
Chapter 10Nucleic Acids

and Protein Synthesis

I. Discovery of DNA (p. 193)


What?◦ Worked with bacteria which cause

pneumonia (Streptococcus) Why?

◦ To figure out what substance carries genetic info from parents to offspring

How?◦ Used R-strain (non-virulent) and S-strain

bacteria (virulent)in series of 4 experiments

Griffith’s Experiments

Results?◦ Experiments 1 & 2:

S strain kills mice/ R strain does not◦ Experiment 3:

Dead S strain bacteria do not kill mice◦ Experiment 4:

Dead S strain bacteria and live R DO kill mice Conclusions?

◦ 1. heat killed bacteria release a hereditary factor which live, bacteria absorb, and use

◦ 2. termed this process “transformation” which is defined as the external transfer of genetic material from one cell or organism to another

Griffith’s Experiments

When?◦ 1940s

What?◦ Worked with same types of bacteria as Griffith

Why?◦To determine if the transformation

substance in Griffith’s experiments was DNA, RNA, or protein

How?◦ Conducted 3 experiments using different

enzymes which destroy DNA, RNA, or proteins in S cells that were heat killed and then mixed with live R cells to be injected into mice

Avery’s Experiments

Results?1. Experiment 1: protease enzyme was used to

destroy protein; mice died2. Experiment 2: RNase used to destroy RNA; mice

died3. Experiment 3: DNase used to destroy DNA; mice

lived Conclusions?

◦ 1. In experiment 1, R cells transformed into S cells and killed the mice: protein not needed

◦ 2. In experiment 2, R cells transformed into S cells and killed the mice: RNA not needed

◦ 3. In experiment 3, DNase used to destroy the DNA and mice lived; DNA needed for transformation

Avery’s Experiments

Avery’s Experiment

When?◦ 1952

What?◦ Worked with bacteriophages (viruses that infect

bacteria) *FYI – viruses are non-living*

Why?◦ Test whether DNA or protein was the hereditary

material used to infect living cells How?

◦ 1. used radioactive isotopes of phosphorus (DNA) and sulfur (protein)

◦ 2. allowed bacteriophages to infect bacteria (E. coli)

Hershey and Chase Experiment

Results?◦ 1. When bacteriophages with the phosphorus

isotopes were used, the radioactive phosphorus was found in the bacteria

◦ 2. When bacteriophages with radioactive sulfur were used, the radioactive sulfur was not found in the bacteria

Conclusions?◦ 1. little protein entered the bacterial cells when

infected with the viruses◦ 2. DNA entered the bacterial cells when they were

infected with viruses◦ 3. DNA is therefore the hereditary material

Hershey and Chase Experiment

Hershey and Chase Experiment

DNA Double Helix◦ DNA generally accepted as hereditary

carrier by the 1950s, but structure not known

◦ Franklin and Wilkins took x-rays of DNA crystals

◦ Watson and Crick deduced structure of DNA based on the diffraction images taken by Franklin DNA was double helix (twisted ladder) DNA’s width did not vary Made of 2 sides/chains Each full twist/turn has 10 nucleotide pairs

◦ Watson & Crick published article in Nature magazine and of course the rest is history!

◦ Watson, Crick and Wilkins won a Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1962 (Franklin died in 1958)

II. DNA Structure (p. 196)

Structure of DNA

Classified as nucleic acid Made of 2 chains held together by hydrogen bonds

down the center Chains are made of alternating sugar and

phosphate units Nitrogen bases line the center of DNA molecule on

each side Purines = adenine & guanine; contain 2 rings Pyrimidines = thymine & cytosine; contain 1

ring Purine always paired with a pyrimidine to

maintain DNA’s width ( A = T 2-H bonds/ C = G 3-H bonds)

Chains are made of repeating units called nucleotides which are held together by covalent bonds

◦ One nucleotide = sugar, phosphate & nitrogen base◦ Sugar is between phosphate and nitrogen base

DNA Nucleotides

DNA Nitrogen Bases

Chargaff’s rule◦ When? 1949◦ What? Analyzed DNA content of variety of

organisms◦ Why? To prove that DNA from different organisms

should reflect differences in their biological activities/ was impressed and influenced by Avery’s work

◦ How? Developed procedure which could analyze DNA using extremely small amounts since DNA was hard to come by

◦ Results? Observed that amount of guanine = amt of cytosine & amt of adenine = amt of thymine

◦ Conclusions? Base pairing rule: A +T & C +G

Complementary Bases

Defined as order of nitrogen bases in DNA sequence

Gives the organism its traits Held together by covalent bonds to ensure

continuation of genetic code

Base Sequence

Give the complementary strand to this half of DNA’s base sequence?

A -T-T-G-G-C-C-T-A-G-C-G-T-C


Can you…..

Watson + Crick

DNA Video

How DNA copies itself


Replication is defined as the copying of DNA’s code in the nucleus of a cell in preparation for cell division

It occurs during S phase of the cell cycle

How DNA Replication Occurs

Precedes mitosis, meiosis, + binary fission

Results in an exact copy of the DNA material

How DNA Replication Occurs

Occurs in a series of steps◦ Special enzymes called helicases break the

hydrogen bonds between the nitrogenous bases at the center of the DNA strand

◦ Special enzymes called DNA polymerases join new nucleotides to create a complementary strand for each parent strand

◦ Result is 2 new DNA molecules each consisting of 1 parent strand and 1 new strand: semi-conservative replication

How DNA Replication Occurs

Action at the replication fork◦ A replication fork is formed when the DNA strands

separate and create a Y shaped region◦ Several replication forks form in eukaryotic

replication◦ One strand is complementary base paired in a

continuous fashion toward the replication fork◦ The second strand is made through segment

formation and requires an additional enzyme: DNA ligase

How DNA Replication Occurs

Prokaryotic cells◦ 1 circular DNA chromosome◦ Has 2 replication forks which work in opposite

directions until the entire chromosome is replicated

Eukaryotic cells◦ Have multiple linear chromosomes◦ Have several points of origins for replication to

speed up the process

Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Replication Differs

1 per billion occurs in eukaryotic cells Errors are corrected by DNA polymerase and by

nucleases If the errors are excessive, cell division can be stopped

(remember the checkpoint before mitosis occurs in the cell cycle)

Changes that are not corrected & result in a mismatch or missing complementary base are called mutations◦ Can occur through chemicals, x-ray exposure, UV

light, etc….◦ Can lead to cancer

DNA Errors in Replication

Flow of genetic information◦ You are you (your phenotype) because of the

proteins your body makes◦ The source of your genetic information is contained

in your DNA located in the nucleus of your cells◦ RNA is responsible for copying DNA’s code in the

nucleus (transcription) and for assembling the correct amino acids in the correct order to make the proper protein (translation)

◦ Together transcription & translation are called protein synthesis & can be summarized as follows: DNA RNA Protein

IV. Protein Synthesis (p.204)

Is classified as a nucleic acid & therefore is made of repeating units called nucleotides

Contains the sugar ribose instead of deoxyribose

Uses the same bases as DNA except for thymine which is replaced by the pyrimidine uracil

Is usually single stranded rather than double stranded and not as long as DNA

RNA Structure & Function

RNA Structure & Function

Exists in 3 types:◦Messenger RNA Single straight strand Made when RNA nucleotides join through

complementary base pairing when copying DNA’s code in the nucleus

Copies only the section of DNA needed for a particular protein

Used in transcription and translation Leaves the nucleus following transcription

through the nuclear pores

RNA Structure & Function

Transfer RNA◦Hairpin/Cross/clover shaped◦Single stranded◦Reads mRNA at ribosome and then retrieves

correct amino acid for placement in protein◦Used in translation

Ribosomal RNA◦Globular form◦Makes up ribosomes (site of protein synthesis) and the nucleolus

RNA Structure & Function

RNA Structure and Function

Defined as the process in which mRNA is created when mRNA copies a specific segment of DNA’s code (rRNA & tRNA can also be made in this fashion)

Occurs in a series of steps◦ Promoter (sequence of nucleotides on DNA) initiates

the formation of RNA (denotes specific section of DNA to be copied)

◦ RNA polymerase binds to the promoter to untwist DNA and prepare the section of DNA for copying

◦ RNA polymerase is used to bind complementary RNA nucleotides together until a particular sequence of nucleotides on DNA (termination signal) is reached and the process is stopped


Defined as the sequence of nucleotides which identify each amino acid in a protein

Based on 3 nucleotides on mRNA called a codon

Codons identify specific amino acids, starting point for a protein and the stop signal for a protein

Multiple codons can be used for a single amino acid

No codon codes for multiple amino acids

The Genetic Code

Chapter 3 Review Vocabulary

The Genetic Code

Involves all 3 types of RNA◦ mRNA = contains DNA’s code◦ tRNA = retrieves the correct amino acid◦ rRNA = composes the ribosomes

Protein structure◦ Made of individual units called amino acids

(20 different ones)◦ Sequence of nucleotides varies for each

protein◦ Each protein has a specific 3D shape which

correlates to its function


Occurs in a series of steps◦ mRNA arrives at the ribosomes◦ tRNA reads mRNA’s code & complementary base

pairs to the codon with an anticodon found at one end of the tRNA molecule

◦ tRNA retrieves the correct amino acid from the cytoplasm of the cell & takes it to the ribosome where it forms a peptide bond with the next amino acid for the protein

◦ tRNA molecules can be used over & over again◦ Process occurs from the initial start codon (often

methionine) & continues until a stop codon is reached

◦ To summarize the basic steps are: initiation, elongation, termination



Prokaryotic cells can transcribe and translate at the same time

Eukaryotic cells do not translate until transcription is complete

Translating Many Ribosomes At Once

Defined as the entire gene sequence of DNA

Contains about 30,000 genes in our 46 chromosomes

The Human Genome

Protein Synthesis

A video review…

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