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November 2007

Virginia Department of EducationVirginia Department of Education


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November 2007

Let’s begin with…Let’s begin with…



Listen to the question.

Move to the appropriate corner based on your answer to the question.

Be ready to listen to the next question and move to the right corner.

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Four Corners: Question #1

How many beginning teachersdo you have in your schooldivision this school year? Back left: 1 to 25

Back right: 26 to 100

Front left: 101 to 250

Front right: More than 250

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Four Corners: Question #2

How long has your division hada “formal” mentoring program?

Back left: 0 to 3 years

Back right: 3 to 7 years

Front left: 7 to 10 years

Front right: More than 10 years

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“Mentor programs help beginning teachers make a successful transition into teaching by relying on the expertise of veterans to provide a clinical, real-world training process.”

Guidelines for Mentor Teacher Programs

for Beginning and Experienced Teachers

June 22, 2000

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Four Corners: Question #3

What model of mentoring doyou currently use?

Back left: Santa Cruz

Back right: Pathwise

Front left: Great Beginnings

Front right: Locally Developed

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Four Corners: Question #4

How many years have you

personally been involved in

mentoring beginning teachers? Back left: 0 to 1 year

Back right: 2 to 5 years

Front left: 6 to 10 years

Front right: More than 10 years

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Purpose of Mentor Training

To provide divisions witha range of materials andresources to accomplish

the objectives ofa mentoring program.

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In order to accomplishthese purposes, we will use a “trainer of-trainers” model to:

Provide a suggested sequence of experiences/activities

Practice, as a participant

Receive the materials necessary to deliver training in local divisions

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Agenda: Day 1

• Getting to know the participants

• Welcome and introductions

• Establish purpose of the training

• Establish Goals/Expectations

• Why mentoring?

• Understanding the needs of beginning teachers

• Characteristics of effective mentoring

• Language of support

• Formative assessment

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Welcome & Introductions

• Please introduce yourself to your table group.

• Each table group should develop ONE goal/expectation regarding today’s training.

• Be prepared to report out to the entire group.

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Why Mentoring?

Guidelines for Mentoring Teacher Programs for Beginning & Experienced TeachersVirginia Department of Education

• Retaining quality teachers• Improving beginning teachers’ skills and

performance• Supporting teacher morale, communications and

collegiality• Building a sense of professionalism, positive attitude• Facilitating a seamless transition into the first year of

teaching• Putting theory into practice• Preventing teacher isolation• Building self-reflection

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Teacher Retention Statistics

• 17% of teachers leave after one year

• 30% of teachers leave after two years

• 40% leave after three years

• Nearly half leave after five years

Mentoring Beginning Teachers: Guiding, Reflecting, CoachingBoreen, Johnson, Niday and Potts (2000)

Why Mentoring?

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Why Mentoring?

Cost Implications

• The cost of replacing a teacher is 25-35% of the annual salary and benefit costs.

• It costs $11,000 every time a teacher leaves the profession.

Center of Best Practices of the National Governors Association

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Guidelines for Mentor Teacher Programs

“The 1999 Virginia General Assembly enacted the Education Accountability and Quality Enhancement Act … aimed at supporting educator productivity and accountability. The elements of the legislation include the … mentoring of new teachers and those experiencing difficulties as part of the training of continuum for all teachers. The legislation amended the Code of Virginia § 22.1-305.1 Mentor Teacher Program.”

Guidelines for Mentor Teacher Programs for Beginning and Experienced Teachers Virginia Department of Education

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Why Mentoring?

IT’S THE LAW!!Code of Virginia §22.1-305.1

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Understanding the Needs of the Beginning Teacher

• Work in table groups.

• Get chart paper and markers.

• Draw a picture of what a first-year teacher looks like.

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Most Commonly Reported Problems Facing Beginning Teachers

• Classroom discipline

• Motivating students

• Dealing with individual differences

• Parent relations

• Planning class work

• Evaluating student work

• Insufficient materials and supplies

• Students’ personal problems

• Relations with colleagues

Veenman, 1986

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Phases of First Year Teachers’Attitudes Towards Teaching







I’m ready!


Yes!I can!

Winter Break!

Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug

Ellen Moir, UC Santa Cruz, 1990

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Roles of a Mentor• Resource• Problem Solver• Advocate• Facilitator• Coach• Collaborator• Learner• Assessor• Trusted Listener• Teacher

• Find the role assigned for your table.

• Generate a list of specific activities a mentor might do in that role.

• Write one activity per Post-It Note.

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Roles & Phases

Using your Post-It Notes, place each Post-It Note on the beginning teacher phase where you feel it would most benefit the beginning teacher.

• Anticipation• Survival• Disillusionment• Rejuvenation• Reflection• Anticipation

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Characteristics of an Effective Mentor


• Think about someone who has been a mentor in your life.

• Jot down what that person was like? What characteristics made them an effective mentor?

• Share with an “elbow partner.”

“The message mentors provide is twofold: You are worth my time and effort because you are a valuable human being. And I can offer you – by my word or deed, or by the example of my life – ways to expand your horizons and to increase the likelihood that you will achieve success.”

One on One: A Guide for Establishing Mentor Programs, USDOE

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An Effective Mentor

Does not:



–Assume the role of an expert

–Attempt to clone him/herself

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Characteristics ofan Effective Mentor

• Talk with your table about your mentor.

• Using the format of a newspaper want-ad, create a mentor want-ad for your division.

• Include qualities desired, job responsibilities, and

benefits of the job.

• Post it on the wall.

Remember: Want-ads are briefand focus on key points. Don’t

forget to include where to apply if interested in being a mentor.

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Characteristics of an Effective Mentor

• Committed to the role of mentoring• Accepting of the beginning teacher• Capable of observing in a non-biased

manner without judgment• Skilled at providing instructional support• Effective communicator with excellent

interpersonal skills• Model of a continuous learner• Communicator of hope and optimism James B. Rowley, Educational Leadership, May 1999

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Mentoring for “What?”

• Improved teaching performance

• Increased student achievement, especially among traditionally underserved student populations

• Increased retention of teachers

Virginia Requirements of Quality & Effectiveness for BeginningTeacher Mentor Programs in Hard-to-Staff Schools (June 2004)

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Mentoring programs need to be based on teaching standards.

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Understanding the Purposes of Teaching Standards

Teaching standards provide:

• A conceptual model of good teaching

• Common language for teaching

• Clear benchmarks for assessing the performance of beginning teachers

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The Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria for Teachers, Administrators, and Superintendents (Virginia Department of Education, 2000) defines five

major categories of evaluation criteria:

• Planning and Assessment

• Instruction

• Safety and Learning Environment

• Communication and Community Relations

• Professionalism

Defining Good Teaching

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Mentoring based on teaching

standards ...

improves teaching performance

which ...

increases student


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The “How” of Mentoring

“Induction is a process – a comprehensive, coherent, and sustained professional development process that is organized by a school district to train, support, and retain new teachers and seamlessly progresses them into a lifelong learning program. Mentoring is an action. It is what mentors do. A mentor is a single person, whose basic function is to help a new teacher.”

Harry K. Wong

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Building a Trusting Relationship


Think of a person with whom you’ve

enjoyed a trusting relationship.


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Building a Trusting Relationship

Silent Share• Begin a “silent share” by having one person jot

down one of the characteristics of this trusting relationship.

• Continue recording “round robin.”

• You may pass at any time.

• Appoint someone to be prepared to share with the rest of the participants & post your chart.

• Silently scan the charts and identify similarities.

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Give One – Get One• Jot down 3 strategies you will/can

use to develop a trusting relationship with your mentee.

• Get up and find someone at another table.

• GIVE ONE idea from your list to your partner. GET ONE IDEA FROM YOUR PARTNER.

• If your list and your partner’s list are identical, you must brainstorm together an idea that can be added to both of your lists.

Note: Exchange no more thanone strategy with any given partner.

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Language of SupportParaphrasing

Letting the teacher know thatyou hear, understand, and care.

ClarifyingLetting the teacher know that you

hear, but you’re not sure of what youheard

• In other words…

• What I’m hearing…

• From what I hear you say…

• I’m hearing many things…

• As I listen to you, I’m hearing…

• So, you think…

• It sounds like you want…

• Let me see if I understand…

• To what extent…?

• I’m curious to know more about …

• I’m interested in…

• Tell me how that idea is like (or different from)…

• So, are you suggesting…?

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Language of SupportMediating

Allowing the teacher to reflect or raise awareness

ImaginingHelping the teacher to think

about alternatives.

• What’s another way you might ...?

• What criteria do you use …?

• What would it look like if …?

• When have you done it like this before …?

• What might you see happening if …?

• How was …different from …?

• How do you determine …?

• It’s sometimes useful to …

• A couple of things you need to keep in mind …

• Something you might try considering is …

• To what extend might … work in your situation?

• There are a number of approaches …

• What do you imagine might … ?

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Role Play:Modeling the “Language of Support”

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Role Playing with the “Language of Support”

Think of a situation you’ve dealt with in school that you wouldlike to discuss with a colleague, or make up a situation.

For each round, try to use at least one:• Paraphrasing statement• Clarifying statement or question• Mediational question• Pausing and silence

Mentor Mentee Observer

Round 1 Person 1 Person 2 Person 3

Round 2 Person 3 Person 1 Person 2

Round 3 Person 2 Person 3 Person 1

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“Give a man a fish; you havefed him for today. Teach aman to fish; and you have

fed him for a lifetime.”Author Unknown

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The Role of Evidencein Formative Assessment

We collect evidenceto help the beginningteacher assess hisor her practice -- formativeassessment.

Formative assessmentis the exercise of diagnostic professionaljudgment for the purpose of analyzingpractice and student learning and of guidingfuture development.

Formative assessment is free of any potential penalty.

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• Is an ongoing measurement of growth over time

Uses evidence of student learning and teacher practice to help identify areas of strength and those that need growth

Is objective and data-based

Is responsive to the teacher’s developmental needs

Is interactive and collaborative

Involves assessment tools that support inquiry and reflection

Formative Assessment …

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Evidence vs. Opinion

• In your table groups, use a T-Chart to compare evidence and opinion.

• Develop a definition of “evidence.”

• Be prepared to report out to the whole group.

Evidence Opinion

Summary Statement:

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Main Entry: ev·i·dence Function: nouna: an outward sign: INDICATION

b: something that furnishes proof : TESTIMONY

• Based on truth

• Material items or assertions of fact

• Free from opinion and prejudice

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Evidence or Opinion?

The students were excited.

The class was out of control.

The teacher said the Vietnam War was a waste of tax-payers’ money and military time.

Two students were sleeping throughout the lesson.


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Evidence: “Just the facts, ma’am!”

Evidence can be collected in anumber of ways:

• VERBATIM SCRIPTING of teacher or student comments: “Would one person from each table come to collect the materials?”

• NON-EVALUATIVE STATEMENTS of observed teacher or student behavior:

“The teacher stands by the door, greeting students as they enter.”

• NUMERIC INFORMATION about time, student participation, resource use, etc.:“Three students offer nearly all the comments during the discussion.”

• An OBSERVED ASPECT of the environment:“The assignment is on the board for students to do while roll is taken.”

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Evidence vs. Opinion:Carousel in Teacher Observation

Examples of actual teacher observation are posted along the wall.STEP #1

• With your table group, go to one that is nearest to you.• With a BLUE highlighter, underline all examples of evidence. • With a RED marker, underline all examples of opinion.

STEP #2• Rotate to the RIGHT.• Determine whether you agree or disagree with the decision of the previous group.• Rephrase all opinion statements to make them evidence.

STEP #3• Rotate RIGHT.• Review the work of the previous groups.• Reflect on the activity within your group and be

prepared to report out.



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Tools for Collecting Evidencefor Formative Assessment

• Scripting of a lesson• Document review

(lesson plans, professional growth plan)

• Videotaping• Charting

teacher/pupil talk - dialogue

• Movement patterns• Analyze student work

• Questioning strategies/question types

• Mannerisms• Modality preference• Pacing• Non-verbal feedback• Classroom

arrangement• Response behaviors

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Ways the group’s goals were met.

Ideas you want to take back to your

mentoring program.

Question you still have.

Let’s summarize what we’ve done

in Day 1.

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Agenda: Day 2

• Reflections on Day 1

• The Coaching Cycle

• Dealing with Challenging Situations

• Calendar of Mentoring Activities

• The Selection Process

• The Role of the Principal

• Accountability and Evaluation

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A Mentor Acrostic


Post your acrosticon the wall. Be

prepared to share with the group.

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The Coaching Cycle

Stage 1: Pre-Observation

Stage 2: Observation

Stage 3: Post-Observation

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Stage 1: Pre-Observation Conference

Brainstorm in your table groups:• What is the purpose of the pre-observation

conference?• What questions should you ask?• What materials will you need to bring?• What issues do you need to be sensitive about?

In your table groups, develop acheck-list for a Pre-Observation

Conference with a beginning teacher.Be prepared to report out.

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Stage 2: The Observation

Remember:• You are a silent observer.• Honor the pre-observation Conference

decisions/focus.• Collect evidence! Evidence! Evidence!

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Stage 3: Post-Observation Conference

Post-observation conferences should be:• Timely!

• Confidential

• Focused on evidence collected

• Non-evaluative/non-judgmental

• Reflective for the beginning teacher

• Designed to promote growth for the beginning teacher

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The Coaching Cycle:Putting It All Together

Read Case Study #1.Individually analyze theobservation data and, as a tablegroup, generate questions youmight ask the beginning teacherin the post observationconference.

Tomaree is a first-year teacher who

completed a fifth-year teacher

preparation program. Her

background is in secondary social

studies education, and she hopes to

one day be a high school history

teacher. She is teaching in a brand

new middle school, recently opened

by a large suburban school district

that serves students from a wide

range of socio-economic

backgrounds. At the time of this

observation, Tomaree has been

teaching for approximately three

weeks and this is her first formal

observation by her mentor. Her

classes meet for 90-minute blocks.

The class . . .

Case Study #1

Selective Scripting

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The Coaching Cycle: Putting It All Together

Read the case study provided. Role play a post-observation conference based on the information.

Make sure to:• Use the linguistic skills of mentoring• Focus on the evidence• Identify at least one goal for professional growth

Mentor Mentee

Round 1 Person 1 Person 2

Round 2 Person 2 Person 1

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What if …

• … your beginning teacher refuses your assistance.• … you go to observe and the classroom is totally

out of control?• … you see no improvement in the beginning

teacher’s practice despite repeated discussions?• … your beginning teacher is not following

school/district policy?• … an administrator comes to you and suggests

that you work on a particular thing with your beginning teacher?

• … your beginning teacher is dressing or acting unprofessionally.

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Calendar of Mentoring Activities

August September October

November December January

February March April

May June

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Selection Process

• Mentor completes and application. Committee interviews and makes selection.

• Mentor is committed to professional growth of self and beginning teachers.

• Mentor is close in proximity to the beginning teacher.• Mentor teaches same grade level/subject as beginning teacher.• Mentor has release time to work with the beginning teacher.

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Selection Process

• Mentors are chosen by principals at random.

• Mentors accept the responsibility for pay or points only.

• Mentors may or may not teach the

same subject/grade level.

• Little or no time is provided for

the mentoring process.

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Within your table groupdevelop a list ofnon-negotiables.

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The Bottom Line!

You are wasting your


without an effective mentor selection process.

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Role of the Principal

• Recognize the needs of the beginning teacher -- keep a pulse on the developmental levels and stages of beginning teachers in the school.

• Be aware and supportive of the goals of the mentoring program.

• Allow for space/time considerations for mentoring.

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• Honor issues of confidentiality between mentor and beginning teacher (fire wall!).

• Ensure that beginning teachers and mentors benefit from the mentoring process.

• Acknowledge and accept the role of the principal as a new teacher mentor.

Role of the Principal(cont.)

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Building in Accountabilityand Program Evaluation

• Pre/Post Surveys• Contact Logs• Monthly Reports (to

principal and/or mentor coordinator)

• Quarterly Benchmarks• On-line Discussion

Groups• Monthly Meetings

• Contact Logs• Teacher Retention

Data• Student Achievement

Data• Survey Data• Annual Reports

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