallised using chloroform [31).

The white product had a melting point of 189-191 0 C. This product

was stored (dark-brown bottle) at 40C in a desiccator.

2.2 Labelling Techniques: Some Fundamental Aspects

A prerequisite [100) in labelling a protein or other molecule

is that it should be as pure as possible, and secondly, it should

not be liable to denaturation during the labelling reaction. The

fluorescent label should possess [101) chemical groups capable of

reacting directly with proteins to form stable linkages such as

azo, carbamido or sulphonamido bonds. The chemical groups,

isocyanate, azide, diazonium chloride, and acid chloride are

examples of such groups. The fluorescent label should also be

chemically pure, because the presence of contaminants (e.g. HC1,

degradation products and isomer 11 in FITC preparation) often


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results [100, 102] in poor protein 1 abell i ng and fl uorescence

deterioration under long storage conditions.

A variety of techniques have been employed [102] in labelling

procedures, for example the use of organic solvents (e.g. acetone­

dioxane for dissolving labels), impregnated filter paper, celite

powder, dialysis labelling and the direct addition of a label.

The variables affecting a particular labelling procedure include:

concentration of buffer, pH, light, temperature, the mode of

addition (label), and the extent of the reaction between a label

and a protein. Thus, it is important to control precisely these

reaction conditions in order to optimise a labelling procedure,

and to obtain reproducibility of labelling.

The mechanism of conjugation of proteins with fluorescent

labels such as dansyl chloride can be quite complex involving

[102] :

i) reaction with cr-amino groups,

ii) reaction with E-amino groups of lysine,

iii) bonding with cysteine resulting in the formation of S-sulphonyl

cys tei ne,

iv) formation of ring-labelled compounds with the imidazole group

(histidine), and

v) O-dansyl a ted deri va ti<ves with the groups of tyros i ne.

A principal disadvantage associated with a number of fluorescent

labels such as dansyl chloride and FITe is the need to separate the

fluorescent conjugates from the unreacted fluorochromes. As a

result, Wigele et al [103] introduced fluorescamine and its analogue


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MDPF as suitable immunofluorescent reagents. Fluorescamine(FL) and

MDPF react with primary amines to yield fluorescent derivatives. Fur-

thermore, fluorescamine is non-fluorescent and excess reagent

is hydrolysed to form non-fluorescent, water-soluble products.

thus obviating the need for additional purification steps. The

reaction (Scheme 2.1) proceeds as:

Hydrolysate (non-fl uorescent)

Fluorogenic reagent (non-fluorescent)

o Fl uorescami ne

SCHEME 2.1: Reaction of fluorescamine with a primary amine and in the presence of water


Conj uga te (fl uorescent)

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When it is necessary to separate the labelled proteins

from the unreacted fluorochromes the purification may also

(depending on the method and label used) remove organic solvents

and hydrolyti c products from a 1 abe 11 ed product. Thes e impuri ti es

can be removed from a labelled conjugate by dialysis or by gel

filtration techniques. One of the principal advantages associated

with gel filtration is that it is less time-consuming than dialysis.

The purified labelled conjugates can be further fractionated with

respect to the degree of labelling by ion-exchange or by electro­

phoretic techniques to yield fractions containing a more homoge­

neous population of labelled conjugates.

The purified labelled conjugates are characterised with

respect to fluorophor:protein (F:P) ratios in a number of ways

[100). For example, the protein can be assayed spectrophoto­

metrically, by the micro-Kjeldahl method or by using colorimetric

methods such as the bi uret or Lowry methods. Methods based on

absorbance measurements, however, must be corrected for absorption

by the fluorescent label at the wavelength of measurement (280 nm).

The Lowry method [97) for the assay of proteins is based on the

reaction between Folin-Ciocalteau reagent and proteins. This

reaction is mediated by copper ions and the resulting coloured

solution is measured at ",700 nm; the method is thus not usually

subject to interference by the fl uorophor. The fl uorescent dye is

assayed spectrophotometrically using its molar extinction coeffi­

cient. The F:P ratios can be calculated from the use of formulae

[100) and nomographs [104).


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2.2.1 Conjugation Procedures EmpLoyed in LIA Studies

F1uorescamine and MDPF-T4 conjugates: The conjugation

procedure described by Hand1ey et a1 [46] was employed.

This method involved rapid addition of D.5 m1 of 0.03% solution

of the label in acetone to 2.0 m1 solution containing 10 ~g m1- 1

of T4 in 0.1 sodium phosphate buffer, pH 8.0, which was being


FITC-T4 conjugate: The method described by Smith [44] was

employed for conjugating FITC to T4. This method involved reac­

ting 1 volume of 51.4 mM FITC (isomer I) with 2 volumes of

25.7 mM of T4 in pyridine/H20/triethy1amine medium of volume

composition 9:1.5:0.1. The reaction was incubated at room temp­

erature in the dark for a period of 1 hour. The crude product was

precipitated with 20 volumes of 0.2M ammonium acetate buffer,

pH 4.0. The mixture was centrifuged (10 minutes) and the super­

natant was decanted. The precipitate was washed by suspending it

in twenty volumes of distilled water and centrifuged (10 minutes).

The product was re-dissolved (with the aid of minimal amounts of

ammonia solution) in eight volumes of 0.05M NH4 HC03 solution.

The labelled -T4 product was chromatographed on a Sephadex G-25

column (10 m1) pre-equi1ibrated with 0.05M NH4 HC03 solution. The

impurities were removed by washing the column with twelve column

volumes 0.05M NH4 HC03 solution. The purified FITC-T4 conjugate

(bound) was eluted from the column using distilled water. The

product (FITC-T4) was lyophilised and stored at 40 C in a desiccator.


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Fluorescein-HSA (FITC-HSA) conjugates: The methodology of

Rinderknecht [105] was employed to prepare the FITC-HSA conjugates.

FITC (10% on celite) was added to HSA (2.5 - 10 mg ml- l ) in

sodium carbonate-bicarbonate buffer, pH 9.0. Celite was removed

from the labelled solution mixture by centrifugation. This solu­

tion was then chromatographed on a Sephadex G25 PO-10 column

(pre-equilibrated with 10 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.2) to

separate the unreacted dye. The FITC-HSA conjugates were eluted

using the above buffer. The Lowry method was applied to determine

the protein concentration and a value of 7.2 x 104 M-I cm- l at

493 nm [106] was utilised for the molar absorption coefficient of

the fluorescein thiocarbamide group.

Fluorescamine - and MOPF-HSA conjugates: These were prepared

essentially according to the methodology of Weigele et al [107].

HSA (25-35 mg) was dissolved in 2.0 ml of 0.1 sodium phosphate

buffer, pH 9.5. Then, to a constantly stirred (magnetically) HSA

solution, 50 )11 or more (depending on the molar F:P ratio

required) the label solution (3-4 mg ml- l ) in acetone was added.

The labelled-HSA conjugates were chromatographed on a Sephadex

G25 PO-10 column (pre-equilibrated with 10 mM phosphate buffer,

pH 7.2) to remove the hydrolytic products of the label and to

remove the acetone. The concentration of HSA was determined by the

Lowry method. The bound-fl uorophors were assayed spectrophotomet­

rically using the absorption coefficient value of 6400 ~ 60 Mrl cm- l

and 6300 ~ 100 W l cm- l at 385 nm for the MOPF- and FL-HSA conju­

gates, respectively [104].


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Dansyl-HSA (D-HSA) conjuga tes : The procedure descri bed by

Chen [108] was employed. Dansyl chloride (3-5 mg ml- I in acetone)

\~as added gently to 2.0 ml of a magnetically stirred HSA solution

(16-25 mg in O.lM NaHC0 3 maintained at ice-bath temperature).

The reaction was then allowed to proceed at room temperature for a

further period of ninety minutes. The undissolved material was

removed by centrifugation and the labelled solution mixture was

chromatographed on a Sephadex G25 PD-10 column pre-equilibrated

with 10 mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0. The concentration of

HSA was determined using the Lowry method. The bound fluoro­

phores were assayed spectrophotometrically using an extinction

coefficient value of 3.4 x 10 3 M-I cm- I at 340 nm [108].

2.3 Instrumentation

2.3.1 Fluorimetry

The following fluorescence spectrophotometers were used:

Perkin-Elmer MPF 44B (Perkin-Elmer Ltd, Beaconsfield, Bucks)

Perkin-Elmer Model 2000 (Beaconsfield) and its associated polarisation accessories

Fluorescence measurements (in arbitrary fluorescent intensity

(FI) units) were performed at room temperature and the background

signal due to buffer, protein etc was substracted in FlA studies.

2.3.2 Luminometry

A prinCipal advantage of CL and BL methods is that these

methods require simple instrumentation. The required components


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for a typical luminometer [30,109] are a light detector, a light­

tight reaction chamber, provision for mixing the reactants, and

electronics to read out and process data. However, CL measurements

can also be performed using detection systems designed for other

purposes, for example fluorimeters, liquid scintillation counters,

and spectrophotometers. A major drawback of these instruments

is that these lack provision for in situ mixing of the reactants.

This is important, in particular for good repeatability, and in

the generation of a complete intensity-time curve. On the other

hand, most luminometers have provision for in situ mixing and

thus these permit recording of a complete intensity-time curve,

and also improve precision. However, luminometers employing

conventional syringe-injection methods to initiate CL reactions

are subject to poor precision. This is a consequence of force of

injection and the exact positioning of the syringe tip, which may

vary from measurement-to-measurement. Other factors affecting

precision include bubble formation upon injection (increasing

scattered light) and incomplete mixing of reagents, in particular

mixed aqueous-organic solvent systems which may be required for

dissolving certain reagents e.g. TCPO. As a result, most of the

analytical work to date involving peroxyoxalate CL has made use

of flow systems [110]. since such a system provides better control

of mixing.

Flow-injection analysis t (fia) was introduced by Ruzicka

and Hansen [111] in 1975 as a simple and convenient approach to

continuous-flow analysis. Flow injection analysis is based on three

t Designated fia to avoid confusion with FIA (fluoroimmunoassay)


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principles: (i) sample injection into an unsegmented carrier

stream, (ii) controlled sample dispersion, and (iii) reproducible

timing of injection. The reaction products are monitored before

"steady-state" conditions are established and as a result, a

high sampling rate is possible. The other features of this

technique include low sample consumption, and good precision.

Furthermore, it offers flexibility, since by varying experimental

conditions (sample volume, flow rates and tube dimensions) a wide

range of sample zone concentrations can be' manipulated and sample

dispersion can be tailored to suit a particular analytical proce­


A number of reviews [112,113,114] have been published on Ha

techniques and these techniques have been applied [30,115,116,117,118]

to monitor CL reactions.

2.3.2,1 Design of the Pe1'O:r:yoxaZate - fia Lwrrinometer

The following preliminary design studies were undertaken using

a Model 1250 luminometer (LKB Ltd, Croydon UK):

a) The use of a 'T'-shaped flow-cell (glass), in order to

i niti ate the CL reacti on in front of the detector. Thi s

arrangement was found to be unsuitable as it required synchro­

nisation of flow rates of two streams, containing H202, and

sample plus TCPO, respectively.

b) The use of a helical flow-cell constructed from glass. This

suffered from leakage problems at the joints due to high



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c) The use of an injection-port (flap valve type). This also

suffered from leakage problems due to high back-pressure and

poor repeatability, probably due to variations in the force

of injection and/or poor precision of sampling.

d) The effect of tubing internal diameter on analytical para­

meters. Reliable results were not achievable with tubing of

internal diameter less than 0.8 mm, probably due to poor

mixing of the reactants.

e) Determination of the length of tubing between the valve and

the point of winding on the sample tube (Figure 2.1). The

shortes t, techni ca lly feasi b 1 e 1 ength of tubi ng was employed

in order to detect maximum CL intensity.

f) The use of 0.6 ml, 0.3 ml, and 0.1 ml sample loops. The 0.6 ml

loop was found to be unsuitable, its use 1 eadi ng to producti on

of multiple sample peaks. This suggests that the CL reaction

proceeded at different rates, probably due to limited dispersion

of the sample. The use of a 0.1 ml sample loop was preferred

to a 0.3 ml loop, the former giving better repeatability and

economy of injected sample.

g) The use of a gelatin filter between the helical flow-cell and

the detector reduced the CL signal of blank buffer (phosphate,

Tris etc) solutions by about 23.5%. As a result, this filter

was employed in all measurements in which the transmission

was at least 80%. The emission maxima of TCPO-H 202 has

recently been identified (119) at 440 nm and at 550 nm.


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si gna1 The removal of the 440 nmtmay partially explain the resul ts,

because the transmission of the filter at 450 nm was 0.04%.

The use of a pressure-bottle eliminated the air-bubble

problem which occurred with a peristaltic pump. The rate of air­

bubble formation in pump-tubing often increased during its

operative period (after ten minutes wi th an aged tubing and

twenty-five minutes with new tubing): an increase in the rate ,

of H202 decomposition may explain this effect. The decomposition

process was probably catalysed by contaminants (metal ions)

present in the pump-tubing material.

The final design of the peroxyoxalate-fia luminometer was

based on these preliminary studies. The apparatus is depicted

in Figure 2.1. A helical flow-cell was constructed by winding

polyethylene flow-injection tubing (ID ~ 0.8 mm) around a cylin-

drical luminometer sample tube. The length of flow-injection

tubing around such a tube was 37 cm, corresponding to ten helical

turns (other dimensions are shown in Figure 2.1). The exposed

portions of the flow-injection tubing (near the valve and the

walls) were wrapped with black insulating tape to prevent a "fibre

optic" effect introducing ambient light into the detector. A gelatin

filter (Lee Filters Ltd, Andover, Hants) with 85% transmission at

500 nm was placed between the flow-cell and the detector. The

sample was injected into a flowing stream of H202 using a 4 way

Rheodyne valve (HPLC Technology, Macclesfield), with a sample loop

volume of 100 111. The H202 stream was propelled using either

a miniature peristaltic pump (Model 840 Ismatec, Forest Instruments


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'" '"



T 10 turns

~ Rheodyne


f .. waste

17. SCr---- ... ~ r,"' -~ -------------, ~-+-II n i I - , -:-

-'­, , -,­, , -~



-:-, -'-, ,

__ 1_" , ...

K2 ~I


l' Filter

Light-tight chamber , L _______________________________ J

FIGURE 2.1: Design of the Peroxyoxa1ate - fia Luminometer

Page 71: Novel luminescent immunoassays - Loughborough … luminescent immunoassays This item was submitted to Loughborough University's Institutional Repository by the/an author. Additional

Wokingham) or using a pressure-bottle (EA 1101; Roth Scientific

Co Ltd, Hampshire) connected to a nitrogen cylinder. GeneraZ AnaZytiaaZ Proaedure

TCPO was dissolved with the aid of an ultrasonic bath at an

initial concentration of 4 mg ml- 1 in dry and distilled acetone.

This solvent minimised the rate of TCPO hydrolysis and reduced the

background CL signal. Preliminary experiments showed that the TCPO

solution (10 ~l) was soluble only in imidazole-HCl buffer (400 ~l)

As a result, this buffer was utilised (see Table 2.2 and below)

in most analyses. Hydrogen peroxide was utilised in all fia at an

initial concentration of 1.02 g ml- 1 • AnaZytiaaZ Pa~eters Affeating PeroxyoxaZate CL

Figure 2.2 shows that increasing the concentration of KCl to

lM (in 0.22M imidazole - HCl buffer, pH 7.0) increased the CL

intensity to a maximum level. The CL intensity was measured either

in millivolt (mV) or in arbitrary units (Figures 2.3, 2.4 and all

subsequent measurements). However, decreasing the concentration

of imidazole increased the CL! (Table 2.3). A similar effect was

observed when the concentration of 1ris was reduced (Table 2.3).

However, pH exerted a considerable effect on the CL! (Table 2.3)

and an optimum response was obtained at pH 7.0. These results

(reducti on in CLl) compare favourab ly with those reported by

Williams et al [116] using mixed solvent systems.


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Initial Concentration Observation upon Addition of Imidazole buffer, pH 7.0 of 10 vl of TCPO*/400 vl of

Sample Solution

0.02SM Turbid solution

O.OSM Turbi d sol uti on

o .125M Turbidity cleared after ten seconds of addition of TCPO sol uti on

O.20M Turbidity cleared within ten seconds of addition of TCPO solution

0.22M Clear solution

TABLE 2.2: Solubility of TCPO Solution as a Function of Buffer Concentra tion

* TCPO solution was measured using a Hamilton microlitre syri nge


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2·8 ->

5 2.7 ....... ......J U


> 2·6 .-...... c.n re 0> ~


0:: 2.5

2·4lj,~: ~---r----.:'";:-"~1~----:M~11--0·6 0-7 0·8 0·9 lO 1·1 1-2

[ K Cl ] FIGURE 2.2: ClI as a function of KCl concentration in 0.22M imidazole-HCl buffer, pH 7.0.

The concentration of FL-T4 was 50 x 10-9m. Flow rate of H202

: 5 ml min- 1

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Final imidazole concentration containing lM KCl (pH 7.0)

o .125M


Final Tris concentration in 0.125M imidazole containing lM KCl (pH 7.0)





pHt of 0.125M imidazole containing 1 M KCl




CLl (mV)



CLl (mV)





CLl (mV)




TABLE 2.3: Analytical Parameters Affecting Peroxyoxalate CL. The concentra ti on of FL -T 4 was 50 x 10-9 M and the flow rate of H202 was 5 ml min- 1 (propelled using the pump)

t pH values were adjusted using concentrated HCl


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The system based on imidazole-HCl buffer exhibited poor

reproducibility at pH 5.5 and 9.5. This may be a consequence

of an increase in the rate of TCpa hydrolysis (catalysed by acid

and base respectively). Preliminary experiments supporting this

effect showed that:

a) analytes containing TCPO solution (pH 5.5 or 9.5) if left

longer than five minutes before analysis yielded a signal

indistinguishable from the background, and

_ b) TCPO solutions prepared in dry acetone were stable for at

least thirty hours.

Consequently, a period of about eight seconds between the pre­

mixing of TCPO and sample and injection was deemed necessary to

ensure reproducibility. The 0.22M imidazole-HCl buffer (pH 7.0)

was employed in most of the subsequent workt. This is because the

TCPO solution dissolved instantaneously in this buffer and hence

the rate of TCPO hydrolysis was minimised. Moreover, because

the sample solutions were not turbid and the non-specific quen­

ching effect described in Section 3.3l2 was not encountered with

this buffer. Performance of the Pe~oxaZate-fia Luminometer

Evidently (Figure 2.3). the optimised system is highly

reproducible; the coefficient of variation (Table 2.4) being

~3.5%. The relationship between CLl and FL-T4 concentration is shown

in Figure 2.4. Recently. Sigvardson and Birks [119] using peroxy­

oxalate CL-HPLC system reported the CL signal to be linear with

t Exceptions will be specified wherever appropriate


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~ 30s ~

L ~ -

FIGURE 2.3: An example of the recorder traces showing reproduGibility of the technique. The concentration of FL-T4 was 6 8 x 1O-9t~ (0.22M imidazole/HCl + 1.OM KCl buffer, pH 7.0) and the flow rate of H202 was 8 ml min- 1

(propelled using Ismatec pump)

Imidazole concentration (concentration of FL-T4 = 68 x 10-9M)

0.20M + lM KC1, pH 7.0

0.22M + Hl KC1, pH 7.0

cv (%)



TABLE 2.4: Precision of the peroxyalate-FIA system


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O~--~--~--~----~~----.-~----~~ 1x10-12 1x10 -11 1x10-10 1x10-9 1x10-8


[FL -T 4] x M

Relationship between CLl and FL-T4 concentration. (propelled using the pressure bottle)

-1 Flow rate of H20

2: 5.6 ml min

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fluorophor (anthracene, pyrene, etc) concentration over three

orders of magnitude. The CL intensity (equation 2) for a first

order reaction [301 is:


where: K = the first order rate constant for the light generating

reacti on

[A(t)l = concentration of an analyte as a function of


The non-linear relationship (Figure 2.4) between CLl and

FL-T4 concentration may thus be due to two major factors:

variations in the reaction rate and possible changes in QCL'

because efficiency Po] of an energy transfer is a concentration

dependent process.



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3.1 Introduction: the Background Interference Problem

Luminescence spectrometry is well-known for sensitivity

(nanomolar to attomolar quantities), and selectivity. The detec­

ti on 1 imits, however, in practi ce depend [120] on the performance

of the instrument; intrinsic properties of the luminescent

analyte; and various other factors. For example, various endo­

geneous/exogeneous factors present in biological fluids (serum,

urine, etc) may cause an apparent enhancement or reduction in

the signal of a luminescent analyte [42]. Background inter­

ferences due to the presence of exogeneous factors ari se mai nly

from poor experimental techniques, such as fingerprints on sample

cells, and from impurities (luminescent metal ions) in solvent

or sample cells. These can be minimised [120] by good experimental

techniques. Examples of background interferences due to endo­

geneous factors are (a) inner filter effects, (b) quenching,

(c) luminescent materials, and light scattering, for example

Rayleigh in photoluminescence.

The inner filter effects are due to sample matrix which

absorb part of either the excitation or the emission light, and

hence cause attenuation in the luminescence signal. The quenching

effect, on the other hand, is a consequence of reduction in the


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luminescence quantum efficiency. There are three principal

mechanisms [20, 21, 22, 120] by which the excitation energy

of a luminescent species, for example, a fluorophor may be

quenched by a quencher (Q). These are:

i) non-radiative energy transfer (energy transfer quenching)

due to resonance interaction between F* and Q (see Section

l. 5 ) ;

ii) metastable complex formation (static quenching) as exempli­

fied by the formation of a charge-transfer complex between

F and Q;

iii) by collision (dynamic or collisional quenching) between

F* and Q.

The excitation of the (FQ) complex formed by process (ii),

or the formation of the transient (FQ)* complex formed by process

(iii) may result in quenching of the excitation energy in the

fo 11 ow.i ng ways:

a) by the heavy atom/ion (ethyl iodide, Ag+, etc) or paramagnetic

(oxygen, nitric oxide, etc) effects, which enhance intersystem

crossing in F*;

b) by radiationless or radiative transitions in Q*;

c) by radiationless transitions in (FQ)*, resulting in the forma­

tion of a stable FQ complex;

d) by electron transfer as shown below:

Q +3F + -~

Q + F* ') Q • F ~ Q + F pol ar 1 solvent Q+ + F- (solvated ion pair)


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An electron is transferred from Q to F*, resulting in the + -formation of the ion pair Q. F. This ion pair can dissociate

(i) to give either a triplet state, 4F, and Q, or (ii) fluorophor,

F in the ground state and Q. Processes (i) and (ii) dissipate

the excitation energy in the form of heat.

One of the most serious interferences encountered in homo-

geneous FIAs (Section 1.6.3) arises mainly from the use of serum

samples. This fluorescence interference has excitation and emission

maxima of 340 nm and 450-470 nm, respectively [43]. Unfortunately,

many fluorescent labels used in FIAs exhibit emission maxima in

the same spectral region as those of serum and antiserum. As a

result, the detection limits of most fluorescent labels in serum

samples are reported [43] to be 50 to 1000-fold worse than for

those in a pure buffer solution.

Background interference problems inherent in homogeneous

FIAs are also encountered in homogeneous CLIAs. Luminescence

(BL/CL) quenching has thus far been a major problem in analysis,

and as a result, hindered the development of viable homogeneous

LIAs. However, in energy transfer LIAs, effects due to environ-

mental interferences may be more complex: luminescence Signals

may be enhanced or quenched. For example, the homogeneous assay

of the drug sisomicin.using peroxyoxalate CL is susceptible to

quenching [74]. Hence, it follows that any technique (instrumental,

chemical etc) that is capable of obviating these problems will

enhance the detection limits of luminescence analysis.


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Photo- and CL methods differ in the mechanisms of sample

excitation (Section 1.5). As a consequence, some of the methods

used to eliminate/remove background interferences in photo- and

CL analysis are different. For example, problems such as Rayleigh

scattering do not arise in CL measurements. This is because of

chemical excitation as opposed to photon excitation, and secondly,

endogeneous chemilumigenic substances do not occur in serum

samples. Some of the instrumental approaches used in eliminating

background fl uorescence are:

a) Bleaching 1 ifetime measurement - thi s technique [42] exploits

the difference between the bleaching lifetime of fluorescent

background and fluorescent label using an intense pulsed

exci tation and an appropriate time-gated detection system.

b) Phase-sensitive detection of fluorescence [121] - this tech­

nique involves exciting the sample with sinusoidally modulated

light using a phase fluorimeter having a phase-sensitive

detector. If the lifetime of the fluorophor (proteins,

label, etc) are different, then their emissions exhibit

different characteristic phase angles. The detector phase

angle can be selected to be out of phase with the background

fluorescence, and as a result background fluorescence is


cl Time-resolved fluorimetry (Section 1.6.4).

Some of the methods available to minimise light scattering

problems include: (i) interference filters, (ii) physical removal

of macromolecules, lipids etc, (iii) laser excitation (Section 1.6.4).


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(iv) derivative spectroscopy [122], (v) synchronous scanning

[47], and (vi) use of a horizontal polariser [123].

Techniques based on physical/chemical removal of interfering

substances (proteins); kinetic measurements; sample dilution;

interference filters; and automatic blank subtraction are

applicable in both photo- and CL techniques. One of the most

effective methods reported [47] thus far involves pretreatment of

the sample with peracids such as peracetic or persulphuric acid.

Thi s method el imi nates 90% of serum fl uorescence. However, it

suffers from one major drawback: "not all analytes can survi ve

this treatment" [47]. Oeproteinisation methods based on ultra­

filtration and precipitation of proteins using ethanol or trich­

loroacetic acid (10%) have also been employed [43,124]. The prin­

cipal disadvantages [43,47] of these approaches are: denaturation,

(using organic solvents) of certain samples, in particular proteins,

and fluorescent material(s) with excitation and emission wavelength

of 340 nm and 450-470 nm, respectively are not wholly removed.

In addition, the use of organic solvents in luminescence analysis

may introduce luminescent impurities into the sample. These methods

are thus unlikely to be widely employed.

Matrix effects are also quite common, for example in luminol

CL: oxidising systems such as H202 in the presence of transition

metal ions (Fe 2+, Cu2

+, etc) are capable of catalysing the CL

reaction [30]. The most widely used method of minimising this type

of interference involves treating the sample with 1,2-diamino-

ethanetetracetic acid (EOTA). EOTA forms complexes with the


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3+ 2+ interfering ions (endogeneous Fe , Cu , etc) and thus render them

i nacti ve as ca ta 1ysts,

Elimination of background interferences by instrumental

approaches are unlikely to be widely used at present, on account

of the high cost and complexity of the methods. Simpler and re1a-

tive1y inexpensive techniques are preferred. This chapter describes

the use of several inorganic adsorbents as possible methods of

eliminating background photoluminescence interferences from

biological samples, and also, the approaches adopted to eliminate

non-specific quenching of peroxyoxa1ate CL. The possibility of

exp1 oiti ng adsorbents to remove f1 uorescent materi a1 s from

biological samples became evident from the ability of certain

adsorbents to bind proteins. Some of the materials which display

such properties are:

a) Calcium hydroxy1apatite (CH) - this is a crystallised form

of calcium phosphate, [Ca3(P04)2]3 Ca(OH)2] [125]. CH exhibits

a negligible adsorption affinity for low-molecular weight

substances (steroids, amino acids, etc), but a higher binding

affinity for macromolecules. Macromolecules are bound to

the surface of CH by electrostatic interaction in a low ionic

strength buffer ~t neutral pH and are quantitatively displaced

by increasing the ionic strength of buffer (usually phosphate),

or salt (NaC1). CH has been employed for the fractionation of

serum proteins [126,127] and nucleic acids [128], and in

radioimmunoassays [129].


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b) . Blue Sepharose CL-6B (BS) - this material [130,131] consists

of a sulphonated dye of the triazine class, Cibacron Blue

F3G-A, which has been immobilised by direct formation of

ether linkage between the triazine ring and the hydroxy

groups of agarose, Sepharose CL-6B. BS exhibits high

binding affinity for a number of proteins (dehydrogenases,

lipoproteins, human albumin, etc), and since the immobilised

ligand (dye) does not have a biological relationship to

the proteins it binds, its affinity has thus been termed

pseudo-l i gand [132]. BS interacts [133] wi th protei ns vi a

hydrophobic bonding; affinity binding; ion-exchange; and

exclusion-diffusion. BS exhibits high binding capacity

[130] for human serum albumin (~ 40 1 ), but it does

not bind [134] bovine serum albumin (BSA), chicken albumin,

or rabbit albumin. BS-bound proteins (albumin) can be

eluted [130,135] with high salt concentrations (1.5M KC1),

or with chaotropic reagents such as 0.2M sodium thiocyanate

in 50 mm Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.0.

Pseudo-l i gand affi nity chromatography of enzymes and the

selective removal of human serum albumin from serum/plasma

has been described in a number of publications [136,137,138].

c) Titanium dioxide (Ti02) - this adsorbent, like CH, exhibits

high binding affinity for ptoteins. Laboratory grade Ti02 has been modified [139] into porous spheroidal Ti02 particles

of size 50-600 ~m. The principal advantage of utilising this

material is that molecular exclusion can be utilised to enhance


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the fractionating properties of the adsorbent. The Ti0 2-

bound material(s) can be eluted (depending on the protein)

with citrate, phosphate, or pyrophosphate buffers.

3_2 Experimental

3.2.1 General: Photo- and Chemiluminescence Measurements

Photo- and CL measurements were performed at room temperature

us i ng the MPF-44B Fl uorescence Spectrophotometer and the peroxy­

oxalate-fia luminometer, respectively (see Section 2.3). Sample

and reagents for CL measurements were prepared as described in

Section The hydrogen peroxide stream was propelled using

the peristaltic pump in all experiments, except those involving

imidazole-HCl buffer: these experiments were performed using

the pressure-bottle. Proteins, serum samples, anti-T4, FL-T4,

FITC-T4, and H202 were stored at 40 C and equilibrated to room

temperature prior to analysis. Corrections were made where appro-

priate for the background luminescence signal contributed by

buffer, and added proteins, including human serum and anti-T4 anti serum. Procedures: Background Photoluminescence Reduction

a) Calcium hydroxylapatite

Human serum (250 ~l) was chromatographed on a CH column

(5.0 ml), equilibrated with 2 mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0.

The column was eluted with the same buffer in a total volume of

15.25 ml. The CH-bound material was eluted with 0.2M sodium phosphate


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buffer containing 0.2M NaCl, pH 7.0. The fluorescence intensities

of the eluate were measured at a number of wavelengths and compared

with those of control samples which had been untreated, but simi­

larly prepared and diluted.

Chromatography of urine was performed using a fresh auto­

urine sample. The sample was filtered (Gelman filter, 0.45 ~m)

to remove the materials in suspension. 400 ~l of this sample

was applied to a 10.0 ml CH column, equilibrated with 5.0 mM

sodium phosphate, pH 7.0. In a similar experiment, a 400 ~l

of the urine sample containing 37.5 x 1O-5M bovine serum albumin

(BSA) was applied to an identical CH column. The columns were

eluted with 15.0 ml of the same buffer. Fluorescence intensities

of the el uate were measured and compared with those of control

sampl es.

b) Blue Sepharose CL-6B and Sepharose CL-6B

BS and Sepharose CL-6B columns (5.0 ml each) were equilibrated

with 50 mM Tris-HCl buffer containing O.lM KC1, pH 7.0, and

250 ~l of human serum (HS) sample was applied to each column.

The columns were eluted with the same buffer in a total volume of

15.25 ml. The material bound to the matrix was desorbed with 50 mM

Tris-HCl containing 0.2M NaSCN, pH B.O. Fluorescence intensities

of the eluate were measured at a number of wavelengths and compared

with those of control samples passed through identical columns.


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c) Titanium dioxide

The method was performed by adding one gram of Ti02 to 5.0 ml

each of the sample solutions: (a) human serum (1 :200) in 10 mM

-phosphate buffer, pH 7.2, (b) 51 x 10-9M FL-T4 in 10 mM

phosphate containing 0.145M NaCl, pH 8.0, (c) 96 x 10-8M

anti-HSA in 10 mM sodium phosphate containing 0.145M NaCl, pH 8.0,

(d) 96 x 10-8M anti-HSA in 10 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.2,

and (e) 5 x 10-GM human serum albumin in 1 mM phosphate buffer,

pH 7.2. Each sample was vortex-mixed for five seconds, incubated

for half-an-hour at room temperature, and centrifuged. Fluorescence

intensities of the Ti02-treated samples were compared with those

of control samples.

d) Titanium oxide

Small columns (1.5 ml) of TiO; particle size 0.125-0.25 mm

were equilibrated with 10 mM sodium phosphate buffer containing

O.145M NaCl buffer, pH 8.0. A 20 ~l aliquot of each of the samples:

(i) anti-a-2-macroglobulin, (ii) human serum, and (iii) human serum

albumin (6.62 x lO-GM) were applied to the columns. The samples

were eluted with 3.0 ml of the same buffer. Fluorescence intensi­

ties of the total eluate were compared with those of the control



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Quenching experiments were perfonned in SO mM sodium phosphate

buffer containing O.lM NaCl (pH 7.2), using Sl x 10-9M FL-T4 in

the presence of 34 x 1O-9r~ bovine insulin, 34 x 10-9M human serum

albumin, 34 x 10-9M anti-HSA, 34 x 10-9M human thyroglobulin, anti-T4

antiserum diluted 1 :60, and human serum diluted 1 :2000. In a sepa­

rate experiment, tryptophan (30.S x 10-aM) and FL-T4 (Sl x 10-9M)

solutions were prepared in SO mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.2,

containing O.lM NaCl" Other experiments were investigated for

their compatibility with the peroxyoxalate CL analysis

i) lS% polyethylene glycol (PEG) containing Sl x 10-9M FL-T4 in SO mM sodium phosphate, pH 7.0.

ii) 60% ammonium sulphate containing Sl x 10-9M FL-T4 in SO mM

sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0.

iii) Ethanol, diluted 1:1 with SO mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0,

containing Sl x 10-9M FL-T4"

iv) Calcium hydroxylapatite (O.S g ml- 1 ), containing Sl x 10-9M

FL-T4, in S mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0.

The solubility of TCPO (lOJll/0.4 ml) was tested in barbital

buffer (7S mM, pH 8.6), Tris-HCl (O.Ol-O.lM, pH 6-8), Tricine

(O.OS-O.lM, pH 6.8), N-2-hydroxy-ethylpiperazine-N'-ethanesulphonic

acid (O.OS-O.lM, pH 6.8), and imidazole-HCl (O.ol-O.SM, pH 6.0-9.S).

The effect of proteins on the CL signal was studied in 0.22M

imidazole-HCl buffer, pH 7.0. These experiments were conducted


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using 51 x 10-9M FL-T4, containing 10 x 10- 8M human serum

albumin, or human serum diluted 1 :200. The CL intensities of

Fl-T4 were compared with those in the presence of human serum

albumin and human serum. A similar experiment was conducted

using 26.6 x 10-9M FITC-T4, and anti-T4 antiserum diluted 1 :240

and 1:60.

3.3 Results and Discussion Baak~ound Photo~uminesaenae Reduation: of A orbents


The results (Table 3.1) show that the human serum sample

exhibited three major fluorescent bands: excitation/emission

(Ex/Em), 290/335 nm; Ex/Em, 344/440 nm; and Ex/Em, 425/490 nm.

The fluorescent band, 290/335 nm is predominantly due to

tryptophan residues of proteins [120].

The phenylalanine and tyrosine residues (Ex/Em, 280/310 nm),

however, also contribute .. The fluorescent band detected at

Ex/Em, 344/440 nm is possibly due to a fluorescent ligand bound

to albumin [140]. Soini et a1 [43] have detected this fluorescent

band (Ex/Em, 340/440-470 nm) in human serum, but the fluorescent

material was not identified. Recent studies of Schwertner et al

[141] have revealed that the fluorescent ligand occurs in

renal-diseased sera, normal urine, hemofi1trates, etc and that

the fluorescent material is a low-molecular weight « 1000) species,

suspected to be either NADH, pyridoxine (vitamin 86) or its

metabo1ities. The fluorescent band observed at Ex/Em, 425/490 nm


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is due to bilirubin-albumin complex [142]; a similar band

(Ex/Em, 422/S00 nm) has been reported by Soini et ·al [43], but

the fluorescent material was not identified.

Human serum treated with CH exhibited (Table 3.l{a) and

Figure 30 1) negligible (Ca.S% of the total) fluorescence, and

an overall reduction of Ca.9S% in the fluorescence signal was

obtained at the wavelengths studied. The fluorescence signal

(Ca.S%) observed from the CH treated serum sample suggests the

presence of low-molecular weight species, for example aromatic

amino acids. Desorption studies showed almost quantitative

recovery (Ca.80-9S%) of the fluorescent materials. These results

thus demonstrate that most (Ca.9S%) serum fluorescence is

associated with proteins or fluorescent ligands bound to proteins,

and furthermore, CH is an excellent material for reducing serum

fluorescence. However, some problems [139] posed by CH are

compressibility of the material resulting in low and unpredictable

flow rates; non-uniform particle size resulting in non-reproduci­

ble results from batch to batch; presence of fines; and regenera­

tion problems. CH prepared [139] in the form of porous spheroidal

particles (SO-600 ~m), and HA-Ultrogel (LKB) do not have these

drawbacks. In addition, molecular exclusion chromatography can be

performed on the spheroidal CH to enhance the fractionating

properties of the adsorbent. CH may thus have two important roles

in FIAs: reduction of serum fluorescence/inner filter effects in

homogeneous assays, and separation of haptens/macromolecular ligands

(proteins), provided the antibody-bound ligand and the free ligand


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can be efficiently separated. Spheroidal CH offers a possible

role in heterogeneous imrnunoassays, because molecular exclusion

can be used to enhance the fractionating properties of the adsorbent.

The efficiency of CH in reducing serum fluorescence, however, will

depend on several factors, for example protein concentration,

presence of competitors (citrate, NaCl, phosphate, etc), diet,

drugs/vitamin content.

Photoluminescence studies performed on the urine sample showed

(Table 3.2) the presence of three fluorescent bands: (i) a very

(compared with the BSA) weak band at Ex/Em 290/330 nm, (ii) a

strong fluorescent band at Ex/Em, 330/420 nm, and (iii) a weak

band at Ex/Em, 390/510 nm. The fluorescent band detected at Ex/Em,

330/420 nm is similar to the band detected in serum samples

(cf Table 3.1); an Ex/Em maxima of 332 ! 4 nm/415 ! 5 nm has

been reported [141] for the fluorescent ligand present in urine.

Experiments performed with pure NADH solution suggested that the

330/420 nm fluorescent band is not due to the presence of NADH in

the urine sample, because the Ex/Em maxima of the pure NADH

solution was 345/450 nm. The fluorescent band detected at Ex/Em,

390/510 nm is due to the presence of urobilin in the sample.

The results show (Table 3.2) that the urinary fluorochromes

did not bind to the CH column. Similar results were obtained for

the urinary fluorochromes in the presence of bovine serum albumin.

The possibility of exploiting this protein to reduce the fluorescence

was considered because albumin binds a number of endogeneous

(bilirirubin) and exogeneous (drugs) substances and CH binds albumin


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and fluorescent 1igands bound to albumin. This approach, however,

was unsuccessful, because BSA apparently did not bind the urinary

f1 uorochromes. Thi s may be due to two major factors: the 10w­

molecular weights of the urinary f1uorochromes and hence their

negligible binding affinity for CH, and competition between CH

and the f1uorochromes for the binding sites on albumin.

The results of the experiment with BS showed (Table 3.1 (b))

appreciable reduction (Ca.40-60%) in the serum fluorescence at

Ex/Em, 290/335 nm; Ex/Em, 344/440 nm; and Ex/Em, 425/490 nm.

Studies performed withSepharose CL-6B (Table 3.1 (C)) under

conditions identical to BS demonstrated that the fonner material

did not bind the fluorescent materials present in the serum sample.

Sepharose CL-6B does not have the 1 i gand, F3GA, and consequently

1 acks in its abil ity to bi nd protei ns. The recovery of the BS-bound

material (mainly albumin) was quantitative (Ca.100%).

BS is inferior to CH, because BS reduced serum fluorescence

by only 40-60% (cf. Table 3.1(a) and Table 3.1(b)), depending on

the wavelength. Nevertheless, this approach is highly effective

for the se1 ecti ve removal of f1 uorescence associ a ted with human

serum albumin. In addition, unlike CH, desorption of the BS-bound

materials is not significantly affected by high buffer/salt concen­

trations, and as a result, the need to desa1t (certain samples),

or the need to use low ioni c strength buffers at neutral pH are



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Experimental . F1 uorescence Intensi ty

(human serum Ex/Em Ex/Em Ex/Em di 1 uted to 290/335 344/440 425/490 1 :61) nm nm nm

a) Calcium hydroxy1-apatl te

Control (untreated) 71.0 40.5 20.0 prepared in 2 mM phosphate buffer Eluate in 2 mM 4.0 0.5 1.0 phosphate buffer

------------------------ ,.------------- ------------ ---------.----

Control prepared in 0.2 H phos pha te con- 71.5 38.5 18.5 taining 0.2 M NaC1 El uate 69.5 33.0 14.5

b) Blue Sepharose CL-6B Control prepared in 50 mM Tris-HC1 con- 83.0 60 17.5 taining O.lM KC1 El uate 48.0 22 9.5

------------------------1-------------- ------------ -------------Control prepared in 0.2 M NaSCN + 50 mM 70.0 37.0 13.5 Tris-HC1 El uate 38.0 36.5 8.0

c) Sepharose CL-68 Control prepared in 50 mM Tri s -HC1 con- 73.0 38.5 23.0 taining O.lM KC1 El uate 71.0 38.5 23.0

------------------------ -------------- ------------ -------------Control prepared in 0.2M NaSCN + 50 mM 62.5 23.0 15.5 Tri s -HC1 El uate 0.5 0.0 0.0

TABLE 3.1: Chromatography of human serum on (a) Calcium hydroxypatatite, (b) Blue Sepharose CL-6B, and (c) Sepharose CL-6B

Excitation slit: 12 nm Emission slit: 8 nm 79

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Cl> > +-'

'" Cl>


Contro 1


310 370 nm

FIGURE 3.1: Chromatography of human serum sample on CH showing reduction in the fluorescence


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Fluorescence Intensity Experimenta 1 (sample diluted Ex/Em Ex/Em Ex/Em 1:37.5) 290/330 330/420 390/510

nm nm nm

Control prepared in 5.0 43.0 16.0 5.0 mM phosphate buffer

El ua te 4.8 41.0 16.0

Control containing BSA, prepared in 5.0 mM 47.5 50.0 19.0 phosphate

Eluate 6.0 44.0 15.0

TABLE 3.2: Chromatography of human urine on CH

Excitation slit: 12 nm Emission slit: 8 nm


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Fluorescent studies performed on Ti02-treated samples of

anti-HSA, human serum albumin, and human serum showed (Table 3.3)

substantial reduction (Ca. 75-98%) in the fluorescence band at

Ex/Em, 290/335 nm. Similar studies performed with FL-T4 at

Ex/Em, 390/475 nm, however, demonstrated low binding (Ca. 32%)

to Ti02. Chromatographic studies performed by Thomson and

Miles [139] using spheroidal Ti02 demonstrated that bovine serum

albumin can be eluted with 1 mM sodium phosphate, and that

elution of y-globulin can be effected with 20 mM sodium pyro­

phosphate buffer, pH 8.0. Factors such as the physical form of

Ti02 (laboratory grade) and the batch separation technique employed

in this work may explain the discrepancies. Further work was not

pursued with this material. because the material was too fine to

be employed for satisfactory work. Nevertheless, this preliminary

work demonstrates that Ti02, like CH, exhibits high binding

affinity for macromolecules. Furthermore, binding of macromolecules

to Ti02 is not significantly affected by sodium chloride.

Chromatographic studies performed using TiO showed (Table

3.4): substantial binding (Ca. 76%) by anti-a-2 macroglobulin;

a relatively low binding (Ca. 32%) by human serum albumin and a

negligible binding (Ca. 16%) by the constituents (proteins) present

in the serum sample. These results thus de~onstrate that TiO

exhibited binding properties similar to those reported [139] for

spheroidal Ti02. For example, bovine serum albumin can be eluted

from spheroidal Ti02 [139] with 1 mM sodium phosphate buffer.

The TiO particles (0.125 - 0.25 mm) employed in this preliminary


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Fl uorescence Intensi ty

Experimental Ex/Em Ex/Em 290/335 nm 390/475 nm

Anti -HSA in 10 mN phosphate 18.0 -containing 0.145 M NACl

~bove treated with Ti02 . 1.0 -

Anti-HSA in 10 mM phosphate buffer

24.5 -Above treated with Ti02 0.5 -

HSA in 1 mM phosphate buffer 46.5 -

Above treated with Ti O2 6.5 -

HS (1: 200) in 10 mM 82.5 -phosphate wffer

Above treated with Ti O2 19.5 -

FL-T in 10 mM phosphate containing 0.145M NACl - 72.0

Above treated with Ti02 - 49.0

TABLE 3.3: Effect of treating macromolecules, serum and a low­molecular weight species with Ti0


Excitation slit: 8 nm Emission slit: 9 nm


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Experimental (sample diluted 1 : 150)

Anti-~-2-macrog10bu1in in 10 mM phosphate containing 0.145M NAC1


HSA in 10 mM phosphate containing 0.145M NACl

El uate

HS in 10 mM phosphate containing O. 145M NACl

El uate

Fluorescence Intensity

Ex/Em 290/330 nm







TABLE 3.4: Chromatography of macromolecules and serum on TiO

Excitation slit: 8 nm Emission slit: 9 nm


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work were irregular, and less satisfactory for chromatographic

studies. However, modification of TiO may significantly improve

adsorption/molecular exclusion properties of the material. These

preliminary results demonstrate a potential role for TiO in

hetero- and homogeneous FIAs. Elimination of PeroxyoxaZate CL Quenching: Physico­Chemical Approaches

The results of preliminary experiments demonstrated

(Figures 3.20 and 3.21) that TCPO-excited luminescence of Fl-T4 was subject to non-specific quenching. This phenomenon apparently

occurred in all protein-containing solutions and increased with

the relative molecular weight (M.Wt) of the protein, being maximal

(Ca. 85-90%) when the relative molecular weight exceeded about 105

and negligible in the case of bovine insulin (M.Wt. 5734). Similar

results were obtained in the presence of human serum (1:2000) and

anti-T4 antiserum (1:60). The addition of anti-T4 antiserum to

FITC- and Fl-T4 conjugates is well-known [46] (see Chapter Four)

to result in substantial enhancement of fluorescence. These results

demonstrated that using peroxyoxalate excitation of Fl-T4, the

fluorescence enhancement was replaced by the non-specific quenching

effect. This effect has been well documented for a number of

luminescence (Cl/8l) assays:

i) a ClIA based on peroxyoxalate excitation [74].

ii) in a ClIA for thyroxine based on an isoluminol-T4


and catalysed by the H202-hematin system; a substantial


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quenching (50-80%) of the CL signal by bovine serum

albumin has been reported [149]

iii) bioluminescence assays [30,143], for example based on


From these results, it thus became apparent that homogeneous

CLIAs utilising fluorescence enhancement effects cannot be

exploited. Preliminary experiments using FL-T4 to assess the

compatibility of peroxyoxalate-fia system with conventional

separation systems showed: (a) poor reproducibility using PEG,

possibly due to the high viscosity of the solution; (b) non­

reproducibility using ammonium sulphate; (c) high background and

poor reproducibility using ethanol; and (d) reduced CL signal

using CH, due to binding (Ca.20%) of FL-T4 and low (5 mM) ionic

strength of phosphate buffer. These approaches were deemed

unsatisfactory, and consequently, attempts were made to minimise

the problems caused by the poor solubility of TCPO in aqueous

systems, and problems of non-specific quenching. The results of

these experiments showed that amongst the buffers (barbital, Tris­

HC1, Tricine, imidazole-HC1, etc) examined for solubility of

TCPO solution, only imidazole-HCl (O.22M, pH 7.0)was effective,

because the TCPO solution dissolved instantaneously and as a

result,its rate of hydrolysis was minimised. Further experiments

performed with this buffer, using fluorescein- and FL-T4 conjugates

in the presence of human serum, human serum albumin and anti-T4 antiserum showed (Table 3.5) that the non-specific quenching

effect did not occur, and furthermore, the specific enhancement


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_ .... u. ___ ,

FIGURE 3.20: Examples of recorder traces showing quenching of TePa-excited luminescence of 51 x 10-9 M FL-T4 by 34 x 1O-9M HSA, and anti-T4 antiserumdiluted 1 :60.


-1 2.2 m1 min

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00 00

100 0


0"1 C .--5 60 c <U

c3 -.J 40 LJ

~ o 20

01 c ..., --.-o 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

M.Wt. x 103 FIGURE 3.21: The effect of protein's molecular \~eight on the TePO-excited luminescence

of FL-T4 " FloVl rate of H20f 2.2 ml min- l

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Experimenta 1 Re 1 a ti ve CLl

51 -9 x 10 M FL-T4 2

51 x 10-9M FL-T4 + HS (1:200) 3

51 x 10-9M FL-T4 + 10 x 10-8M HSA 5

26.6 x 10-9M FITC-T4 2

26.6 x 10-9M FITC-T4 + Anti-T4 (1 :240) 11 .8

26.6 x 10-9M FITC-T4 + Anti-T4 (1 : 60) 16.5

TABLE 3.5: Effect of addingHS, HSA, and anti-Ta antiserumto TCPO-excited luminescence of f1uorestein-and . FL-T4 conjugates



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observed in FIAs was restored. This effect was exploited in the

development of an enhancement CLIA for thyroxine (Chapter Four),

and an enhancement CLIA for human serum albumin (Chapter Five).

The mechanism of non-specific quenching is obscure, but is

unlikely to be a consequence of energy transfer (non-radiative)

to proteins, because experiments performed using peroxyoxa1ate

excitation of FL-T4 in the presence of 30.5 x 10-~M tryptophan

showed negligible (Ca.15%) reduction in the CL signal; and the

quenching effect did not occur in imidazo1e-HC1 buffer. These

results thus suggest that the interaction of certain protein

groups with the high energy intermediate, 1,2-dioxethane dione/

charge-transfer complex (Scheme 1) are responsible for the quenching

effect. The possible mechanism of the CL enhancement is described

in Chapter Five.

3.4 Conclusion

The studies performed in this work provided a valuable

insight into some of the interference problems in luminescence

spectrometry. The nature of the interference in the two different

mechanisms of sample excitation varied: photo-excitation of

serum samples at the excitation maxima of endogeneous f1uorophor

(tryptophan, bilirubin, etc) caused an apparent increase in the

fluorescence signal; on the other hand, TCPO-excited luminescence

of FL-T4 was subject to non-specific quenching by proteins.

Background fluorescence interferences arising at Ex/Em,

290/335 nm are of little consequence in homogeneous FIAs.


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But, the fluorescent bands located at Ex/Em, 344/440 nm and

Ex/Em, 425/490 nm are likely to impose inferior detection limits

in homogeneous FIAs. For example, fluorescein isothiocyanate

(492/518 nm), dansyl chloride (340/480-520 nm), and fluorescamine/

MDPF (394/475 nm) will suffer interferences (see Table 1.3).

The fluorescent material, with Ex/Em, 344/440 nm has thus far

not been identified, but it has been well established (also

evident from this work) that the fluorescence comes at least

partly from ligands bound to albumin. Unquestionably, any tech­

nique that is capable of minimising this interference will enhance

the detection limits of photoluminescence analysis. Calcium

hydroxyl apatite, because of its high binding affinity for pro­

teins, was able to reduce approximately 95% of serum fluorescence.

However, it was ineffective in reducing urine fluorescence,

possibly because CH exhibits negligible binding affinity for low­

molecular weight species. This finding confirms that a substan­

tial amount of serum fluorescence is associated with proteins.

Blue Sepharose selectively adsorbed human serum albumin

(constitutes >50% of the serum proteins) and as a result reduced

fluorescence by Ca. 50% at all wavelengths. This again suggests

that human serum albumin is a predominant source of fluorescent

material in serum. The adsorption properties of Ti02 and TiO may

also be exploited to reduce background fluorescence; transforma­

tion of these materials (laboratory grade) into porous spheroidal

particles may enhance their usefulness in achieving this.

The full impact of this simple, mild, economical and effective


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(in particular CH) approach of background fluorescence reduction

in homogeneous FIAs has yet to be realised. In addition, this

approach can be employed to minimise inner filter effects

by removing light absorbing species, and to separate the free

antigen from the antibody-bound antigen. Evidently, the ultimate

success of this approach in FIAs, capable of providing sub­

nanomo1ar detection range will depend to a great extent on the

efficiency of the adsorbent to remove fluorescent materials from

the ligand to be assayed, and on the vulnerability of the fluores­

cent label to background interferences.

The principal disadvantages of peroxyoxa1ate CL are poor

solubility of TCPO in buffers (Tris-HCI, barbita1, etc) and

non-specific quenching (Ca. 85-90%) in protein-containing.solu­

tions. The non-specific quenching effect is of major consequence,

because homogeneous CLIAs utilising the fluorescence enhancement

effect cannot be developed. However, the quenching effect, and

the solubility problem can be minimised using imidazo1e-HC1

buffer. One of the most elegant features of this approach is

simplicity: additional steps, special reagents, or instrumental

approaches are not required to eliminate the effect.

The mechanism of the non-specific quenching is inconclusive,

but it most likely occurs via interaction of specific protein groups

with the high energy intermediate, 1,2-dioxetanedione ana/or

the charge-transfer complex (Scheme 1). The replacement of the

quenching effect by the specific CL enhancement effect offers

great potential in the development of homogeneous CLIAs.


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4.1 General Introduction: Biological Role and 'Assay Techniques

The hormones thyroxine (3,3' ,5,5'-tetraiodothyronine, T4),

and 3,3' ,5-triiodothyronine (T3) are secreted by the endocrine

system of the thyroid gland. Thyroxine (X=I) and T3 (X=H) have

the structure:


H H H 0 I I I 11 HO 0 D~O>-or-n-C-DH


These hormones are regulated [144,145) via a sensitive feedback

system involving the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Thyroxine

is transported [4,146) bound principally to thyroxine-binding

globulin (TBG), and secondarily to prealbumin and albumin.

However, it is the free (Ca. 0.03%) fraction which is biologically

active, being involved in metabolic controls (147) and physical/

mental development of an individual. The normal range of -1 physiological T4 in serum is 4-11.5 ~g d~. The measurement

of T4 levels is an important indicator of thyroid status.

The need for an assay combining specificity, sensitivity, and

practicality (ease of performance, low-cost, etc) has limited the

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number of clinically useful T4 and T3 techniques. In addition,

endogeneous T4 binding proteins in serum (TBG, etc) interfere

severely with the measurements. This problem, however, can be

minimised by displacing protein-bound T4, for example using

sodium merthiolate, 8-anilino-l-na~halene sulphonic acid (ANS),

salicylates, etc [148,149]. Currently radioimmunoassays are most

commonly employed for routine T4 measurements. However, recent

developments in non-isotopic immunoassay technology have intro-


a) Fluorescent labels - the first fluorescence enhancement

immunoassay for T4 based on a FITC-T4 conjugate was described

by Smith [44]. The enhancement effect was ascribed to

quenching of the fluorescence of FITC-T4 by the iodine atoms

of T4, possibly via the heavy-atom effect, the effect being

relieved or abolished upon binding to anti-T4 antibodies.

Handley et al [46) likewise found that an enhancement FIA

for T4 could be developed using the more convenient (ease of

preparation) labels, fluram and MDPF. Miller [150) has sugges-

ted that the enhancement effect occurs as a consequence of a

change in the polarity of the environment of the fluorescer.

The principal advantage of enhancement FIAs is simplicity of

the technique, but due to serum protein (TBG, albumin, etc)

interferences and background serum fluorescence problems the

technique suffers from severe limitations. However, the

,problems inherent in the enhancement FIAs can be partially

circumvented using:


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Fluorescence protection immunoassay - the technique [47]

involves incubation of sample with anti-T4 antibodies

followed by incubation with anti-FITC and measurement of

the resulting fluorescence signal. Unlike the enhancement

FIA, FITC-T4 binds either anti-T4 antibodies or anti-FITC

antibodies, and consequently, fluorescence enhancement due

to endogeneous T4 binding serum proteins (TBG, albumin etc)

is minimised. However, the technique suffers from background

interference due to serum fluorescence and light scattering

(see Table 1.3 and Chapter Three).

Differential heavy-atom quenching FIA (solvent quenching

[53]) - the technique is based on differential quenching

of the unbound rhodamine-T4 and background fluorescence;

the fluorescence of the rhodamine-T4 bound to the antibody

being unaffected. The procedure is prone to light scattering

interference due to small (26 nm) Stokes' shift of rhodamine

(Table 1.3).

b) Enzyme labels - these have been utilised in homogeneous

(EMIT) and heterogeneous (ELISA) immunoassays. EMIT is based

on the principle [88] that T4-malate dehydrogenase is inactive.

The addition of anti-T4 antibodies, however, reactivates the

enzyme. The active enzyme converts NAD+ to NADH, resulting

in an absorbance change at 340 nm and this change is correlated

with the sample T4 concentration. In ELISA, T4 ;s conjugated,

for example with horseradish peroxidase (HRP). The immunoassay


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is conveniently performed using anti-T4 antibodies immobi­

lised on solid-phase, for example plastic tubes. The peroxi­

dase activity of the antibody-body HRP-T4 complex can be

measured (i) colorimetrically [151], using the chromogen

di-ammonium 2,2'-azino-bis(3-etnylbenzothioline-6 sulphonate,

ABTS); (ii) by photoluminescence [152] using the fluorescence

reaction of peroxidase-tyramine-H202; and (iii) by chemi­

luminescence [152], using the luminol-H202 reaction. However,

the high intrinsic sensitivity of luminescence methods

permits lower (10 to lOO-fold) detection limits than the

colorimetric methods. Recently, Blake et al [94] have

described a dual-enzyme immunoassay (Section 1.B.4). This

assay is based on the use of T4 and T3, conjugated with

alkaline phosphatase and 'B-D-galactosidase, respectively.

The principal advantages of this technique over the single T4

immunoassays are: better assessment of thyroid abnormalities

and microvolume sample requirement.

This chapter is concerned with:

a) preliminary investigations into poor (7-10%) reversibility

of the fluorescence enhancement immunoassay utilising FL-T4;

b) the possibility of reusing a recycled solid-phase with

immobilised anti-T4 antibodies;

c) comparison of two-phase sequential addition FIA (two-phase FIA)

and simultaneous addition FIA utilising FITC-T4;

d) development of a polarisation FIA, based on a sequential



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e) development of a TCPO-excited luminescence immunoassay

utilising the fluorescence enhancement effect of FITC-T4 ,

f) performance of the ELISA monitored with (i) the standard

co1orimetric method, (ii) 1umino1 CL, (iii) photoluminescence

method utilising the fluorescence reaction of peroxidase-

tyramine-H 202; and (iv) TCPO-excited luminescence of the

peroxidase-tyramine-H202 reaction.

4.2 Experimental: Luminescence and Radioimmuno1ogica1 Procedures

4.2.1 Genera~

F1uorescein- and FL-T4 conjugates were prepared as described

in Section 2.2.1. Serum samples, protein solutions, anti-T4 antiserum, H202, FITC-T4 and FL-T4 solutions were stored at 40 C

in the dark and equilibrated to room temperature prior to

measurements. Sample and reagents for peroxyoxa1ate CL measure-

ments were prepared as described in Section

Radioimmunoassays were performed at room temperature using

the Panax Auto-Bioscint gamma counting system (Panax Equipment

Ltd, Willow Lane, Mitcham, Surrey, UK). TCPO-excited luminescence

of f1uorophors was conducted using the peroxyoxa1ate-fia 'lumino­

meter (Section Experiments involving 1umino1 CL were

conducted at room temperature in a non-flow system using the

1uminometer, coupled to its display/printer unit (LKB Model

1250-101). The MPF-448 Fluorescence Spectrophotometer (Section

2.3.1) was employed in photoluminescence measurements, except

polarisation fluorimetry. These latter measurements were


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performed using the Model 2000 Spectrofluorimeter fitted with

polariser control unit and sample holder equipped with an excita­

tion polariser (fixed) and an emission polariser (rotatable)~

see Sect ion 1.6.3.

The background (radioactivity and luminescent) signal was

subtracted in all measurements. Fluoroimmunoassays Utilising FL-T4

The assay was performed using 47.5 x 10-gM FL-T4 prepared in

50 mM sodium phosphate containing O.lM NaCl (pH 7.4); incubation

was for 30 minutes in the dark at room temperature. In a similar

experiment, monoclonal anti-T4 anti-serum was added to 42.5 x 10-9M

FL - T 4 prepa red in 75 ml1 ba rbita 1 buffer conta i ni ng 2.5 mM sodi urn

merthiolate (pH 8.6). The experiments involving the specific •

and the non-specific fluorescence enhancement effects were

performed by incubating 13.6 x 10-8M FL-T4 for 30 minutes at

room temperature with each of the solutions: anti-T4 antiserum

(1:225), anti-phenytoin antiserum (1:150), human serum albumin

(6.7 x 10-614), human serum (1:600), anti-a-2-macroglobulin (1:450),

and insulin-binding protein (1 :600). These solutions, including

FL-T4, were prepared in 50 mM sodium phosphate containing O.lM

phosphate saline buffered, pH 7.4. In a similar experiment,

the above reagents (FL-T4, anti-T4 , etc) were prepared in the

barbital-merthiolate buffer, pH 8.6. The competitive binding

fluorescence assay based on FL-T4 and insulin-binding protein -9 were performed at room temperature using 47.5 x 10 M FL-T4


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made up in the phosphate-saline buffer, pH 7.4.

The solid-phase studies involving FL-T4 and anti-T4 anti­

bodies immobilised on stick-tube system (Ventre/Sep Solid

phase T4; Seward Lab. London) were performed by incubating

FL-T4 solutions for thirty minutes at room temperature. The

FL-T4 solutions were made up in the barbita1-merthio1ate buffer,

pH 8.6. Fluorescence measurements were performed by removing

the supernatant from each of the solid-phase tubes; the

fluorescence signal was compared with the fluorescence signal

of an equal concentration of FL-T4, which were similarly pre­

pared and incubated, but added to tubes without the immobilised

anti-T4 antibodies.

The radioimmunoassay studies were conducted using the solid­

phase system. 1.0 ml of the l25 1_T4 was added to 25 ~l of each -1 -1 of the solutions: 19.5 ~g dt FL-T4 and 19.5 ~g dt unlabelled

T4. The bound counts per minute (CPM) were compared in the two

solid-phase systems. Recycling of Antibodies

These experiments were performed by washing the used (first

R1A) stick-tube system five times with 2M KSCN solution, followed

by washing twice with 1 mM sodium phosphate containing 0.15M

NaCl, pH 7.2 and 15 minutes incubation at room temeprature with

2.0 ml of the above buffer, pH 7.2. The sticks and the tubes

were dried using tissue paper and reused in a second radioimmuno­

assay, a correction being made for the unremoved l25 1_T4 radio­



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Experiments comparing the two-phase FIA and the simultaneous

addition FIAs were performed as described below. Anti-T4 -1 antiserum diluted 1 to 54, 12 FITC-T4, and T4 solutions

were prepared in 75 mM barbital buffer, pH 8.6. The simultaneous

addition FIA was performed by adding anti-T4 to solutions contai­

ning FITC-T4 and T4. The immunoassay was incubated at 250 C for

30 minutes, followed by fluorescence measurements. This assay

was further incubated for 2.5 hours at 250C, followed by fluores-

cence measurements. The two-phase sequential FIA was performed

as follows:

Phase One - T4 was added to anti-T4 antiserum, followed by incub­

bation for 30 minutes at 250C.

Phase Two - the sample solutions (phase one) were incubated

+ 0 for 2.5 hours at 4 - 0.5 C. Subsequently, the pre-incubated

FITC-T4 solution (4 ! 0.50C for 2.5 hours) was dispensed into

each of the sample solutions and incubated for 40 minutes.

, Experiments involving FITC-T4 and human serum were performed

as described above for the simultaneous addition assay, except -1 that 6 ng. ml FITC-T4 and T4-depleted human serum (Ventre/Sep

T4 kit) were utilised.

The polarisation FIA was performed by the sequential addition

technique: anti-T4 antiserum (1:500) was added to T4 solution

in 10 mM sodium phosphate containing 0.145M NaCl, pH 7.4,

followed by incubation for 45 minutes at room temperature.


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Subsequently, FITC-T4 at a final concentration of 10 l was

added to each of the sample solutions, followed by 45 minutes

incubation at room temperature.

The peroxyoxalate CL experiments were conducted using -9 33.3 x 10 M FITC-T4, T4 and anti-T4 antiserum, made up in 0.22M

imidazole-HCl buffer, pH 7.0. The immunoassay was performed as

described above for the two-phase assay. The flow rate of H202 was 48 ml mlnute- l . Luminescence Immunoassays Based on ELISA

These assays were monitored with photo- and chemiluminescence

detection using the Enzymun-Test T4 kit (Immunodiagnostics,

Boehringer Mannheim, London). Serum thyroxine was determined

in four ways:

a) Colorimetrically - the standard procedure described in the

technical bulletin for the kit was employed. The method

involved (i) adding 20 ~l of the standard serum samples to

Ab-coated plastic tubes, (ii) adding 1.0 ml of T4-HRP to each

of the above tubes, followed by 2 hour incubation at room

temperature, (iii) decantation of the contents of each of the

tubes, followed by rinsing each of the tubes with cold

(4oC) tap water, (iv) addition of 1.0 ml of the substrate

(ABTS, supplied with the kit) solution, followed by 1 hour

incubation at room temperature and measurement of the absor-

bance of the sample solutions at 405 nm against the blank

(substrate solution).


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Experiments (b), (c) and (d) were conducted after completion

of step (iii) above.

b) Luminol CL - the procedure [152,153] consisted of adding

0.5 ml of O.lM NaOH to solubilise the heme content. Then,

0.5 ml of 1.5 mM luminol solution (in O.lM NaOH) containing

0.1% EOTA was added, followed by 30 minutes incubation at

room temperature. Finally 0.2 ml of 3% H202 solution con­

taining 0.1% EOTA was added to each of the above solutions.

Each of the sample tubes was vortex-mixed for 5 seconds and

the CL signal was measured 5 seconds after the mixing step.

c) Photoluminescence - the method [152] involved adding 0.8 ml

of 50 ~1 sodium phosphate containing 0.1% BSA (pH 7.4) to

each of the sample tubes. This was followed by the addition

of 0.05 ml of 1% tyramine-HCl solution containing 0.007%

H202. Each of the tubes was vortex-mixed for 5 seconds and

incubated for 1 hour at 370 C. The solutions were removed

from each of the sample tubes at a constant interval of

1 hour.

d) TCPO-excited luminescence - this was performed as described

above for the photoluminescence method, except that O.22M

imidazole-HCl containing 0.1% BSA (pH 7.0) was employed.


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4.3 Results and Discussion FluoroimmunoassaysUtilising FL-T4

The fluorescence enhancement immunoassay (Table 4.1(b))

exhibited a negligible (ca. 7.5%) reversal effect in the presence

-9 ) of 214 x 10 M unlabelled T4. The experiments (Table 4.2(a)

involving FL-T4 and anti-phenytoin antiserum, insulin-binding

protein, human serum, etc suggested that non-specific-binding

of FL-T4

to endogeneous T4 binding proteins (TBG, albumin, etc)

might be responsible for the poor reversal effect. The possibility

of expl oHi ng the fl uorescence enhancement effect in a competHi ve

binding assay based on insulin-binding protein was therefore

briefly investigated. The results (Table 4.3(b)) from this

experiment showed a negligible (Ca. 13%) reversal effect in -9 the presence of 214 x 10 M unlabelled T4. Lim [45] likewise

found that addition of immunoglobulin M (IgM) to desmethylnor­

triptyline resulted in substantial (355%) fluorescence enhancement.

However, comparison of the magnitude of the fluorescence enhance-

ment in phosphate-saline buffer, pH 7.4 (Table 4.2(a)) and

barbital-merthiolate buffer, pH 8.6 (Table 4.2(b)) show:

a) anti-T4 antiserum produced Ca. 192% and 32% fluorescence

enhancement in the phosphate-saline buffer and the barbital-

merthiolate buffer, respectively;

b) human serum albumin produced Ca. 138.5% and no fluorescence

enhancement in the phosphate-saline buffer and the barbital-

merthiolate buffer, respectively;


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Anti-T4 antiserum FI (Ex/Em, 390/470 nm) (dilution)

FL-T4 22 FL-T4 + 1:800 29

FL- T4 + 1 :400 43 FL-T4 + 1 :200 60 FL- T 4 + 1: 100 59

TABLE 4.l(a): Effect of adding anti-T4 antiserum to 47.5 x 10-9M FL-T4 Excitation slit: 8 nm Emission slit: 12 nm

Experimental FI (Ex/Em, 390/470 nm)

-9 + Anti-T4 47.0 o + 47.5 x 10 M FL-T4 10.7xlO-9MT4+ " " + " 47.5 2l.4X10-9MT4+ " " + " 45.5

107xlO-9M T4+ " " + " 44.0

2l4xlO-9M T4+ " " + " 43.4

TABLE 4.l(b): Effect of increasing T4 concentration on the fluores­cence signal, in the presence of 47.5 x 10-9M FL-T4 and anti-T4 antiserum (1:400)

Excitation slit: 8 nm Emission ·slit: 12 nm


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FI % Experimental (Ex/Em 390/470 nm) Enhancement

FL-T4 13.0 -FL-T 4 + Anti-T4 antiserum 38.0 192.31 FL-T 4 + Human serum albumin 31. 0 138.46

FL-T4 + Anti-phenytoin antiseruIT 47.0 261.54

FL-T 4 + Human serum 28.0 115.38 FL-T4 + Insulin-binding protein 36.0 176.92 FL-T4 + Anti-cr-2-macroglobulin 15.5 19.23

TABLE 4.2(a): Effect of addi ng 13.6 x 10-811 FL -T to each of the above in phosphate-saline buff~r. pH 7.4.

Excitation slit: 8 nm Emission slit: 12 nm

Experimental FI % (Ex/Em. 390/470 nm) Enhancement

FL-T4 25.0 -FL-T4 + Anti-T4 antiserum 33.0 32

FL-T4 + Human serum albumin 24.0 -FL-T4 + Anti-phenytoin antise~m 46.0 84

FL-T4 + Human serum 34.0 36 FL-T4 + Insulin-binding protein 31.0 24

TABLE 4.2(b): -8 Effect of adding 13.6 x 10 M FL-T to each of the above in barbital-merthiolate ~uffer. pH 8.6

Excitation slit: 8 nm Emission slit: 14 nm


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c) anti-phenytoin antiserum produced Ca. 261.5% and 84%

fluorescence enhancement in the phosphate-saline and the

barbital-merthiolate, respectively;

d) insulin-binding protein produced Ca. 177% and 24% fluores­

cence enhancement in the phosphate-saline and the barbit~l-

merthiolate, respectively;

e) human serum produced Ca. 115.4% and 36% fluorescence

enhancement in the phosphate-saline and the barbital-merthio-

late, respectively.

Apparently, the relatively low (32%) fluorescence enhancement

effect observed with the anti-T4 antiserum is a consequence of

inhibition of FL-T4 binding to the endogeneous T4 binding

proteins (TBG, etc) in the antiserum, because the barbital-mer-

thiolate buffer (pH 8.6) does not [149] significantly affect

the binding properties of anti-T4 antibodies. It was therefore

decided to purify the anti-T4 antiserum on DEAE-Sephadex A-50

column [154]. The FIA results of a preliminary investigation showed

that the reversal effect was comparable in magnitude to that

achieved using the non-purified antiserum (above). Further FIA

studies (Figure 4.1) involving monoclonal anti-T4 antiserum

also showed a negligible (Ca. 10%) reversal effect in the presence -6 of 2.8 x 10 M unlabelled T4.

experiment (Table 4.4) showed

However, the solid-phase FIA

that FL-T4 (3.4 - 101 x 10-BM)

did not bind the immobilised anti-T4 antibodies as evident

from comparison of the fluorescence signals: solid-phase


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Insulin-binding protein FI (Ex/Em, 390/470 nm) (dilution)

FL-T4 + 0 27.0 FL-T4 + 1:800 37.0 FL-T4 + 1:400 55.0

FL - T 4 + 1: 200 64.0

FL - T 4 + 1: 1 00 73.0

TABLE 4.3(a): Effect of adding insulin-binding ~rotein on the fluorescence signal of 47.5 x 10- M FL-T4

Experi menta 1 tl

(Ex/Em,390/470 nm)

FL-T4+Insu1in binding protein 45.0 -9 . " + " " " 45.5 21.4x10 M T4+

107x10-9M T4+ " + " " " 40.0

214x10-9M T4+ " + " " " 39.0

TABLE 4.3(b): Competitive binding fluorescence assay utilising 47.5 x 10-9M FL-T4 and insulin-binding protein (1:600)

Excitation slit: 8 nm Emission slit: 12 nm


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E c

C) en 00

x LW A .-. CL

~ > .~

+' ~

~ C<

500 nm

FIGURE 4.1: Examples of recorder traces showing poor reversibility of the fluoresence enhancement effect.

-9 -9 A ; 42.5 x 10 M FL-T4; B ; 42.5 x 10 M FL-T4 +

monocloncal anti-T4 antiserum (1:60); and -9 -6 C ; 42.5 x 10 M FL-T4 + 2.B x 10 M unlabelled

T4 + monoclonal anti-T4 antiserum (1 :60)

Excitation slit: B nm Emission slit: 12 nm


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FI of Supernatant Ex/Em, 370/470· nm

Concentration of FL-T4 TuDe+Immobilised Tube without immo-

Ab bilised Ab

33.6 x 10-9M 1.0 2.0

168 x 10 -9M 10.0 12.0

335 x 10 -9M 26.0 28.0

670 x 10-9M 59.0 59.0

1010 x 10-9M 91.0 90.0

TABLE 4.4: Effect of adding.equal concentrations of FL-T solution to each of the tubesimmobilised with4 and without the antibody.

Excitation slit: 8 nm Emission slit: 14 nm


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immobilised with the antibodies and the tubes without the

immobilised antibodies. The results from this experiment compare

favourably with those reported by Handley [155] using a similar

solid-phase system and FL-T4. The solid-phase (Ventre/Sep)

employed in this work was for the measurement of T4 by the

RIA method; thus a relatively high molar ratio of FL-T4:

immobilised anti-T4 antibodies and also, steric hindrance due 125 to larger size of FL-T4 than I-T4 may explain the results.

However, in a radioimmunoassay experiment the counts per minute

obta i ned -1 -1 using 19.5 pg d~ FL-T4 and 19.5 pg d~ unlabelled

T4 in the presence of 125I_T4 buffered (Ventre/Sep) solution

were 5511 and 1561, respectively. The solid-phase FIA and the

RIA results thus suggest that either the FL-T4 solution contains

unlabelled T4 or FL-T4 due to steric hindrance is unable to

bind as many sites on the immobilised antibody as the unlabelled

T4. It has been well established [156] that the reaction (Sec­

tion 2.2) of fluorescamine with primary amine occurs with a half­

time of milliseconds and proceeds with 80-95% of the theoretical

yield. Fu rth"ermo re , the labelling studies performed by Handley

[155] have shown that the molar ratio of fluorescamine conjugated

to T4 is 0.91. As a result, preliminary experiments were conduc­

ted to label T4 using 0.03-1% fluorescamine and MDPF solutions.

The FIA investigations performed using FL-T4 and MDPF-T4 conjuga­

tes showed that the reversal effects were comparable in magnitude

to those described above. As a result, further investigations

with FL-T4 and MDPF-T4 were not pursued for the following


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reasons: FL-T4 and MDPF-T4 would not be suitable for the

studies of TCPO-excited LIA util ising the fluQrescence enhance­

ment effect, because of the poor (7-10%) reversible effect

observed in the enhancement F1A, and moreover, because F1TC-T4 might be more efficiently excited with TCPO than FL-T4 or MDPF-T4 due to high (0.85) fluorescence quantum yield and high Ex/Em

(492/518 nm) maxima of f1uorescein. RecycZing of Antibodies

The investigations showed that 11.25% of the original

(first R1A, Figure 4.2) radioactivity was not removed from the

recycled stick-tube system using 2M KSCN solution. The unremoved

(11.25%) radioactivity results compare favourably with the 12%

value reported by Akker et a1 [157]. The non-specific binding

of 1251-T4 to the stick-tube system and hence its unremova1

with 2M KSCN solution might explain the results. The second

(corrected for the non-specifically bound 1251_T4 ) radioimmuno­

assay (Figure 4.1), however, demonstrated that the recycled

immobilised anti-T4 antibodies exhibited 39% of its original

binding. The 61% loss in the activity of the immobilised anti­

bodies compared with the 37% value reported by Akker et a1 [157]

might principally be due to the differences in the conditions

employed for renaturing the immobilised antibodies: Akker et

a1 [157] renatured the antibodies by resuspension in 1 mM phos­

phate containing 0.15M NaCI at 40C for three days. On the other

hand, the anti-T4 antibodies in this work were renatured by adding

2.0 m1 of the above buffer to the stick-tube system, followed


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100 ----, Recycled immobilised antibodies






r---­I I I I

20 0 S 10 1S 20 2S [14] pg/ dl.

FIGURE 4.2: Radioimmunoassay of Ta and reuse of the recycled antibodies in a secona radioimmunoassay

-1 % B/Bo; Average CPM of standard T4 (0-20 ~g d£ ) x 100

11 "11 11 "( 0 IJg dR. -1 )


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by incubation for 15 minutes at room temperature. This instant

recycling procedure is ineffective (61% loss). However,

optimisation with other (2M KI, 10% dioxane, etc) ligand

desorbing agents and longer antibody renaturing time at 40C

might improve the procedure. This technique would thus have

economic advantages. Luminescence Immunoassays Utilising FITC-T4

The FIAs (Figure 4.3) based on FITC-T4 show reversibility

of the enhancement phenomenon by unlabelled T4, and thus demon­

strate suitability (cf. FL-T4) of FITC-T4 in LIAs. Furthermore,

it is evident (Figure 4.3) that the two-phase FIA exhibits lower

limits of detection (T4) than the corresponding simultaneous

addition FIAs. The maximum binding of unlabelled T4 by the anti­

body in phase-one and the minimal [158] dissociation of the

antibody bound unlabelled T4 in phase-two may explain the results.

It is also evident (Figure 4.3) that the 30 minutes incubated

simultaneous addition FIA exhibits lower limits of detection

than the same assay incubated for 3 hours. These results thus

suggest that incubation of the assay for 3 hours results in the

reaction (see below) proceeding to equilibration.

Free Complex

The principal advantage of the two-phase technique is that the

sensitivity of an assay can be enhanced in a very simple way.


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QJ 1B > .--I'D







0 Simultaneous addition FIA • (3 hours)

• Two- phase FIA ~

[J Simultaneous addition FIA ~ (30 mi nutes)

10~--~--~~--~--~--~~ o 4 8 12 16 20 [T4] n Q/ ml.

FIGURE 4.3: Comparison of two-phase FIA and simultaneous addition FIA techniques


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On the other hand, the dependence of the technique on low (40C)

temperature and longer assay time than the simultaneous

technique are disadvantageous features.

Experiments (Table 4.5(a)) involving FITC-T4 and T4-depleted

human serum (Ventre/Sep) demonstrates that the non-specific

fluorescence enhancement phenomenon is of serious consequence

in homogeneous FIAs. Furthermore, the competitive binding

assay (Table 4.5(b)) based on T4-depleted human serum exhibited

negligible (Ca. 7%) reversal effect in the presence of

49.7 x 10-7M unlabelled T4. This is possibly due to an over­

whelming competition by TBG and to a lesser extent, competition

by a 1 bumi nand prea 1 bumi n, because these studi es were' conducted

in 75 mM barbital buffer (pH 8.6) and moreover, because T4 binds

predominantly to TBG. Smith [44] likewise found that non-specific

binding of FITC-T4 to endogeneous T4 binding proteins in sheep

serum produced the fluorescence enhancement effect. These results

thus demonstrate the problems associated with the fluorescence

enhancement immunoassay. In addition, serum fluorescence (Chapter

Three) due to the albumin-bilirubin complex and light scattering due

to the small (26 nm) Stokes' shift of fluorescein will further

worsen the limits of detection in homogeneous FIAs. It is there-

fore not surprising that the development of viable homogeneous

(enhancement and polarisation) FIAs for serum T4 has thus far

been unsuccessful. However, alternative techniques which are

less prone to interferences (serum fluorescence, non-specific

binding, etc) have been developed, for example heterogeneous

FIA [42] based on FITC-T4, heterogeneous CLIA [159] utilising


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Dilution of T4-dep1eted human serum in FI -1 the presence of 6 ng.m1 FITC-T4 Ex/Em. 492/535

TABLE 4.5(a):

0 1: 96000 1:12000 1 :4800 1:1600 1 :800

Effect of adding T4-dep1eted human FITC-T4 solution in 75 mM barbita1 pH 8.6

T4 concentration in the presence of

9.0 9.5

9.5 11. 5 21.0 23.5

serum to buffer .•.

FI 6 ng.m1- 1 FITC-T4 and T4-dep1eted Ex/Em. 492/535

human serum diluted 1 to 1600

0 21.0 -9 1. 7 x 10 M 20.5 -9 5.3 x 10 M 20.5 -9 9.9 x 10 M 20.5

20 x 10-9M 20.5 49.7 x 10-9M 19.5

TABLE 4.5(b)): Competitive binding fluorescence assay showing the effect of adding unlabelled T4

Excitation slit: 12 nm Emission slit: 14 nm





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isoluminol-T4, fluorescence protection immunoassay (Section

4.1), and differential heavy-atom quenching FIA (Section 4.1).

The anti-T4 antiserum dilution curve (Figure 4.4(a)) construc­

ted using the polarisation technique involving FITC-T4 demonstra­

tes that the polarisation value is increased on binding with

the anti-T4 antibodies. The standard dose-response curve

(Figure 4.4(b)) generated using the sequential addition tech­

nique shows that unlabelled T4 caused a decrease in the observed

polarisation value with increasing concentration of added

unlabelled T4. Unfortunately, determination of serum T4 levels

using the polarisation technique were unsuccessful when the

immunoassay was performed in the presence of barbital-merthiolate

buffer (pH 8.6) to inhibit the binding of FITC-T4 to the endo­

geneous T4 binding proteins in serum and to displace T4 bound

to the serum proteins. The possible explanations are:(a) incom­

plete immobilisation [47] of antibody-T4-FITC complex due to

flexing of the T4 moiety and the fluorescein mOiety; (b) back­

ground interferences due to serum fluorescence (albumin-bilirubin

comp 1 ex) and 1 i ght scatteri ng due to the sma 11 (26 nm) Stokes'

shift of fluorescein, and (c) binding of FITC-T4 to the serum

proteins as found in the non-specific fluorescence enhancement

studies (above) involving FITC-T4 and T4-depleted human serum.

These results thus imply that pre-extraction of serum T4 will

be essential prior to determination. Unquestionably, this is an

undesirable feature, because the principal advantage of homoge­

neous immunoassays is their avoidance of a separation procedure.


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0·14 c 0 -Cl) 0·12 VI .-. c-m -J

d? 0·10


006~--~--~--~~--~--~--~--~--~ 1:100 1:300 1:500 1:700 1:900 1:1100 1:1300 1:1500

Final anti-T4 serum dilution FIGURE 4.4(a): Antibody dilution curve showing binding of 10 l FITC-T

4 to serial

dilutions of anti-T4


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c 0 '--



Sequential addition polarisation FIA

~ '0·09 .-c.. to -J

0 a..


I i i

0'05 6 5 110 115 20 . 25 [T4J ng/ml

FIGURE 4.4(b): Standard dose-response curve for T4



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The anti-T4 antiserum dilution curve (Figure 4.5(a)) construc­

ted, based on TCPO-excited luminescence of FITC-T4 shows that

the CL signal is enhanced on binding with the anti-T4 anti­

bodies. Figure 4.5(b) demonstrates the use of the two-phase

chemiluminescence enhancement immunoassay of pure T4 solution.

These results thus confirm that TCPO excitation of the antibody

bound FITC-T4 is a consequence of the fluorescence enhancement

effect (cf. Figure 4.3). The possible mechanism of the CL

enhancement effect is described in Section 5.3J.2. Experiments

involving measurement of serum T4 using 0.22M imidazole containing

barbita1-merthio1ate (pH 8.6) were, however, unsuccessful, because

of CL quenching. The heavy-atom effect of sodium merthio1ate

(Hg-containing compound) and an increase in the rate of TCPO

hydrolysis at pH 8.6 may explain the results. These results

further demonstrate the problems (binding to endogeneous serum

proteins, quenching, etc) of T4 determination in serum samples.

Schroeder et a1 [159] likewise found that the CLIA for serum T4,

based on iso1umino1-T4 suffered from non-specific (human serum)

quenching problems, in addition to vulnerability of the assay

to interference by the endogeneous T4 binding proteins in

serum. Consequently, Schroeder et a1 Q59] adopted a hetero­

geneous approach to remove this interference. Further work

was not pursued with this technique because the barDita1-

merthio1ate (pH 8.6) and the baribta1-ANS buffer (pH 8.6)

are not compatible (hydrolysis, quenching with merthio1ate)

with the TCPO-imidazo1e system. Nevertheless, the principal

advantage of this technique is that excitation of f1uorescein


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FIGURE 4.5(a): Anti-T4 antiserum dilution curve

14 •

~ 12 -...l u

~ 10 4-re

--' QJ


6~ ________ ~ ______ ~~ ____ ~ 1:850 1:1250 1:50




1:450 Anti -T4 dilution

Two-phase CL enhancement immunoassay

13~--~~--~--~--~--~--~ o 4 8 12 16 20 24

Final [T4] ng/ml . FIGURE 4.5(b): Standard dose-response curve for T4.

Flow rate of HO: 4.8 ml min-l 2 2 121

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via TCPO is not subject to light scattering (Rayleigh). Luminescence Immunoassays Based on ELISA

The performance of the ELISA based on the label HRP-T4 was

briefly investigated by monitoring the immunoassay with photo­

and chemiluminescence (luminol and TCPO-excitation) detection.

The results (Figure 4.6) show that the immunoassay monitored

with luminol CL compare favourably with the standard colorimetric

procedure based on the chromogen, ABTS. On the other hand, the

immunoassays (Figure 4.6) monitored with photo- and chemi­

excitation (TCPO) of the fluorescent product of the peroxidase-

tyramine-H202 reaction are relatively insensitive in the range,

0-5 ~g d~-l T4. These discrepancies might be a consequence of

several factors; (a) lack of optimisation (concentration of

the indicator reaction, incubation time, pH, etc) of the

experimental immunoassays; (b) sterical hindrance and diffusion

problems [85,151] at the solid-phase affecting peroxidase activity

and hence the indicator reaction; (c) product inhibition [85]

as evident from the assays utilising the fluorescence reaction

of peroxidase-tyramine-H202; (d) time-dependent [153] release

of hematin from peroxidase affecting the assay monitored with

luminol CL; and (e) low overall CL efficiency of the TCPO-

excited luminescence of the peroxidase-tyramine-H202 reaction,

because of its fluorescence band at 320/405 nm, thus requiring

a relatively high energy to excite the fluorescent product

(tyramine reaction) more efficiently. In addition, peroxyoxalate


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90 0 o , Luminol CL

• . , TCPO-excited Cl Cl , Photoluminometric

o c 0, Colorimetric


-III -C ~

..0 50 '-« --10 C Cl'




o 5 10 15 20 25 lT4] pg/ dl

FIGURE 4.6: Performance of the ELISA, monitored with colorimetric, photo- and chemiluminescence detection


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CL and luminol CL are subject to poor reproducibility, because

the reactions are fast and TCPO is vulnerable to hydrolysis.

These problems will, however, be minimal in automated systems,

for example fia with merging zone principles. The principal

areas of further work would thus be optimisation of the indica-

tor reaction, for example concentration of reagents, pH,

incubation time, etc and preparation of fluorogenic substrates

with emission maxima of 500-550 nm, in particular for excitation

via TCPO. Nevertheless, the experimental immunoassays described

in this study demonstrate versatility and potentiality. Further-

more, there is a possibility of performing simultaneous dual­

enzyme immunoassay according to the scheme:



(a) O-Nitrophenyl-S-galactoside

~Ab-T3 -/J - 0

~Ab-T4 - HRP

- galactosidase

(b) Luminol

Measure CL


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4.4 Conclusion

The fluorescence enhancement immunoassay based on FL-T4 was subject to poor (7-10%) reversibility effect in the presence

of competing unlabelled T4. Furthermore, the fluorescence

enhancement effect was also produced on binding of FL-T4 to

serum proteins (TBG) and non-specific antiserum, for example

anti-phenytoin antiserum. The radioimmunoassay experiment

involving FL-T4 and unlabelled T4, however, suggested that

the presence of unlabelled T4 in the FL-T4 solution might be

responsible for the poor reversible effect observed in the

enhancement FIA. It has been well established that the reac-

tion of fluorescamine with primary amines occurs with a half­

time of milliseconds and proceeds with 80-95% of the theoretical

yield; thus the presence of 5-20% of unlabelled T4 in the FL-T4 solution might explain the results. On the other hand, the

fluorescence enhancement immunoassay based on FITC-T4 did not

suffer from the poor reversibility problem as evident from the

standard dose-response curves (two-phase FIA and sequential

,addition FIA). These results thus further indicate that labelling

T4 with fluorescamine might not be efficiently achievable under

the conditions employed.

The investigations involving the reuse of recycled immobilised

antibodies in a second radioimmunoassay suggested that the

recycling procedure employed in this work was ineffective,

because of the substantial (61%) loss in binding of l25 I_T4 by

the recycled antibodies. However, optimisation (desorption,

renaturing conditions, etc) might improve the recycling procedure


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and obviously, the reuse of antibodies in immunoassays would

then have economic advantages.

Evidently, the two-phase FIA has lower limits of detection

than the corresponding simultaneous addition FIAs, incubated for

thirty minutes and three hours. This is due to two major factors:

maximum binding of unlabelled T4 in phase-one of the immunoassay

and minimal dissociation of the antibody-T4 complex in phase-two

of the immunoassay. The principal advantage of the two-phase

technique is thus high intrinsic assay sensitivity. The fluor­

escence enhancement effect produced as a result of FITC-T4 binding to the endogeneous T4 binding proteins in serum, however,

limits the technique to assays in pure solutions. As with the

enhancement FIA, the sequential polarisation FIA also suffered

from serum protein (TBG, etc) interferences. Unquestionably,

serum fluorescence due to albumin-bilirubin complex and light

scattering due to the small (26 nm) Stokes' shift of fluorescein

will further worsen the limits of detection in the polarisation

and the fluorescence enhancement immunoassay. The problems of

background interference and serum fluorescence, however, can

be eliminated by TCPO-excited luminescence of FITC-T4. The TCPO­

excited LIA utilising the fluorescence enhancement effect is

vulnerable to two major interferences: CL enhancement due to

FITC-T4 binding to the endogeneous T4 binding proteins in serum,

prepared in 0.22M imidazole-HCl buffer (pH 7.0); quenching

when the immunoassay is performed in 0.22M imidazole containing

barbital-merthiolate (pH 8.6). The polarisation and the lumines­

cence enhancement immunoassays are indeed simple to perform and


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hence they can be easily automated, for example using fia with

merging zone principles. However, the present results suggests

that pre-extraction of T4 from serum samples will be essential

prior to measurements using the homogeneous immunoassay tech­

niques. The pre-extraction step will undoubtedly be an undesirable

feature of the assay, because the principal advantage of homo­

geneous immunoassay is their avoidance of separation. Alterna­

tive approaches of circumventing the interference problems

would be (a) development of fluorescent labels incapable of

binding the endogeneous T4 binding serum proteins; (b) the use

of fluorescent labels with Ex/Em maxima outside the serum

fluorescence range, and (c) the use of heterogeneous immuno-


Finally, ELISA monitored with luminol CL compared favourably

with the standard colorimetric procedure based on the chromogen,

ABTS. On the other hand, the photo-excited and the TCPO-excited

luminescence assays utilising the fluorescence reaction of

peroxidase-tyramine-H202 were insensitive in the range, 0-5 ~g d~-l

T4. These discrepancies are partly due to lack of optimisation

of the indicator reaction (luminol, tyramine, etc) and partly

due to several other factors, for example steric hindrance and

diffusion problems at the solid-phase affecting the assays based

on measurement of the peroxidase activity, but not the luminol

monitored assay, because this assay is based on measurement of

hematin content of peroxidase. The experimental immunoassays

based on ELISA demonstrate versatility and potentiality. Further­

more, there is a possibility of performing a simultaneous dual-


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enzyme immunoassay for T4 and T3. The ELISA technique for the

simultaneous determination of T4 and T3 would involve labelling

T4 and T3 with two different enzymes, whose catalysed reactions

can be distinguished from each other by CL or co1orimetrica11y,

for example HRP-T4 could be measured using lumino1 CL. However,

at the present, determination of serum T4 with the homogeneous

(enhancement, polarisation, etc) immunoassay techniques is

still a challenge for an analyst.


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5.1 Introduction: Physiological Role and Assay Techniques

Human serum albumin is synthesised almost exclusively by

the liver and comprises of about 60% by weight of the proteins

circulating in plasma/serum [4,160]. The normal range of p1asma/

serum albumin is 35-45 gm ~-1. Some of the major functions of

albumin include: maintenance of homoestasis, transport of

physiological (hormones, 1ipids, etc) and non-physiological

(drugs) substances, nutritive role, and detoxification of unconju­

gated b1\~Yu~'n,-~leasurement of albumin levels is thus an important

indicator of pathological conditions such as malignancies, hepa-

tic dysfunction, malnutrition, and nephrotic syndrome. One of

the most widely employed non-immunochemica1 approaches for

measuring albumin levels is based on the affinity of albumin for

dyes such as bromocresol green (BCG) and methyl orange. The dye­

binding method lacks the specificity and sensitivity required for

the determination of albumin in urine or cerebrospinal fluid.

Immunoassay techniques, because of their high sensitivity and

excellent specificity are thus the methods of choice. Furthermore,

assays may be performed using micro1itre quantities of sample.

Obviously, this is advantageous in situations where the sample

is available in limited amounts, for example samples from a new1y­

born child. Some of the recently described non-isotopic immunoassay

techn i ques a re:


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a) So~id-phase FIAs

The FlAX system (Section 1.6.2) developed by International

Diagnostic Technology is available commercially and is based on

a "STIQ" sampler with immobilised antibodies. Nargessie et al

[161] have described the use of magnetic particles with immo­

bilised anti-HSA antibodies to separate the bound and the free

fraction. The label utilised in each case was fluorescein


b) Energy transfer FIA

Miller et al [162] have described an energy transfer immuno­

assay utilising albumin and anti-HSA antibodies labelled with

fluorescein (donor) and rhodamine (acceptor). respectively.

The technique has been automated [45] using stopped flow injec­

tion analysis with merging zone principles.

c) F~uoresaenae enhanaement immunoassay

Fluorescence enhancement immunoassays utilising the fluram

enhancemen t effect of fl uram and its ana 1 ogue HDPF have been

developed by Lim [45].

d) F~uoresaenae proteation immunoassay

This technique [163] is based on the use of albumin labelled

with fluorescein isothiocyanate. anti-HSA antibodies and anti­

fluorescein antibodies. The sample containing FITC-HSA is

incubated first with anti-HSA antibodies and this is followed by


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incubation with anti-fluorescein antibodies. The fluorescence

of the free FITC-HSA is quenched when the anti-fluorescein

antibodies bind the fluorescein moiety. The antibody-bound

albumin, however, is sterically protected, and therefore, not

quenched. The degree of quenching thus depends on the amount of

albumin present in the sample.

e) Thermometric ELISA

In the described [164] assay HSA was conjugated with cata­

lase and the activity of the antibody-bound fraction was measured

using hydrogen peroxide as the enzyme substrate.

f) SoZid-phase CLIA based on peroxidase

In the described [84,165] assays HSA was labelled with

peroxidase. The antibody-HSA-peroxidase complex was measured

using luminol CL.

g) SoZid-phase CLIA based on hemin

This technique [166] utilised HSA labelled with hemin and

solid-phase with immobilised anti-HSA antibodies. The fraction

bound to the solid-phase was determined with luminol detection.

This chapter describes the development of a semi-automated

chemiluminescence enhancement immunoassay based on TCPO-excited

luminescence of HSA labelled with fluorophors such as fluorescein,


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dansyl chloride, fluram, and MDPF. The performance of the assay

was evaluated against a standard human serum sample and the colori­

metric method based on bromocresol green.

5.2 ~xperimental

5.2.1 Genera~

Human serum albumin was conjugated (Section 2.2.1) with each

of (a) fluorescein isothiocyanate, (b) dansyl chloride, (c) MDPF,

and (d) fluram. The labelled HSA solutions, H202, anti-HSA

antibodies, serum samples and protein solutions (anti-a-2-

macroglobulin, BSA, etc) were stored at 40 C and equilibrated at

room temperature prior to measurements. Sample and reagents for

peroxyoxalate CL were prepared as described in Section

Experiments involving fluorescence studies were conducted using

the MPF-44B Fluorescence Spectrophotometer (Section 2.3.1).

The peroxyoxalate-fia luminometer (Section was employed

in all experiments, except those involving kinetic studies. These

were performed in a non-flow system using the luminometer, coupled

to its display/printer unit (LKB Model 1250-101). The hydrogen

peroxide stream was propelled using the pressure-bottle in all

studies, except those involving titrations: these studies were

conducted using the peristaltic pump. The background CL signal

was subtracted in all measurements. Comparative Studies of Ana~ytiaaZ Parameters

An experiment comparing the TCPO-excited luminescence of

labelled HSA conjugates was performed using D-HSA (F:P ratio, 2.1:1),


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FITC-HSA (F:P ratio, 2.3:1), and MPDP-HSA (F:P ratio 2.4:1).

The effect of F:P ratio on the luminescence signal was examined

using 28.1 x 10-gM FITC-HSA and 28.1 x 10-gM D-HSA. Immunoassay Studies -g

The titration curves were constructed using 28.1 x 10 M

labelled HSA conjugates. Incubation with the anti-HSA antibodies

was performed for one hour at 250 C. Experiments involving the

speci fi city of the assay were conducted us i ng 28.1 x 1 o-gl~ D-HSA

(F:P ratio, 1:1), 28.1 x 10-gM FITC-HSA (F:P ratio, 2.3:1),

28.1 x 10-gM MDPF-HSA (F:P ratio, 0.7:1), and 33.0 x 10-gM FL-HSA

(F:P ratio, 17.4:1). These experiments were performed by incuba-

ting the sample with non-specific antiserum, bovine serum albumin,

etc. The kinetic experiment was performed by incubating

28.1 x 10-gM D-HSA (F:P ratio, 1:1) with 50 x 10-gM anti-HSA

antibodies. The control (minus the antibody) was similarly

prepared and the samples were incubated in the dark for one hour

at 250C. The samples (0.1 ml) containing 0.1 ml hydrogen peroxide

(1.02g ml-l ) and 5 ~l TCPO solutions were vortex-mixed for five

seconds and analysed in a non-flow system.

The simultaneous addition assay technique was performed

using 0.6 ml of 28.1 x 10-gM (final concentration) D-HSA (F:P ratio,

1:1) containing 0.6 ml of the sample (known or unknown). The

samples were vortex-mixed and to each 0.6 ml of anti-HSA anti--9 body solution was added at a final concentration of 85 x 10 M.

The samples were vortex-mixed and incubated for one hour at 250C.


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The two-phase sequential addition technique was performed as


Phase~one: To 0.6 m1 of HSA solution, 0.6 m1 of·anti-HSA anti-

body solution was added. The samples were incubated

for one hour at 250C.

Phase-two: The samples (phase-one) were incubated for 3 hours at

4 ! 0.50C. Subsequently, the pre-incubated D-HSA

(F:P ratio, 1:1) was added to each of the sample

solutions. The final concentration of anti-HSA anti--9 -9 bodies and D-HSA were 85 x 10 M and 28.1 x 10 M,

respectively. The samples were incubated for one hour

at this temperature.

The co10rimetric procedure based on bromocresol green was

performed using the Sigma (Poo1e, Dorset) diagnostic kit (No. 630).

5.3 Results and Discussion Compa~tive Studies of AnaLyticaL Parameters

Apparently (Figure 5.1), the most efficiently excited

labelled HSA conjugate amongst D-HSA (F:P ratio 2.1:1), FITC-HSA

(F:P ratio, 2.3:1) and MDPF-HSA (F:P ratio, 2.4:1) is the D-HSA

conjugate. Consequently, the D-HSA conjugate can be measured with

relatively high sensitivity and with high precision. The high

excitation efficiency of the D-HSA conjugate compared with the

excitation efficiencies of the FITC-HSA and the MDPF-HSA conjugates

may partially explain the results. This is because the fluorescence


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w (J1




-I LJ 60 aJ >


~ 40 aJ er:


- D 0-0, D-HSA (F:P ratio, 2.1:1)

-­, FITC-HSA (F:P ratio, 2.3:1)

MDPF-HSA (F:P ratio, 2.4:1)

200 400 [ Labelled - HSA]

FIGURE 5.1: Comparison of labelled HSA conjugates.


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------ ---- - ----

quantum yield of dansyl chloride is low (0.3) compared with the

value of 0.85 for fluorescein isothiocyanate. The discrepancy

in the results may be due to two other factors: differences in

the F:P ratio of the conjugates and heterogeneous population of

labelled conjugates in a single preparation. The results are

thus semiquantitative. Nevertheless, such a comparison is impor­

tant in choosing a label in an immunoassay technique. It has

been well documented [42,106,161] that the fluorescence of

proteins (HSA, globulins, etc) labelled with fluorescein, dansyl

chloride, etc is dependent on the F:P ratio of the conjugate.

Experiments (Table 5.1) to investigate this effect were performed

with TCPO excitation of FITC-HSA and D-HSA conjugates. The effect

of F:P ratio on the luminescence of these conjugates is shown

in Table 5.1. As an example, the CL signal of a heavily (F:P

ratio, 13.6:1) labelled FITC-HSA and a lightly (F:P ratio, 2.3:1)

labelled FITC-HSA conjugate was 13 and 24 units,respectively.

Chen [106] attributed the decrease in the fluorescence of FITC-HSA

conjugates to concentration quenching, collisional interactions

and decrease in the fluorescence efficiency. The effect of these

on the CL signal may partially explain the results, for example,

a decrease in the fluorescence efficiency of the label and hence

a consequent reduction in the CL efficiency. This is because CL

efficiency (equation 1.5) is a product of fluorescence efficiency

and the excitation efficiency of a chemical reaction. Nargessi

et al [161] likewise found that the fluorescence of FITC-HSA

decreased when the F:P ratio of the conjugates exceeded 6:1.


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Expe ri men ta 1 CLl

28.1 x 10-9M FITC-HSA (F:P ratio, 2.3: 1 ) 24.0

28.1 x 10-9M FITC-HSA (F:P ra ti 0, 7.4:1) 19.0

28.1 x 10-9M FITC-HSA (F:P ratio, 13.6:1 ) 13.0

28.1 x 10 -9 t1 D-HSA (F:P ratio, 1 : 1 ) 21.5

28.1 -9 x 10 M D-HSA (F:P ratio, 2.1 : 1 ) 25.0

28.1 -9 x 10 M D-HSA (F:P ra ti 0, 7.8:1) 20.0

TABLE 5.1: Effect of F:P ratio on the TCPO-excited luminescence' of labelled HSA conjugates


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A valid comparison, however, cannot be made due to hetero­

geneous labelling of HSA in a single preparation. Nevertheless,

such a preliminary study is important (see below) in developing a

luminescence immunoassay. Immunoassay Studies

The titration curves (Figures 5.2-5.5) show the CL enhance­

ment effect. The magnitude of this effect, however, depends on

F:P ratio of the conjugates and the concentration of the anti-HSA

antibodies. The effect (see above) of F:P ratio on the CL signal

and the formation of cros~linked aggregates (Ab-Ag~Ab, Ab-Ag-Ab­

Ag, etc) may explain the results. For example, sterical protection

of the labelled sites in an aggregate may partially be responsible

for reduction in the CL enhancement effect. Attempts to reproduce

the enhancement effect utilising D-HSA conjugates with photon

excitation demonstrated (Table 5.2) that the effect was not

repl aced. L im [45] 1 i kewi se found that fl uorescence enhancement

effect did not occur with the D-HSA conjugates. This effect,

however, occurs with FL -HSA and ~1DPF -HSA conjugates. In additi on

to HSA, the fluram enhancement effect has been utilised [45] to

develop assays for tricyclic antidepressants, human IgG, trans­

ferrin, etc.

The mechanism of the CL enhancement was investigated briefly

in a non-flow system using D-HSA (F:P ratio, 1:1) and anti-HSA

antibodies. The CL reaction was initiated externally due to two

factors: the luminometer was modified for flow injection analysis


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---1 LJ

ClJ >

4-ro -ClJ

0:: ~

W <D

0 0 , F:P ratio, 17.4: 1

40 <>-<> , F:P ratio, 0.8: 1

.......... , F:P ratio, 2.2:1




OL-------~~------~--------~--------~--~ o 40 80 120 160 [Anti-HSA] x10-9M

FIGURE 5.2: Titration curves showing the effect of anti-HSA antibodies on the luminescence of FL-HSA conjugates.

-1 Flow rate of H202: 6 ml min

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aJ > -~ ro .., --'

0 aJ a:::





o 0

, F:P ratio, 3.2:1

, F:P ratio, 2.4:1

, F:P ratio, 0.8:1

~-. - ___ a ----____ a

40 80 120 160 [Anti-HSA] x10-9 M

FIGURE 5.3: Titration curves showing the effect of anti -HSA antibodies on the luminescence of MDPF-HSA conjugates

-1 Flow rate of H


2: 6 ml min

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....... -1 u QJ

> -.!9 QJ


'" CY ~




10 • • • F:P ratio, 2.3: 1

5 G 0 • F:P ratio, 13.6: 1

<> 0 • F:P ratio, 7.4: 1

o o d

40 80 120 160

[Anti-HSA] X 10-9 M FIGURE 5.4: Titration curves showing the effect of anti-HSA antibodies on the luminescence

of FITC-HSA conjugates.

-1 Flow rate of H202: 6.4 ml min

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..,. N

55 -, F:P ratio, 1 : 1

-0 0, F:P ratio, 2.1 : 1

.45 F:P ratio, 7.8: 1 --I LJ

QJ 35 > 4-ro ~

QJ 25 0:::


40 80 120 160 [Anti-HSAl x10-9M

FIGURE 5.5: Titration curves shO\~ing the effect of anti-HSA antibodies on the luminescence of D-HSA conjugates

-1 Flow rate of H


2: 6.4 ml min

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Ex/Em, 325/525 nm Experimenta 1 FI of FI of

blank sample

D-HSA (F:P ra ti 0, 1 : 1 ) 49.2 53.5

" " " " -9

+ 10.6 x 10 M anti-HSA 49.2 53.2

" " " " + 21 x 10 -9M " 49.5 55.0

" " " " + 43 x 10-9~1 " 49.0 54.2

" " " " + 85 x 10-9M " 49.2 54.8

" " " " + 160 x 10-9M " 49.0 55.0

D-HSA (F:P rati 0, 7.8:1) 49.2 55.0

" " " " -9

+ 10.6 x 10 M anti-HSA 49.2 55.0

" " " " + 21 x 10 -9M " 49.5 56.0

" " " " -9

+ 43 x lOt·' " 49.0 52.0

" " " " + 85 x lO-9M " 49.2 5~.2

" " " " + 160 x 10-9M " 49.0 54.0

TABLE 5.2: Effect of adding anti-HSA antibodies to 28.1 x 10-9M D-HSA conjugates

Excitation slit: 8 nm

Emission slit: 12 nm


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and therefore generation of a complete intensity-time curve

was difficult, and moreover, as described in Section 2.3.2 the

procedure suffers from poor precision with conventional injection

methods due to variations in force of injection, mixing etc.

Nevertheless, the results (Figure 5.6) suggest that the enhancement

effect may be due to an increase in the reaction rate and/or due

to an increase in the overall CL efficiency of the reaction.

This is because CL intensity (equation 1.6) is a product of

reaction rate and CL efficiency. The increase in the CL effi­

ciency may be due to an increase in the fluorescence efficiency

of the antibody-bound labelled antigen. The possibility of uti­

lising a change in the reaction or a change in the peroxyoxalate

CL efficiency has been described [30,39] for developing homogeneous

assays. Further work, however, is required to establish the exact

mechanism of the enhancement effect.

Experiments (Figure 5.7 and Table 5.3) performed with bovine

serum albumin, bovine serum, anti-a-2-macroglobulin, etc demon­

strates that the enhancement assay is highly specific. Further­

more, the effect is a consequence of specific antigen-antibody

complexation, because the effect is negligible (2-7%) in the pre­

sence of anti-a-2-macroglobulin and reversible in the presence

of HSA. The negligible (ca.12%) reversal effect (Figure 5.7) with

BSA is possibly due to cross-reactivity of the antibodies and/or

due to contamination of the sample with HSA, on contact with the

sample loop and the fia tube. The CL enhancement effect (Table

5.3) observed with the anti-phenytoin antiserum may be due to



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........J LJ



aJ 40 > -re

QJ 30 cc:



-, D-HSA (F:P ratio, 1 :1)

o---(), D-HSA + anti-HSA antibodies

o~----~--~--~----~--~ 10 20 30 40 50 60

Time (Secs)

FIGURE 5.6: intensity-time curves showing the luminescence of D-HSA and D-HSA plus anti-HSA antibodies


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--' u Qj

> .~ ...., '" ~


· .-





FIGURE 5.7 Examples of recorder traces showing the luminescence

of (A) 28.1 x lD-9M D-HSA (F:P ratio!, 1:1);

(B) 28.1 x lD-9M D-HSA (F:P ratio, 1:1) + 85 x lD-9M anti-HSA antibodies; (C) 28.1 x lD-9M D-HSA (F:P ratio

1:1) + 39.8 x lD-9M BSA + 85 x lD-9M anti-HSA antibodies;

and (D) 28.1 x lD-9M D-HSA (F:P ratio, 1:1) + 40.2 x lD-9M HSA + 85 x lD-9M anti-HSA antibodies


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Experimental CLl

28.1 -9 1 : 1 ) + 85 x 10-9M x 10 M D-HSA (F:P ratio, 71.0 anti-HSA antibodies

28.1 -9 -9 x 10 M D-HSA (F:P ratio, 1:1) + 85 x 10 M 6.0 anti-HSA antibodies + human serum (1:12000)

28.1 -9 1 : 1 ) + 85 x 10-9M x 10 M D-HSA (F:P ratio, 79.5 anti-HSA antibodies -9 -9 28.1 x 10 M D-HSA (F:P ratio, 1:1) + 85 x 10 M 78.5 anti-HSA antibodies + bovine serum (1:12000)

-9 33 x 10 t·1 FL-HSA (F:P ratio, 17.4:1 ) 14.5 -9 17.4:1 ) + anti-33 x 10 M FL-HSA (F:P ratio, 21.00 phenytoin antiserum (1:7500) ,

28.1 -9 x 10 M FITC-HSA (F:P ratio, 2.3:1) 19.0 -9 19.5 28.1 x 10 M FITC-HSA (F:P ratio, 2.3:1)

+ 4.3 x 10-9M anti-a-2-macroglobulin

-9 28.1 x 10 M MDPF-HSA (F:P ratio, 0.7:1) 15.0 -9 16.0 28.1 x 10 M ~1DPF-HSA (F:P ratio, 0.7:1)

+ 4.3 x 10-9M anti-a-2-macrog10bulin

TABLE 5.3: Effect on the luminescence of labelled HSA conjugates in the presence of each of the above samples


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contamination of the antiserum with anti-HSA antibodies or

due to the use of HSA as an immunogenic carrier for raising of

the anti-phenytoin antibodies. The enhancement CLIA based on

the two-phase sequential technique and the simultaneous addition

technique are shown in Figure 5.8. Evidently, the two-phase

sequential assay has lower detection limits (HSA) than the simul­

taneous assay. This is due to two factors: maximum binding of

HSA in phase-one of the assay and minimal dissociation of the

antibody-HSA complex in phase-two of the assay. The technique is

thus particularly useful for determining urinary albumin or when

the sample is available in limited amounts, for example sample from

a newly-born child.

The performance of the two-phase sequential enhancement CLIA

(Figure 5.9) was evaluated against a standard human serum (SHS)

sample and against the bromocresol green method. The precision

(CV of at least 5.6%) is acceptable for clinical measurements

and the results (Table 5.4) obtained agree favourably with the

value for the standard human serum sample and the bromocresol

green method.


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....... --.J LJ


> 40-tU

--' QJ






• ., Two-phase sequential addition technique

- --, Simultaneous addition techn i que


o~--~----~--~--~----~ o 10 20 30 40 [HSA] X 10- 9 M


FIGURE 5.8: Comparison of the two-phase sequential addition enhancement CLIA and the simultaneous addition enhancement CLIA. The concentration of D-HSA (F:P ratio, 1:1) was 28.1 x 1O-9M

-1 Flow rate of H202: 4.8 m1 min


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l1"I 0


40 ....... -.J LJ

<lJ 30 > .-

"'-It) ~

& 20


0' 6 io 4'0 6'0 . 8'0

[HSA] x 10-9 M

FIGURE 5.9: Standard dose-response curve based on the two-phase sequential addition technique. Error bars represent standard deviations for five determinations.

-1 Flow rate of H202: 5 ml min

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Sample Two-phase sequential CV (%) BCG method CV (%) enhancement CLIA

SHS containing 47 g.l -1 albumin 47.7 g.l -1 [12,000] 4.2 (n=5) 46.7 g.l -1 [250] 4.1 (n=5) 49.3 g.l -1 [24,000] 5.6 (n=5)

Pooled human serum 45.3 g.l -1 [12,000] 4.5 (n=4 ) 45.6 g.l -1 [250] 5.0 (n=4)

TABLE 5.4: Comparison of the two-phase sequential enhancement CLIA, a standard human serum sample, and the bromocresol green method. Figures in square brackets represent dilution factors.

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5.4 Conclusion

The study of analytical parameters involving comparison of

the luminescence of D-HSA (F:P ratio, 2.1 :1), FITC-HSA (F:P ratio,

2.3:1), and MDPF-HSA (F:P ratio, 2.4:1) conjugates demonstrated

that the D-HSA conjugate could be measured with the highest sensi­

tivity and with the highest precision. The relatively high excita­

tion efficiency of the D-HSA conjugate may partially explain the

results. The main criticism of this comparative study is that the

F:P ratio of the conjugate is not identical, and consequently,

the results are liable to misinterpretation. Further studies

involving comparison of the luminescence of a heavily (F:P ratio,

13.6:1) labelled FITC-HSA conjugate and a lightly (F:P ratio,

2.3:1) labelled FITC-HSA conjugate and also, D-HSA conjugates

confirmed that CL decreased with the heavily labelled conjugates.

The reduction in the CL signal is most likely a consequence of

decreased fluorescence efficiency, concentration quenching or

co11isiona1 interactions.

The CL enhancement effect as evident from titration curves

is due to antigen-antibody comp1exation. The magnitude of this

effect, however, depends on two major factors: concentration of

the anti-HSA antibodies, and the F:P ratio of the conjugates.

The effect of F:P ratio on the CL signal and the formation of

cross1inked aggregates (Ab-Ag-Ab, Ab-Ag-Ab-Ag, etc) may explain

the results. The CL enhancement is highly specific, because of

the negligible (Ca. 12%) reversal effect with bovine serum albumin.

This is possibly due to cross-reactivity and/or contamination of


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the injected (into sample loop) with the human serum albumin.

Furthermore, the enhancement effect is negligible (2-7%) with

non-specific antibodies such as anti-a-~macroglobulin, and in

addition, the assay does not suffer from environmental inter­

ferences (quenching). The mechanism of the enhancement effect is

uncertain. It is probably due to an increase in the reaction

rate and/or due to an increase in the overall CL efficiency.

This may be a consequence of an increase in the fluorescency

efficiency of the antibody-bound labelled antigen.

The two-phase sequential enhancement CLIA has lower limits

of detection than the simultaneous addition technique. This

is partially due to maximal binding of HSA in phase-one of the

assay and partially due to minimal dissociation of the antibody­

bound HSA. The two-phase enhancement CLIA is thus particularly

useful for determination of albumin in urine, cerebrospinal

fluid, or when the sample is available in limited amounts, for

example samples from a newly-born child. Moreover, the technique

is valid (compares favourably with the BCG method), simple and

hence amenable to full automation, does not suffer from environ­

mental interferences and flexible in approach, because labels such

as MDPF, FITC, etc may be employed.


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Luminescence procedures based on TCPO excitation of

fluorophors have thus far found limited utility in biochemical

analyses. This is primarily due to incompatibility of TCPO with

the aqueous, near-neutral environment required for biochemical

materials such as proteins. The procedures suffer from poor

reproducibility in static systems due to four major factors:

(a) limited water-solubility of TCPO in buffers such as phosphate,

barbital, etc, (b) hydrolysis of TCPO, (c) variations in force

of reagent injection, and (d) instantaneous production of CL.

These problems were partially circumvented in this work using

an optimised peroxyoxalate-fia luminometer and using 0.22M imi­

dazole-HCl buffer, pH 7.0. The hydrolysis of TCPO, however,

presented a major practical problem, although it was minimised

by maintaining a constant time interval between TCPO addition

to the sample and injection of the sample plus TCPO into the

flowing hydrogen peroxide stream. McCapra [701 has recently

suggested that hydrolysis of oxalate derivatives may be minimised

using acridane phenyl ester derivatives with bulky protective

groups near the ester linkages. This may reduce the CL efficiency

of the oxalate-fluorescer system because of the substituent

(e.g. electronegative groups substituted with electron-donating

groups) effects. The precision of the described system may be

improved using sophisticated flow injection analysis with merging

zone principles. Alternatively. a centrifugal fast analyser may


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be employed to minimise TCPO hydrolysis and to achieve better

mixing of the reagents [30]. The additional advantage of

utilising a centrifugal fast analyser is that a complete time­

intensity curve can be generated and hence kinetics of a reaction

may be studied. The relatively high-cost of centrifugal fast

analysers may, however, at the present limit their wide use.

The use of the imidazole -HCl buffer (pH 7.0) eliminated

the non-specific quenching problem encountered in the preliminary

TCPO-excited LIA studies. The mechanism of the non-specific

quenching effect is obscure. It probably occurs via interaction

of protein groups with the high energy, l,2-dioxetanedione/charge­

transfer complex (Scheme 1). Detailed investigations of the

dependence of this effect on the relative molecular weight of

added proteins is required to establish the exact mechanism and

its possible exploitation in analysis. The background serum

fluorescence problem, on the other hand, was reduced in this

study using adsorbents such as calcium hydroxylapatite, Blue

Sepharose CL-6B etc. Calcium hydroxylapatite is the most

efficient adsorbent because about 95% reduction in the serum

fluorescence was accomplished at the wavelengths studied. Tita­

nium dioxide and titanium oxide are also promising materials,

but the laboratory grades are not suitable for column chromato­

graphy. The spheroidal materials described by Thomson and

Miles [139] will be particularly useful in FIA techniques. This

is because molecular exclusion may be utilised to enhance the

fractionating properties of the adsorbents. These studies thus


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provided a valuable insight into identification of the possible

endogeneous (serum and urine) fluorescent materials. Moreover,

the potential of this highly efficient, economical, and simple

approach in reducing serum fluorescence was demonstrated. The

use of this approach in homogeneous FIAs would significantly

improve the detection limits. This will, of course, be a

disadvantageous feature of the assay because the principal

advantage of homogeneous assays is their avoidance of any sepa­

ration method.

The fluorescence enhancement utilising FL-T4 was unsuitable

for LIA studies due to poor reversibility of the assay. The

radioimmunoassay investigations suggested that incomplete

labelling of thyroxine may be responsible for the poor reversi­

bility effect. The two-phase sequential addition FIA utilising

FITC-T4 has lower detection limits than the corresponding simul­

taneous addition FIAs. This simple technique is thus particularly

useful for the determination of low analyte concentrations or

when the sample is available in limited amounts. The endogeneous

T4 binding serum proteins (TSG) presented a major problem in

developing a viable enhancement FIA, polarisation FIA, and the

TCPO-excited LIA utilising the fluorescence enhancement effect

of FITC-T4. These problems may be partially resolved using pre­

extracted material from serum samples or using labels with minimal

affinity for serum proteins. Such a fluorescent label has appa­

rently not been developed thus far, although a 125I-labelled

thyroxine derivative has recently been introduced in the Amerlex


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T4 RIA kit, developed by Amersham International Limited, UK.

The ELISA technique as demonstrated in this study is highly

versatile, because the T4 assay was monitored with photo­

and chemiluminescence (luminol, peroxyoxalate) detection.

The assay based on luminol CL compared favourably with the stan­

dard colorimetric procedure. The TCPO-excited LIA utilising the

fluorescence reaction of tyramine-peroxidase-H202 may be improved

using fluorogenic substrates with high Ex/Em maxima and high

fluorescence efficiency. An alternative method of achieving

this would be the use of fluorogenic substrates with amino

groups. As an example of this simple approach the detection

limits [119] for aminofluoranthene is 83,500 lower than that of


The results obtained using the enhancement CLIA for human

serum albumin correlated well with a standard human serum sample

and the colorimetric method based on bromocresol green. The assay

exhibits excellent specificity and is not prone to environmental

interferences. The mechanism of the CL enhancement is valid for

both low- and high-molecular weight analytes, and furthermore,

the effect apparently occurred with a wide variety of fluorescent

labels such as fluorescein isothiocyanate, dansyl chloride, MDPF,

and fluorescamine. These studies thus suggest the possible exploi­

tation of this simple technique in multicomponent analysis. One

possible approach would be to label an antigen, for example with

fluorescamine and a second antigen, for example. with rhodamine­

B-isothiocyanate. The use of appropriate cut-off filters would



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then enable measurement of the luminescence of these labels.

However, detailed investigation into the mechanism of the CL

enhancement effect is required for its exploitation in the

development of a generally-applicable CL enhancement immunoassay.

The combined merits of high intrinsic sensitivity and prac­

ticality (ease of labelling, low-cost, etc) of LIAs ensures

increasing use and rapid expansion of these techniques in

analytical sciences. Further advances in LIAs are anticipated

in the following major areas.


a) Videofluorimeters [167,168] for improving the signal-to­

noise ratio, and for the simultaneous representation of

excitation, and emission spectra in the form of three­

dimensional spectra known as excitation-emission matrix (EEM)

or fluorogram. The EEM data would be particularly useful in

identifying fluorescent materials present in a complex


b) Photon-counting luminometers [30] for improving the signal­

to-noise ratio.

c) Automation 069,170,171] and theutil isation of mi croprocessors

in data acquisition, storage etc. The use [l72]" of intelli­

gence of computers in optimising an assay, for example,

selection of optimal operating parameters, corrections for

background interferences, etc. This would facilitate complete

automation of LIAs.


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Monoelonal Antibodies

These antibodies, produced [173,174J by hybridoma fusion

of sensitised lymphocytes and myeloma cells are homogeneous.

Monoclonal antibodies are thus particularly valuable in enhan­

cing specificity and sensitivity of an assay. Furthermore,

these antibody preparations will facilitate quality control.

It is quite evident that these techniques will revolu­

tionise the areas of clinical diagonsis, forensic science, etc.

The full impact of these on LIAs, however, remains to be wit­



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