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The Many Nations



A Vision Extraordinary

Michael A Clark Contributing Editor

based on the works of

C L Anderson (First published 1975)

A Kingdom Foundation Publication




hy does the West and Europe exist as such? Why did the British

Empire establish such a global influence in history? Why was it not

included in the succession of Gentile empires in the dream vision of King

Nebuchadnezzar is a mystery – but only if it was gentile? The answer is

simple, yet hidden in plain sight.

In the Science Museum at Kensington in London, there is a notice that says:

“No one knows why the Industrial Revolution took off when it did,

with Britain in the lead. Victorian writers thought it was mainly due

to exceptional inventors such as Watt.”

There is another notice that says:

“A power house for the world

By the mid 1800s, building steam engines had become an industry in

its own right. A highly skilled workforce was growing: by 1845, over

17,000 men worked in engineering around Manchester alone. Britain

sold engines all over the world. In London, Henry Maudslay was

winning orders for his engines from as far away as Rio de Janeiro and

Istanbul (Constantinople, as it was then).”

There is in fact a very clear explanation for this in the timeline of history,

linked directly to the “seven times,” or 2,520 years (7 x 360 years), of

punishment period for Israel (Leviticus 26:18, 21, 24, 27-28).

The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing

processes in the period from about 1760 to sometime between 1820 and

1840 and was a time many of the modern inventions we take for granted

today were created.

Now the overthrow of the divided Kingdom of Israel and most of Judah

came as a result of three Assyrian invasions in 741, 723-1 and 676 BC. If we

measure from 741 and 676 BC (remembering that from 1 BC to AD 1 is only



one year) we find that 2,520 years extend to AD 1780 and 1845, which

shows that Israel’s punishment ended between those years, just as Britain’s

Industrial Revolution was taking off.

It is difficult to understand a story if the characters are confused. It is

likewise difficult to understand the national message of the Bible if the

identity of the Israel nations is largely incorrect.

For many years most of the Christian Church has attempted to assign all the

biblical blessings and curses prophesied for Israel to the Jewish people and

the State of Israel in the Middle East. This belief gives an incomplete

compliance with the promises, tests credulity and does not build faith.

For example, approaching four thousand years ago Abram – later Abraham

– was promised that his literal seed would become “a great nation,” even

“many nations” and that these nations would be blessed and become a

blessing to “all families of the earth.” The literal meaning of God’s promise

was unmistakeable for it was to be, “in your flesh for an everlasting

covenant” (Genesis 12 & 17).

It is straining credulity for students of the biblical record to continue to

insist that the Jewish State of Israel is fulfilling that prophecy. As a state

created in 1948, it is not a nation as such, nor is it many nations and nor

has it been seen to become a blessing to the other surrounding Arab


Since the end of the British Mandate for Palestine at midnight on 14-15

May, 1948 (under the British Balfour Declaration of 2 November 1917 and

the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine of 29 November 1947),

Jewish ‘Israel’ has been an afflicted State, despite seeming to fulfil the

prophecy that “The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them;

and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose” (Isaiah 35:1).

Something is very obviously wrong and, moreover, the words of the LORD

have not been fulfilled as to the kingdom blessing of Israel: ”for I will make

you a name and a praise among all people of the earth” (Zephaniah 3:20).

Surely there is a greater fulfilment to the prophecies, long overlooked,

indeed hidden from our eyes until the appropriate time in these last days?


The Purpose of Prophecy

Prophecy is given so that faith may be generated when its fulfilment is

observed. As Jesus said:

“I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye

might believe” (John 14:29).

It is only in the hour of fulfilment that we can really understand the depth

of prophetic fulfilment. Prophetic fulfilments, like road signs, mark the

stages in the Divine plan of the ages. The traveller watches for signs and on

identifying one, is reassured of the correctness of his route. If he fails to see

any for sometime he becomes anxious. Yet there is no need for anxiety for a

key pattern to events on earth related to the many nations of Israel is in


J Bernard Nicklin (1881-1971) in the Preface to his book Divine Time

Measures (Covenant Publishing Company Ltd., 1933) wrote:

“To find that events are occurring at definite intervals is, moreover,

clear proof that they are controlled; but when such events are

beyond human control, and the intervals between them are the time-

measures of the Bible, what conclusion must be drawn? Surely

nothing could be plainer? It is God Himself – the God Who inspired

the Bible – that is over-ruling!

“These chronological prophecies are particularly for the guidance of

God’s people Israel, for they relate exclusively to them and to nations

and powers historically connected with them. Furthermore, it was

God’s declared purpose to seal most of them until the close of the

Age, for Daniel, to whom so many were revealed, was told to ‘shut up

the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end’; and then,

none but ‘the wise’ would understand them.”

Few people today realise the important truth taught so clearly in the Bible

that the descendants of Abraham through Israel were chosen and

predestined by Almighty God, through the birthright given to the sons of


Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh, to take the leadership among the nations of

the world.

Many prophetic markers have been placed on the pathway of history to

strengthen the faith of God’s servant people. The prophecies about Israel

are so numerous and varied that a complete listing is impossible, as events,

insights and research continually provide more.

Here are six which are fundamental and striking and these will open

avenues of further thought for the sincere person:

1. The Promise of Many Nations, given to Abram (Abraham).

2. The Birthright passed to Joseph’s sons.

3. The Planting of Israel and the Perpetual seed of David.

4. The Stone Kingdom Prophecy.

5. The Declaration of the Transfer of the Kingdom.

6. The New Jerusalem as seen in the Apocalypse.


The Many Nations Promises

The global influence and power exercised by the British Empire and

Commonwealth and the United States of America did not come about by

accident. Let anyone doubting this turn with an open mind to the promises

and covenants in the Bible concerning this people – covenants which, let it

be remembered, were unconditional, everlasting and which God swore He

would never break. Israel, as a nation and a kingdom, He declared will

continue as long as the world lasts, for

“Thus saith the Lord, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the

ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which

divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; the Lord of hosts is His


If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the Lord, then the

seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for

ever” (Jeremiah 31:35-36).

As the sun, moon and stars continue to exist, so Israel must have existed

somewhere over the centuries despite the “seven times,” or 2,520 years, of

chastisement while the four great Gentile empires each had their day of

displaying themselves in the world as the sun, instead of Israel.

Where then was Israel in all those years? The clear prophetic answer is –

moving towards an appointed place of safety according to II Samuel 7:10:

“Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will

plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move

no more.”

All of the House of Israel and most of the House of Judah (five-sixths of the

Hebrew race), from being deported to Assyria and after that empire

collapsed soon afterwards, migrated into the distant lands of the west

through the Dariel Pass, known locally as the “Pass of the Israelites.”

Another group went by sea via the area surrounding the Crimea and the

Bosphorus Straits into Europe.


There was in effect a second ‘exodus’ by this powerful people, who were

never going back to their former Promised Land. They were colonizers in

the true meaning of the name ‘Hebrew.’

When the original kingdom of Israel broke into two separate parts after the

death of King Solomon, the House of Judah, under Rehoboam, was

forbidden by the Lord from starting a civil war among the tribes as God

indicated that “this thing is from me” (I Kings 12:34). A far greater

kingdom was under construction than could ever be imagined.

When Abram was called by God to leave his home in Ur of the Chaldees in

Mesopotamia, he obeyed receiving confirmation and further amplification

of the first promise God made to him as follows:

“And Abram fell on his face; and God talked to him saying . . . As for me,

behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many


Neither shall thy name be any more be called Abram, but thy name

shall be called Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made


And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of

thee, and kings shall come out of thee” (Genesis 17:3-6).

Abraham’s wife, Sarai, was also included in this great prophetic promise

and covenant as follows:

“And God said unto Abraham, As Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her

name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be.

And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her,

and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her”

(Genesis 17:15-16).

Sarah is here promised to be the mother of not one, but many nations. God

had breathed into both Abraham and Sarah the breath of physical and

spiritual creative genius that would enable their descendants to become

the inventors and the builders of the many nations of Israel and of the

kingdom of God upon earth. When God breathed into the nostrils of

Adam, he “became a living soul” in the image of God (Genesis 2:7). Now at


the beginning of the great story of the restoration of the heavenly ordered

kingdom upon earth, that same breath and wind of the Spirit of God was

given to Abraham and Sarah.

So where are the “many nations” of which Sarah is mother? Would it have

been possible for this prophecy to have run 3,000 years with no indication

of fulfilment? It is not logical, for as we noted earlier, prophecy without a

fulfilment has no purpose and cannot build faith. Nor is it logical to say as

the Futurist School of prophecy does of the Apocalypse, the Book of the

Revelation, that God’s clock stopped for 2,000 years, to be started again at

the age-end.

It is the Historicist School of prophecy, believed by all the Reformers

which reveals God’s continuing kingdom in the history of Europe and the

West. Yet even the faithful students of this school have not gone on to

complete the teaching of the great vision of the Kingdom and the many

nations of Israel (see Appendix).

We find added detail in Genesis 35 when the promise of the nations is

confirmed to Jacob, Abraham’s grandson:

“And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a

nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall

come out of thy loins” (Genesis 35:11).

Here we see the “nations” further identified as “a nation” and “a company of

nations” and both come from the seed of Jacob.

When Jacob blessed his son Joseph and passed on this blessing at his death

to his two grandsons, Ephraim and Manasseh, he spoke in the Spirit, saying:

“ . . . he (Manasseh) also shall become a people, and he also shall be

great: but truly his younger brother (Ephraim) shall be greater than

he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations” (Genesis


Joseph was given a double portion by Jacob (Genesis 48:22) and these two

prophecies, it appears, have perfect fulfilment in the great people of the

United States of America and the British Commonwealth of Nations and in

the unique Special Relationship between Britain and America.


The Birthright passed to Joseph’s sons

In all the Christian theological studies concerning the Kingdom of God,

there is one very serious omission and blind-spot, the consequences of

which have created a stunted and lopsided understanding of the continuing

Kingdom of God upon Earth and of the many nations of Israel.

It is difficult to understand why millions of very intelligent students of the

Bible have failed to realize what is wrong with their accepted view of God’s

Great Plan that concentrates only upon the Messianic line of descent

coming down from Judah. This is despite the clear Scriptural confirmation

in I Chronicles 5:1-2 that while the “chief ruler,” or the Messiah, would come

from Judah, the literal birthright blessing would continue through


“Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well; whose

branches run over the wall” (Genesis 49:22).

The prophetic record of the vision of the way the birthright would pass to

Joseph and his descendants through the generations is very direct. It is

integral to and inseparable from the prophetic promise given by God to

Jacob-Israel in Genesis chapter 48. No amount of spiritualization of the

kingdom promises and covenants can avoid the fact that the birthright

which, having been valued by Jacob and sold to him by Esau for a meal, was

literal and continued through Joseph, who had become prime minister in

Egypt. Joseph was “yet alive” and his descendants would inherit the

birthright, of huge prophetic significance.

When Jacob approached the end of life, Joseph brought his two sons,

Ephraim and Manasseh, before the patriarch to be blessed and a

remarkable thing took place. Joseph thought his father was mistaken as he

crossed his arms over the boys, giving the birthright blessing to the

younger son, Ephraim, and not to the elder son, Manasseh. Jacob said that

he knew full well what he was doing and that while Manasseh would

become “a great people,” Ephraim would become greater in prestige and

by the process of expansion would grow into “a multitude of nations.”


The prophetic sign of Jacob’s arms being crossed has been in evidence in

the Union Jack ensign, which for over two centuries has been an “ensign to

the nations” (Isaiah 5:26) for the great company of British covenant

nations, of the Free World, led by the people of the birthright.

It needs to be understood by Christians, who value the Word of God, that

two-thirds of the Bible is prophecy and that the great history of the British

Empire and Commonwealth is Joseph’s birthright in literal fulfilment. This

company of nations are supported, as they have been for a century and

more, by the special relationship that they have with the great people of the

United States of America.

The story of Joseph in modern times has gripped the public since 1968

through the musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat,

which in 2015 was still being performed as one of the most enduring shows

of all time. The prophetic vision is powerfully portrayed and while it might

be dismissed by theologians as just a nice biblical story with no literal

fulfilment and application today, this is exactly the position taken by false

shepherds who will be found exposed and naked when the tide of falsehood


“And Israel stretched out his right hand, and laid it upon

Ephraim’s head, who was the younger, and his left hand upon

Manasseh’s head, guiding his hands wittingly; for Manasseh

was the firstborn” (Genesis 48:14).

(Jacob blessing Ephraim and Manasseh by A Gordon Thomas, 1925).


In the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy is recorded the development and

organization of the Children of Israel into a nation. A perfect foundation of

Divine Law is given to them at Mount Sinai and then God advises the nation

of the blessings that will follow their obedience to His Law as well as the

curses that will follow disobedience.

The blessings include material prosperity, military invincibility, freedom

from sickness and leadership in the family of nations.

The curses set forth the opposite – poverty, military weakness, sickness

and to be despised among the nations of the world. Continued rebellion

against God and disregard of His Law would result in their being dislodged

from the land and scattered among the nations for a period of 2,520 years

or “seven times” (previously referred to in page 2).

As a nation, Israel did fall short of obedience to the Divine Law and was

gradually rooted out of their land and sent into captivity as foretold. At the

beginning of the end of the 2,520-year period for the kingdoms of Israel

and Judah around 1782 to 1935, it was time for Israel to return to strength,

although under new names and living in new lands, but identifiable to alert

students of the Scriptures as the prophesied “great people” and “a company

of nations.” Of course, the royal Abdication of 1936, economic crisis and the

judgment of the nations in Europe in World War II, was still to come.

The fact that during this period of history the world suddenly came to life

with the formation of the “company of nations” into a Commonwealth

emerging from the British Isles and that “the great nation” of the United

States of America grew to be great “in the midst of the earth” was not lost

on the watchers, who also noted that these nations were serving God while

“blind” to their true identity as the Israel of God, as was marvellously

foretold in Isaiah chapters 41 to 43.

It could scarcely escape notice that these modern Israel nations were fully

and effectively serving as God’s “sharp threshing instrument” (Isaiah

41:15) as the Host, or Armies of the Living God in victory despite the

contest with revolutionary evil in Europe. The powerful Wesleyan Christian


spiritual revival preceded the French Revolution which prevented it

spreading to the British “isles of the sea.”

The new Israel nations were known as Christian in their heart, apparently

having been circumcised “in heart” as prophesied (Ezekiel 36:26). They

took no plunder from the empires they defeated, but rather helped them to

recover from the destruction of war and promptly forgave them. They were

always helpful in times of catastrophe, became wealthy, and were regarded

as blessed of God and a blessing in the earth. The Christian Gospel of the

Kingdom of God went with the British Empire in building the waste places

of the world and setting down the foundations of civilization. Not forgetting

it was England that led the campaign to abolish slavery through the Slavery

Abolition Act 1833 – the memory of slavery in Egypt being deep in the

national subconscious.

The Highways of Empire fulfilled a great prophecy given by God to the

Israel nations when He declared:

“God give thee of the dew of heaven and the fatness of the earth, and

plenty of corn and wine” (Genesis 27:28).

A 1927 pictorial map with all the dominions and trade routes.

British Empire Marketing Board


Some other promises made regarding Israel which are seen to be fulfilled in

these Israel nations are as follows:

“ Thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies” (Genesis 22:17).

The promise of the gates by Almighty God to Abraham was abundantly

fulfilled to the English-speaking peoples in the days of the British Empire

which endured well into the twentieth century. The most important strategic

‘gate’ in history has, of course, been that of the sea with sea-power as the

chief bulwark of the Celto-Saxon nations of the West.

As though by instinct, both the Ephraim-led British Commonwealth and the

“great people” of Manasseh, the United States of America, have followed an

undeviating policy of maintaining the ‘Freedom of the Seas.’ In order

effectively to control the main sea gate, however, it is necessary to hold

subsidiary gates. The God of Israel accordingly allowed the Celto-Saxon

peoples to take possession of numerous islands, seaports, outposts, canals

and other vital strategic points throughout the world.

We would, on reflection, be living in a very different kind of world if such

vital strategic points as Suez and Panama, Gibraltar and Singapore, Bermuda

and the Falklands, Aden and the Cape – to mention just a few – had in the

past been permanently in the hands of the forces of evil. Yet it must be

admitted that Britain has, on occasion, taken God’s blessing very lightly and

suffered in consequence. At various times in her history she has, for example,

possessed and surrendered Heligoland, Calais, Dunkirk, Minorca and Tangier,

all of which, if fortified and held, could have exerted a decisive influence on

the course of the Second World War.

It is a different world now from the days of Empire in which many of the

great strategic sea gates, such as Gibraltar, Suez, Aden and the Cape, have

passed out of Britain’s control and influence. In 1982, however, Britain was

challenged over the invasion by Argentina of the Falklands Islands, but,

quite amazingly, was able to assemble a Task Force within three days and

journey over 8,000 miles to retake the gate of the South Atlantic to the total

surprise of the Communist World and other nations.


The fact that our many sea-gates are now vastly reduced is merely an

expression of the Time of Jacob’s trouble at the Age-end.

In 2016 we might be conditioned by the cut backs in defence to feel, with

considerable justification, that such a force could not be assembled again and

that the promise given by God to Abraham now rests with the United States

to maintain and defend Britain and the Free World if, for instance, China ever

went to war against the West. It could well be asked of us, ‘What is

happening to God’s promise to His servant people?’ Actually, a very great

deal is happening.

There is an ever-greater dimension to the concept of what constitutes

possession of the gates today. The modern-day gates in respect of the

covenant nations are of far greater influence and power than ever could have

been conceived in the past. Today we possess the technology ‘gate’ of the

internet traffic globally as will be seen from a map of the global growth of

Broadband. It is a continuous battle to stay ahead of the enemy but the

promise of Divine Providence continues to declare:

“Let thy seed possess the gate of those which hate them” (Genesis


There is now the aspect that gates can be evidenced in the wealth of

inventions coming from the Celto-Saxon world that have enabled the

covenant nations to develop and possess, in an ever increasing way, the

prosperity springing from the quickening pace of advancing technology.

The final frontiers of knowledge in this respect, include the ventures into

space around and beyond the orbit of our planet and, indeed, the discovery

of the Higgs boson particle by the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. This may

lead to unimagined developments in the future.

The reader may also be inspired to consider the possession of the gates in a

new and spiritual aspect which draws us nearer to God through the

inspirational music like Handel’s Messiah. The possession of the ‘gates of hell’

by the Almighty is through the redemptive plan of the God of Israel. His

servant people, in their respective covenant nations, will shine forth as the

herald of His righteous rule which is yet to come.


Another marvellous fulfilment of the global blessings promised to Israel is:

“Thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread

abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south,

and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed”

(Genesis 28:14).

It is interesting to note that the growth of the United States of America

followed the pattern of the above prophecy, initially to the West, to fill the

borders of the land appointed to them, followed in sequence to the other

points of the compass.

Also, in respect of the breadbasket of the world we read:

“God give thee of the dew of heaven and the fatness of the earth, and

plenty of corn and wine” (Genesis 27:28).

It is North America, the United States and Canada, the nations which are the

largest corn and wheat suppliers, which have the blessings of “the fatness

of the earth, and plenty of corn.”

With respect to the Great Dominion of Canada, a continental-wide land of

plenty stretching from the St. Laurence seaway on the Atlantic Ocean to the

ultimate West on the Pacific Ocean, described in prophecy as:

“He [Israel] shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the

river to the ends of the earth” (Psalm 72:8).

In further reference to Genesis 48:14-20 where we have Jacob’s blessing on

his grandsons, Ephraim and Manasseh, verse 16 gives the following:

“The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads: and let my

name be named on them . . . and let them grow into a multitude in the

midst of the earth.”

It seems well to note, that the heartland of the area where all the corn is

grown in the United States of America, is commonly known as the Middle



The ‘Five Eyes’ of intelligence gathering

The global expansion and strategic power of the birthright of the many

nations of Israel in intelligence and even heraldic terms is foreseen as


“His [Israel’s] glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are

like the horns of unicorns: with them he shall push the people

together to the ends of the earth: and they are the ten thousands of

Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh” (Deuteronomy


It is of critical importance that cooperation on security of the West is

maintained on a global scale. This has certainly been the case for the past

70 years as the modern Israel nations have fulfilled the prophecy to “push

the people together from the ends of the earth.”

The United Kingdom–United States of America Agreement (UK-USA) is a

multilateral agreement for cooperation in signals intelligence among the

United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

The alliance of intelligence operations is also known as Five Eyes. It was

negotiated and signed in London on 5 March, 1946, by the United Kingdom

and the United States and later extended to encompass the three

Commonwealth realms of Canada, in 1948, followed by Australia and New

Zealand in 1956.

Though its existence has long been known, the agreement was only

released on 25 June, 2010 and for the first time officially acknowledged,

after freedom of information requests in Britain and the US. Under the

agreement, the countries agreed to exchange the knowledge from

operations involving intercepting, decoding and translating foreign

communications, including the “acquisition of communication documents

and equipment.”

The agreement established an alliance of five English-speaking countries

for the purpose of sharing intelligence, especially signals intelligence. It

formalized the intelligence sharing agreement in the Atlantic Charter,

signed in 1941, before the entry of the USA into the European conflict.


The GCHQ building and organization in Cheltenham did not officially exist

until 1982. In a passage which ensured that GCHQ’s activities remained

wrapped in official secrecy (until now), the agreement states: “It will be

contrary to this agreement to reveal its existence to any third party


The “Five Eyes” in question are –

USA – National Security Agency

United Kingdom – Government Communications Headquarters

Canada – Communications Security Establishment

Australia – Defence Signals Directorate

New Zealand – Government Communications Security Bureau


The Planting of Israel

and the

Perpetual seed of David

In the Seventh Covenant from God delivered by Nathan to King David, the

scriptural record speaks initially of a new land to be given to Israel; a

“place” which is “appointed” for them where God would “plant” them. It

was to be “a place of their own” from which they would “move no more.”

Also, they were to be guarded from invasions and foreign afflicting nations.

Remembering that they were already in the promised land of Palestine, this

prophetic announcement has to refer to further land where they would be

able to settle and grow into a far greater nation. Also the prophecy advises

that the royal line of David will be established there, on a throne forever,

with the word “forever” repeated three times. This prophecy reads as


“Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant

them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no

more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them anymore as

beforetime . . . And when thy days be fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with

thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of

thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build an house for

my name, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom forever. I will

be his father and he shall be my son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten

him with the rod of men . . . But my mercy shall not depart away from

him as I took it from Saul, whom I put away before thee. And thine

house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy

throne shall be established for ever” (II Samuel 7:10-16).

The promise of the permanence of David’s throne is also noted in David’s

prayer of thanksgiving, and David repeats three times also that his throne

and his house will stand “forever” (II Samuel 7:25-29). We also note this

great promise given in Psalm 89:


“I have made a covenant with my chosen, I have sworn unto David my

servant, Thy seed will I establish forever, and build up thy throne to all


His seed also will I make to endure for ever, and his throne as the

days of heaven.

Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David. His seed

shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun before me. It shall

be established for ever as the moon, and as a faithful witness in

heaven” (Psalm 89: 3-4, 29, 35-37).

A permanent throne of Israel is also noted in Genesis 49:10:

“The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between

his feet, until Shiloh come.”

This promise was also given by the angel at the announcement of the birth

of Jesus:

“ And . . . the angel Gabriel was sent from God . . . to a virgin . . . and the

virgin’s name was Mary . . . And the angel said unto her . . . thou shalt . .

bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus . . . and the Lord God

shall give unto him the throne of his father David. And He shall reign

over the house of Jacob forever; and of His kingdom there shall be no

end” (Luke 2:26-33).

As plain as language can make it, it seems Scripture consistently indicates

David’s throne must endure, permanently, and his literal seed must occupy

that throne as long as the sun and moon endure, “in a place of their own”

land, from which they will “move no more.”

The only permanent throne in the world to qualify for this description is

the British Royal Throne. The royal family of Great Britain can trace its

family lineage back directly to King David of Israel.

When King Zedekiah of the House of Judah was taken captive to Babylon in

586 BC and his sons killed, two of his daughters from the Pharez-Judah line

were remarkably preserved. Taken by Jeremiah the prophet to Tahpanhes

in Egypt and from there (via Spain) to Ireland, one daughter married into

the Zarah-Judah line, descendant via the Cretan and Milesian kings


(Jeremiah 43:6-7). Thus was the riddle and parable of the tender “young

twigs” where the great eagle removes the young twigs from the highest

branch of the royal cedar in Ezekiel 17 fulfilled (see also Jeremiah 43:6-7).

After the royal seed was planted in the new land of “in the isles,” in Ireland,

then Scotland and finally in England from which it “moved no more,”

having found “a place of its own,” it has never been overcome by invasion

and foreign domination.

In the new land the nation grew and prospered and became “a company of

nations” known as a Commonwealth. Furthermore, we must note that it

walks together on all important matters with its brother nation, the “great

people” of the United States of America, which people continue to refer to

Queen Elizabeth II as their Queen in the Special Relationship of the two

major Israel nations.


The Stone Kingdom Prophecy

Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, dreamed a dream which troubled him,

and he could not recall it. After prayer, God revealed it to Daniel (perhaps

giving him the same dream), who reported to the king the dream and its

interpretation. This is the account:

“Thou, O King, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image,

whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee, and the form thereof

was terrible.

This image’s head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his

belly and his thighs of brass, his legs of iron, his feet part of iron and

part of clay.

Thou sawest that till a stone was cut without hands, which smote the

image upon his feet that were of iron and clay and broke them to


Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to

pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer

threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was

found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great

mountain and filled the whole earth.

This is the dream; and we will tell the interpretation thereof before the


Thou, O King, art a king of kings . . . thou art this head of gold. And after

thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and another third

kingdom of brass, which shall rule over all the earth. And the fourth

kingdom shall be strong as iron . . . And in the days of these kings

shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be

destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it

shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms and it shall

stand for ever” (Daniel 2:31-44).


The dream-vision foretold the history of the Chaldean, the Medo-Persian,

the Greek and the fourth great empire of the ancient world, Rome, which

transformed into the religious-cult of the Roman Church. During the time of

the Caesars, God was setting up His stone kingdom in the appointed place

in the isles – a stone which grew ever stronger and which pounded the iron

and clay feet causing them to break into pieces bringing the entire image

crashing down, marking the end of the 2,520 years of Gentile-empires.

This stone then grew in size to become “a great mountain,” or a great

kingdom-empire filling the most of the world as the family of the many

Israel nations expanded and began to develop the great continents which

had been a natural waste land from time immemorial.

The great retreat from leadership in these lands resulting in them

becoming waste again is only temporary. When the present night of the

age-end is past, a new dawn will arise upon the earth to restore that true

light and peace of the Kingdom of God upon earth.

A Summary of the Interpretation

The great image of gold, silver, brass and the mixture of iron and clay

represent the four kingdoms from Nebuchadnezzar. He was the king of

Babylon being the first kingdom which was followed by Medo-Persia,


Greece and the Roman Empire. These four kingdoms were broken down

finally by the 5th Stone Kingdom made without hands that then fills the

whole earth in Daniel 2:35 … “and the stone that smote the image

became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.”

How can we be sure that the first kingdom being Babylon is the correct

interpretation of the dream? In Daniel 2:38 we have “. . . Thou art this head

of gold,” which in context is Daniel interpreting the dream to King

Nebuchadnezzar. Note how on a map, the kingdoms get larger than the one

before, but the value of the metal becomes lesser or as the scripture

expresses it as ‘inferior.’ Also note how the capital city and focus of the

kingdoms move in a continuous westerly direction from Babylon to Rome.

The dates of these four kingdoms are as follows:

Babylonian Empire 604 BC to 536 BC

Medo-Persia 536 BC to 336 BC

Grecian Empire 336 BC to 62 BC

Roman Empire 62 BC to AD 476

The Ten toes of the iron and clay feet can represent the 10 tribes that made

up the Roman Empire at that time. Of course as time went on some tribes

were amalgamated and new tribes were involved. We suggest that the

following ten are a snapshot in time when this was happening. They are the

Franks, Bergundians, Alamans, Suvei, Visigoths, Vandals, Ostrogoths,

Lombards, Bavarians and the Allans.

It is also interesting to note that many of these tribes were migrating

Israelites, like the Visigoths, who sacked Rome in AD 410 on 25-28 August

and that 1600 years later – the number of Divine judgment (Revelation

14:20) – was 25-28 August, 2010, when the economic strains began to tell

for the eurozone in the European Union, at the 37th Annual Meeting of the

European Finance Association in Frankfurt (37 = 12th prime number linked

to government and the number of The Word).

The Reformation, beginning in earnest on 31 October, 1517, at Wittenburg,

witnessed the stone striking the image of the Roman Church which, 500

years later, is moving towards a great dénouement in 2017-2018. This is


when we will be 1,260 years from AD 758 when Pope Paul I became a

temporal pope, which marks the set time limit for papal domination

(Revelation 11:3) as foreseen by Rev Robert Fleming in his work The Rise

and Fall of Rome Papal (page20), published as long ago as 1701.

The demolition of the European iron and clay fascist regimes in World War

II was achieved by the Russian army sweeping west – which actually

destroyed 80 per cent of the military power of Nazi Germany. The year

1941 was the critical turning point when Germany launched Operation

Barbarossa against the Soviet Union on 22 June – 1941 being 1,335 years

from AD 606-7 when the Pope became universal bishop. Daniel 12:12

records this factor as the number of blessing for the people of God’s

Kingdom; the obverse to this being finality for their enemies.

Medo-Persia was the special military instrument called by God to destroy

ancient Babylon; see Jeremiah 51:20 where the context of Cyrus is returned

to (the word “art” in the KJV is not original), Cyrus himself being called the

Lord’s “anointed” (Isaiah 45:1) – the only time that a Gentile ruler is so-

called. The Judah-Israelite captives in Babylon were thus set free.

Likewise, Russia became the special military instrument to destroy the

fascist military power of prophetic Babylon of Continental Europe in World

War II. It now remains to be seen if the present Russian actions over the

Ukraine and Syria will have the effect of helping to bring down the

economic edifice of prophetic Babylon in the European Union; this as the

migrant crisis threatens the very stability of the organization, so freeing

Britain-Israel from a generation of ‘captivity’ in the EU Project.

Britain is moving towards her coming freedom outside the EU. It is as

inevitable as the dawn when the sun rises upon our day. The true Israel

people in their “company of nations” have a constitution and that

constitution is in the Bible. The light and power of these great nations

together with the “great people” of the United States of America will return

and the world will immediately feel the benefit and prosper accordingly.

Since Israel became a nation under God, they have defended freedom and

have been regarded by Him as the Host.

In Exodus 12:41 we read:


“And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years,

even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the host of the LORD went

out of the land of Egypt.”

The Egyptians saw Israel as slaves running away, but God saw them as His

armies! Later, when Israel was to enter the Promised Land, an Angel came

to take charge and we read the following words:

“And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his

eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man with his sword drawn

in his hand; and Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, Art thou for

us, or for our adversaries? And he said, Nay, but as captain of the host

[armies] of the LORD am I now come” (Joshua 5:13-14).

Also in I Samuel 17:26 we read again, when Goliath challenged Israel, David

reminded Israel that Goliath was insulting “the armies of the living God.”

When it comes to nuclear weapons, deterrence is the operative word in

renewing Britain’s Trident programme, as evil powers will constantly seek

to “cut them [the Israel nations] off from being a nation; that the name of

Israel may be no more in remembrance” (Psalm 83: 3-5). However, let us

also be conscious of the promise that:

“No weapon that is formed against thee will prosper; and every tongue

that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the

heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me,

saith the LORD” (Isaiah 54:17).

In serving a righteous cause we should not hold back in defence against evil

regimes and nations, but let us also be conscious that our ultimate defence

rests with Almighty God as we seek His face in times of great emergency.


The Declaration of the

Transfer of the Kingdom

In the Gospel of John 1:11 we read of Jesus Christ that:

”He came unto his own, and his own received him not.”

Jesus came to the nation of the Jewish people who John Hyrkanus in

misplaced zeal had forcibly incorporated with the arch-enemies of Israel,

the Idumeans. This was after a remnant of the Jewish captives (less than

50,000) returned from Babylon. There were many non-Israelites around

Jerusalem at this time, but in the region around the Sea of Galilee many

were true Israelites of the tribe of Benjamin.

Having performed His wonderful works and preached to the people the

Gospel of the Kingdom, Jesus was formally rejected and crucified. Before

this He spoke to the people by parable a prophecy in the story of the

householder who planted a vineyard and let it out to husbandmen. When

the time of the fruits came, he sent his servants, who were abused, and

finally he sent his son, who was cast out of the vineyard and slain. In

conclusion, the question is put:

“When the lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, what will he do unto

these husbandmen? They say unto him, He will miserably destroy those

wicked men, and will let out his vineyard to other husbandmen, which

shall render him the fruits in their seasons” (Matthew 21:40-41).

Then Jesus said:

“Therefore I say unto you, the kingdom of God shall be taken from you

and given to a nation [Gk. ethnos] bringing forth the fruits thereof”

(Matthew 21:43).

From what nation was the Kingdom of God taken and to which nation was

it given? It was taken from the rebellious and apostate Jewish nation and

was given to another Israel nation, which proceeded to produce the fruits

of extensive worldwide missionary activity, the good work of translating


and publishing the Scriptures to the many nations of Israel in the global


The transfer of the Kingdom meant that it continued and was not destroyed.

As we have already quoted, the transfer of the kingdom can also be seen in

II Samuel 7:10:

“Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant

them, that they may dwell in a place of their own . . .”

The “place” has to be outside of Palestine because that prophecy was

spoken while David was king and Israel was settled in the promised land.

Another place is clearly referred to.

The ‘Jews’ (the name as such spelt with a ‘J’ appearing only in the 16th and

17th centuries) over the centuries since the destruction of Jerusalem in AD

70 and at the Fortress of Masada in AD 73, never had a “place of their own”

where they could dwell free of affliction (the Israeli State has had nothing

but affliction since its creation in 1948).

Whereas the Anglo-Saxon nations of Great Britain and the United States of

America have indeed dwelt in their own lands and have never been


A strange characteristic of the new Israel was also prophesied and noted in

Romans 11:25:

“For I would not brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery,

lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is

happened to Israel, until the fulness of the gentiles be come in.”

To what and to whom could “blindness in part” refer? It cannot refer to the

Jews rejection of Jesus as the Christ, for they cannot be said to be “blind in

part” to that. The people of the Jews are totally, stone-blind to the Gospel of

salvation in Christ.

In contrast, the true Israel, Great Britain and the USA which have accepted

the Gospel and are known as Christian nations, are certainly “blind in part”

as they do not know their true identity. Nationally they are still the “blind

servant” as portrayed in Isaiah 42:16 and 19.


The New Jerusalem as seen

in the Apocalypse

The Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His

servants through John, who was instructed to write it and send it to the

churches (1:11), speaks concerning “the things which are,” and “the things

which shall be hereafter” (1:19).

The prophecies are in symbolic language, in perfect harmony with the

prophetic symbols in the Apocalypse and other prophecies of the Bible.

Some are given below for the guidance of readers not familiar with them:

HEAVENS – Refers to the condition and state of highest rulership.

EARTH – Refers to those governed and under the heavens.

SUN – Refers to the throne of the Lord, brightest life source.

MOON – Refers to the Law of the Lord, receives light from the sun.

STARS – Refers to lesser nations and luminaries in government.

MOUNTAIN – Refers to the Kingdom of God on earth, a great nation.

HILL – Refers to a smaller nation, tribe.

SEA – Refers to the multitude of humanity.

TREES – Refers to royalty (cedar), aristocracy (oak), wealthy (fir).

WOMAN – Refers to Israel, national bride and wife of the Lord.

BABYLON – Refers to Roman Church, counterfeit bride of the Lord, also

military and economic powers.

EUPHRATES – Refers to the Ottoman or Turkish Empire.

ARMAGEDDON – Refers to conflict for prophetic ‘ Babylon,’ Europe and world.


In any consideration of prophecy these symbols must be correctly

identified to avoid incorrect and ridiculous interpretations, inconsistent

with the body of Scriptural teaching.

The New Jerusalem was seen in vision as “coming down from God out of

heaven.” It was to be the seat of government and at such a time as there

would be “nations of them which are saved” and nations which would need

healing on the earth.

In symbolic language we are therefore shown and instructed how God

would send down (or perfect) from heaven a new kind of government,

ordained by Him and from it the nations in the world, some saved and

some sick, would receive blessing.

The City is the centre of the government of God and the Lamb and a river

would flow from it; trees would grow by the river which would give forth

fruit for the healing of the nations.

We must first understand that this City “came down” from heaven; that it

does not stay in a cloud somewhere in outer space. Next we need to

remember that it comes from God.

The “coming down from heaven” indicates its Divine origin, as contrasted

to the earth-originated, man-made, or diabolic systems of government in

existence at the time John lived and received the vision. Is there such a

government, in preparation and still imperfect, in existence now on earth?

A government conceived in prayer, acknowledging God a Creator and giver

of the authorities, a government formed by men who sought His guidance,

prayed, had faith and who were of true Israel stock?

Since the old Jerusalem was destroyed in AD 70 as prophesied and the New

Jerusalem is not a reconstruct-type city with a temple of sacrifice, there is

no reason whatever to expect it to be located on the site of old Jerusalem.

Neither would we expect that the nation of the Jews from which the

kingdom was taken would be hereafter favoured by receiving the New

Jerusalem. Prophecy is always more profound in its fulfilment than is

anticipated prior to the prophesied event coming to pass.


It has to be remembered that our ancestors lived in a different world. In

our day and age we can expect to find ‘Jerusalem,’ which has the meaning of

“city (or) foundation of peace,” in the new land of Israel, in “the appointed

place,” probably the capital. Let us examine that possibility.

London is an old city, established hundreds of years. Following the Great

Fire of London in 1666, Christopher Wren and his friends – all founder

members of the Royal Society – had the opportunity to carry out some

rudimentary archaeological research. Below the rubble of the burnt city

they found remains of Roman London.

When they set about rebuilding the city it was with a vision that it should

become a ‘New Jerusalem’ but dressed in the fashionable garb of ancient

Rome. We live in a cynical age and the idea that intelligent men should

dream of building London as a version of the biblical city, may seem

laughably strange. Yet it is a city where the centre of the legal world is

called “The Temple.”

London is also where the double witness of Church and State working

together are to be seen at the Palace of Westminster, with the Supreme

Court and Westminster Abbey. The Coronation Stone, the Stone of Jacob,

resided in the Abbey for 700 years before, in 1996, it was delivered with

great ceremony back to Scotland on the agreed basis that it will be returned

to England for the next Coronation Service.

Washington DC, by way of contrast, is relatively new. It is described in

encyclopaedias as the most beautifully designed city in the world. An

examination of the shape of Washington DC shows it to be unique. The

borders of the city are straight, exactly equal and the city has the shape of a

four-sided diamond; it is foursquare!

Now it is time to recall that the government of the United States of America

was founded in deep dependence on Divine Providence and Divine

Protection. The Mayflower Compact, the Articles of Confederation and the

Declaration of Independence are all positive and emphatic in their

acknowledgement and confession of faith in God. There is no other

government on earth with such precious foundations.


It is surely a pale shadow of the future perfection of the administration of

the New Jerusalem at the end of the Millennium, but the process of the

cleansing of His sanctuary, both in Washington and London, is well

advanced as we see corruption being exposed and brought to justice.

It is a sombre thought that the year 2016 is 2 x 120 years from 1776 and

the birth of the ‘great people’ of the USA – this being a double period of

warning when the election of a new president will be so important. Noah

was given warning of 120 years prior to the Great Deluge.

Would it be possible for the pilgrims, who left all to go to a wilderness for

the sake of their faith in God, who acknowledged and prayed on the trip

and who served God as well as they were devoutly able with the light they

had after arriving in the New World, would it be possible for them to have

received a form and system other than one “coming down from heaven”?

The Anacostia River runs through the City of Washington DC to the

southeast. The Capitol building faces east and from the legislative chamber

of the government of this great people, each day before business begins,

prayer ascends to Almighty God, led by a chaplain designated by the

leaders of that assembly.

May not this be the City, with that of Westminster in London which also

commences its parliamentary session each day with prayer, which was

looked for in prophetic vision by all the patriarchs, a city which “hath

foundations, whose builder and maker is God” (Hebrews 11:10)?

The many nations of Israel are a vision extraordinary – and the vision is

essential for “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18).



“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves,

and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will

I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”

(II Chronicles 7:14).

The verse of Scripture above is often quoted by Christians as it concerns

repentance by “my people.” The question not considered when it is quoted

is, who are the people of God today? The context of the verse is the nation

under God called by His Name and it concerns the healing of their land

appointed by God in which they are living. The only people who are called

by the name of God with a land and with a birthright and destiny to lead

the nations in peace are the great Christian Israel nations of The West.

The very name “British” consists of two Hebrew words, Brith and ish,

meaning “covenant man.” This was confirmed by the former Chief Rabbi to

Britain, Lord Jonathan Sacks, when in public conversation with the Head of

BBC News (James Harding) at the Hay Festival in England on 26 May, 2015.

As the nations of Israel, we must confess our national transgressions and

forsake sin. We must start afresh and assume our responsibilities as the

Israel of God by obeying the laws given to Israel through Moses and

confirmed by our Lord Jesus Christ. He was the end of the law for

righteousness (Romans 10:4 – the sacrificial law), but not those of the

Statutes and Commandments, the law of the Lord being perfect and indeed

essential for government in the Kingdom of God.

A Final Word

Prophecy is given so that faith may be generated when fulfilment is

observed. In this small book we have shown marvellous fulfilments of

many prophecies. They indicate irrefutably that the Bible is the Word of

God to our people as company of nations. That the Word is true, that it is

supernatural in content, foretelling history accurately.


If these truths impress you now, we urge you to receive the Lord Jesus by

faith as your Redeemer and Saviour and in so doing giving your life to Him.

He sees your faith and He will guide you forever as one of the sheep of His




Replacement Theology

The sacking of Rome by the Israelite Visigoths in AD 410 left the Romans in

a deep state of shock, from which time the Roman Church began to replace

the Roman Empire. It was then that Augustine of Hippo, in his famous work

The City of God, envisioned the Roman Church as the replacement of the

Israel Kingdom. The papal system of the Roman Catholic Church then

became a universal bishopric under Pope Boniface III in AD 607 and a

universal temporal power under Pope Paul I in AD 758, making itself into a

kingdom with a papal monarchy.

While the Reformation in Europe and England separated the Israel

monarchy and government of Britain from the Church of Rome in the 16th

century, there has been a long legacy of binding back on this system unto

the present day. The emergence of the Anglo-Catholic Oxford Movement

began in the 1830s, just as the teaching of the many nations of Israel began

to awaken the West from 1840 onwards. It was to steadily militate against

the opening of the eyes of the Israel people through the Elijah message to

the many Israel nations which reached its height in the 1920s.

The great falling away continued from the 1960s accelerated by the

suppression of the Historicist School of prophecy – particularly in the

United States – where Christian television today majors on the lurid

Futurist teaching – it being an enormous hoax deceiving millions of sincere

Christians seeking to prepare for the return of Christ.

Surprisingly or not, there is a persistent fixation on Replacement Theology

that afflicts Protestant denominations in Britain today. Unlike the USA,

Britain has the great history of the Reformation, but even the Reformed

Churches, who hold to the Protestant doctrine, still have the same fixation

which maintains the belief that the Church has replaced the Israel Kingdom

upon earth. Even if they do not entirely preach Replacement Theology, they

concentrate upon the Israeli State as the fulfilment of end-time prophecy.

The question is – what prophecy?


All this is a result of the prophesied blindness as to who is Israel today

(Romans 11:25). However, in that “the times of the Gentiles” have, or are

coming to an end, this blindness can now be expected to be removed. We

are already beginning to see positive signs that this is happening. Ministers

are afraid they will lose the support of their remaining congregations if

they come out for the Israel Kingdom truth. Yet the oil of understanding is

what their flocks desperately need – and in the midnight hour it is this oil

for which a desperate cry will soon be heard in the land.

A Prophetic Delusion

Millions of Christian people in the West have a deeply sincere belief that

the emergent Israeli State of the past seven decades is a wonderful

fulfillment of the Bible prophecy heralding the restoration of Israel, prior to

the Second Advent of Jesus Christ. In 2016 the State of Israel is entirely

surrounded by the destructions of Islamic terrorism as well as sustaining

the daily random threat in their midst of a growing third Intifada.

Although the peoples of the Zionist State are demonstrably not

homogeneous racially and despite the fact that they are rooted in their

rejection of Christ, the Messiah, it is widely believed by the evangelical

Christian folk of the West, that this is just a phase preliminary to Israeli

acceptance of Christ at His Return. The fact that 730,000 Palestinian Arabs

were displaced when the militant Zionists took over in 1948 does not seem

to matter very much to this school of prophetic teaching.

It is high time that this state of thought should be corrected. The

interpretation of events put by these Christians might be well and fine –

except for one relevant point which those who relate this prophecy to the

Israeli State have chosen to ignore. The fact is that the vast majority of

Jewry in Palestine are not descended from the ancient Israelites and

therefore do not come within the terms of the special protection of

Almighty God, in their occupation of Palestine. The mere taking of the

name ‘Israel’ really has nothing to do with it for those who are not

Israelites by lineage. In point of fact it could become a curse upon those

who use the divinely appointed name improperly.

In this we have the clear Scriptural record of our Lord’s own words. He

informed racially mixed Jewry – as distinct from the true descendants of


Judah – of their failure to bring forth the fruits of righteousness. He said:

“Therefore say I unto you. The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and

given to a nation [Gk. ethnos, not a church] bringing forth the fruits thereof”

(Matthew 21:43).

Within forty years following the crucifixion of Jesus, a military threat

developed for the Jews of this period from which they fully expected to be

delivered by God. An armed uprising was staged against Rome, but Divine

intervention was not forthcoming and the Jewish nation was driven from

Palestine. A final stand was made in AD 73 at the mountain stronghold of

Masada where, rather than give in to the Roman legions, the Jews died to

the last man by their own hand. It is now common practice to regard the

designations ‘Israeli’, ‘Zionist’, ‘Jewish’ and ‘Israel’ as synonymous,

applicable to the Jewish people no matter what their racial origin. This is a

serious, fundamental error leading to all manner of confusion when it

comes to prophetic interpretation relating to events in these days.

Titles available in this series:

Number One: Constitutional Illegality and the EU

Number Two: Britain’s role and Destiny after the EU

Number Three: Britain’s coming Freedom outside of the EU

Number Four: Royal Assent & our Laws and Customs

Number Five: ‘The Bounds of their Habitation’

Number Six: The Covenant Nations – a Natural Union

Number Seven: The Many Nations of Israel


This series of booklets has been produced for free issue and they are not for re-sale.

Further copies are available on request. Contributions towards postage and multiple copies

are gratefully received for the campaign. Cheques to ‘The Kingdom Foundation,’ 121 Low

Etherley, Bishop Auckland, Co Durham DL14 0HA.

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