  • 1. Redefining CEOsWhen UX Starts At The Top@YaronSamid 3.19.2013

2. UX CEOsWe do not see things as they are. We see things as we are. - Talmud 3. My Story 4. Whats Your Story?To simplify complications is the first essential of success. - George Earle Buckle, Editor, The Times 5. Whats driving the movement? 1. Tech becomes silver, UX becomes gold. 2. UE replaces UA as holy grail KPI of consumer tech. 3. UX-centric companies are crushing the competition. 6. BillGuards StoryB2B fintech security company led by a consumer UX guy. WTF? 7. BillGuards UX Lessons: 1.Nothing is free. Thats a good thing. 8. BillGuards UX Lessons:2. Ask not what your user can do for you. 9. BillGuards UX Lessons: 3. Tai Chi UX - Channel behavioral rivers. 10. BillGuards UX Lessons:4. Imitation is the highest form of UX design 11. Go home, start a company. Thanks. @YaronSamid3.19.2013

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