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Lead Evaluator Training continues…1. What have you been up to? Sharing what we’ve

done related to this work in the last month.

2. Mini-lesson: Six Shifts in Math (finally)

3. Getting back to the NYS Teaching Standards

4. Collecting evidence at the preconference

5. Evidence Collection > Rubric > Feedback

6. HW: Seven decision points of mini-observations

7. Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)

8. Beginning of the year conference

9. Picturing the year


Day Five Agenda

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Clarifying sign-up for half days: As each one approaches we will email you with a

link so you can tell us which one is better for you The link will also be at the website MyLearningPlan is not flexible in this way

Reminder about how listservs work!


Taking Care of Business

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Checking in: What have you tried since we last met? Ten minutes for the table, so pace your self



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Finally! Math!



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Deep Understanding


Dual Intensity

Six Shifts: Math


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1. Focus

2. Coherence

3. Fluency 4. Deep Understanding

5. Application

6. Dual Intensity


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Make sense of problems & persevere in solving them.

Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

Model with mathematics.

Use appropriate tools strategically.

Attend to precision.

Look for and make use of structure.

Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

Habits of Mind:


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Make sense of problems & persevere in solving them.

Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

Model with mathematics.

Use appropriate tools strategically.

Attend to precision.

Look for and make use of structure.

Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

Math Practices:


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K-8 wiki is up

HS unpacking is scheduled: MARCH 9 - Unpacking Algebra.

MARCH 23 - Unpacking Geometry

MARCH 30 - Unpacking Algebra II



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NYS Teaching Standards

As a table group, label the seven pieces of the “pie.”

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NYS Teaching Standards

Take out the evidence you collected.

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NYS Teaching Standards

Take out the evidence you collected.

For which Standards did you gather evidence?

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NYS Teaching Standards

Take out the evidence you collected.

For which Standards did you gather evidence?

How will you gather evidence for the others?

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Evidence Collection

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Gathering evidence at a preconference meeting Prior to the conference, teacher prepares for meeting

by reviewing questions Teachers brings (electronically submits) lesson plans,

maps, scopes and sequences, other artifacts Teachers and Lead Evaluator have conversation Lead Evaluator collects evidence



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Practice a preconference meeting Watch the preconference Collect evidence on “Agenda”



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Evidence Collection

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Impact on learning…Support needed…


The Evidence Cycle

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Evidence and a Rubric Review Element III part of the rubric (all of it) What might be some of the things you might hope to

see in a classroom with regard to this piece of the rubric?


Evidence Collection

Element 3.2: Teacher communicates clearly and accurately with students to maximize their understanding and learning. NYSED Indicators: Students understand directions and procedures. Teachers use a variety of questioning techniques to advance student learning and reflection. Students’ comments and questions are acknowledged and utilized to advance learning. Students understand lesson content through teachers’ use of oral, written and graphic methods. Adjust communication in response to student needs.

Indicators Ineffective Developing Effective Highly Effective A. Provides directions and


Teacher directions and procedures are confusing to students. Teacher does not adjust explanation to meet student needs.

Teacher directions and procedures are clarified after initial student confusion. Teacher attempts to adjust explanations to meet student needs.

Teacher directions and procedures are clear to students. Teacher adjusts explanations to meet student needs.

Teacher directions and procedures are clear, complete, and anticipate possible student misunderstanding. Teacher adjusts explanations to meet the needs of individual students.

B. Uses questioning techniques

Teacher’s questions are largely closed in nature. Questions do not invite a thoughtful response or further discussion.

Teacher’s questions are a combination of open and closed questions. Some questions invite a thoughtful response and/or further discussion.

Most of teacher’s questions are open in nature and engage students in deeper thinking and further discussion.

Teacher’s questions are open in nature and challenge students to think and demonstrate reasoning. Students formulate many questions to advance their understanding.

C. Responds to students

Teacher ignores students’ questions/comments and/or provides a response that shuts down student learning.

Teacher responds to some students’ questions/comments. Response gives students the answer rather than challenge student thinking.

Teacher responds to students’ questions/comments. Responses challenge student thinking.

Teacher and students respond to students’ questions/comments. Responses challenge all students’ thinking.

D. Communicates content

Teacher’s spoken language is inaudible, and/or written language is illegible. Spoken or written language contains errors. Graphic methods are not used or used ineffectively.

Teacher’s spoken language is audible, and written language is legible. Both are used correctly. Graphic methods are used occasionally.

Teacher’s spoken and written language is clear and correct. Graphic methods are used regularly to enhance content understanding.

Teacher’s spoken and written language is correct and expressive. Graphic methods are used regularly to enhance content understanding. Students offer their own graphic representation of the content.

Collected Evidence:

Teacher called on students who raised their hand. Teacher asked: “Who wrote the piece we just listened to?” Teacher asked: “In which period does this piece belong?” When student answered incorrectly she called on another volunteer. Teacher asked: “How do you know?” Teacher finished student’s explanation for her. Teacher asked: “What other pieces we have heard does this remind you of?” Teacher told students to draw a picture of which season the music reminded them. Teacher told student who didn’t have anything to write with to borrow from a neighbor. When one table group wasn’t doing drawing, teacher came over, repeated directions, and students went to work. Teacher called on volunteers to share their drawing with the class. Teacher called on some students once and some twice; those who didn’t raise their hand were not called on at all

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Going Through the Process Collect evidence ALONE Check that it is evidence (fix if needed) PARTNER Code it PARTNER Sort it ALONE Compare to section of the rubric PARTNER and the

TABLE Determine HEDI for each of the indicators


Evidence Collection

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Evidence and a Rubric How did we rate each indicator (PollEverywhere) Trainer feedback about each indicator


Evidence Collection

Element 3.2: Teacher communicates clearly and accurately with students to maximize their understanding and learning. NYSED Indicators: Students understand directions and procedures. Teachers use a variety of questioning techniques to advance student learning and reflection. Students’ comments and questions are acknowledged and utilized to advance learning. Students understand lesson content through teachers’ use of oral, written and graphic methods. Adjust communication in response to student needs.

Indicators Ineffective Developing Effective Highly Effective A. Provides directions and


Teacher directions and procedures are confusing to students. Teacher does not adjust explanation to meet student needs.

Teacher directions and procedures are clarified after initial student confusion. Teacher attempts to adjust explanations to meet student needs.

Teacher directions and procedures are clear to students. Teacher adjusts explanations to meet student needs.

Teacher directions and procedures are clear, complete, and anticipate possible student misunderstanding. Teacher adjusts explanations to meet the needs of individual students.

B. Uses questioning techniques

Teacher’s questions are largely closed in nature. Questions do not invite a thoughtful response or further discussion.

Teacher’s questions are a combination of open and closed questions. Some questions invite a thoughtful response and/or further discussion.

Most of teacher’s questions are open in nature and engage students in deeper thinking and further discussion.

Teacher’s questions are open in nature and challenge students to think and demonstrate reasoning. Students formulate many questions to advance their understanding.

C. Responds to students

Teacher ignores students’ questions/comments and/or provides a response that shuts down student learning.

Teacher responds to some students’ questions/comments. Response gives students the answer rather than challenge student thinking.

Teacher responds to students’ questions/comments. Responses challenge student thinking.

Teacher and students respond to students’ questions/comments. Responses challenge all students’ thinking.

D. Communicates content

Teacher’s spoken language is inaudible, and/or written language is illegible. Spoken or written language contains errors. Graphic methods are not used or used ineffectively.

Teacher’s spoken language is audible, and written language is legible. Both are used correctly. Graphic methods are used occasionally.

Teacher’s spoken and written language is clear and correct. Graphic methods are used regularly to enhance content understanding.

Teacher’s spoken and written language is correct and expressive. Graphic methods are used regularly to enhance content understanding. Students offer their own graphic representation of the content.

Collected Evidence:

Teacher called on students who raised their hand. Teacher asked: “Who wrote the piece we just listened to?” Teacher asked: “In which period does this piece belong?” When student answered incorrectly she called on another volunteer. Teacher asked: “How do you know?” Teacher finished student’s explanation for her. Teacher asked: “What other pieces we have heard does this remind you of?” Teacher told students to draw a picture of which season the music reminded them. Teacher told student who didn’t have anything to write with to borrow from a neighbor. When one table group wasn’t doing drawing, teacher came over, repeated directions, and students went to work. Teacher called on volunteers to share their drawing with the class. Teacher called on some students once and some twice; those who didn’t raise their hand were not called on at all

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Evidence Collection

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Evidence Collection

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Conversation,Questions &Discussion

Respect &Rapport


Impact on learning…Support needed…

The Evidence Cycle

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Decision Points1. How long to stay in each classroom.

2. How to keep up the pace.

3. What to look for.

4. Whether to take notes during visits.

5. How to deliver feedback.

6. Whether to give feedback to every teacher.

7. Whether to use data from mini-observations in year-end teacher evaluations.

What are the answers to these decisions?



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The scores arrive…

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The principal receives the results in his office…

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SLOs lesson and examples

SLO Template

More to come next time



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The Learning Map


2007-2008 JDMS Learning Map Essential/Guiding

Question Staff

Meetings The Midway

(Letter & Readings)

Student Conduct

Supervision Culture Content Area

Literacy Supporting New Staff

Instruction Parent





How do we ensure that we start off the year on a positive note with all stakeholders?

4th: Using the planner, crisis response flip-chart, student conduct, first week schedule, etc.


7th: Ten Timely Tools for Success on the First Days of School

14th: Back to School: Meeting the Parents

21st: Speak with Poise, Power and Pizzazz!!

28th: Classroom Assessment: Minute by Minute, Day by Day

Review with staff


Dining room processes and procedures


Treasure Chest readied

Recognition referrals

Get in EVERY classroom within 10 days

Communicate evaluation schedule by 30th

Ready birthday cards

Chili’s Reception on 7th

Little sundaes right after group photo at end of 1st day

Staff post-curriculum night breakfast (28th)

Department Leaders building common understanding

Welcome package presented at opening day lunch

Stop in each class once per week; check in with each once per week

??th: Induction session

Processes and procedures

Curriculum nights (grades 5 & 7 on the 26th. grades 6 & 8 on the 27th)

5th grade picnic: 18th (need staff tee shirts)

PTG meeting 18th:



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How can we learn from each other?

5th: Poverty study group panel discussion, staff goals show

23rd: Right to Know Meeting

5th: none

12th: JDMS Learning Program

19th: How Can We Learn From Each Other?

26th: Peer Observation Possibilities by Paula Rutherford

Second round of emphasis on dining room behavior to prevent relaxation

Recognition referrals push

Mia: 1,2,3,4 Mike: 2,3,4,SA Jeff: 3,4,SA,1

Non-tenured announced evaluations

School Bus Driver Appreciation Day: card delivered at drop off and donuts/coffee

Department Leaders building common understanding

Meet and share Instruction for All Students and JDMS Learning binder

Collaboration and planning

PTG meeting 17th:







Is Excellence with Equity Attainable?

27th: Developmental Assets presentation

2nd: Tripod Project Overview

9th: Ferguson: Time Spent Studying and Doing Homework

16th: Ferguson: Why Students Work Hard

30th: December Dilema

Halls emphasis

Mia: 2,3,4,SA Mike: 3,4,SA,1 Jeff: 4,SA,1,2

Tenured announced evaluations

Secret Rammy Award

JDMS Fleece orders

Department Leaders building common understanding

27th: Induction session planning

Meeting the needs of all learners

PTG meeting 28th:







How can traditional strategies still work in today’s classroom?

None. 7th: Framing the Learning When Presenting Information

14th: Demonstrations and Beyond

21st: Best and favorite Teacher

Student Dining Room Emphasis

Mia: 3,4,SA, Mike: 4,SA,1 Jeff: SA,1,2 Kerri: 2, 3, 4

Non-tenured unannounced evaluations

Holiday luncheon prepared by and served on December 19th

Brush snow off cars

Donuts/coffee dropped off at bus garage

Lunch for custodians

Department Leaders building common understanding

Meet individually with all new teachers… just checking in

No let down before holidays and breaks

Holiday Shops

Presentations at concerts



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How can traditional strategies still work in today’s classroom (continued)?

22nd: Developmental assets, History Less on video from Jerry Seinfeld

4th: Lectures

11th: Lectures with Discussion Partners

18th: Using Examples in lectures

25th: Analogies & Metaphors in Lectures

New signs and bulletin boards up

Reminders via PA of school rules

Tape down the middle of the halls

Mia: 4,SA,1,2,3 Mike: SA,1,2,3,4 Jeff: 1,2,3,SA Kerri: 3, 4, SA, 1

PGP progress meetings

Unannounced evaluations completed

Roll of lifesavers in each mail box on random day

College Sweatshirt Day

Secret Rammy Award

Department Leaders start action planning

10th: Induction session on assessment

Strengthening traditional models of instruction, especially lectures and discussion

Schedule/announce Coffee with the Principal sessions, Jeff’s Office

PTG Meeting on January 15th: Developmental Assets



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What a year “looks like”


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What a year “looks like”


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Evidence Collection

Homework: Gather evidence, electronically, from a classroom in

your school

and Mini-observations

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Resources are archived at the Lead Evaluator Training page off of



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Visiting the Parking Lot



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