Page 1: Number 11 30 June 2014 - Oak Grove · 2014-07-02 · U13 newcomers Akram Bouabane threw a PB of 4.47m in the shot put,

Number 11 30 June 2014 Everyone matters, every day counts

Gone Fishing!

Seven students from Oak Grove College had a great day

out at Duncton Mill Trout Farm and Fishery. The day in-

volved students receiving 1:1 tuition with fishing experts

who taught them the basic skills. These skills included

casting and knots, getting the rods and reels ready,

hooking the bait and of course unhooking the fish. Over-

all it was a great day and all the students caught at least

one fish, although Liam caught the biggest trout of the

day, weighing in at 4 pounds.

Jamie Oliver Food Revolution Day

On Friday 16th May, class JR took part in a “live” cooking lesson with Jamie Oliver. We are learning to understand

how different food groups can affect our bodies in different

ways. One of the most important things to remember is to eat

the rainbow! It is more digestible than it sounds and shows stu-

dents how they can eat the rainbow by matching fruit and vege-

tables to the colours.

The “live” lesson came via a video link and this is what Reece

Collins had to say,

“Food Revolution Day was such an incredible success. There were

over 9,100 live lessons held in 121 countries. We have even bro-

ken the record in the Guinness Book World Records. We cooked

along with Jamie Oliver and made a Rainbow Salad Wrap”.

Year 11 Prom

Last week we celebrated our Year 11s at their prom. Even though many of these students will be back

with us next academic year in the 6th Form this was a great evening dedicated to their many accom-

plishments and their time at Oak Grove College. Everyone looked fantastic and had a brilliant night,

aided by the Year 10 catering students who produced delicious paella and barbeque.

Photos are available from:

We look forward to seeing some of you back as 6th Formers and wish the leavers good luck in all you do.

Page 2: Number 11 30 June 2014 - Oak Grove · 2014-07-02 · U13 newcomers Akram Bouabane threw a PB of 4.47m in the shot put,



Open Sunday 6 July from 2pm to 5pm

Admission £4, children & dogs FREE Plants for sale & teas available

Oak Grove College - An inspiring example of how the children have transformed their school grounds

into a green oasis. There is extensive and unusual planting and many features including water-wise

gardens, a herb garden, a large sensory courtyard with water feature, mosaics, living willow, reclaimed

woodland, outdoor textiles and that’s not all! There is also a sculpture trail, an outdoor performance

area and a large food growing area.

Palatine School Gardens - This is a many-roomed mature garden with varied planting, constructed by

teachers, volunteers and children. As with Oak Grove College, there are lots of features, including a

wildlife corner, large and small ponds, themed gardens and children's outdoor art features, along with

rockeries, living willow archways, mosaics and an interesting tree collection. Also open by appointment

from April to July.

Page 3: Number 11 30 June 2014 - Oak Grove · 2014-07-02 · U13 newcomers Akram Bouabane threw a PB of 4.47m in the shot put,

Eastbourne School Report

23 Special Olympic athletes went to Eastbourne to compete in the South East regional event and came

home with 26 personal bests (PB), 21 gold, 17 silver and 9 bronze medals. Top performer was Freya

Parsons winning 3 gold medals in the long jump, 100m and relay. U13 newcomers Akram Bouabane threw

a PB of 4.47m in the shot put, Emily Scally jumped 1.70m, ran 100m in 20 seconds 100m (both PBs),

Shami Fenuga won silver in the 100m and bronze in the long jump, and Kaya Gonthier won gold in her

50m. Elite performers Sam Gratton and Jordan Okonta continued their steady progress towards

European standards gaining season best (SB) in long jump.

England Disability Championships

Elite Special Olympic athlete Jordan Okonta went to Birmingham to compete in

his first England event and coped well despite the rain. In the 400m he put in a

great performance and just missed out on winning by 3 hundreds of a sec record-

ing a PB of 55.97s. In the long jump he competed in his first 6 jump competition

and came third with a jump of 5.33m. His consistent performances are keeping

him at number one in his age group in both events. His next major event will be the

age group championships in Bedford at the end of August.

Legacy Games

Eight year 7 students took part in the Legacy Games at Worthing Leisure Centre and did very well

against the fourteen other Worthing schools. Zuki Douglass ran a great 800m race and Daniel

Langmaid and Dougie Beighton performed well in their first ever competition at 100m & 200m. Kaya

Gonthier and Charlotte Alford ran excellent relay legs as did the boys’ team and all enjoyed their day.

Middleton Cricket Day

The whole of year 8 went to this new event put on by Middleton Cricket Club. The day consisted of

the moving around different skill stations and learning how to develop each skill during the morning.

Having completed the twelve different stations it was time for lunch and then all the schools got put

into mixed groups to play different cricket games. Each group played diamond cricket, pair’s cricket,

continuous cricket with a difference and kwik cricket. At the end of the day medals were given out

for the most improved skills learnt and the winner of these were:

Owen Cripps for determination to develop his bowling.

Ivan Quilloy for development in catching.

Befinn Hedge for learning to bat.

Scott Grevett got a special award for his consistency at hitting the wicket.

Parallel Games

Thirty-four students went to the Parallel Games

in Burgess Hill and took part in a range of competi-

tions against fifteen other school from across

Sussex. The OGC cricket team came second and

our Boccia pair, Sam Gratton and Shannon Munday,

helped win the event for the Southern Area Part-

nership. The swimmers came away with various

medals and our New Age Kurling team just missed

out on third place in a very close final game. All

students had a fantastic time and are looking

forward to next year.

Page 4: Number 11 30 June 2014 - Oak Grove · 2014-07-02 · U13 newcomers Akram Bouabane threw a PB of 4.47m in the shot put,

Forthcoming dates for your diary:

3 July—6th Form graduation

4 July— last day for year 12,13 & 14 leavers

18 July—Sports Day

23 July—Last day of term

3 & 4 September—INSET Day

5 September—return to school for all stu-

dents EXCEPT those in year 12

8 September—return to school for Year 12

24 September—Parent Support Group

24 October—INSET Day

27 to 31 October—half term

School Lunches

The cost of student school meals will go up to

£2.25 per day from the beginning of the autumn

term in September


Please return any outstanding dental screening consent forms to Oak Grove College immedi-

ately. Without parental consent students cannot be seen by the dentist on Thursday 3 July.

Thank you.

Year 9 Residential to South Wales

Year 9 students had a fantastic week away, taking part in

gorge walking, canoeing, climbing, abseiling and walking up

Pen-Y-Fan, the highest mountain in South Wales. All the

students were amazing and put in tremendous effort,

especially climbing up the mountain. They group worked

well together and really built on their teamworking skills.

Signing Choir

Signing Choir has been running for two years as a

lunchtime club, so it was very exciting to be asked to

perform at the ‘Communication for All’ event at Fontwell

Racecourse on Tuesday 24th June. This is the first ma-

jor event we have had the privilege of being asked to

perform at. The students had all focused hard to learn

the signs, rehearsing every week and following up this work at home.

On the day, the students all sang and signed two songs: ‘Happy’ and ‘Love is Easy’, communi-

cating with the audience their love of the music and showing the knowledge that they had ac-

quired. The students were full of enthusiasm and thoroughly enjoyed the standing ovation,

which was well deserved.

Sponsored Walk 2014

We are delighted to advise you that we raised in excess of £2,800 from this year’s sponsored walk.

The biggest individual fundraiser was Saffron Bradshaw, whose support from the owners and staff of

Austin-Diva’ Steel Fabricators in Ford was more than £300. A big thank you to them and to all par-

ents and carers whose support we continue to count on.

We welcome Alison Malcolmson to our admin

team, she is our new

Annual Review Co-

ordinator. Alison will be

responsible for organis-

ing the Annual Review

meetings, you will also

occasionally see her on Reception.

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