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Page 1: Nursing Mnemonics 1


MI management: MONA Morphine O2 Nitroglycerine Aspirin

HYPOGLYCEMIA: TIRED T Tired I Irritability R Restless E Excessive hunger D Diaphoresis-Depression

HEART MURMURS: SPASM S Stenosis P Partial obstruction A Aneurysms S Septal defect M Mitral regurgitation

Hyperthyroidism (s/s) : THYROIDISM Tremor Heart rate up Yawning (fatigueability) Restlessness Oligomenorrhea & amenorrhea Intolerance to heat Diarrhea Irritability Sweating Muscle wasting & weight loss

Miotic: Little word=Little pupil Mydriatic: Big word=Big pupil

Page 2: Nursing Mnemonics 1

Anticholingergics Side Effects: Can't see Can't pee Can't spit Can't sh*t

5W's of common causes of post-op fever

Wind (think pneumonia, splinting, incentive spirometer exercises not done, DB+ coughing not done) Water (dehydration...) Wound (infection, dehiscence...) Walking (PE...) Wonder drug (approriate antibiotic...)

Cranial Nerves

Oh – Olfactory ------- Some Oh - Optic -------------Say Oh –Oculomotor ------ Marry To -Trochlear ---------Money Touch- Trigeminal--- But And- Abducens --------My Feel- Facial -----------Brother Virgin- Vestibulocochlear- Says Girl's- Glossopharangeal--- Big Violins -Vagus ----------Breasts Ah -Accessory -----------Mean Heaven- Hypoglossal ----More

For the third column, S stands for sensory, M for motor, and B is both. Also, you have one nose, so Olfactory is CNI, two eyes, so optic is CNII. To remember which order the As come in, ABducens comes before ACcessory alphabetically.

Page 3: Nursing Mnemonics 1

Acute Pancreatitis: I GET SMASHED

I - idiopathic G - gallstone E - EtOH T - trauma S - steroids M - mumps (paramyxovirus) and other viruses (EBV, CMV) A - autoimmune S - scorpion sting / snake bite H - hypercalcemia, hyperlipidemia and hypothermia E - ERCP D - drugs, duodenal ulcers

To apply a telemetry monitor: White over right (top right shoulder) Black beside the white (Over lt shoulder) Checkers (red below the black) Christmas (Green beside the red) Then ofcourse, the brown will be in the middle!

The HYPERKALEMIA "Machine" - Causes of Increased Serum K+ M - Medications - ACE inhibitors, NSAIDS A - Acidosis - Metabolic and respiratory C - Cellular destruction - Burns, traumatic injury H - Hypoaldosteronism, hemolysis I - Intake - Excesssive N - Nephrons, renal failure E - Excretion - Impaired

Signs and Symptoms of Increased Serum K+: MURDER M - Muscle weakness U - Urine, oliguria, anuria R- Respiratory distress D - Decreased cardiac contractility E - ECG changes R - Reflexes, hyperreflexia, or areflexia (flaccid)

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F - Fever (low grade), flushed skin R - Restless (irritable) I - Increased fluid retention and increased BP E - Edema (peripheral and pitting) D - Decreased urinary output, dry mouth


C - Convulsions A- Arrhythmias T - Tetany S - Spasms and stridor


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