
Character Strengths and Writing

November 11, 2016, Volume 9,#16

A message from our principal…

Great day Team and Family:

This has been an unusual, yet strengthening week for our community. Our scholars

asked intelligent questions about the result of the presidential election and how it

may impact them and their community. Our discussions centered on the need for

higher education, informed political knowledge, and the purpose of voting and being

productive citizens. I continue to be amazed at the intellectual genius, optimism, and

social intelligence of our KIPPsters who remain aware of local, national, and

international issues.

The months of November and December are very important for our scholars,

parents, and staff. First and foremost, our scholars take the MAP and benchmark

tests. Along with these tests, our scholars must finish the first semester strong, by

completing all assignments and projects in excellence. Parents, KIPPsters receive

their progress reports today. Talk to your KIPPsters about their grades. Ask them

what they are doing in school everyday. Ask questions about their classwork,

homework, quizzes, and tests. Read the Connections newsletter every week, and get

engaged in KSFA


Let us congratulate our

football team for a

well played season.

Although we did not

make the playoffs, our

KIPPsters learned the

importance of a strong

work ethic.

Congratulations to our

cheerleaders. They are

the 2016 Luke Sports


Basketball season

begins tomorrow. Our

boys team plays Fulton Leadership at Ebster Recreation. We have one week before

our Thanksgiving break, let us make it a great one. As usual, thanks for all that you

do to ensure the success of KSFA. It is a privilege to be your school principal.

Jondré Pryor

Friday, November 11th

Progress reports go home

Saturday, November 12th

9:00-12:00 debate practice

10:30a KSFA (Boys) vs

Fulton Leadership, Ebster

Recreation Center, Electric

Avenue, Decatur, 30030

Monday, November 14th

4:00-6:00p pom tryouts

4:00-6:00p girls basketball

4:15-5:30p debate practice

Tuesday, November 15th

4:00-6:00p pom tryouts

4:00-6:00p boys basketball

4:00-6:00p girls basketball

Wednesday, November 16th

3:00-5:00p boys basketball

3:30-5:00p theatre rehearsal

3:30-5:00p parent confer-


Thursday, November 17th

4:00-6:00p pom tryouts

4:00-6:00p boys basketball

4:00-6:00p girls basketball

Friday, November 18th

1:30p Early release day

Saturday, November 19th

8:45-10:00a KSFA Busi-

ness Emporium

10:30a KSFA (Boys) vs

Landmark, Ebster Recrea-

tion Center, Electric Ave-

nue, Decatur, 30030

Monday, November 21st -

Friday, November 25th

Thanksgiving Break-

KIPPsters do not report.

Character Strengths and Writing


KIPP South Fulton Acad-emy will be known as a school of excellence, a community where our KIPPsters think critical-ly, communicate their thinking effectively (written and verbally), and solve prob-lems. They have the self-advocacy and social in-telligence to engage thoughtfully with others. They display a high level of optimism, grit, and gratitude enabling them to have the opportunity to earn their way into a top-notch high school.

KSFA’s Goal:

The goal of

KSFA is for

every KIPPster to gradu-

ate from college!

A message from Ms. Harris... School Attendance is important.

We know that the holidays are approaching and that the weather is changing. This

can mean absences from school, so here are a few gentle reminders from our

KSFA Handbook in the event your scholar has to be out of school:

The following guidelines have been established to minimize absenteeism. The

Georgia Board of Education allows for documented absences due to:

• Personal illness

• Death or serious illness in the family

• Recognized religious holidays

• Absences caused by order of government

• Inclement weather or dangerous conditions

• Voter registration or voting in a public election, not to exceed one (1) day per

school year

When a student is absent, a parent or guardian must communicate in person or

in writing (via email to teachers and the main office – thar-

[email protected]) with the school. This communication should clearly

state the reason(s) for the absence. For extended absences (3 or more consecutive

days), supporting documentation (i.e. doctor’s note) is required. Furthermore,

once a student has reached 10 cumulative absences for the year, official documen-

tation must be provided in order for any subsequent absences to be excused).

If a student misses the bus or oversleeps, it is the parent’s responsibility to find a

way for the child to get to school. Transportation problems are not considered ex-

cused absences.

In the event that a student is absent for the first part of the day, he or she is still

encouraged to report to school. Scholars who report to school after 12:00 p.m.

(Monday – Friday), however, will be considered absent for the entire school day.

In addition, students who report to school but leave before 10:30 a.m. will be con-

sidered absent for the entire school day.

Excessive absences will be considered in any retention decision. If a student is

absent a total of more than ten days, formal inquiries will be made and reported to

the appropriate law enforcement agency.

In addition, students absent more than fifteen days will be considered for reten-

tion. Students are also expected to arrive on time to school each day. School be-

gins each day at 7:30 a.m. Students who arrive after 7:30 a.m. are considered tar-

dy and will be marked as such on their attendance records. Every three tardies will

count as an absence, which will be considered in all retention decisions. Thank


Tamika Harris, School Operations Manager

Character Strengths and Writing

Writing Vision

KIPP South Fulton Acade-

my scholars will produce

writing with a clear focus

and controlling idea. They

will make complex concep-

tual connections between

themes and ideas presented

in various texts. Through

precise and appropriate

word choice, KIPPsters will

write using a distinct voice

that clearly conveys the tone

and purpose of their

work. KIPPsters will

demonstrate the ability to

pose significant questions;

to describe, interpret, and

analyze texts in order to jus-

tify claims. They will ex-

plore topics fully, think crit-

ically and creatively, and

convey ideas using gram-

matically correct and lucid


A message from Mr. Stucker...

Our Lady of Mercy Catholic High School Open House

Open House: Sunday, November 13, 2016 at 11:00-2:00 pm

Mass at 10:00 am

Open house: 11:00 am-2:00 pm

See for more information

*Note: No registration process is set up, just show up.

Please email me at [email protected] or call me at 404-664-4340 to

schedule a consultation session to develop a list of suitable high schools for your


Mark Stucker,

High School Placement Director

A message from Dr. Shannon…

Our KSFA Business Emporium is next Saturday, November 19th. Team, if you

have a business, and/or know anyone who has a business, please participate so

that we can network together. Today is the last day to register. We must practice

Ujamaa, cooperative economics, and make certain that we continue to support

each other.

It is an honor to serve with each of

you as we educate future generations.

[email protected]

Lisa Shannon, Ph.D., Parent Liaison

404.328.5471, lshan-

[email protected]

Character Strengths and Writing

Character Strengths and Writing

Character Strengths and Writing

Character Strengths and Writing

Character Strengths and Writing

Character Strengths and Writing

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