

The homepage of Odd Future’s website has a cartoon style to it which is similar to their most recent album. It is very interactive which may interest their fan base which generally contains young people (16-25). It is different from an ordinary website layout which reflects the nature of their music.


The cartoon/interactive style of the website is once again shown here, as you click on the different sections of the map to see the tour dates in different parts of the world. I find this kind of layout more interesting than a normal website.


The merch link on the homepage sends you to a separate website called the ‘OF store’. The store holds several different kinds of items such as hoodies, jackets, t-shirts, caps and skateboards. This site still somewhat follows the same theme as the homepage.


The ‘OF store’ also includes a music section with several different albums by different members of Odd Future (e.g Frank Ocean, MellowHype, Hodgy Beats). This page still follows the qwerky design of the main design.


A link from the Odd Future website sends you to two different tumblr sites. Tumblr is a very popular website within the age range of Odd Future fans showing how this my appeal to their fan base.

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