Page 1: Objectives Software Project Management Success Factors* 1. Executive support 2. User involvement 3. Experienced project

Software Project

Management Concepts

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� Mainframe – 1970s� Centralized, shared

software and data

� PC – 1980s� Individual software


� Decentralized data

� Client/server – 1990s� Interfaces from PC to

mainframes and servers

� Significant coordination required between components

� Web applications – 2000s� Centralized, shared

software and data

� Customizable access


How Software Development has Changed Modern Software is similarly complex!

Complex user and inter/intra-systeminteractions


Thousands ofRuntime objectsTransaction,




Hundreds of thousandsTo million of lines of code

Page 2: Objectives Software Project Management Success Factors* 1. Executive support 2. User involvement 3. Experienced project

Early Scope Questions

Why are we doing this project?

How complex is the business?

Which organizations will be impacted by

this project?

Will the project require a change to the

existing business process?

Is this outside my sponsor's span of


Will the project result in changes to our

organizational structure?

Who are my suppliers and my customers?

Which business processesare included?

Which systems will be impacted?

27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 6

What is a project ?What is a project ?

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What Is a Project?� A project is “a temporary endeavor undertaken

to create a unique product, service, or result.”*

� Operations is work done to sustain the


� A project ends when its objectives have been

reached, or the project has been terminated.

� Projects can be large or small and take a short

or long time to complete.

*PMI, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge

(PMBOK® Guide) (2004), p. 5.27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 8

Project ManagementProject Management

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Page 3: Objectives Software Project Management Success Factors* 1. Executive support 2. User involvement 3. Experienced project

The Triple Constraint

� Every project is constrained in different ways by its:

�Scope goals: What work will be done?

�Time goals: How long should it take to complete?

�Cost goals: What should it cost?

� It is the project manager’s duty to balance these three often-competing goals.

The Triple Constraint of Project Management

Successful project management means meeting all three goals (scope, time, and cost) – and satisfying the project’s sponsor!

Project Management FrameworkProject Stakeholders

� Stakeholders are the people involved in or affected by project activities.

� Stakeholders include:� Project sponsor

� Project manager

� Project team

� Support staff

� Customers

� Users

� Suppliers

� Opponents to the project

Page 4: Objectives Software Project Management Success Factors* 1. Executive support 2. User involvement 3. Experienced project

Project Success Factors*

1. Executive support

2. User involvement

3. Experienced project


4. Clear business


5. Minimized scope

6. Standard software


7. Firm basic


8. Formal methodology

9. Reliable estimates

10. Other criteria, such

as small milestones,

proper planning,

competent staff, and


*The Standish Group, “Extreme CHAOS” (2001).

� Define scope of project.

� Identify stakeholders,

decision-makers, and

escalation procedures.

� Develop detailed task list (work breakdown structures).

� Estimate time requirements.

� Develop initial project

management flow chart.

� Identify required resources

and budget.

� Evaluate project requirements.

� Identify and evaluate risks.

� Prepare contingency plan.

� Identify interdependencies.

� Identify and track critical milestones.

� Participate in project phase review.

� Secure needed resources.

� Manage the change control process.

� Report project status.

Fifteen Project Management Job Functions*

*Northwest Center for Emerging Technologies, “Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skills Standards

for Information Technology,” Belleview, WA, 1999.

Suggested Skills for Project Managers

� Project managers need a wide variety of skills.

� They should:

� Be comfortable with change.

� Understand the organizations they work in and with.

� Lead teams to accomplish project goals.

Suggested Skills for Project Managers

� Project managers need both “hard” and “soft” skills.

�Hard skills include product knowledge and

knowing how to use various project

management tools and techniques.

�Soft skills include being able to work with

various types of people.

Page 5: Objectives Software Project Management Success Factors* 1. Executive support 2. User involvement 3. Experienced project

27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 17

Software project managementSoftware project management

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Why SW Proj. is difficult?

� Why SW Proj. is difficult?

� Invisible, High investment, Inconsistency,

Degree of change

� Main Activities

feasibility study



Is it worth doing?

How do we do it?

Do it!Our focus

for today

27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 19

Software management distinctionsSoftware management distinctions

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27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 20

Management activitiesManagement activities

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Page 6: Objectives Software Project Management Success Factors* 1. Executive support 2. User involvement 3. Experienced project

Step - an overview

� Covers only planning stages

� The approach is to plan in outline first, and in more detail as carrying out.


project1. Identify

project objectives

2. Identify project


3. Analyse



4. Identify products

and activities

5. Estimate effort

for activity

8. Review/ publicize


6. Identify activity


7. Allocate


9. Execute plan

10. Lower level





detailFor each


27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 22

Management commonalitiesManagement commonalities

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27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 23

Project staffingProject staffing

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Skills Comparison - Similarities

Project Manager

� Strong communication


� Understanding of the


� Negotiation/

consensus building

� Strong interpersonal and

client management skills

Business Analyst

� Strong communication skills

� Understanding of the SDLC

� Negotiation/ consensus building

� Strong interpersonal and client management skills


Page 7: Objectives Software Project Management Success Factors* 1. Executive support 2. User involvement 3. Experienced project



Skills Comparison - Differences

Project Manager� Ability to see the “big

picture” for the project

� Directs project team� Helps people (project

team) get things done

� Ensures the product is delivered on time, within budget

Business Analyst� Detail-oriented

� Listens to people (SMEs)

� Helps SMEs describe how and why they perform tasks

� Ensures the product is built right according to the requirements

Skills Comparison - DifferencesProject Manager

� Removes issue barriers

� Manages project change control

� Manages the Work Breakdown Structure


� Management skills

Business Analyst

� Identifies business issues

� Manages requirements change requests

� Performs requirements-related tasks in the WBS

� Investigative skills




Design & Implementation


Construction QA Implementation Closure

The Execution of a Project




• Scope• Budget• Team

• PIR• Planning • Execution & Control

• DocumentRequirements

• SystemCheckout

• Scope • Design• Testing &Training Strategies

• Test CaseCreation

• Test• UAT• Train


How do a PM and a BA Work Together? Examples of Cooperation (“Dynamic Duos”)

� Strong PM, Weak BA� Result = Requirements are rushed,

some may be missed, rework needed late in the process, schedule and budget suffers

� Weak PM, Strong BA� Result = Too much time developing

requirements, project falls behind schedule, “scope creep” often occurs

� Weak PM, Weak BA� Result = Project failure!

� Strong PM, Strong BA� Result = Success, great balance

between thorough requirements-gathering and moving forward

Page 8: Objectives Software Project Management Success Factors* 1. Executive support 2. User involvement 3. Experienced project

27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 29

Project planningProject planning

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27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 30

Type of project planType of project plan

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27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 31

Project planning processProject planning process�� ������ ��������������������� ����������������� ����)���*�����6��! �����)���*�����6��! � ����#���!�#�)�!0�1����#���!�#�)�!0�1�� ���������� ““milestonesmilestones”” ������ ��'���+���'���+�-����#0������������/*0�'�+�-����#0������������/*0�'�+� �������� ������� �����0��/*0/� ������� �����0��/*0/� �#����#���

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The project planThe project plan

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Page 9: Objectives Software Project Management Success Factors* 1. Executive support 2. User involvement 3. Experienced project

27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 33

Project plan structureProject plan structure

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27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 34

Activity organizationActivity organization

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27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 35

Milestones in the RE processMilestones in the RE process

27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 36

Project schedulingProject scheduling

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Page 10: Objectives Software Project Management Success Factors* 1. Executive support 2. User involvement 3. Experienced project

27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 37

The project scheduling processThe project scheduling process

27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 38

Scheduling problemsScheduling problems

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27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 39

Bar charts and activity networksBar charts and activity networks

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27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 40

Task durations and dependenciesTask durations and dependencies

Activity Duration (days) Dependencies

T1 8

T2 15

T3 15 T1 (M1)

T4 10

T5 10 T2, T4 (M2)

T6 5 T1, T2 (M3)

T7 20 T1 (M1)

T8 25 T4 (M5)

T9 15 T3, T6 (M4)

T10 15 T5, T7 (M7)

T11 7 T9 (M6)

T12 10 T11 (M8)

Page 11: Objectives Software Project Management Success Factors* 1. Executive support 2. User involvement 3. Experienced project

27-Nov-08 41

Activity networkActivity network

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Activity timelineActivity timeline

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Staff allocationStaff allocation Project Phases and the Project Life Cycle

� A project life cycle is a collection of project phases that defines:� What work will be performed in each phase.

� What deliverables will be produced and when.

� Who is involved in each phase.

� How management will control and approve work produced in each phase.

� A deliverable is a product or service produced or provided as part of a project.

Page 12: Objectives Software Project Management Success Factors* 1. Executive support 2. User involvement 3. Experienced project

Phases of the Traditional Project Life Cycle The PLC vs the SDLC





Planning Analysis DesignImplementa


System Development Life Cycle

Project Life Cycle

27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 47


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27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 48

��������#*�'��������������������#*�'������������ (Project Risk Management)(Project Risk Management)

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Page 13: Objectives Software Project Management Success Factors* 1. Executive support 2. User involvement 3. Experienced project

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�#*�'�������������#*�'������������ (Project Risks)(Project Risks)

�� �#*�'����#*�'��� (Risk) (Risk) *����!$��%"*����!$��%"//)C(�����������,6�-����#0�)C(�����������,6�-����#0������������,����'0����'��!0�������/� ��0�����������,����'0����'��!0�������/� ��0�� �0�-� �����#*�0. �0�-� �����#*�0.

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27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 50

Risk managementRisk management

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27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 51

Software risksSoftware risksRisk Affects Description

Staff turnover Project Experienced staff will leave the project before it is finished.

Management change Project There will be a change of organisational management with

different priorities.

Hardware unavailability Project Hardware that is essential for the project will not be

delivered on schedule.

Requirements change Project and


There will be a larger number of changes to the

requirements than anticipated.

Specification delays Project and


Specifications of essential interfaces are not available on


Size underestimate Project and


The size of the system has been underestimated.

CASE tool under-


Product CASE tools which support the project do not perform as


Technology change Business The underlying technology on which the system is built is

superseded by new technology.

Product competition Business A competitive product is marketed before the system is


Sample Risk Breakdown Structure

IT Project

Business Technical OrganizationalProject




Cash flow






User support

Team support




Page 14: Objectives Software Project Management Success Factors* 1. Executive support 2. User involvement 3. Experienced project

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The risk management processThe risk management process

�� �#�� ���#*�'����#�� ���#*�'��� ������������������,, ���!3�%8"���!3�%8" ������ �$�����$����

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�� !��!*!��!* –– !��!*!�#���!��!*!�#��� !���������!���������

27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 54

The risk management processThe risk management process

Risk Identification

� Risk identification is the process of understanding what potential events might hurt or enhance a particular project.

� Risk identification tools and techniques include:

� Brainstorming

� The Delphi Technique

� Interviewing

� SWOT analysis

27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 56

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�� �$�����$����

�� ���"�����"��

�� �#*! �����#*! ����

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Risk Identification

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Risks and risk typesRisks and risk typesRisk type Possible risks

Technology The database used in the system cannot process as many transactions per second

as expected.

Software components that should be reused contain defects that limit their


People It is impossible to recruit staff with the skills required.Key staff are ill and unava ilable at critical times.

Required training for staff is not available.

Organisational The organisation is restructured so that different management are responsible for

the project.

Organisational financial problems force reductions in the project budget.

Tools The code generated by CASE tools is inefficient.

CASE tools cannot be integrated.

Requirements Changes to requirements that require major design rework are proposed.

Customers fail to understand the impact of requirements changes.

Estimation The time required to develop the software is underestimated.

The rate of defect repair is underestimated.

The size of the software is underestimated.

Sample Risk Document











27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 59

Risk analysisRisk analysis

�� )��*%�#*�)7�/)/� )��*%�#*�)7�/)/� ������ �#*�$��������#*�'����#*�$��������#*�'���

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27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 60

Risk analysis (i)Risk analysis (i)

Risk Probability Effects

Organisational financial problems force reductions in

the project budget.

Low Catastrophic

It is impossible to recruit staff with the skills required

for the project.

High Catastrophic

Key staff are ill at critical times in the project. Moderate Serious

Software components that should be reused contain

defects which limit their functionality.

Moderate Serious

Changes to requirements that require major design

rework are proposed.

Moderate Serious

The organisation is restructured so that different

management are responsible for the project.

High Serious

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Risk analysis (ii)Risk analysis (ii)

Risk Probability Effects

The database used in the system cannot process as

many transactions per second as expected.

Moderate Serious

The time required to develop the software is


High Serious

CASE tools cannot be integrated. High Tolerable

Customers fail to understand the impact of

requirements changes.

Moderate Tolerable

Required training for staff is not available. Moderate Tolerable

The rate of defect repair is underestimated. Moderate Tolerable

The size of the software is underestimated. High Tolerable

The code generated by CASE tools is inefficient. Moderate Insignificant

Sample Probability/Impact Matrix

27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 63

Risk planningRisk planning

�� ����%�!0���#*�'�������%�!0���#*�'��� ��4���$��"��4���$��" �����������#*�'��������������#*�'���

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27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 64

Risk management strategies (i)Risk management strategies (i)

� ��������� �������� ����� ������ �

)C(�������)C(������� -- �!��*���'�.�6����� ����������'���!��*���'�.�6����� ����������'�� #0#0��������6�*��#*'���(!0��$������6�����/���������6�*��#*'���(!0��$������6�����/�

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Risk management strategies (ii)Risk management strategies (ii)

Risk Strategy



Derive traceability information to assess requirements

change impact, maximise information hiding in the




Prepare a briefing document for senior management

showing how th e project is making a very important

contribution to the goals of the business.



Investigate the possibility of buying a higher-

performance database.


development time

Investigate buying in components, investigate use of a

program generator

27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 66

Risk monitoringRisk monitoring

�� )���*���#*�'�����������,6��0�1)���*���#*�'�����������,6��0�1 �����!��'��-���#0�����!��'��-���#0 �#*�'�����6����#*�'�����6�������*��,6�����/*0����*��,6�����/*0

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27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 67

Risk indicatorsRisk indicators

Risk type Potential indicators

Technology Late delivery of hardware or support software, many reported

technology problems

People Poor staff morale, poor relationships amongst team member,

job availability

Organisational Organisational gossip, lack of action by senior management

Tools Reluctance by team members to use tools, complaints about

CASE tools, demands for higher-powered workstations

Requirements Many requirements change requests, customer complaints

Estimation Failure to meet agreed schedule, failure to clear reported


27-Nov-0827-Nov-08 68

Key pointsKey points

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Key pointsKey points

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