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PublisherFrank Cargill

EditorJack Salkil

DesignerBrandon Knight

CopyeditorBarbara Miller

Other ContributorsMark FitzgeraldMarvin LemkeRon MeadorElizabeth MoonGreg Tiffany


General Presbyters

Frank CargillSuperintendent

Craig DacusAssistant Superintendent

Tom GoinsSecretary-Treasurer

Executive Presbyters

Curtis Owens Ron McCaslin

Ministry Directors

Doug EveraardYouth Ministries

Dean GuthrieChildren’s Ministries

Darren PilcherChurch Ministries

Michelle PilcherWomen’s Ministries

Jack SalkilExecutive Administrator

Lindell WarrenMissions

Sectional Presbyters

Arlis MoonSection 1

Leo GuthrieSection 2

Melvin BakerSection 3

Steve RoseSection 4

Bruce McCartySection 5E

Darryl WoottonSection 5W

Doyle SeeleySection 6

Weldon WrightSection 7

Micah WellsSection 8

David BrooksSection 9N

Steve LanceSection 9S

Don BarnesSection 10

Billy MartinSection 11

T.D. GiffordSection 12

MAYSchool of Ministry Game Day...... May 1Credentials Testing Day ................ May 1National Day of Prayer.................... May 6Fun Arts................................................... May 15Youth Camp #1.................................. May 24 - 28Youth Camp #2.................................. May 31

JUNEDistrict Royal Rangers PowWow June 4-6School of Ministry Game Day...... June 5Credentials Testing Day ................ June 5Youth Camp #3.................................. June 7-11Youth Camp #4.................................. June 14-18Youth Camp #5.................................. June 21-25I-Camp.................................................... June 28 - July 2


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Former District Superintendent, Armon Newburn, went to his eter-nal home on Sunday, March 7, 2010. His entrance into heaven occurred near the morning hour when he had stood on thousands of times to proclaim the Word. His legacy affirms his passion – “a preacher of the Gospel.”

Brother Newburn was born November 16, 1932 in Wister, Okla-homa. He was proud to be known as a native son of the Sooner State. He was credentialed with the Oklahoma District, the only district with which he was ever a member, for approximately 58 years.

He married JoAnn (Boyd) Newburn on June 14, 1952 in Poteau, Oklahoma. They devoted 27 years to pastoral ministry serving 4 Oklahoma churches – Wister Assembly, Duncan First, Muld-row First, and Tulsa Woodlake. In addition, he served 4 years as District Christ’s Ambassadors President, 14 years as an Executive Presbyter, 3 years as Assistant Superintendent, and 17 years as District Superintendent.

Reverend Newburn served the General Council of the Assemblies of God for 8 years as non-resident Executive Presbyter, 31 years as a General Presbyter, and gave many years to various colleges and universities.

Throughout his ministry, Brother Newburn maintained a fervent spirit for the cause of missions. He exemplified a passion to reach every person with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was under his leadership that Turner Falls Youth Camp was purchased and many construction projects were completed. Thousands of people have been impacted by his unwavering loyalty to the Assemblies of God and his personal commitment to preaching.

In addition to Sister Newburn, he is survived by a son, Greg and wife Susan Newburn, of Broken Arrow and a daughter, Lisa Parsons, of Tulsa as well as 5 grandchildren, Ashley, Allie, Emily, Amanda, and Nicholas.

Our loss is heaven’s gain! The Oklahoma Fellowship will never be the same without his leadership. He marked a path for all to follow!


FRANK [email protected]

ARMON NEWBURN“a preacher of the Gospel”

As your Pastor, it is my honor to place this special edi-

tion in your hand as part of the 97th Oklahoma District

Council of the Assemblies of God. We live in exciting

days and are privileged to be part of God’s outpouring in

these latter days.

Perhaps, no District Council can be compared with this

2010 event. Our church family gathers with no an-

nounced elections and with no scheduled resolutions to

consider. We have come to hear what the Spirit would

say to the church! The initiatives and the actions of

these next few days must propel us forward to a new

decade and a renewed challenge to His priorities.

Due to the district calendar adjustments, including the

change from fiscal year accounting to calendar year, we

find this meeting only 5 months from our last District

Council. Therefore, the 97th District Council will not be

“normal” – if there is such a description.

May 2010 be recorded as “The Council of the Spirit!”

I never remember a time in which I was more excited about the future of this Fellowship.

We have a unique opportunity to reach the “NEXT GEN-

ERATION” as we anticipate an end-time harvest. This is

our hour – “Night comes when no man can work.”

Thank you, for allowing Linda and me to walk this road.

We pledge our prayers, our love, and our commitment to

our Oklahoma Family!

Frank and Linda Cargill

Oklahoma District Pastors

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Tim Turner ArkansasPeter R. Richardson New YorkRebecca Richardson New York


Jonas & Kimberly ArkansasGoodman

Jerod Smith OKC Highpointe

Jairo Castro Tulsa Iglesia Eficaz


A few weeks ago we were ask to serve in the capacity of Ex-

ecutive Administrator. The responsibility consisted of giving

oversight to new camp facilities at Sparks, giving oversight to

other property, assisting the local church in some of the church

endeavors and in general striving to facilitate ministries across

the district.

Our Superintendent Brother Cargill is a man that strives to an-

swer all calls and fulfill all requests. Consequently he is extreme-

ly busy, therefore my primary goal is to facilitate his ministry in

any and all capacity.

Needless to say I have had the honor in being involved in several

areas. The Sparks property is the primary area presently. We

have begun doing the work at Sparks and feel that we have got-

ten on track with where we need to be.

We have started the process of developing the water line and

should have water before long. We are waiting on decision from

DEQ in relation to the lagoon and hopefully we will be in full

construction shortly. Continue to pray with us that this will take

place quickly.

Also, the ministry to the Oklahoma PK’S is very important to us.

If you have not completed the PK information for your family

please call or email for the form. (405) 475-1100 or

[email protected]

Remember that we stand ready to assist you and your church in

any capacity that you will allow us to do so.

JACK SALKILExecutive [email protected]

from the office of the



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I am excited as we prepare for our 97th Dis-

trict Council. We have made some important

changes in the District this year and I believe

it launches us to a higher level in every area

of our District Ministries. The transition in

each level of ministry enables us to minister

to every minister and t0 each local church


We are here to help you accomplish your vision on the local level.

It is our desire to partner with you as a team

member and see your visions come to reality.

I truly feel this will be our greatest year in

church growth and attendance in Oklahoma.

We will credential more ministers in 2010

than we have ever credentialed in the history

of the Oklahoma District. We have candi-

dates from all over the state of Oklahoma

coming to us to express their desire to be in

the ministry.

We are finding new areas of ministry that are needed in this harvest of the last days.

Ministers are planting new churches and

finding creative ways to reach the lost.

I’m sure you will agree, if we are ever going

to do anything for the Lord, we need to do

it with a feeling of urgency. We don’t have

much time, the hour is late and the time is

short. We are playing the last few seconds of

the game and we are determined to win the


TOM GOINSSecretary / [email protected]


This has been our best year in the Oklahoma School of Ministry.

We have over 283 students currently enrolled. Every “Game

Day” is exciting as we review and study each book. We have new

students joining every month and finding it extremely fulfilling as

they study and interact together.

We have worked hard to make our studies affordable. The District

Presbytery Board serve as coaches to our students without pay.

They want to make an investment in the lives of the young minis-

ters and it is working.

Students are inviting their family and friends to join them on a

“Game Day” and they are enjoying the excitement of the study

and the new relationships built with other students and instruc-

tors. Many of these guests are enrolling in the next course of

study and find it extremely gratifying to learn more about the

Bible and the ministries within the church.


MAY (testing on June 5)

Level 1 The Local Church in Evangelism

Level 2 Eschatology: A Study of Things to Come

Level 3 Church Administration, Law and Finance

JUNE (testing on July 3)

Level 1 A/G Missions, History, & Governance

Levcl 2 Effective Leadership

Level 3 Introduction to A/G Missions



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Have you ever stopped to read the little sayings on church marques? Well, I’ve got my top ten favorites:

10. “Come in and let us prepare you for the finals.”9. “Prayer – wireless access to God with no roaming fees.”8. “Walmart is not the only saving place.”7. “Try Jesus. If you don’t like Him, the devil will take you back.”6. “You may party in hell but you will be the BBQ.”5. “Life stinks. We have a pew for you.”4. “Don’t give up! Moses was once a basket case.”3. “You give God the credit. Now give God the cash.”2. “Caution: Exposure to the Son may prevent burning.”1. “God shows no favoritism. But our sign guy does – GO CUBS!”

There are many methods in reaching people and creativity is needed in this day of visual overload. Here’s the point, howev-er: The Church changes lives not by mere signage, but through sincere obedience to what they learn from God’s Word. The first church followers of Christ were accused of leading a revolt (Acts 5) and causing trouble all over the world or as one translation puts it “turning the world upside down” (Acts 17).There are two primary characteristics that stand out in mak-ing them “revolutionaries”: (1) their intense appetite for the apostles’ teaching, and (2) their uncompromising and radical obedience to what they heard and learned. This revolution came out of a new birth desire to learn from the apostles. Acts 2:42 says, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” These apostles were teaching the Christ life, and the new converts were hungering to know more about it. This hunger turned into obedience…and thus a revolution. Church consul-tant Carl George tells the story of a visit he had with the pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church, David Yonggi Cho. He asked Pastor Cho what the secret was to his church growing by 20 percent each year even after reaching several hundred thousand in size. His answer was quick and to the point: “That’s simple. You divide your church into groups of ten and require each group to win at least two people to Christ each year.”Carl responded by saying, “Yes, I understand, but what

happens when those groups don’t win two people a year?” Cho answered, “But they do!”

In dismay Carl said, “But what if a group doesn’t win two?”Pastor Cho immediately responded, “We would discipline them. Jesus said, ‘Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.’ If ten people do not win two people over the course of the year, it means they are not following Christ and need to be disci-plined.” When I read that story, my intense reflection was not on their determination to discipline (which wouldn’t work the same in the American culture), but the enormous expectation to live in obedience! The New Testament Church brought a revolu-tion to society because they took what they learned and put it into living!

They were taught to stand firm, so they stood firm. They were taught to pray without ceasing, so they prayed all the time. They were taught to love their enemies, so they lived forgiveness.They were taught that all who call on the Name of the Lord could be saved, so they crossed racial divides and preached the Gospel. They were taught that it was God’s will to heal, so they laid hands on the sick and believed for their healing. They were taught to eagerly seek the Gifts of the Spirit, so they operated with those Gifts to edify the church body. They were taught to love one another, so they willingly gave the proceeds from the sell of houses and property to the church that no one among the household of faith would be in financial need.

No wonder they were accused of starting a revolt and turning the world upside down. They lived what they learned!!! Erwin McManus’ observation is so true: “It is significant that the his-tory of the 1st Century Church is called the book of Acts, not the book of truths.” May we who preach and teach God’s Word, pastor local congregations and serve in spiritual leadership seek a fresh enabling from the Spirit and serve with a greater passion to see those we lead live in simple yet profound obedi-ence to what they learn…for the sake of a holy revolution!

LIFE Pledge| Top 5 Churches 2009Darren PilcherChurch Ministries [email protected]


Check out this resource. Great for a pastoral team book study. Insights that

encourage a healthy focus in church life.

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We find the year 2010 already clipping by so quickly.

It has been such a joy getting acquainted

with the ladies of Oklahoma. But as much as

I love meeting new people,

there is One I challenge each of us “to know” more than ever before.The words of Isaiah 43:10 beckon each of

us. “You are my witnesses, declares the Lord,

“and my servant whom I have chosen, so that

you may KNOW and BELIEVE me and under-

stand that I am he.”

Life gets demanding and our calendars are

full on a daily basis. Are you taking the time

to know Christ today? Are you believing

Him for what concerns you? Once you begin

to know Him you will soon realize you can

believe in Him as well! Keep your relation-

ship with Christ alive! Know Him for who he

wants to be in your life today!

New Sectional RepsWe have an awesome team of ladies who

serve as our sectional leaders across the

state. I am excited to announce three of our

newest representatives.

Section 2 - Darla Holmes

Section 4 – ReBecca Yandell

Section 10 – Debbie Pratt

Thanks to all of our reps for hearts to serve

their sections and our district.

Online Resources: Don’t forget to check out all the valuable

resources found on our National Website.

Michelle PilcherWomens [email protected]

Elite Ladies Luncheona special tea for widowed minister’s wives

June 25th at 11:00 a.m.Hosted at “A Spot for Tea”

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DOUG EVERAARDYouth Ministries [email protected]/

A League                                 1 Owasso First Assembly          2 Muskogee First Assembly       3 OKC Highpointe #4


Top 3 Individuals                               1 Jesse Wagner         | Owasso First                 2 Micah Samuelson       | OKC Highpointe                     3 Daniel Wagner            | Owasso First                


Novice League                       1 Owasso #1 | Owasso First        2 OKC Highpointe *3 Tulsa Harvest                      *4 Owasso #3 | Owasso First      *5 Tulsa Christian Chapel                   

*Three way tie for 3rd broken by playoffs.

Even though I did not grow up in this fellowship, I have lived long enough

to remember how youth ministry was done 20 years ago in some of our

churches. I recall the setup and breakdown of a make shift youth room

every week: chairs, banners, visitor booths, screens, overheads/video

projectors. All this, so that we could have a “cool” service for the teens.

And as soon as service was over, it was teardown, so that the church could

have a fellowship dinner that following Sunday.

As the need to reach students has grown, so has our vision. On any given

Wednesday night all across our state, you will find “youth centers” that

have been built to reach out to the thousands of students in communi-

ties. Your first thought might be, well sure, that is definitely the case in

the big cities, with their lavished suburbs. But upon a closer glance, you

will find something exciting happening in our smaller towns. The dreams

& visions of senior pastors and the faithful giving of their congregations

are producing a new season in student ministries that is catching fire all

across the state.

Within the last year, Miami, Meeker, & Enid have all seen their visions and

dreams become a reality. Certainly it’s never been just about building a

building, but the truth is, because of the investment now in a facility, and

the growth of student ministries, there will be a return down the road in

the form of faithful followers of Christ for that church, a stronger commit-

ment to missions and missions giving, and the ultimate slam-dunk—more

souls that enter the kingdom. Enjoy the pictures and keep dreaming

those dreams in your place of labor; you never know what God might be

trying to build in your part of the kingdom.

of Oklahoma Student MinistriesEVOLUTION

Miami First A/G | Pastor Raymond & Cynthia FrizzelleYP: Chad & Julie Allred

Meeker A/G | Pastor Charles & Sherry PearcyYP: Steven & Sasha Salvidge

Enid Central A/G | Pastor Kevin & Tammie WardYP’s Rodney & Kate Wardwell

Book: The 4:8 Principle

By: Tommy Newberry



UPDATEMissionary : Shawn Lee Location : ChinaReceived a 2009 STL vehicle

Missionary : Gary Gunsolus Location : US MAPS MinistriesReceived a 2009 STL vehicle


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May 2010 | 9

of Oklahoma Student Ministries

Kids, especially in today’s society, must be equipped to face the

challenges of living their Christian faith in a culture that openly

opposes Godly beliefs.  It is the desire of OCM to partner with

children’s pastors and workers all over the state to train, equip,

and serve them as they minister to the children of Oklahoma.

Here is a list of just some of the ministries that we offer:

B.G.M.C. - The Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge is

basically two fold: raising funds for vital missions projects and

building a missions foundation in our children. There is noth-

ing greater than getting children involved in raising support for

missions. Each year we have seen the giving effort increase. It is

our passion that every church within the Oklahoma District gets

involved in B.G.M.C. For more information, visit the www.bgmc. or you can e-mail David and Tracy Zentz, our District

BGMC Coordinators, at [email protected].

Mpact Girls Club is a program for winning girls to Jesus

Christ through love and acceptance. Mpact Girls Club provides

an environment of support and accountability while helping

girls to develop their gifts and abilities. In addition, girls build

lifelong relationships with mentors who encourage girls to be

spiritual leaders. For more information about Girls Ministries, you

can contact our District Girls Ministries Coordinator Liz Moon, at

[email protected].

Royal Rangers is a Bible based, Christ centered min-

istry (program) for boys ages 5-17.  This ministry consists of

age appropriate Bible studies, activities, advancements, and

merits. Royal Rangers are passionate about evangelizing, equip-

ping, and empowering the next generation of Christ like men

and lifelong servant leaders. For more information about Royal

Rangers, contact our District Royal Rangers Coordinator, Marvin

Lemke, at [email protected]

JBQ – Junior Bible Quiz is a ministry that includes kids in

grades first through sixth. Questions are asked from a fact pack

containing 576 cards. The cards have a point value of 10, 20,

and 30 points. A round of questions are asked from a 20 ques-

tion set. The district is divided into leagues and the quizzers

compete against each other within the league. From league

competition, winners will move forward to district competition,

as well as regional and national finals. This is a tremendous min-

istry that can include all churches - regardless of their size.  For

more information, contact Larry Mullins at larrymullins@yahoo.

com or go to the JBQ website at

I-Camp, Kids Kamp, and Little Radicals - Every

year we have children from all across Oklahoma gather together

at the Turner Falls Campground. Camp is a week long glimpse of

heaven for many children. They walk and talk, play and pray in

an environment that is saturated with Christian principles, Godly

role models, and spirit-filled services that allow kids to make

lifelong decisions to serve the Lord.

Our purpose is to serve the local church with their ministry to

children. This is a role that Joy and I do not take lightly. It is our

passion to partner with you and do what we can to help you

take children’s ministry to the next level.

DEAN GUTHRIEChildrens Ministries [email protected]

Oklahoma Children’s Ministries believes in the importance of ministry to children.


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Praise God for another great year in missions giving!

The thousands of people in our churches have once again dem-

onstrated what partnership is all about. We rejoice with the Top

100 churches in Total Assemblies of God Giving for 2009. We

also rejoice with the hundreds of other Oklahoma churches and

the millions of dollars they gave to missions in the past calendar


At the end of 2009 Oklahoma was credited with $16,153,130 in

total Assemblies of God Giving, placing our district Number Three

in the nation. For the first time ever we had 28 churches that

gave in excess of $100,000 to Assemblies of God Missions. Four

Oklahoma churches placed in the Top 100 Nationally. To God be

the Glory!

Mustang The Bridge $1,189,136.25Tulsa Carbondale Assembly of God $671,358.90Owasso Owasso First Assembly of God $528,758.20Oklahoma City Harvest Assembly of God Church $354,545.71Tulsa Woodlake Assembly of God $343,535.53Weatherford Life Fellowship $342,361.16Tulsa Christian Chapel Assembly of God $311,404.47Oklahoma City Capitol Hill Assembly of God $298,661.28Bartlesville Tuxedo Assembly of God $249,927.72Oklahoma City Crossroads Church $223,631.37Broken Arrow The Assembly $217,193.38Edmond Spring Creek Assembly of God $215,434.02Oklahoma City Highpointe $212,236.75Bartlesville First Assembly of God $196,178.57Duncan Bethel Assembly of God $176,790.00Chickasha Grand Assembly of God $168,557.26Lawton First Assembly of God $159,849.77Oklahoma City North Church $151,639.80Elk City First Assembly of God $142,830.02Claremore First Assembly of God $140,664.73Elk City Grandview Assembly of God $132,602.65Oklahoma City The Rock Assembly of God $127,631.30Ponca City First Assembly of God $124,686.96Muskogee First Assembly of God $121,195.20Miami First Assembly of God $119,098.90Sand Springs Cathedral of Praise $119,050.94Oklahoma City Bethesda Assembly of God $106,997.28Oklahoma City People’s Church $102,400.00Purcell Memorial Assembly of God $91,895.81Enid Central Assembly of God $82,928.42Noble Assembly of God $78,704.08Woodward First Assembly of God $77,735.71McAlester First Assembly of God $74,063.16Meeker Assembly of God $63,270.74Crescent Assembly of God $62,776.06Coweta Assembly of God $62,356.39Pawnee First Assembly of God $53,871.88Oklahoma City Christ’s Legacy Church $52,494.42

Yukon Discovery Assembly of God $50,021.61Skiatook First Assembly of God $49,423.14Tahlequah First Assembly of God $48,472.35Muldrow First Assembly of God $44,746.23Pawhuska First Assembly of God $43,736.79Tulsa Garnett Assembly of God $42,964.90Sallisaw First Assembly of God $42,257.57Lindsay First Assembly of God $40,681.18Oologah Assembly of God $39,691.57Claremore Verdigris Assembly of God $39,586.30Stigler First Assembly of God $39,087.20Poteau First Assembly of God $38,775.40Mannford Assembly of God $37,381.89Enid First Assembly of God $36,900.00Prague Assembly of God $36,552.87Lone Grove Assembly of God $36,265.38Tulsa Eastland Assembly of God $34,537.89Oklahoma City Southpointe Church $34,111.67Stillwater Calvary Assembly of God $33,137.97Broken Bow First Assembly of God $33,128.96Vinita Family Praise Center Assembly of God $33,022.26Lawton Calvary Assembly of God $32,734.93Commerce First Assembly of God $31,374.29Clinton First Assembly of God $31,309.00Sapulpa South Heights Assembly of God $30,621.48Marlow First Assembly of God $29,907.66Sapulpa Glenwood Assembly of God $29,623.93Duncan Cornerstone Assembly of God $29,601.79Chickasha First Assembly of God $28,931.13Ardmore Crystalrock Cathedral Assembly of God $27,465.61Tecumseh First Assembly of God $27,274.50Ada First Assembly of God $27,093.88Jenks Newspring Assembly of God $26,039.49Ardmore Provence Assembly of God $25,826.64Sand Springs Prattwood Assembly of God $25,282.74Wister Assembly of God $25,260.27Oklahoma City Faith Tabernacle $25,084.82Wagoner First Assembly of God $25,068.70Gans First Assembly of God $24,407.04Haworth First Assembly of God $24,381.23Fairland First Assembly of God $24,207.84Wright City First Assembly of God $24,173.36Bristow First Assembly of God $23,841.47Cushing First Assembly of God $23,795.02Muskogee Central Assembly of God $23,711.67Altus Glad Tidings Assembly of God $23,212.16Fairview Midway Assembly of God $22,687.79Tishomingo First Assembly of God $22,041.77Disney Assembly of God $21,242.31Buffalo First Assembly of God $20,435.08Nicoma Park Family Life Assembly of God $20,150.00Wilson Assembly of God $20,002.61Chandler First Assembly of God $19,986.00Cordell First Assembly of God $19,927.00

LINDELL WARRENMissions [email protected]

“With my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.” Psalms 89:1, NIV

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Tony Foxxspouse of Walsa Mae1/7/1920 - 2/3/2010

Cathryn Hillspouse of the late Robert L. Hill

5/15/1920 - 3/3/2010

Norla Piercespouse of Edward Pierce

9/16/1942 - 12/13/2009

Beulah Woodcockspouse of the late Nelson Woodcock

Died - 9/29/2009

Evelyne Webbspouse of the late C.A. Webb10/25/1932 - 12/21/2009

Elmer Hathaway7/31/1927 - 12/13/2009

Henry Jacobs12/13/1917 - 10/4/2009

W.W. Hays8/31/1927 - 1/17/2010

Carol Jean Neel6/18/1911 - 12/1/2009

Armon Newburn11/16/1932 - 3/7/2010

C.A. Webb12/19/1925 - 2/24/2010

Andrew Young5/26/1931 - 10/01/2009

Cecil Aycock10/12/1916 - 10/8/2009

Paul Green12/2/1932 - 2/27/2010

Larry Heath2/21/1947 - 11/26/2009

Ellen Herren6/27/1928 - 12/21/2009

Thelma Ward7/23/1922 - 11/7/2009

Titus De Luca6/24/1928 - 9/16/2009

Gladys De Lucaspouse of the late Titus De Luca

7/30/1929 - 2/1/2010

Dovie Harms11/4/1929 - 3/27/2010




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Girls Ministries is all about mentoring, discipleship, fellowship, missions and fun!

The Oklahoma Girls Ministries theme for 2010 is Super Girl! We

are Super Girls because God formed each one of us. Body and

Soul – we are fearfully and wonderfully made! This year we want

to emphasize in our clubs and to each girl that God knew them

even before they were born and they are awesome.

“ You know me inside and out, You know every bone in my body;

You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted

from nothing into something. Like an open book you watched

me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were

spread out before you. The days of my life prepared before I’d

even lived one day.”

Psalms 139:15-16 The Message.

We have special Super Girl and Super Kids t-shirts for sale and

ideas for this theme available.

If I can help you learn more about this special ministry to girls in

your local church please contact me. We are here to serve pastors,

children’s and youth pastors in any way we can.

GREG TIFFANYChi Alpha [email protected]

LIZ MOONGirls Ministries Coordinator [email protected]

EMPOWER STUDENTS.ENGAGE PARENTS.EQUIP CONGREGATIONS.What if God raised up a generation of youth to storm the

gates of hell on our college & university campuses? A

recent study showed that there are three factors that lead

to thriving believers on college campuses. 1) Multi-gener-

ational worship, 2) Multigeneration service opportunities

& 3) having a mentor that is not a pastor, peer or parent. If

you’re interested in helping your graduates not just survive

but to thrive then check out

- we’re looking for churches to partner with us & your

graduates to see an awesome future ahead.

21st Annual Chi AlphaClassic Golf Tournament

(4 person scramble)

Friday, June 18 | Early Bird registration due by June 1

Stillwater Country Clubregister online @

Great time, Great fellowship, Great cause

For all Chi Alpha staff, church staff working with college students or campus ministry, & single young adult pastors. You can register online @

register online @


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May 2010 | 13

A supernatural growth is taking place with our Hispanic Church-

es here in Oklahoma and we believe that it is because of love

and prayer.

Jesus speaks of that love in Matthew 25:35... “For I was hungry

and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I

was a stranger and you welcomed me.” There are more than

350,000 of these strangers in our state. With the help of many

“Anglo” and “Hispanic” churches we are seeing a tremendous

growth among our churches. We have 11 Oklahoma District

Spanish Churches with well over 1,000 members. In addition

to these churches we have over 10 other preaching points, this

includes departments within Anglo churches and “mission” type

churches. These churches and preaching points minister to

over 2,500 Hispanics each week.

We have prayer daily in one or more of our churches. Whether

it is having a morning prayer service or a nightly prayer service

our churches believe in prayer. Many of our churches have an

all night prayer meeting. These are called “Vigilias” and some-

times last up to 24 hours. We believe prayer is one of the keys

of our growth.

There is still much to do, the harvest of Hispanic souls in

Oklahoma is vast, the workers are preparing, there is much still

to gather in during these last days. We are in our second year

of the Oklahoma Spanish School of Ministry with 53 students

enrolled. We must have workers prepared to work in the field.

MARK FITZGERALDSpanish Ministries [email protected]

check out AGTV.AG.ORG


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14 | May 2010

I bring you greetings from the Oklahoma District Church Multipli-cation Network. This new division of ministry focus in Oklahoma is one of the proactive changes implemented in recent months by Superintendent Cargill. When he asked me to chair this depart-ment I felt a keen awareness that I should accept his invitation and give it my best effort. Although I am still pastoring Bethel As-sembly in Duncan, I feel very confident that God will facilitate our efforts to put together a workable plan for planting new churches in the Oklahoma District. I am thoroughly convinced this ener-getic approach will result in a course of action that will lead our district into a new frontier of growth.

Some might wonder why we need more churches in our state when we already have 480 plus churches. However, if we look back in history, Oklahoma had 480 churches fifty years ago. Since that time we have opened and closed hundreds of churches yet we still retain approximately the same numbers, both in churches and in constituency. We believe this is the time for growth in the District and church planting will be one way in which it will hap-pen.

Brother Cargill has allowed me to assemble a church multiplica-tion team from across the state that will help me to develop this branch of ministry. Ron McCaslin, Darren Pilcher, Rodney Fouts, Eddie McElhannon, Phil Taylor, and Ric Freeman have agreed to serve with me. Since February we have begun the develop-ment of a church planting strategy and process that will enable potential church planters to accelerate the planting process. Our strategy is also to work with churches that will parent or partner with a new church plant by resourcing them with tools that pro-duce healthy, vibrant new churches.

Currently, we are introducing an application for church planters that can be obtained by calling my office. The team and I plan to have the system fully operational by the end of the year. Your prayers are appreciated in this effort. Please be patient and believe God with us for the greatest harvest in the history of our fellowship.

Let us multiply.

RON MEADORChurch Multiplication Coordinator [email protected]

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May 2010 | 15

Charley Hudspeth, Newkirk, repots 3 saved, 2 rededicated, I

filled with the Holy Ghost, and 1 refilled.

Clint Gray, Arpelar, reports 8 students saved at school and 1

saved and 1 rededicated in regular service.

Billy Brummett, Dewey, reports 6 saved in regular service.

Gary Furr, Pickens, reports 2 saved in February.

Randy Cocheran, Cyril, reports 2 saved and 1 rededicated in

special meeting.

Ron Masten, McAlester, reports baby 5 months into pregnancy

was diagnosed with Edwards Syndrome, after special

prayer, Dr. confirmed total healing.

Dan Sheaffer, Okc, reports several saved and filled with the

Holy Ghost in regular service.

Phillip Clements, Barnsdall, reports 4 saved and 6 filled with

the Holy Ghost in regular youth service.

Robert Haynes, Ft. Towson, reports 7 saved and 6 filled with the

Holy Ghost.

Lester Lowry, Enid, reports 13 saved and 3 filled with the

Holy Ghost.

John Newland, Waurika, reports 4 saved and 1 refilled.

Kurtis Ivey reports 10 saved in revivals.

Charles Holybee reports 5 saved in counseling in jail ministry.

Marlynn Sue Wilder reports 1 saved.

Jonas Goodman reports 2 youth saved.

Robert & Jan Teel reports 16 saved in Kidz Krusades at


Alex Hanna reports 300 Arabs & Muslims saved through TV

Programs. 25 Arabs received healing, deliverance, and

the Holy Ghost.

Joseph Bowles reports 1 rededication.

Marna Hillard reports several rededications.



PRAYER REQUESTRebecca Morphew- healing for 8 mth old grandson, Pulmonary

veins and heart.

Don Ramsey- Virgina, health complications.

Kettly Casimir- Ministry placement, children, youth, or singles.

Harold Powell- Broken hip.

Clint Gray- financial miracle.

Alfred Pearson- job and direction.

Joseph Bowles- grandmother’s healing of alzheimers and wisdom

for her care.

Glen Lee - healing of alzheimers and wisdom for his care

INFORMATIONHelp for Pastors call (918) 758-4147 or visit

NEEDEDNicoma Park Family Life needs a part time children’s pastor and a

part time music minister. Contact Pastor Gene Allen at (405) 708-

9987 or email [email protected].

BIRTHSMr. Larry and Reverand Rhonda Rock announce the birth of their

granddaughter, Emily Renee Rock.

CONGRATULATIONSReverend and Mrs. Barry Prock celebrated their 20th Anniversary

pastoring Garber Assembly on November 1, 2009.


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16 | May 2010

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