
t rn/r*r»|fjr of




The following rules were an I

nounced today for the 7th an-

nual Home Show Rake Content

to be held at Memorial Gym,j

May 2-3.

Eligibility all bonefide resi

dents of Perry. Rreiathitt. Letch

er, Knott, and Leslie Counties-

who are 15 years of age or overand who are not professional

cooks, bakers, or Home Econo-mists arc eligible to enter.

To en'er. you make a ehoeo-


late cake of any size or shapewith icing or decorations of

your choosing, and bring it on,

a paper plate or cardboard toj

the Home Show at MemorialGymnasium on Friday, May 2nd


between the hours of 2:00 and4:00 p. m., at which time the

cake will be assigned a numher

These cakes will be judgedby a group • of professional

Home Economists on the following basis: appearance, eating

quality, and texture of bothcake and icing to determine ten


Ten Finalists

These ten finalists shall be

announced at the Home ShowFriday night They will thenbake a cake in the gymnasiumSaturday, at 1:00 p m This cikealso must be a Chocolate cake

However, each contestant maychoose the size, shape. firing,

and decorations, if any. Pre-

pared cake mixes cannot be

used in the baking of this cake

on Saturday afternoon.

Visitors to the Home Showwill not be allowed on the gymfloor while the contestants are

baking their cakeEach of these ten finalists will

be responsible for furnishing

any ingredients or ^equipment

Miss Barbara Walken- was elec-

ted president of Alpha Omicron

chapter of Kappa Pi National

Honorary Art Fraternity for the

coming year, at a supper meet-

ing at the home of the sponsor,

Mrs. Orlin R. Corey.

Barbara, a junior from Haz-

ard, has served as the club sec-

retary for the past year. She

is also a member of Beta Beta

Beta Honorary Biological Fra-

ternity and the Ma:-krafters

drama club.

Her majors are art and biol-

ogy. She is the daughter of

Mr and Mrs. Bruce Walker,

417 Poplar Street.'

Posed for a Den picture are the Cub Scouts of Den 3, with Mrs. A. P. Gul-

lett, Den Mother, not shown. From left, they are Jimmy Caudill, Mike Spare,

Bill Gorman, Jim Gullett, Kenny Greene Bill Alcorn and Charles Baker.

—Hal Cooner Photo.

8th home ShowFriday - Saturday

Local Church

;Io Canvas Town

For Membership

Cub Scouts of Den 6 pet off to a fast start in a box race held recently dur-

ing a Pack meeting here. From left, Larry Dixon, watching on, Billy O'Donnell,

C. V. Cooper HI, and Paul Baker Jr. Den Mother, not shown, is Mrs. Charles

Metcalf. —Hal Cooner Photo.

Churches of the Methodist

Barbourville District will con-

duct an every member canvas

in May according to the Rev.

Dr. R F. Ockerman of Middles-


boro, district superintendent

The district includes all church-

les in and around Hazard.

Laymen in two-man teamsI will call at the homes of fellow

Methodists to describe the

church program for the 1958-59

year Each member will be ask-

ed to assume a greater respon-

sibility in church affairs, such

as: becoming a youth worker,

teacher, or commission mem-



Members will also be asked

to make a financial commitment!to their church’s budget for the

new year Mr. J Vernon Ter-

! r ell. Barbourville District Lay


Leader and his six Associates

K W Gibson, and Z. ColemanDaniels, for the Hazard Area,

i are directors of this presenta-

! tion of the Church and its

ministry and asks for the coop-

'eration in this Stewardship of

the total personality effort.

The condition of Truman Engle, shot last week while

fleeing across the L. & N. bridge here following a jail-

break, remained “serious” at the Mt. Mary Hospital


Engle w%- operated on early Thursday morning.

Still at large are the six offo„owed EnKte w-8 shol in the

seven men who broke jail late kldn€yi McIntosh was hit in the

Wednesday night. Sheriff Paul foot.

Amis reported this morning McIntosh made his escape in-

They are Eugeni- Spencer, to the Hazard Yards, but turned

Duane, oharged with manstaugh himself in an hour later,

ter, CleU Miller, Floyd County, The jail break was the fourth

armed robbery, John Combs this year at the Perry CountyLetcher County, grand. Doug Jail—a building that has been

las Gilbert, Danville, grand lar- the critical object of the grand

ceny, Marcus Stacy Jr.,, and jury here for the past two years

needed U' them, and not in

eluded in the following list1

which the Home Show Commit-tee will fUrnisli to all contest-

ants. This list is:

Commercial cake flour, plain

flour, vegetable shortening

margarine granulated sugar,

powdered sugar, sweet milk

butter milk, eggs, unsweetened

chocolate, cocoa, vanilla extract,

salt, electric mixer with two

mixing bowls, rack on which toi

cool cakes.

Each of the ten finalists will

be required to furnish a legi

ble handwritten or typewritten

recipe of the cake they have

baked This recipe will be plac-

ed by the finished cake for con

sideration of the judges. Therecipe must not carry the con-

testant's name.


These ten final entrys will

be judged immediately after the

baking is completed and a grand

prize winner Arill be announced

at the Home Show on Saturday


The grand prize winner will

receive a new electric range,

retail value of approximately

$300 Each df the remaining

nine contestants will be award-

ed a prize.

All cakes entered in the con-

test and those baked at the

Home Show will become the

property of the Home ShowCommittee and cannot be re-


Prominent Teacher

Is Called By Death

John C. Morris of Dunraven

died at the age of 68. He was

a native of Perry County and

was a school teacher for 46


Curtis Combs, 58 years old

was killed in a mine accident.

April 24 at 10 30 p. m He wasj

a member of the Masonic LodgeJ

of Vicco.

Mr. Combs is survived by two I

sons. S. B. Combs, Ancy, Ohio;

Vernon Combs, U. S. Army; one

daughter, Mrs. Bethel Leister.

Leatherwood; four brothers and

one sister.

Funeral was at the Clear

Creek Regular Baptist Church

ion April 27, with Rev. Burley

Combs, Rev. Frank Fugate, and

Steve Pratt, officiating.

Burial took place in the

Ritchie Cemetery on Clear

I Creek with the Engle Funeral

iHome in charge.

Lucy Morris; one son,' Hassel

Morris, Austin, Lnd.; one broth-

er, Irvin Morris. Yerkes.

Funeral was April 24 at 10

a. m., at his home In Dunraven

Buria lwas in the Green Camp-bell Cemetery at Dunraven, the

Engle Funeral Home having

Icharge of the last rites.

Gibson Elected To

National OfficeR W Gibson, president of

Mountain Wholesale Co., has

been elected vice-president and

chairman of the Executive Com-mittee of the United States

Wholesale Grocers’ Association.


Gibson was elected at the or-

ganization's annual meeting.

April 22, during the Wholesale

Grocers' annual convention and

exposition, in St. Louis, Mo.

Gibson, who has been presi-

dent of the local firm for sev-

eral years, is also vice-president

of the Hazard Lions Club and a

member of the board of direc-

tors of the Hazard Golf Club

United Stites Wholesale Uro

cers Association, Washington,

D. C., comprises grocers whoserve about 150,000 independent

grocery stores and super mar-

kets, restaurants and institu-

tions in 42 states, Alaska, Ha-

waii and Canada.

These cakes will be

sold at the Home Show by the

Little League and proceeds from

the. contest will go towards the

expenses of the Little League

program for the year 1958

The decision of the judges

will be final.

Local Citizens

Attend Alumni

Banquet at OneidaAmong Perry Countians at-

tending the Alumni Banquet at

Oneida, Ky . Friday, were Mr

land Mrs. E. W

Concert Series

The Virginia Orchestra will be presantad at the

high school auditorium at 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday,

April 30 by tha Hazard Community Concert -Associa-

te n. The orchestral concert will be the finel attrac-

tion of tho 1957-58 sorios presented by the local

association.Tw i Hazard Vocalists

Richmond, Ky., April 24 (Special)—Tho Eastorn Kentucky State College

choir composed of 95 voicos will prosont concerts in Northern Kentucky on

April 30 and May 1. Tha choir will bo under the direction of Profeasor James

E. Van Peursem. head of tho Departmont of Music at Eastorn.

Tho choir will mako tha following appearancoa on Wadnosday, April 30:

Lloyd High School, Erlangar at 10:30 a. m.; Dixio Haights High School at 1:00

p. m.; and Boochwood High School at 2:30 p. m. They will spend the night at

the Gibson Hotol in Cincinnati.

On Thursday, May 1, tho choir will give concerts at the following schools:

Highlands High School at Ft. Thomas, 8:20 a. m.; Baiievuo High School, 10:45

a. m.; and Nowport High School, 1:30 p. m.

The choir will prosent • program of choral music, including an arranga-

ment of sacred and secular aectiona.

Jamea Hacker and Mercia Wood, bath of Hazard, ara members of the


Hacker. Mrs

Clara Combs, Mr. and Mrs W.PNolan and Mrs George Evans,

all of HazardA large number of alumni

from far and near were present

representing classes from 1908

till 1958 Strangely enough, all

the members of the original

class of 1908 were present They

are J Matt Hensley. Perry Dav-

idson, C. W Craft, Woodson S

Runts and Dr Paul Hounohell

They had charge of the gradu

sting services on Friday night

Tha 24-piece orchestra, haadad by directar-coo-

ducior William Hackar, will ba tha first symphonyorchestra prasantad by tha Hazard association dur-

ing its 18-yaar history.The house-to-house drive of

tho American Red Cross will

be held Wednesday night at

7 p.m., Drive Chairman Julius

Lasslo announced today

In charge of the home drive

will be Mrs C A Zooller* She

will be assisted by a corps of

volunteers who will work var-

ious street* in the city, Lasslo


Mr, Hackor, a protsga of Josa Iturbi, first con-

ducted a symphony orchestra at tha age of sixteen

whan Iturbi handed him tha baton beforo tho

"Orqueste Iturbi of Moxico." Since that eventful

beginning. Mr. Hackar has established an enviable

reputation as both a conductor and piano soloist.

Ho has guest conducted a number of tho nalionR

loading symphony orchoatras.

Mr. William Hackar



THE HAZARD HERALD — HAZARD, KENTUCk.* Monday, April 31, 1931

SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF1584 Collins Hobby Rt 1, Hazard - 10 80 1 277« Dunn. Bill Jeff 8 18 4456 Johnaon, I,ula Rt 2 Hazard — 887

DFIINOIIFNT TAYF^ 16,8 Colll,,,• L*wU Rt 1. Hazard 822 2781 Dunn. Roy L. Kodak R IR 1480 Johnaon, Vernle ._ Rt 1 Hazard 1887****' tl* lioborl Hoi k 8 00

' B 4487 Johnaon, Zola Kt I llaaard S.37BY VIRTUE OF LEVY MADE BY REASON 08 1957 DELIN 1637 Collin*. Stove Rt 1 Hazard 10 80 2803 Kblm Coal Co Hazard 5*7 cm 4497 Jones Agene Rowdy - 0 50

QUENT TAXES, I WILL EXPOSE TO PUBLIC SALE YOUR TAX IBM ColttRa H I LRiir 15188 2806 Eddington. Carl Viper ^“

13 70 4499 Jones! Ashford Hulan IB.NCLAIM WHICH IS A LIEN ON YOUR REAL PROPERTY FOR 1651 Colwell, Brady Yerkes 8 22 2807 Eddington, Corbett Viper 14 10 1517 Jones Clifton Scuddy - 28 86CASH, AT THE FRONT DOOR OF THE COURTHOUSE IN HAZ 1854 Colwell. Caaale Krypton 537 2800 Edwards, Charles Eat Dw.irf K H r, 4525 Jones Klij.-h Combs 1981ARD, KENTUCKY, PERRY COUNTY, ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1855 Colwell. Chester Busy 8 64 2809 Edwards, Earl Vlcco g.g i, (t Jones Henry Vipei 5J730, AS WILL BE NECESSARY AND SUFFICIENT TO SATISFY 1684 Colwell. Enoch Yerkes 8 41 2812 Edwards. J ( Mfl Dwarf

, ,r,

,4534 jones Harold Dice MM

THE TAXES, PENALTY AND OTHER COSTS OWING BY THE 1877 Colwell. Hershell Bonny^m 44 86 2819 Elam, Roacoe Bonnyman III'r

11*18 4530 Jones Jack Dice 1151FOLLOWING NAMED TAXPAYERS:

11690 Colwell. Matilda. -Darfork 8.44 2886 Embry. Dahl 1411 Shinga, I^uisville. Ky.

*'537 4540 Jones! James All.I. j§87

1525..Clemons. Bill Bonnyman 18 86 2667 Deaton. Taylor Napfor y 10 80 4382 Jakes Fork Coal Co. .. Bulan —1548 Cochran. Oregn Bulan 10 80 2675 DeHart, Millie .. Butterfly 5 37 4.196 .lent, F. H Bat Vlcco1558 Cody, John Eat. Farler 12 32 2888 Dillon, Isom „ Farler 8.44 4398 Jent, Harlan — Vlcco1573 Coleman, Oscar Happy 8 19 1 2730 Draughn, Ruth H City 7.99 4444 Johnson, Herman Jeff1574 Callte, Maudy Allais _ 10 48 2732 Duff, Aaron _ A1584 Collins, Bobby Rt 1, Hazard 10 80 1 2776 Dunn, Bill — Jeff

10 80 4382 Jakes Fork Coal Co Bulan 199,1

5 37 4.196 Jent. E H Eat Vlcco 537

8 44 4398 Jent, Harlan - Vlcco 1961

7.99 4444 Johnson, Herman Jeff

10 87 4447 Johnson. James Vicco 837

8.18 4456 Johnaon, Lula ._ Rt 2 Hazard 837

8 18 4480 Johnson, Vernie Rt 1 Hazard 16 87

1 4487 Johnaon, Zola Rt 1 Hazard 5.37

1698 Colwell, Raymond ..Yerkes 8.18 2843 Engle, Bev 5 37 -*547 Jones, John D & Ethel Dwarf .. 537PAUL AMIS, Sheriff of Perry County, Ky. 1699 Colwell, Rebecca Combs 18 47 2846 Engle, B. M. .. Dwarf ggO 4549 Jones John L Engle

REAL ESTATE DELINQUENT TAX BILLS 1720 Combs, Audy , Allais 5 57 2860 Engle, Eunice _. Combs C 5 37 1554 Jones! Ligo Brown* Fork III


1 727.. Combs, Arnold C.. Combs 16 04 2872 Engle, John __ Darfork 13 42 4571 Jones. Mrs Otis Hazard1732 Combs, Ashford Bulan 18 27 2886 Engle, Raleigh __ Busy in no 4581 Jones R B Scuddv

~24 37

lB-Abner, Susie Abner, Bowl.ngtown 14.13 1747 Combs, Bill Wentz 8 18 2887 Engle, Rhode _. Bulan IIIIII..I lo61 4582 Jones! Rebecca'. Browns Fork „ „14—Abner, Susie—Bowlingtown 24 60 5753 Combs, Bob and Stella Allais 8 18 2890 Engle, Silas ._ Engle U 25 K

^rthur^Jlo™*wr 18 1754 Combs. Borvey Hazard 5 37 2923 Evans. Nell .. Busy I IIIII I 5 37 4629 Keith, Daley __ Hazard 111535—Adams, Henry Btc.—Viper 9 79 1759 Combs, Brownloe and Sarah Rt. 1, Hazard 17.36 2924 Everage, Everett Butterfly 537 4832 Keith, florton .. Hazard 5 .3743 - Adams. John Blue Diamond

£> 1784 Combs, Budgie.. Combs 16 75 2932 Eversole, Adam — Butterfly 10 80 4638 Kelly Laura Ary 5.6065—Adams, Virgil—Viper 1767. Combs, Mrs Byrd Glomawr 10 81 2944 Eversole, Buster .. Typo _IH 8 18 4641 Kellv Rachael Rt 1 u.V.~< ...86 Akers, Virgil—Scuddy ^ 42 m9 combs. Calloway Darfork 7 99 2967 Eversole. Farmer _ Rt. 1, Hazard II 10 80 4651. Kilbum Asberrv Farle-105—Allen, Crit and Mrs -Napfor

11 1773 Co™1**. Carson Est Rt 1, Hazard 8 44 2978 Eversole, Mrs. Isaac, Rt 1 Hazard 6 41 4854 Kilbum Carter Jr Wootoo tom132-^Uen. Woodrow-Rowdy . 10 8o| 1777 Combs. Charlie Rt. 1. Hazard 18 85 3016 Eversole. Victoria _. Deputy, ImTl-IIIII toll 4856 kZ' ^ Vlwr^

J2,40—Amburgey, Cinda—Viper 20.26

j 799 Combs, Cleve Boat 14 03 F ~4657. Kilbum Ed Vin*r



.!y: pe™ i^~vlPer ! 81 5-Combs, Dewey. Allais 55 04 3046 Farler, Jake _ Bulan 1.3 2.3 4650 Kilburn Flovd F.*T r*rw sat

171-Armt. Mtnda^lomnrr ,819 Combs. Dishmsn Happy 10 B0 31174 Farris. Krnnolh .. Glomawr ~537 4005 Kilburn TVoman .. Vipor 337

i£“J2£ Wall., 867 !Sl SZ^JZ*** *2 5“ £!!??• Z* - B“'*n - *4,7. Kilbum Walter .. Bright Suck I_I “I 1.73

282 Baker, Dewey..Yerkes285 Baker. E. J.—Rt. 1, Hazard

292 Baker, Farmer Bonnyman294 Baker, Farris . Yerkes

305 Bator, Grant Yerkes

31.75^ ^er, Walter Fusoniaffn

1828 Combs. Earl Happy 16 04.3083 Feltner! Arliss Glomawr HIIIIIIIIH 10 ho 4679" King John BonnvmU'n**'

,? 7‘,

212. Avery, Mann Kodak 8.18, 030 Combs E c Est Jeff 5 60 3087.. Feltner, Buck _. Bonnyman "H JJJJIl

^ 8175

„ . _ ... 1834 Combs, Edith Ellen Grove, W. Va. 7.99 3098 Feltner. Eliza B. _. Busy « 37 4702 Landrum Carl Krvnton tanaSl^ IS 1836 0011,58 Elbort AUa“ 8 18 3105 Feltner, George.. Walkertown 1111111111 B" 4705 Lane. Glenn . Jeff^

S?Tn.™i Bill 1839 Combl EUza KaPPy 1830 3124 Feltn«r, Mose Jr. .. Busy 5 37 4707 Lane. Rand Lee - Jeff . _ ill!

tit*1840 Combs E1“a Esi Krypton 5 62 3125 Feltner, Polly & C. .. Busy 11 29 4740..Isewel!en, Lee .. Rt 1 Hazart" _ _ lam282 ?*ker - "I li no1844 Combs, Elvira Engle 18 62 3149 Fields, Arnold Napfor seo 4743 I^ewts Bessie Wavland Kv^ S*J

er K J- Rt. L Hazard 1102 m7 combs, Enoch Rt 2. Hazard 5.37 3154 Fields. Bessie .. Farler " 799 4747 !>ewis Boyd 'Linefork

’ ^of? Sffer-

Farmer Bonnyman 53 1848 Combs. Enoch Viper . 5.37 3158 Fields, Brown ... Napfor 550 4751 -Lewis. Chrisley Rt 1 Box 42 Hizard8 4?

1854 C°mb8 ’^ 619 W 915 St ’ 0- - 5 80 3159 Brown .. Napfor HHH 5 60 4755 I^ewis. Cordelia II c-o NoS and MaS^MiUer305 Baker, Grant. Yerkes 8 1855 Combs, Ethel May and Jim.. Bulan 6 04 3159 Fields. Bud __ Bonnyman 537 w.ik^svi!3 !® Baker. James Butterfly 9

1859. Combs Ezra Rt. 2, Hazard 16 04 3168 Fields, Cledith 3454 4th St., Detroit 1, Mich _I"

7 99 4764 Lewis. Fanner Vioer

r?o SiLs


n5 37

1862 Combs ' Kloyd.. Comettsville 8.18 3181. Fields, Farmer .. 839 Park Ave., Indianapolis, ind.. 5.37 4780 Lewis, Mae _ Butterfly

m JSS iSSS: ZTZv* 'M—-

““SSt STm

- • «>• «*» w. m ™,.^ *»:— ""

™ ?“ >»“ Comb«. Gran Rt, 2. Ha«ar0 16 88 3184 FW0»! Homer. .. Nap°or ’sm 4826 lo>w», Ben .. Haattl0*lUM' 0,“ 882

S.7-SK: SSS., —3---~

.?:!»];£-a SSjSS XXtSZi = '"“m

4857 S4.U. .T co-b. SSf


ELaT v^J53, Rt *^

“Ilimill 25 1988 3220 «•!*: ^ -ZUZZIZHI J? 4867, D«Uel . Rt. 1 Hazard

329 Baker, Lewis. .Hazard 5.37

333 Baker, Margaret Rt. 1, Hazard 7.99

334 Baker. Martha. Yerkee 5.60

335 Baker. Mary Busy 5.37

336 Baker, Mary 295 Ribert St, Cincinnati, Ohio 7.99

347. Baker, Me 1<1a Bonnyman 5.37

340 Baker, Melvin. Combs 8.18

350 Baker, Naomi Box 253. Rt. 1, Hazard 15.87

357 Baker, Pearl Yerkes 04

360 Baker, Ralph. Bonnyman 5 37

376 Baker. Willie Avawam 8.22

381 Baker, W. G.. Combs 16.04

387 Banks, Alvin. .Combs 10.61

389 Banks, Burgess Bonnyman — 8.18

8.4lrBW wwus, rvewion _. Jeff n M10.80 jr5

857 Stella Combs jg 97

10 75 4887 M«88*rd, Daniel .. Rt. 1 Hazard 44 as. .4 1)07 If > . “ “ - - - -1913-Combs, Ira Allais 5.37 3232. Fields. T. J. .. Viper T14 77 4887 Majority, Frank Whitesbure VE

1910. Combs, Ira Est._ Jeff 10 61 3234 Fields, Tug .. Rt. 1 Hazard ull !

4889 Manda. Stella Bowhn^* I”1919.. Combs, Irene. BuUn 10.83 3236 .Fields, VirgU Bonnyman III J 67 4903 Mareum, Ijnza


1924. Combs, Jack Kodak 18 55,3239 Fields, William J. . Rt 1 Hazard~

s ,8 4924 Massey. Florence Honnyman1953— Combs, J. H. Scuddy 7.99 3264 Fraley, AlLadean Darfork 26 51 4950 Wears, E J. .3867 Red Ave Ixirain O1959 Combs. John R- Rt. 1, Hazard 15.02 3267 Fraley. William ._ Allais


“-JJ 4970 Meswr Bm ^0Ked Ave Loraln

* 0B«k..

oJ37o ,

1980-Combs, Kendrick..Combs 10.80 SnllKS. aSS” SZ.“II ™ \2& ^r CMe Tcco!!! oU Sl^985--Comb*’ Uuzelle Happy 8 44 3301 Fugate, Billy Est. .. Engle 1111111111111’ h 44 *985 Milam, Farris II Busy . IVl*li


^ Bowimgtown 229(

8 1988-Combs, Lee. Rt. 1, Hazard 5.37 3342 Fugate, Henry „ Ary. Ky _ _ r 5304 Miller. C. J. Rt 1 Hazard ,? «'

SIU7 W 1991-Combs, Lee and Georgia. .Combs 11.07 3355 Fugate, Jess ._ Rt 1 Hazard 8 18

*'017- Miller, Est ..Emily) Rt ^Hazard i??112 L JS 2001„Combs. Lige Happy 5.37 3.364 Fugate. Joshua - Bonnyman I I 48 69 5020 Miller. Floyd .. Vicco

® S486 Begley, Clarence. Gays Creek 14,83 2015..Combs, Manuel.. Allais 15.02 3370 Fugate, Lottie Dwarf in hi 5035 Miller Ijawrence ivui n i T~“ 1980

Z 5S: fnd CBUCSn°n™' 13 91

2023-Combs ' Matllda Viper 5 60 S371. Fugate. Lut/ "SJman IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII’’- Vu TXHO fZ, Mal^n Eng^° ^ III

o08 Begley, Hiram and C. ^Bonnyman 2030 Combs. Millus-Happy 11.29 1 3374 Fugate, Marcella Ary 7 99 5048 Miller Morean Difnravwn 1215!*S’


!!I^ ef 40 HI2038-Combs, Monroe S... Happy 45.55 3379. Fugate. Mary & Mabel Bonnyman 5 37 5062 Mills, Maude Est Rt 1 Hazard \ ll

5 S2~”35S .SKKJS; "sr* *JJ? JS -—••••

• ?5S ..52S-j2£r wSsstss— *?S 22 -i.r2L_a

— - >“> 22 ~—- :: ISSi

1 ^Hi 22-?^ a— 2888888 Fugate, Randolph — Rt. 1 Hazard Morgan. Joe E«t MphU J J586 Blair, Matilda Jeff — 8 44 2r^9_.Combs, Rich Buckhom i Jk_. _ 5.37 3398 Fugate, Rile _ Bulan .... lio> 5178 Morns Matt .v„ninn ‘ " *44

591 Btenkenship. Mae .5037 Jonathan, Dearbome, Mich. 10.61 JSo__Combs, Richard. Allais L 5.37 3400 Fugate, Rufus Ary 8 1H 5178 Morns Press rke' 11 -51

IZL 2^ **!*-•?**• ,5i7 2082 4'omb*. Blchmohd- Scuddy _.. 7 99|340I..Fu2te Kulua I Sta»"HIIIIIZIZIZZIIZ^ 23 7A Vm Z3tS7~.££L 12

599 Blevins, W. J..-Slemp 8.89 2083—Combs, Riley, Est.c/o Robert Combs, Happy 30.72 G 5196 Mullins r M r„_K 899

«JJ u ll S'_r°mS’ .

Rt Hazard 1080 3441..Gambill, Carlos .. Scuddy 8 18 5225 Mullins! Marvin'

r^mbs620 Boggs, Matt..Vicco ll Jo 2093 .Combs, Roy. .Combs 5.371 3443— Gambill, Ira _. Rt. 1 Hazard 8 44 5228 Mullins Shut.. R..i. n

" 1989623 Boggs, William Happy 16.04 2 100 Combs, Sam B. Jeff 48 68 3448 Garrison, I) L Rt 1 Hazard 8 18 5254 McDaniel Millie r o n

1804670 Bowling, Gilbert Shoal ——-— 30 28 2102 . Combs, Samatha .Rt. 1, Hazard 13 23 3451— Garrison Raleigh Kodak 26 92 52a5 McDaniel Rufus lit i II *


620 Bolen, Steve. 708 South Main, Dayton, Ohio 10.61 2105-Combs Shade Hazard 7.99 3452 Garrison Kodak V™ SX 25^ R* 1 Hazard 844720— Brashear, B. J.—Viper 17M 2106 combs. Shatter Blue Diamond 21 18 3463 Gav Finiev G.vs ,2 mSSh ST 7 "762 Brashear, Henry Viper M^2107-Combs.Shannon ..Vicco 7.99 3467._C.aj, Jasper A^y Me nS’ JZrv « ^

~ 30 25

813 Brewer, Alonzo Ary 5.37 2 113 Combs, Stephen. .Vicco 5.37 3472 .Gay, Sally ._ Gays Creek 8 89 5286 McIntosh Mrs H HU

r« i1081

8» Brewer, Jjhn Avawam 5 60 2120 Combs Tilden and EUen Hardburly 3.37 3497 ..Gayheart, Mrs. Jame* .. Bulan .1111 7.99 5290 McIntosh Joe L BusvHaMrd 88

3833 Brewer, Martha. Busy 212l Timothy Scuddy 8 18 3498 Gayheart James E Dwarf “ oy.w 837“

T707 VV, 8 .8 3528.g!L„. NiST *iSSL-Z=ZIZZ=I . 28

“j SSStSilT “ ?849 Brock. Gladyt— Busy iu oi2130. Combs, Vernon Bulan 15.85 3545. -Gilbert, Tommy Rt 1 Hazard in ho 5342 McPhoarwn i„hn u„Z 24 42

86. Browu. Ethel Glomawr 2“ 213. Comb.. Wade Hein Bubu. 15 03 35.0 Codae,! Clmrte 1. Bulin »?2 NMcPh'arao"' J»8" I4.M

870. Brewn Ray Viper - 2138Combs, Wayne Est. Rt. 1, Box 127, Lutz, Fla. 26 32 3584 Grace, Alice „ Vicco 10 61 5345 Nance Preston Glomawr

SI zS i!£- 2TS- SS!“ R.u'2 25 s-8« ^.K:£Tzziz=: IS

11 95 5285 McIntosh, Henry ... Bulan _ < n H1o or> I eons W f . . ..----- - IV VI

tv.oi .iTomc, rirMun .. Vfiomawr16 04 5375 Napier, Emory _. Rowdy ~

H H7W rwv com Zf 1 n tat _ .Z RS- Kr* IS Hi asses ss- » SSS: 71% Burnett


Marv v.cco ui. as-


.m as-Ssa^SL:. ««-??*• vtp.,ooa Dueunti u,r,. 1/i.v.A ISM — 7 : _ ’ —i—*— r — v.v < - vui.rettu.uK: — him. rvapier, irvine vinarTw n,.cV4,^ s ir 22 14 ..Cornett, C. A.__ Rt 1, Hazard 14.32 3625 Griffith. Bethel Slemp ... 8 18 5405 Napier James T and V

St Burns F^ed^HaDDyBUCkh0ni

J \lCharUe W. Hazard 8.18 3627„ Griffith, BurcheU Bulan .. S.37


M06 Napier! J C Bulanoot S™ : n .

PL«w R 442272 Cornett

-Johnni« Rt l

’ 18.87 3637„ Griffith. Jack „ Bulan 8.22 1 5407 Napier. Jerrv BuVan

Barton D^ny B^^an 39 0122

f2 5°rnett > Matthew. Hazard 22 40 3651-Grigsby. Ernest .. Bulan 23 24 5419 Napier, UrcL Etc.

!5!"!i!!!!!!!!! Sin? Rni'n 13 422285 ConMrtt

.Uire Avawam 8.63 3658. Grigsby, Hattie „ Rt 1 Hazard 5.37 5421 Napier. Laura C Etc954 Burton, K*0y_ -Bulan ^ 2319 Cornett, Mrs. Wm. L.„960^ N. High St., Columbus. 0. 3714—Gross. Patrick — Darfork 10 80 5422 Napier I^vi Arv

Ahaa ^ -.-—.a. — i ov csojfa- iiajjin, viranvuie nuun 7 go5.3713603 Green, Evan Comettsville 20 49 5401 Napier. Irvine Viper in on4 32 S £

r^ ltb' Bethel slen*P 8 18 5405 Napier, James T and Mahaha Rt 1 Hazard 79 95

8 18 3627 Griffith. BurcheU Bulan 5 37 5406 Napier. J C Bulan8 67 3637 Griffith, Jack Bulan 8 22 5407 Napier, Jerry Bulan IHM2.40 3651_.Grigsby, Ernest _. Bulan 23 24 5419 Napier, Larclna Etc. . Ary _.8.63 3658—Grigsby, Hattie — Rt 1 Hazard 5.37 5421 Napier, Laura C. Etc . Hardburly0- 3714..Gross, Patrick Darfork 10.80,5422 Napwr. Levi Ary844 3718 Gross, Polly Hazard 42.47 5426 Napier, L. W. Blue Diamond 15A OQ 971A n Wicc TKnm o rnmk<< t n an 1 • lO.WZQU* (Tidwell Ksv Vicco __ . 13421 „

B.w-unn., rouy .. nauro 42 47 5426 Napier, L. W. Blue Dia“?™h *7^, °°",wT."- 1)20 2324 Cottongame, Joe. Avawam 10 83 3718 . Gross, Thomas „ Combs 10 80 r>45« Naoier Arv

12?! 'fl2325 Cottongame, John 4012 Evans Road, Baltimore, Md 10 83 3 719 Gross. Vernal Vicco 8 18 5457

1033 CampbeU, .Aria Pardee Rowdy 8 63 .an.™ fiunnn Mann H-ir. _ Napier, Roy Bonnymanuwo 2328 Couch, Ale* Vlcco 5.60 3732 .Gwinn, Mann Heirs .. Engle 5.82 5479 ' win^ n,„. a 1804

10S3- -ComphoU. B F..W|wr “« 2337 Couch. Basher .„d Ruby. Jtt. 1, Itotar. OUo 5 82 H urn, Ulil 8 881057 Campbell. Brown TVpo 13 42

2348 Couch, Cecil Busy 5.37 3771. Halcomb, Hiz .. CornetUvUle 16.61 vS? ?i™ u. ^ 9 34

If? S“pSe



nn.." III -351. Couch, Chester Comb, 11 25 3779. Halcomb. Lester - Slemp 19 00 1 SS ?? n ,

K‘, l

Ha“rd - 21 201099 CampbeU. Dan Hein

^Busy ? M 2360 Couch, Delmer and Mary Combs 10 80 3795 Halcomb, WiUiam Est . Wentz 5.02


“?n 52^’?^ “nJL”* 8 37

1107 Campbell. Dora ^HardsheU ,5™ 2369 Couch, Ernest Vicco 14.14 3803 Hall. Albert .. Vicco 1161 ”!? C°Tf — 1888

1117. Campbell. Mward Busy 134Couch yicco 10 46 3810 Hall, Carlo Est. Viper . 10.83 5" : - 799

1118 Campbell, Elhanon ^Busy5 0^2378 Couch, Green B. Hazard 5.37 3819 Hall. Coy .. Viper 10 80 SJJ 'n


D^.°f 1744

^™Pf!f* o


d>Pe.rk 2381 Couch, Isom Slemp 11.51 3831. HaU, EstUl - Viper 18.71 ^ d« f..


rf°rk ~ — - 10 81B / rw n 560 2385 Couch J D Hazard 10 80 3850 Hall, Jame* & Maude Viper 047 SS Nt .w w h ! r

5801184 CampbeU, G. W- c/o Elden Fields, Busy

8 63 2388 Couch, Jeff Kodak 10 46:3859 HaU, Mane J. Viper 10.01 L74 NobleTihurDhmV im -— 1868

1168 CampbeU, Herman Ary 8 6323fly Couch John Est...Vicco 5 60 3870 HaU, Ray - Viper 28 03 v-

7H Ni .. [

” Rl,

Bo* 398 Hazard 8 181171 Cam^ll, Hiram Rowdy

5^ 2394 Couch. Levi Slemp . 10 80 3880 Hall, William Viper 21.50 jfI? 18 661201 Campbell Logan Eat Dice 5 60 23W Lloyd and Alberta Box 977, Fairborne, Ohio 6 05 3889 Hamblin, Lee __ 1884 Havard St., Hamilton, O 5 60 - '

N . !

Ja™*6 " ?°wdy 19 500amPf“' D“nrav«

MSB 12400. Couch, Margaret Est Vicco 5 60 3890 Hamblin. Lizzie ._ Krypton 5 37 JJf

Rowdy 24 90

gtHSu’ P^Rt^ «4 Hazard"

^37 2414 Couch, OUvet - Happy 5.00 3973 Itelfenberger, Mary & BiU __ City __ . _ 5.82 M:u **£• ^”Cy 8 89125* Campbell Pally Rt. 1. Bo* 424, Hazara **'

12410 Couch. OUia Beverly Vicco 5.60 3995 Hensley, Homer Rt. 1 Hazard 5.371259 Campbell Raleigh Buckhom 84 4* 2421_ Couch, Sam __ Dwarf 15.85 4015 Henson, Mrs. Felix __ Busy 5.00

f Cl v IVLU ... - U.W OOUU HV.iaivj, • IwlllvJ - m. M. IldtaiVi ... U-U # r.|iqi Z? It n »f .

Dwarf 15.85 4015— Henson, Mrs. Felix __ Busy 5.60 7 w ‘ .

' d —j. u 0,0^0. M L' u.-.wa nni 6637 Noble, Stella Jones Bulan

u—li IM 2428 Couch, Thurman A Rebecca ._ Viper 8.18 4021. Herald. Enoch .. Hazard » 14 03 -f,n, nh PV' u

B“ l

1274 Campbell, Rubin RU Hazard 8 18 2436 Couch WU1 _ 5 37 4023 Herald. Garfield - Bulan T 5 37 ^North

' btar °° - Hazard1278 9amP^e!

Rufua B„

YeTkm 1 11 48 2439 Couch, Wm __ Slemp 130 96 4044 Hicks, Arthur — Rt 1 Hazard 8 181279 Campbell Sam Viper 7 99

2440 Couch, ZoU Boverly Vicco - 5.60 4047 Hicks, Hulda Sc Isom Ary 10.83 1

O Grosky. Walter Jeff

w , n imr uanurK 18 6H5574 .Noble, Arthur _. Rt. 1 Box 398 Hazard TIIII— 8 185578 Noble, Bertus Rowdy . 10.005605 Noble, James Rowdy 19 505606 Noble, Jerry Rowdy 24 im5621 Noble, Nancy Dice

J ^5634 Noble, Roy Rowdy _ . 4 .

5635 Nelilc Ball; ,l

5637 Noble, Stella Jones Bulan 18 475648 North, Star Co. Hazard


1284 CampbeU. Sarah B... Yerkes 5 37

1292 Campbell, Sherman Rowdy 5 372453 Craft, Curt „ Viper 11.02 4065 Hill Ed _. Kodak 8.18

5667 Olinger, Joe __ Hazard1£Vi l ampoeu, anermaii iwwuj ® 2407 Crawford, Elhanon Jr. __ Hazard 10.61 4090 Holbrook, Ida __ c-o Mrs. Oma Kramer,1303 Campbell T P Est Hazard 844

D New 0rteana u\lll

CwnpJwU. Ja'T



lIi^rtv t???' 2481.. Crawford. Sam __ Darfork 32 28 4167 Hoskins, Docia ..Busy 11338 CarroU, Clifford Hardburly —— 13.42 r . r w . M ., Ku Hoskins Fr«<i Husv

»k. Ida c-o Mrs. Oma Kramer, j}?} nli

Ver' M

urt Kodak5.37

New Orleans, U. 8 89 SK?9, Ma? Enijl® - 57 St. Xenia. O 8 89

>, Docia ._ Busy 1 8 44 J888

21“ -- Dw,rf 8 18

i, Fred __ Busy 11.29 'I894 Overbee Mildred and Jack __ Bonnyman 13.23

1338 CarroU, Clifford Hardburly — 13.422506 crook, C. W & Mrs CUy 21 18 4169 Hoskins, Fred — Busy 1129 ??


Overbee Mildred and Jack __ Bonnyman __1349 Garter, Clara W Leatherwood


2507 Crutcher. Courtney __ Viper 13 93 14172 Hoskins, Herbert __ Busy 20 46 £707 - Owens, Robert Darfork

1354 Carter Uy Vl **“r„ . 2526 Dalton, Gary Lee __ Glomawr 10 80,4219 Howard, Lillie __ Allais 10.01

r„ n| . . „1374 Ciudlll Andrew

8 18 2527 UaUu, “ ' '• Mni Bert Roberta Glomawr 10 6H4227 Howard, Troy Glomawr 7 99JI5J - t,

K L C*1397 Caudill. Edward CometUviUo

n? 2535 Daniels, Eugene Happy 10.80 4242 Huff, Mrs Burnett _- Slemp 837 ?IL>Gl*r« - Ary

.l??? n i?

2536 Daniels. Geraldine Happy 5 37 4266 Hughes, Mrs Dudley Glomawr1 5 .


_IVOiYdK -- gsn V.W.U M.l4f CMMdill. llanMord -KoiakJ; J; 2569 Davidson, Jack k Ella ._ tt l. Box 441, Hazard III 11.31 4284 Hurley,’ Ed .. Happy 8 18 SS liln*





Dtr,ork 8181400 Caudill, H^rgia H*» d 1

2587 Davis, Joe — Cornetteville 8.18 4289 Hurley, Luther __ Vicco 10.80 ^829 3 H Glomawr 10 80

}*Zl ?“*?!}! . SJ? 2501 .Davis, Martha Est Rt 1, Hazard 5 37 4324 Hurt, Lula - Tnbbey 13 46 ^23 -i^

a“rd 35 691436 CaudUl, ___ 2599 Davis Willie Rt 1 Box 04 Hazard 5 37 4329 Hurt, Owen Bonnyman 818 !k??I {!

y ' R.

J AU*il 10 801440 OaudUl. Phillip Viper 8*7

Dean Robert Alla* 5 37 1 i

5831 P001^ James N Kodak U51lilt /'...Hill Rich,mind Farler 10 61 If**® M®?*1 — AIUM .... ^ .... 5045 Pratt Fsvett.. Vi.,ur I1445 Caudill. Richmond Farler

53? 2625 Deaton, Clyde - Chavies 14.43 4335 Indian Head Min Co. - Hazai

1455 Caudill, W C Ary 'S37 2645 Deaton, James T. __ Barwick 7 99 4350 Isom, Mrs Gid — CornettavUIe

1450 Caudill, wA

m_ S82 2660 Deaton, May __ 314 N. 5th St

,HamUton, 0. 7 99 4373 Ivey, Orville - Scuddy

Ison C^“n: ,

lUurd „S 2M4 D..10O, oJu .. Kr,pto„ 1>7» J

|*g 1STHi m£Tmii*ZZ: O— . «kMI _ MmM. 5«0«7S J.cUoo. D.n .. H.Mburl» ...

14.43 4335 Indian Head Min Co. Hasard —— 1176 07 304l__Pratt, Fayette __ Viper 8 18

7 P9 4350 Isom, Mrs. Gid __ Comettsville 5.37 5057 Pratt, Kenneth __ Kodak g la

7 99 4373 Ivey, Orville Scuddy 8 18 5873 Price, Elmira Gays Creek 44 72

13 79 J8888 ProfHt.O.K. Viper

- 36005.80 4375 Jackson, Dan ._ Hardburly 10 00 (Continued on following Pag*,





7310 Well*. Joe — Avawam 72 81 1 8083 Fugate, Uwrence Mr* __ city ..7310— Well*, Ollle .. Scuddy S.S7 HtiRO Furate, Sallle City

. __ 73 li Wells, Hoy Scuddy 11.11 ' 8646 Fitzpatrick. J T. City

Sheriff's Notice of Delinquent Taxes . . .7,141 WhitakPr

' Cynthia** niu« Diamond 13.30 u™ 7369 Whllaker, Mart Heir* c/o Daw White Rt 1 H*? mi .i 82 RflW - Oabbird, Chester .. City''Ann tirwu. II U.I n uena Cl -

16 04 H72f> Day. Elizabeth City ...

10 80 8732_.Oayheart, Wade City ..

8 18 8749_.Gilley, Mae Walkertmvn

7.99 8752 Glover, Dave . Lothalr

7 09 8708—Gorman, Wm. D City

10 80 8773.-Gray, Richmond City ... ...

407 White, Hershel .. Bonnyman7413. .White, Jerry _. Rt 1 Hazard7418. White, Orville .. Bonnyman7421 ..While, Ronald C/0 Mary Akemon Hardburly


stm hjv wiiiu ntv n in17451 Wil,lams

- Chester .. Ary 5.37 8789. .Griffith. Ted „ City

BR2A uJL Miller aii,u741,2 W,,11,n,s *' ' "'d Maggie Rt 1 Hazard .60 '<<>7 Gross, Lula City

Keece, Miller Allat* 1 ' 251 7493 WUliami, James M Bonnyman 17.16 «41§ Grubbs. Price City

Williams. John Ary 580 H7511 WiHiams. Mahlon Est Ary 8.22 8827 Hagan. Elbert ..City7517 Williams, Nick Est. Ary 5.37 0850 Hall, Bob Etc. __ R R 5 Xenia. Ohio7542 Willis. Julia A. Est. Metzler Road Baat Bridgewater. 8848 Hall, Joe Combs St City

Mass . 5 82 6888 Hampton. America City

(Continued from preceding Pape)k3801 Rader. Martha .. Comb* 3.37

!onh Unty

-~ -

tCC°-— --- —I7?4

17433 WiliiamV. Adam"" K ll'n

ldnRt iH*“rd r- JJl® 7434 Williams, Allen

5014 Ratliff, Gran .. Combs ... 10 80


5921 Ray. Willie „ City ....

925 Reece, Miller .. Altai* .

5958 Rice, Mrs Claude .. Browns Fork r 8 225980 Rice, Frank __ Happy .. 10 80


5972 Rice, Wilaon _. Gays Creek 5 375975 Richardson, C. J. __ Buckhom 50 27•007 Richie, Hargis Ary 8 18

eninJanvn* ” Hardburly 8 18 7r>46 Wilson Edgar Krypton 5 37 8869 Hampton George City

•028 Richie, Samuel Bonnyman 13 42 7554 WUMH1, W 1! Vicco 7.99 8870 Hampton. Walter City


yT,an 1342 7582 Woods. Benny Viper 23 89 8883 Harris. Addle City

!!??Roberta, Hershel Rt 1 Hazard 19 10 7563 Woods, Benny and C Viper 78 08 8885 Harris. Lula Allais

8131 Rogers Jimmie Dwarf 11-48 7586 Woods, Clarence Viper 23 07 8894 Hawkins. Alberta City•155 Russell, A D Comb* 10 61 7582 Woods, Osborne McRoberta 11 98 8805 Hawkins. Eugene City

8 44 7587 Woods, William - Viper 8 44 8901.. Hayes, R H. and Nellie Alice __ City7599 Wooton, Adam .. Busy 5 82 8927 Helton. Nellie .. City

8159. Russell, Johnnie HarveytonS

10 7810..Wooton, Hobart .. Busy — 8 44 8930 Hemphill, Opal r.



m!s nnwS"B“ih0rn 5^1 76,1 Wooton, Irene Comb* 10 81 8931 Hensley, Anderson Walkertown

7613 Wooton, James ._ Comb* 11.31 8940 Herald, Tom _. Walkertown7638 ..Wyatt, George B Gteauwr 28 94 8941 ..Herald. Wilson »_ CityY 18945 Herd, Hiram City

6218 Scalf, Bill Gdn Viper 8 228222 Scott, Mary Hazard 22 87•243 Sexton, Bruce 9531 West Ave., St. Louis, Mo .. 7 998251 Sexton, Roscoe .. Allais 23.896253 Shackelford. Mary Rt 1 Hazard 16.066261 Shelton, Arthur ._ Rt 1 Hazard 15 036270 Shepherd, Asbel Wentz, Ky. 5.376307 Shepherd. Monroe _. Happy 13 426330 Shipley I>on Hazard 107 478333 Shively. John T Kodak 14 438351 Singleton, Jackie Jeff _ 5.376352 Singleton, John Est Fusonia ... 5.376353 Singleton. Ted Jeff 13.42

7643 ..Yates, Thelma __ Winston Salem N C. 5 807652 York, John Jeff 10 807681 Young, Coon and Richard Avawam 11067664 Young. Estill Rt 1 Hazard 31 757672 Young, Jim Hazard 5 377679 Young, Manervia Hazard 5 607708 Potrey and Brasbear Viper 6.34

7709 Evans, Lena Busy 5 37

6382 Sizemore. Estill Rt


,Tm REAL estate DELINQUENT TAX BILLS X ]~r6M S;/emore Hussell Allais fl411

Jett, Sidney City

Z\ ££ S5 c «• GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT6406 Slone, Ray __ Viper 8 18 7728 Adams, Mack „ Hazard 17.25• ti t Sowar M Vleeo 8 18 "730 Adams, Mono Hazard 17.256414 Slover, Mrs John _ Bonnyman 799 7737.. Adams, Sanford, Jr. Lothair 36.076429 Smith, Arvil Harveyton 16 26 7754 Allen. Bill Est. __ c/o Martha Benton Hazard 17.256444 Smith, Cecil B Rt. 1 Hazard 8.18 7782 Ambrose, Frekey Lothair 20 .15

6445 Smith, Charlie Wheelwright 13.26 7782 Arnold, Ernestine _ Walkertown 49.146453 Smith, Dan Glomawr 8 67 7786 Asher, Carl Walkertown 8 466454 Smith, David __ Kodak 11.48 B6460 Smith, Earl Vice* 13 42 7796 Bailey. Bradley Hazard 8.466474 Smith. Emma J. — Dwarf „ 7 99 7802 Baker, Amanda „ Hazard 14.356481 Smith, Everett Hazard 8 18 1 7818 Baker, Ernest Hazard 8.486494 Smith, Herman Blue Diamond 8 19

17823 Baker, Georgia B. Winchester, Ky 69.43

8948..Hicks, Melvin ... 2204 Hawthorne Middletown, Ohio8951 Higgins, Marie _. City

8954 Hill. Mack Est City

R957 Hines, Ethel Deaton St City

8963 Hogg, Ed City

8975 Holiday, Tolbert and C. City

9014 Hughes, D J City


9030 Igo, Winfred .. WalkertownJ

7830 Baker, James and Nora Hazard 20.15

7845 Baker, Rose __ Hazard 69.43

7854 Ballis, Bill Hazard 17 1G

7860 Banks, Sally Hazard 8.55

7870 Barger, Lizzie Walkertown 11.45

7877 Barnett, Grace Hazard B.55

7885 Barrett, Bill Hazard 5.65

6510 Smith, J. L. Combs 29.156512 Smith, J. M _. Dice . 25.686519 Smith, John ._ Ary _* 8 448526 Smith, Larry .. Rt 1 Hazard 13 888527 Smith. Laura __ Ary 5.376531 Smith, L. D. __ Rt 1 Hazard 8 186539 Smith. Lois Mane ... 1112 E Wayne St Lima, Ohio 5 376543 Smith, Malvery _. Bulan 10 616557 Smith, Nkke .. Vicco 8 18

6561 Smith. Orlena .. Blue Diamond 5.37

6583 Emilh, Shade — Allais 16 946591 Smith, Thomas ._ Vicco 13.86


795a Bingham. T. G. Jr. ~ Hazard6637 Spencer, Chalmer Fusonia 8 1 8 7993. Bowling, Clay City6645 Spencer, George _ Bulan 10.61 h000 Bowling, Jim Walkertown6655 Spencer, Jessie and DeLanious Happy 8.51 8011* Boyas George City ______6661 Spencer, Luther .. Bonnyman * 8.41 8015. Brabson, J B and Edna V. CRy„I I”. II6680 Spicer, James Altro 11.29 8022 Brashear. Dorothy Lothair6688 Spicer, Rachel Typo 5 37 8031 Bray, Mrs. Robert City 5.656700 Spurlock. Margaret Tnbbey 10.81 8033 Brewer. Adam City 158.176703 Stacy, Albert Glomawr 8.18 8050 Brown C L and lV.rl Hazard 215.70

9052 Jewell, Dewey Lothair

9068 Johnson, G M. Etc. City .

9073 Johnson, Joan — City

9074 Johnson, Martha Walkertown -

9075 —Johnson, Matt Lothair

9077 Johnson, Nancy Walkertown9095. Jones, Isaac City

9096 Jones, John E. „ City

9106 Jones, Zedma City 1

K9146 King. Mildred M Paintsville, Ky.9163 Lay, Lloyd City

8179 Lightfoot, W. M H. and Janie City


Ly kins, Lee F. Sr. „ City


Lykins. Leo — Walkertown9213 Lykins, Oma City

M9241—Manis, Hester Etc. c/o Dora Baker Walkertown9267 -Mattingly, Fred W. „ City

9282 ..Melton, Carl Lothair

9283—Melton, Charlie __ Lothair

9291 Messer, Martin „ City7886 Barrett, Bruce _ Hazard ^ 1 9300 Miller. John & Maggie, Dewey __ Box 714 City .

7924 Begley, Justus Est. Saul 5.65 9301 MiUer Marion __ Walkertown7939 Benton, E. L. Hazard ---- " 05 9358 ..Morris, Lizzie Walkertown7955 Bingham, James M. — Hazard 46 24 9384 McAllister John Si _ City

•*' m *• 52 (Jo9389 MIClindon, James __ City

20 55 N

25 95

2o 85

28 78

56522 96


565106 29

20 0611 48

8 55


28 76


565143511 45143517258 55

114822 96

56546 21

222 71

11 36



24 43

14 35

25 95

20 56



25 98

34 96

20 00

1186120 06





11 36


89 72





143511 4511 36846



11 3611 45


20 06

10161 Woods. A*tor D City

10164 Woods. Ola City

10180 Wright A. W City

Y10185 Yancy, Margaret .. Walkertowa ..

10189 Yonts, Wesley .. Box 576 City10194 Young, Ed E CHy

... 14 26

... 49 14

... 1718

25 96

.16 56

26 95

Given under my hand a* Tax Collector *f Perry •eunty,

Kentucky, this the 12th day of April. 1958


—PAUL AMIS Sheriff

Tax Collector of Perry Coeaty



I'm interested in my County Paper and

the Happenings of Perry County. I'm

tired of looking for a neighbor's copy I

The Hazard Herald

Box 700

Hazard. Ky.

Please enter my subscription to The Hazard Herald

1 year (twice each week— 104 issues) . . .


Street Aaarexa

City State

( ) 14 in Perry County

( ) $5 outside Perry County


91 18

40 35


9429 Napier, Matthew City

9432 Napier, Ollie __ Walkertown9433 Napier, Paul __ City

9437— Napier, Walter R. __ City

9448 Nickell, E. K. L and Polly 627 Home Crest AveDayton. Ohio

9450 Nix. Hannah __ City

9479 Olinger, Mannon City

9480_.Olinger, Vicie _. City

9483. Oliver, J. D .. Allais

P9504 Parris, J. C. _. City

9513 Peak, Mary __ City

9525 Pennington, Felix and George Premier, Ky.9545 Perry, Howard Est. ._ 2012 Woodland Ave.

Bessemer, .Via.

9577 Pittman, Anna __ Lothair

R9618 Reed, Austin City

9620 ..Reed, Mao City

9621 ..Reed, Russell City

9644 Richie, Maggie ._ City

. . n .— — — *

|tnov - 1X1A, uaiiiiau —— —

•700 SUcy, Astor — Dwarf 11.25 8055 Brown, William Lothair 44.76 9479 North Star Co City6709 SUcy, BeaUy _. Glomawr 8.22 8066 Buchanan. I. H. Jr .. 317 Cedar St. Cfty 159.85

j•716 Stacy, Brack Sr. .. Ary 15.03 8067 Buchanan, 1. H. Sr. .. City .481856726 SUcy, Dcnms Bulan 8 18 8088 Byrge, C B City 82 21


6732 SUcy, Ernest Glomawr 8 18 q \

6748 Stacy, James C. __ Ary 16 48 8121 Campbell. Margaret R 641 Broadway Georgetown 23.050750 SUcy. Jim „ Dwarf 5.37 8]30 Campbell. Roy _. City 33.176755 SUcy, Kelse ._ Dwarf U-31 8136 Cannon, Louvicka .. City 11456759 SUcy, Margaret .. Ary 5.37 8137 cannon. James O. Jr .. City 134 200702 SUcy, Miltla Ary — 8.22 8167— Chambers, James City 25 956705 Stacy, Nancy and Joe Est. .. Ary 11.51 8184 Caudill. Lewis .. City 17.256770 SUcy, Polly M — Dwarf 5 37 8191 Clark. Tom and BeuUh City 46 15

0772 Stacy, Rachel S. and Byron Ary » 18 8215 Collins, Arthur __ City 8.406791 Stamper. Aaron .. Rt 2 Hazard 15-83 1 8220 Collins, Farris __ Lothair 8.550792 Stamper, A. L. 145 Temple St. Detroit, Mich. 10.61 18225 Collins, Lacy .. City 11.456«01_. Stamper, Lillie ._ Rt. 2 Hazard 5.37

1 8230 Collins, William City 8.550812 Standafer, George „ Rt. 1 Hazard — 5.82

|8231.. Collins, W M „ Box 231 Hazard 5.65™ Bus 8 63 8245 Combs, Aline E. „ City 185.38 9675 Robinson, Charles City

Ha.rison __ Busy 117a 8251 - Combs, Bell Heirs City 12.13 9076 Robinson, Chester CityMU—Stidham , HaUk — Kodak 10.83 8271— Combs, Delmer „ City 28 76 9099 Rose, Mary City0866 Stidham, KeUy Yerkes 8.03 8279 Combs. EU Allais 17.16 9700 Ross. Charlie AUais6871 Stidham, Merrill Napfor 5.37

1 8284 Combs. Floyd City 9 23 9704 Royal Crown Bottling Co WhHesburg0870 Stidham, Polly „ Blue Diamond 8.44 8300 Combs. Huey — City 40 35 s6880 Stidham, Sam Krypton 1 1.02 8301 Combs, Hurst Lothair 34 58 9713 sally, Herbert H City6888 Stidham, Willard Boat 8 22 8306 Combs. James E. City ju. 23 47 9714 sally, Shiloh Jr Walkertown0915 Strong, James Viper 5 37 juir, Combs, Lloyd Lothair 105.49 9775 sizc,nore Bige Lothair .0929 Strunk, Armion Comb* 8 18 8320 Combs, Malvery R City 23 04 9777 Sizemore, Clara Citydddd Sturgill, Carl Viper 11.79 8322. Combs, Marie Walkertown 31.75

1 9782 -Sizemore, City1 Sufferidgi Martha Itulan. 10.61 83M Comb* Mars K and Allen 190 Libert St. City 1145 97B5 Sizemore. J. M.

0947 Sullivan, Mannie Seuddy 7.99 8329 Combs, Maude City 14 35 < 792 Sizemore. W G Est City 1

6949 Sumnor, Bernice Sasaaffas 15 85 0331 Combs. McKinley City 150 72 9817 Smith, Green City•956 Sumner Harlan Kodak H 29 8347 Combs, Ruth City 17 25 9831 Smith. Rufus City8958 Sumner. Jack Scuddy 7 99 8351 Combs. Sopha City . 37 55 , Simlh Virginia Box 535 City8900 Sumner, l^onard Vicco 8 18 8359 Combs, Mrs. W. H 14 35 9852 Spencer. Herman City0i»08.. Sumner, Lige Est Vicco 7.99 8308 Conley, Martha 308 Chestnut St City 1145 Naomi City6990 Sweet, Pauline Rt 1 Hazard 5.37 8369 Cook. Mrs. Bill City —— 20 15 9878 stamps. Kelly City7002 ! Taylor, Cassie

7022 Thacker, DonKodakScuddy

5 37 8372 Cook. Kinzie Box 634 Hazard 06 07 9801 Stevens, Eugene City

8 18 8370 Cooper, C. V. Port Orange. Fla — 127.41 9994 Stevens, John C. Martin, KyCity

Cornett, Mary City — 14 85 9931 Sumner. Adam Est Box 47/ C -y ,

7023 Thacker, Eula S Bulan 8 44 8(189 Cornett. George City 23 04 pgjg strong, U |7043 Thompson. Dan City 1 . 8.18 84007049 Thtapm, Lester Yerke* . 8 18 8401 Cornett Matthew City 11.45


T7054 Thorpe Arnold Kodak 8 18 8405 Cornett. Paul Lothair 14.20 9943 Tatum, Pearl t\t\7103 Turner, Bill Allais 5 37 1 8410 Coueh, Eli and Ada City 3175 9074 Townes H T Fst7109 Turner, Elmer Allais 8 18 1 64217118 Turner, Irvine Rt 1 Hazard II xo'ao7121. Turner, J. L. Combs 16 047128 Turner, Letch Box 34 Hazard 20.427134 Turner. Paul Hazard 10 017135 Turner Uaehel Allais 5377152 Tyree, Goldie S. Hazard 8 07U7154 Uldrich, Sergent AUais 799V

CPCraft. Leslie City — 0095 9991 Turner. Gloria . 334 Broadway City

8425 Crawford. Will City 5859990 Turner Irene City

D8443.. Davidson, Bertha City 1145

8457— Davis, E. J. — City 1- 52 04

8400— Davis, Junior ._ City 14 26

8473 Day. Berry .. Lothair 11 36

8488 -Deaton, Roderick „ City 34 56

8489 Deaton, Sam B .. City 17 16 iooi» Tyree. John8497 Dibble, Joseph F. . Lothair — 40 35

|y10028 Vanover, Rachael

Turner, Jesse City

10000 Turner, Joel S. Lothair10002 Turner, Lester City

10000 Tumor, Richard Lothair10009 Turner, Selece City

10011 Turner, Valure N City


7179 Vires, Arch Hazard 8. 18 851,5 Dixon Dewey.

City 14.26

7184 Vires, Otis . Box 50 Inwood, Ind. I_I_I* 5 00 8®17 Donnard, Norman Allais — 292 84

7187 Vires, Walter Walkertown II h lit MM Douglas. J I c o Lydia Hagan City KM7192 Wagers, Millard Box 251 Kazan! 21 08 8522 Douglas, Wm H. Jr. 316 Maple St. City 130 85

7193 Walden, Maxie Est Gays Creek * 14 13 8524 Drake, Walter City

7203 Walker. John H Hazard I~~

10 01 8525 Drake Walter M Jr City _

7210 Walker Buss Est Allais 7 99 8537 Duff. Thad City

7*230 Warfield, Forest C. Hazard 21 50 E7245 Watkins, Ralph Busy 5.00 8546 Edwards. Butus Walkertown

7249 Watts, Ambrose Cody 500 8550 Engle, Carl City

172517 10

93 04



7203 Watts, Floyd Vicco 7 997205 Watts, Frankie C/O Bert Noble Clayhold 11.73

7208 Watts, Gilbert Engle 8 447272 Watts. James Darfork 13 427281 Watts, Morgan Hazard 130 46 136 40

7305 Wells, Isaac Stinnett 7 99

8000 Farmer and Duff -- City

8017 Fellner George W-lkeriown 52 95

8033 Fields, M H and Sallie City 11 45

8040 Fish, J T. Logan, W Va. 147 70

8051 Flinchum. Robert L. City 23 57

8070 Franks, Mrs R B Lothair 25 95

10029 Vermillion, R O.

W10038 Walker, Adam City

10047 Walker, Charlena City

10051 Walker Don City

10053 Walker Eliza City

10050 Walker. Jerry Heirs Walkertown1O073 Warren. Raymond City

44>l2, 10099 Wheeler, James City

187 92 10124 Williams, Carter City

10130 Williams. Eunice City

10132 Williams, Henry Lee Liberty St C»ly ..

10134 Williams. Maude City

10152 Wilson, Jane City

10150 Witt, Claude - Lothair

14 26





162 19




32 26

5.65 I


11455 65

8 46

8 55 1

14 26

11 45

28 70


14 35


26 30

26 41

384714 35

4288565143511 96

8465 65 1

34 05

23 04

5-+ 98

172548 96

11 45



11458 55

31 65

8 46

17 16

8 40

17 25J

52 04|


8 55

43 34


17 10


M 30

172514 26

505114514 20

Extra copies of the Herald can be

bought at the following places.

Hazard Drug Co., Don's, Grand Hotel, Begby Drug,

Johnson Drug, Vicco, J. and R. Supper Market, Airoort


Garden, Andersons, Walkertown, Herald Office, North

Main Street, Campbell's Drug, Hvden.


A carrier boy in aach community in Porry county. A chance

for boys to make their spending money each week. If interested

write or come in end see us.


Box 700

Hazard, Kentucky






PRINTINGPhone 414, Write Box 700, or

Call in Person et The Hereld OfficeLocated on Main Street Near The

County Jail and Baker Furniture Co.Sood Quality at Reasonable Prices.





Final Shipment Of Trees For 1958

Hade By Division Of Forestry

presented to Mrs George F.

Green, low club, Mrs James

N. Comette, guest high to Mrs

Hal Conner and low gueat to

Mrs Jack West.

Miss Brenda Carol Dillard

dressed in Japanese costume

assisted her mother in serving

the following members and

Japanese Bridge Party •

Oiven By Mrs. Dillard

Mm M I. Dillard entertained

with a Japanese Bridge party at

her home in Woodland Park on

Thursday evening. The Japanese

motiff was earned out ht the

decorations, as well as the prizes

and favors which were all from

.105,500, Breathitt 265,500 Wolfe

315,000, Iietchor 305,500, F.still

89,500, Powell 82,000 and l^e


The total trees distributed in

the Ky River District for 1958

is 2.840,000 The majority of

trees distributed were Short

Leaf Pine. Loblolly Pine, White

Pine and Locusts.






Phone 862

last week.According to figures released


The last load of trees for the

1958 planting season was deliv-

ered to Perry & Knott Countiesby District Forester

Green. 456,000 trees were de-

livered to Knott County and763,500 to Perry County during

the planting season Just endedThis is the highest number of

trees ever planted in either of

these counties in a single plant-

ing season.

Trees planted In other coun-

ties of the Kentucky River Dis-

trict are as follows: Owsley

:uests: Mrs. Howard Lusk. Mrs

Mr and Mrs James Derlckson

returned to their home in Lex-

ington after being called to

Hazard due to the death andburial of Mrs Derickson’s fath-

er, Mr. Mark Standafer.

Mrs. Art Stevens, East MainSt., Hazard, was a visitor to Car-

ibbean Gardens, Naples, Fla.,


Mis* Beuris Elected yDirector District VIII ^ t

B. A P. W. Clubs ()n

At a meeting of District VIH lucl

of the Kentucky Federation of thel

B & P. W Clubs, which was on

held in Pikeville, Saturday and the

Sunday Miss Virginia Beurls,

a member of the Hazard R&PWClub was elected District Direc-

The Eighth District is com Mr

Read your county paper

keep wall Informed.



tor. The Eighth District is com-

posed of Clubs in Harlan, Mid

diesboro., Pineville. Pikeville.

Hazard and Whitesburg. Mem-

bers attending the meeting in

Pikeville were Miss LeybumCody. Mrs. Katherine Kimbe.rlin

Mrs Bonnie Seale. Mrs Eliza

Jane Shackelford. Mrs. Dorothy

T. Alcorn, Mrs Bess WDraughn, Mrs. Gladys Gregory.

Mrs. Zola Davidson, Mm. Ila

'Catop and Mrs Mary Lee Greer.

Enter Nowl NEWBERRY'S Model Airplane

Flying Contest

Date: May 17, 10 A. M„ Bulldog Football Field

m Free Dixie Cup Ice Cream

m Free Seven-Up, Pepsi Colas,

Orange Crush

Participants will be judged on take-offs, flying,

stunts, landing, etc. No extra points will be awarded

for building your own model plane.

1st Prize: Flying Model Plane, $19.95 value

2nd Prize: Battery-powered Boat, $9.95 value

3rd Prize: Ballistic Missle, $5.00 value

Contest opon to all Boys and Girls between apes of 8 and 18.

Gat your antry blank on or before May 16th at:

Give her something to remember you

by. When you're away from homeand she’s aime. It’s a great comfort

for her to be able to see your picture

Your photograph ... an ideal gift

and inexpensive!




Mrs. Cisco Honored

By Shower

Mrs. James N Cornette. Mrs.

Price Maloney, Mrs Keith Rey-

nolds. and Mrs George Green

wntertained with a surprise

stork shower in honor of Mrs

Robert D. Cisco. After playing

party bingo, refreshments of

punch and cookies were served

to Mm. Don Goble, Miss Mary

Robinson. Mm. Billy Arimes,

Mrs James Wombles. Mrs. Ros-

coe Shackelford, Mrs AnnaMay Ihrig, Miss Betty Jean

McIntosh. Mrs Herbert Charles.

Miss Roberta Colwell. Mrs. TomBrown, Mm. Joe Goodlette, Mrs.

Robert Hardy, Mrs. L. T.’ Whit-

man, Miss Mattie Ward and

Miss Marietta Woodall.

Unable to attend but sending

gifts were Mrs. Goebel Smith,

Mrs. John Green, Mm. Lois

Taylor, Mrs. Lucy Polly, Mrs

Kenneth Tate, Mrs A. V. Wal-

ters, Mrs. F. J. Foreman Jr.,

Mrs. Norman P Cornett, Mrs.

Peyton Mitchell, Mrs Alex

McIntyre, Mrs Duard Hancock,


Arcade Building


America knowsits bourbon and its

favorite isOUCsmWithout Hesitation , you ploea your conf.d*nc* to

your doctor — knowing thot oil hi* iki'l ond oiporionce,

and tho modern hospital foolitie* available, will help him

make the right deciuon at the right time

YOU, TOO, SHOULD MAKE THE RIGHTDECISION . . . «Hki you buy ho«|J«tol proWciiei*.

YOU NEED PROTECTION ew b. —J. J. Newberry Company

Hazard, Ky.Main Street

/mcross'toe hospital cam

bweslumOLD CROW

Miss Virginia Beuris. Miss Cissy

Gorman, Mrs. John Morgan,

Mrs. Perry Lee Greer and Mrs

Hugh Beeler.


Light, mild, magnificent Old Crow by

far outsells any bourbon in the landFamily ot Individual:

• ore • BeWudunn A:No Job Too Large Or Too Small

PERSONALS • Commercial

• Industrial


• Parking Areas

* Subdivisions

* Roads

• Streets

For Free Estimates, Call


Local Representative

Phone Grand 1092



zli’e caoss iiostital ri w tv..

nette spent the weekend in

Somerset with Mrs Comette’s

parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. W.Ritchie. Sr ,

at their camp.

Miss Virginia Beuris, Mrs

George Beuris, and Mr, and

Mrs O. J. West spent Sunday

in Harlan where they attended

a surprise birthday dinner att

Ackley’s Hotel for Mrs. Beuris’


sister, Mrs. Amanda Ackley

which was given by her family

Mr. Frank Miller is now able

to be out afteir being confined

to his home due to illness.

Mrs Kenneth Deal and daugh-

ter, Gwynn, of Wheelwright,

were the guests last weekend of

her brothr, Mr Charles Lut-

trell Jr. and family.

Mr and Mrs Lige Holliday

and daughter, Mrs. Janice Kannell, have returned to their

home in Louisville after being

called to Hazard due to the

death and burial of Mrs. Hol-

liday’s father, Mr Mark Stand-


Mrs Pearlie Redmon, of Lex-

ington, has been the guest of

her sister, Mm. Asa Ferguson

and Mr. Ferguson at their homeon College Street.

Mr and Mrs. Jack Clifford

and son, John spent the week

end in Lexington as the guests

of her sister, Mrs. Nick Brash-

ear and family.

Miss Bert Cody has returned

to her home on Irishman’s

Creek after being a patient in

the Mt Mary Hospital for sev-

eral days.

Dr Lewis W Martin, of

Decatur, Ga ,has been the

houseguest of Mr and Mrs J.

ritkowt •kligsliM •« apyWllin* fa

Start saving now for a larger diamond — It's so easyl Buythe diamond you can afford now at our low prices and then

when you are ready for a larger diamond, we will allow

you the full purchase price toward any dian. d in our

stock. Open an account and pay on the easies* terms to

suit your convenience.


THE MORNINGSTAR SETHeavenly nylon tricot lingerie, magicallv

embroidered with a scatter of surs and

outlined with lovely hand-cut nylon lace.

Slip, Morningstar Blue, Imperial Parchment!

or White, 32 to 38 sizes, 8.93.

Waltz Gown and Peignoir, Morningstar

Blue, or White, sizes 32 to 38. Gown, 12.93.

Peignoir, 16.93.


Bora 10050



In the advertisement for

the Green Tree Shows, ap-

peering in the Hazard Her-

ald, Thursday, copy should

have read:

10 Rides

SO Concessions

5 Show#









not a seam

to cut you

anywhere To People of The Hazard Areo we have

acquired land for a new modern ceme-

tery. Development to begin immedi-


Resthaven Memory Gardens, Inc.

Fuller Touts Bldg. - Phone 869

The Pikeville Senior Scouts Norfolk, Va.

Explorer Post No. 1. announced Commissioned in August 1957

today tlwt the. officials for th* he Ranger is the newest of theEast-West All Star Basketball \ aVy's super Forrestal Class carseries will be George Conley piers. Since her shakedownwho is rated as the Sta.e » best cruise last December she ha-refieif and has called 3 straight beep operating out of her homeState Tournaments George is portt Norfolk, conducting air

from Ashland, Kentucky. craft operitions with units of

Jack Wise, an instructor int he (j § Atlantic Fleet

Physical Education at Tiansyl- —vania College, will be tl other

. Mofficial Jack's home < in Lex Ad brmg. you results

ington. Z

So firm, frlrndly h»«

oo crotch 10.111. to rat or

bother, yet mould, andcontrol. beautiful). Makethe .implc “In.Mo-out" tc*t

...ter how only Sill Skin

araml***. knit k u rebety

nooth on the in«idr

m on tha oat.ldr Prmhrvnk.

Small, medium. Black

fat*. ritr. large SJ or while

Nylon elmtic IS 95, .

Silk rlaatie I10.9S

AUo in

Sill Skin’. Super jjfliontrol ctr. hrmkmt thjt i.mhinn.%n\ ,rn\i/ UV|v.rt A J• ml .prin* /WT

Mothers and mothers-to-be1—Come see our selection of

wonderful buys for baby. Our Infants’ department

is brimming with values In the loveliest of layettes

and nursery items ... all low, low priced during

National Baby Week.

5 FREE GIRDLESCome in and reqister for 5 FREE Girdles to be

given away. Absolutely FREE.


Soft-knit; short slsevee.

Both tie-side and lap-

shoulder styles. A gift

that’s always appreci-



Quality white soft-knit

cotton. Double-thick

crotch. Sizes 0, 1, 2 and3. They’ll take dozens

of washings!


Frosted white velon plas-

tic .. . keeps diaper in

place securely and safely.

Waterproof. Buy several

at this price!


gnap-on and bloomer

Slss in clear plastic,

:ot, dacron and nylon

can-can. Excellent for

Hazard, KentuckyMain StreetPhone 82

Super-Cushions Wednesday OnlyAPRIL 30

Family Nite — $1.00

Per Car Load


value pricedby the set!


Fancy pins in pink, blue,

yellow ivory. So handyfor Mom—s afar for

baby. Perfect gift item.

Card of 4.

BOOTEESCharming little bootees

in their own gift pack-

age .. . made of quality

soft yarns in various

styles and colors.

SHAWLSFor the gilt that'a sure

to 'please, choeso abeautiful shawl in w ; iilo

or delicate pastels. Knit

In the softest of yarns.

0?8 .*593

DIAPERSFirst quality Birdseye.

So soft and absorbent

for baby’s tender skin.

1 doz. cello, pkg. A goodgift item.


PLUSNow it costs far less than you think to put a set

of new Goodyear tires on your car. Coine in

and we’ll prove it! But you better hurry! Ourstocks of Super-Cushions won’t last Long at these

low prices.


Assorted styles hi


Includes shirt andmatching panties to be

worn over diaper. Bothboys’ and girls’ styles' in

assorted fabrics andstyles.

GOWNSSnug as a bug in a railSoft-knit gowns withdraw-string bottom. Ex-cellent gift items.


If you own aa adder car, here's your best

dealt Fits alder models of Plymouths, Fords,

Chevrolet*, Nashes, and Studebaken.

Set of four for

If you own an older model Dodge, Buick,

Nash, Olds, Mercury, Pontiac, or Hudson,

you won’t find a better value tluw this.

Set of four for

DIAPER ORFORMULA BAGSHere’s a gift item that’s

sure to please. Hand-some quilted-effect plas-

tic with zipper closing,

handy shoulder strap.

JOHNSON'S TIRE SERVICE Sss our fine assortment

of Maternify weor, too!lUflMt


Your Goodyear Distributor'







April 16

Admitted: Sherman Childers.


Bulan. William Collins. Rlackey.Kalhertn-s West. Wooton; Joyce4nn Farler, Farler, Tony Witts,Hazard; Deborah Smith, Jeff,

and Polly Napier. Rt. 1, Hax-ard.

Discharged Geneva Farris,

Myden; Hallie Centers andhihy. Sassafras; Bradley Owens,Carrie: Shirley Burton andbab> Hazard Jacqueline Rlsner and baby, Lnthair; OhreenLusk, Hazard, Lou Ada Turnerand baby, Lothalr; Lena Ross.Busy; Sallie Combs, HazardOra fjee Howard. Hyden; andClarence Overton. Hazard

April 17Admitted: Nancy Campbell,

P. T. A. Congress

E'ects Officers

Frankfort, April 25- Mr*. J.

D Pate, Ixmisville, was elected

chairman of the Kentucky Par

enta-Teachers Association Con-gress at the ,18th annual con-

vention in LouisviLle She suc-

ceed* H. Farl Kvans of SturgisOther officers elected were

O'Leary Meece, vice-chairmanof Somerset and Mrs MarcusYancey, Williamsburg, secretary

The convention met at theKentucky Hotel with Mrs Jamer

Gibson. Fifth District president

and Mrs Rollin Brown. LosAngeles, Calif,, national PT Apresident, conducting the ses-


THE HAZARD HERALD, HAZARD, KENTUCKYMonday, April 21, 1951Caudill Serves

On CarrierNorfolk. Va . <FHTNC>—David

| Caudill, seaman apprentice, USNson of Mr and Mrs ArchieCaudill of Busy. Ky . is servingaboard the super ittack aircraft

carrier USS Ranger at Norfolk,VaCommissioned in August 1857,

the Ranger is the newest of theNavy’s super Forrestal Classcarriers. Since her shakedowncruise last December she hisbeen operating out of her home-port, Norfolk, conducting air-

craft operations with units ofthe U. S. Atlantic FVet

April 12

Admitted Cleda Carter. Haz-ard; tau Ada Turner. Lothair:Manuel Fugite, Walkertown;Clercy Clemmons, Engle; C .1.

Milleir, Rt. 1, Hazard; Opal I,ee

Sizemore, Hyden; Lucy Nichol-son. Hazard; and George Gav-heart. Rt 2. Hazard

Discharged: Peggy Williamsand baby, Scuddy; Artha Mul-lins, Vicco; Dorothy Lindon,Hazard; and Gracie Marcum. Rt

£. Hazard.

April 13

Admitted: Frances Gross,Chaviea; Magdalene Clark. Yeaddiss; Bonnie Jean Carroll.

Ch’v*e« Alice Jane Hall, Hazaria. Gary Combs. Lothair. BartSmith. Botto; Joyce Stamper.Ulvah; and Virginia Williams .

M _Chivies. ant* toby, Yeaddiss: Eliza Lee

Discharged: Opal Bailey and Johrison and baby. Typo; Bart

baby, Isom; Marjorie Caudill Botto; and William Col-

Vif Yvonne Collins. Utt Carr; ,ins - Blackey

Lucille Collins and babv, Loth April 1ft

air Alice Cornett and babv Admitted Bertha Walker,

Orrsloperi especially lor women*UmdI* Include* blood -build-

ing Iron I In doctors’ ttsU. I

out e* 4 didn’t sutler monthl y

cramp*. backache* Later ifewMif

rhsnge-of-llfe. "bot tlulnmSSm Even after menormosePtnkham's Tablet* botp MUdstr«n*Ui-glTln( bloodlOet amarine Lydia t OA;

ham's Tablet* from druggistTake them dally for the haws

"Pmnale suffering’ need neveroccur again far maat e snsa —not aI any age/ Yen ean fee free

from the alflaryrvun* and oldneed to drrad l vnth PlnkhamsTablets you nan hare wonderfulrelief all through four tiffPlnkham s gnlgue formula wan

7 0 KtAJ DA Tj —MON, thru SAT,APRIL 28, 29, 30, MAY 1, 2, 3

A. edvsriUed ea "HAMill AND OUrrU," texeN’i HK TV lledie**• THIS wm, SAtADE rtOOSf SSIVf ZARMfR, FARM JOURNAL ee*SUNDAY NfWSfARfRS.

RO-BALl II ?«xatf



April 21

Admitted: Ruby DreadinRulan; Virginia Jones. ScuddyVina Mae Blair. JeremiahEvelyn Vanderpool. LothairGarrett W Sexton, Red Fox*Mary Jane Williams, Rt. 1. Hazard; Ella Mae Messer, ViperAllie Gorman. Hazard; GathaCouch, Tribbey; and Elois Kil-

bum, Rt. 1, Hazard.Discharged: Richard Combs.

Jackson: Katherine WestWooton; Nancy Campbell.Combs; Clnda Blair, Cody;Bertha Walker and baby, Cor-nettsville; William Phillips, Hazard; Eileen Fields, SmilaxJoyce Caudill and baby, RedFox: and Gloria Eversole, Typo

April 22Admitted: Nancy Combs, Haz-

ard; Ora Bryant, Jeremiah; Billy

C. HeJfenberger. Hazard. GlennSlone, Pippa Passes; Fred Shep-herd, Hazard; William McIn-tosh, Lucky Fork; and IreneMartin, Darfork.

Discharged: Johnny RayWhite, Yerkgs; Mary Archer,Lothair; Bertha Gross, Hazard;Yvonne Collins and baby. Litt

Carr; Clercy Clemons and baby, i

Engle: R. H Fike. Whitesburg.Ruby Draadin and baby. Bulan.Virginia Jones and baby, Scuddyand Dena Young, Viper.

a genuinet

Palm Beach* tropical

at only $39-95

C 2 for 60c

2 for 70c *'% 2 for 4.96MMU-rltaeMe* KMM|fell Rlw 17 mkrartli.

Le therwood: Hatty Stidham|

and baby. Hazard. ClercyClemons. E-gle; Clara Caudili,Viper; Charles Conatser, Walkertown; Frances Combs, Bon-nyman; Delbert Fugate. Krypton; John Edwards, Hazard;Newton Amburgey, Amburgey;and Sallie Combs, Hazard.

April 14Admitted: Joe Smith. Pine-

top; Thomas Smith, Daisy;Eliza Lee Johnson, Typo; Bes-sie Nanta, Star Rt. 3. Hazard;Bradley Owens. Carrie: NormaJean Walker, Fusonia: PearlieStewart, Fusonia; Pearl Farler,Hazard; Blanche Shelton, Hazard: Shirley Burton. Hazard:Jacqueline Risner. Lothair;


Christine Watts, Hazard: RobertAlder. Jr., Amburgey; ElizabethAnn Campbell, Viper: MarieJohnson, Lamont; and EssieMcIntosh, Airport Garden.

Discharged: Opal Somerset.Hazard; Margaret Watkins andbaby. Hazard; Cleda Carter.Hazard; Betsy Campbell,Lamont; Gary Combs, Lothair:


Joe Smith, Pinetop; Arbutus

Mi 31 ANTISEPTIC SOLUTIONIteltl pweee*. nttH contact**

rw N. Mt 2 tor 904mmn ma* mi drew*


Discharged: Riley Osborne,Appalachian, Va ; Bonny JeanCarroll and baby, Chavies:Marie Browning and baby, Haz-ard; George Gayheart, Rt. 2,

Hazard; Bessie Nantz and baby.Star Rt. 3, Hazard; Jean Hos-kins and baby. Hazard: DeborahSmith, Jeff; Christine Wattsand baby. Star Rt. 3, Hazard:Robert Alder, Jr., Amburgey:Jimmie Whitaker, Wilstacy; andBobbie Hoskins, Jackson.

April 19

Admitted: Gloria Eversole.Typo; Bertha Gross, Hazard;Nannie BcTTe Baker, Wooton;Edith Mae Trent, Daisy; RuthCole. Leatherwood; WilliamPhillips, Hazard; Naomi Combs.Tribbey; Mary Boggs, Wooton;Margaret Combs. Combs. Joyce

beautifully tailored!

at a budget price!

EiSSS pro-cap adhesive tape. tag «*• 2 for 44< The “Palm Beach” Tropical

suit is famous for its unusual

qualities. It’s wonderfully cool,

amazingly wrinkle-resistant

and beautifully tailored. Special

features include the costly

bias-cut collar that assures a

perfect fit . .


the exclusive

fabric that washes beautifully.

Come in and see this great

summer suit value today.

Me ELITE CRUSHED RIFFLE FOUND PAPER er ENVELOPES 2 for 9079c REXALL RUBBING ALCOHOL COMPOUND, Pint 2 for .801.75 ADRIENNE BATH POWDER with vtlour puff. Urge bex....2 for 1.7635c SACCHARIN TABLETS, VA gr.— 100'S. 2 for .3610c BOBBY PINS, black or bronze, 18*1 2 for .1139c KLENZO TOOTH BRUSHES




•Reg I M. Goodill Santofd, Inc., Rayon.

Dacron Wool, Mohair, Arne) in most styles

World's largest termite control service

Ky. Terminix Co.

For Information Call

Home Lumber Co




By virtue of execution No. 2006, to me directed, which issued from the office of the Clerk of the Perry Circuit Court in favor of lwwis Kepler Hyde. Jr.,et al and against Riverside. Coal A Timber Co , I will on the 19th day of May, 1958. it being county court day, at the court house door In the CKy of Hazardexpose to public sale to the highest and best bidder, a tract of land, lying and being in Perry County. Kentucky and more particularly bounded and describ-ed as follows:



Died Book) (Page)

1 boundary it W M Cornett (98700) 2 Sally Brashear < 42 30

1066 Acrec ) 3 P W Hall 1066 31( 14 704 John B. Pratt ( 13 90

More or lesff ) 5 John B. Pratt ( 8 412 boundaries 6 J J Dickey (138 51195 A. more or less 7 J J Dickey 195 131 56 62

(8 H G Pratt 74 561 boundary (9 H. G Pratt 107 71457 acres (10 Joel Pratt 457 41 172 64more or less (11 H G. Pratt . 102 50

12 William Huff 29 593 boundaries 13 William Huff 17 04467 acres 14 James Riddle - 467 32 68 24more or less 15 Elinza Holcomb 25 66

16 Harvey Holcomb 115 2017 John Shepherd 21150

Total 2186 17

Big LeatherwoodNorth Fk Hicks BrNorth Fk B ir Br

North Fk-B iir BrNorth Fk Btvir BrBig Branch-North FkScuddy ForkBig LeatherwoodBig LeatherwoodBig LeatherwoodBig LeatherwoodLittle LeatherwoodLittle LeatherwoodLittle LeatherwoodLittle LeatherwoodLittle LeatherwoodLittle Leatherwood

9-23-1912 recorded1-18-1913 recorded1-18-1913 recorded


18-1913 recorded1 18-1913 recorded8-23-1912 recorded

8 23-1912 recorded


29-1912 recorded2-29-1912 recorded2-29-1912 recorded

1-23-1913 recorded


30 1912 recorded5 30-1912 recorder!

6- 4-1V12 recorded8- 7-1912 recorded8- 8 1912 recorded5-31 1912 recorded



l w>

I Mi

Explanation of Riverside Coal and Timber Company’s ownership in the above tracts which are to be conveyed and transferred to the Executors of latuuK Hyde Estate

Tracts No. 1 through No. 7 inclusive— Fee Simpler, with the exception of the oil and gas and the customary rights pertaining thereto a* set forth in aDeed of Conveyance from Riverside Coal and Timber Company to the Kentucky West Virginia Gas Company dated November 8, 1940, and recorded In DeedBook 75, Page 344 (Note Tract No 5—Original Deed calls for 13 00 acres from which Rivermde Coal and Timber Company deeded 4.59 acres to the l<uui*ville and Nashville Railroad Company in March of 1949 I

Tracts No 8 through No. 17 inclusive -All Coal and All Other Minerals and the customary rights pertaining thereto; with the exception of the Oil andga» and the customary rights pertaining thereto as set forth in a Deed of Conveyance from Riverside Coal and Timber Company to the Kentucky West Vuginia Gas Company dated November 8. 1940, and accorded in Deed Book 75. Page 344 (Note Tracts No 8 to No 11 inclusive. Surface and Surface Kivbt»-old to Asbel Cornett by Deed dated June 9, 1955.)'

1 will proceed to sell said land, or so much ol it as will be necessary to satisfy said execution, and costs, there of to the highest and besl bidder, on acredit of six months from day of sale, the. purchaser giving bond with Approved surety, to have the force and effect of judgment on which executionissue if the same is not paid at maturity, when and where due attendance will be given by me

Amount to be raised, $1,941 74 plus interest and Court costs.

PAUL AMISSheriff of Perry County.




r: -<&.

Law Increases

Vet Home LoanFrankfort, April 2ft — New

housing law signed by the Pres-

ident April 1, finable* more vet-

erans to buy or build homesDeadline for application by

World War II was extended to

July 2ft, I960 both for direct

and guaranteed loans and dead-

line for Korean veterans is the

same for direct loans but is

January 31, 1965 for guaran

teed loans.%

The new law also increases

the maximum amount*! direct

Ioansfrom 110,000 to $13,500

There is $350 million for use in

direct home loans to veterans in

small cities, town and rural

area. An Important change in

the direct loan program is pro-

visions for builders to receive

advance committments uponpayment of a 2 percent committ-

ment fee.

Interest rates was increasedfrom 4 1-2 to 4 3-4 percent.

Other laws provide that vet-

erans who have used their GIloan to purchase homes whichwere later sold, with the loanbeing completely paid, may havetheir entitlement restored if

certain conditions are met.

Veterans needing assistance

or information regarding GIloans should visit a representa-

tive of the Kentucky Disabled|

Ex-Service Men’s Board.

Muncy Completes

Basic Training(AHTNC) -Army Fhrt Joshua

A Muncy, 22. of Hazard. Kv„recently completed eight weeksof basic combat training withtho 2d Armored Division at FortHood, Tex

Muncy is a 1954 graduate of

Hazard High School and a form-er student at Eastern KentuckyState College. His parents, Mrand Mrs Russell Muncy, live in

Walkertown Station, Hazard

Dykes Completes

Army Course

— HAZARD KBNTUCrMonday, April 2$, 195$

WASHINGTON. April 21k -Acoal industry spokesman saidtoday the Administration's rail-

road rescue program, which refused to endorse repeal of theproperty transportation tax, "Isa fire foot rope thrown to rail-

roads drowning ten feet fromshort"The spokesman. Tom Pickett,

executive vice-president of theNational Coal Association, said"The bituminous coal industry,

the ailing railroads as sent toCongress yestorday by Secretary

Masie, lives In Llttcarr. Ky , recently completed the leadershipcourse at the I Corps Non-Commissioned Officer Academy In


I CORPS fcoREA. (AHTNC)—Army Specialist Third ClassJames F Dyches, whose wife,

Raad your county popor and

koop wo 1 1 Informed.

most obvious, immediate andsensible means of rescue, al-

ready proposed by you and lead-

ing members of both Houses:Repeal of the iniquitous tax of

four cents a ton on transporta-

tion of coal, along with the threeper cent tax on transportationof most property.

"Fven a government ravenousfor revenue must recognize thatthis unjust tax pyramids thecost of manufactured articles

and strikes hardest at the na-tion’s basic industries Its re-

peal would lend impetus to pricereductions, increase purchasingpower and help reduce un«mployment

"Lifting this

as the railroads' biggest customer. is appalled that the Admin-istration offers only half meas-ures to help thesn "

Mr Pickett's charge was di-

rected against the Administra-tion's five point plan for aiding

Wells Completes

Duty In (uponA-lc Atona Wells, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Jerry Wells, of Jeff,

recently completed a tour ofduty with the U S Air For*in Japan, and is now stationedat McCord A.F.B., Tacotna.Wash

^ Clear uncflstorfed vision

In all direction* . . . relaxing

for driver and passengers alike I

onerous war-emergency tax would be of par-ticular aid to the coal and rail-

road industries. Two of coal’sprincipal competitors, naturalgas and foreign residual oil atdockside, pay no such tax andthus gain a head start towardunder pricing coal. Every tonof coal priced off the market bythis tax means less revenue forthe railroads and the coal in-

dustry, which already have theirshare of economic distress, andultimately less revenue for theTreasury through the corporateincome tax The transportationt^x, in this one of many exam-

Tau Sigma, national honorarymechanical engineering fratern-

ity at the University.

Membership in Pi Tan Sigmais based on scholarship, leader-

ship and interest shown in cam-pus activities.

'r#t* you. Havs it repairedwhara you gat tha finast in

iarv«a, material* and work-manship. All work dona onaramtaaa and guarantaad.Dnly ganuina material usad.Tour neighbor had hit repair-

640-650 E. Main Street Phone 327 & 600 Hazard, Kentucky

*d at: '


Credit JewelersMain Street Hazard

defeating. The Treasury De-partment has estimated the coaltax produces about $18 milliona year in revenue."Some other features of the

Administration's railroad rescuepla nare commendable as far asthey go. The National Coal As-sociation has long recommendedthat the railroads be allowed toabandon unprofitable services,for the. losses thus accumulatedare loaded onto the already highrates imposed on coal. We havealso urged revision of federalrate-making policies For ourother recommendations, I referyou to the statement placed Inthe record of your recent sub-committee hearings by Mr. F. F.

Estes, director of our Transpor-tation Department.

"I realize that direct actionon the transportation tax is out-

side the jurisdiction of yoursubcommittee, but I believe theHouse Ways and Means Commit-tee and the Senate FinanceCommittee would welcome a

strong recommendation fromyour sub-committee for repealof this unjust levy.”

program submitted to you yes-

announces the handkerchief-weight suit

ym— clark cits aic powder surm for settlers

C.un powder was sorely needed at Fort Harrod todefend it against increasing Indian raids Geo R.Clark went to the Virginia legislature and negotiatedlor 500 pounds of powder The hig supply was broughtto Pittsburg, then was hid near Maysville Capt.Jones led a small detail from the Fort to get thepowder. They wen* athiekid by Indians. Jones andai'veral others were killed. Then Col. Harrod set outwith another purty and suctossfully brought the bigsupply to the Fort.

In Kentucky’s historic past, just as today, manyof our citizens have always enjoytd a glass of beer.The brewing industry makes jobs for thousand , ofour residents. The sale of this light, bright bevernge ofmoderation under orderly conditions is an importantabjective of the United States Brewers Foundation.Our continuing educational program helps beer re-tailers maintain their high standards


PC - t *13 Hayfcum Sultana, Uulivllte, Kattlucfcy



Only the Palm Beach tailors with years of

experience on lightweight suit construction

could have developed these remarkable new

Palm Lite suits. The 6-ounoe Dacron/worsted

wearing the suit! And thanks to the costly6 TAT I TROOP*#. JIM SAKS STOP NEEDLESS NIGHTTIME HIGHWAY


bias-cut collar you get a perfect, tailored fit.

See our complete range of light, medium and

dark colors and patterns, today. Handkerchief-

weight Palm Lite suits for complete comfort

all summer long. Only


•U*M» to# A90V I A HALE H0V« OOHT9 IA9IIY-


Cl IAPPEL’S DAIRYPhone 783 or 1118





TMF HAZARD Mt R AID — HAZARD, KENTUCKYMonday, April 28, 105$Hearing Date Set

HarryHousing For Ront

National Consumer Finance

Company wants field represen-

tative College graduate, not

over 35 years of age, automobile

necessary. Good starting salary

Our company offers (1) Insur-

ance and Pension Plan (2) Paid

vacation (3) Automobile allow-

ance (4) Advancement oppor-

tunities. Position Is in the Nor-

ton, Va., Pikeville. Ky. area.

Write Box 830, Bluefield. W Va.

4: 17-21-24-28-c

Frankfort, April 25

Francis, Hazard, has been noti-

fied by The Department of Mo-

tor Transportation to appear at

the offices here Thursday. May22 tft 9 30 o’clock CST. for hear

ing on his application to buy

taxi certificate No. 43.

Commissioner C. M Blackburn

.n announcing the hearing said

tho permit is now owned and




Furnished apartment

oedrooms 60U Perry

phene 287

Housing For Ront

5-room apartment for four

or five months, furnished or

unfurnished Phone North 192.

4 28-lc

They made bourbon toplease themselves-and

)» pleased everyone!You, too, will appreciate the superb taste and

Kentucky quality of the magnificent bourbon

created by William Bond and C. C. LiIlard in 1869.

& 6 year olcll 90 proof

PROPERTY FOR SALEoperated by Harfison Caudill of

Hazard.Protest of all sale may be

done by anyone filing duplicate

copies of complaints with DMToffice and sending a copy to the

applicant not later than 10 days

before hearing date. Blackburn


ington. Ky.: four daughters: Mrs

Roxie Hornsby. Dayton, Ohio;

Mrs. Mary Daniel, Ft Thomas

Ky.; Mrs. Martha Arison of

Hilton: Mrs. Mattie Collins.

liCatherwood; 26 grandchildren

and 2 greet grandchildren.

room house and several out|

Want to make $15 to $25 in a

buildings This place is all in day? Many are doing it. Pleas-

grass and within 2 mile* of ant work for man or woman.

2 schools. Terms will be dls- No experience needed. Spare

cussed with buyer Write: Har- or full time Will teach and

old Benge Berea. Rt. Phone 2 finance you Write McNESS CO .

tuckv or phone 653M 17-21-28pd Dept. B. Freeport, 111. 4 28-5. Ip

Join thousands who are earn-

ing good income representing

Avon Cosmetics in their neigh-

borhood. For information, write

District Manager, Box 985, Pike-

ville. Ky 4:24 cFuneral was in the Second

Creek Baptist Church with the

Rev Hasbul Couch, officiating

Burial was in the Riverside

Cemetery with the Engle Fun-

eral Home in charge.

noney needed LUMBER WANTED

ep^SvJ' We are needing Poplar lum

xcellent earn- b<>r now Wl11 buy grcen or

Vrite District dry If you have PoPIar lumber.

15 Pikeville cut it now while the prices are

4 28-c up Operate fork lift, pay cash.

London Hardwood Company,

rwheo-e— like Highway 80, Somerset Road,There is an London, Ky Highest buyers in

opportunity this section. 4:21 - 5:8c.

SwinnoytownNorth Middletown was first

called Swinneytown for a settl-

er who had an inn here. In

1818 when it was incorporated,

the. name was changed to Mid

die town because it was midwaybetween Paris and Mount Sterl-

ing and the “North” added to

iistinguish it from the M*dJle-

town in Jefferson County.

of Winchester. Suitable for ser-

vice station, store buildings,

drive-ins. etc. also has additional

room for subdivision develop-

ment, for sale, but will trade for

Hazard property. * See Z. Cole-

man Daniel. Hazard, or W T.

Watts, Phone 49982, Lexington,

Ky. 4:28-rtc.







“If you are driving to or

through one of the following

BUrtes. Va., Wa. Va.. and North-

fern Kentucky and would like

us to help pay your expenses,

please caL Muncy’s Standard

Service, Main Street and Me-

morial Drive. Phone 39, fOf Com-

plete information and list of

cities.” 4:17-rtcc

customers, daily. $80 per weektion to all f rie(n(j s an(j r

guaranteed to start. W© train, ^ expressions of sy

car necessary, no traveling. Fordufing the recen t pas-

interview, write FB-1, Box 700. Mr standaferHazard, giving age and refer-

ences 4.28 5-15-cI


OUTSTANDING SELLING OP* Public NoticeI PORTUNITY IN YOUR TOWN.I Earn excellent income during I

w "' next 4 months selling America’s Bids wui be accepted

most popular permanent awn- City Hall, Hazard. Kentui

! ings in your home town. Nation-til April 30, 1958, on the


ally advertised. Easy to sell,jng piece of equipment

I we tell you how. Peak awning purchased by the City

season now here Write Box ard; 0n6 \ 2 ton Pick-ui



Plumbing and repairing-free

estimates. Call Oak 698. o^‘ o"dpE^rJ int!-

LAYETTEof tU Pacific

ready and waiting for them!

Paper HangingPaper hanging and steaming

wall paper. Furnish own paper.

Call High 236, after 6:00 P. M.



Watch Repair: Don’t Take

Second Best. When at Stiles,

First is often Less. 3:28-rtc

Wonderful cotton knit* — *oft o* a care** and mode

with all tho*e fine Carter feature* thoJ>elp gel

baby off to the be*t po»*ible *tort. A bleued

convenience for mother, too — machine wojhable

ond no ironing needed. And, of cour*e, they re

Corter-Set — *o won t shrink nut of fit.

P.S They're perfect *hower gift* tool

/ ^RfVEU-'BPBETOSONi-ciew-jaabt andes _ JJ

Inc., 601 Hall Street, Dallas 26,




4:21-8tccSanding and


When on TV—Jewelry and

Silver you See—Remember at

Stiles—Prices Same Will Be.




LAW TO START AT HAZARDBUSINESS COLLEGEAre you interested in the laws

governing contract*, contact,


partnership, sales, insurance, i

real property, and other busi-]

ness transactions? A new class

in business law will star at the

Hazard Business College on Mon-

day night, May 5. A prominent

local attorney will be guest

instructor. Phone 506 or visit

in the Hazard Business College

located in the Allais Commissary

Building and learn the details

of this new class. 3tcc.

Rvnnbr Wi’dNcvoblnd »»••»•«

opvndo top*.

3 yn. 1 lor $1

LOCAL DEALER WANTEDTo follow un the terrific full-page national magazine advertising

PR*4&LUNG their PRODUCTS, our client, a progressive na-

tional company, now offers an excellent sales opportunity for

Local Representatives in every community To our kn vvledge.

our client offers the. best-known, most highly advertised PROD

1JCT ever sold direct to the purchaser through Dealer Sales

Representatives. Their sales program is complete: including

the necessary PUBLICITY announcing your APPOINTMENT to

eliminate the need for any door-to-door work



You may choose your own hours . . . beginning "Part lim if

you wish. Soon, you will become established in your communi-

ty Respected and Known fer the- products you represent No

deliveries, no collections. Teachers preferred. Others consid-

ered if a *ucc=sful s.-les background. Total investment r quire 1

$95.00 cash, or credit, for sale* samples Highest compensation

plan For this dignified opportunity to earn up to $300.00 per

week representing our client in your community, send applica-

tion to Department B. McDaniel Advertising Agency, P O Box

Oaw* — S*op 'oVwwdl

Nvvobind Hoody

CmO* li*d *>•«> Wtii'v.

Axvro, hok, Sly*, MhM,

<’ (1 i

The Green Tree Show! Kentucky's


ard Ball Park, Apr. 24 through May 3

ia.k.t - Snop lo»*»»«d,

(•otlwrUUct! It'«. »*0<k»d

yok*. Axvro. Zmk. S*v4. Mi«t,

T.llow wid> WWH Trim.

Six* I met .. rn

Kimono — Srvap-lottonod

loorSorititch trim. Whltb with

Pink. Bluo, Mint, Vollow trim.

Abo tol.d color*. Six* » »0»


MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALEOne ’52 Fjordomatlc 2 door

hardtop Clean inside and good

tires. Color light blue with

cream top. $495 00 cash Call

North 538 or see Alta Richie,

Walkertown. 2tc FEATURING!The World'. LATEST RIDE! The Flbulou.

—Fastest Ride in the Whole World—The MIGHTY


One ’49 Mercury 4 door with

radio and heat°ir and good tires

Clean inside. Color light grey.

$250 00 cash Cell North 538 or

see Alta Richie, Walkertown2tc

29-foot house trailer in ex-

cellent condition. Newly re-

furnished. For information see

Mr. Moore, Southeastern Sign

Co., High and Jail Street. Haz

ard. Ky. 4:24-rtc


FOR SALEPiano opportunity! Repossess-

ed. This is real! No gimmicks,

no tricks. Beautiful mahoganyspinel can be taken over for

actual balance due. Very low

monthly payments Chance of

a lifetime! Free bench. Free

delivery. Free, two Beethoven

statuettes to adorn this beauti-

ful instrument. Free music

lessons. Too good to be true?

Weil, you just write and see'

Hurry! Finance Manager, 523 S

3rd Louisville, Ky. 5-lc.

50 Concessions

FREE Admission

To Ground

from 1-6 p.m., Saturdays

CHILDREN'S DAY - Saturday, Apr, 26


All Rides, 10c

Westuighouse Refrigerator

good condition $50 Phone O.

1016 rt

FOR SALE one deep freeze

in good condition See Lewis

Herald, blue Grass Hollow, Haz

ard, Ky. *1*

Family • desires to rant for

themselves a two or three bed

room house. If. you have rental

available, contactpropertyGeorge Roach, phone 24 or High

27* 4:17-rtc

< }/

Top Related