  • 7/27/2019 November 2013 Newsletter The Vine.pdf


    Dont worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.

    Tell God what you need, and thank him or all he has done.Philippians 4:6


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    Monthly Newsletter of Ithaca and Beebe United Methodist ChurchesNovember 2013 Edition

    Dear Friends,

    Iworked as a clergy person during the October 17-20 WomensWalk to Emmaus. What a blessing! Emmaus is a 3-day shortcourse in Christianity specically or the encouragement and

    development o leadership in the local church. It is an opportunityto meet Jesus Christ in a new way as Gods grace and love is revealedto you through other believers.

    I anyone wants a glimpse, an experience that captures what the

    Acts 2 church looked like, go on a Walk to Emmaus.

    I can preach 1,000 sermons on the Acts 2 church, what it lookslike, what a local church looks like when it is working right, and stillwould not capture in mere words what my heart and spirit know.But I can go with you on a Walk to Emmaus weekend and you canexperience, see, hear, and know by its end what an Acts 2 church isall about, clearly.

    An Acts 2 church is one where Gods grace abounds and Gods loveis shown. It is where personal agendas die and we walk as Brothersand Sisters-in-Christ.

    Want to know more? Come talk with me, email me, or acebookme. Or give me a call.

    In Christs service and love,

    Pastor Cindi

    Emmausis open tomemberso any Christian denomination.Emmaus is or the development oChristian leaders who:

    Are members o a local church.

    Have a desire to strengthentheir spiritual lives.May have unansweredquestions about their aith.Understand that beinga Christian involvesresponsibility.Are willing to dedicate theireveryday lives to God in anongoing manner.

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    Ithaca/Beebe Newsletter The Vine -November 2013 2

    I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power

    and your glory. Psalm 63:2

    Reading these words again recently started methinking. When I enter the sanctuary area o ourbuilding each Sunday, or any day or that matter, whatam I expecting to nd, to see? I like the way the New KingJames states this same verse: So I have looked or You inthe sanctuary, to see Your power and Your glory.

    What a dierence a ew words can make in our approachto worship! Charles Spurgeon remarked on this verse:He longed not so much to see the sanctuary as to seeGod. David looked through the veil o ceremonies to theInvisible One.

    I wonder isometimes that longing can get lost or us. Weare blessed with a gited praise band who sing and playvarious instruments. We have aithul servants who bringvivid colors and designs to lie on our chancel. Dependingupon the sermon series were blessed with visuals andprops that showcase our theme. And squarely at thecenter o it all is the cross, always reminding us o ourSavior and His sacricial death and resurrection.

    Yet, somehow in the week-by-week rhythms and routineso corporate worship we can nd ourselves looking ATinstead o looking THROUGH. We may notice this or thatvisual that we like or dont like or hear the words to aamiliar avorite and smile or hear an unamiliar melody

    and grouse just a bit inside. But do you see what weremissing?

    I were not careul, we can slowly begin to grow moremindul o sanctuary and surroundings and orget thevery One they are all meant to point toward. We can bemore intent on the externals than the God Who is Spirit

    and Jesus Who is the radiance o Gods glory (John 4:24; Heb


    David was a king who was eeing or his lie when hepenned the beautiul words o Psalm 63. And with dangerall around, what he most remembered, what his soul mostlonged or, was God Himsel. He had looked or God inthe sanctuary and God did not disappoint. David hadencountered Gods power and glory and they became hissouls east, magnicent and compelling, worthy o all hisadoration and singing.

    Read through Psalm 63. Notice Davids very heartrevealed in passionate pursuit: My soul thirsts or Youmy esh aints or You my lips will praise You I willbless You I will lit up my hands my soul will be

    satisfedI will remember You meditate on You mymouth will praise You with joyul lips I will sing or joyMy soul clings to You

    Recently Pastor Cindi remarked to us how dicult it canbe to get our attention as worship begins or a prelude isplayed. Perhaps the low roar o our conversations witheach other is reective o a kind o spiritual complacency.Maybe conversations with each other, the laughter andlightheartedness and small talk, mask our discomort withsilence where we might just come ace-to-ace with theLiving God, the Holy One.

    Maybe, just maybe, its time or us to enter the sanctuary

    with a renewed spirit o anticipation, echoing some oDavids other words Search me, O God, and know myheart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See i there isany ofensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

    Refecting and Conessing . . .by Mark Monroe, Ithaca UMC Lay Leader

    And Jesus said unto them, I am the

    bread o lie: he that cometh to meshall never hunger; and he thatbelieveth on me shall never thirst.- John 6:35

    In John 6:48 we read that Jesussaid, I am the bread o lie. Jesus had just ed 5,000 peoplewith ve loaves and two shes. They were all excited andthrilled over the great miracle that had occurred, [but] Jesuswas talking about something more important than socialneeds. Bread in the Scriptures is a symbol o spiritual lie.

    Man has an inborn hunger or God. He cannot be satised

    with anything less than God. God alone can supply thebread which satises the inner longing o your soul and thehunger o your heart. . . . The Bible says that He is the Breado Lie.

    Prayer or the day: Lord Jesus, thank You or satisying theyearnings deep down in my heart. Your presence ullls theneeds o my soul, and I rejoice.

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    Ithaca/Beebe Newsletter The Vine - November 20133

    BINS UMW Harvest Supper was held Wednesday, October 16. Ourspeaker or the evening was Steveie Watson, one o our local missionarieswho serves Campus Lie Ministries on the University o Michigan campus.

    Two special ladies were recognized at the annual Harvest Supper:Phyllis Schelder, received the Dove Award, an award given or creative andsupportive ellowship that experiences reedom through Jesus Christ.

    Jeanne Flegel, who received the Special Mission Recognition award orwork demonstrated over a period o time in mission work. Both Phyllis andJeanne are active participants in BINS and we want thank these ladies ortheir active work through prayer, giving and service.

    BINS UMWs next meeting will be held at Beebe UMC on November 14at 1:30. Dont orget your shoe boxes, or Operation Christmas Child. Bringyour avorite snack nger ood. Looking orward to seeing you at BeebeUMC.

    Youth group in the BASEMENT has started ofstrong. We are blessed and excited as we have been serving 20

    to 25 students at Sunday Night Youth Group since our kickof inSeptember.

    Every ourth Sunday we go outside o our regular lesson timeand engage in a un group building activity. Our rst activity wasa trip to Nancy Oboyles house or mingling, eating and a game oSearch and Destroy, throughout the woods and around Nancyshouse. The rain didnt stop the kids rom running around andenjoying the un!

    We have started our second lesson series on Salvation:Lesson 1 helped our students ground the concept o salvation inthe character o God.

    Lesson 2 connects the dots, helping students see how Christ wasalways Gods ultimate answer or the salvation o His children.

    Lesson 3 will paint a picture or our students o what their lie willlook like when they begin to truly internalize the amazing git osalvation.

    Search and Destroy at the OBoyles . . .

    1. Mark demonstrates the baggage

    we carry while Keegan talks about

    giving it to the Lord

    2. Nathan helps Edward on a faith

    walk through the church

    3. Brooklyn and Aaron help Anna on

    a faith walk




    BINS UMW Harvest Supper

    Youth Group November Activities . . .November 2 (Saturday) Hayride at HirshmansNovember 3 Shopping or Operation Christmas Child-Bring $ or shopping and oodNovember 10 Judgment (Seeing God as Judge)November 17 Judgment (Death or Lie)November 24 Judgment (Justice Patrol)

    **Upcoming event-Progressive Dinner Dec 1

    A Search & Destroy look from Nathanand Conner.

    by Ken Gibson, Youth Group Facilitator

    by Char Turner, BINS UMC President

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    Ithaca/Beebe Newsletter The Vine -November 2013 4

    MSU Wesley Foundation

    The Michigan State University Wesley Foundation isa United Methodist campus ministry which seeks tosupport students spiritual journeys. It provides studentswith a sae place to explore ideas, discover their talents andmake riends. Wesley Foundation embraces diversity andemphasizes inclusion and understanding among the diversepopulation within the MSU community.

    On Thursday evenings Wesley has a worship serviceo about an hour, ollowed by snack time. The worshipservice is designed to be thought provoking and engaging,with the praise band ofering music that inspires you.Sunday evenings the students meet or a meal and to hear

    occasional guest speakers and have group discussions aswell as just relax and hang out with riends. Wesley has along tradition o service through mission projects. Theyhave served the poor, hungry and homeless in Lansing,Detroit, Kentucky, Alabama, South Carolina and WashingtonD. C.

    The Wesley Foundation provides a place or students toshare ideas on a variety o subjects and to connect with Godand one another in deep and meaningul ways. Our Churchsupports Michigan State University Wesley Foundationthrough Lane Six o our Six Lanes o Giving.

    Ithaca Food Pantry Collections

    During the month o November Missions will besponsoring a non-ood drive or the Ithaca FoodPantry. We are asking or the donation o household aidssuch as dish and laundry detergent, liquid hand soap, papertowels and toilet paper, tissues, and personal items suchas shampoo and conditioner, ladys deodorant, toothpasteand toothbrushes. As people struggle to eed their amilies,these items are oten unattainable. A box will be available inthe entryway o the church or your donations to our non-

    ood drive rom November 4 to November 24.

    Our monthly Hunger Ofering on November 24 will begiven to the Ithaca Food Pantry or the purchase ood items.The Food Pantry is eeding numerous amilies a week, andmore amilies are signing up every month. As the wintermonths arrive, the need will be greater. The Food Pantrycan purchase ood or about ty cents a pound, but theirbudget is very low. Please be generous in sharing what youhave with those who are less ortunate. Thank you.

    MissionsBarb Swanson, Ithaca UMC Facilitator

    Fortress . . .Cups o cold waterbyJerry Hamm, Fortress Facilitator IUMC

    And i anyone gives even a cup o cold water to one o these littleones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainlynot lose their reward. Jesus (Matthew 10:42)

    Do you have something to spare? Perhaps a cup o water?Today, there are still children with needs in our greaterIthaca community. Today, Jesus words are still true. Would youpray to the Lord o the Harvest as Jesus asks us, to send outlaborers into the harvest elds? The harvest is still plentiulthe laborers still ew.

    As I have spoken to our Fortresses core servant leaders, oneconsistent reminder rings out; while we do not know why, thenumbers at Fortress ebb and ow. One year, we may see one

    hundred children on a given Friday night and another year, wemay see twenty. This means that we need diferent numbers opizza, pop and yes, even helpers to serve and love the youngpeople.

    This year we are seeing around thirty. Ideally, we need eightto ten servant leaders (helpers) to properly serve, assist andlove on the kids that come. Would you please consider helpingand/or would you pray to Our Lord, that He would call out andraise up those who would work the elds with us? This is notjust a valid ministry opportunity. This is a big part o the hearto Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Think about it, pray about it and beblessed!

    In all



    thanks. Thessalonians 5:16

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    Ithaca/Beebe Newsletter The Vine - November 20135

    Growing in Grace Sue Silverthorn, Evangelism Facilitator

    In my lietime I have grown up learning many rules andlaws to obey. I learned them at home, at school, when Ilearned to drive, at work, at church, and even while servingin community organizations, etc. Many rules and laws aregood, even necessary in this world. However, I grew up in anaverage loving household that taught me to ocus on learningand remembering the rules and laws instead o the amazinggrace and mercy o God. I grew up thinking that ullness olove is contingent upon whether a person remembers the rulesand obeys them or not. As a teen, I accepted Jesus as my Lordand Savior. But I didnt stop ocusing on the rules that must beobeyed in order to please others, the rules/laws that must beobeyed in order to ully receive love, which now included JesusChrist.

    Over the years, I heard about the love o Jesus, read about itand even shared some about it to others telling them Jesus

    loves you, Jesus died to pay or your sins by the grace o God.But the oundation o my thinking was not the saving graceand mercy o Jesus Christ; instead, the oundation o mythinking was knowing and keeping the rules/laws and I addedJesus Christ to that thinking.

    For many years, the Gospel I carried in my heart was a mixtureo Jesus Christ plus rules to be ollowed in order to be goodenough Grace and The Law. It has taken me years to see theerror o my thinking, but as I did I began to grow more in theglorious grace o God that is in Jesus Christ.

    I now see more clearly that it is not my eforts that make merighteous; rather, it is what Jesus Christ did or me all becauseo His holy, perect love, righteousness and obedience ! He andthe Father prepared their gracious git o righteousness or me

    to receive!

    Jesus Christ is my righteousnessJesus Christ is my wisdomJesus Christ is my redemptionJesus Christ is my healing, restoring & strengtheningsanctication

    Here are just a few scriptures that tell us of Gods graciouspower in Jesus Christ:

    Behold the Lamb o God which takes away the sin o the world.(John 1:29b)

    For I will orgive their wickedness and will remember their sins nomore. (Hebrews 8:12)

    And i any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, JesusChrist the righteous: And he is the propitiation or our sins; and notor ours only, but also or the sins o the whole world. (Jesus is theprovision/reason that God the Trinity can orgive past, present anduture sins, and can look avorably toward us in our sins; our sinsand the sins o the whole world!) (1John 2:1b, 2)

    PRAISE GOD or His amazing GRACE!

    Now, as I read, learn and meditate on Gods Word I realize evenmore how much He loves me no matter what sin I have. Jesusprepared a glorious salvation or me by taking all my sins ontoHimsel and placing His righteousness on me. Jesus is my Lordand Savior. When God looks at me He sees me covered in Jesusrighteousness and He hears Jesus speak on my behal as myadvocate. With Jesus as your Lord and Savior, He is doing thesame or you.

    The more I understand Gods glorious provision or us in JesusChrist, the more I understand Gods love or you and I. It truelyis an honor and a privilege to serve Him and love Him with myheart, mind, soul and strength, and to love my neighbors as Hecalls me to.

    I encourage you to Draw near to God and he will draw near toyou. (James 4:8)

    Small Groups by Jerry Hamm, Discipleship Facilitator IUMC

    And they met together daily in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising

    God and enjoying the avor o all people. Acts 2:46

    Small groups remain at the oundation o Ithaca UMC, as they did or the Acts Two church. To date, between 80 and 90 people areinvolved in small groups at some level at Ithaca UMC. These past several months has been a stretching and growing time or Godspeople within our community. Not only have we on Sundays looked at what it means to have a radical active aith, but also howimportant it is we take inventory at what little g gods might be vying or our hearts. We have discovered, as I am sure the church inActs knew, that Sunday is simply not enough. In turn, we do lie together, challenging one another in our knowledge o Christ andHis Word but also our service to Him and this world though ministries such as S.I.A (Servants in Action), Fortress Ministries, The IthacaFood pantry, The Free Store, and many others.

    Would you grow with us? I you are not already in a small group, please do not hesitate ask me how to get involved. There are anumber o existing small groups that would readily accept new members, where a chair is always open or you and The Holy Spirit.Lets grow together. Christ is The Hope o the World! Lets make sure everyone knows! Blessings,

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    Ithaca/Beebe Newsletter The Vine -November 2013 6

    Adult Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. in the Wesley Room

    K-5 Sunday School - 10:30 am. Education Wing

    Second Saturday of each month - Servants in Action

    Vital Beginning Bible Study every Sunday 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.

    Sunday Night Youth Group - 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.

    Fortress - Every Friday 9:30 p.m. after the game (No school, no Fortress)

    November 10 - Charge Conference at 7:30 p.m. Ithaca UMC

    November 14 - BINS UMC 1:30 p.m. at Beebe UMC

    November 15 - (Friday) Free Store 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at Ithaca UMC

    November 16 - (Saturday) Free Store 9:00 a.m. - Noon at Ithaca UMC

    November 17 - Leadership Team meets at 1:30. Ad Board follows

    November 26 - Community Thanksgiving Service at 7:00 p.m. -

    Presbyterian Church in Ithaca

    An outreach ministry, coordinated by a Sunday night Bible

    study group, is coming in November. Ater studying Radicalor 10 weeks, this group wanted to make I will commit mylie to a multiplying communitya reality, which is part o theRadical Experiment.

    God began uncovering blind spots in our eyes as we lookedat the enormous amount o things we have and could dowithout and decided it was time to give things away.

    We need your help. We are seekingdonations rom ourchurch amily and immediate amilies or new or gently-usedclothing and household items. I you are like our small studygroup, you most likely have things that are cluttering your

    lie. We will be glad to take them of your hands.

    We have contacted Ithaca Public Schools (teachers and staf)who will also help by making donations to this project and beour contact to amilies who will benet rom the Free Store.Ater meeting with school staf school, we ound out thatthere are many amilies in our community that need this kindo assistance.

    We want to oer gently used-good quality clothing or allamily members, and miscellaneous household items atno cost (everything is FREE) to people in our community.Because winter is just around the corner, we would also like

    to ocus on new or gently-used winter coats, boots, hats, andgloves or kids.

    Perhaps, even some Christmas toys could be available to ouramilies, so i you would like to donate new or used toys thatwould be greatly appreciated.

    The downstairs area o Ithaca UMC is reserved or thecollection o items. Beginning Monday, November 4 throughWednesday, November 13, you can drop your items of at thechurch. Tables will be set up in the church basement or theseitems.

    We are hopeul that this project will be just the rst in manynew eforts to reach out to our community and to take careo our neighbors. You never know when Jesus might walkthrough the doors and need a new coat or a pair o shoes . . .

    For more inormation, please contact: Sherri Moon,

    Donnalea Chafn, Sue Silverthorn, or Karen Weller.

    Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts withpraise. Be thankul to Him, and bless His name.(Psalm 100:4, NKJV.)

    Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving . . .

    As believers, we have the honor and privilege to enterboldly into Gods presence. Scripture says that we cancome to His throne o grace and receive His mercy. BecauseHe loves us, He has given us unlimited access to Himsel 24

    hours a day, seven days a week.

    But notice the verse tells us that we shouldnt just comeany old way to God. We shouldnt come empty-handed tothe King o kings and the Lord o lords. What can we bring?What do we have thats worthy o Almighty God? Our praise.Our thanksgiving. Our worship. We are to enter His gateswith an ofering rom our hearts o adoration because He isworthy!

    We have to understand, praise isnt just about singingsongs on Sunday mornings. Praise is the expression ograteulness to Father God or Who He is and all that He hasdone. Praise gets Gods attention. Praise is a powerul tool

    in the lie o the believer because God inhabits our praises!When we enter His presence the right way, He enters ourcircumstances, and when God shows up, the enemy mustee! Today, enter into His gates with thanksgiving and openthe door or Him to move on your behal!

    A Prayer or Today: Father, I come to You today withthanksgiving in my heart. I enter into Your courts withpraise. Today I declare that You are good, and Your mercyendures orever! Have Your way in me by the power o YourHoly Spirit in Jesus name. Amen.

    Reminder . . .

    The Free Store is coming to ourchurch, November 15 & 16, 2013

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