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Occupational Travel Policy R2.0 27.03.09

Occupational Travel Policy

Version: R2.0

Ratified by: Health and Safety Committee

Date ratified: 9.3.2009

Name of originator/author: Jane Shepherd/NIFES

Date issued: April 2009

Review date: 9.3.1012

Target audience: NHS Lewisham and Lewisham PCT Community Health

Presented to NHS Lewisham Senior Management Team

6 October 2009

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Occupational Travel Policy R2.0 27.03.09

Version Control Reference NHSLEW/GOV/H&S/010/02

HS 5013

Date Approved 9 March 2009

Approving Body Health and Safety committee

Implementation Date 8.4.2009

Version 1

Supersedes New Policy

Consultation Health and Safety Committee, Risk Manager, Clinical Governance, Quality, Health and Safety Advisor, Facilities Management Services

Supporting Procedure Health and Safety Policy, Security Policy, Lone Worker Policy

Review Date 9.4.09

Lead Executive Jane Shepherd

Author/Lead Manager NIFES/Jeff Moore

Further Guidance The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992, Approved Code of Practice,

Implementation Target audience

All Staff

Implementation plan in place?


Tools for dissemination

Email, Intranet, Trust Brief

Date of dissemination

April 2009

Monitoring Monitoring method

New Legislation, Incidents and accidents


Quarterly incident report


Head of Quality

Reporting Quarterly incident report taken to

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Occupational Travel Policy R2.0 27.03.09

Community Health Integrated Governance Group

Equalities Impact Assessment Screening Grid Note: See equalities impact assessment guidance notes on PCT website at before completion. Equality Group Assessment of Impact Race

This policy does not affect any one group less or more favourably than another.


This policy does not affect any one group less or more favourably than another.


This policy does not affect any one group less or more favourably than another.


This policy does not affect any one group less or more favourably than another.

Sexual Orientation

This policy does not affect any one group less or more favourably than another.

Religion or belief

This policy does not affect any one group less or more favourably than another.


This policy does not affect any one group less or more favourably than another.

Dignity and Human Rights

This policy does not affect any one group less or more favourably than another.

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Occupational Travel Policy R2.0 27.03.09













11 PROCEDURES 6 11.1 Instructions for Mobile Phone Use 6 11.2 What to do if you have an accident or near miss 7 11.3 Receipt of a Vehicle 8 11.4 Motoring Offences & Parking Fines 8 11.5 Breakdown 9






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Occupational Travel Policy R2.0 27.03.09

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Trust is required to comply with legislation protecting people in the workplace from hazards and risks associated with Occupational Travel. This policy sets out the requirements of the law regarding occupational travel, provides guidance in the safe use of transport, and states how this will be implemented and monitored by the Trust. The Policy clearly identifies specific requirements for Occupational Travel including procedures, accountability and preventative measures. Authorship: Nifes Consulting Group – Dr Simon Kempton and Mr Gareth Jones. Director, Provider Services – Jane Shepherd Consultation Process: Nifes Consulting Group. Health and Safety Committee. January 2009. Configuration Management History: First issue.

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It is our policy to take all reasonable steps to manage the health and safety of those employees who drive on Trust business. This is to comply with our legal duties as an employer and to demonstrate that we have taken all reasonable steps to introduce safe systems of work. It is for this reason that our policy not only sets out our procedures on work-related driving, but details what we expect from our employees; both in terms of complying with relevant legislation and our own standards. These cover a variety of areas including the documentation that we need to see from own-car drivers, as well as basic guidelines on driver health.

With effect from 01 July 2007 it is against the law to smoke in all PCT vehicles as well as private vehicles used primarily for work purposes. Please refer to Lewisham Primary Care Trusts “Smoke Free” Policy.


We have a duty under Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 to take steps as far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure the health, safety and welfare of those who need to drive as part of their job. In order to comply with these duties, we will take steps to set up safe systems of work in order to control and manage any risks which cannot be eliminated. These will be identified by carrying out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment as required by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (as amended) . Where applicable, this policy is also based on the relevant provisions of the Road Traffic Act 1988 .


Driving is among the most hazardous tasks performed by employees. Legislation places a duty on the employer to provide a safe working environment; this is also extended to driving on business. It is a requirement for staff to follow safe driving practices. This includes steps to ensure the driver’s total concentration and safe operation of vehicles, such as determining clear directions before departing, refraining from operating equipment such as mobile phones while the vehicle is moving, and not operating a vehicle when the driver’s ability is impaired. Drivers are expected to follow defensive driving principles, driving regulations i.e. The Highway Code to prevent accidents.

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You have a duty to inform the PCT if at any time your circumstances or driving record change. This includes any change that may lead to an increase in insurance premiums, a refusal to insure or where continuing to drive would constitute a criminal offence. You are reminded that if you have a medical condition which has become worse since your licence was issued or you develop any new medical condition which may affect your fitness to drive you MUST inform the Drivers Medical Unit, DVLA Swansea, SA99 1TU of the nature of your condition (ref: ). You must also inform the Fleet Manager. If your title, your name or your permanent address has changed you are reminded that it is a legal requirement to inform the DVLA at once of any changes. If you do not you could be fined £1,000. You must also inform the HR department of any changes. Pool car drivers must show their Licence to their Line Manager (who signs off page 2) when applying to use PCT Pool cars (see appendix 1 – Pool Car Driver Licence Record Form).

Lease Car drivers must present their Licence to the Fleet Manager when allocated a vehicle, and then on regular basis their Licence must be presented to a Line Manager with the appropriate form to sign off. All copies must then be forwarded to the Fleet Manager


Lewisham PCT all staff whilst driving on Trust business to comply with traffic legislation, be conscious of road safety and demonstrate safe driving and other good road safety habits when driving. The following actions will be viewed as serious breaches of conduct-:

• Drinking or under the influence of drugs while driving. • Driving while disqualified, or not correctly licensed.

• Reckless or dangerous driving causing death or injury.

• Failing to stop after an accident.

• Any actions that warrant suspension of licence.

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Staff, who drive on PCT business, will:

• Ensure they hold a current driving licence. • Immediately notify their line manager if their driver licence has

been suspended or cancelled or has limitations placed on it .

• Be responsible and accountable for their actions when driving on business.

• Assess driving hazards and anticipate “what if scenarios”.

• Wear safety belts.

• Drive within legal speed limits.

• Report vehicle defects (lease cars) to the fleet manager at FMS

before the start of their journey (unless journey starts prior to the working day, then as soon as reasonably practicable).

• Comply with traffic legislation. • Do not use a mobile phone (including hands free kit) when driving

– see instructions for mobile phone use. • Check all vehicles prior to the journey to ensure that vehicles are

within safe operating conditions. Checks should include proper inflation of tyres clean windows, mirrors properly adjusted, brakes, lights in working order, windscreen wipers and wash in working order.

• Report any Accident or near miss incident to the H&S Advisor and

your line manager, including those that do not result in damage or injury.

• Take an accident report form on all journeys.

• Complete an accident form on all accidents and report to the

police and your line manager immediately where possible.

• Take regular and sufficient rest breaks.

o At least 15 minutes for each 2 hours driven. o Stop when tired.

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• Plan journey ahead, taking into consideration pre-journey work duties, the length of the trip and post journey commitments.

• Stay overnight if other than under exceptional circumstances

driving time and non-driving duties exceed 11 hours or 400 miles in one day. If for unavoidable reasons you have to drive over these limits on an occasional day, considerable care must be taken to have regular breaks and avoid any risks of driving while tired.

• Ensure that you are familiar with the vehicle that you are about to drive.

• the following should be observed.

o Ensure that your vehicle has a valid MOT certificate and is in

roadworthy condition. o Ensure that your vehicle has valid road tax. o Ensure that you insurance covers business travel. o Lewisham PCT will not accept liability for any damage to

privately owned vehicles. o Ensure that you are not taking any medication that may impair

your driving ability. o Each member of staff when they sign the monthly travel claim

is signing to state all of the above. o Your insurance certificate to show business cover must be

stapled to your monthly claim on an annual basis when renewed. Your line manager will keep a copy on file.


Should a member of staff have an unacceptable level of accidents whilst driving on business, Lewisham PCT may request that driver completes additional training, before allowing that person to drive on business again.


Where possible, business travel by car should be kept to a minimum. Before setting off employees should consider whether the journey is actually necessary or whether alternate communication such as telephone, email or video-conferencing could be a suitable alternative.

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When undertaking business travel, employees must consider the following.


• Plan journeys beforehand and allow sufficient time for your journey bearing traffic and weather conditions, speed limits and the need for driving breaks in mind.

• Ensure you are physically fit to drive before undertaking a

business journey, in particular eye-sight should be checked regularly.

• Reconsider travel arrangements if adverse weather occurs.


• Use mobile phones / satellite navigation systems while driving, even when hands-free kit or Bluetooth is installed.

• Break speed limits, even if you are running late.

• Overload your vehicle.

• Drive under the influence of drink or drugs or when taking

medication that may affect your driving.

• Drive tired. Take regular breaks.


Lewisham PCT will not require staff to drive under conditions which are considered unsafe and/or likely to create an unsafe environment, physical distress, fatigue, etc.

We will do this by:-

• Ensuring that where additional training is required, through Risk

Assessment, this will be provided on request.

• Line Managers required to manage work schedules to ensure that safe driving practices are maintained.

• Take into account individual driving needs and experience.

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• Collation of statistics on accidents and near miss incidents to ensure continuous improvement of driving policy.

• Regular review of policy and procedures to ensure the

development and quality of the driving policy.


11.1 Instructions for Mobile Phone Use

A substantial body or research shows that using hand-held or hands-free mobile phone while driving is a significant distraction and substantially increases the risk of the driver crashing. Research shows that individuals are four times more likely to crash, injuring or killing themselves and/or other people.

Using a hands-free phone while driving, does not significantly reduce risks, because the problems are caused mainly by the mental distraction and divided attention (RoSPA).

Mobile phones cause distractions in three ways:

• Taking hands off the wheel. • Becoming engrossed in a conversation and not concentrating on

the road.

• Mental distraction.

The use of mobile phones whilst driving is not acceptable except where a legally compliant hands free unit is installed, and even then it is strongly advised against. Staff should adopt the following principles:

• You must never use a mobile phone whilst driving unless you have a fully legally compliant hands-free unit and are an experienced driver used to handling such equipment: even in such cases you should never initiate calls whilst driving.

• Unless you have a hands-free unit your phone should be switched

off, with divert all calls to voicemail and check messages when your vehicle is stationary. Never make calls, dial numbers or text while driving, even with a hands-free unit.

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From a safety point of view, all use of mobile phones should be avoided while the vehicle is being driven, even with hands-free units, as drivers cannot fully concentrate on driving if they have to process and respond to phone calls. If the phone has to be left on (and this may only be the case where a legally compliant hands-free unit is installed), the driver should pull off the road (in a safe position) to make a call or take a call for any length of time. If in such conditions you receive a call you should indicate that you are driving and that you will call back when stationary.

Drivers should also be aware that if you have an accident whilst using a hands-free device you may be prosecuted for driving without due care and attention. The same principles should be adopted for other in-car devises (such as satellite navigation systems, etc) which may cause undue distraction to the driver.

11.2 What to do if you have an accident or near mis s

Stop your vehicle at the scene or as close as is safe, always ensure your safety first. Complete an accident report form by collecting the following information at the scene:

• Details of other vehicle. • Name and address of other driver.

• Name and address of any witnesses.

• Name of insurer.

• Description of incident.

• Report on the sentinel incident reporting system

Contact the police:

• If there are injuries. • There is a disagreement over the accident.

• If you damage property other than your own.

• If you feel unsafe.

• To get the incident reference number.

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For lease and pool cars

Contact the manager and fleet car manager at FMS:

• Notify fleet manager of any/all injuries and vehicle damage sustained.

• Hand in completed accident report form.

11.3 Receipt of a Vehicle

When you receive a new vehicle, you MUST:

• Thoroughly read the manufacturer’s handbook or other guide and familiarise yourself with the vehicle’s features and controls.

• Ensure there are no visible defects or damage to the vehicle

exterior and interior.

• Check the spare wheel/wheel changing equipment is in place.

• Check service intervals, tyre pressures etc.

• Familiarise yourself with the operating controls.

• Check that a current tax disc is displayed.

• Report any problems or defects immediately to the Fleet Manager.

• Lease car driver must present Licence, and read/sign the Lease Scheme Agreement (Appendix 2).

11.4 Motoring Offences & Parking Fines

Any motoring offences MUST be reported to the Fleet Manager as soon as they occur. Both charges and convictions must be reported as soon as these take place. All parking fines, congestion charge fines, clamping or towing charges or fines are the responsibility of the driver and if not settled by the employee will automatically be recharged through the payroll including an administration fee. All speeding fines incurred are the responsibility of the driver.

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11.5 Breakdown

In the event of a breakdown you should contact the breakdown service or seek reasonable assistance by using a roadside telephone. You should activate the hazard warning lights on your vehicle as soon as you break down and keep them on until your vehicle is repaired or removed. You should stay with your vehicle, but where possible stand on the pavement or embankment away from the road and vehicle. If this is not feasible or in bad weather you should sit in the front of the vehicle on the side nearest to the pavement or embankment. You should not attempt to fix the vehicle where it is dangerous to do so, for example where the vehicle is partly blocking the road or a lane of a motorway or dual carriageway, or where the vehicle is on a bend or narrow section of road. You should always ensure that you travel with warm and preferably waterproof clothing in case you have to wait some time for assistance. A torch should also be kept in your vehicle.

11.6 Recommended Driving Hours

Daily driving hours Must not exceed 10 hours more than twice a week

Maximum driving period of 2 hours (followed by at least a 15

minute break out of the vehicle Daily rest period 11 hours not driving or working

Weekly driving limit 56 hours

These are not absolute limits but guidelines which you should not normally or regularly exceed. You should also consider working hours spent not driving and reduce driving hours accordingly.

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It should be remembered that the hours given here are a maximum and are given so that both you and the organisation stay within the law. Advice from the Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) is that the nature of the meeting and work undertaken needs to be taken into account in determining what is reasonable in terms of Driving and Work time. For example, they would view 5 hours total driving plus a full day’s work at an event such as a meeting (where you might reasonably be expected to employ a large amount of mental activity) as being excessive whereas a shorter meeting or attendance at a less mentally intensive meeting would be conducive to a longer overall driving time. There is no hard and fast rule and in essence the law requires risk assessment to be taken for each trip. In reality this means considering the purpose of the trip, the type of work which will be undertaken, and the comfort of the driver in making any journey. Other factors that need to be taken into account are the likely weather and traffic conditions etc. The golden rule should be “always plan ahead and, if in doubt, discuss with your line manager and health and safety advisor – the organisation does not expect you to drive unsafely or for uncomfortable distances or durations.


More information can be found on the Health & Safety Executive website and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents .

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See overleaf.

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