Download - October 2012 Enews

Page 1: October 2012 Enews

MHS ENEWSOCTOBER 2012 A Publication of the Malibu High PTSA

Malibu High’s Monthly Online Newsletter

An intense summer search for a new MHS Principal resulted in success with the appointment of Mr. Jerry Block. With a dozen years of administrative experience, Mr. Block comes to SMMUSD from the Oak Park Unified School District, where he had been serving as the Assistant Principal of Curriculum and Instruction at Oak Park High

School for the past seven years.  Prior to that, Mr. Block served as Coordinator for Testing and Staff Development

and Chair of the Foreign Language Department at Calabasas High School. His experience introducing a Chinese language program there has many parents excited about the prospect of creating a more diverse and vibrant language program at MHS. Others are impressed that under his leadership at Oak Park, the school achieved the coveted 900 API score. "We have a big task and that is to prepare students to be citizens of the 21st century," Block said. This month, In his letter to the school community, he writes, “Together, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish for our kids’ sake.” His entire letter can be read on Page 2.

MHS Building PLans APPROVED by Department of State Architecture. Last Stop - CITY COUNCIL

Malibu and Santa Monica citizens approved a $268 million bond measure in 2006 to improve the facilities of the school district. The measure focused primarily on secondary schools and provided 33 million dollars for Malibu High School. After 4 years of work by the oversight committee (see page for for list of Project Overview), the

plans were submitted to the Division of State Architecture for approval. The DSA approves all plans for schools and hospitals in California. The process is lengthy and MHS has waited over a year to receive final approval on the plans which received the prestigious 2009 AIAPF award for educational design. The District and Oversight Committee were delighted that the DSA approval came through in June and required no changes. According to Oversight committee member and Vice Principal Phil Wenker, “The teachers and staff are very excited about getting closer to the start of construction here at MHS.  The new classrooms, library, and the remodeled middle school rooms will bring a much needed rejuvenation to the campus.” The final hurdle is the approval by the Malibu Planning commission and City Council. The commission did not approve the plans in August as hoped. Three changes to the plans were requested concerning traffic flow, exterior lighting and the new parking lot design. Members of the Oversight Committee met recently to discuss the contingencies. Many expressed concern that the project, if changed, might have to go back into the DSA approval process adding significant time to the already much delayed project. The next meeting with the Planning Commission takes place on December 3 at which time another vote will be taken to approve or not approve the project which has been 7 years in development.

Malibu High Welcomes New Principal- Mr. Jerry Block

The view of the new administration/library and classroom building from inside the middle school quad

Page 2: October 2012 Enews

MHS BB Project OverviewModernization and new construction will include replacing the existing library and administrative building, with a new library, three science labs, two computer labs and four general classrooms. 

Ten classrooms in Building E will be renovated and reconfigured to provide two additional classrooms and a new IT room, which will house the main technology infrastructure.  Ventilation in the gymnasium locker rooms and the existing fire alarm system will be upgraded. 

Outdoor improvements will include renovating the common areas, a new 150-space parking lot and the reconfiguration to Parking Lot A.  The equestrian trail will be relocated near the new parking lot to accommodate a new student drop-off and pick-up lane. 

The Malibu High School project reflects CHPS (Collaborative for High Performance Schools) criteria through improved day lighting, integration of sustainable design principles, improved indoor air quality and

natural ventilation, maximized energy efficiency, reduced water use and upgraded storm water management system. Construction is scheduled to begin in the third quarter of 2012 and is anticipated to be complete by the second quarter of 2015.

Technology15 existing classrooms were upgraded to the district’s new technology standards.  The standard includes a projector and screen, document camera, DVD player, and a sound system with a wireless microphone.  The school has been upgraded to 1Gpbs networking and campus-wide Wifi.  One teacher and eight student laptops were provided for sixteen science classrooms.  Wireless

access points were installed throughout the campus and the phone system was replaced with a new IP telephone system. The campus network infrastructure was upgraded to one-gigabit bandwidth to support the wireless access and telephone upgrades.

See more photos and read all the

details of our MHS project at

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Dear Parents,

By the time you read this letter, school will have been in session for over six weeks. I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on this time and to preview the year ahead of us.

As we began the school year with our “Get Your Stuff” days, I was more than impressed with the hard work of our parent volunteers in coordinating these days. Thanks to their dedication and organizational efforts, our students were able to turn in their registration paperwork and pick up the resources they needed to begin the school year. This massive undertaking by our parents allowed our school staff to continue working on mission critical tasks required before the start of the school year.

On August 22, we opened our classroom doors to 461 middle school students and 683 high school students. Due to statewide financial difficulties, our class sizes are larger, elective offerings fewer and scheduling options tighter. Nevertheless, I was most impressed with how well our MHS community weathered the challenges now faced by all public schools. Despite the struggles, our counselors did a remarkable job of working with students, parents and teachers to get all students into appropriate classes. Additionally, our teachers demonstrate amazing flexibility and creativity in meeting the needs of all of our students in these large classes.

Despite year after year of financial difficulties, the MHS community can be proud of its continued academic improvement. Here are some highlights

• Our API (academic performance index, a measurement of public schools in the State) score went up by 10 points to 871. The statewide goal is 800.

• The percent of ninth grade students scoring advanced or proficient on statewide English testing increased by 10%.

• The percent of Algebra I students scoring advanced or proficient on statewide testing increased by 12%.

• The percent of Geometry students scoring advanced or proficient on statewide testing increased by 6%.

• The percent of Algebra II students scoring advanced or proficient on statewide testing increased by 25%.

• The percent of Chemistry students scoring advanced or proficient on statewide testing increased by 12%.

• The percent of Earth Science students scoring advanced or proficient on statewide testing increased by 9%.

Our teachers and students should be proud of their hard work and dedication to academic excellence.

Upcoming, we have our Homecoming activities. We hope that our homecoming football game (October 26) will be the first game played under brand new lights bringing the American tradition of Friday night football to MHS. Our ASB students and our athletic boosters are planning many exciting events to accompany homecoming this year. Stay tuned for more information on this.

While homecoming is an American tradition filled with school and community spirit, I want to make sure that our students celebrate in a healthy and safe manner. Please speak to your children about the dangers of alcohol and drug use. Additionally, please remind them that while Malibu High will be putting on some exciting events during homecoming (a football game, a tailgate party, a dance and more), any student attending an event under the influence or in possession of a controlled substance will face disciplinary consequences. MHS is intent on providing your children with a safe and healthy environment to celebrate.

We will be following up with our message of a drug and alcohol free school during Red Ribbon Week (October 29 – November 2), Halloween week. As parents, I ask you to join the school in sending the message to our kids to avoid drugs and alcohol. To protect our children, it takes the entire community to send clear and consistent messages about our expectations for them to stay safe and healthy.

I look forward to working with our teachers, our students and our community this year to provide our kids a world class education in an environment that challenges our students to take rigorous classes, participate in extra curricular activities and to give back to their school and community. Together, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish for our kids’ sake.


Jerry BlockPrincipal of Malibu High School

Page 4: October 2012 Enews

Estimados Padres,

Para cuando lean esta carta, la escuela habrá estado en sesión por seis semanas. Me gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad para reflexionar sobre este tiempo y pre visualizar el año que tenemos por delante.

A medida que empezamos el año escolar con nuestros “Get Your Stuff” days (días de compras para el regreso a la escuela), estuve más que impresionado con el trabajo duro de nuestros padres voluntarios en coordinar estos días. Gracias a su dedicación y a sus esfuerzos de organización, nuestros estudiantes pudieron entregar su papeleo de registración y recoger los recursos que ellos necesitan para empezar el año escolar. Esta empresa masiva por nuestros padres permitió que nuestros empleados de la escuela pudieran continuar trabajando en las cosas importantes que tienen que lograr antes de que empiece el año escolar.

El 22 de agosto, abrimos las puertas de nuestras aulas a 461 estudiantes de secundaria y a 683 estudiantes de preparatoria. Debido a las dificultades financieras estatales, el tamaño de nuestras clases es más grande, las ofertas de electivos han disminuido y las opciones para los programas de clase son más estrechas. Sin embargo, estuve muy impresionado con lo bien que nuestra comunidad de MHS a resistido los desafíos que ahora enfrentan todas las escuelas públicas. A pesar de las batallas, nuestros consejeros hicieron un trabajo notable en trabajar con nuestros estudiantes, padres, y maestros para poner a todos los estudiantes en las clases apropiadas. Adicionalmente, nuestros maestros demostraron flexibilidad increíble y creatividad en cumplir con las necesidades de todos nuestros estudiantes en estas clases grandes.

A pesar de año tras año de dificultades financieras, la comunidad de MHS puede estar orgullosa de su mejoramiento académico continuo. Aquí están algunos aspectos destacados

• Nuestro API (índice de desempeño académico, una medida de las escuelas públicas en el Estado)subió 10 puntos a 871. La meta estatal es 800.

• El porcentaje de estudiantes de novena grado que salieron competentes en los exámenes de ingles subió un 10%.

• El porcentaje de estudiantes de Algebra I que salieron avanzados o competentes en los exámenes estatales aumento un 12%.

• El porcentaje de estudiantes de Geometría que salieron avanzados o competentes a en los exámenes estatales umento un 6%.

• El porcentaje de estudiantes de Algebra II que salieron avanzados o competentes en los exámenes estatales aumento un 25%.

• El porcentaje de estudiantes de Química que salieron avanzados o competentes en los exámenes estatales aumento un 12%.

• El porcentaje de estudiantes de Ciencias Naturales que salieron avanzados o competentes en los exámenes estatales aumento un 9%.

Nuestros maestros y estudiantes deberían de estar orgullosos de su trabajo duro y dedicación a la excelencia académica.

Próximamente, tenemos nuestras actividades de Homecoming (celebración de regreso a la escuela y a los deportes). Esperamos que nuestro juego de fútbol (26 de octubre) será el primer partido jugado bajo las luces nuevas trayendo la tradición estadounidense de fútbol la noche del viernes para MHS. Nuestros estudiantes de ASB (Asociación de Estudiantes) y nuestros Athletic Booster Club (Club de padres que apoyan los deportes) están planeando muchos eventos emocionantes para acompañar el “Homecoming” de este año. Estén atentos para más información sobre esto.

Aun que “Homecoming” es una tradición americana llena de espíritu de la escuela y la comunidad, quiero asegurar que nuestros estudiantes celebren de una manera sana y segura. Hable con sus hijos sobre los peligros del consumo de alcohol y drogas. Además, por favor, recuérdenles que aunque Malibu High llevará a cabo algunos eventos interesantes durante el regreso a casa (un partido de fútbol, “tailgate party” (celebraciones usando las partes de atrás exteriores de los carros), un baile y más), cualquier estudiante que asiste a un evento bajo la influencia o en posesión de una sustancia controlada se enfrentará a consecuencias disciplinarias. MHS tiene la intención de proporcionar a sus hijos un ambiente seguro y saludable para celebrar.

Seguiremos con nuestro mensaje de una escuela libre de alcohol y drogas durante la Semana de la Cinta Roja (29 de octubre al 2 de noviembre), la semana de Halloween. Como padres, les pido que se unan a la escuela en enviar el mensaje a nuestros niños de evitar las drogas y el alcohol. Para proteger a nuestros niños, se requiere que una comunidad entera envié mensajes claros y constantes que nuestras expectativas son que ellos permanezcan seguros y saludables.

Espero con anticipación poder trabajar con nuestros maestros, nuestros estudiantes y nuestra comunidad este año para proveerles a nuestros niños una educación de clase mundial en un ambiente que desafía a nuestros estudiantes a tomar clases rigorosas, participar en actividades extracurriculares y dar a su escuela y a su comunidad. Juntos, no hay nada que no podemos lograr por el bien de nuestros niños.


Jerry Block, Director

Mensaje Del Director - Señor Jerry Block octubre

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The 2012-2013 school year is off to a great start! As always, MHS has been bustling with activity. Thank you to all who have volunteered or provided hospitality for Get Your Stuff Days, Back to School Nights, 8th Grade Dialogues, 9th Grade Counselor Luncheons, Parents of Middle Schoolers, High School Coffee with the Counselors, “Walk It! Bike It! Pool It! Day,” College Guidance Nights, Santa Monica 5000, Reflections, the Middle School Mixer and all of the many other academic, arts and athletic activities.

Throughout the fall season, there are many more exciting ways to get involved and show your school spirit. I hope you have the opportunity to join us on–campus at one of these upcoming events:

High School Coffee with the Counselors, Oct. 16th & Nov. 13th – Enjoy coffee and conversation with Guidance Counselors Luke Sferra and Katie Dahm, and other high school parents at 9:00 a.m. in the library.

PTSA Association Meeting, Oct. 25th – Join teachers and parents for refreshments and an informative meeting, including a special presentation of three important education related ballot initiatives – Prop 30, Prop 38 and Measure ES, at 3:30 p.m. in the library.

Homecoming, Oct. 26th - Football game, half-time celebration, float competition, presentation of the homecoming court and post-game dance.

Parents of Middle School Students, Nov. 9th & Dec. 7th – Enjoy coffee and conversation with Assistant Principal Wendy Wax-Gellis, Guidance Counselor Liz Cowgill, and other middle school parents at 8:30 a.m. in the library.

College Center Book Discussion, Nov. 27th - Join College Counselor Ah Young Chi, special guest Kirk Brennan, and other parents to discuss the book Crazy U: One Dad's Crash Course in Getting His Kid into College by Andrew Ferguson at 8:30 a.m. in the library. R.s.v.p. to [email protected] or Kathryn Ibarra at [email protected].

It’s hard to believe that we are already halfway through First Semester. If you haven’t done so, please take a moment to join the PTSA (instructions below). With more than one million members, California State PTA is the largest volunteer organization in the state dedicated to improving the well being of all children and youth. Joining MHS PTSA supports local, state and national efforts to improve the education of children and the lives of families.

Don’t forget to Vote!Amy YoungMHS PTSA President, 2012-13

Instructions for joining PTSA: On the MHS website, click on the “Parents” tab at the far right, and go to the PTSA page. The online “PTSA Membership Form” is in the right sidebar under “PTSA Forms.” Membership is only $8 per person. You can even pay via Paypal.

Questions? Contact [email protected].

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Friday, October 19 Coffee HouseSaturday, October 20 Roller Skating PartySunday, October 21 Choir SerenadeTuesday, October 23 11th & 10th Grades College Guidance NightWed., October 24 Technology Committee MeetingWed., October 24 SMMUSD School Board Candidates ForumWed., October 24 Halloween Family Bu' Bash at The ClubThursday, October 25 PTSA Association MeetingFriday, October 26 Zuma Project DueFriday, October 26 HomecomingTuesday, October 30 Financial Aid NightTuesday, October 30 Class RingsThursday, November 1 SMMUSD Board MeetingFriday, November 2 Middle School Halloween Dance


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Juntas Del Comité Bilingüe (ELAC)Para el Año Escolar 2012/2013



Los Temas se Anunciarán 

¡RESERVEN LA FECHA! Jueves, 8 de noviembre

Tenga una conferencia de padre y maestro más efectiva- Aída Díaz y para padres de MHS taller sobre Illuminate y como navegar la página de la escuela

en la red- Yalile Pieper 

Jueves, 13 de diciembreProblemas en aprendizaje y el déficit de atención – Dra. Mariana Solar


Jueves, 17 de enero 2013La Nutrición Saludable


Jueves, 14 de febrero 2013La depresión en los niños y jóvenes – Dra. Mónica Salinas


Jueves 14 de marzo 2013Jueves 11 de abril 2013

Se anunciaráJueves 9 de mayo 2013Celebración de fin de año

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L to R: Brendan, Elizabeth, Katie, Evelyn, Claire, Severin, Tim, Wyatt, Tanner, Michael, Annie, Sorin, Amy.

Over 100 Malibu Participants Run to Raise $$ for Sports teams at MHSSANTA MONICA 5000

Congratulations to the more than 100 people from Malibu who participated last Sunday in the SM5000, a race made possible by the Santa Monica-Malibu Education Foundation. Athletic teams, PE students, families, and teachers

representing every single school in the school district took to the streets of Santa Monica to raise money for their teams and PE departments.  Teams showed their school spirit and bonded with their teammates as they wore their jerseys and carried

team signs while running or walking the 5 or 10k.  Over $84,000 was raised district-wide, with specific teams and PE departments keeping 100% of the money that was donated to them.

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Advertising Pages -- NOW• Pages are limited; you must see either a yearbook student or Mrs. Bowman-Smith to purchase space• Full page is $300, half page is $160, and quarter page is $85• Questions can be directed by email to [email protected]

Senior “Shout-Out” Quotes, end of the book – November 5th.• This is the place to say goodbye and thank you.• Shout-Outs are due no later than November 5th.• Limited to no more than 100 words. • Any inappropriate comments will be taken out, no discussion. • Shout-Outs are to be e-mailed to [email protected]. Please put your name & “Shout

out” in the subject line.• Shout-Outs will only be placed if a good portion of the Senior Class submit them. Please motivate

your friends!

Yearbook Purchase – January 11th.• You can purchase your yearbook at or you may call 1-800-853-1337.• The last day to order with personalization is January 11th CST (on-line personalizations stop at

9:59pm, phone personalization orders stop at 3pm).• The last day to order a book February 28th. CST (on-line stop at 9:59pm, phone orders stop at 3pm).

We will only order the number of books sold on-line. We will have a few “over-run” books to sell in June, but they will be marked up on price considerably. ORDER YOUR BOOKS NOW.


The city of Malibu is hosting a CERT Training Course here in Malibu on 4 consecutive Saturdays (October 20, 27, November 3 & 10, 9 am - 4 pm).  10th, 11th and 12th Graders are invited to attend and student participants will earn 25 Service Learning Hours as they learn how to prepare and respond to local emergencies.  It fun and valuable training.  Graduates receive free emergency gear.  Missed classes can be made up at later date.  For more information:

472/cid/8376/  or Contact Brad Davis at 310-456-2489. The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program was developed in 1985 by the Los Angeles City Fire Department to provide basic training in safety and lifesaving skills to the general public. It has since been adopted and enhanced by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the National Fire Academy. The course is now recognized nationwide and over 50,000 citizens have been trained to date.


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THIS MONTH. ABOVE: Chocolate and Strawberries were just part of the menu at the Middle School New Student Lunch.

BELOW: Wendy Wax Gellis, Lambert and Neier prepare for a new year of exciting athletics at MHS.






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Go to LAVOTE.NET to register.

Two Ballot Measures Aim to Solve California’s Education Budget Shortfalls.

PROPOSITION 30Governor Brown’s Plan also known as The Schools and Local Public Safety Protection Act would raise between $6.5 and $9 Billion by raising sales tax in California by 1/4 percent for four years. The measure would also raise the state personal income tax between 1 and 3% on people making more than $250,000. This income tax increase would be in effect for seven years. Most of the money would go into the State’s General Fund. The money would in part repay the 9 billion dollars owed to California School Districts. The measure would also infuse money into community colleges, the California university systems as well as other state public services.


Read the Act for Yourself:

PROPOSITION 38The second statewide mschool funding initiative on the ballot is called Our Children, Our Future (OCOF) or The Munger Plan. This plan is endorsed by the California State PTA. This plan would raise $5 Billion in 2012/13 and $10 Billion for 11 years after that by raising the state personal income tax on most citizens. The rate of additional tax would be on a sliding scale and would range from 4/10ths of 1% on incomes under $35,000 (after all deductions) to 2.2% for couples with income over $5 million )after all deductions.) Couples would pay nothing on the first $15,000 of their income after all deductions. In the first 3 years, the funds would go towards paying off $3 billion in State Bonds with the remainder flowing entirely to K-12 public schools.


Read the Act:

Page 12: October 2012 Enews


Serenade Picnic 2012

an afternoon

of singing, art,

& food


MHS Amphitheater













Admission Free will Donation, Unlimited Food Ticket $10

Malibu High School Choral

Fine Arts Department present.....

please bring blankets or chairs

Page 13: October 2012 Enews

PTSA REFLECTIONS CONTESTTHEME: “THE MAGIC OF A MOMENT” DEADLINE OCTOBER 26th Are you looking for a way to express yourself and show others your talent as a photographer, visual artist, writer, composer, choreographer, or film producer?

Participate in PTA's Reflections Program2012–2013 Theme: “The Magic of a Moment” Use this theme as a jumping off point for your imagination! Then, create an original piece of artwork.  There are six categories:

• Musical Composition• Dance Choreography• Film Production• Literature• Visual Arts• Photography

You can enter more than one category!  Express your thoughts and creativity and earn recognition. Deadline for entries is Tuesday, October 30, 2012.  All entries can be turned in to the submission box in the MHS library.

Rules & Entry FormsAll students must adhere to the General Student Participation Rules as well as the rules for their specific arts area. All forms and guidelines can be viewed and downloaded using the links at the right. Hard copies are also available in the main office.

For more information, visit California PTA website or contact Elizabeth Anthony, our MHS PTSA Reflections Chair.

The Malibu High Enews

is produced by the Malibu High School PTSA. Volunteer parents collect the information and compile it to send to every family on the first Monday of every month. If you would like a printed copy of the newsletter mailed to your home, please send an email to [email protected] and request your mailed copy. In the interest of saving energy, time and paper the newsletter committee is striving to change the way the school

communicates with parents. Contributors include: Principal Block, PTSA President Amy Young, Vice Principal Wendy Wax-Gellis, Counselor Luke Sferra, The MHS PTSA, the Shark Fund, the MHS Counselors, Bobbi Ross Neier, The Boys and Girls Club, The College and Career Center, Arts Angels, The Athletic Booster Club and other individuals and organizations throughout our school community. A special thanks to Yalile Pieper for translating our Principal’s letter.

Thank you for making this possible.


30215 Morning View DriveMalibu, CA. 90265

To submit articles please email news to Heather Anderson (Editor)[email protected]

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Saturday, October 20, 2012 7:00 - 9:30 p.m.

Cost: $8.00 Quad Skate Rental $2.50 Inline Skate Rental $4.00

A  portion  of  tonight’s  box  office  and  snack  bar  will  benefit:



1720  Mesa  Verde  Ave.  •  Ventura,  Ca Off  the  101  Freeway  at  Victoria  •  Next  Door  to  Buena  Lanes

(805) 656-2121  •

Saturday, October 20, 2012 7:00 - 9:30 p.m.

Cost: $8.00 Quad Skate Rental $2.50 Inline Skate Rental $4.00

A  portion  of  tonight’s  box  office  and  snack  bar  will  benefit:



1720  Mesa  Verde  Ave.  •  Ventura,  Ca Off  the  101  Freeway  at  Victoria  •  Next  Door  to  Buena  Lanes

(805) 656-2121  •

Page 15: October 2012 Enews


DRIVE has begun. The annual drive raises money for the Associated Student Body - ASB. They use the money to put on dances and events throughout the year. The mustaches were distributed as part of the kick off party.

It’s impossible to identify all of the students in the above photos who showed up incognito for the Magazine Drive Kick Off. Students have a slew of exciting incentives to sell magazines and cookie dough. Ducks, Disneyland and of course, doughnuts.

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Reflections Art Contest Deadline:October 26th

MIDDLE SCHOOL YEARBOOKPre-order your Middle School Yearbook for $40.00 before the price goes up! You can pick up an order form from the office or purchase one online at  All personalizations and pre-orders must be received by Friday, January 25th. »Read more


Malibu Rotary Club is sponsoring a Candidates Forum on Wednesday, October 24 at 7:30 p.m. in the Fireside Room of Pepperdine University in Malibu. Six candidates are running for three seats on the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District Board of Education.  Moderator for this event will be Malibu Patch Editor Jessica Davis. »Read more

END OF THE SEMESTERPlease remember that finals will be given before our winter vacation and we do not anticipate providing makeups as the semester will be over as we go onto winter break.  Do not make travel plans taking you out of town before our set vacation time, please.  Semester 1 ends December 21 and Semester 2 starts January 8. 

S C H O O L A N N O U N C E M E N T SSave The Date!Saturday, November 17th is the PTSA Annual Fall Fundraiser.

An invitation will follow. If you are interested in helping with the event or making a donation to our silent and/or live auction, please contact Wendy Sidley [email protected] or 310 200 5899.

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The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District’s Financial Oversight Committee (FOC) currently has four (4) openings. 

The district is seeking qualified candidates who will bring a depth of

business and/or financial expertise to the committee.  Application forms are

available through the Superintendent’s Office or via the website:  http:// The deadline for applications is Friday, October 26. 

They can be mailed to the district office (1651 16th Street, Santa Monica, CA

90404), faxed (310.581.1138), or scanned and emailed.


Ralphs Markets gives back 3% of all purchases to local schools as part of their commitment to public schools and civic organizations. In the past, Malibu High has received tens of thousands of dollars from this simple program. But you have to sign up every year! Now is the time to sign up once again! Take a moment toEarn money for Malibu High School every time you do your grocery shopping at Ralphs. It does not cost you a cent but does require five minutes of your time. Follow the link for instructions. If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact Wendy Sidley at 310-456-7062 or EMAIL her at [email protected]


SCHOOLERS  Come for an hour on Friday, October 19 at 8:30 a.m. for our monthly coffee in the MHS Library and get your questions answered, give us suggestions, clarify your thinking, talk about middle school development, get to know other parents and get to know us! 

MHS TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEEParents interested in being on the MHS technology committee, we will be holding our first meeting on October 24th at 3:15 pm in the library. This committee serves as an advisory committee to the School Site Council. Please let Joe DiMercurio know if you would like to be part of this committee and he will put you on the email list. [email protected]


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The College and Career Center website is a great resource for not only Seniors and their parents currently going through the application process but also for 9th through 11th graders looking ahead to and preparing for the college admissions journey.  One of the most useful college planning tools we offer is called Naviance Family Connection.  Due to the generosity of our PTSA, this college aid and planning tool is free for all of our high school students.  Here are some highlights of Naviance: 

· Ability to submit transcripts and teacher recommendation letters electronically to most colleges and universities.  This is only for Seniors applying to colleges.

· Ability to submit transcripts to the NCAA after students register on NCAA’s Eligibility Center.· Extensive college and career search tools, allowing students to save their college list so that it

can be shared with the counseling staff.· PrepMe: SAT and ACT prep courses, FREE for all high school students.· List of colleges visiting Malibu HS.  This should be used by all high school students, and not

just the Seniors.· Easy to use resume builder, which students should start creating in the 9th grade.· Report service learning hours.· Interest and personality inventories.· Four-year course planning- coming soon!· Request next year’s courses- coming soon!

 Upcoming events in the College and Career Center (also available on the CCC Calendar): 

· College visits are still happening!  Check the schedule in Naviance for details.· 10th & 11th Grades College Guidance Night:  Tuesday, October 23, 6:30 p.m., in the MHS

Library.· Financial Aid Night:  Tuesday, October 30, 6:30 p.m., in the MHS Library.· Coffee with the Counselors:  Tuesday, November 13, 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., in the Teachers

Lounge.· Book Discussion of Crazy U:  Tuesday, November 27, 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., in the MHS

Library. Specifically for SENIORS: 

· 1-on-1 Essay Review Sessions are still available on (sign up with Mrs. Chi):o Tuesday, October 16o Friday, October 19o Monday, October 22o Tuesday, October 23o Tuesday, October 30

· Remaining application workshops (sign up in Naviance):o Cal State University applications:  Thursday, October 18, during lunch in the college

centero UC applications:  Thursday, October 25, during lunch in the college center

· Brag Packets are due on November 5!  

College and Career CenterCounselor Ah Young Chi

Page 19: October 2012 Enews


School Calendar

College and Career Center

Community Service Learning Calendar

Athletics Calendar

Daily Bulletin and Newsletters


GET INVOLVED AND SUPPORT MHSSign up for Scrip (Grocery Loyalty Program) You Buy Groceries MHS Gets $$$

Donate to The Shark Fund

Take a few minutes to browse all of the online resources Malibu High maintains on its website Thanks to parent volunteer, Colleen Baum, the website is full of the latest school information, sports scores, photos, arts events, ticket sales, and more. Click on the links below to be taken to a world of information and helpful ways to help you and your student get informed about their schoolwork, our fundraising groups and all the wonderful events going on.

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