
第三期 NO.3 2016


Offshore RMB


目錄 市場數據 Chart Book 3

清算行資訊 Information on RMB Clearing 7

政策追蹤 Policy Watch 9

市場動態 Market Updates 11

RMB 專題研究 RMB Offshore Market Insights 12

編者 Editors: 張文晶 (Annie Cheung) 譚愛瑋(Celine Tam) 孔玲(Kera Kong)




在人民幣兌美元匯率繼續承受貶值壓力的情況下,人民幣國際化之路能否和如何走下去便是一個全新的課題。如果市場環境嚴峻到必需在人民幣匯率穩定和國際化之間作出一個選擇,而不能同時兼顧時,可能的政策選擇會是以匯率穩定爲主、國際化為輔。 Given the persistent depreciation pressure on the RMB against the USD, whether the RMB will continue on its internationalization journey and how the RMB can progress further will be a brand new topic. If the market condition changes drastically and there is an imminent need to make a decision between the stability of the RMB exchange rate and the progress of internationalization, given that both cannot be achieved at the same time, it is highly probable that exchange rate stability will be the primary focus and internationalization will be secondary.


中國銀行(香港)Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited






2016年1月份跨境貿易結算的人民幣匯款總額為 4,801億元,環比下降28.1%。


Chart Book

1. 人民幣資金池狀況 RMB Capital Pool

RMB Deposits (Chart. 1)

RMB deposits in Hong Kong edged up by 0.1% MoM to RMB 852.1bn in January 2016. The outstanding amount decreased by 13.2% from a year ago.

RMB Cross-border Trade Settlement (Chart. 2) The amount of RMB cross-border trade settlement decreased by 28.1% MoM to RMB 480.1bn in January 2016.


資料來源:Bloomberg, BOCHK 資料來源:Bloomberg, BOCHK


2月份香港銀行間人民幣拆借利率持續波動。隔夜拆息在2月19日升至9.265%。 2月29日香港人民幣隔夜、1週及3個月拆息率分別為。2.0435%、3.718%和4.758%。


2月份離岸人民幣兌美元匯率環比升值0.64%,在岸人民幣兌美元匯率環比升值0.33%。2月29日離岸人民幣兌美元匯率收報 6.5523。離岸和在岸價差比上月明顯收窄,平均價差爲44點。

2. 人民幣資金成本 RMB Funding Cost

CNH HIBOR (Chart. 3)

CNH HIBOR fixing rates continued to fluctuate in February. The O/N CNH HIBOR once hit at 9.265% on February 19. On February 29, the O/N, 1-week and 3-month CNH HIBOR rates were 2.0435%, 3.718% and 4.758%, respectively.

RMB Exchange Rate (Chart. 4)

CNH appreciated against USD by 0.64% MoM while CNY appreciated against USD by 0.33% MoM in February. On February 29, CNH closed at 6.5523, and the average spread of the month between CNH and CNY narrowed considerably to 44 pips.


資料來源:Bloomberg, BOCHK 資料來源:Bloomberg, BOCHK

中銀香港 - 富時離岸人民幣債券綜合指數(圖5)




3. 離岸人民幣金融產品 Offshore RMB Products

FTSE-BOCHK Offshore RMB Bond Composite Index (Chart. 5)

FTSE-BOCHK Offshore RMB Bond Composite Index increased to 113.83 on February 29, 2016.

Dim Sum Bond Issuance (Chart. 6)

There was no issuance of dim sum bonds for a third straight month in February 2016.


資料來源:Bloomberg, BOCHK 資料來源:BOCHK Global Market estimate





Offshore RMB Bond Yield (Chart. 7)

As of February 29, 2016, the offshore RMB government bond yields from tenors of 1 year to 30 years were all higher than those of the onshore RMB government bond for the same tenor.

RMB Deposits in Taiwan (Chart. 8)

As of end-January 2016, total RMB deposits in Taiwan, including DBU and OBU RMB deposits, increased by 0.24% to RMB 319.0bn MoM .


資料來源:Bloomberg, BOCHK 資料來源:Bloomberg, BOCHK


Information on RMB Clearing


2016年2月,人民幣RTGS清算額為14.91萬億元,環比下跌26.6%。首兩個月累計 35.22 萬億元,同比增長13.5%。

RMB RTGS Turnover

Total RMB RTGS turnover was RMB 14.91tn in February 2016, or a MoM decrease of 26.6%. RTGS turnover increased by 13.5% YoY to RMB 35.22tn for the first two months.




Mainland RMB Cross-border Settlement

According to the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), RMB cross-border trade settlement reached RMB 564.3bn in January 2016, amongst which RMB cross-border trade settlement for goods amounted to RMB 492.2bn and settlement for services and other current accounts amounted to RMB 72.1bn. Meanwhile, the amount of RMB direct investment reached RMB 317.8bn, amongst which outward and inward direct investments were RMB 152.2bn and RMB 165.6bn, respectively. BOC Cross-border RMB Index (CRI) Increased by 15 points from the previous month and 20 points from the beginning of 2015 to 276 points in December 2015. CRI climbed for the first 8 months of 2015, and reached the peak at 321 points in August. CRI then retreated as a result of volatile RMB exchange rates in the onshore and offshore markets, interest rate fluctuation, the Fed’s rate hike and increasing economic headwinds. Overall, CRI gained slightly in 2015.





SWIFT 人民幣追蹤

2016年1月份,人民幣維持全球付款第五最活躍貨幣的地位, 佔全球支付2.45%。

SWIFT’s RMB Tracker

In January 2016, RMB held its position as the fifth most active currency used for global payments by value, accounting for 2.45% of global payments.



2月4日,國家外匯管理局發佈《合格境外機構投資者境內證券投資外匯管理規定》。主要內容包括: 1) 不再對QFII機構設統一的投資額度上限,而是根據機構資產規模或管理的資產規模的一定比例作為其獲取投資額度的依據;2) 對QFII機構基礎額度內的額度申請採取備案管理;超過基礎額度的,才需外管局審批;3) 允許QFII機構開放式基金按日申購、贖回;4) QFII機構資金匯出的鎖定期從1年縮短為3個月,但保留資金分批、分期匯出要求。


Policy Watch

SAFE Relaxed QFII Investment Quota

On February 4, State Administration of Foreign

Exchange (SAFE) released “the Provisions on Foreign

Exchange Administration of Domestic Securities

Investment by Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors

(QFII)”. It mainly included: 1) The unified investment

quota ceiling set on individual QFII would be revoked.

Instead, a certain percentage of the asset size or asset

size managed by the QFII would be used as the base

for calculating the investment quota. 2) Application for

investment quota by the QFII within the base quota

would be subject to management by record filing.

Approval by SAFE would only be required when

investment quota exceeds the base quota. 3) The QFII

would be allowed to subscribe or redeem open-ended

funds on a daily basis. 4) The lock-up period of the

outward remittance of capital by the QFII would be

shortened from 1 year to 3 months. However,

requirements for outward remittance of capital in

batches and by installments remain.





PBOC Further Liberalized Interbank Bond Market

The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) announced on

February 24 that commercial banks, insurance firms,

security firms, fund management companies and other

asset management companies that registered outside

of China, as well as other medium-to-long term

institutional investors that were approved by the PBOC,

such as pension funds, charity funds and endowment

funds, would be authorized to invest in onshore

interbank bond market without quota limitation. Eligible

offshore institutional investors can become market

participants after completing the filing and account

opening procedure with the interbank market

settlement agents.




The PBOC cut the reserve requirement ratio (RRR) by

50 bps for all financial institutions with effect from March

1. The RRR for large and medium to small financial

institutions would be 17% and 15%, respectively

following the PBOC’s announcement.




Market Updates

BOC Signed RMB 150bn Cooperative Agreement with China COSCO Shipping Co. Ltd.

On February 18, Bank of China (BOC) signed a

cooperative agreement with China COSCO Shipping

Corporation Limited. Under the agreement, China

COSCO Shipping Corporation Limited would be

expected to receive credit lines of no more than RMB

150bn on a global basis from BOC. The bilateral

cooperation will cover credit facility, direct financing,

cash management, company annuity, financial

consulting, investment banking, insurance, etc.


RMB 專題研究

RMB Offshore Market Insights

專題一: 貶值壓力下的人民幣國際化

RMB Internationalization under the Depreciation Pressure

高級經濟研究員 戴道華 Daohua Dai, Senior Economist


As of end-2015, the IMF decided to include the RMB in

the SDR currency basket, which is an important

milestone for the internationalization of the RMB. As the

quantitative indicators require RMB to achieve certain

scale in the international usage in both trade and

financial sector, this decision is not only an

acknowledgement of the progress of the RMB

internationalization, but also motivation for further RMB’s

internationalization progress in the future, as this will

trigger more demand for RMB assets. However, this was

swiftly followed by the high-stake battles of the RMB

exchange rate. Given the persistent depreciation

pressure on the RMB against the USD, whether the

RMB will continue on its internationalization journey and

how the RMB can progress further will be a brand new



As the RMB had just joined the league of international

reserve currencies, the expectations towards RMB may

be higher. In addition, the RMB’s exchange rate is

managed-float, therefore market participants will

generally form certain expectation towards the managed

regime. RMB stakeholders with personal interests will

definitely hope that RMB exchange rate will only

appreciate or at least not to incur exchange rate losses in

their investment through the managed regime. This

expectation may not be reasonable but it is very realistic,

which brings challenges to the RMB internationalization

under depreciation pressure.



Within the six years’ period between 2010 and 2015, the

USD had experienced a strong rally up to 38%.

According to the statistics in the SDR’s preliminary

assessment report by the IMF in August 2015, the

changes in the positions of USD and EUR were evident,

as the international reserve currency status of the USD

had risen on almost every aspect while that of EUR had

plummeted. It is worth noting that the dollar’s share had

only declined in terms of trade finance utilization, and that

of EUR had also declined. Within the same period, the

use of the RMB as a trade finance currency had

increased by 2%, while the absolute advantage enjoyed

by the USD remained unchanged. On the other hand,

the exchange rate of GBP and JPY also depreciated

against the USD within the same period, amongst which

GBP was relatively stronger while JPY weaker than

EUR. Their share generally declined. However as their

shares are not big to begin with, the impact and

significance of increment or decline in their proportions

are relatively limited.

在2010年至2015年這6年期間,美元錄得一輪升浪,高低升幅曾達到38%。根據IMF 2015年8月SDR初步檢討報告當中的數據,美元和歐元榮辱互見,美元的國際儲備貨幣地位幾乎全方位提升,歐元則下降。值得指出的是,美元僅在貿易融資方面使用的佔比下降,同時歐元佔比也在下降,期間是人民幣作爲貿易融資貨幣取得兩個百分點的佔比提升,但美元的絕對優勢不變。另外,期間英鎊和日圓兌美元也錄得貶值,其中英鎊相對稍強,日圓就比歐元更弱,其各個佔比降多於升,惟其比重本來就不大,故升跌的影響和意義也相對有限。


According to the IMF, the RMB fulfilled the criteria of

joining the SDR currency basket with one of the

supporting factors coming from exports, and the other

from the progress achieved by the RMB in a series of

international financial indicators in the past 5 years. With

reference to the changes of other major international

reserve currencies within the same period, it can be

deduced that changes in exchange rate will directly

influence the status of an international reserve currency.



Based on the above, the most important measuring

indicators of the internationalization progress of a

currency in the financial sector are the stock indicators,

such as the size of official foreign reserves, size of

international banking liabilities, size of international debt

securities, etc. They are complemented by the flow

indicators such as the issuance of international debt

securities, cross-border payments, trade finance, FX

market transactions, etc. The RMB has already

successfully placed itself among the top five currencies

globally in these areas. Currently, the shares taken up by

the RMB are still considerably small, with the highest

recorded in trade finance at 3.4% while others are still at

low single-digit numbers. In the future, if the RMB

continuously faces depreciation pressure, the impact on

its flow indicators may be considerably small. This is

because the volatility of the RMB exchange rate under

the depreciation expectation will be higher, therefore

RMB-related trading and payment transactions may not

necessarily decline. However, the impact on the most

important stock indicators may be larger.



人民幣得以成功納入SDR,新的貨幣籃子將在今年10月份開始生效,而非以往在新一年的第一天開始生效,IMF的考慮是讓有興趣配置人民幣的央行和貨幣當局有充足的時間作出組合調整。但如果人民幣在今年連續第3年兌美元貶值,同時爲了順應SDR收窄離岸和在岸價差的要求而令CNH大幅波動、CNH Hibor大幅抽高,那麽有興趣配置人民幣資產(主要是債券)的央行就要面對三大挑戰:其取得人民幣資金的成本會增加;配置人民幣資產後要面對的匯率風險會增加;其最主要的投資標的人民幣主權類債券因爲是避險首選,其收益率偏低。其投資決定困難,有可能先觀望爲主。如果這些央行從分散投資的角度依然想配置人民幣資產,它們很可能需要對沖人民幣匯率風險,就意味著在買入人民幣債券的同時要沽售遠期人民幣,以鎖定匯率,規避匯率風險,但這會增加人民幣的貶值壓力和預期,對人民幣匯率穩定的影響複雜化。對投資者而言是一個難題,對監管者而言也是一個難題。

The RMB is successfully added to the SDR and the new

currency basket will be effective from October this year.

This is different from previous practice where changes

will be effective from the first day of a new calendar year.

The major consideration of the IMF is to allow central

banks and monetary authorities with interest in asset

allocations into the RMB to have sufficient time to

conduct portfolio adjustments. However if the RMB

depreciates against the USD this year for the third year

consecutively, and at the same time, to fulfill SDR’s

requirement by narrowing the spread between offshore

and onshore exchange rates which may cause CNH to

exhibit higher volatilities and CNH Hibor to increase

dramatically, then central banks with interests in RMB

assets (mainly in bonds) will face three major challenges:

the increasing cost to obtain RMB funding; the increasing

exchange rate risks following asset allocation into the

RMB; RMB sovereign bonds, a major underlying

investment asset primarily for safety reasons, have lower

yields. Therefore, central banks may face difficulties in

making investment decisions and may possibly adopt a

“wait and see” approach. If from the perspective of risk

diversification, those central banks who are still

interested to increase allocations in the RMB assets will

have to sell RMB forwards at the same time while

purchasing RMB bonds, in order to lock-in the exchange

rate and mitigate exchange rate risk. But this will

increase the pressure and expectation of depreciation on

the RMB, which will further complicate the RMB

exchange rate stabilization. This is a challenge for both

the investors and also the regulators.


As such, if the market condition changes drastically and

there is an imminent need to make a decision between

the stability of the RMB exchange rate and the progress

of internationalization, given that both cannot be

achieved at the same time, it is highly probable that

exchange rate stability will be the primary focus and

internationalization will be secondary.



Under the target of exchange rate stability, if demand

weakens, the corresponding supply will also have to be

reduced. As a result, the offshore RMB liquidity pool will

shrink, which will cause the liquidity to tighten and

funding cost to increase, only then can the CNH

exchange rate be effectively stabilized. However, under

this scenario, it will be difficult for the RMB international

banking liabilities to further expand. Instead they may

even shrink. With regard to the RMB international debt

securities market, the same factor will affect the issuance

of Dim Sum bonds. For example, the total cumulative

issuance of Dim Sum bonds in Hong Kong in 2015 was

RMB 84.1bn, down by 60% compared to the RMB

213.8bn in 2014. On the other hand, the issuance of

Panda bonds made impressive progress. In 2015, the

total issuance of Panda bonds hit a historical high of

RMB 6.5bn. Both are considered RMB international debt

securities, and are not mutually exclusive. However, the

issuance of Panda bonds is still smaller than the Dim

Sum bonds. If they could not complement for each

other’s shortfall, the relevant indicator of the overall RMB

international debt securities market will also be under


RMB 專題研究

RMB Offshore Market Insights

專題二: 境外機構持有人民幣資產分析及對離岸市場影響

Analysis of RMB Asset Holdings of Foreign Institutions and the Impacts

on Offshore Market

經濟研究員 巴晴 Qing Ba, Economist


Since the exchange rate reform on August 11, the

offshore RMB exchange rate (CNH) has been volatile

and the total size of offshore RMB assets has also

dwindled. The initiation of rate-hike cycle by the Fed, the

considerable downward pressure on China’s economy

and the decline in foreign exchange reserves and funds

outstanding for foreign exchange for consecutive months

has heightened the markets’ worries of the RMB’s future.

The CNH is quite sensitive, as the exchange rates of

both onshore and offshore diverged from time to time,

and there were multiple times where the spread peaked

at 1,600 pips and above. On the other hand, there were

also sizable reductions in RMB assets held by foreign

institutions in the onshore market. As of end-November

2015, the amount of RMB assets held by foreign

institutions declined by RMB 720bn from the historical

high. The size of RMB assets in the offshore market has

also shrunk by almost 15%.


Against the backdrop of frequent announcements of

cross-border regulatory policies recently, the spread

between the onshore and offshore exchange rates

sometimes widens. At a certain level, it reflects that the

market conditions are not clear and the gloom of RMB

depreciation pressure persists, which influences the

confidence of investors towards holdings of RMB assets.

The most imminent challenge is how to regain the

confidence of foreign institutions in RMB assets, to

prevent more foreign investors from selling RMB assets

which may cause further depreciation pressure on the




Secondly, there are also foreign institutions to hold RMB

assets in each offshore center. As of end-2015, the

assets mainly included RMB deposits and certificate of

deposits which aggregately amounted to approximately

RMB 1,010bn in Hong Kong, RMB deposits of

approximately RMB 310bn in Taiwan and also other

RMB assets in other offshore centers, with the total

amount of appropriately RMB 1.5tn.



Currently, the onshore RMB financial assets owned by

foreign institutions amounted to approximately RMB

3,609bn (as of end-November 2015), including RMB

assets in equities held by foreign institutions, bonds held

by non-residents onshore, RMB deposits held by non-

residents in onshore banks, and loans from offshore

institutions to onshore institutions.


Thirdly, foreign institutions (such as central banks etc.)

can also obtain RMB assets through bilateral currency

swap agreements. Some market participants worry that

the bilateral currency swap agreements signed between

China and other countries may induce foreign institutions

who hold a huge amount of RMB assets to liquidate

under the expectation of RMB depreciation, exerting

depreciation pressure in the offshore market. In fact, as

the bilateral currency swap agreements are merely

liquidity commitments by the People’s Bank of China

(PBOC) to other central banks, and not the actual

amount of RMB lent to or actual balance held by foreign

institutions. According to statistics by the PBOC, as of

end of September 2015, the actual balance of RMB

drawn by offshore monetary authorities amounted to

only RMB 23bn, a very small portion of the total size of

RMB funds overseas.



By rough estimation, the RMB assets held by foreign

institutions is between RMB 2tn - 2.5tn, which is limited.

So even if there are considerably large liquidations in

RMB assets in the offshore market, China will be able to

handle it through its forex reserve. However, it is worth

noting that when there is huge selling pressure in the

offshore market, the spread between the CNH and CNY

exchange rates may also widen, which may in turn

affects the onshore market. Therefore, to narrow the

spread between the CNH and CNY, it is especially

important to manage the expectations of the RMB

exchange rate.




At the moment, the major measures undertaken by the

PBOC to stabilize the RMB exchange rate are through

the strengthening of macro-prudential management of

capital account and the tightening of offshore liquidity. In

the short term, these policies are seen to bring significant

results, with the narrowing spread between the two

exchange rates and the successful stabilization of the

RMB exchange rate. In the long term, the recent volatility

in the RMB exchange rate is a fruitful experience for the

offshore market and is beneficial to the long term

development of RMB internationalization. The

dependence on “one-way appreciation” of the RMB to

accelerate the internationalization progress is

unsustainable. The stable development of the RMB

internationalization must be built on the real confidence

and demand from overseas towards RMB assets and

the diversified development of the offshore market. In

order to accelerate the reform of exchange rate, it can

start from the transition of purely focusing on USD to

referring to a basket of currencies, and through the

continuous facilitation of the enhancement, liberalization

and market-oriented reforms of the onshore financial

system. The RMB internationalization will continue on its


聲明:本報告僅供參考之用,不反映中銀香港意見,不構成任何投資建議。 Disclaimer: This report is for reference and information purposes only. It does not reflect the views of Bank of China (Hong Kong) or constitute any investment advice.

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