Page 1: October 2017 · 2017-11-09 · STAY CONNECTED October 2017 DANIELK.INOUYE ASIA-PACIFICCENTER FORSECURITYSTUDIES Phone (808) 971-8981 Fax (808) 971-8920 John A. Gasner Chief, Alumni


October 2017


John A. GasnerChief,Alumni Division


beautiful Hawaii!Thank you for your inputs to theAlumni newsletter. Aloha andhave a great month.

While conducting anadvance trip to thePhilippines to preparefor a March 2018counterterrorism workshop,DKI APCSS ProfessorsAl Oehlers and ChrisHarmon and logisticianCherrielynn Kamahelemet with alumni from theNational Security Counciland the National DefenseUniversity. Here is aphoto of them withCharie Joaquin EC02-3,and Shirley PlazaASC11-1.

E d u c a t i n g , C o n n e c t i n g a n d E m p o w e r i n g

Together withStanford University,Australia NationalUniversity and the S.Rajaratnam School ofInternational Studies,DKI APCSS co-hosted the “ASEAN@ 50 Southeast Asia@ Risk: WhatShould Be Done?A PrescriptiveWorkshop.” Severalalumni, includingHuong Le Thu(Australia),ASC16-2, andEvan Laksmana(Indonesia),ASC10-1, alsoparticipated in thisworkshop.

Page 2: October 2017 · 2017-11-09 · STAY CONNECTED October 2017 DANIELK.INOUYE ASIA-PACIFICCENTER FORSECURITYSTUDIES Phone (808) 971-8981 Fax (808) 971-8920 John A. Gasner Chief, Alumni

DKI APCSSDeputyDirector JamesHirai led theCenter’sdelegation toTaiwan todiscuss thepotential for afutureworkshop.While inTaiwan, theteam met withone of ouralumni fromthe foreignaffairs ministry,Kathy KoASC15-2.

E d u c a t i n g , C o n n e c t i n g a n d E m p o w e r i n g

For your listening or viewing preference, Dr. Saira Yaminprovided the latest Podcast lecture on Women, Peace andSecurity. Please review the lecture at this link.


Captain Enkhbayar Lkhagvasuren(Mongolia), CCM16-1, completed hisFellows project by establishing aCommand and Control Center to operateduring major events.

Lieutenant BrendaSantos and Mr. LeviHoah Idechong (Palau),CCM16-1, completedtheir Fellows Projectby developing the

Standard Operational Procedures for the DisasterManagement Plan.

Lieutenant Colonel Jerrymar Copeland(U.S.), CCM16-1, completed his FellowsProject by creating a decision paperconcerning the 15th Maintenance Group’sEmergency Preparedness Program.

Major Robert Snow (U.S.), CCM16-1,completed his Fellows Project byimproving the coordination for U.S.Army Pacific’s Non CombatantEvacuation Operations.

Judge Kuenlay Tshering (Bhutan),ASC16-2, completed his Fellows Projectby making the judicial process in Bhutanmore efficient.

Santos Idechong

Alumni Recognition:





Page 3: October 2017 · 2017-11-09 · STAY CONNECTED October 2017 DANIELK.INOUYE ASIA-PACIFICCENTER FORSECURITYSTUDIES Phone (808) 971-8981 Fax (808) 971-8920 John A. Gasner Chief, Alumni

E d u c a t i n g , C o n n e c t i n g a n d E m p o w e r i n g

Larissa Ruban (Russia), EC04-3, wasawarded a commendation for significantachievements in education and science.

Major General (Ret.) A.N.M.Muniruzaman (Bangladesh), EC06-2,provided a commentary on the“Rohingya Refugee Crisis inBangladesh: Its Multi-DimensionalImplications.”

Lieutenant General Parinya Chaidilok(Thailand), EC07-2, attended a reunionof the U.S. National DefenseUniversity’s counter-terrorism alumni.

Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Abrar Ismael(Pakistan), CCM08-2, was selected fora new assignment at the ComprehensiveDisaster Response Services, a non-government organization committed toassist communities affected by disasters

in Pakistan.

Brigadier General Sanjaya SinghBhandari (Nepal), CSRT11-1,completed the Defense Studies andStrategic course at the National DefenseUniversity, Beijing, China.

Professor Pan Guang (China), TSC11-2,provided three lectures in the U.S.:“China’s Rising Role in Central Asia andthe Middle East,” “China and World: TheMiddle East,” and “Jews in China:Legends, History and Perspectives.”

Peter Morgan(Hong Kong),CA13-4,served asguest speakerin the United Kingdom aspart of the International Counter-proliferationProgram. He spoke on the topic “SARS 2003Infectious Disease Outbreak Case Study.”

Fithriyah (Indonesia), ASC15-1,published several books including“Quantitative Risk Analyses on theRobustness of WaterSupply Network Systemin Tokyo,” and “TheEarthquake and TsunamiPreparedness inIndonesia: LessonsLearned from Japan.”

Major Robert Snow (U.S.), CCM16-1,attended the Joint HumanitarianOperations Course administered byUSAID.

Lily Thapa (Nepal), ASC16-2, wasawarded the Modi Stree Shakti Awardof India. It is an annual awardpresented to a woman who has dared todream and has the capability to translatethat dream into reality. She is the first

South-Asian, non-India, to receive this award.

Assistant Police CommissionerClifford Chambers (Jamaica),CSRT17-1, earned his country’sMedal of Honor for meritoriousservice.





News Stories from Alumni:






Page 4: October 2017 · 2017-11-09 · STAY CONNECTED October 2017 DANIELK.INOUYE ASIA-PACIFICCENTER FORSECURITYSTUDIES Phone (808) 971-8981 Fax (808) 971-8920 John A. Gasner Chief, Alumni

E d u c a t i n g , C o n n e c t i n g a n d E m p o w e r i n g

Captain George Brown (Chile),EC02-3 and TSC14-1, retired fromthe Navy after 41 years of service.

Rear Admiral Sudhir Pillai (India),EC03-3, retired from the Indian Navyafter 37 years of service, and is nowliving in Bangalore.

Dayani Panagoda (Sri Lanka),EC04-1, was selected as PeacebuildingConsultant for the United NationsDevelopment Program.

Vilmantas Vitkauskas (Lithuania),CSRT05-1, was appointed DeputyDirector of Lithuania’s MilitaryIntelligence Service.

Rear Admiral Hock Koon Giam(Singapore), EC05-3, was appointedChief of Naval Operations.

Ho Hin Chai (Malaysia), EC05-3,was promoted to brigadier general.

Anand Adhikari (Nepal), CSRT06-3,was promoted to brigadier general andselected as Deputy Chief of JointBorder Verification and MonitoringMechanism for the United NationsInterim Security Force for Abyei in


Ambassador Teddy Taylor (U.S.),TSC10-2, retired from the Departmentof State.

Chathuka Senanyake (Sri Lanka),SSD10-2, was selected as Director,Nimanse (Private) Limited.

Koji Yamazaki (Japan) TSC11-1,was promoted to general andappointed Chief a Japan’s GroundSelf Defense Force.

Brigadier General Sanjaya SinghBhandari (Nepal), CSRT11-1, wasappointed Brigade Commander for aninfantry brigade.

Mustafa Harputlu (Turkey),CSRT12-1, was appointed AlanyaGovernor.

Ashud Ahmed (Bangladesh), TSC13-2,serves as the Bangladesh Ambassadorto Qatar.

Admiral Pongthep Nhuthep(Thailand), TSC14-1, was appointedPrivy Councilor to the King ofThailand.

Promotions and Position Changes:















Page 5: October 2017 · 2017-11-09 · STAY CONNECTED October 2017 DANIELK.INOUYE ASIA-PACIFICCENTER FORSECURITYSTUDIES Phone (808) 971-8981 Fax (808) 971-8920 John A. Gasner Chief, Alumni

E d u c a t i n g , C o n n e c t i n g a n d E m p o w e r i n g

TH Faustina Rehuher-Marugg(Palau), TSC14-2, was appointedMinister of Foreign Affairs.

Rear Admiral Ruwan Perera (SriLanka), ASC15-1, was appointedDirector General Projects and Plans atthe Sri Lankan Naval Headquarters.

Najwa Fathimath (Maldives),ASC15-2, was appointed JointSecretary, Ministry of ForeignAffairs. She heads two divisions,The Americas Division and the PublicInformation Unit.

Shiva Kharel (Nepal), ASC16-1, waspromoted to major general andappointed Deputy Force Commander,United Nations Interim Force inLebanon.

Commodore David Gibbs(New Zealand), TSC17-1, wasappointed Defense Attaché to the U.S.

Mostyn Mangau (Solomon Islands),CCM17-1, was promoted as AssistantCommissioner of Police, NationalOperations.





Perera Gibbs

The following links may provide you some usefulinformation: APCSS Public Website


The latest Currents magazine is available for viewingat the following link:

“China’s ‘New Era’ and ‘Xi Jinping Thought’”

“The Outlook for the Abe Doctrine after Japan’sElection”

“Civil-Military ‘Rules of the Game’ on the Eve ofChina’s 19th Party Congress”

“China’s 19th Party Congress: Tis the Season forReading the Tea Leaves”

“Bangladesh’s Climate Change Challenge”

“China and India: The Roots ofHostility” is an Opinion Piece writtenby Dr. Mohan Malik. It can be readonline at this link.

Dr. Alex Vuving has a new opinionpiece entitled “Tracking the Philippines’Force Build-up in the South ChinaSea,” on cogitASIA, a blog of the CSISAsia Program.Dr. Vuving also has an opinion piece

entitled “Tracking Malaysia’s Force Build-up in theSouth China Sea,” on cogitASIA, a blog of the CSISAsia Program.

DKI APCSS associate professorBenjamin J. Ryan co-authored a newpaper entitled: “Ranking andprioritizing strategies for reducingmortality and morbidity from non-communicable diseases post disaster:

An Australian perspective.” The paper appears in thelatest International Journal of Disaster RiskReduction.




Page 6: October 2017 · 2017-11-09 · STAY CONNECTED October 2017 DANIELK.INOUYE ASIA-PACIFICCENTER FORSECURITYSTUDIES Phone (808) 971-8981 Fax (808) 971-8920 John A. Gasner Chief, Alumni

This link provides a draft copy of the DKI APCSS workshops.

DKI APCSS Courses:

DKI APCSS Workshop Events:

E d u c a t i n g , C o n n e c t i n g a n d E m p o w e r i n g

The Advanced Security Cooperation course ASC17-2graduated 106 new alumni. Please use the followinglink for more details.

The Transnational Security Cooperation CourseTSC17-2 for senior regional executives willcommence Nov 12, 2017.

Page 7: October 2017 · 2017-11-09 · STAY CONNECTED October 2017 DANIELK.INOUYE ASIA-PACIFICCENTER FORSECURITYSTUDIES Phone (808) 971-8981 Fax (808) 971-8920 John A. Gasner Chief, Alumni

E d u c a t i n g , C o n n e c t i n g a n d E m p o w e r i n g

Lieutenant Colonel KevinDamon (U.S.), APOC09-2,Mr. Paul Cruz (U.S.),APOC17-1 and TammyMakizuru-Higa visited to

coordinate Chemical, Biological,Radiological and Nucleardefense issues.

Lieutenant CommanderDaniel Bradshaw (U.S.),ASC15-1, SeniorLieutenant Colonel HanMeng Eng (Singapore),and Huang Jing Yun(Singapore), APOC16-1visited as escort officers forRear Admiral Hock Giam.

James Ink (U.S.),SEAPOC16-1, provided abriefing to ASC17-2.

Leslie Tokiwa (U.S.),APOC17-1, visited DKIAPCSS.

Lieutenant Colonel Lam(U.S.), JEC05-2, visitedDKI APCSS.

Lieutenant ColonelSchulman (U.S.),APOC12-2, visitedDKI APCSS.

Mr. Kelly McKeague(U.S.), SEAPOC14-2,and Lieutenant ColonelKenneth Book (U.S.),CCM11-1, visitedDKI APCSS.

TH Faustina Rehuher-Marugg (Palau), TSC14-2and Dwight Alexander(Palau), ASC15-1, visitedDKI APCSS.

Rear Admiral Hock KoonGiam (Singapore), EC05-3, visited DKI APCSS.

Theophilus Yanuarto(Indonesia), CCM16-1,visited DKI APCSS.

Capt Jose Pinto (TimorLeste), ASC16-2, and CelioMoniz (Timor-Leste),CSRT17-1, visited DKIAPCSS.

1 November .......................................National Day,Federated States of Micronesia

9 November ....... Independence Day - Cambodia26 November ...........Mongolia Proclamation Day

(when Mongolia first became republic)28 November ........ East Timor Independence Day

On behalf of all the APCSS ‘Ohana’, both here inHawaii and throughout our region, we would like toextend our warmest wishes and congratulations on thisspecial occasion for your country. We hope the futurefinds continued peace and security for all yourfamilies, your country and our shared neighborhood inthe Asia-Pacific region:

National Days in November:

Damon, Cruz, Makizuru-H


Pinto, Moniz

Bradshaw, Eng, Yun

McKeague, Book

Rehuher-Marugg, Alexander






Alumni Visitors:


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