
O U R L A D Y o f G R A C E

S O C I E T Y E s t a b l i s h e d 1 9 4 7 i n M e m o r y o f P a p a s C i r o P i n o l a U n d e r t h e O m o p h o r o f t h e R o m a n C a t h o l i c A r c h b i s h o p o f N e w Y o r k

I ns i de t h i s i s s ue :





Questions Page

Interview with

The Bishop


N ew s l e t t e r D at e

J une 2 0 1 5

Vo l u me 3 3 , I s s ue 2

The Nursing Madonna

Official Icon of Our Lady of Grace Italo-Greek Catholic Mission & Society

Gallaro/Piano degli Albanese


Antimension presented by Bishop Nicholas Samra.

Created by Melkite Fr. Mark Melone

Bishop Donato Oliverio Eparchy

of Lungro

Bishop Giorgio Gallaro Eparchy

Piano degli Albanese

Bishop Nicholas Samra Melkite

Eparchy of Newton, Ma (REAR)

Bishop Dimitrios Salachas of

the Exarchate of /Athens



PI ANO d e g l i AL B ANE S E

See Page 2 for more Photos

Full Story Page 6

I ns i de t h i s i s s ue :






& Answers



Interview with





Renewed Hope for

Breathing With



Gallaro Named




Letters, Prayer




Parish News

Eastern Stamp




Our Lady of Grace Society Newsletter V o l . 3 3 / N o 2 J u n e 2 0 1 5 P a g e 2

Photos by Very Rev. Andrew Deskevich

Through the courtesy of Darlene Fejka at the Byzantine Catholc World, Archepachy of Pittsburg

EDITOR’S DESK Ron Monteca lvo

Please accept our thanks for renewing your subscription to

our beloved Newsletter. Your continued supports is greatly

appreciated. Remember to keep the Society in your prayers.

In May I attended a conference sponsored by the Mel kite Epochy of New to,

Ma. Entitled “LIVIVG CHRIST” The conference featured three outstanding


Fr. Mark Melone

Deacon Paul Leonarczyk

Deacon Sabatino Carnazzo

The one-day free conferences are dedicated to welcoming adult Eastern Chris-

tians to an opportunity to their faith through intensive study of Sacred Scripture,

Church Fathers and Byzantine Tradition.

For information as to when a conference may be held in your area contact Dea-

con Sabatino Carnazzo via e-mail at Deacon [email protected].


Our Lady of Grace Society Newsletter P a g e 3 V o l . 3 3 / N o 2 J u n e 2 0 1 5

FR. JANUARIUS IZZO Guest Book on The Boston Globe. Open permanently

Sign and view the Guest Book,

leave condolences or send flow-

ers. | IZZO, Fr. Januarius OFM

Age 80, passed away on August

23, 2014 at Marion Manor in

South Boston.

April 23, 2015

Dear Vandyke,

Happy Birthday in Heaven. We will always remem-

ber you with love & respect. May we meet again with

Our Lord, the Theotokos, St Gennaro & St George.


Today April 23 2015 Feast of St.George. Fr Jan would have been 81

years old. He was my teacher, Mentor and dearest friend. His Memory

will be ever in my heart.

A/Dcn John


Our Lady of Grace Society Newsletter Page 4 V o l . 3 3 / N o 2 J u n e 2 0 1 5

Dear Archdeacon Demeis,

Came upon your web site. Found it most interesting.

Does one have to be Italian Greek or Albanian to join

your community? Michael C. Internet.

Not at all Michael. Anyone can subscribe to our quar-

terly Newsletter.

We Italian-Greek-Albanian Catholics are of three ethnic

groups: the original Greek-speaking inhabitants of

the Greek colonies in Lower Italy and Sicily, Levantine

colonies & Balkans Greeks who colonized Southern

Italy Magna Grecia "Great

Greece" The Albanians and those Italians who

changed over to the Greek Rite since the Byzantine pe-

riod. As such this particular church is also referred to

by the name Italo-Greek Catholic Church, which is

derived from the Italo-Greek (Italo-Græcus) demonym

for the first two group of Greeks in Italy. In the fif-

teenth century, the original Italo-Greeks were gradually

being Latinized but through an influx of Albanians of

the Byzantine Rite, the church began to once again

flourish. As a result, it is referred to as Italo-Albanian

Catholic Church or as the Italo-Albanian Greek

Catholic Church. In these names, "Greek" refers to

the Byzantine Rite and the "Italo-" Greek and

"Albanian" components refer to the nationalities and

languages used in the liturgy, although Greek is the his-

torical liturgical language. Membership in Our Lady of

Grace Society is open to anyone sincerely willing to aid

an support the Society. You need not be of Italian

Greek or Albanian ancestry

Editor’s Note:For more information about our

brothers and sisters of the Italo-Greek-Albanian

Byzantine Catholic Church here in the United States

as well as links to sites about their Greek and Ar-

beresh heritage and homelands, visit the site for the

Our Lady of Grace Society Mission, Staten Island,

NY. And don’t miss the site of Our Lady of Wisdom

Italo/Greek Catholic Church, Las Vegas, Nevada



Nicoletta Borgia 5/11/2015

Borgia: Excellency, His Excellency Cardinal Sandi has de-

fined the welcome message we received on the Jubilee Year

of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis, as a view of a new leap

forward of the three operating missions of the Italo/Albanian

Church; forgiveness, love and reconciliation.

Gallaro: I thank the Most Holy Trinity, Pope Francis, Cardi-

nal Sandri of the Congregation for the Eastern Churches, Car-

dinal Paolo Romero metropolitan archbishop of Palermo and

eparchial administrator, the clergy and people of the Eparchy

of Piano degli Albanesi for their benevolence and confidence

in my humble person as the Father Bishop designate of the

small but valuable community of Italo/Albanians in Sicily.

The feelings of forgiveness and reconciliation must always be

present in our Christian Lives and especially in my life, as

taught by the Great Basil of Caesrea to priests before begin-

ning the celebration of the Divine Liturgy. On the other hand,

family members united through the Nuptial Mystery should

continuously move toward the fulfillment of the words

“forgiveness” and “love”.

Borgia: You will bring a new witness, a diverse history as

seen through different phases: ex-student at the Pontifical Ori-

ental Institute, university lecturer and canonist in the US, a

priest of the Melkite Church in Newton, MA, consultor of the

Congregation for the Oriental Churches...constant service and

dedication to the Eastern Churches and continues through to-

day in Piana degli Albanesi in a small Sui Juris church.

Gallaro:The state of church at Piana degli Albanesi requires

better consolidation according to the Code of Canons of the

Eastern Churches and the decisions and declarations of the

interparchial Synod in Grottaferrata (2010) and of the ecclesi-

astical realities of the Italo/Albanian Byzantines of Italy. I

will use all of my skills to have these realities acquire grater

autonomy so that their liturgical, theological, spiritual, disci-

plinary and cultural identity will be recognized and valued.

Borgia:In this historical time the book industry's information

regarding the Christian East is “encrypted” by the international

mass communication systems with false ideology regarding

the authentic Christian message of the Word of God. This

peachy has a log tradition of ecumenical writings, from right

cannons and for not being tied up in linguistic translations and

which could provide a new “ oriental’evangelical perspective

in a church that breaths with two lungs.

Gallaro:I think that the publishing tradition of this eparchy, in

its various aspects, would be adequate and further sustained

by the new methods of communication, but with due caution

not to fall into apathy turning into an end in itself.

Cont: page7

Our Lady of Grace Society Newsletter Page 5 V o l . 3 3 / N o 2 J u n e 2 0 1 5



By Bishop George D, Gallaro

In the last several months there have been significant devel-

opments offering great hope for what the late John Paul II

referred to as “breathing with both lungs: east and West.”

In discussions surrounding last October’s Extraordinary

Synod on the Family in Rome, frequent reference was made

to Orthodox pastoral practice for persons entering second

marriages. Earlier, in June (although only made public in

early November) Pope Francis removed the twentieth cen-

tury restrictions on the presbyteral ordination of married

men in the Eastern Catholic Churches regardless of location.

Finally, we can point to the visit of the Pope to Patriarch

Bartholomew of Constantinople, in which the initiatives to-

ward union begun more than fifty years ago by Pope Paul VI

and Patriarch Athenagoras I seemed to gain ever greater


On the 1965 Consistory Pope Paul nominated 27 new cardi-

nals. Among them, none was more fascinating than the old

Melkite Patriarch of Antioch, Maximos IV (Saigh). He had

declined the red hat three times before finally relenting at

the insistence of the Pope. Throughout the Second Vatican

Council (1962-1965), Patriarch Maximos’ many contribu-

tions were always delivered in French, despite the Roman

Curia’s insistence on the use of Latin for oral interventions.

Patriarch Maximos (who knew Latin) maintained that Latin

was never the language of his Church and that French was

the preferred language in international business. He also

reminded all of the Council Bishops that the Church was

East as well as West, and that the ways of the Latin Church

were not the only ways of being the Catholic Church.

We would like to offer two areas in which Eastern Christian

emphasis can already help Latin Christians. First, Eastern

spirituality and theology in and through the liturgical life of

the community. Although we have a common tradition of

the law of prayer is the law of belief, the Christian East has a

particular emphasis in this regard. One observer notes that

personal prayer at home is most often expressed in the same

manner as public liturgy: even in private prayer, one remains

always in communion with the rest of the Church. Is that

the experience of many Latin communities? The communal

dimension of all prayer can help overcome the pervasive

“me and Jesus” approach to private prayer found so often in

Western forms of Christianity.

A second insight is the concept of theosis (deification or di-

vinization). We are told in the Second Letter of Saint Peter

that God made great and marvelous promises, so that his

nature would become part of us; then we could escape our

evil desires and the corrupt influences of this world. (2 Peter

1:4). While some Western Christians tend to focus on being

saved from sin (and Easterners would not deny this), there is

an even greater emphasis on becoming one with the tri-

une God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We find same idea

, among others, in the prayer the priest or deacon says as

he places water into the wine at the liturgical preparation

of the gifts. Saint Athanasius of Alexandria (+373) says

this even more succinctly, “God became man so that man

might become divine.”

How might this help all Christians? It offers a fundamen-

tal positive vision of the Christian vocation as immerse

ourselves into the sacramental mysteries (Baptism, Chris-

mation, Eucharist, Penance, Anointing, Orders, Matri-

mony) in this life while gradually and Dailey living out

that divine life through our human journey back to God.

Our one, holy, apostolic and catholic Church (East and

West), and our increasing efforts to renew communion

with our Orthodox brothers and sisters, already benefits

from our mutual faith and diverse traditions, and all bene-

fit by a commitment to us all of recourses to serve others.

Hispanic-Mozarabic Rite Mass celebrate in

the Vatican for the fourth time in history

A Mass of the Hispanic-Mozarabic Rite was cele-

brated in St. Peter's Basilica. It's something that does-

n't happen that often. It marked the fourth time in his-

tory where that type of Mass was celebrated in the


For the first ten centuries of Christianity in Spain,

Mass was celebrated following the 'Hispanic

Rite.' Then Pope Gregory VII decided to extend the

Roman Rite throughout the Christian world. The His-

panic rite was still followed, but only in areas that

were predominantly Muslim. Those regions became

known as Mozarabic, and that is where the Rite's

name derives from.

"Back then, Christians said, the Pope is trying to take

away our Liturgy. What the Arabs didn't manage to

do in our history, he is trying to accomplish.' So faced

with these complaints, the Pope allowed the Hispanic

-Mozarabic rite to continue in Toledo, which is still

present to this day.”

This rite is especially well-preserved in the center of

the Iberian peninsula, in the Spanish city of Toledo.

On Saturday, the archbishop of that diocese, Braulio

Rodríguez, presided over the special Mass at the


Two hundred pilgrims from the Diocese of Toledo

attended the Mass with their archbishop. Celebrating

Mass alongside him were several cardinals, archbish-

ops, bishops, and priests. Among them were: Cardi-

nal Santos Abril, Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi,


Our Lady of Grace Society Newsletter Page 6 V o l . 3 3 / N o 2 J u n e 2 0 1 5

Proclamation by Pope Francis

Pope Francis has named Father George D. Gallaro, 67, a priest

of the Melkite Eparchy of Newton, Massachusetts, as bishop

of the Byzantine Eparchy of Piano degli Albanesi in Palermo,

Italy. Father Gallaro currently serves as professor of Canon

Law at St. Cyril and Methodius Byzantine Seminary in Pitts-

burgh and as judicial vicar of the Byzantine Archeparchy of


George D. Gallaro was born January 16, 1948, in Pozuolo,

Sicily. He received a bachelor’s in philosophy from the Seminario Diocesano Noto, Italy, in 1968. He received a certifi-

cate in liturgical theology from the Pontifical Liturgical Institute, Rome, in 1980, a doctorate in Eastern Church Law

from the Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome, in 1981, and a licentiate in ecumenical theology from the University of St.

Thomas Aquinas, Rome, in 1994.

He was ordained May 27, 1972, in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and incardinated in the Greek-Melkite Eparchy of

Newton in September 1987. He served as a parochial vicar and instructor of catechesis in the Archdiocese of Los Ange-

les. For the Melkite Eparchy, he served in the marriage tribunal (1982-1986), as a seminary instructor (1982-1991), sec-

retary to Archbishop Joseph Tawil (1983-1990), judicial vicar (1986-1992), chancellor and eparchial consultor (1983-

1992). He was a member and collaborator of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity from 1992-1994 and

rector of St. Gregory Melkite Seminary in Newton from 1994-1996.

Bishop-elect Gallaro is the author of dozens of articles, dealing largely with issues from the perspective of Eastern

Catholics, including ecumenism, marriage and Canon Law. He is a member of the Canon Law Society of America and

the Society for the Law of the Eastern Churches. He speaks English, Italian, French, Spanish, Latin, Greek, some. Alba-

nian and Portuguese, and a little Arabic.

The Byzantine Eparchy of Piano degli Albanesi has been vacant since the retirement of Bishop Sotír Ferrara in April




PI ANO d e g l i AL B ANE S E

P raye r Req ue s t s


Received via Snail Mail and E-mail

Our Lady of Grace Society Newsletter Page 7 V o l . 3 3 / N o 2 J u n e 2 0 1 5

Dear Rev.John & Rita

Congratulation, May the good Lord bless you and keep

you many more years. It is not only love that sustained

you both but as I see your understanding and acceptance.

It is good to know that both grew up in Brooklyn. It used

to be the strong hold of Catholics and a peaceful part of

the New York City. I was happy to see you both.

When you were young must have been teens. Secondly I

could not recognize Rita in that long gown but I was

happy to see her talking with a high profile man.

I was happy to read the article that has come in your bulle-

tin regarding curia, It is sad part. Sin is committed in

Rome and also in the dioceses. Many priests have to suf-

fer because of Curia. Pope has hit the head of the nail. I

shall pray for you both that God may keep you many more

years to come.

God bless you.

Fr. Maxy DeSuza, Goa India

Deacon John,

Congratulations on your 65th wedding anniversary. What

a blessing. We were not aware you were a policeman,

You never mentioned it. Saw your newsletter at Jane's

God bless you both

Bob and Nancy

Fr Deacon Tom Stadnik suffered broken ribs and a col-

lapsed lung from the Train Wreck in Philadelphia. Please

keep him in prayer while he is recovering

Deacon Nicholas Daddona for a speedy recovery from inju-

ries suffered from a traffic accident

.Anthony Cucchiare suffering from cancer

Dr. Richard Renoff died on April 4, 2015. Funeral was cele-

brated on Thursday of Bright Week at Saint Andrews Byzan-

tine Church. Westbury Long Island. Professor Renoff was

advisor to OLOGS. He has written several articles and lec-

tures on Italo Greeks.

May his memory be Eternal for Christ Is Risen.

He was a professor of Sociology at Nassau Community


Information from Fr. Deacon Nick Daddona



Contd; from page 4

This is , in my humble opinion, to identify the most de-

fining aspects , in a modern way, which make the Church

of Piano degli Albanesi “A gem of the east in the land of

the west” or as stated by Pope St John XXIII “ A bridge

between eastern and western Christianity” i.e. a reminder

of the constant love and dialogue with the Orthodox

Church. A characterizing feature is the mystagological

Catechesis typical of the Christian East., marked by con-

templation and divinizing action through liturgical sym-

bols which take on a primary importance as the manifes-

tation of the divine being and, at the same time as the

means by which we go into the tangible world and

through symbols to absolute transcendence.

Borgia: Would the role of this epachy as a Sui Juris com-

ponent be one of dialog and welcome toward those sister

churches scuffing in a polychromatic Sicily?

Gallaro: The Piana degli Albanese is a living testimony

of an ethnic, and religious community that it established

in Sicily and how much it is now welcomed, suffering

though not always in the past, but in modern times has

become fully inclusive and has been promoting meaning-

ful ecumenical moments involving all of the churches of


Special Report Vince Romano

Just want to report that Tom is getting much better. Spoke

to his wife , no dialysis for two days, off the respirator al-

though still has the track collar. They ...might be taking it

off tomorrow if he keeps improving and was sitting in a

chair this morning.

Here is a picture of a smiling Deacon


Our Lady of Grace Society Newsletter Page 8 V o l . 3 3 / N o 2 J u n e 2 0 1 5


SUNDAY OF THE MAN BORN BLIND Through all this time between the Resurrection of the Lord and His Ascen-

sion, the providence of God thought of this, taught this, and penetrated their

eyes and heart. He wanted them to recognize the Lord Jesus Christ as truly risen, who was truly born, truly suf-

fered and truly died. The manifest truth strengthened the blessed apostles and all the disciples who were fright-

ened by His death on the cross and were doubtful of His Resurrection. The result was they were not only af-

flicted with sadness, but also were filled with “great joy” when the Lord went into the heights of heaven. It

was certainly a great and indescribable source of joy when, in the sight of the heavenly multitudes, the nature

of our human race ascended over the dignity of all heavenly creatures. It passed the angelic orders and was

raised beyond the heights of archangels. In its ascension, our human race did not stop at any other height until

this same nature was received at the seat of the eternal Father. Our human nature, united with the divinity of

the Son, was on the throne of His glory.

The Ascension of Christ is our elevation. Hope for the body is also invited where the glory of the Head pre-

ceded us. Let us exult, dearly beloved, with worthy joy and be glad with a holy thanksgiving. Today we not

only are established as possessors of paradise, but we have even penetrated the heights of the heavens in

Christ. The indescribable grace of Christ, which we lost through the “ill will of the devil,” prepared us more

fully for that glory. Incorporated within Himself, the Son of God placed those whom the violent enemy threw

down from the happiness of our first dwelling at the right hand of the Father. The Son of God lives and reigns

with God the Father Almighty and with the Holy Spirit forever and ever, Amen.

From Fr. Francis Vivona Pastor

Eastern Christian Stamp Album From Vincent Romano


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Just send a check to Our Lady of Grace Society

Our Lady of Grace Society Newsletter Page 9 V o l . 3 3 / N o 2 J u n e 2 0 1 5

Bishop Gallaro Installation Invitation

Our Lady of Grace-IGCC Italian Greek

Catholic Church Mission and Society

Italian-Greek Albanian

51 Redgrave Avenue

Staten Island, NY 10303-3620

Address Correction Requested

Bishop George D. Gallaro of Piano degli Albanese's-Palermo

Photo by Very Rev. Andrew Deskevich

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