Page 1: NUMBER - Clare County Library · VOLUME XXII. M O N D A tamas^osm A R C IV a 8, NUMBER II 0 T I C E. The severa Divisionl o thfs Lande osf DA RRAGHS-, ^UILTT, &V. - The 4Estaf of

VOLUME X X I I . M O N D A tamas^osm


II 0 T I C E. T h e several Divisions of the Lands of

DA RRAGHS-, ^UILTT, &V. -The 4Estafe of Mr . B U R T O N , .advertized in. this

P a p e r , t h e ? i s . t . , o f - J a n u a r y last , ' '


Apply to A U G . F I T Z - G E R A L D , at Tureen. March 17, i feo j .

-• - T O- ' B E L E T , '

' From the nfth L>aji of March next, . .

For such T E R M as, shall be AGREED upon;

Either together or separately,

T h e untenanted: Divisions of ..the M O U N T A I N L A N D S o f D R O M G O R Y , A G H I S , C A P P A , - a n d .

M r . B U T L E R ' S p a r t o f C A L L U R A G H , i n t h e

Parish of IMCHICRONANE. , ' W I I EI A M CARRIGE ' , of Dromgory, wil l shew

the Lands, and 'PROPOSALS wil l be. received by

GEO R G F. C 0 M r'N,, 'Esq;

AtAs;ha-rove,' Who wil l immediately close with any solvent Tenants, and give immediate possession.

- , - , • F e b r u a r y 1 8 , I 8 ' P 5 ; . :

' . DF.RA.v: I L L H — . C O . C L A R E ,

S j ^ Th-it nsjv and desirable Summet Residence, eontiguoiis .to M I I T O W N , cpmpleatly fitted up, and furnished lin-A-gOod1 stv'le-, With extensive OFT'ICES, &C.- &C. T O ' B E L E T , by- the <Mttrfih, '-jW i-st May-,to 1st, to' a respectable'Family.— This House imm'ed-iatel.y'adjoins the best and safest

HAT l i t NO SFIGRE in that country,; and has every accommodation. A sufficiency of T'Jrf and Grass w i l l b e , supplied by agrifcrofni, Application to beynade to

* Mr. JOS. ROUGH AN, Eimis, N . B . PATRICK ©'RIFJF-FJ at the House, wi l l

shew, the premises. . ' , March. .9, 1805,!

T O . B E - L E T , " Prom the ist of May -next, for .such Term,

as may'be agreed 011, 64 A C R E S o f t i i e 'EANDS of

' P I f Ii ' N A G H , with'the Dwelling-House, Offices, Garden, and Or-chard,- with Turbary and igoo'd'"Water; dis't'ant from Li'n:eri r.k 7 mife';; arid i ' f rom" the N e w Qjray of B,u/irarty there are'oii the Premises"^ Mi lch Cows-an.d.a. Bull , with, all; kind of Milk-Vessels fit for a Dairy, w'hjeh will be Sold, at a Valuation ; Sis? Months Credit •tvill'be g iv in on Approved Security.

A r . s o , to be SE.T.o.r S O L D , and immediate Pos-sesion.given, ioA, Of' tlie Lands of CRA TL.O.E, joining Meelick and the River Shannon T h e above Lands areas good'for-Fatteriing, Meadowing, D a i r y or,Tillage, as .any-in the. County.' ! Proposals wi l l be' jqcoi.ved by the.Widow VALMER,..C.ardarjett, near Limerick, who will give preference, only to the high-est and most'sOlverit bidder. Feb. -lSoj-...

Ify . the Lord Lieutenant; ,snd:C.«uaci l of 'Ireland, .

A . f J t G C I , A M A T i G H , - V H A R D W I C K E - - . '.'.-•-.'••-;V- -• • • ' • ' ? - : :"-.' '

7 ' H F . R E A S w e bavcrfceiv.edinformat ' ion-that James ' "Mart i r i , 'o f the- parish of Bang;.t)i;.,- in- the county ,-

%F. Dow'li, farmer-.- , John .Scott, of th'e . .sim'e, far'mc.r-John.-Qjiinn, w e a v e r ^ P a t r i c k Buggan,- of Dovynpatrick; in the county of Po.wo,. l a b o u r e r ; . Joh|I Lpghl i l iy-of ihe parish of EckinvaieJ- iri said c o u n t y , f a r m e r ; and A r -chibald M ' C annj of the - parish of K i l l e n c h y , ifi said e o u i i l y , labourer ; being lawfully.-'cbnfin'id-in the'-ph'son of B . l ast, on charges, of treasonable -practices, dicf, on tl' C night of. Saturday, the 29th'"' day of September last, ' e f f r c t their escape from-the said-prison, and it is supposed

arc now urilawr'tiflj 'at .lajgir,: .. , • . ;-.. . -.. . ..-, '• Nuv> we the Lord L i e u t e u a n t a a d ..CouriciJ, be ing de-

termined, as far as. In us lies, to bring the Said James M a r t i n , John Scott , John Quirfri , PatrrclS D u g g a n , John Loghl in i ami Archibald M ' C a n n , to speedy and condign punishment , d;o by ; tills our Proclamation publish and

t h a t i f any person or. pei'sons,. shall, within the spice 'o f .six mouths next after the. date, of this our Pro-c l a m a t i o n , apprehend, or procure to he apprehcrided, the' caid Jas. M a r t i n , jfahn 'Scott, Jo'fift Qiuinnj Pat. D u g g a n , John L o g h l i n , ahit Arch'; MlCa'nri, or any of t h e m , so a s ' that-they or auy. b,f- th,em'raay :l)e lodged in jjoroe.of his M a j e s t y ' s gaols . in, this k.-ngdom, such ;perspn or. persons •half receive 'as a reward'the sum of O N E H£ri>IDRED P O U N D S for each 'and ? v e r y of tlie said O f f e n d e r s . ' :

' Arid we do hereby strictly charge and cornitiahd' i l l Justices of the Peace , - ;Mayors , Sheriffs,'.'; Bailiffs,' C o n - , Habfe»,_ and all other his M a j e s t y ' s loving subjects , to o s c their utmost dil igence ih apprehending the said of -fenders, and every of them.'

G i v e n at the C h a m b e r in D u b l i n , the '6th day of October, 1804.'

Charles D u b l i n . No'rbury, ., . H e n r v K i n g . R l y 1 " . : : • ' . . • E v a h ' H e p e a n . S. Hamilton.- -Etankfo/.t. G O O Save the K I N G .

| , J f - ;0 . . B E ,L E T , ' : '• FRO.Mf T H E F I R S T ' D A Y . OF' M A Y . N E X T , .

Together or in' Diisiiins. ' , . i 'he following L A N D S , part of D O O L I C K ,

near ENNIS, . now ifi flic occupation o f Mylfs Brennan:—'

No, r, the Division ori Which the H O U S E stands, 7-A. J R . . ...

No. 3, on theiRaee/Course, S Acres i -^And No, 3, on dittOj £ Acres. . . . . 1

,Pijo.rQSAir,s to ,be : made to th'e Hon. Judge F l N U C A N E , or Mr. J O H N E D . D O U G H E R T Y .

. -"-;. Marck. i-fj 1805.

^ N N I S ' B L E A C H - G R E E N ,

1 ANTHONY HOROHAN Grateful for the very extensive, patronage

which he has experienced, and ambitious to render general satisfaction,' begs to inform .the Public, tjiat eVery preparation is made, and theiriost unremitting, attention will be paid, to.ensure the safety a-nd finish in the bes.t .manner, all L INENS, . D t APER'S, &C. committed to his, cpre.—'The, immediate' ..connection

. of the'Bleaqh.Gr^ert to his otherconcernsj .enables him to give' constant attention to the entire process ; and he is detemined'tfa-'solicit the favour of the Pub-lic no longer, than-he shall be found to merit their protection.

t § . + P I E C E S r e c e i v e d , at--the B L E A C - M G R K T . N , at Miss BARBARA DWYER'S, High-street, Ennis,

, a h d at M r . J O H ' n E D . D O U G H E R T V ' S , kalliitacally,

for all which I will be accountable. • F e b . ' 6 , 180s. A N T H O N ' Y H O R O H A N .

B y the Lord L i e u t e n a n t am1 Counci l of Ireland,

A ' P R O C L A M A T I O N . •""" H • R D WI (.' K •:.. '• • ; ' .•'••• 1 . H E K i i A S w.c- have-,received informxtiorj, .that be-

t w e e n th- hopis of tl anil 9 o ' c l o c k , i n che after-nijon of SaI nr.iay • the l i r i day or JSe(jie.iv er last, as Jtrie's K. i l iy , 1 ' ,Private S'ohlrer in' hi» Ma]--ity-'s »fith

- Kegimri i t yf Foot-, y n t . r-fturii'.ng. rr.-in) the •,'Water Si.:e, in the 'j;oWiV of Bal-inasloe, in the Coanty 0: G j l v / a y , . with a |lu. kei of W a t e r ' i n his Hati ' V h e w : s krio-:keti doy/n by t w o Persons u n k n o w n , enil harbar-ou ly an-i in-humanly . houghe.I, in consequence of which t h : jaid,J.'as.-Kelt) h '.''since 1! d.

N o w v/r, the Lord Lieutenant a'ri'tf CoUii. it of Ii elaml, being liilly.ttctct(nlned','-'as far as in us ties, to brfn£ the

LPerpetiaLora of such' inhuman O u t r a g e , a n d - e v e r y 0 . tfiemv t o tpcedy; arid condign Punishment , do by this

our Protlairijit 011 publish «nd d - c l a r j ; that' i f -jriv f e r j o p 01 Per;'pn(i.:shaf.l,,'vvjthin the' S[ia'ce nf Si^.Monilis.-nr-xt a te 1 the D;,te. or tl,;s,o.up. Pr-'•. 1 am^11 .fl' the Person..of PcJ-JOns c.qnceri;ci|. in .the said O u t r a g e , so as . that he or they-be sppr-rhendrti- and 'coiivIft>'d -thereof,* -uch Person-or-Pe-rscins-!so difl<:©ve' int? sfiall receive as a R c w a r j j "the. Sum of T W O , H U N D R E D P.t|Uff f>S ,foi eacri of the -s'iii" i"*1 '-son- w|fo snail , diUnyerc.d, ' ap-orehcniTed an,!'conv'icled of t h e -Said -'Ou'tra'ge. • '

Ani t - .we j io- her, publish and't leciore^ij f i i t i f ,P,rrfwns yunccrned - in the sa^tdvOffcMe, (t,hc Person w h o acl.uully' hbui-'hed the said James K e l l y only exceptntl-Jv'-sball,- ; v/iihiit the Ti'me'afoi-csaid, ifisEoVe? his '

. .or , tlie.jr. Angomplice, or Accomplices,: so a's ilia't bb or ;' t h e y . b s .apprehended, and convicted t h e r e o f , sj ich;Peison; ; or" Persons so' discovering s h a I i not 'on 1 y receive the s-iid _ ; R r W a r d , ' b u t sH'all'alsci' receive ' his1 Majes ty ' s most/gi a-'cious and,free ,Pai;<ipu-for the said Of fence ; I An..l'-W?' do hereby ,strid\ly. chaiige and . c o m m a n d all ; Ju-tices of the P e a c e , Mayor, Sheriffs , Ba'it.ffi, and all ' o t h e r fas M i j e t t y ' s loving SuHjef ls ' , ' to use thcii' utmost

t-'nileayours 10 bring the said .Offenders:, and . every of i them, , to speedy and condign. Punishment.

G i v e n a l the CouriC'l Chamber iri Dubl in, the 3d day of N o v e m b e f j 1&04.

Chaia. ' .Dublin. A r r a n . ' Miisl ierry. - T y r a y » l y . E v a n Nepeari. Denis Browite. . Ptatriliifi ( i f G r a d y .

• G O D Save the K I N G . '"' ,

E y the Lord. L ieutenant and C o u n c i l of Ireland,

.. . A P R O C L A M A T I O N ;.'••• H A R D ' W I C K E , 1 ' -••.- -• . ' ' " ' ; -•• ' ' •

WH E R E A S h y i a n - ' A a f i a f f e d i n ' t h e ' T w e n f y - f i K ! and Twerity-l'c^ontl ytjariof. hiS.[vIajc)t,y's r i ign, ' enti-

•tied " An -AiSt'-for the' better fee,uring.(he^Lil>erty, o f - the ,Subje£t,"- and commenly called , th; Habeas Coi.jius A d t , it. 'S pro\rided>, (hall and may-be'.lawful- td and, f & the C h i e f Gover.nor; fln)l „.Go'v?rn.(T)'is fuditfie -Tjm.e.heing, arid P r i v y Go;uticiI of li'efa.nd, to fu,l"pend4tf'ie' faid, A ' S , •dnririg Inch-t ime only, as thei'e' ffiill lie" an 'a,iaual?Iiiviffion-,o'r Rebel l ion In I.-efsnti or GVea't Bi i tai i i ; iriil that, no Judge or Jul! ice of Peace 1fIi;ill bai[.or-,tT5' af lyiPejfOfl or Perfons cHa'rgetl tfttli feeing concerned in'fu'ch invafion or Rebel l ion without *n Order front the Lieuxen^nt, or F^oi'd D e p u t y a n d Privy Cbatlci l of Ite'lami. fdr the T i m e being, figned/jby-Six-of the./aid Privy Counci l , nr.-y L a w , Statute or Ufage to the contrary iri any wife n o t w i t h l l a n d m g .

A n d whereas a daring Rebel l ion Hath aft.dally broken o u t in Ireland, and-it become' ad«ifc'able to fufpend t h e ' O p e r a t i o n ; of the faid . A f t during the Continuadce i ' l e r e o f : . ,

N.oW w e the Lord LieateiVant and Cotmiiij do .by this otlr Pt-oclamatiorideclar,e4 T h a t t h e faidibe', arid the' fame is hereby' lufpeiidetl, of. which all. Judges; Jul f ices , of t h e . P f a c e , and others are required to take N o t i c e .

A'n-,1 wl-.ereas"(Ker= is reafoii la apprehfcn'd that teveral 1 -PeifotiJ, charged, mith 'haying been concerned in the K i d R e b e l l i o n , are ejitieayoilring to t fcape [uftice by dtpart-ing frbm-I.-efanil : ' ' - - .

N o w we the.1 L o r d Lieiiteniirit,- being tie'firous to bring all fach offenders t o rpcedy.,Punitj<menf,,. d o , by and wi th the.Artvice o f his M a j e f t y ' s molt .Honourable. Pi;ivy C o u n -

c i l . -fttiQkje forbid an^- Perfon. wh.omfp.ever to depart from .Ireland; w i t h o p t h a v i n g obtained Pai tpof t . for that ptir-pofe , J g n e d , by ouf -Chief, Secretary ; o'rahe: Under Secre-' a f y f o . r the Civ i l Department , or either-'of,t.he;nv or by fome-'PerfoiV auehoVifed'by an Ir i f t fumcm fubferibed by ih.etTi; or either 6f.-'tire'm, toilign-'fuch: Pa'l'jpoi ts:

A n d w e dp he<eby-'ftri 1SH7 c o m m i n d a t l - M a t t e r s and Commantlers of al l Shipsjand V e f f e l s .departing- .from lire, landj- that ! they do not, upon any account w h a t f o e v e r , t a k e pajboard their Vet fe ls , .when departing f rom Ireland,

any Pcripn not having fu'ch.f'ijitpprt as a'forifaiil," fa-Ve a fid •jx&pi' (R\f pAforiS H-itually'iVhiployeti ' to nav.igite fricn VcfTrjls ivfpe'iSli vi| ly.'•, *•' , ' ; ' '

And, we .dp j furthel .cnmmand all M a g i f l r a t e s j O f l l c e r j ' of Lhe Kevertuv, and all Officers Civi l ami M'.'Iitmy, m i l all ,other his 'Majelt iy ' t S u b j e f l s j -to ufe-, their ritmofl E a .

, deavoui'|S,tp prevent the tlep>i-t.ure,of any Perfons from I Ireland .not hay ing fuch Paffporto as afo-elaid.

G i v e n ' at the CouniUiChVmber in Diibliri, the i 8 t b Day -of J u l y , 1803;'

R e d e f i U l e , C . " ' l ' yr<wiy - Henry K : ng. ' Chas. ' Dublin. „ J . BelresfprrL, l ) . .Latoi i he*

W m . T u a m . ' H i E. F o i . S: H a m i l t i n . DroghL-ila.. ' H e r , Lan^ii lhe. . J M a a . f l h v G t h t o h U A n n e f l c y . , M.. S m i t h . .Stsn.ditli O ' G r j t d y . Muskerrv. G O D lave the K I N G . :

By the-Lord Lieutenant 'and'Counci l of Irelari,!;

'.i,A P R O C L A M A T I O N . H A R D W t C K E . .

WH E R E A S we have receiVeil .information, th«t ori the Night of Wednesday the (5th of Ftbrt lary

instant, b e t w e e n the hours o f ' s e v e n nnd vei^ht o?cl<ick, M r . T h o m a s M o r e s e y ; of the Bleach G f e e n , in the C o u n t y ' o f W a t e r f o r d , w a i , on his return from W a t e r -fort), w j y u j a i d within a Q u a r t e r of 2 M i l e of his o w n house,,, ,end barbarously and inhumanly , m t o l c f c d by aoine perron or persons unknpwfl i w h o fired a gh,nt a t . him froth' litH.ind a Ditch; Avh ch 'wound'e'd him ill the B o d y , and a aecond • S h o t v/hlch i-Woundfed h i m in lhe' N e c k , t i t e r which his HejH w a r h r j t m > i t h a S ippe, .

wiiieh f ra f lured.his Skul l iri srveral Places,

N o w we the Lord Lieiiten.'.nt arid Couric',1 of Ireland, being-luliy d e t e r m i n e d , as far as in us.-liei1, 10 br-ng-th.- -Perpetrators of,-laid barbaroiis antf nti ociuUH M u n i e r LO fpeedy and qondigit Pununmerit , do l»y tivs our pro-.l j-mat'-.on publ fh and tlecl-ife', Th.-t if ar'y Pei f i n or .i 'rr lobaT t! ;a!i; within the Space'-of- Six Cal-n l--r .M.inths from the D.ue hereof^ di.fcover anji-app eheivi tlie P, rlnn?, c n t i e j n c i , t h e r e n, or any of t h e m , lo as that fu -h P e r -

.foti'crr Per fori* thai! he conv-fteri thci-e'P!, fucK PtTfon or. P rf' nl fo dilcnVe) ine'(liail receivr as a R r ward the- Fu :' 01 T W O H U N D R E D P.OoN-U3JSte,',iiog for each and ,every of .the ilrll Three ' Pei f,,r,s lo COHVICUU. - And w e do alto pnbl 111 and d'eclair,' Ths't f f any Per-fon.or Pe' lons concerned in tile laid Mn.-der, except the Perfon br" Perfons r.efnertivcly, ,wI;o fire/! at,, iintl • o f h e i -w i f - wounded the fair! T h o m a s Morefey^' flialt, within the t im- aforefaid, difcover his, her, or ' their Accompl 'ce

.or .Accomp'kes ," fo ,asthat he,, Hi-, 01 thev fje apprehended an.( .convxtr i : , thereof . , . fuch , Perfot) or P n f o o t fo difrp-vering finII a l lp 'receive His M a j e f t y ' s molt gracious Par-

• ilun 'or lhe f i id Offence. . f ' > ! 1

And.'V^c do . hereby-n-fial.y ,cn;d command all ju f l ic .es of.the Peai--, p a y o r s , Sheriffs , Bailiffs, C o n f l a -1'les, »ri.' t i l o ther 'Hi t M a j e f t y ' s lo'vin:? its,- 'to' use

' t'leir ptn'-iol) Dilie'ed'ce in dlfcovering and ap'jir-. hrndlug the ' faid,Olfc v.le-1-.\ ami every oi them.

,<jfiv.n at t')t G o u o u i l . C h a m b e r . i n Dubl in , the i j i h Day of February, ' . .1805,

Red-'fla*'-; C . , Cathce-t: .: *St. George D a l y, Dublin.-- ' .Fr 'sokfort. j , O. Vandeleur E l y . • W m . Forwi,rd. .S tJnd. f i O ' G r a d y

G O P Save' t h e " , K I N G ,

By! the L a r d -Lieutenant: C e n t a l and .Gencral .Governdr of Ireland. ' '

l " ' ' : " A P R O C L A M A T I O N , . H A'P n V / I C K E . - -

WH E R EAS. Hi» Majefty 's; Service ,doth at this Time. ' require a fpeedy Supply of Seamen and 'Seafaring.

Men, to man His M i j e l V y ' s F leet which is now fit'tijig out, ' W e , d o by His M a j e f t y ' s Cbmhiarid d'ifecc and require all C iv i l Matfiifrates ij%, this Part ,o'i" His M'aje l ty ' s ,United Kingd.0m called Ireland, to nle (heir Kelt Endeavours Ki caule all,luch Seamen or Seaiirin'g M e n , (Tt for H i s ' Ma-, jell y's S e r v j c e j as m i y -be met w i t h . Lo be taken up, and fent on ftoartl any of.His.-M,ajeii-y's Ships or Vcf fe ls in the Ports, or 011 the C.o'ift of Ireland, or to auy of H : s M a -

j e s t y ' s SeaOtlie'ers mho may be employed to r a i f e ' M e n ori Shore ' for His Majel ly 'B' .Fleeci u c c o r d i h g as .-the Places where luch Ships or,VeiiTel-, or fuch Sen, Officer^ may be refpectiv'efy ftationVd f lu l l be ne'arert.' And for the En-couragement of the Perfons w h o (hail -be eritrulle.i with the .Care of - co!riiluct ng f u c h Sesm.-.n and Seafearirig'Men', they w i l l oe paid I>t,the Captain or Commander ot luch Ship or velfel , ; .or Set Ofllce'r employed on Shin e as afore-faid, r e f p e f t i v e l y , a R e w a r d of T W E N T Y S H I L L I N G S for.each Seaman or Seafaring Man fit for His M a j e f t y ' s Serv ice , and Sispentie a .Mile for. every Mile they ' may. have travelled,; not ?<ceedi«]g T w e n t y . Miles in the Mari-t ime G o u n t i t s , .and,-: Forty M i l e s 'in'.th'e Inland C o u n t i e s And W e do hereby f u r t h e t l i irectami, require the fa:d CI-yi l Magiftratef to give all pofllbfe CdUjt l fnaf ice and;A,fl lt l tarice' to the,Off icers of His ' M a j e s i y ' s ' S h i p s arid V 'ef fc ls , or to the Sea-Officers 6f H i ^ Maj'c5t'y!t:' Ships arid VeficiS, ' or to the Sea,Off icers w h o may lie e m p l o y e d H o rsife! . Men on Shore, in imprefling or ottier^ii 'e procuring , M e n fqr •',

His-M-ajesty's"Fleet. * ' f : '.' '. ' ' " G i v e n i t ' H i s M a j e f t y ' s Cal t le of'Driljliri,' the ifit'h D a y • of," March, 1803.. ,,.[;".••.;

j By H i i ExcelleriGj's' .Comrnand; : A . M A R - S D E N .

'• G O D S a v e the K I N G . "

C O U N T R Y I N T E L L I G E N C E .

when Several Resolutions were unanimously agreed to, and a,Secret Conatnittecj -consist-' ing of 15 C'cntlenueiii appointed to carry into elFect all necessary rtieans.for " sup-pressingthedisorders vi-hicli have faken' place

j i n this County, and for detecting and pu hish-irjg the transgressors ;" aiitf to pay'siich fe -

| wards as they, shall think fit. Five hundred -1 guineas will he given for such information as '

will enable them to b'ringan armed" force to any illegal nightly meeting ih this County.

f ' T h e outrages committed of late ' in this County, have produced upon the gentlemen of-it that effect which was natdrsl. They fiave excited an universal lentiment of ab- :

' horrence, and a fixed determination to'sup-v press those abuses,' which reflect disgrace on

too many distrieis of Ireland. By the spirited' ' and well directed exertions w h i c h have al-ready been made'; Several; bf 'the principals in One of the late murders' committc'd, have ' been apprehended, "identified,' arid lodged iri -our county jail * and by a private le't'tei from the neighbourhood of Cappoquin,' we have! learned that a second batch of 7 or 8, have' been taken on Monday night.

c, i o N M E L , i n R,C ti 9.' On Friday evening .last, the Post Boy

conveying the mail from hence to'Cashel, was stopped about a mile and a half fiOitt town, by two men, who took from him the bags, containing letters for Cashef, Tippe- :

f a : y &c. * ' ' : A lew nights back, of iharaudersy broke into the house of one Walshe,'an' ho-nest farmer, near Thofney-bridge, whom they.robbed of a large sum of money1, some clothes, and other articles. '•"'"•'•

M I L I T A R Y I N T E L L I G E N C E . -

-The ist baialion of the Sgt'h continues-1 i t Col 'k , together with the G^iieenV'^ourity, Tipperary, '>nd South Mayo regiments1, i'wk> troops of Light Diagoons.' It-deserves Jo be recorded of the -Sgth, which is an un-commonly fine, regiment, 940 strong, that there has not been a duel, .or general cqui't martial in it si nee t ne year 1793 ,. when it was first embodied j and- what is: riotnei?s:',,{o

..its,honour, it lias established a Charitable Eund, irom which ibe AY (ves of Soldiers' are:supp!ied with proper things during sick-nes><% a n d receive a guinea pn lying-in ;

_and which among, other, excellent things, provides such education for the soldieVs children, as is calculated td tender them ve-' ry useful both to society, and to themselvfe. T h i s meritorious institution'is suppoited by a day's pay from every person in the regi-ment,- and by all fines, &c.

•i-ermpy, the next stage north of C o r k , and. which, Irom being ten, years since ,a nest of hovels, is btcqree , perhaps.fhe hand-somest,' and. amongst- the most'flourishing villages in Europe, it is h om'its contiguity-to' several important -stations, made - a 'p'ei nia- -nerit post for three battalions, besides caval-ry and artillery ; the '/tl battalion of the-aSt'h form part .of 3000 regulars,.at piesent quar-tered in this place, which,-, by demonstrating' what is accomplishable by an unitjn of ta-lents and enterpi.'ize , in an individual, re-prove and stimulate the larid:holderg-of ihis country. Mi;.. Anderson has • already; i*h-;

-creased this" part of his property .i^o*ocl. per ann. and is said, to' have' been offered from a guinea to a guinea and a half per foot • for some streets which he has laid out on 'the' north side of the Black Water.

T h e Buffs form part of the garrison at Kin,sale. ;

A t Bandon theie. are two ..'squadrons of Light Dragoons,- 4.companies of- Artillery^ the 97th or Gjueen's German Regiment, and the i d and'$th very fine battaHbris'of Militia light infantry.

The-ad bat. o f t h e 48th is at MaJlbwJ besides Cavalry," '&c.

A dfetacfimfent of Afti l lery, the 18th Ligfit rnonnnQ 'e t r li fnrvf - n r, 1, n ^ m .-.^i,.

. ' . . . . . B E L F A S T , M A R C H f j .

On the 19th ult. the Fortune, of Mary-port,. M . Rogers, master, sailed from B a n -g >j> in ballast ;—and on the 20th, in a ga'e of v/inc!,., she went down olF'.the Rbsses, ' ... i lear.Kirkcudbright, ,'aricl all on board p e i - D r a g o o n s , '55th foot,, an uncommonly fine rishedv consisting of the Captain and three light iiifaritr'y brigade, iind the King's'Coun-? mpn, two of .whom' were his sons iii Ihtv. ' ty and Londonderry One of the persons who perished, D . Mit-

; clielj, is,the son of respectable jSSrents iii Bangor, ; • and is the fp.U'rtfison they have lost ;

at.seaj, yvithin these few-years.

f • W A T E R F O R D ' , M A R G - H 0 . '•

On Monday last a .respecta'bfc meeting of the High Sheriff, Magistrates, and Gentle-

.menof this County, was heldat Dungarvan/

ty' and .Londonderry Miiita, continue to foil 'ni:the garrison o f Limerick.

T h e garrison of Dublin is abotit to. un-dergo a change in . some of the regimental Quarters—t'he'iStfi' "and 8ad fegime.cts, ape ulYtler Orders for Dublin to relieve, some of

'those which will march OUE of their-'.present-' quarters; that fine body- of men the' 7ad Highland regiment is to remain in Dublin.

Page 2: NUMBER - Clare County Library · VOLUME XXII. M O N D A tamas^osm A R C IV a 8, NUMBER II 0 T I C E. The severa Divisionl o thfs Lande osf DA RRAGHS-, ^UILTT, &V. - The 4Estaf of

A G R I C U L T U R E .

3 * An attention to the following Instructions for the Culture of FLAX, will prove highly beneficial to the Tillers of that rnosi useful and :utxessa-j-y Article. '.Not only in this County,: b(f throughout the.South of Ireland, more ilidn half'the crop attempted to be.raised.. in each.year, is ruined by the ignorance of those employed in the management of it ; but, an observation of these directions •will prevent this evil, 'and a ih ply reward such as pursue them,

, - . WWIWWdMBtftlM "

D I R E C T I O N S F O R R A I S I N G ' F L A X . Published'by order of the Commissioners and Trus-

tees for' Fisheries, Manufactures arid Improve-ments in .Scotland'.—And, enriched with a f e w notes, by a Gentleman in the practice of,.raising Flax in the North uf Ireland,.

— .

Choice' of Soil, aid' preparing the Ground for I lux.

A skilful flax raiser always, prefers q free, open, deep loam, arid grounds that produc-ed.'the preceding year a , goptl crop of pota-toes, barley, or broad clover,, "orr.has. been formerly laid down rich, a.nd kept for, som.e years in past.ure. .

A :clay soil, the second or third crop after being .limed,, ( t ) willanswet" well' for flax,, as*well as soils' of a lighter quality, provid-ed it, bp bi ought to a proper mould, by till-ing after; harvest, to expose it to the winter frosts, apd by repeated .plo.ughings in the spring,to make the, ground, fine, a little old stable dung, or that of sheep or ashes, may be spieacl upon the ground immediately after sowing."

Grq'und( enriched with shells or other marls, will answer .well for flax, if the marl has .been mixed with the soil for some time. In dry soils the broader and more level the ridges are laid so much,the better, as by that means the. natural moisture will be longer retained, and the ciop rendered mose equal, • and uniform, which 'uniformity is of great advantage to the crops of flax.

; All, new.grounds, or such as have lain long, in grass, or pasture, produce clean crops of'strong flax, but ought fo be plough-ed as sliaflOw, and the furrow laid as flat as possible (2).

Flax-seed ought never to be sown on gibunds,either too wet or dry, but on such as. retain a natural moisture,, and such grounds as a 1 e,inclined to weeds, ought to belavoid-ed, unless prepared by a careful sum mer fal-low, or by crops of potatoes, turnips or cabbage.

Choice of Linseed. (3) T h e lighter in.colour and heavier the seed

is, ;'sp much the better, that which appears; when, Uriiiscd of a light or yellowish green and.fresh in,the heart, oily and smells and' taste^s\ve^ may be depended upon, (4)

Puteh seed, of the. preceding, year's growth^ tor the.most part answers best, but it seldom.succeeds if kept another. .: It ripens sooner than any foreign seed. Philadelphia seed pipd.uce§.fin,e lint,, and ,few. bolIs, and answers well .in cold soils.

Of sowing Linseed.. The. quantity of the linseed soWn, should

be, proportioned'to the condition of the ground; for if the,soil be in gOod heart, and :

the seed 1 so Wm-thick, the-crop will be in danger of,falling before it is ready for pull-ing. . Neairly:three bushels Winchester mea-sure of .Dutch .or. Riga seed are generally sufficient foi^one Scots acre.' (5)

T h e general time of sowing linseed is from ' the mickjle of: March totiie end of April, as. the ground and season anSwer. It ought al-ways to be sown on a diy bed.' And "if the soil .be light i fshould be rolled for harrow-ing'.especj-a-fly if grasS seeds are ' Sown 'along \(>6) . '.:, >

:,'.;,.... .• y. Of Weeding Flax. • :It ought to be weeded when the crop is

about fou r.inches long. If longer deferred, theweeders will'so much break' and crook the., sii?iks,:it_hat they will., never; perhaps,, recover their straitness again, and when the

('.;)• The,' Northern Manufacturers sayi that land manured. with;sto.n,e. lime will not produce good flax, besides it is be spritty .. . ,

(1) After ploughing, a heavy roller should be uied- sod.smooth; and close to the, ground.— This will make the grass rot the sooner.

,(5) The farmers ought never to neglect the South ot Ireland,' when they purchase linseed, to have it warranted, .for should it riot grow Cwhich frequently happens) they might in this case have their money Returned.

(4) Seed should be repeatedly passed through,the' screen, that there may not be l e f t among it any de-fective flax-seed.

(5) Four Scots acres are equal to-one English.

(6) I f sown OH.grass ground ploughed, as the a u -thor-directs-, the liarfow cannot be used, even length-ways-, wi l l tear up the seeds. A heavy Sash is best. . ,

1 flax grows crooked it is more liable-to be | hurt in the rippling and swingling. (7) ! Quickens should not be pulled in weed-

ing, for being strongly rooted the pulling would lay open and endanger the roots of the lint.

If there -is any appeaiiance of a se t t led •'.droLighr, it is better to defer the weeding;

than by t-lia't operation to.exp'o'se the reliefer 1 roots of fh'e f l a i tp;-the drdtigh't, I As 'soon as"'the, weeds are pulled, they

ought to be carried off. the field, and not laid in ftirrows, wherethey altei take toopagaiiVj

: and at any rate -obstruct the gro-wth- of-the flax in these parts.

As young and unskilful persons frequently pull up and spoil the flax, they ought to he mixed with thbseof moreexpei'ieh'ce. And all ought to take care not to destroy the flax; with their shoes, or by resting too much'on their elbows, when •employed in this1 bu-siness.

Of Pulling Flax. If it is intended to save both the flax' and

the seed, the pulling should not begin till the stalk becotaes"-yeHbw, almost-all the leaves fallen, and the'bolls turned so sharp, that they will stick to the finger when pressed ii porn licit • points j. and-one of the lower bolls cut across the grain with a penknife, appears full of seed, well formed and firm,. But if the stalk is small, with a few bolls upon it, which is a sign that' the' f lax is fine, it ought to be pulled 'when the stalk begins to grow yellow,, when only the un • dermost leaves fall before the bloom is quite over, and before the bblls ttlrn short pointed,

.and when the bolls, cut across the seed, ap-pear, soft and watry. It is a rule wi th per-sons of skill to follow this last method, when ' they think that about eight hanks, or .more, may be spun from the English pound.

When flax has fallen, such as lies ought' to be Immediately pulled:, otherwise it will rot, and that being pulled the rest of the crop will receive the more air, and be the less apt to fall.

When parts of the same field grow une-' qual, so that some parts aie ready, for. puff-ing before others, what is fit should be pull-ed, and the rest-suffered to stand till ready.

T he flax raiser ought to be at great pains to pull and keep by itself each different kind of lint, what is long and fine by itself, what is long and coarse by itself, and in like man-tier-every other kind byirself; for if thedif-ferent kinds are riot thus kept . separate, the flax will be much damaged in .the watering, and the other succeeding operations.

While pulling and sotting the flax, the weeds ought to be picked out, otherwise they will hurt ihe flax in the operations -'of; watering and dressing, and what is common-ly called undergrowth may be thrown away as useless.

Few persons that have seen flax pulled are ignorant of the method of laying it in iiantifuls across each other, upon' bands composed of some of the stalks. Laying the haridfuis-in this way admits sufficient., ai.r and keeps them separate and ready for the ijippler. (To be continued.-)

(7) If the seed is and sound, 011 grass ground all this, trouble and expence will be saved.

A N E C B O T E . ' — T h e ' R e v . M . H . a g e n -

tleman of singular humour, and brother to a no less singular L a w Peer, retired to ease .and independence, as the Rector of- in the! county, of Kent. Being a Just ice 'of Peace, tie was frequently' tazed with : some idle differences'Among the-inhabitants of the place. Not being willing to be broken in upon by such fuvoious complaints, when • application was made to him for redress of some imaginary injury, his custom' was*; to dismiss them, with saying, » he would' send for them when he ,had leisure to attend to their business." T h e first rainy day "that' nex-t happened, he took care to send-for the parties, and received them sitting in the porch of the door, which just provided shelter for himself and his Clerk, whilst the complainants were obliged to stand exposed to t h e t n clem en t sky, a J1.1 he w h ile u nco v ered, to pay proper respect to the King's Justice of the Peace. - B y this means he entirely cuied -the countty folks in his neighbourhood of litigious, dispositions. Tl isblunt manner of eniorc-ing wholesomet ruths, as a Clergym an was as remakafele as his- peculiarity in the commission of the peace. One Sunday he was preaching on. moiaf duties from- these worcjs, M -Render; therefore ulVt'o 'all their • due." In explaining this tex he; observed that,there were duties which a man owed to himself as well as to others ; and, aclcled'he, when they are.notattended' to,; I never'have a -good opinion of that : man.^-Tof ; this rea'-

s o n , h e p r o c e e d s , . tH-raing f - h i t h s e l f to a

particular part of; the church, «- J have

n e v e r h a d , a g o o d .opinion &f y o u , J o h n T r o t ,

since you sold me those -sheep six months' ago, and: hav ,c lever called for the money."


F O R E I G N I N T E L L I G E N C E .


A M S T E R D A M , F E B . 1 9 . . TJie city of Utrecht, inimitatjon of M j d ^

, dlebufglr and Alkmaa'r, has transmitted''a. the'Batavian Legislative -Body,; praying,exemption from the payment.of/the third instalment of the loan ;t0 be' raised on property; conceiving, with some of the

, Mem bers of that Assembly, that such third instalment would be unnecessary, if the for-mer ones were generally and properly col-lected, and a system of economy Adopted.— In,this petition the Magistrate's • 'of'Ufrechi: declare, that the enjoining payment qf this new burden will produce the ,irretri|y,ab)e ruin of great numbers ot theirinhabitants.

F , E B R U A , R Y . - 2 2 . It is said that his Excellency. M., So H I M-

M I L P I I S N ' I N E J ? . - , ' o u r A m b a s s a d o r at ' P a -

ris, is arrived here, and not at the Plague,• as had been expected. 'His stay here will however be short.

H i s E x c e l l e n c y M , S J M O N V I I . L E , t h e

French Ambassador,' will shortly leave the Plague, on his fetu'rhtb Paris.' :>M. 'MARI-VAU, his Secretary, will- provisionally act as Charge "d'AftaTres/- -• ' - V

There'is a rep'ortj that Gen. 'MARMONT is about to quit this Republic.

T h e following article is copied from a Milan Newspaper : —

" T h e intelligence from Venice, the let-ters from Udirie; andreports from Germany, confirm the march of the Austrian troops for fo rming a'cordon to prevent- the spreading of the contagion at Leghorn. But as; that calamity never extended farther than the walls of the city, as it has ceased for some time past'; there are not a few who ridicule the idea of a cordon for such a purpose.— Others, however, take-it into serious con-sideration, and insist that some other' object is implied by these movements-. Whatever may be the destination of so considerable a body of troops, train of artillery, &c. it is nevertheless asserted that we shall not be in-terrupted in the enjoyment of peace; and in this opinion We are strengthened by,the joy-fu l n e w s o f t h e F R E N C H E M P E R O R ' S a p -

proaching arrival in Italy.

It is reported at Vienna, that the Emperor of GERMANY, during his purposed stay in Italy, will have an interview with the Em-peror of the French, on the Banks of the A d i g e : and that it is probable FRAN C'I s II. -will be piesenr. at the evolutions of an en-CamproeiiL of French troops in Lombaidy, anduhe Emperor NA FOLEON at those of the Austrian camp at.Palmanova.

FEB-RU A R Y ; 2 6 . On Friday last , in the Legislative Assem-

bly in the Plague, M . BOSCH, in the name Of the 1 Commission appointed the 12th, while the doors were closed, to bring, up a Report on the Letter of the Directory of State, containing charges against M . H A S S E L T a n d D E L A N C E V A N W Y N -CAARD, Members, of said. Assembly; for publishing in the Newspapers the sentiments which they had delivered when the Assem-bly was deliberating in private, and insisting that these,Members should be summoned to point out specifically the savings at which they hinted ; to prove the accusations made by them against the Directory ; and to name the criminals who.connive with, the enemy, that the Directory may be enabled to bring them to punishment,"ifany such there be,

&c. • :

T h e report 'of the Commission conclud-ed ,by a declaration, < that the Reporters did-not consider'the-Assembly - as competent to comply 'with the teiior .of .the Directory's> letter;, and that therefore said letter could not form'a subject of deliberation in that As-sembly. ; T h e Repo,i t was ordered to be printed for the use-of the Members; and to be taken into consideration at a future sit-ting- -' '" .

On Wednesday, his Excellency M . DE S E M O N V I L L E , having received His Letters of Recal,' he had. on the 2,3d inst..-a,formal iudience :of leave of the Directory of State in the llaghe.' A t One o'clock,' said Ambas-sador,, with . his Sec re tat y , and two other Gentlemen_ belonging to the Embassage, proceeded in two coaches—behind which Were a great,number of footmen, in grand liveries—from his Hotel to that of the Direc-tory of State,-'whose "guard was doubled on this occasion, - besides two Batavian horse-men w h o were posted before the door. T h e Ambassador having appioached the Hotel of the Government, was received at'the step b y M . V A N D E R G O E S , t h e S e c i e t a r y o f

State, with his Secretary, ;M. BOSCHA, who were to conduct thp Ambassador to tlie audience, which lasted near an hour.

•The same 'evening, M . S E M O N V I L L E held a grand circle, at which were present

all .the Members of the Government, the Poreign Ministers, and several other persons of distinction. T h e Ambassador received the-congratulations of the company on his exaltation to a Member of the Senate of the Flench Empire. Plis departure is fixed for the latter end of this week.

A . ' ' I ' E K R t ' i R r

- They write. ..from Cadiz, under date :6f the 1 st, instant, that they had experienced much blowing weather, which compelled the English squadron to retire to a distance. The Spanish frigate La Fratermdad, from Vera C r u z , ;n days, took, this opportunity to slip into pojt, having or,

board 404,312-dollars, With a-considerable quantity of cbchrneal^ indigo,- :&c. In tile same storm, tliere'-Was wMcked on: tire shoals ail English: brig, .with.'.'.dispatches for. the tfntish Commander, Aw-hich-were trans-muted to ' the Go-vemor j • and:- -'the crew, consisting of -iro men, 'Weie'inade prisoners of -v.-ar. . .'; i'i" ..:. ..

T h e storm'was also attended with good ettects at Corunna, wheVe severaf ships es„ capedthe British cruizers, and entered that port, as vdid the brig La Casilda, into the port of Oamarines, -frbm : Montevideo" in seventy-four' days- with f ^ o o b ' - d o l l a r s : of which 74,000 were fb'r the King's ac-count. - • -•'• - •'

- r . , e A D 1 z, F E E . 5. i h e garrison of Gibraltar, is yet very

weak, and symptoms Of the contagion' ap-pear from time to time, which is -also the case m many townsin Spain, where, it is re-marked, that those who, have returned to their homes are most of them attacked by the disease. The houses therefore, continue-to be fumigated. Several battalions,of EN-glish troops are daily encamped without the walls of Gibraltar, in sight of" our l ines .— T h e E n g l i s h have a t r i p l e line of batierie-

"formed like an Amphitheatre,, which are'; peihaps the most formidable in Euiom-pur lines are also provided wiiii a ni: l i !C,,.us' uram of aitill'eiy.

The;'equipment of tur-'ive ships ofTthe line, tu u frigaieii corvette, i.scc-'--;i-nucjd. with incredible z.ealvi and five mil-lions of francs are appropriated to that pur-pose. '

It was the English brig Raven of 20 guns, j which was stranded to tlie west of the.For' "1. St. Cathaiina ; the crew, consisting p j 1 24 men, are saved, andhave been>rouoh t "

;on shore. • •" ' 0

A M S T E R D A M , M A R C H I . ' H i s E x c e l l e n c y M . S c H - R M M I L T E I I T . •

N 'INCK,.jj.ince fiis arrival, has had-seveiat {conferences with the Directory of State; •a-ndyesterday tie had an interview, wiih the Coniinision of the- Departmental Govern-ment of ' Brabant.

General;'MARMONTTS expected to arrive /ln'iheTfag.ue in the course of, afew.days..:,.,,,

'The/fate o f Portugal j as,to-her share in. the,piesent contest, does not seem, as yet, to-b e finally -decided.- - It however, 'gene-rally thought that she'Will not be suffered to . ireia'ain'neutral. * ' ' - - •

' E E R L ' l f f , F E B . 5 .

• T h e negociations for accommodating the differences between Russia and-France, un-der tlie mediation of our ' Gevurtj go very slowly forward. Russia'has indeed declared that she was disposed to accept of the'media-tion of our C o u r t ; but that she had entered into certain engagements-with England "by •virtue of which she was prevented from coming to a final adjust'mennt without the concurrence of the Court of St. James's.

There is a currant repoi t here of a Treaty of Subsidy between Russia, England, and Sweden, which is supposed to be already [ratified. From another quarter, it is as-serted, that the remaining Neutral Powers, particularly those of Prussia, arid Austria, hitye taken the firm resolution of preserving their neutrality : nor Was there ever observed so close an unanimity as' exists at present between those two Courts.

T h e cola has been very intense this win-ter, and the mortality alarming. E v c i y article of life is excessively dear, and is daily rising ; insomuch-that His M A J E S T Y has been under the necessity bf distributing considerable sums for the relief of the poor.


LEGISLATIVE BODY, FIB. 41. T h e Order of the day was read for the.

discussion of the Bill presented on the 22d Pluviose, concerning the Finances of the year 13.

M r . A R N O X I L . D , Orator o f the Section of Finances, investigated the Bill under dif-ferent points of ' View, arid concluded his speech by the following observations :

" T h e Section of the 'Finances of the Tribunate feels a satisfaction in proclaiming the peifect accord which subsists between the prerogative of the throne and the right of the1

Page 3: NUMBER - Clare County Library · VOLUME XXII. M O N D A tamas^osm A R C IV a 8, NUMBER II 0 T I C E. The severa Divisionl o thfs Lande osf DA RRAGHS-, ^UILTT, &V. - The 4Estaf of

L'tegislaHvC power , : , ;a t f ' m p m e h t w h e n ' a c -cl^iTjatidns,"welcomed 1 by ' t h e T r i b u n a t e , \ l)S:V^'elevat«d ; t p ' t h p

:-Yts, Gentlemen. , t h i s is. . the fipst'tiine S-ih'Ce,the: me?;ttiorable ; p e r i o d ' , ' t h a t

. y o u a r e ca l led , o n to s ea l w i r h ' t h e L e g i s l a t i v e '

dynasty, with ihejreeand annual votes of sup-plies, I t is in t h i s c h a r t a of. e m a n c i p a t i o n o f t h e p r o p e r t y ' a ' n d i r i d b s t r y ' ; o f F r e n c h m e n ' t h a t ccfe i ' s fs t h e g u a r a n t e e of t h e g l o r y a n d d u r a -t ion o f t h e d y n a s t y o f t h e B O N A P A R L E S , Wiho ,hay e c o n q u e l i e d o u r h e a r t s i n a s m u c h as t h e y h a v e . c e m e n t e d o u r r i g h t s . G e n t l e m e n , I b e i i e v e : I ; h a v e c l e a r l y ' S t a t e d to y o u t h a t t h e '

p r e s e n t B i l l r e g u l a t e s t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n o f - t h e ;

S e t u V n s a n t e r i o r to t h e y e a r I 3 , a n d p r o v i d e s f o r tlie u r g e n t e x p e n c e s of w a r , by su f f i c i en t r e ce ip t s to k e e p u p a ' f o r m i d a b l e e s t a b l i s h -m e n t b y l a n d : a n d s e a ' a s c a n n o t f a i l o f g i v i n g

* w e i g h t ; o f u t u r e neg r i t i a t i ons f a r p e a c e . ' _ T h e M e s a b e r s ( h e n . p r o c e e d e d t o g i v e

t h e i r yotes; . .upon t h e B i l l p a s s i n g i n t o a l a w , w h e n iu w a s d e c r e e d - b y i a 6 o a g a i n s t 1 2 .

General Result'of the'AcciUfits ofthe Treasury fit the Tetir XII.

'-' ' R I C ' , s i f t s . Di'rectTaxes ' ^7,886, ,48

Of the Erireg'strtment arid,of Custom Houses. Divers Products ' " " " 19*,69V, iSTational W o o d s 4 5 , 6 0 0 , 1 8 4

AHenatibn o fNat iona l Domains " 6,384,38-7 Produce of ' t l ie Regies and' Admiriistratidria. (


Of the Custom Houses • +d, j87 jok 5-O f the P o s t - O f f i c e s - - 8,946,-876-

O f t h e M i n t . , , . , .?>A83;§-3;9 O f the L o t t e r y ?S,P39>4°."r O f th'e S a l t - P i i s 2 , 7 0 0 , 0 0 0 .

D i v e r s R e c e i p t s . . . . 1 * 1 , 6 9 1 , 4 0 1

E x t r a o r d i n a r y a n d . E i t e r i o r R e e e i p t s 1 4 1 , 1 7 8 , 0 2 3

. 8 0 9 , 2 0 3 , 7 5 1

Produce df Effects .negociated or recovered , ie SinkingEund 1>463>i;

ssure yourselves in the possession of those nway-toW«rds the coast of Sici ly, with ele-immcn'se'rifch'e^ y o u ' a r e accumulating, of yen or twelve ships. T h e English squa-ithose immense Indies which groan 1 'under JdiPn was on the Western side of the Island,, dominion. opposite; Trapatri, and-near the island.called

T h e firsV steps':antf advances toWairds' II Maritima, w h e n on'the 29 th of January, Peace wferd made'to you, and how did. y o u Capt. C O U R T N E Y B O Y L E was dispatched jxeoly to them ?! 'By placing, at' the' opening to carry ldiSpatches_ to ..Naples, and remain

• 'Sn'VhP m«sWh ol to make observations at the head of the 1 Gulf . ' j " It-is said,- that lie-asserted that one or j ' o t h e f o f the two kingdoms was menaced .by'-

French squadron; and, in effect, for the

Bv the 68 By the Administration ofEnregisterment 1,400,445

E s r i N j C i s . Public De'bt'and Pensions The Emperor's Household Ministry of ''.V.jr Administration of VTar Marine Interior^ --Worshi p Finances Pin&rfc Treasure Exterior Relations' Justice

Gl'iieral' Police E xperiee of 'NegociaUonj

3 1 2 , 0 9 7 , 9 0 4

Divers' disburse rnents' I

Total of 'Espcnces

9 4 , 8 2 7 , 6 5 5

4,626,667 1 8 7 , 4 0 6 , 6 - 4

5 - , 6 4 8 ^ 9 6

4 6 , 6 0 7 ^ 0 8

' 7 , 5 9 6 , 0 9 6 41 >7IV)458"

1 9 4 , 8 8 7


8 1 3 , 4 6 2 , 8 8 7 .

8 1 5 , 8 0 0 , 3 3 7

ofPar l iament , , 1 invectives i r i f h e mouth of your 'Sovereign, by violating : the secret of 'Negotiations; Which has clearly proved that you intended they should be ineffectual. — ( N o t e in the Moniteur of" the 1st of March, ;upoh that part of M r . PITT'S Budget, in iwhidi he proposed t6 Vote five millions for Subsidies.)

' M A R C H 2 .

T h e MoniieUr' of yes'terday"6ontai'ns the ' fol lowing additional intelligence; • respecting the Toulon' fleet1':—" The';names of the

fi:i dates

last twenty four hou is, • every place has' re-. isouWded with- military preparations, for the defence of the G u l f , though it .has a thou-sand ti mes been' acknowledged that .it is.ab ..

kotately: indefensible on all points''of ; the ; coast .— Scarcely had the. Q U E E N received-•ithe di'spatches brought by the English: f 1 i 1 gate,, when.she ordered M . D E D U M A S to 'two bngs tMjeh' b j f 'h is ; "IVfa'ie'sty's — ,

HortenscfG^t. L A M i L L E I I I E , and M / i - ! take ail possible means to prevent the Jrrench " ' " ' B1 L Lit 'r, a re " ii Ot' kt ai ed.' troops from landing and seizing on-the city. •

T h e English have at Malta the fol lowing 'fohiiptib'le, C APT: •' ]

T h e s e two'brigsii 'wlrtch convoyed a; fleet bf -48'sail," stood dip to' engage the two frigates ' which gave the.mebaee. T h e :c'hace conti-nued the 'whole' day, the a d ' o f ' F e b r u a r y , •and the frigates hlvuid not ,cbme:'iip with the enjb'rtiy until the 'next morning", when ' the engageirient com'riie'heed. T l i e Incorruptible engaged the largest vessel, and the Hortense the'other. "Xfcte!fprifterJ struck, after an en-gagement of an hour anci a quarter ; for "she wds'sVleaky,' 'that Capt. ' B I L L E T was necessitated to take her crew on board,"to-igetli'er 'with/sp'seamen, who1 were wound-' |ed;; 'and:'she' iiu'nli soon "iftei;.- T h e creW (consisted of r j a m b / l j ' o f whom "Were' jkiiled. Tire brig was ot a ' peculiar' eb'n-istruct'ion ; and was armed with thirty iwb '52 jiouird ca'n'btiades, twenty.six of which

J11 W i-'IlULJ bail uutiiiiJ^

ie ahd.r.em(5rsc..--T-That E n g l a n d 0 ' furn ish seyera i h u n d r e d s ' of

Weie mo'tihted on'tlre main deck,' and s'ix on •the 101 e'castle. T h e Incerrtipiible; had One Iman killed and five wouuded ; and While islic was endeavouring to conquer the first 'vessel, the Hortense engaged1, the oiher br ig , •which ,,j<.he. took .after a short, contest and •sunk., S'he was, a bomb, mounting two 'mortars, and several other pieoe,-; of h^a.vy . metal. T h e two frigates then pa; ted to pur-

'sue the fleet, which was steering different ^courses. ' T h e 1 Incorruptible sunk, among other vessels, several.ships with war l ike stores fi'Orii ;MaUa. Having thereupon lost sight ot tliz.Ho'Uuse, which sunk also se ve-

Iral vessels, and being much incumbered with prisoners- 'ol- war , Capt. B I L L J C T

'.thought it neeess'a-r'y to'make for a port, and jartived the 3d of Feo. in Carthagena, 'wiieic he put• the-prisonerspn-siiore. f -'.' .. "'" "'ii A i' L K 5 , ' K F . I ! . .;»• I

On the 22d o f January a .signal was made •that a. considerable'to,nv.oy was in sight, i near Peritell-aria.' - . ©11,the-same - day- troOp's •were or'de'retf to be in motion, tb Veintttree the garrisons; of;Messina, Syiacuse, and Tiap'Jii i ; aims'antramiiiuniLion were like-., wise sent to several places,. I j js~ pubUiikly;;

Isa idj that these precautions have, for- their..

:frbin thel B a r b i r y ' P 6 w e r s , w h o threaien'' a; descent. .,-. ,. . • . I T h e coast-is still; ji ned. MJI&^I g ^ f e 9.fii troops,' under.- pretext: o f ' preventing .the

xb'ffi&tfeicatiba-of'-fh^ye'llW-fe^crv - ;•-•' T h e ' F.n'glish coi ve'tte the B M i - n f "wfiich !

;ehtered the .on . the 25 th of January, •sailed again on the 2,8th, to 'rejoin tiie .squa-- :

•dron. T h e ,'Engiish -s-hip -the Excellent 'of '7'4 gurt's,1 'an d"' j <5'o''"tn e'n "co mni a rid ed by ; Capt. S o rit F. RO:--:, entered the - Road- this-Imorning." T'liis ship arm'ed' in ' thieeJ days' Sfrom the Isle de Madelaine.. . It,is destined, it is said, to take the place of 'the'A™; which has been.;several '.months statiphe'd, at,,the,,

'head of this harbour. _'

The'English-Trigate the 'Seahorse, of ,3 'and 2i8< m'dn, co'mmandcd : by Pan

•;regiment's :'—'i'lre '2oth, of S o c men ;. 27th •of i i o o ; 3 5 t h of 1200-; of W A T T E -v 1 L L E , of 800; commanded by Swiss Of-

•ficers ; • rhe British Chasseurs, 500 (ihe C o -lonel o f tills regiment is the English General

M'SET ; the 'Lieutenant-Colonelis nam-,ed F O R E S T E R ; lie is a F r e n c h m a n , as are

•all the other officers, of this corps) ; ' the Corsican chasseurs, between 5 and 600

• men,' among whom a r e a great number of Sicilian soldiers, who'are made to go under

(the name of Corsicans ; the regiment of 1 D I L'LON ', ' ''which is forming, and which ' has noc' yet•-hiore than '66'ME'H } the regiment Sonnembeig, which likewise, is beginning to be formed, having near!}' 1000 art'llery-

'men'y and, lastly, two ; legim'ents ot M a l -tese; c-'ac'li of 750 nien>

T h e r e is in the island a eoiisiderable quantity of corn, and sufficient for the sup ply of -a'numerous gafii'-ibh during 'several years : the last convoy from the Black S'ea, cons of about 35 vessels.

T l ie French and Spanish prisoners are confined on.board the Mairas, v. heie they are very ill treated.

P A R I S , M A R C H 1 .

M r . P J T T had 1 no occasion for the V o t e

of 5^000,0001." It has been well known for these tvi-o years, that, if, there be a Prin.ce; so much 'the Enemy, .of liis Mouse, his T h r o n e , and his People^ to wish-to. sell his repose, the future destinies" of .his f amily, and the blood of his subjepts, England is" j-eady to pay him for tliem, -with that gold acquired by monopoly, at the expence of all the pe-ople in Europe. T h e English. G o --verrimerit presents to the Wb'rkl, the.odiousj. spectacle of the most ;,profound ini'moraliiy.'" Its agents, with theii; purses y: the;r'hands, pervade every Cabinet, and the PowiciiS;; on evei-v iiidefreject with horroi t h e money and-the corruption which' tan^produee n'othing but misfortune is, disposed, to"

millions to the Powers.that waui.d:re'ne-w.tthe si;.ruggle,--is a known truth, which it was not necessary to proclaim anew. But what M r . P I T T ' S vote manifest with equal clear-ness, is that- state of blindness ' which does not permit him to see th,at Europe wishes,for repose; and that if those-w-ho seek to plunge her again inip 'a'.sea 6f'do'uht. a tvd uncertaihty, should be overthrowti , ih their turn, they would fall amidst the acclamations of-a l l nations.

Money is useful to coal i t ions—we are not ignorant of. i t : but it is not with money that coalitions are made. Which is there, of tho great Powers ot Europe that does not spend in an active campaign treble what you can ofTerNit ? I t spends besides the blood of. its/Subjects.; but that element never enters into your calculations. _

It is by fo l lowing a1 wise arid measu red p o -l icy , by having foresight'in p r o s p e r i t y , by s h e w i n g ou r se lves ready to . s u c c o u r Irieri'ds in .dis t ress , and. to m a k e sacrifices f o r . t he i r a d v a n t a g e , tha t w e produce allies. T h a t is ^ _ not y o u r cus tom. ; y o u r on ly po l i cy , t h e : the l i n e , - a num.ber of f r iga tes , a n d s o m e g r e a t F R E D E R I C K said so, l o n g s ince, is to [ l i g h t vessels. _ T h e Seahorse "made sail to> k n o p k , ; purfie ia hand',' a t ^ .vc ry d o o r . B u t j givc^ififorniatioW to1 A-dniiral N E L s d N y ' rid.1

t h e fatal effects of ' that policy h a v e been de- 1 w a s vigqrbiislx 'puTshed b y 1 si ' tiic ; F r e n d h ; m o n s t r a t e d b y exper ience . ; keep y o u r , go ld sh ips , ' b 'u tcscaped by f a v o u r of t h e l i igh t . t h e n , and if ygu be-animated by the in te - | T w e n t y f o u r liou:rs\,after t he F r e n c h s q u a -

{gu ns CooRTjsr.kY ' B O Y L E , entered ilie.Road of :

'Naples, on the 24th of Jan. T h e Captain, after having given in to the Officer ol- Health

, dispatches'for.the English Mictister and the ' Court , went on board the Excellent, o f '7,4 guns, at a'richor at tlie head of the h a r b c u i .

' H e had a, conference for two houis with the, • Commander of that ship, and after-wards returned to his frigate, which still remained vriehih' sight of' iandj and cruis ing sit the eft'-:

•trance of tlie harbour, • T h e fol'lbwirigis'the'report o'f the Engl ish

i Captain. 6f the frigate :—•

" T h e •English , frigates the Active and the Seahorse, - had been ordered to observe the inoverneiitS'i'n tlie port of T o u l o n . 1 O n the

' 16th of January,' the French squadron .came ' out, consisting of eleven or twfel've'ships of

lest of your douhtry, make peace, and as-sume, in peace, moderate principles. Y o u wi l l h i v e time to pay your debt, and to en-

dron camc: out-.of the; harbour, -; Captain C O I ' R T . V E Y B O Y L K , had co-me'tip-'with A d m i r a f N E L S O N , -W'ho rmmHiaiely l o r e '

LONDON,-MONDAY, MARCH 11. A Mai l Itom.Jamaica, arrived this m o m - j

ing, brought by the Aii^usta-,. packet, wiiich J left Jam'fi.ipa on, the 28 th of January, under

convoy, o f :hc Bacchante. We.have received 1 byrihe Mai l , .Jamaica Pagers .-to the 27th of,, Jamuaiy; 'i he island is perfectly tranquil. On the 28th, the John Bull -cutter, of 14

' guns,,arrived at Port R o y a l j in 38 ;days from .Plymouth, with dispatclies for - tire G o y e r - . : no r a n di Atl mil a 1. T h e order for, .declining -iSpanish:shjps,was.known at Jamaica ; but i nqftuteiilgftace of-, the war with :.Spain, had-!yet :be,;n- repfived,. 0,nTh,er passage to J^i.-: maica.jjiCiijf-ohn-, Buil_ s p o k e _tUe. Acasio, pff.:

Madeira, ;,ancf Jeavnt th;U-rslie had; patted ;company with the outjyard-bo'und Jamaica, 'fleet, 'in a gale of wind, and intended cruis-ing in that latitude for,1 tl.a.y or two, in hopes of. fal l ing inr with them. • 'Pen of, the fleet

• arri veU. at Barbadoes before. the. cutter left [that island,-.and the.r'euiainjl?jjj^eresuppos- • ed to be with the Ryana frigate. T h e Atiz ,

'gusla packet saw, about sun set the day alter ishe left ,Poit R o y a l , many sail to windward, ' which.she. thought .weie the fleet ttnder the ' Acasto.. On the 3Ctlrishe saw a French pr ize , jsteeriiig for Port R o y a l . — O n the 12,th Fe-

bruary siic landed; the Mai ls at Crppked; ilsland,. and parted company with the Bac--'chante.ion the 1 3 t h . . . .

, Efis.patphes were: received this m o r n i n g f r o m .our fleet of f F e r r o l , da ted Sunday , W e e k . : — T h e enemy appea red t o be m a k i n g -in all S p a n i s h por t s great prepai .a t i«ns to g e t !

- their sh ips . ready f o r sea. p i y e m o r e sail of the l ine h a v e been dispatched f r o m o u r :

,fleet off, Bres t to S t rengthen our, force o f f the coast of Spa in . W e have, .five sail of the -l ine off" F e r r o l ; J ive sail of the l ine off-C a p e St . M a r y ' s ; and in t h e w h o l e w e h a v e 20 sail of the l ine on the Span i sh coast. O f f Bres t o u r force amoun t s to 21 sail of the. l ine .

T h e Lociist g u n - t r i g 1 a r r i v e d yesterday.!n the Dow-nes'i near ly a w r e c k '.' She be longed to'duv'sqiua'drbir of f B o u l o g n e , ' a n d w a s o r -der"ed:bri F r i d a y last to "run close in s h o r e u n d e r A m h l e t e u s e , and a t tempt to d e s t r o y ' o f - d r i v e o n ' s'h 0 r e t o the" g'e rife ral rendezvous . ' T h i s setvie'e : she1 p e t f o r t o e d most ga l lan t ly th'o? she was1 exposed withi'ri p i s to l - sho t to tlie fire1 o f : t h e ba t t e r i es : bes ides ' field-piece's. O n e of tlie- largest of the^er iemy ' s craft, had, s t r u c k , a n ' d s h e was' i r iUhe^ct of ioW-eririg her ' j 'ol ly 'boat ' t b t^ke 'po^sess ibn of he r w h e n a ^ p o u n d e r - s t r u c k ' 5 h e r f o r e i t n a s f , w h i c h immedia te ly w e n t o v e r t h e s ide. T h e F r e n c h m a n t h e n Vehbisted his c o l o u r s a n d gbT' in to p o r t . W e had n o t a s ingle m a n h u r t on ou t - s ide .

A Gotteh 'bi i rgh Mail- A r r i v e d yes t e rday . M . NOVOSILLZOFF a r r ived .a t S tockhc lm,

, o n t h e 2 2 d u l t . a n d / i m m e d i a t e l y p u r s u e d ' h i s j o u r n e y . t o P e t e r s b u r g b .

A p r i v a t e letter o f ' t h e 2.7 th of F e b r u a r y , f r o m A m s t e r d a m , conta ins - the f o l l o w i n g in -teres t ing in te l l igence : — S C H I M M E L P I N -N 1 N C K has ' l e f t this p lace fo r the H a g u e . T h e fo l lowing is t h e / p l a n of the n e w G o -v e r n m e n t n o w in c i r cu la t ion . A Sove re ign Assembly in l ieu of the ' foi mer Sta tes G e n e -r a l , W h i c h is' to consist-of . seven. M e m b e r s f r o m H o l l a n d , a n d o f t w o f r o m each of tho o t h e r P r o v i n c e s , except TJ t recht and Z e a -

;lai'id, w h i c h •'shall send one each o n l y . . 'PhiS' A s s e m b l y is'to vote iridividual'lyj- and not ' .by.', t l je Prpv'in'ccs t h e M e m b e r s r ep resen t . - S c i i ' i M M E L P E N M I N'C K is to pres ide ' in t h i s ': Assembly , but not to h a v e t h e p o w e r of a •veto. T h e l e g i s l a t i v e and Execu t ive ,Bodies , •are to cease, but t h e ' l f e p a r t r n e n t a l A u t h o r i -ties,, with' those of the Cities and 'Tb'wn.sV. • w ill be coht iuuedi ' Ins tead of the fi-ve d i f -ifefeiit C o u n c i l s of Sta te , i l i e re wi]l"t»e"ap. .p ' l in ied Min i s t e r s for d,acfr' ,Pepartir..enf-,.as, 'of W a r , of F i n a n c e , or M a r i n e , , of" F o -

r e i g n R e l a t i o n ' s , a n d of t h e H o m e .p ' ep i . i . t -• nient. ' I t is l i k e w i s e said that the F r e n c h a r m y h e r e a r e to Be 'noTonger paid at the e x . pence,of the Republ ic . . "

TheMomleurff Wc'f& msl. contains a l e t t e r to t h e M i n i s t e r o f t h e ' M a r i n e , f r o m G e n e r a l E R . N O U S , d a t e d B a s s e t e r r e ( G u a -d a l b u p e ) , : t l ie . beg in n : n g ' o f O c t o b e r , 1 8 0 4 :

— " H e o b s e r v e s , t o h i s , E x c e l l e n c y , t h a t , n o t w i t h s t a n d i n g t h e feeb lenes . s of. h j s m e a n s a g a i n s t a n e n e m y t h a t r u l e s . t h e s e a , h e h a s d o p e . m u c h , m i s c h i e f t o t'l;e E n g l i s h t r a d e , , b y , d i i e c t i n g ' t h e ' s p e c u l a t i o n s o f t h e m e r c h a n t s to t h e a r m i n g of p r i v a t e e r s . " T h e n i o l -

: l o w s t h e list o f t h e c a p t u r e d s h i p s , w h i c h a m o u n t t o . 1 2 3 .

A l u d i c r o u s c i r c u m s t a n c e o c c u r r e d l a t e l y in t h e c o u n t y of S u f f o l k , t h a t m a y " a m u s e somc.-ol . o u r n u m e r o u s r e a d e r s . A G e n t l e -m a n w i t h a s m a l l i n d e p e n d e n t f o r t u n e "v/as s u r c h a r g e d fo r k e e p i n g a l i y e r y ' s e r v a n t , ' . a n d n o t g i v i n g in a p r o p e r r e t u r n to i h e assessors ; ; b u t ' l i e a p p e a l e d , a n d p o s i t i v e l y ,s.we» e. t .hat h e n e i t h e r k e p t ' o r - e m p l o y e d a n y m a l e s e r -v a n t , e x c e p t a l a b o u r e r , w h o s o m e t i m e s c a m e f o r - a d a y to c l e a r his. g a r d e n , c o u l d h e

' b e c a l l e d o n e . H o w e v e r , t h e / u r v e . y o v , : s o o n a f t e r f e e l i n g - h i m s e l f b e t t e r i n f o r m e d j t s u r c h a r g e d h i m a s e c o n d t i m e , w i t h t h e a d -I ' . l i t ioh of a n i n d i c t m e n t . . f p . r . , p e r j u r y ; w h e n

i t he G e n t l e m a n a p p e a r e d b e f o r e t h e C o m m i s -s i o n e r s w i t h ' b i s s e r v a n t in l i v e r y w i th h i m ; r

b'nt, t o t h e ' n o s m a l l d i s a p p o i n t m e n t of M r . " I n s p e c t o r , h e p r o v e d - h i s s e . r v a n t , t o b e y a ^ e -

' m a l e in m a l e a t t i r e ; a n d a s t h e i r W o r s h i p s k n e w , o f , n o l a w t o pi ' .eyeiira. m: in p u t t i n g h i s m a i d i n t o li 'vei y i f h e c a u s e d i t , t h e , g e n t l e - ,

. m a n ' w - a s . i m m e d i a t e l y d i s m i s s e d : ' 1 A c l u b h a s l a t e l y b e e n e s t a b l i s h e d , , irf; C h a i i s ' t o w n , A m c r i e a , w h i c h w:e p r e s u m e ,

, w i l l b e n o g i e a t i n d u c e m e n t t o t h e e m i g r a - . t io ( n : of E n g l i s h l a d i e s . : — ' P h e f o l l o w i n g - i s

h h e i r j i d v e r t i s e n i e n t : . , , '„,; . . ' " U G L Y - C L U B . — T h e a n n i v e r s a r y o f

the U g l y , C l u b , w i l l be a t . W i ' i l i a m s ' s T a v e r n , on W e d n e s d a y t h e 18th inst . D i n n e r o n .the, t a b l e at.hulf . past T h r e e . , , . ,.

N . B , A n y ;,ugly. G e n t l e m a n w i s h i n g , t o b e g o n e a M e m b e r , wil l l eave his n a m e a n d . iqual if icat ipn 'at t h e . b a r of the t a v e r n . , A ballotAviH be cal led i n , f a v o u r of t w o c a n d i -d a t e s , o n e w i t h . a v e r y l a r g e n o s e , t h e o t h e r w i t h n o nose a t , a l l . " . ' • , ,

' | ,C O U ^ t R ^ ' I N ' I ' E L I , I G E N C E . !

L I M . E R I . C K , M A R C H 1 4 . , .

Y e s t e r d a y a M e e t i n g o f t he . C i t i z e n s ® a s . c o n v e n e d by t h e ' M a y o r , f o r . t h e , p u r p o s e o f c o n s i d e r i n g w h a t d e s c r i p t i o n o t C o p p e r .

; C o i n , s h o u l d 'be r e c e i v e d — w h e n t h e y u n a n i -m o u s l y a g r e e d t h a t a l l s o r t s o f Mint, c o i n e d

' H a l f p e n c e , w h e t h e r B r i t i s h o r IrisTi-—ge-

mine C r o n e b a ' n e a n d C a m a c , a n d f a r g e c o p ? p e r - H a l f p e n c e SfiOuTd b e t a k e n .

W e ' a ' re ' i n f o r m e d t h e D u b l i n M a i l ; C b a c h e s w i l l a r r i v e iri t h i s C i t y e v e r y - e v e n - ' l i t ig at s i x O ' c l o c k ; ' f r o m t h e 1 7 t h i n s t . — a c i r -c d m ' s t a n c e w h i c h w i l l b e o f i n f i n i t e s e r v i c e to t h e M e r c a n t i l e r i n t e r e s t of t h i s ' C i t y .

T h e f o l l o w i n g n e f a r i o u s t r a n s a c t i o n c o m e s [ f r o m a :s'o'urce o n 1 , w h i c h PUT r e a d e r s m a y

r e ly — A t a l a t e h o u r 011 t h e n i g h t of t h e ' 4 t h ' i h s t a n w a 11 u 10ber of r u f f i a n s ' f r o m ' t h e i C o u n t y of- T i p p e r a r y , _ w e n t i d t h e h o u s e ' o f

a r e s p e c t a b l e f a r m e r , l i v i n g n o t f a r f r o m | C u r r a g m o ' r e , ' c o u n t y W a t e f f o r d , a n d a f t e r ' i t r e a t i n g h i m in a m o s t ' b a r b a r o u s m a n n e r , :Co thpe l l f ed r i i im t o : s w e a f t h a t h e ' w o u l d i m -| m e d i a t e l y a b a n d o n t h e l a n d s o n t h e p o s s e s -

si o n o f w h i c h h e h a d b u t r e c e n t l y e n t e r e d . — A f e r o c i o u s i n t i m a t i o n ; W a s a d d e d , ' t h a t . 3

S s e c o n d v i s i t , s h o u l d . they ' find it n e c e s s a r y , W o u l d b e f a t a l . E a r l y o n t h ? S ' u r i ; day ' : morn« i n g , a' b r e a c h w i s m a d e i n a n e m b a n k m e n t o h p a r t o f t h e a b o v e f a r m , f o r t h e p u r p o s e

' of d r o w n i n g t h e c a t t l e . T h e c i r c u m s t a n c e , h o w d . v e r , w a s p e r c e i v e d i n t i m e s u f f i c i e n t t o e n a b l e t h e p r o p r i e t o r s t o f r u s t r a t e t h e d e s i g n w h i c h w o u l d h a v e o t h e r w i s e p r o v e d ' e f F e c -t t i a l .

Page 4: NUMBER - Clare County Library · VOLUME XXII. M O N D A tamas^osm A R C IV a 8, NUMBER II 0 T I C E. The severa Divisionl o thfs Lande osf DA RRAGHS-, ^UILTT, &V. - The 4Estaf of

y - B 'AY 's MAIL ' .


W e received tliis mbrnirig Paris Papers of clie'3_!. Xlieir conterits 4'rd ot' little im-portance. T h e fo l lowing are' the on'ly ar-ticles iii theni wdi'tli extracting: —

"-" ' ' c , U M i , tier,. 5. W e are informed that the P R I N C E o'f

P E ACE will inspect the armaments in our port in' the Spring ; he will be , prfceeded by Admiral G R A V I N A . Several regiments are exocctcd at Cor,dov,aV T w o ships- of the.line and a frigate' fio'rri England, have lately passed tlie Gut to join Admiral N E L -SON ; according to some accounts (hey have troops on board, but that is not Certain. But it is ,a.fact that, the' English Minister is' apprehensive ot a'junctioh of thecombined Spanish and French forces in the Mediterra-nean. And/ ih'cleed; should the .Toulon--fleet join the armaments at Cai'thagelia and Cadiz , the,English ;flCet might .be "fought with 'a'd'vaht'agtfj*'and' the Grit' of Gibraltar "would soon be cleared of the cruizers that infest us. '"

Commodore O R D E , who commands be'-; fbie our' port , received within these few, d£yS; dispatches fib.ffi England, which thcie is reason to believe are ot great importance; for he immediately transmitted fresh in-structions to all the ships of war both at Gibraltar arid in the Gut.

W e are in expectation of sonde rich'ships frqm Lima—arid We.have strong reason'for believing that they have been informed of the'war,' and have put into the Canaries or elsewhere. ' This is the' more probable, be-cause they ought to have arrived here six weeks ago.

It is with concern we state that the Priii-• c'ess'.Chartutle, ' Loq 'A . JS ' , from /Bengal, has

been captu 1 ed by'tlie' squadron of Admiral L 1 n'.6 i's," -and carried into the Mauritius;'

S i r W 1 L L I A M R A - W L I N S AND A L B I O N , CO'XH, Esq, the Sheriffs who returned S i r F R A N C I S . B U R D E T T 'at t h e G e n e r a l

E'ect'iB'n;' M ere, by a vote of the Plbuse'bf C o m m o n s last n i g h t , o r d e r e d tp b e c o m m i t - '

ted to Newgate. N o period'was 'specified f i r their conf inement:—The f louse of Commons, we believe, never fix any 'pre-

• cise time for the 'imprisonment of those --vft'lipm they may think it necessary to bi'dei

ii/Sjconfinement. ' " . -- •/ ""/• • Tf f t^i l i t .ary 'State of the Country is like-'

,]y;tb iibcie/go another discussion on Friday, V>'rf,'winch Bay M'r. P I T T 'has given notice' jTfS.f-M sji'alTm'ove fbrJ leave, to bring' in 'a

, Bi l l ' for the reduction of the Militia' blishment, and .the facilitating the entrance 6*f m'eft from/ the Militia'', into the i'cguikr army.' ' ' "/ . ' ' '

• -The Catflolic'Deputies had art interview1

yesterday with' M r . P I T I - , who" is'said to ' fia v e stated h ^ reasons to them f or d'ecTihi 11 g the' p'res'eriistion of their Petition und'Cr'the-, pi'esebt circumstances.'. ' ' , " :

When the new taxes Were proposed, we expressed a wish' that fhe ' Whole of the ne"w'; tax upon h'6tseV,' could W'i(h propriety, be"' laid upon hor'ses Used on!y for pleasure.— ' Wefeared that the tax tiponhusbandly h'oVs-e's worild bear hard.iipbi/the farmer. Su'df" lias been the opinion o f the Country Geiitfe-. men Bill

1, .W.I10 have strenuously opposed the , .'and whh Success; the' Bi l l 'having

been th roWh ,0'trt yesterday on the motionJ01; its'being read, a S-deorid time," by a/majority o'f 76 against tlie sficond-'i'teading, to f i ' ftfP i(. A substitule''of 'courss'1 hi'ust"be: f»ti'jid for the tax which" M r . ' ' P i t t cstirnKecP would produce 3io,oqoT. ' / " - -

she made off in five liiijiutes. ., .The Ma . "'rengo and the other frigate immediately .bore

down' upon the 'Ckntur.ion; and. an action • C o m m e n c e d w hie Ii lasted for about half an hotirj when the 80-gun ship.;- and tlie... 44-giiri frigate, stood, after, tfye French frig-ate. T h e Centurion immediately o'ecupied a -posf-tiofa lie(ue,r.the shore, ,--tb preclude a possibi-lity of being surrounded,' should theenemy attack her.again. At-' h a l f past' .eleven the Marengo, and the frigate.;. again upon h e r ; but .instead : of • engaging her

^closely,.'tirey kept at a long, cautious distance, and. both;kept .up:-a tremendous fire for about

:(an', houri; but M \wcplayed-them: with such Jcffect (.says a; letter from a Gentleman-on board),'that they, actually made'sail, from odr collected ,;,fire, :and. an-chored at three-quarters-of -a mile distance." After heaving repair their.damages, they made all the sail th.ey. could to the

jNorthwafd. To'complete,'.the: satisfaction which'a gallant atekiey'ethe'nt will pro-

/fuce throughout the country,. ;we have .to add, that not a1 man.-\vas killed on our,side, and only 8 wounded. In the appropriate' language of the Dispatches, which e i v e d , " ,.we,have gained the palm- of vic-tory, without •tjle expcnce ,of ' a subject to His M'A J 'ESTY , ..anrl.happily do we, rcflcct, that it -will,not cost our parents of our friends a tear, but those .-.of-joy*" T h e loss on board th.e^, ship is Supposed to be con-siderable. T h a .Princess .Charlotte, which had been- taken, not very yaluabie,, as s h e h a d ) a ri d ect,a i m o $ t a 1 ] h e r o,u t w a r d - b o u n d ;cargOj and had not be^un to her. freight .for England;: - • ' s- ..." ',' '.* •'/ j T h e Fi 'enrir. Admiral SERCOUFF has ;takc.n two Bengjil . ships, the Stirling Castle land rhe Shalt Byron"ere. l i e is .cruising i.with two ships, in the Bay of Bengal.

,Acjrnjj^l R.-AiNjitRj .iii ( company, wk-h the Allien, 1,'ad,sailed from Madras in quest of L . t n o . 1 3 , leaving thti.Sceptre to guaid Math as'Roads. T h e I)avid Scott, J ON £ s, on. her passage from -Bombay to Madras,

'had- beenohaccd. by, a French fiigate for 30. leagues.

; T h e Mad rasJCourier, of the 2.6th of Sept. ,1804, after stating, the capture o l ' the Prin-ceu Oha>tilfe;~&dd-s, that the B'arn<tby, Capt.

AV a t t , -ii'n on shore, by which means the cargo would be saved.

-With' respect tothe war'against HOLICA R, theaccouhts brought by tlie East 'ludia'ships

; vvhir.ii a'ri i ved -yesterday are. conf-rad;ctory — .some afHim that that' we have gained further advantages over him j others assert' that he has succeed in cutting off a detachment'sent 'against hirn under-Genera! MONSON , and that we lost clghtefcft 'ofliceja. The Madras Gazette d( llie-2oih of October, Which we

'have received-, is'totally silelit^^upon-the s-irb-jeet of "th'erwar With-'lJoLKA R, but cVintairis ,a short -account of-'Siime succes3fup:dpefa-tions in Ceylon, by' detachments-undef ! 'the c o m m a n d ' o f / M a j ' o f ' B e A v e r a n d

• B L A C - K A L L . ; -. - - ' :

; '"iotitMN, ••f^Ep^S'SpAryMARdJi 13.'] ' J -Admiral CoR xw A I.L;.s,,. Iras obtained

feave of absence fl-otij .the. command : of , the Channel Fleet, on .account o f ill health-; he is immediately to be suceteded in it by Ad mi-, i.'t! P o r t ! G A R B X K . R , ... . - . .... . . In. consequence of the dispatches brought

by Mr. DRESS I N G , a Privy Council was' held on -Monday at .one o'clock,- at .Lord.

. M , T J L C R A V E ' S O f f i c e , which.,-w-as -vcry ' .n .u- '

merousfy attended. Count WORON ZOW-, t-he Russian Ambassador, atten'de.d;the Coun-, e|L'. T h e Council sat till four o'clock. , ,, -

/ Poop Admiral L 1 . n o p $ seems destined, always to- attack us with a superior force,

.find always to be bcafen.t by an/inferior; Cruizing.;in the East: India seas, witli., the Marengo,, of 80 gunSj. and two frigates, he. appeared.on .the of .September last/off Yizagapatam. T h e Company's skip Princesx, Charlotte was in the ^.pads.^and the Centurionr

of 50 guns, Captain . L I N p . - One 0/ the! frigates, after standing round the bow of the Xndiarnan-, which struck without, receiying, «r firipg,a gun ; . commenced, upon the. •Centurion,, which was so well returned that,

. '. M r . C o x , / ' And - S i r W m A R A w t i n s ,

were 'con veyed'' to'- Newgate, at <>nb o'chick y e s t e r d a y , - ' t l r i d e i l ' - t h e ' . a u t h o r i t y - o f - t h e ; \ y a r -

ra.ilt i s s u e d b y ^ the 'SFE A iCE'k'. "' " " - ' '

Eleven '.of,'t-he* -tla'mburgh Mails' due are at length arrived, brought 'by tlie' Dianna,

1 Auckland; a nd -Lark 'packets.'. Government . have received 'dispatches-iVom Petersburgh,' 1 Stockholm, and Copenhagen;- but tiio'^e , ft'OTn-P-etersbu'r.g'h -d:o-' not contain the pected answer; ' they are -not of 'so la'fC/a '

rdate;as:'the.''arriy,ai' 'OF'M/ NoVos- ;i l z o f f , at Stackhplm'; < ;T!Ke.,'pa^sc.figeis '.'b) ''t'lie.' packets state, that the Trench • have sent: a.

; strong trVnifavy defadhmerit 'before Ltibeclc'/ :to back,another: in tlie. 'clerhahd'/fiey have1

made for'-money of' that ti 1;!bi'-tirn-ate City ' which'i's'repre.senfyd'!to" be f6fin iy'1'unablevtd ''

c o m p l y w i t h the demands of. t l ie ' C 6 i . s :car : ' s •

' B a n d i t t i . — ' T h e g r e a t e s t a c t i v i t y ' p r e v a i l s :'in

t h e R u s s i a n A r m y . ; *'''' : s ' ' . . . ./. , '

T h e f o l l o w i n g a r e t h e p r i n c i p a l a r t i c l e s

..of news b rought by the Mails :—• ;

/',:;••: ••Ct)XSTi;iv;'fI.!,'-p:jLI-, .J.AJf. : Th e re port t h a t , a. n e w a l i . i a n c e . h a s . b e e n

i eo.n'cl u c l e c l , between/ Russia and j . the . Porte,, and bet ween those- two . Po w e rs , a i i d . E n g l a n d ;

1 j f a s b ? e n off i c i a l l y ; c o n t i a diet ed , . . a s ^ h e Porte means only to continue and ,fuifil,:the,.:Cpii-. y e n t i o n she enteied.jnto with those. Powers during the last War, af ter , t)ie at tack of the. F l e n c h in P g y p i . H c n c e i t appears' w h y t h e P o r t e c o u l d , -not . , r e f u s e a p a s s a g e t o t h e

R u s s i ' a n s to C o r f u , and w h , y i t was necessary to make cer ta in , c b i p m u n i c a t i o n s j pre.vious to a r e c o g n i t i o n , o f ^ t h e T r e n c h Imper. i-ai D : g ?

r t i f y ; '.' ' / , / ' V '• ' / r ' . " / ' , . . / . / : '

-'•? ffi-C. •"•'..•"£.•; -'- i ' .L . ? . T . O ? , r . N C F . , FE B, : ; 3 . . •:' am-iea|le.Cpnyentipn has, , been ..con-

cluded between Austria and .France, that no,more troops shall),' on e i t h e ' r j s i d ^ ^ b e sent tp Italy. /: ,, ' / -, ,,-.' , , / / ! , . / : 'ryt

T h e anointing and coronation oftfie K i n g of* LOMBARD*" will be performed in the Caste of Mcnsa.

T h e Electoral Colleges of the Italian Re-public site convoked for the 1st of March. . . , , . , , N A P L E S , F E B . 6. .

•A;..Danish ship, which anivecf here on the'24th'uf January, 1'epoi'ts, that she met in the'Stiaits of Gibraltar a Russian, oh, ..and that slle had seen a IlusSian Jiij.p. o'f'l the.iine notfar from' Messina., /

M E S S I N A , J A N . ,30.

Yesterday morning an, English brig ar-rived here with intelligence, that tlie French Toulon fleet had put tosea in the absence of Admiral N E L S O N , and steered its' coursc to the south. In the afternqon an express ar-rived from, the.Commandant bf the. Fort of the Faro, WUH advice that a numerous fleet had appeared off the Lipari islands, the co-lours pf which, could riot be distinguished. A. great commotion was excited among the populace, as the report, spread that it, •was,, the Toulon fleet, whi'cli 'was' to land 1 0 , 0 0 0 mcn/in'Sicily.; An English' CoVy'.'e e"

•that lay here, immediately sailed to' recon-noitre ; and the English tr ansports,...Nos, 39, 40, 41 , and some Maltese vessels, gotrga-, dy to sail with all expedition, to 'avoid., should Lhe report be confirmed, falling into , the hands of the enemy, i.q the evening the brig likewise put to sea,' but returned early in the morning, with,certain advice that Admiral N E L S O N , with twelve ships of/the., line, and five frigates, had. arrived o f f the Lepari islands, in the hope of finding the. Toulon fleet. T o day .ai..iipon., he;Cndea- . to pass, the Strait, but a strong south wind prevented, and he now..liesat anchor, at the.e.ntrance'of the Faro. Of the Toulon flfet, we have not Lhe least intelligence, ahel it .is now believed, that it,is.a mere " leport, that it-has "sailed for-Egypt. ,

tell J'otl tliAt I care not a buttcn, or a single hair for any body, fortified as l am with a'piece o f advice, I mean the opinion of a lew Lawyers, who promised to be as true tp me as the needle to the Poie, snd -to unravel all the knotty pointy,, and unfold the recondita Legis (as Blackstone calls it), 'that rnay appear in this ' action ori the,case, Be assurtd, Sir,-that the C o u n - . s e f I have chosen,,-are sharp i e l lpws, who prefer, • little cuffing-i). litigation-, io.patching :up a compro-mi.ze, They also declafe that I shall have a verdict, •with costs over all d'fimahds, t l^ugh you have -wit- -n'ciscs'to ixt-face, and your 'pdclicti-lltxt Uned w i t h / moriey-, But-to pu'riue the thread of my discourse', -I hope to have the pleasure of trimming your jacket, • and giving you a proper Urn-basting next Assizes, as the Lawyers are already laughing in 'their sleeves at the clipping you are likely to get, when ihey'll have ydirheUimcd in between them, iri the" Devil's^d-wil pucker, and perhaps they areat this moment thinking how to fob some of your,cheeks on the National Bank. I am, Sir; as in du't) bound.

T . K .

r r A S H E R I F F ' S C O U R T wil l be.held' at the Court-house, E N N i s , on T U E S D A Y -the rgth day of M A R C H .inst. for trying replevins, o f which all persons concerned are to'take Notice. ' . " -

— "' ' •'< : : ' * 1 1 im , C r " M f r PERr.-Y vi-i'il - S E T hi5; H O U S E r i n -A r t h u k ' s R o w , from the z^th • insf.-'or-' First of M A Y , n e x t , wit;h or. without between Eight and Nine Acres of moSt.eicellent Meadow "hand, "situate .within five minutes v/alk pf the Court House, wel l incjpsed.and cjivided. T h e House is well calculated for a Family, ' and in. .txeellent repair, vyith'thead-yantagepf a good Stable and Offices.

DUBLIN, MARCH 16, We hear it is intended by Hie Irish Go-

vernment,' immediately, to have two eri-carnpmcnts formed on a very extensive scale .'the'o'ne at Cork," and'the Other at the Cti'r-. raghof 'Ki idare .

;It is"mentioned in letters which have been received from Philadelphia, - that Counsellor Thomas Addis Emmet, lias beeinhtie.called to the bar, to practise as a lawyer. .

. E N N I S , ; M ARCH 14.

Si nee our hit; we iecciy ed th.e Jackets, of the 11 th,.' i s th and 13th inst.. their contents'a;ie not important, but the extract's w e have madc, we trust, wi l lgrat i fy

. our readers. / " v ' T h e House o f Cc 1!}! '^^'detided nn Monday hst,

on-the con.duct-of, RICHAK-D' ALBIOM'COX, Esq.-and Sir -W/i i i ia .M R A ; w i i N 3 , .-Knight, the Sheriffs, of Middlesex, during the Election preceding the last for the cbunty of Middlesex, and agreed to the seye-1 ral Resolutib'ns o f J t h e Comfnittee, and;; ordered 'the Sheriffs to be committed- 'td. his Majesty's goal of' Newgate.,.,1 - . j i . - , v , ;

A very .important notice: waS ,'6'a Ivionday., night,. given by the CHA;N. <5f the Ex. ,of a motion hern- .

.tended to'makeoh Pritlay last, ' f o r ' f e y 6'to bring in ' a bill to reduce the piesent establishment of the noli'*

1 tia, sfllowiiig them to voluiiteferinto the-'RegUlars'.

The.Committee:of the Lords, ,to whom .the.matters j affecting Mr.-.- Justice. F o x have been,-r.eiferred-, w.e^e,,

not cxpccted to make their report until,, ..Wednesday.' ' T h e Earl pf E N N i s k i L L i K j (says the S / c r / 'has abandoned the' charge which' his Tord'sliip hithcrfe'

jsupported, •' . - t'lyi- .-.; j ,iO ii ij - , , , . : : . T h e Packets announce t h e - a r S i v a f o f French;.;

Jpurnalsof ..the 3d inst^ f r o m x h l c h t l i y ' haye made-a number of extracts vvhich .we have copied^ .but, .we ,

' dp not consider them of much' importance.

! ST. PATRICX's-DAr. ; ' T h e anniversary o f our tutelar Saint was oftsei'ved" I here in-a-nfartner highly praisewotthy.' The'morning-1

I was unfavourable for any Mi l i tary spectacle' or pa-i j bet it did hot. prevent a strong mus.teivof Capt.

M A f l ° K . > s C o r p s , and their ffiends,,: s t , t h e Cpuxt-:, houkej where they dined, and concluded the h.igh't: \v' a display; of. loyalty, patriotism, ah''d''good-f,el--." lowship >vhich fias,invariably tiislihgiiisKed;th¥ meet-' ings.of this body; Parties of Gentlemen,' attended by mtisick; paraded .the streets.,-, a t intervals, u n v i l . anadvanced hour hi the-morning, ,aitd were remark-, able only for their harmony "and good humour; which feature, we hope, Will long; continue to dis-tinguish' the c'dwviviafrlieetings ci-i 'thelegitimsfe'sou's-of St . Patrick. • j :'•< us i . •

Copy of-a letter.front a. Mastef-'Tdylor. lo -A. Gentle?, man who refused to pay his 'Bi!! : ... j-

'-Sir-—I art astonished that a man of you-jr rank and fashion should' taKe' measures as you have done, 1 and which So ill befit you, to ca i 'meout o f i h y p a y :'" B u t though .'tls'agaihst m y grain to jfe&-8i8£lseedtf- of dissent-on between myself and those whom I; am' irf •t\i?habi.t;Qidc§Jirig yvith^ I am po;t tlje less deter--' mined your j,!iAf'i, and press^yoti-, by every', legal means w h i c h l shall be piofessfonaliy advised W Y o u riiight haVe imagined, Sir, that:yoii ;had to deal with a^-Mf?, yetshall y o u experience the iron -hand -of retributive justice, from a man who ever had an eye to such as wished, tp hook hifrt in • Wiih-.irfipunity. •For the remnant .so l o n g due, and which you have endeavoured to. cribhagi, 1 s h a l l compel you to go into' a suit, at.LaW, and I am'th'e mbre confident o f redress as you have not a threihXevi'doiic'c,ibp Which, to tack aii affidavit to stay my proceedingjj: or. cloak-. your, own conduct- T speak,. rSir, above board, •»»'- . r,tiffiM by - fashion,. or thtler of any shape, v/htA 1 \

r r A B A L L and S U P P E R at the Courthouse on T H U R S D A Y , . t'ne.:3Sth of M A R C H instant for M : s j O ' B R I E N . ' '

' d i T - There wi l l be a B ' A L L and S U P P E R at-the •Couft-house of E h k i s , on F R I D A Y the igthri ist . ;patronize4 by M i s s G R E G G , A ' .' C A ? T A ; N E V A K S .

T O B E L E T , , In the. under-mentioned Divisions, and io , : "

'RK.SIUINT- TT.NANTS O V I V , r r . l ' / o m t h e F I k i S ' l ' . D s v o i M A Y n e x t / f o r '

T . w k . \ x y - o : , t , - V r n s , or the L i r 2 of- -he ' L r s s K K , w h i c h e v e r m - a v ' l o w e s t c o n t i n u e , t h e

d o l l o - w j n g L A N D S , ? a r t O I u , c E s T A T E o f

Cl-ORGii WM. STAiviER, Esq. -

; ( i A R H l i b A I . F. H A N A G H . ' '

No. r :-~LoU. Macnamara's..holding, oftY, j i R. f i - ' W h i c h i S e r c . i s - a . g o o d FarmiUust, & C ^ J i s t ar-outj Acres of Meadow G r o u n d , ) * ''

Ro. i.—Mathias. Mccna-mara's Dit to ,) having the same convenience with L 40- '|t"i'jrr the forn.'er Jot, - ^ i - •• -

; K v . j . j r l j x U ' i .Ditto'; w e l l inclosed, } • / '."f .. wifji sufficient Turbary," and a good U 3 i f o House, - , --


The above-Lands are situate withrn tVvd ' Ennis, in the Baiony of Buiiratty, and 1 •

C R A G AM F. A S K A . G H A R D A G H . No. t — r U a i e y ' s Lot; /being excellent") '

,. . i^eepV^a'ni^ and good/arable and / r pasture L a n d / with s W e Farm r Houses, ..'. . . . " ' . . . . ^

No. H-^Dir.ari.S ho'ldinj;.. good 'Sheep- V "r Walk, and arable and pastilre.Land,./ :

with sorne Bog, and. ii:.go6d Farm f 5 5

Hopse, -

3 31 mifet j . 'a risk 1


1 : :-. ; : ^ .

No. 3 —Burke's division ; choice Sheep) • XValk; aiid arable-and paiiure Land, U .i6

With good F'arm Houses, - - j <3 I -it / 'T.WSrt

1-IJvJ I

C A S T L E T O W N . -Iirgopd heart,, fit for ."Dairy - o r y

1 i.n.-t :l

Tillage,"afi'd most' excellent Sheep- / ' , ' i , W'a'ik, with 'iuffic-ient'Tufbafy; but t° I no no;.House, : • ----- •• J ,-|Ne>..^.T-Mostly in .heart,, and c h o i c e V ' . ' ': i - -j^-heep Walk,, w t h , T u r b a r y , , and a W. S7. 3

" good Cabbin, - / - >

N o . ' 3 . — I n tolerable heart .' and good for"^ 1 : Sheep ahd Tilfag'ej 'but ! 'has no [=-'' i j '3 ' 1 -if 'Hoilse br'Bog;

'-»•••:•-' .. , ::. - ' - -- • , .8,7,,1 1 6

. K N O C K HOG. A N . " . . . . . / . ' . iN'o'.'l.—,G6Sd pasturable '"Craggy wel i V ' ' " | !•" sheltered, aiid-dividetl'with Walls, / ", ."- •

' -'and has great convenience of Water, f ' -/ . ; v;No T.urbary,or PJousethereon',-' " ) - ••,•, ,-

No." I . — S a m e description with No. r,- j ? o o. f j / Kfo, 3.'-—Choice arable.snd,pasture Land, ! ; '.'"..'-'" ';: " "

and :wel'l supplied with Fire and >= 3O 3 -55. : - ' - Water;' - " - - -' '"'-' V'-' • ' " W No. 4.-—.A very..excellent;and desirable)

- Farm, with plenty of Bog. and >=<• 37,- r , . .Water, - - )

; - 124 a 15"' • T h e above denominations are in the Baroiy ' "

of Buiiratty, and Parish of Dura'. O B S E R V A T I O N S . ' . ' ; , ,

N o . i o f Castletown,-and No. 1. of .Knocfi'hegan; wil l be Set together, and contain S ^ A . ^ R . 38P. . - -

. N o . i j / o f - Castfeto<ivuy-3$&f!ia. % o f Knockhogan, " -Will 'be .Set together, co,ntainifig 4 i A 3'R. 18P. /

Nos. 3 aiid'4 of JCnockhogak Wjll . be Set in. the same w a y , and-contain tbgether $ 8 A . i R . 1 5 P . -

T O B E S E T l ikewise, from the same period", ' and for=the,)iketerm, the T E N E M E N T S in C L A R E ' nbw'oecupied by'John 'Sutler atid his Undertenants. , A l s o , ,a well ' circumstanced B U I I . D I N G P L . O T on the Causeway o f . E nni 's, which woijld affor4. ' G A R D E N S to,Tenements erected thereon.

• PROPO'SAM to be received by G E O R G E W M . :

V S T A M E R , - E s q . Carntliy; or, by R A L P H W E ' S T R O F P , - J U N . E S Q ^ Limerick.

-March 18, r 8 o s . :

E N N ' I S — P R I ^ T I D J I F . P A R S O N S .

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