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  • OBJECTIVES At the end of this lecture, you should able to: 1) Explain the functions of the digestive system. 2) Label a diagram of the digestive system. 3) Identify and use the roots pertaining to the digestive system. 4) Describe the major disorders of the digestive system. 5) Interpret abbreviations used in referring to the gastrointestinal system. 6) Define medical terms used in reference to the digestive system. 7) Analyze case studies concerning gastroenterology.
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  • 1. Anus (n) (ay-nus): opening at the lower end of the digestive tract (system), through which faeces are discharged. The combining forms an/o and proct/o both mean the anus. Anal adj Anally adverb
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  • 2. Rectal (adj) (rek-tl) pertaining to the rectum. The combining form is rect/o. Rectum noun. rectally adverb.
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  • 3. appendix (n) (a-pn-diks): the short thin blind-ended tube, The function of the appendix is unknown. One theory is that the appendix acts as a storehouse for good bacteria, rebooting the digestive system after diarrheal illnesses combining form appendic/o means appendix. appendiceal - adj
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  • 4. colon (n) ( koh-lon): the main part of the large intestine, The combining forms col/o and colon/o mean colon and large intestine. Colonic adj
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  • Colitis (n) means inflammation of the colon.
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  • Colonoscopy means visual examination of the inside of the colon, using a colonoscope passed through the rectum.
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  • 5. Duodenum (n) ( dew-o-deen- um): first of the three parts of small intestine. The combining form duoden/o means duodenum. Duodenal adj
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  • 6. Enteral (adj) (en-ter-al): means pertaining to the intestine. enterally (adverb) Intestine (noun) enteritis: inflammation of the small intestine.
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  • 7. Gall bladder (n) (gawl-blad-er) pear- shaped sac located under the liver. The combining form chole/o means bile or gall, and cyst/o means sac filled with fluid. Cholecystectomy: surgical removal of the gall bladder.
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  • 8. gastric (adj) (gas-trik) pertaining to the stomach. Gastroenterologist: doctor who specializes in the diseases of the stomach and intestine. Gastroscopy: visual examination of the stomach.
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  • 10. liver (n) large organ in the upper part of the abdomen. The combining form hepat/o means liver. hepatic adj. Hepatitis: inflammation of the liver.
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  • 11. Pancreas (n) (pank-ri-as): gland which lies across the back of the upper abdomen. The combining form is pancreat/o. Pancreatic adj.
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  • 12. To digest (v) means to break down the food in the alimentary tract and to convert it into elements which are absorbed into the body. digestive adj digestion noun digestible adj (can be digested)
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  • 13. Buccal (adj) (buk-al): usually pertaining to the inside of the cheek. The combining form bucc/o means cheek.
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  • 14. Dentistry (n) (den-tist-ri): a branch of medicine which deals with teeth and gums. The combining form dent/o means teeth. Dental adj
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  • Dentist: doctor who specializes in treating disorders of the teeth. Dentition (n) (den-tish-on) means the number, type and arrangement of teeth as a whole in the mouth.
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  • Denture (n) (den-cher) means a set of false teeth, fixed to a plate which fits inside the mouth.
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  • 15. to extract (v) (eks-trakt) means to pull out (a tooth for example). extraction noun
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  • 16. gingiva (n) (jin-jiv-a) means gum. Gingival adj gingivitis: inflammation of the gums.
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  • 7. Labial (adj) (lay-bi-al) pertaining to the lips or to the labium. The combining forms labi/o and cheil/o mean lips. Lips noun Labium noun labioplasty: surgical repair of injury or deformity of the lips.
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  • 18. Lingual (adj) (ling-wal) pertaining to the tongue. lingu/o and gloss/o both mean tongue.
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  • 19. Esophagus (n) (ee-sof-a-gus) from the pharynx to the stomach. The combining form is oesophag/o. oesophageal adj
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  • 20. Pharyngeal (adj) (fa-rin-jee-al) pertaining to the pharynx. Pharyngitis (n) inflammation of the pharynx. Pharynx noun.
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  • 21. Oral (adj) pertaining to the mouth. The combining form or/o means the mouth. Mouth noun. orally adverb. 22. Stoma (n) (stoh-ma) means mouth. The combining form is stomat/o. stomal adj. Stomatitis: (n) inflammation of the mouth.
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  • 23. Palate (n) (pal-at): roof of the mouth. The combining form is palat/o. Palatine adj. Palatoplasty: surgical repair of the roof of the mouth.
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  • 24. Saliva (n) secretions from the salivary glands.
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