Page 1: Offering Better Life Through Christ 2019.pdf · 2020. 2. 25. · Offering Better Life Through Christ Dear Church Family, When we call ourselves Christians, we are committing to live

Offering Better Life Through Christ

Dear Church Family,

When we call ourselves Christians, we are committing to live our lives based on His Word through the power of His Holy Spirit. When our behavior does not conform to our beliefs, the pretense that results can be an obstacle on our path to glory. God’s Word is inviolate, and we cannot ignore, modify, or delete from The Book. Jesus said in Luke 6:46, “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?” God knew we could not keep His Word without help. And, because he loves us so completely, He provided that help through His Son, Jesus, and through the Holy Spirit.

Scripture itself reveals that Christ is the only hope and the only way of salvation. Any other way or practice is not Christian. Christ is our hope. His Word is our faith and doctrine. To live effectively as we make our way Home, we must embrace that Jesus is the answer to everything. Any other reasoning is dross. Goodness or sentiment will not do. Acts of charity, sacrifice, or the greatest of earthly works will not do. Jesus is the only way. There is an old song that asks the question “Where Could I Go but to the Lord?” The answer is clear, nowhere else!

When we encounter struggles, Jesus is the answer. If we are afraid, Jesus is the answer. Is there strife of any kind? Jesus is the answer. Sick? He is the Healer. There is no human condition that Jesus cannot heal. There is no person so lost whom He cannot save. There is no other power that Jesus cannot overcome. Jesus is the answer to everything! The Lord will make the difference for you if you only invite Him in. Instead of being overcome, Christ will make you an overcomer. Want to witness what He has done for you? Ask Him to help and to use you. Take heart today as you embrace Jesus and His Word afresh and anew.

Grace and His peace, Pastor Ralph

Page 2: Offering Better Life Through Christ 2019.pdf · 2020. 2. 25. · Offering Better Life Through Christ Dear Church Family, When we call ourselves Christians, we are committing to live

Children & Youth

If you would like to receive the weekly updates contact [email protected] (King’s Kids), [email protected] (Youth PAC), or [email protected] (Pathfinders). You can also learn more about our children and youth ministries at

—— Children —— Summer is coming in the Children’s Ministry, and we’ve got lots in store!

(1) We are blessed to announce that Melissa Lumpp joins our staff May 1st as the new Nursery and Preschool Ministries Coordinator. Join me in officially welcoming Melissa to our team! Read more about Melissa in this month’s newsletter!

(2) King’s Kids will sing with our praise team during the Children’s Moment on Mother’s Day! We’re singing Echo by Elevation Worship. Mark your calendars!

(3) Our annual King’s Kids End-of-the-Year party and volunteer celebration will be May 19 from 3-4:30pm at the Rocky Mount Event Center’s new Game Day Adventure & Arcade! Email [email protected] for additional information and to register. This family event is closed to the public and includes a soft play arena for the little ones, as well as a ropes course and wall-climbing area. New to King’s Kids? We’d love to have you join us too!

(4) Make plans now for VBS, July 14-17, from 5:45-8pm nightly. Ages 3 years – rising 6th grade. This year’s theme is “Power Up: Raise Your Game!” Volunteer and children’s registration is available @ Seasoned, new, and youth volunteers needed—VBS is only possible with the support of the church body!

—— Youth ——

The youth at Nashville UMC are excited to host another Parents’ Night Out for our church and community on Friday, May 17 from 6-8:30pm. This event provides a free night of childcare for all of the hardworking parents we know.

Our youth have worked diligently to plan and organize this event to make it a night of fun for all those involved! Parents’ Night Out will cater to children from ages 1-11 yrs. The night will consist of dinner, Bible lessons, silly songs, games, and wholesome fellowship. We are overjoyed for the opportunity to offer this service to the church and community. If any youth are interested in volunteering for this event, or if there are any families who would like to register to take part in this event, please contact [email protected] for more information.

Page 3: Offering Better Life Through Christ 2019.pdf · 2020. 2. 25. · Offering Better Life Through Christ Dear Church Family, When we call ourselves Christians, we are committing to live

Power Up: Raising Your Game I can still remember the Christmas a brand new Nintendo videogame console was waiting for me under the tree. It was 1986 and along with 80s kids everywhere, I was hooked. It’s amazing to me that some 30+ years later, playing my son’s remake of the Classic Nintendo Entertainment System, my fingers didn’t skip a beat in saving Princess Peach and leading Mario to victory.

If only real life came with “power ups” and secret strategies for beating the bad guys. Most days though, it feels like we’re Pac-Man being chased by blinking ghosts coming at us from all directions with no out in sight! Life is hard, and the enemy is strong. But unlike Mario or Pac-Man, Christ gives us the ability to tap into the only power source we need to stand up against whatever comes our way.

“His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life.” – 2 Peter 1:3a

This summer during Vacation Bible School, we’ll use nostalgic 80s video games as our backdrop for exploring this powerful analogy. Kids and leaders will be challenged to raise their game by looking to Jesus as the ultimate power source. We’ll end with a closer look at the Fruit of the Spirit and how we can power up when we live with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Please join me now in praying for this year’s VBS—that God will use Nashville UMC in mighty ways to further His Kingdom through this ministry. In 2018, more than 200 children joined us nightly. To pull off another high-energy, high-impact outreach, we need your help! Consider serving this year as a volunteer. Adults often find that God uses the simplicity of kids’ lessons to speak directly to their hearts and circumstances. Sign up to volunteer at WWW.NASHVILLEUMC.NET. or email me ([email protected]) for more information. Let’s see what can happen for Christ if we all raise our game!

In His Love and Grace, Dr. Nichole Huff Director of Children and Family Ministries

Lots of people are asking about the World Café. During this event, we’ll come together to discuss our vision for the future at NUMC. We’ll gather around tables in Braswell Hall to get input from our congregation at-large so that all voices and viewpoints are represented. Everyone is invited, so come on Sunday, May 5, from 4- 6pm. Please make plans now to attend! We’ll have coffee and light refreshments. Nursery, child, and youth activities will be provided. Questions? Contact Brad Lewis ([email protected]).

Page 4: Offering Better Life Through Christ 2019.pdf · 2020. 2. 25. · Offering Better Life Through Christ Dear Church Family, When we call ourselves Christians, we are committing to live

Focus on Stewardship

By Our Gifts

As Christians, scripture calls us to offer our "first fruits" to God. First fruits giving requires the theological premise that our possessions and assets ultimately belong to God. All that we have in life is a gift from God! Faith-filled, first fruits giving is our opportunity to return to God a small portion of God's abundant blessing in our lives.

In his sermon, “The Use of Money," John Wesley preached about "earning all you can, saving all you can, and giving all you can." For Wesley, the tithe was not the ultimate goal of the Christian; it was the standard, the normative mark, the common denominator. Jesus' teaching and example urge us to examine our choices with all our possessions and assets, not just ten percent of them. Frankly, Jesus asked his disciples for a one hundred percent commitment. Wesley also taught that one who earned and saved money, but failed to give money, was not living as a Christian. Tithing introduces spiritual discipline to our financial choices.

Tithing also provides the financial assets for our congregation to launch and expand ministries. Together, we are able to accomplish far more than most of us can achieve individually. We might consider giving money through the church, rather than to the church. When people give to the church, they are giving to sustain the institution. However, when people give through the church, they are empowering ministry. Tithing congregations are beacons of spiritual vitality and health. They are communities grounded in spiritual relationships, beginning with a relationship to God as the primary source of strength, hope, and life.

The ways in which we choose to earn, give, save, and spend money are really spiritual decisions. When our first decision is one of giving, we place a greater level of trust in God. We begin by saying, "Thank you God! All that we have received is a blessing from you!" We acknowledge that we worship God and not money! Giving frees us from the bondage that money can have over our lives. Tithing encourages us to focus on God as the source of our strength, rather than our own achievements or financial assets. Tithing leads to spiritual growth! *Taken in part from

By Our Service

During our vows for membership, we commit to give our time to the ministries of NUMC. There are many people that share their gifts as a service to God’s church. Tina Schrader is one who does many things behind the scenes to help with our audio and visual ministry. Whether lettering a sign, creating a graphic, or setting up lyrics for worship services—Tina is always willing to go the extra mile! Thank you Tina!!

Page 5: Offering Better Life Through Christ 2019.pdf · 2020. 2. 25. · Offering Better Life Through Christ Dear Church Family, When we call ourselves Christians, we are committing to live

Submitted by Bill Lumpp

Sin! That is how our speaker started out Super High Retreat Weekend on April 5-7. We had 19 Youth PAC members and leaders excited about attending the retreat at Camp Willow Run on Lake Gaston. But, Sin? Wait, I thought this was to be a fun weekend at the lake?

This year was our fourth time attending, after missing last year due to a scheduling conflict. We realized about half way through the weekend that we really missed it last year. The weekend is set up into four talks (sermons) given by a member of the clergy. We also worship with songs at each of the services. On Saturday afternoon we had free time for events like high ropes course, rock wall climbing, target shooting, basketball, and more.

The weekend also included breakaway time for our group and individual time for the youth to reflect on talks. The breakaway time is critical and the most rewarding. This is the time the youth can ask questions and comment on what the speaker was talking about. Questions are so important in the life of a middle schooler and they asked some good ones. Some made “deer in headlight” looks on us leaders, but that was okay because God equips with the work of the Holy Spirit.

The Super High Weekend is designed to help leaders get to know our youth. It also is a chance for our youth to encounter God in a new way. Hopefully they grow in their faith and have a Super High experience that only Jesus can offer to our youth. Over the weekend, we were reminded that God created fun, and fun we had! Learning and growing in Him can be “Super” fun and watching our youth do this is the ultimate “High”. Thank you for sharing your youth with us.

Youth Retreat

2019 Youth PAC

Super High Retreat

Page 6: Offering Better Life Through Christ 2019.pdf · 2020. 2. 25. · Offering Better Life Through Christ Dear Church Family, When we call ourselves Christians, we are committing to live

Following God’s Plan

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see”

Hebrews 11:1

Hebrews 11:1 is my favorite bible verse. It has been a verse I have repeated to myself countless times. Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to be a teacher. Life Happens!! Things don’t always work out like you think they will. For me, I went into the workforce and started attending school at night. Life Happens!! I went to work for a company where I was afforded many promotions, great benefits, and good pay. Life happens!!! I met my future

husband; we married and started a family. Life happens!!

Looking back now, I see where God was giving me many life lessons during this time to build my faith in so many ways. I don’t think I would be as strong in my faith had I not experienced those “Life Happens” moments. Not being able to accomplish a childhood dream in the traditional way, having a child with special needs, working in an environment where sharing your faith is considered a violation- just a few “Life Happens” moments, I like to call those moments Blessings and Lessons.

During these years, our family has been blessed in ways too numerous to really count. We started attending church here in 2004 and have been involved in many ways growing in our faith. I have been involved with the children’s programs for many years now through VBS, King’s Kids, Sunday School, and Children’s Church. I have been blessed to be a part of those programs; praying God will use me in teaching those children.

Those work, life, and church blessings grew me in my faith that typical ways could not have. God used those blessings and lessons to grow me for where He was leading me, if I would only listen. I spent almost 30 years with the same corporation- a lifetime. Those last couple of years, I kept having this feeling that things just weren’t right. 30 years, I can’t start a new career. 30 years, I can’t find pay comparable to my salary. 30 Years, I have two kids in college. There it was, over and over again……I , I, I. God kept saying- Listen to Me. Follow My plan. Leap of faith……… I applied for a position at the Weekday School. Listen to Me. Follow My plan, He said. I was blessed to get the job. I have felt more useful the last year and a half working with those children, helping them to grow both spiritually and educationally. Recently, I believe I heard Him saying to me again- Listen to Me. Follow My plan.

I have been blessed again with this new position of Nursery and Preschool Coordinator. I believe God has a plan to grow me and this program where His

We welcome Melissa Lumpp as our new Nursery & Preschool Coordinator

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children will be enriched. It is my heart’s prayer that this program will be a strong foundation of faith for the youngest of our community.

As our church continues to grow, we must also ensure that our children’s needs are met. I pray this program will be developmental to their educational, physical and especially spiritual needs. I would like to also encourage each of you to prayerfully consider volunteering with our children’s programs. We have lots to choose from. Don’t just let “Life Happen!” Blessings and lessons abound. No experience needed- God will provide just – Listen to Him.

“[God will] equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ,

to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” Hebrews 13:21

Blessed in His Love and Grace, Melissa Lumpp Nursery and Preschool Coordinator 252-908-3587 or [email protected]

Melissa & Bill Lumpp have raised their children at NUMC and have been faithful in sharing God’s

love with the children & youth of NUMC.

The Bible can be the most intimidating book in the world, but it is also the most formative book in the world because the Bible reveals to us who Jesus Christ is. Therefore, the Bible shouldn’t be something we are afraid of, or know nothing about - we should be a people of this book! This book informs us, but more importantly forms us.

So, whether you know nothing about the Bible, are a Bible guru, or somewhere in between - Pastor Luke invites you to take Bible 101. During this 5 week study in May, we will uncover the basic story of the Bible. In doing so, we learn to live into the greatest story ever told as we are formed into the people God created us to be. No need to sign up, just come beginning May 1 at 6:30pm in the basement.

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Women's Bible Study: Life often looks different than we hoped or expected, sometimes causing us to wonder about the reality of God’s goodness. Whether you're looking for ways to encourage a friend or loved one, or it’s your heart that needs reminding of God's love, join us for "It's Not Supposed to Be This Way" by Lysa TerKeurst beginning on May 7 at 6:30pm in the church office. We'll meet 1st and 3rd Tuesdays this summer. Contact [email protected] for more information.

Love Offering: We are accepting donations for a love offering to be given to Ralph for his retirement. Donations can be made through the offering.

Methodist Men's Breakfast: Our UMM Breakfast will be on Sunday, May 12 at 7:30am in Cockrell Hall. All men are invited for great food, fellowship, and a short meeting to discuss upcoming ministry events.

Safe Sanctuaries Training: Safe Sanctuaries training will be offered on May 19, at 4pm in Cockrell Hall. Training is required once each calendar year for anyone working with children, youth, or vulnerable adults. If you’re not sure if you are due to retake the class, contact Jackie at 459-7178 or [email protected]

Senior Adult Ministry: S.A.M.'s Last Catered Meal & Program of the 2018-19 season will take place on May 21 at 12 noon in Cockrell Hall. Something Different in Wilson is providing the food. Pastor Ralph is our Guest Speaker. The cost is $10 per person and the deadline to reserve your seat is Wednesday May 15. Invite a friend & come early. Contact Victoria at 459-2396 or [email protected] for details.

Can you Serve? We need volunteers to ensure adequate coverage in Children’s Church. Please contact Nichole ([email protected]) if you can serve on a monthly team.

NUMC Softball: Our Softball Team has started their spring season. They’ll be playing at the Rocky Mount Sports Complex. Get a schedule of upcoming games on our website or in the Information Centers.

Weekday School Graduation: Nothing is much cuter than our preschoolers in caps and gowns. Everyone is invited to Braswell Hall on Wednesday, May 23 at 7pm as we celebrate our preschoolers who are graduating and moving on to Kindergarten.

WDS Registration for the 2019-2020 school year is now open. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a visit, contact Denise Calloway at [email protected] or 459-7636. Visit WWW.NASHVILLEUMC.NET/WEEKDAY_SCHOOL for applications.

Church Directory: We took lots of pictures in April for our directory, but we’re still missing many people that worship with us. We want to include everyone, even if you aren’t officially a member. If you’d like to schedule a time to get a picture made, contact the church office. We can also accept contributed pictures (send to [email protected]).

Men's Bible Study: Our men have a Bible Study every Tuesday at 8:30am in the Bus Garage. This study includes men from several other churches in our area. Come study God's word with others who are growing in their faith.


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prayers Do you have a prayer request or want to pray for those in need? Join our Prayer Chain.

Contact our office at 459-7178 or [email protected] to be added to the email or phone distribution list.

Submit prayer requests to 252-459-7178 or [email protected]. Join our Prayer Warriors on Tuesday mornings at 7am in the Parlor for Prayers with the Pastor. They pray for our community, country, and all prayer requests in the church.

Nashville United Methodist Church


stay connected Get schedules for Children, Youth, and Adults at our Information Centers located at both entrances. You will also find brochures on various ministry groups, Church Council Minutes, and more.

Save a tree and postage costs by receiving your newsletter via email or view the newsletter anytime at

To schedule a church event, complete the church event form at WWW.NASHVILLEUMC.NET/RESOURCES and submit to [email protected]

Beginning Mother’s Day, there will be Baby bottles from Your Choice Pregnancy Resource Center in the Gathering Area. Take a bottle and fill them with cash, coins and/or checks for The Baby Bottle Campaign. Each year thousands of dollars raised from the Campaign support the life changing work of meeting the physical and spiritual needs of women and men facing unplanned pregnancies—and their babies. You are also reaching out to thousands of students through YCPRC’s Worth Waiting 4! Program. Questions? Contact Pattie Mercer, our local YCPRC Liaison, at 459-2146.

Page 10: Offering Better Life Through Christ 2019.pdf · 2020. 2. 25. · Offering Better Life Through Christ Dear Church Family, When we call ourselves Christians, we are committing to live

Do You Have an Upcoming Event?

Schedule events using the Church Event Form in the workroom or online at NASHVILLEUMC.NET/RESOURCES.

Additions to the bulletin should be sent to the church office by Mondays at noon. Newsletter deadline is the 10th.

You can also find finance guidelines, bus reservation information, and more—all on the RESOURCES webpage.


2019 YTD Average Attendance

8:30 Praise & Worship: 256 11:00 Praise & Worship: 89

Traditional: 73 Sunday Night Youth Worship: 49

Average of all Services: 533 Includes special services and those on

retreats & mission trips.

Facts & Figures

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Weekly Events Special Dates

Sunday 8:30am Praise & Worship Service

10:00am Sunday School

11:00am Traditional Service

11:00am Praise & Worship Service

6:00pm Ralph’s Small Group :Parlor

6:15pm Youth Worship : Basement

Monday 7:00am WICK Emmaus : Hardee’s

Tuesday 7:00am Prayers with the Pastor : Parlor

8:30am Men’s Bible Study : Bus Garage

5:30pm Stephen Ministry Training Men’s Bible Class

6:30pm Disciple IV : Library

6:30pm Women’s Study : Church Office (1st & 3rd Tuesday only)

7:00pm AA : Bus Garage

8:00pm NarAnon : Basement


6:15am Youth Bible Study : Sheetz

3:00pm NES Mentoring : Cockrell Hall

5:30pm Youth Choir Practice : Choir Rm

6:30pm Bible 101 : Basement

6:30pm Choir Practice : Choir Room

7:00pm Praise & Worship Team Practice

8:00pm NA : Bus Garage

Thursday 7:30pm Disciple I : Library

Saturday 10:00am La Estrella Ministry 4118 W Hwy 97, Stanhope

May 1 Bible 101 Begins 6:30pm : Basement

May 2 National Day of Prayer

May 4 ASP Bible Study 8am : Cockrell Hall

May 5 World Café 4pm : Braswell Hall

May 6 & 8 Compassion Café 11:00am : Bus Garage

May 12 UMM Breakfast 7:30pm : Cockrell Hall

Baby Bottle Blessing Begin

May 14 Traditional Worship Team Mtg 6pm : Cockrell Hall

May 17 Parents Night Out, 7pm

May 19 Safe Sanctuaries 4pm : Cockrell Hall

Children & Youth EOY Parties

May 20 Church Council 7pm : Cockrell Hall

May 21 S.A.M, 12:00pm : Cockrell Hall

May 22 Weekday School Graduation 6:30pm : Braswell Hall

May 24 Prayer Watch, 6pm : War Room

Team Meetings

May 1 Admin Chair Breakfast 6am : Oak Level

May 8 Trustees, 7pm : A205

Audit Team Meeting, 7pm : B104

May 19 Stephen Ministry,5pm : B102

May 20 Scholarship Team Meeting 6:30pm : B104

May 21 WDS Meeting, 6pm: B103

Finance, 7pm : Parlor

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