
OHOL Self-Acceptance

Unconditional Self-Acceptance for Unconditional Self-Love

“To truly love yourself you must accept all aspects of yourself.”

Deepak Chopra

Welcome to OHOL Self-Acceptance. This is a profoundly tender, warm, secure, and caring place for you to love yourself and accept yourself. OHOL Self-Acceptance is here to support you in enhancing your self-acceptance. OHOL Self-Acceptance can help promote unconditional self-acceptance to promote unconditional self-love.

With your permission, I invite you to say to yourself, “I truly love myself and I accept all aspects of myself. I unconditionally accept myself and I unconditionally love myself.” Sit and breathe into this for a moment and observe how you feel.

What did you observe when you said this to yourself? What were you thinking and feeling? Were you responsive, receptive, and accepting or were you reactive, resistant, and rejecting?

Self Acceptance

Self-Acceptance attributes to people’s happiness with themselves and is considered to be needed for good mental health. It empowers people to focus on strengths more and so-called weaknesses less. It also enables people to accept actual weaknesses, which are just things that they want to change or strengthen. In some branches of psychology, self-acceptance is regarded as a precondition for change to occur. Self-Acceptance assists with the progression and easier development of self-love, positive and necessary change, achieving goals, happiness, increasing positive self-concepts, and reducing negative self-concepts. Self-Acceptance is a prerequisite for self-love.

OHOL Self-AcceptanceThe purpose of OHOL Self-Acceptance is to assist you to unconditionally accept all aspects of yourself so that you may love yourself unconditionally. It is meant to serve as an antidote to self-rejection, self-disapproval, and resistance and the unhealthy and undesirable thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that arise from these characteristics.

OHOL Self-Acceptance isn’t to be confused with being complacent, apathetic, giving up, and sabotaging yourself and your life, when you really want change. It isn’t to prevent positive and necessary changes to occur. It supports your inner and outer development while you nurture yourself with love and acceptance. It supports you to accept yourself in order for change to occur and to also accept change occurring within you. It enhances the acceptance of yourself, your past, and present while you move forward and make changes.

In the below exercise, you will be practicing OHOL Self-Acceptance with many aspects of yourself. Apply OHOL to whatever parts of yourself that you want and feel that are necessary. You may use some or all of the examples mentioned. If you want, you may come up with some of your own examples and practice OHOL with parts of yourself that aren’t mentioned in the exercise.

You may read through the entire exercise as you practice it or do it piece by piece and return to it when you want. It may be a gentle challenge but it is not meant to overwhelm you. I encourage you to go at your own pace, to trust your intuition, and do whatever works best for you. You will be communing with yourself in love and acceptance. If there’s anything that prevents you from practicing OHOL Self-Acceptance with any aspects of yourself, perhaps you can ask yourself why? What is it and what do you need to do to love and accept that part of yourself? If you find it difficult to love and accept any facets of yourself, I encourage you to accept that.

Now that you’ve been invited to OHOL Self-Acceptance, I welcome you to sit back, let go, love, and accept.

OHOL Self-Acceptance Exercise

Enter the OHOL Self-Acceptance environment. Focus on your breath. Breathe in through your nose and briefly hold your breath. Then exhale out your mouth. During inhalation and holding your breath, feel the love and acceptance being absorbed into your body, mind, and soul. During exhalation breathe out anything that keeps you from loving and accepting yourself. Practice this breathing 3 to 5 times or longer if you wish.

Imagine you are inside of the Present Self side of the OHOL heart . You are looking through the Rainbow Ray and inside of the Reflected Self side of OHOL you see a form. The rainbow light subsides and across from you is a newborn baby. This baby is you. You are looking at your baby self. Your baby self is coming toward you and into your arms. Hold and commune with your baby self.

What does your baby self look like? What do you want to say and give to your baby self? What does your baby self want?

Focus on your heart and your heart beat. As you and your baby self look into each other’s eyes and each other’s souls, imagine your heart energetically expanding out from your chest. You see your baby self’s heart expanding out from the baby’s chest too. Your hearts are reaching toward each other. Your hearts get closer to each other, touch each other, and slightly merge into one another, suspended between you and your baby self. As they merge, they form the shape of a romantic heart i.e. the conventional heart symbol. The center of the two merging hearts becomes a rainbow flame and the two hearts become one heart. One heart one Love is formed and suspended between you both. See and feel OHOL between you both. Embrace the acceptance, love, union, and peace for yourself and baby self. Experience the unconditional acceptance and unconditional love you have for each other. Accept and love your baby self while baby self accepts and loves you. Say, “I love you and I accept you.” to your baby self. Hear baby self say, “I love you and I accept you.” Sit and enjoy loving and accepting each other for as long as you’d like.

Baby self gently leaves your arms and goes back to the other side of the heart. You see baby self growing into a toddler. Love and accept your toddler self while your toddler self loves and accepts you. See toddler self gradually growing into a child, teenager, adult, and elderly person. Practice OHOL with these aspects of yourself and spend the proper amount of time you need with each one. If you are younger, imagine what your older self looks like. If you’re older, remember what your younger self looked like. See what they look like, what they are doing, who they are with, and where they are. What are their accomplishments? What are their challenges? What do you want to say to each other? What do you want to give and receive from each other? Feel yourself loving and accepting each of them and feel each one loving and accepting you in return.

Now you see an image of your ego across from you in the OHOL heart. Practice OHOL love and acceptance with your ego.

What does your ego look like? What does it feel like? What does it sound like?What is your ego’s purpose and why is it here? What does your ego want?

Say, “Ego, I love you and I accept you.” Then hear ego self say back, “I love you and I accept you.”

Ego fades away and your inner child shows up on the other side of the OHOL heart from you. Practice OHOL with your inner child.

What does your inner child look like? What does your inner child self want?

Practice OHOL with your past and future lives. Love and accept your past in this life and past lives so that you may move on. What have you learned from your past and past lives?

Love and accept your future self and possible future lives. What do you think your future self wants to tell you and give to you?

Practice OHOL with your present life and who you are now. On a holistic level, love and accept your body, mind, and soul.

Practice OHOL with any part of yourself that you reject, disapprove, or resist. Take the first step in accepting it and if there’s resistance to accepting it, then see if you can accept the resistance.

Practice OHOL with your soul. Go into all timelines and characters your soul has played, plays, and possibly will play and practice unconditionally loving and accepting all of them.

After practicing OHOL with all aspects of yourself, see all your characters across from you and looking at you. You see them all merge into one body of your Reflected Self. What does your Reflected Self look like?

See the heart of your Present Self and the heart of the Reflected Self meeting and becoming OHOL in between the both of you. Practicing OHOL with all aspects of your being all at once. You and your Reflected Self move toward the rainbow ray to meet one another. You both enter the rainbow ray and merge into one another. Love, accept, and embrace all aspects of your being inside the rainbow ray of OHOL. Be OHOL with all aspects of your being. You are absorbing and being surrounded by the unconditional love and unconditional acceptance of OHOL.

Within you and around you is the unconditional love and unconditional acceptance of your Self. Now say, “I truly love myself and I accept all aspects of myself. I unconditionally accept myself and I unconditionally love myself.”

Sit and enjoy this for as long as you’d like.

Thank you for coming here into the space of OHOL Self-Acceptance.

After reading and practicing this exercise, if you’d like, feel free to practice OHOL Self-Acceptance whenever you want.

I acknowledge you for your heightened self-awareness and willingness to change and grow your love and acceptance for yourself. I trust that you will reach your highest level of love and acceptance for yourself and I encourage you to trust that you will reach it also.

May you love and accept yourself and your life!


1. How did you benefit from the OHOL Self-Acceptance Exercise? What aspects of yourself were difficult for you to practice OHOL Self-Acceptance with? What is holding you back from accepting those aspects of yourself? What do you need to do to accept those parts of yourself? How will you use OHOL to increase and maintain your self-acceptance?

2. Why is self-acceptance important to you?

3. What is the biggest challenge for you while you enhance your self-acceptance? How will you overcome it?

4. How are you, your life, and your goals affected by improving your self-acceptance?

5. What new possibilities will arise and what kind of changes will occur as you increase your self-acceptance?

6. What does it feel like when you accept yourself? What does it feel like when you do not accept yourself? What would it feel like if you had unconditional self-acceptance? What would your life be like if you had unconditional self-acceptance?

7. What are the positive self-concepts you will have of yourself as you raise your self-acceptance? What negative self-concepts would you like to change as you build up your self-acceptance?

8. What’s the first step to enhance your self-acceptance? What’s the next step? When will you do this? How will you start your action plan? What structures will you put in place? What kind of support will you get? How will you measure it? How are you going to maintain it?

ReferencesWikipedia, Shepard, L. A. (1978). Self-acceptance: The evaluative component of the self-concept construct. American Educational Research Journal, 16(2), 139-160.

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