Page 1: OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE MIDWEST PILGRIM HOLINESS ... · On February 26th, Dr. Stephen Gibson ministered in both services. We enjoyed his presentation of the Holi-ness Pilgrim



In this issue . . .

A Story of Divine Healing — Dan Plemmons recounts a miraculous healing . . . Page 2

Church News — Take a look at what’s happening around the Conference . . . Page 3

A Woman’s Perspective (An article aimed at ministering to women) Page 5

Teen Topics (Insights from teens, for teens) Page 6

Pastor to Pastor (An article written with the pastor in mind) Page 7

Pilgrim Ministerial Announcement — Page 9

Pilgrim Family Camp Announcement — Page 10

There Are No Small Churches

Page 2: OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE MIDWEST PILGRIM HOLINESS ... · On February 26th, Dr. Stephen Gibson ministered in both services. We enjoyed his presentation of the Holi-ness Pilgrim

A Miraculous Story of God’s Divine Healing!

By Dan Plemmons

On Saturday, January 28th, I left the house around 8:00 AM to make a hospital call. This wasn't just any hospital call, for I was going to visit the best Adult SS Teacher I have ever heard . . . Dave Walker.

Bro. Walker isn’t one of those dry, boring SS teachers that gets up and just “wings it” so to speak, but he studies

around TWO HOURS every day so he will be prepared when he stands in front of that class! In fact, as he was lying there on that hospital bed, I noticed that he had his Adult Teacher’s Quarterly with him!

Dave Walker and his good wife, Linda, have attended our church for around 30 years, and they are as faithful as you will find anywhere! Dave & Linda both serve on our church Board, he serves as our Adult Sunday School teacher, and

Linda serves as Church Treasurer.

I arrived at the hospital and we talked for about an hour, and although his breathing was labored from a condition un-known to us, he seemed in good spirits. We didn't know it at the time, but he had pneumonia, plus multiple blood clots in BOTH LUNGS, and he was indeed gravely ill! His wife arrived at the hospital, so I had prayer and left to go back home,

telling them to call if they needed anything at all. Mid afternoon, his wife texted me to let me know that his condition was suddenly deteriorating at a most rapid pace

and things were not looking good! They were getting ready to put him on the ventilator. I asked if I should return to the hospital, and she said to just pray, and pray we did!! Around 5 PM, we were eating Dinner, when she texted once again saying, "Please come." We instantly hopped in the

car and drove to the hospital to be by her side to comfort her for whatever was coming. When we arrived at the hospital, we knew the situation was very dire, and unless God worked a miracle, he was going to die. On the way home, I said to my wife, "I think we'd better start preparing ourselves for a funeral, because I don't think he's going to make it!" Instantly,

God gave me the verse, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and LEAN NOT on your own understanding!"

The next day was Sunday, and it was a bleak one at our church! Instead of preaching what I had prepared, I called all of the people to the front of the church where we all formed a circle, and begged God to spare Bro. Walker. After dinner, we rushed back to the hospital and when we walked in to the ICU room, I wasn't quite prepared for how

close to death he actually was! I feel safe in saying that I have never pastored anyone who came that close to death’s door, and pulled thru! One doctor came in and said, "Mrs. Walker, I just don't see how he is going to make it!" BUT GOD STEPPED IN . . .

Miraculously, Bro. Walker started showing signs of improvement, and our faith took on a renewed hope! For a full seven days, he was on life support, and although they were still cautioning that he might have trouble coming off of the vent, he came thru remarkably well, and what a rejoicing moment it was when we received the news that he was going to

get to come HOME!

As of this writing, he is exercising daily, and while he has a long road of recovery ahead of him, we are holding on to the promise that "He who began a good work, will be faithful to complete it!"

As I write this, I am well aware that not all stories end in the way that our humanity prefers, and many who read this article have stories in your life that haven’t ended the way that you would prefer, but I would just urge you to place those

situations in the hands of an all-knowing God who is more than able to take care of it!

We don’t know why God allowed Bro. Walker to endure such a trying time in his life, but one thing we DO know, is that a whole bunch of people have been given a front row seat to a God that still answers prayer in 2017!

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News from around the Conference News articles on this page have been submitted by various Pilgrim Churches. We reserve the right to edit

the submissions as necessary to fit space requirements. E-mail all news to: [email protected]

Lima, OH - (By Stephanie Burley)

God is moving in Lima, OH! We are thankful for His blessings. The last few months have been busy for our

pastor and for the ministries here. December 2nd, some of our people were able to attend the Conference

Christmas Dinner in Anderson, and they enjoyed the music of the Cassady Family, as well as the food, and the

fellowship of the Pilgrim family. The next day, our church held its annual Christmas luncheon.

The students of Pilgrim Christian School presented the musical, “Christmas Spirit” on December 6th. They

did an excellent job, and the event was well-attended.

On December 10th, we said goodbye to one of our recent converts, Owen Hinkle. His funeral was held at

the church, and was a beautiful tribute to what God can do for us even at a later stage in life. God was faithful

to Owen, and that gives us hope for others who are away from God.

On January 18th, Joyce Barnt slipped from this life and entered the beauties of Heaven. She had been strug-

gling physically, but her loss was a shock to us, and we miss her dearly. Her visitation/funeral was held at the

church, with hundreds of guests coming to pay their respects. Please remember her husband, Merlin, and the

family as they continue to grieve her passing. We rejoice that we will be reunited with her one day!

On January 22nd, we were favored to have a group of students from God’s Bible school to minister in the

morning and evening services. It is such a blessing to see students who are actively pursuing ministry oppor-

tunities even as they are yet in training.

January 29th was a special Sunday for Lima Pilgrims

as we celebrated the 40th Ministry Anniversary of

our pastor and his wife.

Don and Ruth Nichols came to pastor the Lima

Church on January 30, 1977.

To honor their service, friends and members of the

church donated over 500 Bibles through Gideons In-

ternational. A new pulpit and communion table

were dedicated, as well. A fellowship meal was

shared in the school commons following the service.

The first weekend of February, Greg and Stephanie

Burley took several teens to the Central PA Youth

Convention. This was the first time our church has

taken a group, and it was an outstanding time of

Page 4: OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE MIDWEST PILGRIM HOLINESS ... · On February 26th, Dr. Stephen Gibson ministered in both services. We enjoyed his presentation of the Holi-ness Pilgrim

News from around the Conference News articles on this page have been submitted by various Pilgrim Churches. We reserve the right to edit

the submissions as necessary to fit space requirements. E-mail all news to: [email protected]

spiritual enrichment.

On February 26th, Dr. Stephen Gibson ministered in both services. We enjoyed his presentation of the Holi-

ness Pilgrim Mission work in Haiti.

On March 22nd, we began revival services with the Stephen Cassady Family. The services were marked

with probing messages and beautiful music. God’s presence was near. The Sunday morning service was

broadcast over local Christian radio WTGN 97.7 FM. We trust that many, both in and out of the church, were

touched by Rev. Cassady’s message on The Prodigal Son.

Our pastor hosted Prayer Time (a devotional and prayer for called in requests) on the radio station during

the week of March 27th.

As of this writing, steel siding is being applied to portions of the church building. It is good to see improve-

ments to the property as God supplies the resources! Thank you for your continued prayers for LPHC and its


Noblesville, IN - (By Amber Fish)

Greetings from Noblesville Pilgrim Holiness Church! Spring is in the air and God’s mercies are new every

morning. We have seen first-hand God’s mercy and grace exhibited in our church the past few months. The

Holy Sprit’s presence has been evident in our services, and that in and of itself is priceless!

As many of you know, we are in the process of building a Family Life Center. The hopes for this building is

that we can encourage fellowship with God’s people. And not only that, but also host many different events

that will draw people in to hear the Gospel of Christ; people that may not otherwise attend a church service.

We received a huge blessing on Sunday, March 26th. Pastor Forsee called our treasurer to the platform and

presented him with a one-time donation check of over $104,000. PRAISE THE LORD! With God all things are

possible!! We give God praise for the wonderful things that He is doing here in Noblesville!

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Perfect Sunsets

It was a Wednesday evening, the second night of revival, and I was weary. As we made our final turn to-

ward the church, the western sky was bursting with a stunning sunset. It was breathtaking, and immediately

caught my attention. I marveled at the beauty of the colors, and how they rippled through the patterns in the

clouds. But just as quickly as it captivated my eyes and my mind, the positive thought was shoved out by some-

thing negative. “Just think of how much more amazing that sunset would be if you were viewing it oceanside,”

said the voice in my head. “Sure,” I agreed, “It would be perfect.” (Sigh)

Was I wrong? No. To my left set a mobile home park half empty and run down. To my right was an aban-

doned house. Directly between my vision and that sunset were a thousand power lines, destroying the image

like a Sharpie recklessly drawn through a masterpiece.

But something was wrong. Over the next week, that scenario played out in my head several times. It was as

though God was whispering, “Why did you let all the earthly stuff crowd out the heavenly gift that I gave you?

At first glance, you appreciated the sunset. You noticed the colors and the patterns, and for a moment it rested

your soul. Why couldn’t you savor it? Was it not enough?”

Has God ever spoken to you like that? How it grieved my heart to know that

my ungrateful spirit grieved my Father’s heart! I learned a lesson that night, and

I hope I carry that lesson with me for a long time.

Someone said, “You opened two gifts this morning. They are your eyes.” Isn’t it humbling to know that the

very things we take for granted are the things that, if lost, would impact our lives the most?”

It is important that we recognize the tactics Satan uses to keep us from fully savoring God’s perfect blessings,

and develop strategies to defend against them. I’ll be honest. It seems that since that “perfect sunset” evening,

the devil has waged an attack upon me. I let him have an inch, and he took a mile. So, I’m fighting back. One of

my weapons against him is to give God praise for something whenever I talk to someone. Just simply saying,

“God is good,” and meaning it fully, is a solid blow to our enemy.

Ironically, I’m getting my Oceanside sunset, but only because someone I love had major surgery at a south

Florida hospital, and we traveled 1200 miles to be with him. If conditions are “perfect” for us, remember, some-

one else is experiencing pain and suffering. In fact, there is pain and suffering all around us. And that leads me

to the other weapon I can use against my enemy. You can do the same.

We will never run out of hurting people to touch. Let’s reach out. Let’s break free from the temptation to cri-

tique our own circumstances and constantly wish for better and for more. God’s gifts to us are bountiful, and I

don’t want to be guilty of trading His “perfect sunsets” for anything less.

A Woman’s Perspective

By Stephanie Burley

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Don’t let earthly stuff crowd

out heaven sent gifts

Page 6: OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE MIDWEST PILGRIM HOLINESS ... · On February 26th, Dr. Stephen Gibson ministered in both services. We enjoyed his presentation of the Holi-ness Pilgrim

A Healthy Relationship With God Through Devotional Time

As teenagers, we tend to have a lot which occupies our minds as well as our time. School, sports activities,

work, etc. seem to be on a repeat cycle. Prayer and meditation on God's Word can get put on the back burner

with the busy-ness of our lives.

Joshua 1:8 "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night,

that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then you shall make your way prosperous, and

then you shall have good success."

God has placed weapons in our hands that we can use against the devil in his attempts to get us to fall, but

we need to spend time with the One who can fight our battles for us! During the day, it is important to sit

down, unplug from technology, tune out the many distractions, and focus in on what God has to say so that

we can be victorious. The words "prosperous" and "success" in the previous verse is not referring to things

that the world might consider as accomplishments, but they are speaking of the mind and how we can win

spiritually through our daily walk with God.

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." This phrase is so simple yet quite meaningful!

Possibly you feel the need to get something from the kitchen as a midnight snack... you walk down the dark

hallway, gaining confidence that you won't run in to anything. Wouldn't you know it, just as you pick up

speed and make it to your living room, you hit your toe on the first obstacle that was in your path. You keep

moving forward, hoping not to stub your toe for a second time. You almost reach the kitchen, but trip and

fall flat on the floor! Why did this happen? Light was not present to guide your steps! You were positive you

wouldn't need a flashlight since you had made this journey during the daylight hours so many times before.

The same thing can happen with your devotional life. Days come and go, the end of each day comes and we

just want sleep, so devotions tend to get put off until tomorrow. We have not fallen, but the light that is guid-

ing our path is slowly diminishing, which makes us more susceptible to Satan's evil plot.

Prayer is a direct line to God. He hears every word we say. Devotional time is a great time to pray, but

you can also pray throughout the day. You might be in a rough spot in your life where you feel like every

thing is going wrong and you can't seem to do it on your own. The fact is, you can’t! We all need to call on

God daily for His guidance and wisdom in our lives. We can have a peace in knowing that God has our back

and won’t leave us in the dust! God does His part, but we must do our part. Take time to read and pray.

This month’s article is written by Clayton Plemmons. Clayton is from Rochester Hills, MI, and is a senior in high

school. He is active in his local church, and wants to follow the path that God has for him.

Page 7: OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE MIDWEST PILGRIM HOLINESS ... · On February 26th, Dr. Stephen Gibson ministered in both services. We enjoyed his presentation of the Holi-ness Pilgrim

In our churches, it’s easy to fall prey to the worldly way of thinking that in order to be successful in God’s

kingdom, we must have a church with hundreds of people, a nice brick building with a high steeple, and have

the elite of the community attending the services. But did you know that those things (in themselves) do not

impress God? On the other hand, neither is God impressed with the small-minded mentality that thinks that

as long as we’re clean, all is well!

Many years ago, I read about a pastor who, in telling of his seminary days, told of how every Monday AM,

they would meet in Theology class to report on the progress of the previous Day. On this particular morning,

one of his classmates stood up and said, “Well, I didn’t do so well yesterday. The church I ministered at was

really small!” The Professor interrupted him and said, “Let me fill you in on something! There are NO SMALL

CHURCHES! Just small-minded people!” I never forgot that illustration.

As pastors, we tend to be encouraged or discouraged based on the amount of people who make it to church

on Sunday. We tend to look at other churches (and pastors) and judge ourselves by what they are doing, but I

would submit to you that God doesn’t want you (or your church) to be a replicate of another, but He has a

special plan to build your church that is uniquely designed for your particular situation!

Work with what you have! I heard about a pastor who came to Prayer Meeting and only a handful had

come to church that night! He walked up to an older minister in the church, and said, “Oh my! What are we

gonna do? The crowd is so small!!” The wise old minister calmly said, “Well, we can’t do anything about those

who didn’t come, I guess we’ll just have to work with what we have!” That wise minister had learned a lesson

that many of us need to learn! Moaning and groaning to those who DID come, about those who DIDN’T come,

does absolutely nothing to better the situation. If anything, it only serves to depress the faithful attendees.

When our people come to church, they need to see a pastor who is excited about what God is going to do!

Granted, there WILL be days when we are discouraged with our situation, but we need to learn to WORK


Make it worth their while! You’ve heard those sermons, and so have I. You know, the sermon that “feels”

like it was read out of a book, and not wrought out of study and prayer. Don’t take it lightly that your people

got up early, got ready for church, and for the most part, arrived on time to come to the church that you pas-

tor, so they could worship God. You may not be the most eloquent pastor in the Conference, and your church

may not be the finest looking in the community, but for some reason, they chose YOUR church as THEIR

church, and we need to make sure that we give God (and them) our absolute BEST!

Rev. James Keaton in his book, 501 Points of Light for Young Preachers said: “Never criticize those who don’t

care to drive across town, if your sermon wasn’t worth walking across the street to hear.” I realize that those

words can be hard to digest, but they are words that all of us as pastors need to hear again from time to time.

Pastor to Pastor Pastor to Pastor

Ministe ring to those who ministe r to othe rs

There are no Small Churches! By Rev. Dan Plemmons

Pilgrim News & Notes Page 7

Page 8: OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE MIDWEST PILGRIM HOLINESS ... · On February 26th, Dr. Stephen Gibson ministered in both services. We enjoyed his presentation of the Holi-ness Pilgrim

Rev. Dan Plemmons resides in Rochester Hills, MI where he is beginning his 19th year as

pastor of the Rochester Hills Pilgrim Holiness Church.

He is married to Leah, and they have two children. (Amber and Clayton) Amber is married

to Seth Fish, and they have two children, and Clayton is a senior in high school.

You may connect with Pastor Dan by emailing him at [email protected]

Whether the crowd size is large, or if only a handful come, we need to make sure that we have studied,

prayed, and are prepared to give our very best each time we step up to the sacred desk!

Don’t try to fit your church into a box! What works for one church, may not work for every church! We all

know this, but we just need to do what works!

I once heard about a church (with a large bus ministry) that had trouble getting the bus route children to

get up in time to come to church. Finally, it dawned on them that the reason was that the children (all

from unchurched homes) didn’t get to bed at a decent hour, and were just unable to get up early enough to

be ready in time for Sunday school. So what did they do? They reversed their Sunday service schedule,

and instead of having SS in the morning, they had it at night!

A few years ago, a church here in Michigan received permission from their local Wendy’s Restaurant to

gather once/month for a time of nothing but gospel singing! They have been doing this for several years now,

and it has been a great tool to reach out to their community!

Above all else . . . We MUST have God’s Glory! Nothing will attract people, encourage the saints, and

convict the sinner, like the Glory of God in your services! You can have the very best of facilities, you can

have the most talented minister of music, and the most eloquent speaker as your pastor, but if you fail to

have the Glory of God in your services, it is nothing more than a religious exercise!

The banquet hall was filled to capacity, and the speaker for the occasion, the nation’s best known orator had been

flown in. When he’d finished speaking, there was a thunderous applause, and a standing ovation. People sat in awe and

were amazed at the ease with which the orator spoke. When they were seated, the orator thanked them for their kindness,

and he said, “Now, if there is a request from the audience, I would be glad to fill it.

From the back of the auditorium stood up an old, silver haired, retired minister. The orator said, “Can I help you,

sir?” The old minister said, “Yes sir, could you please quote for me the 23rd Psalm?” Somewhat surprised by such an

unusual request, the orator said, “Yes sir, I will, if after I’m thru, YOU come up here, and you also quote the 23rd

Psalm.” The minister agreed, and the orator began . . .

“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want, He maketh me to lie down in green pastures . . .“ When he’d finished,

there was once again a thunderous applause, and a standing ovation.

The old minister feebly arose and hobbled to the stage, and began. “The LORD . . . Is MY . . . Shepherd, and I shall

NOT WANT. He maketh ME to lie down in green pastures . . .“ When he’d finished, there was no applause, no stand-

ing ovation, because everyone was in tears.

The orator came back to the mic and he said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, I have reached your ears, but HE has touched

your heart! And the difference is that I KNOW the 23rd Psalm, but this preacher . . . HE knows the Shepherd!”

May God grant that when visitors come to OUR churches, they sense His GLORY!

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We would love to be able to report on the happenings in and around your

church, but we need to here from YOU!

If you would like your church news to be included in the next PNN, please

have your report to the editor no later than May 15th. THANKS!

Email your report to: [email protected]

Conference Info:

Conference President, Rev. Don Nichols

Conference Vice President, Rev. Mark Arnett

Conference Secretary, Rev. Tim Forsee

Conference Treasurer, Rev. Bryan Line

Conference Missionary Representative, Dr. Craig Dahler

Conference Youth Director, Rev. John Zeigler

The main goal of Pilgrim News & Notes is to be an encouragement to our readers, as well as

a source of information to those with connections or interests in our Conference.

All submissions are welcome, however, we reserve the right to edit as necessary to fit de-

sign and space needs. Not all submissions will be published.

Please email all submissions to the editor via the contact info below:

[email protected]

About Pilgrim News & Notes

Pilgrim News & Notes is the official publication of the Midwest Pilgrim Ho-

liness Church, and is published bi-monthly.

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