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A Commentary upon the fifth Book of Moses, called Deuteronomy, 4

A Confutation of Atheism from the Origin and Frame of the World, xv

A New Theory of the Eanh, xvi A Plain and Continued Exposition of the Several

Prophecies or Divine Visions of the Prophet Daniel, 61, 70

Aaron, xii, 75 Abarbenel, Isaac, xi, 2 Abel, 7 Abelard, 197 Aberdeen, 206, 207 Aberdeenshire, 207 Aboab, Isaac, 2, 17 Abraham, xvii, 9, 92, 185, 193, 200 Abrams, Daniel, 101 absolute power, 133 Academicians, 37 accident, 137 accoDJrnodation, 151, 152, 156-158, 162, 164 action at a distance, xv, xvi, 124-129, 131,

134-137, 141-143 active principles, 131-135

spirit, 123 Adam, 7, 9, 19, 57, 154 Adolphus, Gustavus, 56, 82 Aesop, 181 aether, 123, 125, 132, 133, 135, 143 aetherial, 124 aetherist hypothesis, 137 Aikenhead, ThoDJaS, 164 Akiba, 92 alchemical tradition, 123 Alchemists, 162 alcheDJ~98, 105,106,118,141,143,158 Alexander the Great, 94, 97, II 0 Alexander, H.G., 146 Alexandria, Philo of, xiv allegorical interpretation, 108 allegoricisDl, xvii allegorization, 22 allegory, 44, 46 AlDJOnd, Philip C., 51 Alpakhar, Jehuda, 25-27, 29-31, 36 America, xvii, 152, 207 ADlon, 108 Amsterdam, 1, 2, 6-9, 11,20 Anabaptists, 27 Andrew, James, 207,211

Anglican Church, 5~ aniDlal kingdoDJ, 110 anti-Christian idolaters, xv anti-TrinitarianisDl, xi, xvii, 181, 182 Antichrist, 40, 56, 59, 61 Antidote against Idolatry, 60 Antiochus Epiphanes, 111 Antipodes, 152 antiquity, xiv Antony, 191, 192,200 Apocalypse,xiil,39-42,44,45,51,52,55,57,59,

63, 76, 77,82,90, 102,116 Apocalypsis Apocalypseos, 44, 61, 68, 69 Apostacy, 57, 59, 62,74 apostasy, 40 Apostles, 13,58, 79,103,181 Appendix and Reply, 60 Ararnaic,2 arbitrary will, 133, 135 Archbishop Ussher, 18 Arian, 160, 162

heresy,63 heretic, xv

ArianisDl, 112, 158 Aristotle, 3 7, 92-94, 97

Aristotelian, xiv, 53, 95, 98 Aristotelian heavens, 96, 97 AristotelianisDl, 92 Aristotelians' eighth sphere, 96

Arius,65, 113,116 Armada, 60 Arminians, 50 Arrnogather, J.-R., 18 asceticisDl, 112 Ashcraft, Richard, 85 Athanasius, 113, 116, 122, 160, 163, 191, 192, 199 atheisDl, xvii, xviii, 15, 40, 128, 138 atheist, 26, 36, 134, 138, 139 Atoms, 128 attraction, 129, 136 attractive force, 125, 134, 135

power, 138 Augustine, 151, 152

Babson Institute, ix Babylonia, 110 Bacharach, Naftali, 91 Baines, Thomas, 60 Baker, Thomas, 149, 150 Bale, John, 51


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214 Index

Ball, B.W., 51, 82 Basiliades, 94, 96 Basnage,Jacques, 100,101 Bate, Julius, 204,206,210 Battle of the Books, 149 Bauckham, R., 51 Baxter, Richard, 62, 78, 84, 85 Beaumont, J., 58, 83 Bechler, Zev, 99, 122, 143, 146 Beer, E.S. de, 82, 85 Belgium, 6 Belkin, Samuel, 101 Bentley, Richard xi, xvi, 87, 126-131, 133--139,

141-144, 146 Benz, Ernst, 100 Berg, J. van den, 51, 52 Berg, Jan van den, 50 Berkeley, George, 207 Berlin, Isaiah, 201, 210 Bemestein, Richard, 18 Bible, viii-xii, xvii, 1-3,5-9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 21,

22,28,34,36,37,39,43,46,50, 78,106, 149-153, 155-160, 162

biblical criticism, viii, II, 21 scholarship, vii, xviii

Biderman, S., 17 Birch, T., 82, 122 Blau, J.L., 211 Bloom, Harold, 5 Blount, Charles, 154, 164, 165 Bochart, 20 body, xvii, 22 Bohun, Edmund, 165 Bolingbroke, Lord, 206 Book of J., the, 5 books of Scripture and Nature, 49 Boreel, Adam, 14, 15 Boxtorfs, 8 Boyle, Robert, I25, 145, 147, 152

Lectures, xvi, 126, I28, 133, 137, 138 Brady, D., 86 Bridgewater Treatise, 207 Brightman, Thomas, 51 Bristol, 206 British Isles, xviii

Museum, ix Brookes, James H., 209 Bruno, Giordano, I03 Bultmann, 20 Burgensis, Paulus, 4 Burnet, 77, 119 Burnet, Gilbert, 155 Burnet, Thomas, xiv-xvi, 118, 153, 154, 16I, 182,

196 Bums, Norman T., I83, I90, I94-I99

Burton, Hezekiah. 69, 70 Bustorf, 20 Butler, James, first duke of Ormonde, 16I

Cabbalism, 58 Cain, 7, 19 Cain's wife, 1 Cajori,F1orian,52,87, 143 Calvin, John, 186, I87, 19I, I97, 198 Cambridge, xii

Platonists, I2, I9, 98 University, ix

Canaan, IO Cannon, 139 Cantor, G.N., 143 Capell,20 Capp, B.S., 82 Cappel, Louis, 6, 8 Cameades, 37 Cartesian, 98, 136

philosophers, I41 physics, xv system, 129, 134

Cartesianism, 58, 59 Cartwright, Christopher, I8 Cascoigne, John, 83 Cassirer, Ernst, 20 I, 2I 0 Castelli, Benedetto, 152 Castellio, Sebastian, 9 Castillejo, David, 68, 85, IOI, I02 Castro, Isaac Orobio de, I7 Catcott, Alexander, 206, 210 Catholicism, 60 centripetal forces, 136 Cerinthus, 94 certitude, 33 Chaldeans, 108, 110 Charles, 57 Charles the Second, 161 Cherbury, Herbert of, II children of Israel, 2I

of the Resurrection, I85, I87, I88, 200 chosenness, 119 Christ, I5, 22, 23, 40, 56, 159, 160, 162 Christ's College, 56 christianidolatry,65,86

Cabbalist, 203 mortalism, xvi, xvii, 179, 180, I83--186, 188,

I90, 195, 196 Mortalist, 180, I94, 199 theology, xi

Christianson, Gale E., 194 Christianson, P., 82 Christie, Richard C., 83 Christology, xiv, 15, 180, 183, 196

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Chronicles, 49 Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended, the, ix Church, 57

of England, 6, 11 of the Circumcision, 94

circumcision, 2 Civil Magistracy, 62 Clark Library, 190--192, 199,200

Library Conference, xi Memorial Library, 180

Clarke, Samuel, 137, 139, 140, 146, 189 Clavis Apocalyptica, 39, 41, 50,56 Clitomachus, 37 Clouse, R.G., 86 Coburn, K., 211 Coccocieus, 20 Cohen, I. Bernard, 125-127, 136, 141, 142, 144,

146 cohesion, 135 Cole, S.G., 211 Coleridge, S.T., 207,208,211 Colerus, Johann, 1 Collegiant, 9, 14 Columbia University, 207 Comenius, 56, 82 comets, 140 Commonwealth, 6, 59 Concerning the method and synchronisms of the

Apocalypse & the allusions therein to the Law and history of the Jews, 75

Conciliator, the, 2 Conjectura Cabbalistica, 45, 57, 77 Constantine, 56, 62, 80, 109, llO, ll2 Constantinople, 9 contextual interpretation, 21 contextualism, ll, 13 Conway, Lady Anne, 40, 52, 57, 58,60 Conway, Lord, 69 Cooper, Miles, 207 Copenhaver, B.P., 58, 83, 84, 145 Copernicus, 11 Cordovero, Moses, 91 Cornelius, 114 cosmology, xiv Costa, Uriel da, 2, 17 Cotes, Roger, 139-142, 146 Coudert, Alison, 84, 100 Council of Constantinople, 116

Nicaea, 113 Trent, 152

Courtenay, William J., 197 covenant, 10, ll4, 186 creation,xv,57, 77,119,130,133,150-154,

157-160, 164 Croft, Herbert, 153, 157

Crossley, James, 83 Cudworth, Ralph, ll, 58, 59, 155 Curley, E., 20

d' Ailly, Pierre, 183, 197 D'Huisseau, 38

Index 215

Daniel, x, xii-xiv, 40, 41, 48, 52, 55, 57-59, 68, 70,82, 108,186,187,200

70 weeks of, 58, 59, 79 Day ofJudgement, 182 Dayton, Tennessee, 209 Dead Sea Scrolls, 17 Dear, Peter, 146 Debrock, G., 144, 145, 147 Debus, A.G., 103, 143 Decius, 109 deism, xvii deist, 26,36 Descartes,90, 125,142,145,153,155-158,195 design, 139

argument, 195 Deuteronomy, 3, 5, 10, 21 Diderot, 201 Diocletian, I 09 disconnectedness thesis, 195 Dissent, 62 distinction between material and immaterial, 145 divine inspiration, 12

mind, 132 revelation, 5

Dobbs, Betty Jo Teeter, 103, 121, 127, 132, 133, 143-145

dogmatists, 25-28 dominion, 132, 133 Donagan, Barbara, 197 Donne, John, 198,199 Downing, B.C., 85 Driver, S.C., 18 Drusius, 20 Duillier, Patio de, 124 Durie,John,39,45,50,52 Dory, 56

early Christianity, 57 Earth,ll9 Ebionites, 94 ecclesia primitiva, 115, 118 Edwards, John, 158 effect of a miracle, 133 effluvia, 128-130, 142 Egyptian priests, 107 Egyptians, 63 Einstein, Albert, x elect, 4 7, 48 electrical effluvia, 125

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electricity, 127, 143 Eliade, M., 200 Eliot, George, 209, 211 Eliot, Ralph W. V .• 121 ellipses, 138 Elwes, R.H.M., 36 emanation, xiv, 92-94, 96 empiricism, 136 empiricist, 140, 141 end of days, xii, ll6 Enden, van den, 3, 18 energy, 138 England, xvii, 6 Enlightenment, 20 I, 202 enthusiasm, xiii, 12, 39 enthusiasts, 26, 27 Epicurean Theory, 128 Epicurus, 3 7, 126, 128 Episcopacy, 59 Erasmus, 3 Euclid, 13, 53 Euclid Elements, 12 Eve, 57,154 Evelyn, John, 83, 85 excommunication, 3 Exeter College, 205 Exodus, 117 Exorcism, 59 Explanation of the Grand Mystery of Godliness,

57 Exposition of Daniel, 71 extension, 128, 134, 140, 141 Ezra, xiv, 8, 92, 113, 114 Ezra, Aben, xi, 2-5, 9, 10, 18 Ezra, Ibn, 21

Fagius, 20 fairy tale, x v Faraday, 142 Farrar, David, 2 fate, 132 Faur, Jose, 90, 99 Fauvel, J., 103 feigns no hypotheses, 136 Fell, Margaret, 9, 19 fermentation, 131, 132, 135 fifth-monarchy men, 40 final causes, 132 Finch, John, 60 Finkel, Joshua, 101 Firth, K., 50, 51, 82 Fisher, Samuel, 5, 7-10, 16, 19 Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 14 7 flood, 150, 153, 160 Flood, R., I 03


force, 125, 127 of gravity, 125

Force, James E., vii, xvi, 99, 100, 121, 122, 145, 195-197,199,202

forces, 124, 127, 128, 131 foreknowledge, xii Fox, John, 51 frame of the world, 134 Francis, Father Alban, 162 Franck, 58 Frankenburg, Adam von, 52 Frazer, John, 164 Friedlander, S., 122 Friedman, Jerome, 99 Froom, E., 50 Fundamentalism, xviii fundamentalists, 209 Funkenstein, Amos, vii, 18, 122 Funkenstein, Amos xi, xii

Gabbey, A., 58, 59, 83 Galileo, 142, 152 Gascoigne, 59 Gasper, L., 211 Gebhardt, Carl, 37,38 general providence, 21, 22, 183, 195 General Scholium, 123, 124, 136, 184 Genesis, xiv, xv, 5, 7, 45, liS, ll9, 182 gentile theology, xi Gerhardt, Carl, 36 Germany, xviii, 8 Gibbon, Edward, 205,210 Gikatilla, Joseph, 91 Gildon, Charles, 154, 164 Gnostic, 95, 98

Aeons, 97 Arche, 96 heresies, xiv, 94 Logos,96 texts, 17

Gnostics, 90, 92, 94-98, 103 heresies, 95

God, xiii, xiv, 123, 125, 127, 129-135, 137, 139, 141, 142, 145

Goff, Jacques le, 200 Gog, 188 golden rule, 16 Goldish, Matt, vii, xiii, xiv Golinski, Jan, 103 Goshen-Gottstein, Moshe, I 8 Grand Mystery, the, 58 Grant, Edward, 145 gravitation, xv, xvi, 140, 202

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gravitational attraction, 124, 126-128, 130, 131, 133, 135-137, 139, 141

gravity, xvi, 127-131, 134, 135, 137, 138, 140, 204

Great Apostacy, 77 Great Britain, xiii Greaves, J., 122 Greece,110 Greek naturalism, 17 Greenslade, S.L., 18 Gregory, David, 124 Grotius, 11, 38, 48, 59, 83 Grunder, K., 19

Ha'Cohen, Issarchar Berman, 91 Hades, 192, 200 Hadrian, 109, 110 Hall, A. Rupert, 20, 124-127, 134, 139, 141-145 Hall, Marie Boas, 20 Hammond, 58, 59 Hardwicke, 206 Harman, P.M., 143, 147 Hartlib, Samuel, 52, 53, 56, 82, 83 Harvard, x Hayter, Richard, 61 Hazard, Paul, 201,210 Hebrew, xvii, 2, 7, 8

Bible, 203 Heimann, Peter M., 147 hell, 179, 189, 192 Helmont, Francis Mercurius van, 20, 84, 91,98 Henry, John, xv, 146, 147 heresy, 116 Hermeneutics, 75 Herrera, Abraham Cohen, 17, 91, !OJ hieroglyphs, 107 High-Church Anglicanism, 59 higher criticism, 17, 43 Hill, Christopher, 8, 18, 19, 51, 85, 86 Histoire Critique du Vieux Testament viii, ix history, xiv, 106, 149, 150 Hitler, Adolf, x Hobbes, Thomas, 5-7,10-19,147 Hobbians, 77 Hodge, M.J.S., 143 Hodges, Walter, 206 Holton, G., 122 Holy Tabernacle, 117 Horne, R.W., 143 Homoousianism, 63 Hooke, 69 hom, Ill, 112, 115 Home, George, 205,206,210 Horsley, S., 121 Hottinger, 20

Hughes.~e. 19 Hurne, 197, 198

Index 217

Hutchinson, John, xvii, 203, 210, 211 Hutin,Serge,89,90,99 Hutton, Sarah, xii, xiii, 19, 51-53 Hyparchus, 97 hyperbola, 138 Hypothesis explaining the Properties of Light, 143

Ide!, Moshe, 101 idolatry, 29, 59, 62, 109 Iliffe, Rob, vii immlinentists, 132 immaterial substances, 137 immortality of the soul, 133 Impartial Censure, 58 impenetrability, 140, 141 impulse, 136, 138 Independency, 60 induction, 131 inertia, 146 inspiration, 27 intellectualist, 135, 146 intentionalis, 137 irenicism, 50 Isaac, xvii, 9, 200 Isaiah, 48, 186 Israel, x, 12 Israel, I., 17 Israel, Menasseh ben, 2, 7, 19 Italy, 8

Jackson, Thomas, 53 Jacob,9,200 Jacob, M.C., 210 Jacob, Margaret, 82, 85 James the Second, 62, 69, 85, 161, 162 James, Peter, 51 Jansenists, 197 Jenkins, Sir Leoline, 53 Jerome, 49 Jerusalem ix, x Jesus Christ, xvii, 9, 14, 16, 36, 58, 92, 109,

113-116, 120, 203 Jesus Christ: Legislator of the Human Race, 14 Jew Bill, 207 Jewich biblical exegesis, xii

apologetics, 2 Jewish National & University Library ix, x, 51 Jewish rite, I 09 Jews, xvii, xviii, 2, 7-9, 13, 14, 26, 40, 45, 114,

120,185,187,208,209 Job,49 John,48,57, 78,106,107,121 Johnson, Samuel, 197,207,211

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Jones, William, 210 Jordanova, L.J ., 210 Josephus, 8, 100 Joshua,4,9, 10,21 Judaism, l Judges, 9 Jurieu, Pierre, 39, 50

Kabbala, 159, 208 Kabbala Denudata, xiv, 91, 92, 95,98 Kabbalah, xii-xiv, 90--95, 97,98 Kabbalah's alchemical symbolism, 98 Kaplan, Joseph, 17 Karlstadt, Andreas von, 4 Kasher, A., 17 Katz, DavidS., xvii, xviii, 17, 122 Kennicott, Benjamin, 205 Kent, Stephen A., 84 Kepler, 145 Keynes, Ms., 68, 85 Keynes, John Maynard, x, 147, 199 Kimchi, 2 King's College Library, ix, x King's College, New York, 207 Kirby, William, 207, 211 Klever, Wim, 18 Knight, 69 Knorr, von Rosenroth, Christian, 39, 40, 50, 60,

91,98 Kochavi, Matania Z., xiii, xiv Kochba, Simon Bar, 109 Koran, 35 Korshin, Paul J., 86 Koyre, Alexander, 124-127, 129, 134, 136, 138,

140--142, 144-146 Kubrin, David C., 145, 196 Kuhn, A.J., 210

Laaren, Daniel van, 39 Lagree, Jacqueline, xii, 19 Lamb of God, 9 Lamont, William, 62, 84 Lang, Bernhard, 199 Laren, Daniel van, 50 last judgement, xvi, 180

of the magi, 142, 147 trumpet, 42

latiduinarian theologians, xv latitudinarianism, 58 law of excluded middle, 133 laws of nature, 21, 131, 197 ~s. 191, 193, 194 learned, the, xv Leibniz, 27, 91, 98, 123, 133, 135, 137, 145, 146,


Leibnizians, 98 Leiden, II Lennon, Thomas M., 83 Leon, Judah, 2 Les Trois lmposteurs, ou l' Esprit de M. Spinosa,

14 Levellers, 5 Leviathan, 5 Levita, Elias, 8 Lewis, W.S., 210 liberty of conscience, 58 Life of Spinoza, I light, 127

metaphysics, 123, 143 Lightfoot, John, 4, 18 Lindberg, D.C., 144 linguistic alchemists, 209 Link-Saligner, Ruth, 99 literal reading, 9 literalism, xvi, xvii, 2, II, 180--182, 193, 198 literalist, 43, 4 7 literal meaning, 46 Locke, John, ix, 27, 69, 78, 81, 85, 89, 156, 157,

163-165 Lockwood, W.A., 82 Longside, 206 Lord God, xvi, xvii, 180, 183-185, 187, 189, 194,

196,197 love of God, 115 Lovejoy, A.O., 146 Lucas, Jean-Maximillien, I Lunteren, F.H. van, 142, 147 Luria, Isaac (Rabbi), 91 Luther, Martin, 4, 199

MacGregor Mathers, S.L., 100, 102 Machiavelli, 14 Magdalen College, 205,206,210 magnetism, 127 Magog, 188 Maimonides, 22, 25-29, 32, 36, 90, 100, 152 Manander, Menander Nicolaus, 94 Mandelbrote, Scott, xiv, xv Manetho, 93 Mansvelt, Regneri ;1, 20 Manuel, Frank E., 51, 85, 91, 98-103, 121, 122,

195-198,201 Marolles, Michel de, 19 Marranos, 1,2 Marx, L.,122 Mary the Second, 161 Masvelt, Renier de, 37 materia prima, 90 mathematical demonstration, 48

instrumentalism, 136

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mathematics, 106 Matheron, Alexandre, 20, 38 matter, xv, xvi, 124, 125, 127-131, 133, 134, 136,

138 Maxwell, 142 McDannell, Colleen, 199 McGuire, J.E., 99, 144-147 McLachlan, Herbert, 121, 196, 199 McMullin, Eman, 126, 127, 135, 143-146 meaning, 29 mechanical philosophers, 141

philosophy, 39, 123, 125, 140 mechanism, 137 mechanistic explanation, 136 Mede, Joseph, xiii, 39-43, 47-49, 51, 52, 55-63,

68, 71,74,80-85,122 mediaeval heretics, 56 Menasseh, 17 Mersenne, 6 Messiah, 113 metals, 110 metaphysics, 17 method, 48, 49 Methodism, 205 methodological, 136, 142 methodology, 136, 146 Metzger, H., 210 Meyer, I.S., 211 Meyer, Lewis xi, xii, 26-30, 32, 34, 36, 37 Meyer, Louis, 9, 19 Midrash, 4 midrashim, 21 Mill, John, 85 millenarian writers, xiii Millenarianism, 113 millenarians, 114 millennialism, xiv, xvii, 180, 184 millennium, 56, 5!W)(), 185, 188, 200 Miller, Perry, 129, 138, 139, 146 Milton, John, 179, 181, 195, 197 minimal creed, 35 miracle, 199,202 mobility, 140, 141 Modes Enquiry into the Mystery of Iniquity, 59 Mohammed, 14,34,35 monasticism, xiv, 112, 113 Monmouth, Duke of, 69 Montalto, Elijah de, 18 moral law, 14, 15

meaning, 31 Mordaunt, Charles, 165 More, Henry, xi-xiii, 12, 56-58, 62, 63, 75, 76,

89-91,98,99,122,145,156 More, L.T., 85 More, Richard, 50

Index 219

Moreau, Pierre-Fran~ois, 19, 20, 38 Mortem (chief rabbi), 2, 18 Moses, viii, xi, xii, 2-6, 8, 10-12, 14, 15, 18, 20,

21, 31, 77, 79, 92, 93, 117, 119, 120, 154, 156-159, 162

Moslems, 14 motion, 125 Mullinger, J.B., 82 Munster, 20 Murrin, M., 82 mystery of iniquity, 95 mystical heresies, xiv

natural laws, 183 light, 13, 28, 34 philosophy, xvi, xvii, 116, 117 religion, 35 science, 105, 117, 119

naturalizing of the text, xii nature, viii, xii-xiv, 108, 116, 132 Nay1and, William Jones of, 206 Nazarenes, 94 neo-Academics, 26 Neo-Platonists, xiv, 92 Neoplatonic, 95, 101

influences, 90 Nestorians, 78 Netherlands, the, xviii, 6, 14 Nettesheim, Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von, 100,

101 Neve, M., 210 new Jerusalem, 185, 187, 188

religion, 112, 115 science, xv

New Theory of the Earth, xv Newton's unpublished theological manuscripts, ix Newton, Humphrey, 85 Newtonian style, 136, 142, 146, 14 7 Niagara Bible Conference, 209 Nicol, Alexander, 207,211 Nicolson, M.H., 83, 84, 86 Nicolson, William, 155 Noachide laws, 12 Noah,9, 12,92,159 Nobody's Friends, 206 Noel, Thomas, 86 non-jurors, 149, 154, 164, 206 Numbers, R.L., 144

Oakley, Francis, 144-146, 197 obedience, 33 Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel and

the apocalypse of St. John, ix occult qualities, 135

side, 143

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traditions, 141 occultism, 142 Of 1M Clwrch, 92, 98 Old Testament, 4, 8 Oldenburg, Henry, 14, 15, 19, 20, 12 On the Vegetation of Metals, 143

Onias, 92 Optics, 127, 130, 135, 137 ordinary power, 133 Oriel College, 206 Origins of Gentile Theory, 11 orthodoxy, 13 Osborn, J.M., 210 Osiris, 108 Osler, Margaret I., 145 Ostens, Jacob, 27, 37 Overton, Richard, 179 Oxford, 7, 14,205-207, 210

Movement, 206

Pantokrator, 132 parabola, 138 Paradoxical Questions concerning the morals &

actions of Athanasius and his followers, xvii

Paris,6 Parker, Samuel, 58, 83 Pascal, 197 Patrick, Simon, 4, 18 Patrides, C.A., 51, 82 Penn, William, 20 Pentateuch, xi, 2, 4, 5, 9, 10, 21, 22, 106

Persia, 110 Peyrere, Isaac la, 5-7, 10, 11, 16, 19

Pharisees, 3, 16, 92 Philo Judaeus, 100 Philo of Alexandria, 101

Philosophia S. Scripturae lnterpres, 28 philosophical dualists, 145

poems,44 planets, 138, 140 Plato, 92-94 Platonic, 98 Platonists, 90, 96, 98 Platonists' Psyche, 96 Politics, 75 polytheism, 11 Pope, Alexander, 206 Popham, Andrew, 161 Popkin, Richard H., vii, 36, 51, 90, 100, 121, 145,

195-199,202 popularization, xv Porter, R., 146, 210 Portuguese Jewish Synagogue, 1

potentia absoluta, 133, 145

ordinata, 133, 145 power, 129-135

of attraction, 138 ofreason,26

powers, 124, 127 Prado, Juan de, 2, 7, 18 Prae-Adamitae, 6, 7 predestinarian Calvinists, 50 Presbyterianism, 60 priests, 117 prime matter, 90 Princeton, x Principia, 124

Mathematica, 81, 89, 123, 125, 136, 137, 139,

141, 142, 184 Mosaica, xvii

probatio duplex, 197 Proietti, 38 Polish Brethren, the, 19 prophecy, xii-xiv, 4, 39-51,63,76-79, 85, 90,


prophet, xiv, 35 prophetic history, 183

language, xiii Prophetical Exposition of the Epistles to the Seven

Clwrches, 60 prophets, 12, 13, 16,34, 106,107

Providence, 40, 78, 79, 85, 133, 197, 199, 202

providential history, 12 Prussia, 201 Psychopannychism, 179, 192, 193

Psychopannychist, 180, 190, 194 school, xvi

Psychopannychistic, 199 Ptolemy, 97 Purgatory, 59,193,199,200 Puritan Revolution, xiii, 5

Pusey, E. B., 211 Pyrrhonians, 26 Pythagoras, 92, 195 Pythagoric, 98

Quakerism, 60 Quakers, 3, 7-9, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 27

qualities, 135 Queen Christina, 6

Marie de Medici, 18 Mary, 165

Query 29, 31, 127, 128, 135, 137

R~vah, J.S., 18 rabbis, l, 2 Radcliffe, 205 Rainolds, 59 Ram and the Goat, the, 110

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Randall, John Herman, I95 Ranters, 5 Raphson, Joseph, 83 Rashi, xi, 2 rational reading, 9

religion, I9 Rationalists, 45 Rattansi, Pi yo M., I 03, I43 Ravius, Christian, 8 Reason, 32, 34 redemption, 116 Reedy, Gerard, 20 Reformation,40,56,209 Reimarus, 23 Relics, 59 religio catholica, 35 republican sectarianism, 40 repulsive forces, I23, 135 Restoration, xiii Resurrection, 15,179,180,182, 192-I94,200 Revelation, x, xii, xiii, 39-41, 43, 46-48, 50,

55-57,61,62,68, 73,80,109 synchronic interpretation of, 41

Ribera, Daniel, 2, 7 Richardson, John, 4, 18 Rivet, Andre, 6 Robins, John, 153, 154 Rome, 9,110 Rooke, B.E., 211 Royal Society, 69, 72, 136, 146, 147 Rustic's Alarm to the Rabbies, the, 8 Ruth, 9

sabbath, 159, 160 saints, xiv, 112, 113, 200 Salisbury, R.H. of, 61 Salomon, H.P., 17 Salvation, 28, 34 Samuel, 4, 9 Sancroft, 58 Sanctuary, Ill, 117 Sand, Christopher, 19 Sandeen, E.R., 21I Santa Maria, Pablo de, 4, 18 Sarug, Israel (Rabbi), 91 Saumaise, Claude, 6 Scaliger, 20 Scandinavia, 6 sceptical, 141 sceptics,25-28,37 Schaffer, Simon, 147 Scheurer, P.B., 121, 144, 145, 147 schizophrenia, 32 Schmidt-Biggeman, W., 19 Schneider, C., 211

Schneider, H., 211 Schofield, Robert E., 147 Scholem, Gershom, 101 scientific laws, xvii Scolnikoff, E., 122 Scopes, John T., 209 Scotland, xvii, 206 Scrimshire, William, 84 scriptural hermeneutics, 58

Index 221

Scripture, vii, viii, ix, xi, xii, xiv-xvii, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11-13, 16,23,25-29,3I-34,36,43, 46-50,79-82,107,119,150-163,202, 208,209

coherence of, 5 scrutiny of, 4

seas, 119 Sebba, Helen, 36 Seeker, Archbishop, 207 Second Coming of Jesus, xiii, xiv, 20, 40, 105,

114, 116, 120 secondary causes, 133 secularization, 20 I Seekers, 5 Selden, 20 sense of chosenness, xiv, 105, 119, 120 Sensorium, 132

Dei, 89 Sergeant, John, 156 Sermon on the Mount, 15 Serrarius, Peter, 15 Seven Churches of Asia, 42 seventh vial, 42 Sewall, Samuel, 84 Sextus Empiricus, 25, 37 shadows, 144 Shaftesbury, 69 Shaltiel, 114 Shapin, Steven, 146, 147 Shapira, Nathan (Rabbi), 15, 20 Shapiro, A., 85, 147 Sharp,John,40,41,69,86 Sherlock, William, 153, 154 Shirley, S., 18 Shortland, M., 103 signification, 48, I 06 Simeon Justus, 92 simile, 107 Simon, 94 Simon, Richard, xii, 17, 20,21 Simon, Richard viii .. ix Sirin, Ahmad Ibn, 43, 47 sixth trumpet, 42 skepticism, 4 Skinner, John, 206, 207, 211 Socinian, 9, 15, 16, 20, 27, 153, 164

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222 Index

Socinianism, 59 Socinus, Faustus, 9 Solomon, 31, 117 Somerset, duke of, 203 soul, xvi, xvii, 22, 34, 62, 179, 182, 188, 192 South, 153 Southwell, Sir Robert, second duke of Ormonde,

161 space, xiii Spain, 6 Spaniard, Isaak the, 21 Spearman,Robert,204,205,210,211 special providence, 21, 22, 183 Spence,Joseph,210 Spencer, 58, 158 Spinoza et /'interpretation de l'Ecriture, 25 Spinozians, 77 spirit, 124, 127, 131 spiritual rays, 137 St. Athanasius, 181 St. Augustine, xv St. Augustine of Hippo, ISO St. John, 42 St. Louis, 209 St. Paul, 32, 186,200 St. Peter, 114 St. Thomas Aquinas, 152 state of nature, 14 Stein, Stephen J., 86 Stephen, Leslie, 205, 210 Stevens, William, 206 Stillingfleet, Edward, 20, 58, 152, 156, 161 Stoic pneuma, 132 Stoics, 37 Stopford Catcott, Alexander, 206 Strauss, Leo, 19 Strong, Edward W., 195 substance, 137 subversive Presbytery, 61 sun, 138, 140 superadded, 131, 133, 141

to matter, 129 Sweden, 6 Switzerland, 6 symbol, xiv, 106, 107 symbolism, xiii Synagogue,3 synchronic arrangement of the prophecies, 39

scheme, xiii, 42 synchronisation, 63, 71, 73 synchronism, 56, 74

Talrnud,2,92,209 Taylor, Edward, 84 Teich, M., 146

Telluris Theoria Sacra, xv Temple, 114

of Solomon, 102 Ten Commandments, 13 Terence, 32, 38 Thackray, Arnold, 147 Thackray, Y., 84 Thayer, H.S., 195 theocracy, 14 Theodosius, 56 theology, 135 Third Rule of Reasoning, 140 third way, xvii, 182 Thnetopsychisrn, 179 Thnetopsychite, 190, 192, 198 Thomson, 142 three rules of philosophizing, 14 2 TJ.IIotson, 161, 164, 165 Tillotson, John, 155, 160 Tipler, Frank J., 194 Toland, 156 Toland, John, 164 Torah, 117 Tractarians, 206 Tractatus, xii Tractatus Theologica-politicus, vii-viii, 1-3, 21,

25,29,32 transcendental, 132 transcendentalist theology, 145 Treatise on the Emendation of the Intellect, 33 Trengove, Leonard, 197 Trevor-Roper, H.R., 50, 52 Trinitarianism, xiv, 63 Trinity, ix, 3, 9, 53, 112, 113, 116, 181

Trumbull, Sir William, 153, 154, 165 Truth, the, 209 Turbull, G.H., 82 Turnbull, H.W., 122, 144-146 Twisse, William, 39, 43, 50, 53 Tyndale, William, 199 types, 106

U .C.L.A. Center for 17th- and 18th-Century Studies, vii

Unitarians, 9 universal gravity, 125

language, I 06 religion, 35, 36

universality, 35 University College, 206 Urreligion, 12

Valentinus, 94, 95 VanderMolen, Ronald J., 197 Vanini, 164

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"aughan,John, 155 "e1thuysen, 26, 28, 35 "espasian, 114 \fickers, Brian, 103, 147 vUtue, 124, 128, 129, 135, 141 "is inertiae, 131 vis insita, 146 \fisionum apocalypticarum ratio synchronisticis,

60 void, 128 "oltaire, 195, 201 voluntarism, xvi, xvii, 136, 146, 184, 190 voluntarist, 130, 183

theology, 135, 138, 141 vortex, 129 "ossius, Gerard, 11 "ossius, Isaac, 6 "oyages of Discovery, 7 vulgar, the, xv

Wagenseil, 91 Walker, W., 211 Walpole, Horace, 205, 210 Ward, Richard, 57, 58,83 Warren, Erasmus, 153 Watson, George, 206 Webster, Charles, 82 Wells, Gabriel, x Werblowsky, R.J.Z., 101 Westfall, Richard S. x, xi, 51, 53, 85, 86, 90, 99,

100, 103, 121, 122, 127, 131-133, 143-145, 147, 196, 197, 199

Westminster Confession, 5, 8, 18 Whalley, G., 211 Whigs, 69, 182 Whiston, William, xvi, 39, 51, 84, 85, 87, 100,

121, 122, 179, 181, 182, 188, 189, 196, 198, 199

Widdrington, 58 Wilde, C.B., 210 Willdns, 50

Index 223

William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, vii, xvii

William the Third, 149, 153, 154, 161, 162, 165

Williams, George H., 19 Williams, R., 82 Wilson,69 Wilson, Curtis, 147 Wilson, R., 103 wisdom,116 WISSOWaty, 27, 38 Wiszowaty, Andrew, 9, 19 Wittmeyer Baron, Salo, 99 Wittreich, Joseph, 51, 82 Wolf,A.,37 Wolfson, Harry Austryn, 101 Wood,D.,210 Woodward, John, 149, 150, 153, 155, 203 Woolsthorpe, 69 WordofGod,5,6,8-10,12,16 world natural, 49

politique,49 Worthington,John,40,42,50,57,59,83

Yahuda collection, ix AbrahamS.,x

Yale, x, 207 Yardeni, Miriam, 122 Yochai, Simon bar (Rabbi), 92 Yosha, Nissim, 101

Zac, Sylvain, 18, 19, 25, 26, 36,38 Zerubabel, 114 Zohar, xiv

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