
the Clarion Of Central Christian Church (DOC)

Our church family 2

Disciples News 4-5

VBS 6-7

Fish fry news 8

Rebecca’s revelation 10

Worship in the park 11

calendar 15




September 2021

Our Church Family……… Please remember the following in your prayers:

All children, families, teachers and administrators as the new school year unfolds.

The people of Haiti as they recover from a deadly earthquake and the people in California

who continue to deal with wild fires. If you would like to hear how the Christian Church (DOC)

is responding to these and other crises, please go to the Week of Compassion web site.

The Afghan refugees and those who are trying to flee from the Taliban. Many people in

Afghanistan are in danger because of the help they offered and the work they did with US

troops for the past 20 years.

CCC friends, Selena Cannady & Nichelle Washington at Evangel Christian Church (formerly

Covenant Christian Church). Last month, they were in a very serious car accident. Nichelle is

doing well. Selena is home from the hospital, but had to have a rod placed from her knee to

her hip as well as a new hip. You can send cards of encouragement to them at:

Evangel Christian Church, 1108 8th St. TH 47804

Rick Dennis' neighbor, Peg, who suffered very bad burns to her hands after a recent grease fire

started in her kitchen.

Shannon Giles' best friend, Cheri, Cheri's husband, Bill, & their daughter Holly. Holly moved to

Austin earlier this summer and then was seriously ill with COVID even after being vaccinated.

Alanson Hammond as he recovers from COVID. Although he has not experienced many

symptoms, he is out of school and his parents are quarantining.

Courtney Hogue as she goes through a difficult time.

Due to Patient Privacy Laws, hospitals are no longer able to contact pastors if a church member is

admitted for treatment. If you or a loved one is in the hospital, please call the church office or Rev.


Please report items for Our Church Family to the church office and to Rev. Zelensky

“God calls Central Christian Church to be a welcoming and open faith community where Christian

love, action, and discipleship unite.”

Vision Statement of Central Christian Church (DOC),

Terre Haute, IN

David Hurst, Melanie’s dad, as he continues treatment for an aggressive type of skin cancer

and for Parkinson’s Disease.

Mary Ellen Jackson requests prayer for those participating in upcoming Emmaus Walks, with

which she and Charlie have been quite active. This will be the first ones since the pandemic

led to cancellations of these events.

Paul Myers and his family as Paul recovers from COVID. Although his symptoms were very

minimal, he was in isolation for almost two weeks.

Glenda & Tony Parks as Tony continues treatments for cancer.

Doug Sloan as he recovers from a recent heart cath.

We extend our deepest sympathies to Susan Goode & her family at the death of Susan’s

mother, Carol, on August 7 in Phoenix, Arizona.

Congratulations to Ava Hammond & Nick Johnson at the birth of their daughter, Rosalee

Grace Johnson on August 10! Rosy weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces and was 21 inches long.

Grandparents Angie & George Hammond and Uncle Alanson are busting with pride!

Congratulations to Rev. Zelensky’s cousin, Bobbie Jo & her husband, Jeremy Skaggs, who

welcomed Jaxon James Skaggs on July 28! Although Jaxon was 6 weeks early, he is home

and doing well.

The congregation of

Central Christian Church (DOC)

will have a Congregational Meeting

immediately after worship on

Sunday, September 5.

The purpose of this meeting is to

approve the slate of Nominations for

the 2021-2022 Ministry Year.


Church members & Friends

This September will mark the 20 th

anniversary of the events that took

place on 9-11-2001.

On Sunday, September 12, we will have

a time of remembrance while we

observe this important date in history.

We encourage you to write down

anything you recall from that day/week

that you would like to share with our

faith community, and send your

thoughts to Rev. Rebecca at

[email protected].

SOP Book Sale Thank You:

Moderator, Bonnie Wilson, received the following email from Becky Keller, thanking

everyone from CCC who volunteered with the SOP Book Sale:

Thanks so much, Bonnie, for ALL the advertising and sorting you did for our used book sale.

The best news is that we doubled what we usually make in donations for our sisters'

ministries...and you and our many Providence Associates, who volunteered, helped make

this happen.


Becky and all your Sisters of Providence

When you arrive at the church building

for worship, please keep all fellowship

and conversation to after the service in

the parking lot. With COVID numbers

continuing to rise in Vigo County, and

more and more vaccinated people are

testing positive for the virus, we simply

MUST be careful and look out for one

another. Please use the time before the

service begins to center yourself and

prepare to worship God.

If you would like to serve as a Counter, please contact Bonnie Wilson, Rev. Zelensky, or the church office. If

you’ve never counted before, training is available. Please note that it is not a weekly commitment, you may sign -up

for the Sundays that work best for you.

CANCELLED 2021 Jonah Fish Fry Cancelled

It is with sadness and disappointment that the Fish Fry Committee in

agreement with the Board has decided that the Annual Jonah Fish Fry will be

cancelled, again, for 2021. With the Delta variant of the coronavirus

spreading rapidly, the decision was made in the best interest of our members,

friends, and guests.

We demonstrate love for our neighbors by keeping them out of danger and

with the majority of our workers and guests being individuals 65+ and/or with

health concerns we must do what we can to keep them protected. In

continuing with the Fish Fry as we have in years past, it was apparent that

there is no possibility for social distancing, both for staff or guests. We also

considered the idea of a drive-thru, however due to our location and in

comparison with others that were done in our area last year, it was quickly

understood that this was not an option for our church.

The annual Fish Fry has become a beloved fundraiser for our church but this

year, like last, the risk is too great. Prayerfully, we will continue with our 29th

Jonah Fish Fry on Friday September 9, 2022.

As last year, the Fish Fry Committee has recommended that the Board

approve a “Love Offering” from our family and friends in place of donations

of products, supplies, baked goods, and ticket purchases we would have

made for the event. This is a big help to provide the funds that we would

have made from the fundraiser.

-Fish Fry Committee

One of the worship “seasons” that many of us at Central have grown to love and

appreciate every year is our Season of Creation.

Starting on Sunday, September 19, through Sunday, October 10, we will once again

praise God for the blessings and gifts of creation, in particular water, air/wind, earth

and fire.

This is a great time to invite others you know who may not have a church home to

worship with us – either in our sanctuary or online.

Rebecca’s Revelation

Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ! There are times when we forget the influence we

have in the world. There are times when we have no idea the difference we make or have made in the

lives of others. Earlier this summer, we received the following two items in the mail. I hope they bring

you as much joy as they do for me.

Hello, Rebecca – I want you to see the letter I wrote to DJAN [Disciples Justice Action Network, now Disciples Justice Ministries] along with my small gift to the cause. I am sending a copy to Bonnie Wilson as well.

I am moved by what has been done at Central. I thank you for your leadership, witness, and vision.

Recently I complied for my family a “Legacy Notebook.” I wanted to include my collection of Clarion Commentaries. The notebook got pretty big so I had those printed and bound separately. I will be happy to send you one if you want. I may send one to Bonnie and Beth.

Meanwhile – may you and Central keep up your amazing gospel witness.

Kindest regards in Christ, Tom Russell Dear DJAN, A small check is enclosed and it is sent in honor of the congregation Central Christian Church in Terre Haute, Indiana. I became the pastor of that wonderful church in 1984, leaving the Department of Church in Society. The shrinking was just beginning. No one was called to fill my assignment.

With this small gift, I want to honor Central Christian of Terre Haute. While I was there, four women entered the ordained ministry, supported by the members and the Board. After I left, two women served as pastors, and the current pastor, Rebecca Zelensky, has led the congregation in powerful ways. Currently an openly lesbian woman, Bonnie Wilson, is the moderator of the congregation. One of the leaders that has had a wonderful and profound effect on the membership is Phil Ewoldsen, a leader in the Disciples movement for justice for gay and lesbian persons. Phil is to be honored for his witness. And if you can, recognize the profound witness to justice put forward by Central Christian Church in Terre Haute, Indiana.

Thomas Russell, Retired DOC Clergy [Pastor Emeritus of Central Christian Church]

Central, even during a pandemic, you are working with God’s Spirit in making our world the place God

intends it to be. Trust that God – and others! – do make note of it.

Rev. Rebecca Zelensky

The Church Directory is AVAILABLE NOW!!!!!!

Special thanks to Carol and Doug Sloan for formatting and creating the

updated CCC Directory. The booklet is available now and can be found on

the Sacred Condiments Table on Sunday or stop in the church office to

request a copy. While we are printing them in house, please consider a small

donation to cover additional printing costs.

Page 14

4 :: moses hamm

5 :: adam crist

5 :: Erika walker

8 :: jodee barnes

8 :: Jacob barnes

8 :: jarrett barnes

9 :: linda snider

9 :: susan edmondson

10 :: Michaela mckee

10 :: violet vaughn

11 :: tom gonthier

12 :: phil ewoldsen

14 :: claire willey

15 :: carroll vasbinder

17 :: frank crist

17 :: trey rice

20 :: Stacie whitley

22 :: david mccoll

22 :: paige Jordan

24 :: Tammy beck

29 :: kyle wilson



10 :: john & michelle manning

17 :: kelly & Patrick meyers

30 :: mike & Kimberly schodlatz



Monday, November 1

We will have a service remembering all we have lost amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 9a Mat Making

5 6

7 8 9 10 11 9a Mat Making

12 11a - 2p


13 9a Bible Study

14 7p Taize @


15 16 17 18 9a Mat Making

19 20 9a Bible Study

21 22 23 24 25 9a Mat Making


27 9a Bible Study

28 29 30

September 2021

We’re On The Web

Worship Services

9:30 AM

(Nursery for Infants & Toddlers Open 9 AM -12Noon)

Sunday School for

all ages 11 AM

Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

4950 East Wabash Ave

P.O. Box 3125

Terre Haute Indiana


Phone: 812-877-9959



We’re On The Web

Worship Services

9:30 AM

Sunday School for

all ages 11 AM

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