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Hello and welcome to the Novemberedition of Darlington Together. As youwill be aware, we held several eventsover the summer to see what you - theresidents of Darlington - thought aboutthe services we provide and whichservices you value the most. Theamount of feedback we received wasoutstanding, with people not onlycoming along to ask questions at theseevents, but also having their say onsocial media using the #dbcbudget hashtag andusing our online form.

This feedback is currently being used to help developour budget proposals, which will be added to ourwebsite and presented at cabinet this month. I urge allresidents of Darlington, please, take ten minutes toread through them when they go online. We will beholding a consultation on the budget proposals at theend of this year and every comment counts; if you donot have your say, then the services you and your lovedones use could regrettably be at risk. Please read page20 to find out more.

The budget is not the only consultation you can haveyour say on in November; we are also undergoing aboundary review. This means reorganising the 24 wardsthat make up the borough of Darlington, in order tomake sure that everyone is represented fairly. You canfind out more about how to have your say on page 28.

Finally, I was very pleased to hear thatDarlington Cares have celebrated their firstanniversary with over 500 hours ofvolunteering. This project is a welcome assetto the town and it is wonderful to see somany organisations and individuals taking partand making a difference. You can read thewhole story on page 29, including informationabout how to take part in their two latestinitiatives.

As always, you can keep up to date with DarlingtonBorough Council’s latest updates and developments onour website ( and social media.

Cllr Bill Dixon MBE(@BillDixonDton)

Leader of the Council

Darlington Borough Council | 17

Welcome to thismonth’s magazine forDarlington Borough

MP’s surgeriesJenny Chapman: MP for Darlington. Walk-in surgeries will be held between 9:30 and11am on the following Fridays: ): 8, 15 and 22November at the Constituency Office, 40aConiscliffe Road, Darlington, DL3 7RG. E-mail: [email protected]: 01325 382345

Phil Wilson: MP for Sedgefield. Theoffice is open between Monday to Friday,9.30am - 5pm. Appointments can bearranged by calling 01325 321603 or e-mail [email protected]


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Remembrance Sunday: The Council’sofficial service of Remembrance will be held inHoly Trinity Church on Sunday 10 November at10am and will be followed by a Further Act ofRemembrance at the Cenotaph in the grounds ofthe Memorial Hospital. This will incorporate the11am two minute silence and the laying of wreaths.


National Adoption Week: It is NationalAdoption Week from Monday 4 to Sunday 10November. Did you know that there are currentlythree children waiting for every adoptive family? Tofind out more about adoption in Darlington,

Darlington apprentice wins award:Joshua Appleyard has won the Apprentice/Traineeof the year award at The Plastics Industry Awards2013. He joined plastics company Nifco in 2011straight from Haughton Academy and was one oftheir first engineering apprentices.

Josh is a valuable ambassador for apprenticeshipsat Nifco and within the manufacturing sector ingeneral, attending schools careers fairs and givinginterviews to the local media. He has nowcommenced his NVQ Level 3 in toolmaking and isenrolled on a Level 3 BTEC Diploma inEngineering at Darlington College.

The ceremony took place in London on Friday 27September.

STREET (01325) 388777

COUNCIL (01325) 388373


HOUSING AND (01325) 388542


01325 380651

[email protected]

If you use the Customer ServicesCentre at the Town Hall, changes aretaking place. Find out more on page 20.


Paws for thought:The dog warden teamhas won the RSCPA’sGOLD Footprint awardfor the fourth year in arow. They received theaward for the work theydo in dealing with andlooking after stray dogsfound in the area.

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Creative Darlington was created in2011 with the aim of looking at thedevelopment of arts in the boroughand encouraging more people todiscover their creative side.

Creative Darlington also had the task of finding newways of working and developing arts finance fromnew sources.

You can find out more about Creative Darlington byvisiting orby scanning the QR code.

Creative Darlington is also on Twitter(@ArtsDarlington) and Facebook(

Creative Darlington is supportedby Darlington Borough Counciland Darlington Partnership, aswell as Darlington for Culture andlocal businesses, artsorganisations, higher educationand the health sector.

What has Creative Darlington done?

• Supported local and national events such asDarlington Arts Festival, Festival of Thrift, the BigDraw and the Jabberwocky Market, as well aslocal arts organisations such as OddmanOut.

• Programmed Crown Street Art Gallery which hasattracted almost 28,000 visits between May 2012and October 2013.

• Worked with volunteers, artists and artsorganisations to make the Bridge—Centre forVisual Arts a successful community led venue.

• Organised seminars in securing sponsorship andfundraising for artists and organisations.

You may be eligible for funding!

If you are an artist or arts organisation located inDarlington, Creative Darlington may be able tooffer you financial support.

There are two new schemes, one to developfinance for arts activity and one to support thedevelopment of key arts organisations in theborough. Applicants seeking support fromCreative Darlington for arts activity are expectedto secure additional finance from other sources.

For more information,call 01325 388396 or [email protected]

What is...

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Throughout June and July lots of localpeople gave up their time to tell us whichcouncil services they value and where weshould attempt to protect services in lightof the significant reduction in GovernmentGrant.

We listened to what people told us and we areusing this information to help develop our budgetproposals. The proposals will be presented at aCabinet meeting on Wednesday 13 November2013 at 5pm in the Dolphin Centre.

We will be posting details about the proposals andthe consultation on our website( on 6 November. 2013.

There will be some important decisions which weneed to make affecting you and your Borough. Sodon’t forgot to check the website andtake part in the consultation. We willof course be reminding you in theDecember edition before theconsultation closes.

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Council Budget Update

Changes to the CustomerService CentreIn the August edition of Darlington Together,we advised you of the work needed to updateour Customer Service Centre at the TownHall.

The work is underway at the moment, and it will benecessary to close the existing Customer ServiceCentre from Friday 15 November for 15weeks.

This closure will only affect people visiting theCustomer Service Centre. You will be able to contactus through the website, email and telephone as usual.

During this time we will provide a limited servicefrom the Town Hall reception. forinformation about the services which will be available.

Thank you for your patience while the work isunderway. The new Centre will deal with moreservices in one place, which will be more convenientfor you and save the Council money.

For more information about the changes please or scan theQR code.

You can also find telephone and emailcontact details for Customer Serviceson page 18 of Darlington Together.

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As the weather gets chillier andthe journey to school becomesmore of a chore it often seemseasy to grab the car keys and takea warmer, quicker option.

But by walking, cycling or scooting toschool your children are workingtowards their recommended 60 ActiveMinutes per day, to help them stayhappy, healthy and more alert and readyto learn when they arrive at school.It’s important that children do plenty ofphysical activity to build a healthy body.Inactivity over time can lead to cancer,type 2 diabetes and heart disease inlater life.

The 60 active minutes doesn’t have tobe all in one go so the journey to andfrom school is perfect. By choosing analternative to driving you’ll be doingyour bit for the environment too byhelping to reduce noise and congestionlevels.

The Council's Local Motion Team workswith schools to help pupils plan saferoutes to school using sustainabletransport.

Primary school pupils can get involvedwith MEGA Motion, which encouragesusing sustainable transport for thejourney to school at least one day perweek on MEGA Fridays. Pupils arerewarded with prizes and certificatesfor joining in. Look out for childrendressed as characters from history asthey follow this year’s ‘Travelling throughtime’ theme. To find out more

If your child has just moved up tosecondary school they should havereceived an ‘In the zone’ magazinewhich includes tips on staying safe. Taketime to help them plan their safestroute to school whether it’s on foot,bike, scooter or bus.

Be safe, be seen, be active on the journey to school!

Handy hints forkeeping safe

• On dull days dressyour child in bright orfluorescent colours,reflective armbands,strips or stickers tohelp to increase yourchild’s visibility

• At night reflectiveclothing is a must, asfluorescent coloursdon’t show up in thedark

• When cycling ensureyour child has workingfront and back lightsand wears a well fittedcycle helmet

• The message isn’t justfor children; make sureyou wear brightclothing too!

DID YOU KNOW?Each day almost 6,000children in Darlingtonwalk to school whilst740 cycle?

For more tips on getting active on the way to school visit and click on ‘travel planning’. You can also scan the QR code:

Other useful websites include:,

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If people did not drop litter then the councilcould save money to spend on other services.

From Friday November 15 to Sunday November 17we will be joining a National Campaign to try andpersuade people to stop dropping litter and to carefor their own environment.

Over this weekend we will erect two fences, onethrough the Market Square and one through StanhopeGreen. We will only pick up the litter and clean thestreet on one side of the fence. There will be a bigclean up at the end of the campaign and this will beyour chance to get involved, alongside local

councillors. Look out for more information

We are doing this to show what the streets and parkswould be like if the Council did not pick up the litterthat people drop.

The Council has a lot less money to provide serviceslike picking up litter. Have your say on our budgetproposals by visiting our website later this month

Which side of the fence are you on?KEEP BRITAIN TIDY

Which side of the fenceare you on?

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If you would like to volunteer with LitterFreeDurham or find out more about futurelitter picks, please visit (or scan the QR code), email [email protected] or call 01325 347434

Working towards alitter free Darlington!

Over 1900 volunteers took part in the 2013LitterFreeDurham Big Spring Clean - pickingup over 1600 bags of rubbish!

LitterFreeDurham was created five years ago to helpsupport the Campaign to Protect Rural England’s(CPRE) “Stop the Drop” campaign. They haveorganised 118 litter picks across Darlington andDurham so far in 2013.

The Environment Agency also played their part,removing 5 tonnes of rubbish from the River Skerne.

More people volunteered and more litter was pickedup than in 2012.

Did you know?• Darlington Borough Council spends £1.2 million

picking up litter every year. This money could bespent on running the Dolphin Centre for the year,running the library service for the year with anextra £300,000 to invest in new books oremploying 39 social workers.

• £584 million was spent on street cleaning byCouncils in England during 2005/2006. In 2012, thefigure hit one billion pounds!

• Every year, it is estimated over one million seabirdsas well as 100,000 turtles and sea mammals die oflitter related causes.

• Over 69,000 animals were killed or injured by litterlast year in Britain.“This was an extremely successful

campaign and I’d like to say thank you toall the people who volunteered. There’s agreat sense of satisfaction and pride inseeing the difference that your efforts havemade to the community you live in. ”

Councillor Gerald Lee, Chair of LitterfreeDurham

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4 DecNights are drawing in,are you visible on theroads?

28 NovChristmas Lights areswitched on by theChuckle Brotherstoday—see the bigmoment in the towncentre. Events from12noon-8pm

27 Nov 29 Nov

Wednesday Thursday Friday

27 DecLooking for somethingfun to do with thefamily? Go Ice Skatingin Market Squaretoday.

26 DecNeed some family fun?Check out the pantofor a bit of cheer!

13 DecDolphin Centre PartyNight


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5 DecChristmas Spectacularin the Town Centre10am-5pm from 5 to 8Dec

6 DecNeed a new partydress for the DolphinCentre Party Night?Head into town topick sometrhing up.

11 DecDo you have a blanket,a shovel and somesupplies in your car incase of bad weather?

12 DecChristingle MarketTown Centre 12noon- 8pm

18 DecLast day for 2nd ClassPost

19 DecChristingle MarketTown Centre 12noon- 8pm

20 DecSpecial ChristmasBookstart Rhymetimeat the library Farmers MarketLast day for 1st classpost

Grab a bargain with DistinctDarlington’scoupon book; see shop local on pages 26-27

The deadline forProject ChristmasShoeboxes isNovember 18 -take your fullshoeboxes tochurches andschools aroundtown!

Late night shopping willbe coming to Darlington on Thursday Evenings till 8pm throughout December.

Plan your Christmas around

Check out ourFacebook andTwitter Pagesfor regularupdates

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21 DecSanta at the Station -(Head of Steam) 10am-4pm01325 460532Park Run 9am

3 Dec

Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday

8 DecSanta at the Station -(Head of Steam) 10am-4pm01325 460532

15 DecSanta at the Station -(Head of Steam) 10am-4pm01325 460532

14 DecSanta at the Station -(Head of Steam) 10am-4pm01325 460532

Darlington Borough Council | 25

1 DecCornmill ReindeerParade from 11amSunday people’sMarket on High Row

2 DecWhy not pop in onyour elderly neighbourto see that they’recoping ok with thecold?

9 Dec 10 DecExpensive month? Goto the Citizens AdviceBureau for free adviceon loans. Try theCredit Union.

16 DecCan you spot thegritters on Twitter?

17 DecCould you drop somefood off at the KingsChurch Food Bank?

22 DecLast Sunday beforeChristmas - CheckRefuse collection datesfor the week on ourwebsite.

23 DecHead to the coveredmarket for food andpresents.

24 DecCHRISTMAS EVEDash to Darlington fora last minute stock-up!

28 DecWant to get ahead onyour New Yearresolutions? Head tothe Dolphin Centrefor a workout.

29 Dec

Don’t forget to look out for parkingoffers in the lead up to Christmas

30 NovPark Run, South Park 9amHave you bought yourAdvent Calendar?

7 DecThe Civic Theatre’spanto Aladdin and theIce Rink Market Squarestart today!



30 DecDon't forget you canrecycle your Christmastree from Monday 6thJanuary until Friday17th

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Christmas shopping is like Marmite – you either loveit or hate it. If you love it, you will relish the challengeof completing your shopping list, finding presents forthose hard-to-buy-for relatives, and having time leftover to make your own decorations!

If you hate it, what can you do? The answer is on yourdoorstep – spend a day in Darlington and you reallywill be wishing it could be Christmas every day.

Darlington offers the big names of larger townsalongside a wide range of smaller independent shopsand award-winning indoor and outdoor markets.

It’s not just about the shops, Darlington boasts a hugerange of cafes, bars and restaurants catering for alltastes and budgets.

Parking is plentiful and cheaper than the cost of petrolused to travel elsewhere. Also, by shopping inDarlington you will be helping to support the localeconomy and local jobs.

Buy local

Buying locally supports local traders, their suppliersand the people they depend on to run theirbusinesses. Buying locally boosts the local economy,rebuilding confidence in the community, enabling localbusinesses to prosper and grow.

Don’t forget to claim your little book of offers for theFestive season from Distinct Darlington for lots ofdiscounts from your favourite local shops! Get it fromthe Ranger Team or online

Keep your eyes peeled for the Darlington Christmasadvert which will be going out in early December!

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this Christmas!

Did you know?For every £1 that is spent with a local,independent business, between 50p-70pcirculates back into the local economy.

Shopping online or out-of-town means only5p trickles back into the local economy.

Source: The Centre for Local Economic Strategies

“By buying from local independent shops we eachare doing 'our bit' to keep our high street, town orvillage centre 'open for business'. Sadly at present itreally is a case of 'use it or lose it.”

Alex Hirst, BID Manager, Distinct Darlington Ltd

Christmas in Darlington!Darlington Town Centre will come alive overChristmas with late night shopping, Christmasmarkets and the welcome return of the icerink in the market square!

The Christingle Markets take place from Thursday 5December to Sunday 8 December (10am-5pm) and on Thursday 12 and Thursday 18December (12-8pm) with festive entertainment,food and presents for every taste and budget! Formore information or to book a stall call 01325388207

The ice rink in the market square opens fromSaturday 7 December to Sunday 5 January.Tickets are £5 for adults, £4 for children and £15 fora family ticket (2 adults and 2 children or 1 adult and3 children).

Find out more about what is taking place inDarlington over the festive season by checking outpages 24 and 25! You can also find outmore by scanning the QR code

“By shopping local, not only will you be supportinglocal, independent businesses and the local economy,you will have the choice of a wide range of qualityshops, bars and restaurants to help take the strain outof Christmas shopping.”

Councillor Chris McEwan, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Economy andRegeneration

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Have your say aboutwards in Darlington

The Local Government BoundaryCommission for England (LGBCE)is asking residents for help todesign a new pattern of councilwards in Darlington

The first stage of the publicconsultation took place earlier thisyear, with the recommendation that thesize of the Council is reduced from 53to 50 councillors.

As part of the next stage of the review,the LGBCE will now need help toproduce a new pattern of wards inDarlington to accommodate 50councillors.

What is the boundaryreview for?This boundary review will make sure that allcouncillors across Darlington roughly represent thesame amount of people.

Currently some councillors represent many morevoters than others, meaning that the value of yourvote may vary depending on where you live.

The review will also make sure that ward boundariesare strong and easily identifiable, and that they reflectthe interest of the local community.

What is a ward?A ward is a section of a town or city that has beenestablished for electoral reasons. Darlington currentlyhas 24 wards, each of which is represented by one,two or three councillors, depending on how manypeople live there. You can find out which ward youlive in by visiting

You have until 10 December to have yoursay during this stage of the consultation.

You will also be able to have your say oncethe Commission publishes its draftrecommendations in March next year.

The new wards will come into effect at the2015 local elections.

Find out more information and have yoursay at

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Darlington employers showthey care!A project to bring together the skills, expertiseand volunteering power of employers inDarlington to make a difference to the localcommunity is celebrating its first anniversary.

Hosted by Teesside University Darlington, DarlingtonCares was launched in October 2012 and is apartnership of the town’s leading employers.Darlington Cares works by centrally coordinating theskills and expertise of its members and theiremployees and matching these to projects andcharities in the local community where they can havethe most impact.

In less than a year, the project has delivered over 500hours of employee supported volunteering by 120employees.

Programme Manager, Katie Blundell says: “I amdelighted with the progress we have made, both interms of the projects we have worked on and inengaging more businesses to join. We havedemonstrated the value of helping employers matchtheir skills and volunteering workforce to worthwhileprojects in the town.”

500 hours of volunteering –what projects have DarlingtonCares been involved in?• Outdoor clear-ups at West Park and Rockwell

nature reserves, Risdale Street and Geneva Wood• Bike amnesties and repair sessions for Bike Stop,

located on Skinnergate.• A football skills session for young people at

Firthmoor Community Centre• Collection of over 200 Christmas gifts for looked

after children and a Christmas party for theresidents of Rosemary Court.

• Specialists from Esh Property Service andDeerness Fencing and Landscaping works withvolunteers to renovate The Bridge Centre forVisual Arts in July.

• Busy Readers which launched in September thisyear—which involves volunteers listening tochildren read for one hour a week. 25 volunteersare currently involved and plans are underway toexpand the scheme.

• Darlington Cares recently launched the ChristmasAppeal in partnership with the Salvation Army andNorthern Echo – an appeal to collect gifts andfood items for vulnerable people in need.

To celebrate Darlington Cares first anniversary, there willbe a Big Anniversary Challenge at North Lodge Park on11 November from 9:30am-12pm. Please come along andhelp us renovate the park!

Darlington Cares is always interested to hear from community and charity groups about potential projects. Further details can be found at or Katie can be contacted on 01642 738970 oremail: [email protected]

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Welcome the National Centre to DarlingtonDarlington is set to lead the way in thefield of biologics as the Centre forProcess Innovation (CPI) has announcedthat the new National BiologicsManufacturing Centre (NBMC) will belocated in the town.

The £38m investment, which will be located atDarlington’s Central Park development, willhelp UK companies to compete in the growingmarket for biologics. Globally, the biologicsmarket is worth around £125bn and is forecastto more than double by 2020.

The Research and Development Centre inbiopharmaceuticals, which is part of CPI, willhelp companies of all sizes in the biologicsmarket to develop, prove, demonstrate, scale-upand commercialise new biologics processtechnologies.

Once established, the team of experts at theCentre will work with research institutions andthe industry to create new low cost routes andflexible facilities for the manufacture ofbiopharmaceuticals. The Centre will alsoprovide a focus for training the UKbiopharmaceutical manufacturing work forcealongside national conferencing facilities.

What are Biologics?Biologics or Biopharmaceuticals are medicinesmanufactured using biotechnology – from livingcells. They tend to have fewer side effects thanchemically produced pharmaceuticals which formthe bulk of most medicines.

Today, 16% of all pharmaceuticals arebiopharmaceuticals and are used to treat a widerange of conditions including cancer, auto-immunediseases and hereditary diseases. As researchadvances it is hoped that a broader range ofdiseases, including many which are currently nottreatable, will be treated in this way.

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Biologics Manufacturing Why Darlington?

Darlington’s excellent transport linkswere a key factor in the decision tolocate the Centre in the Borough.TheDepartment for Business Innovationand Skills (BIS) who fund the project,sanctioned a group of independentindustry advisors to choose thelocation for the Centre.

The group chose Darlington based onaccessibility, proximity to exitingpharmaceutical companies andrelevant universities in addition togrowth opportunities within the TeesValley Enterprise Zone.

The Centre has the capability toinitially employ around 30 people. It islikely that this figure will expand asfurther facility developments aredefined.

“We are delighted that the National BiologicsManufacturing Centre will be located in Darlington. The centre will attract further investment, talent andopportunities into the region and we will play a role in thedevelopment and commercialisation of pharmaceuticalsinto the global marketplace.”

Bill Dixon, Leader of the Council

“The new National Biologics Manufacturing Centre willsignificantly increase the UK’s manufacturing capability inbiologics, keeping us ahead in the global race andstrengthening the UK’s position as the location of choicefor life sciences companies.”

David Willetts MP,Minister for Universities and Science

“The new facility will support the development of newinnovative process technologies and manufacturing routes.We will provide both large and small companies with openaccess facilities to prove and scale up their process,therefore reducing risk associated with productdevelopment. We will build on the UK’s competencies inbiopharmaceuticals to position ourselves as world leading”.

Dr Chris Dowle, Director of the National Biologics ManufacturingCentre

Good news forDarlingtonNews of the NBMC comes hot onthe heels of a number of keyannouncements showing thatDarlington means business. Therelocation of the DfE offices to therear of the Town Hall, The BusinessGrowth Hub, the £120m CentralPark development and the proposedmulti million pound cinema andleisure complex are just someexamples of how the Council isworking hard to ensure the boroughcontinues to thrive and prosper intough economic times.

Work is set to start onthe Centre in early 2014with completion bySpring 2015

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BANK TOP WARDVeronica Copeland (L) Tel: 358530; ChrisTaylor (L), Tel: 243298. Fri 15 Nov, King William StreetCommunity Centre 5pm-6pm. Wesley Court CommunityCentre, Rocket Street 6pm-6.30pm.

CENTRAL WARD Jan Taylor (L) Tel: 243298; Malcolm Wright(L) Tel: 484374. Wed 13 Nov, Gurney Pease School 6pm-7pm.Wed 27 Nov, Park Place Community Hall 6pm-7pm.

COCKERTON EAST WARD Paul Baldwin (L) Tel: 362690Sue Richmond (L) Tel: 351538. Bryan Thistlethwaite (L) Tel:485466. Thurs 14 Nov, Cockerton Library 6pm-7pm.

COCKERTON WEST WARD Jan Cossins (L) Tel: 241124David Regan (L) Tel: 495258. Wed 13 Nov, Windsor Court10am-11am. Thurs 14 Nov, Cockerton Library 6pm – 7pm.

COLLEGE WARDTony Richmond (C) Tel: 351538 IanGalletley (C) Tel: 07507904109. Wed 13 Nov, Abbey JuniorSchool 7pm-8pm.

EASTBOURNE WARD Bill Dixon (L) Tel: 486588 RoderickFrancis (L) Tel: 488173 Lee Vasey (L) Tel: 488513. Wed 20 Nov,Pilmoor Green Community Centre 5pm-6pm, Wed 27 Nov,Firthmoor Community Centre 3pm-4pm.

FAVERDALE Richard Grundy (C) Tel: 266314. Wed 13 Nov,West Park Academy 6pm-7pm.

HARROWGATE HILL WARD Gill Cartwright (C) Tel:382276. Wed 4 Dec, Harrowgate CIU Ltd. Salters Lane North7.30pm – 8.30pm. Marjory Knowles (L) Tel: 265847 John Vasey(L) Tel: 488513. Wed 4 Dec, Classroom in the New Sports HallLongfield Academy 7pm-8pm.

HAUGHTON EAST WARD Chris McEwan (L) Tel: 283262Martin Landers (L) Tel: 07709804580. Wed 4 Dec , Red HallCommunity Centre 6pm-7pm. Sat 7 Dec, Asda Foyer 10am-11.30am.

HAUGHTON NORTH WARDTom Nutt (L) Tel: [email protected] Beverley Hutchinson (L) Tel:262015. Sat 7 Dec, Asda Foyer 10am-11.30am.

HAUGHTON WEST WARD Nick Wallis (L) Tel: 488797David Lyonette (L) Tel: 464693 Andy Scott (L) Tel: [email protected] Wed 13 Nov, Salvation Army,Thompson St. 6pm–7pm. Sat 7 Dec, Asda Foyer 10am-11.30am.

HEIGHINGTON AND CONISCLIFFE WARD GeraldLee (C) Tel: 314622 Paul Crudass (C) Tel: 374537. Sat 7 Dec,Killerby and Summerhouse Village Hall10am-11am.

HUMMERSKNOTT WARDAlan Coultas (C) Tel: 350453Charles Johnson (C) Tel: 463712 Mon 25 Nov, Carmel Academy6pm-7pm.

HURWORTH WARD Joe Kelley (LD) Tel: 266760. MartinSwainston (LD) Tel: 07535637060. Thurs 5 Dec, HurworthGrange Community Centre Library 6pm-7pm.

LASCELLES WARDWendy Newall (L) Tel: 251574. HelenCrumbie (L) Tel: 462642. Sat 9 Nov, Cleveland Bridge SocialClub 12 noon – 1pm, Tues 19 Nov, St John’s Primary School6pm-7pm.

LINGFIELD WARD Ian Haszeldine (L) Tel: 741508 LynneHaszeldine (L) Tel: 741508. Wed 13 Nov, Eastbourne SportsComplex 6pm-6.30pm, Wed 27 Nov, Heathfield Primary School6pm-6.30pm.

MIDDLETON ST. GEORGE WARD Doris Jones (C) Tel:332820 Steve York (C) Tel: 332025. Tues 26 Nov, DinsdaleCourt 6.15pm-7.15pm.

MOWDEN WARD Ron Lewis (C) Tel: [email protected] Bill Stenson (C) Tel: 468249.Mon 2 Dec, Mowden Junior School 6.30pm-7.30pm.

NORTH ROAD WARDAnne-Marie Curry (LD) Tel:07531304050 [email protected] Fred Lawton(LD) Tel: 467413 Alan Macnab (LD) Tel: 482015 Wed 27 Nov,Northlands Methodist Church 9.15am-10.15am.

NORTHGATE WARD Eleanor Lister, (L) Tel. 254091Dorothy Long, (L) Tel. 355755 Wed 4 Dec, Reid Street PrimarySchool, 6pm-7pm.

PARK EAST WARD Paul Harman (L) Tel: 483259 CyndiHughes (L) Tel: 480975 Joe Lyonette (L) Tel: 263480. Fri 8 Nov,St. Columbas Church Hall 6-7pm. Fri 15 Nov, The ColeridgeCentre 6-7pm.

PARK WEST WARD Bob Donoghue (C) Tel: 352582Heather Scott (C) Tel: 468547. Fri 15 Nov, 76 Carmel RoadSouth 5pm-6pm.

PIERREMONT WARD Bob Carson (L) Tel: 240627 StephenHarker (L) Tel: 380039 Linda Hughes (L) Tel: 07904772387. Wed6 Nov and Wed 4 Dec, Reid Street Primary School 6-7pm.

SADBERGE AND WHESSOE No ward surgeries held butplease contact your Councillor with any issues or queries. BrianJones (C) Tel: 332820.

Key: (L) Labour (C) Conservative (LD) Liberal Democrat

E-mailing councillors: If you wish to e-mail your councillor their e-mail address is: [email protected]

For example, if you wish to e-mail Bill Dixon, type in [email protected]

• The only exceptions are Andy Scott (Haughton West Ward), Anne-Marie Curry (North Road Ward), Ron Lewis (Mowden) andTom Nutt (Haughton North); their e-mail addresses are shown with their ward surgery details.

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Your local councillor is there to listen to you and find out about theissues that are affecting life in your ward. You can e-mail, telephone ormeet with your local councillor at regular ward surgeries.

Upcoming Committee DatesMonitoring and Coordination Mon 18 November 10.00am Committee Room 2

General Licensing Committee Tues 19 November 9.30am Committee Room 3

Planning Applications Wed 20 November 1.30pm Committee Room 2Committee

Council Thur 28 November 6.00pm Council Chamber

Cabinet Tues 3 December 5.00pm Committee Room 2


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