
. .,, -.v ,. m m -<-••••'• iiwwWKMti—nwuii

m TBrnim irrow WW m ! •• , C " •• • ' f( T'.i W W T

rABLB • m n u i A94Y9 O l U t f • sett -aUra. . . ^ - , . u u . M M y i i r l r «

A B I T L A . I O * W * * T E D - B T • S M A R T , A C T I V E r \ - •• s* woman aae n b w a t M M 4 BAO sraahtr. — *


A T I O M *


J . V>

* ' ••• mi ^ m

Sinrino* wotii»-iv . i tun twSy «MTflri.w>te>JM>

work. H u l n a heat of city rof •Wlf

-«. were » e S • .'h twt oe <•>- neat attjr • • 'SB *-• * RHk et , tk*r<i S*_r. DA-* neat , I

4__ • l » » 4 » l » .

A OOITPsWtHT OW»K H P i ••inn !• \"\ l " -»vl<~i » toll* a—>at

0 * T * * * T T Pi rE YEARS •WAtotk*

t a * neaarit, i • r- •»««. ••«-.__ f a n * aaat a4 ttodi af fowl. ' , tt l» I.S « eat Tjth street trv-t tOatotosM

M a l a — - y * - •••• >• f W w r f n a i W ) , or e« tea act n » i h " ' ! ! Ooaal X M N M gdvsav Cfti t w a * y e a a l " , u n a , cuaBira.

A *?£!

A BIT. All*»r W * » - n I T * VdCWO WOMVH AH i"»*.. • * • ' er t«d • .» -r o' waul*a*UttMVMt C-e it

a*>aB>a-ri?r <~<nM r*i • •«- * a t l i at 341 lata* sans, o* »•**•» 2gra and 21r.

A iorju. w >»*"_»»td s t

A ft f i .*!» t a s i f at 34 l at* »•- t joa rVaar.

t o * *,»"«1» A M AT « n t » R * » « i * A •sITfATIOM AK CHUT md -i • • • *»*•»«« ejrad srawbat. Of to JJ

__#rwa»t and • » • t>r r • * w t J f i M abut maker and nsavttnr-avl* br< b*f*»*— " - -a* »f «>if reteraaee AM b* i>m4uc*4 K > « t i t » ! ;»i !*. ,-a store, caa t»s

i ft* tat, d*. A __ >4a.i

A p*frYB3Tt<T *<»*•> ' «i«*t*«irAV BirtMTiOM A S

mmk a< c*j r*i< »«t«e '>• t»* ««* * * • -*»* « * » • * « "

A *I»UATIUM # » ( « : . „ > t A * l i t F » ' T ^ B L « Wf> maA *« loadwvk. •»• <•• »t.»4« awtiflJt (a a I tta brwicb

ea HtJtaf M »nfft» •• *« *»e««jfai two d»y» At Si

M i ' . M U x « c»,,i'nt <»•»» {OfftL W.ANT8 A M«E»1 l • i r ^ r i . "« ' '. • i l l g M i l h j l i ' ^ ^ j - i 111 li, l>-i.>. <• : • • . - • <•••" ' ott a V M M < U ) i at 2]10 W « « t , abroad fl«w. ' " ' ' <*" «•

A* —

A TOWI*<» *»«-*l • « * •< P « »jT^»TIf»«, AS OOOK A aaA to »*** «• "•*'•'» r »:imit* aara-f*'taw **/»,, ai. Um Laorraa >vrat na* «•.•!•<'»« Loir* Muar, fr>«t room

inon» •ft! baaja* a t t t f t y a t ,

trrtrJ»T!0« WkinvD—nv \ rn.wtmfitwt T»>gfQ d l o Ar .u.p t u b u ' » » r r ' * » f«"fti!» < a o i C f r«

f r r r r r « ( ' T . r P l t a M eall at t7« Waat tSd r i . S a t * «.„ «Ul Iftaaaiaaa k\ttMB m a»oimd Hour, n a m 0*. «, ftftft bo < t »o «fa ya.

iTfOW « U ^ - B T A MHPtOTABUt Tr»UK-J t'ui at (Ban, M »'*iaat/vaa, as a »tm«l be wil'tnf In

Ijirhiefcaifthi*aMirt Haa«ooh) c i a a t a U k a e a r r o f Puaua to ra'l at Co I * H*» r-r at , ftoal rouaa, lat

ttr >t* bo»ary Can ba aara for S A»y»

litC|ATOnS W A K T i r v - f O B TWO WtS-'KCrAHLR •vr»'...:.i (•• >n »a i!r!» to do aaiawiaj Oonsewori Snprl

t'lr. lrqti rr at * f : » i f * u'male-a 12 »ortt WU i r<* tioor. far ibrm d« >• *

OITtSATK.N W «NTUD-hV A ( i U ^ i K WWMAM, TO O "<•> ataah »i<3 Iron or >o boafoaiark; •» ft iCMa4 onofe. p,slrt»M*l:»«t hn- i i w d biar it». bigbly i»«oma»ra<*T*l;ajan hr arra) at bwrmeut of ."44 -th • (« , bear Vxh m ; inoierate •mtfLt-t

iTlON WAItTRE-SY O rhftmbr u.%t<* »ad a>»: rr*M r J Call at v$ Wrat

A ? 0 U » 0 •aitff ia Aftrnale a'Jiiij. Do» iMh t' J


lilftL. AJi tlotrd reie

»pO ]NF(.aTfc!tH .AM> JtlB^ItB-l—A L A t T . WHO ^ 1 famh o»«p»*a_t. wl>b«a w>t-|ko wore no-na, ^ther atlk

bf>«n«4, «*raa braiA boon*'*, muain » " " , Uc» a) hujjle Ar. f priiep-jttiftbtC rtiv-|r cuetm, Addrrra K. at, box 76 ilrriU49 office. , i

IAJL A > ruling

UdJM bra* tadj'a niaid aa* aewj-rfttraaa, bj'MI_B%I«»BA la tnt*«l C»o b» arfte Hr,>«a I" to I* o'eloct at J' H.»ir«a*i

\ 4 T A k . * D - H I A FfcO^K-iiAJKI' * '0»t» AT0X.1 f t I'tnajoi' *» rarfty'a BB4I<», orta arftlt tm otKi^r'arai

» * . ) _ * . y ftyisiaiCii A. h . i tatt»_t kwrfirit dul4, ftftl

Qui A BlftaPiMT *»«.•• » .

M 'i. » ! - » - • • • n t t r k o , baaairos. oreaatofml'* •• 'i • b«*t *T«•» refaraoc*. ••*«»*) for <_ii>a <ift*a at *_,!- '«nftibk pla^a. foaroraav, Rroak

5 —— A RM?««:TABi.R t»Uft s «tRuWI«ial»A.8ITnATI0V

tftftaxaal faraiiv "art. . » work. iMkaU-.a |o«d «»__..• treaa aafl ak__«rMan4a aahft M taf Apply at 124 Waat 434 at . Hew Hat A - i

A P E O T _ > T A A T Y.>t» > • ' < « A . N jWAHfA T a i T O A . ttaa tn ft >a.i.r-'. '•'• faaal f. aa ftfftTH aa* to do olaia

oeartrj. wagea not MI _n.«n ••• o .jar»aa a c-»a_farta_48 banr. lobe uijo^rataraW «tw a»r» • •• .H-pt. writ, l a a a e call at 17* Kaatl?t*ai ftmribrtoor ir at Maobjeetlan to ft abort JU-taacw at tee roootrv [ '

A riTpAtu-ji f v i i i . •• BY a «ocira W6MA.IT, AR faw€ w»*_*r awl i-«-i -.- can 4oJf*oe',ftl ftouaowark.

OocA r«t>re»eea. Arp»y at a* M.HU at., <& tarn 4ATI--

SSflPtHTk-alt. A r - • • bta tuBbW. Tbe br> eall at SWJd »».. b«t

t r > n « 4 '*tirf)lf . WHO 8PRA.K8 a -it..- kava •« aaaaMtr—aj^o a reaaerta--••» >rr>raa"« »il! be glreo Plaaaa

aa*« M H _ad aatkata.UirftAfloor.

A 8ITTr*TI0I» WA» ai) - t tT"»Pll6TMTAKTYOl7»fa wntaaai aa akaamaaa-aa. I aad a<ian»fiiaa C*a farai«A

aajajj retaKaaewdaUooa i< i If • a* 4 Kaat I4U at-

A J o U K O G I R L * • !» -ITU -T lOi lTaTAKKOAlt l

ol obUarvft ftso do ai a • - luf , Oood reference troa. be« law plaoe. Ap»l* a ftfl 4tft at . bfttwaew lat and 34 are natea. ttoae but re»(.« ••a-. - famittaa ftaed Apply, tor two fey*.

AtCTt ATIOSWaftTa M p l * l a » a _ | arft<dt •

work, troort e«» re' re»«i--taaaa 9th and loth m> .•»

^t a "«WP!«0T».BI.l!W0MArT • i tr.mar. or to 4o fanertl aoitae-

taouire at 31* Weat Uth at , be

A S r t t * l l U » ( W * a . i h . » - < * . ft ? k O f K f l A K I WO BJ _n, aa a l o t ctA • <,» . u a fjoftd. baker. Uood refe-

[« •«• r w » J»PV a § ! * ( » • . 'tab a t . batweea 3d and 4th froftt bftaeoirnt

A firxoATio* w>Ki».u-«if A aVWi-KrASUE »oa_ft», aa plaio c • >» - ft-r _a4 Iroarr uo*d rafe

Lnqare ftt I t . r f ; r u ia IA» itftr. f__ be afteft for

A MI 4ft

* n r * T l n M W «>", » . -.< a TOCHO WON AH. TO

T Oar - r l«awrftl •Tin a

bou>eamrk uood city rtsfareaee. Iftqutreftt

A b l T U f t T I O N W M r - •-> A A A - P R C T A » I . K UIKU, Aft Ao th? cookie* « . . h . _ * a.-d ltoi l ag of a private

tftaaily. t>0Od rrtnrrr or |TW.-u - 0 # 1 / at I t i PriaCe a: , CM •er a! l.awn oa for t»r> "a> *. ^ ^

A m r r t T . - h K !•-•: . i f . l i T OIKL WISBCtJ A •atamUftv u a w i r r m M >ko eft e ot eftUdreo Haatbe

bead af i ttaaeace into* b-r t a t pace Oaa be aeen for two day* at 113 We«t latb at tbixt tie r fro-t room. —* ' 1 a

A »J1»MT10.f « > f l l D - l l A &mVKCr.\BL.K. bcateb f i u f u - i | r l . ,a» h luaekaaper or to attend ft

bakery. <_ke comi) h . oi. • •<-»«>-n-i dr>t from reapeetableitft-aailiea la bV o t ] i u >r • » » »< <be rAre of the n p l o y m e n t boeety U aad U tuvm tn»u~- Aaeaevetal Metah girls for heoetwevk. . "

• — - - — » i i i J i

A srr»ATio« WAaT»r»-»T A RRSPBOTABLS WO-na*a, ftbeoe* a a ama 1 prl 'ale family, or to do geaer%I

booveaork b i m o l c r r i n e OA t-ftft be area ajattl eogftfed fttlWT&tket pr-r. i i .Awi

A YtrUfta, Hk/>LTrV aJKsPKOTft.B_Ji WOMAK, w. h • fra»h broaat <•' mtta wubea a a tufttioa u w i i

Bui«e i v be at ro f J f r r d..» a at a J Jreea wlch at, third floor, (roil leocn.

i i '

A HltXkTIOK W a a J k O B t A PftOTg-TAVT WO avaa, aa ftrat elaea lau^lraa. doea Preack BuUag; Good rrfataaca. ln.i-ire at Ak» 1 AUeraej at. Moobjectioa to _TJ la • v_i aocAtry. _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ ^ ^ _ ^ _ ^ _

A BIrftPBCTABUB «taVb Wft»T8 A bT.UATf.OH AS toed rook, la an erceioat walker Aad trocer ftod good

OA/rr Tkea#*taf e(»» r- rr. i^e o_n be ( ir ta . Please call atASfatkave t>e aer. 3">b A_a3tatsu ,H*>ouftd atory, for two daya. ' •

A 81TT/>TIUB WAaiTTHr-Bt A PftOrKSTAHT WO •_*•>, abe to ft gard Miati eook aad a _ra*. rate baker |

will aa_ti««aav- tbe eAthiogaad iroaakg Tbe best of oily 'giTea- ABWI at t 6 l i b at near Stk ftve., front

A A B11 U e T l u a » * " » , - -T A

B U , »sof»U I I M r aad iroaer tfrteanred. l a a a w o a t H o _aaj 9tk at

. for two dkj s

BBSPKOTABL* WO Oeed city referewce wetareea lat aad 24

A r l C l ftHl> ITI iT « f B U toRSTRBS A SITCATlOM, is ft geed plat • oook aao aseauaat weaker aad iroaer; la

aiBHftg au4akMb»a-ft.ehe a«if «Ar/aJ toftfamUy; kas good c»ty rcferc-ce. t an at f7A Beartry.

A RK MtTTABl.B Otkt , WtHTB A 81 TV ATI OH A3 • aanutrias and to aaatat la bgkt ekajaeerwork, or wait

ea a l a 4 . . Caa be awna at tea wapiojsaeat office, 13. U Bable Bease, AaAsr p aee

A BKripBCTAMk W i » L » » » H A STTOATIOH IH A A aavftU ar1«atr faaalry a#> c «k weaker aad iroaftr; is a Brat rate baawc and aad- trtaava ftll kiads of fowl. Pleaae eavi «t H> Wftrrea at , bataavja amdk aad BIgk, Broekly__ «. jod city tefereaie

, _ • • — •

OOMPWfBhT r t . | u«Bl U B B W WAaTTS A 8ITUATI0N isli ana, also, oaa

eejetHaoas to wait on ft Aket

A tbe raoeik, eke to a tkat faaaily cut aad •« ebildran'a ekMhang • •

Adurr-. . <35 r> rat

A BITOATIUH W A HTA_r-Bt AH BXPKBJEH.BD girl, ok food cock; uaorralaaas her baataees tkorou^hiy:

or to take dMrge of 'be lever part of Ike, (test of reltreace ta i l at 14) % J»y •«., ~ tare Bar*.'

we arc ; sot

B^ftklat Cka be for

A 10DHO WOH %H * I Bafct A -rrtlATIOH AS C I A H brrtzuva. and • Alter or ikAa.b*rm»i1 fta4 fine wftsbftr.

WecU take, ft WanOrtv l-ACO. Ca4srftt«ae_ her boatoeai penerAiy QeMritv ralv«uoe g reo, C»U si I t Dlnaloa si. Caa be tagaj for two day»

A Ea->P||01A«<UA WUktt* WOMak WAHTS A 8ITCA-tk>b to a ornate family to do ekanbar work aad waking,

or pava sswlag, er tn oev«, weak aad Iroe to aa-eall faaaily-. Has too beat ot city r>fer«a>ee Pleaae oall to Hie as a t , itroakl;» Baswaao akiuy aad taoitio s u . aeoook baase from Arnky toawktaft, tka i-gbt k a U aide Ik p B a j traat sVsstf so-Pacakc

A . O V B O W O B I A N wtMt-ii A » n u A U O H A » C B A A I -bersBa-4 ar to take care of ckkdrea aad make hereeK

gawerally ewefal Ha* six «eaw' rroommrnda-ou. Can be area far OByday. tram ltf tiU 4 eelock, ftt 1__ aaat £ld s t ,

RfcfHCTfttaja ^ w l ' . S . aTOK * H WISHR3 TO OB t a « ft skuftuia. aa goo.1 cook aad baker, aad bracckes. la

• taker KM traoar The) beat ct:y reference ft* >iy ftt 144 kart l i s t at , between M tad 3d 1. Oaa be seea fur t t j days.

• _ • . . » >• i

A BBftFJCTaJtbat fcH* .1>H P B O T B B T A H T WOMAJf eeaarea a akuAtior u> cxift waahaad iron, or dotke rene-

ieik*aawepka_aktsakUfsm-ly U ft food baker, aad has no oojfcaton a«t*y e ' ooeair? For awtfealara pleaa* apply at the totrd aor<-ot k e aeeotid boase la tke ftUefway M Wthst,

era COS aad grk aawauea. uood lafeiaa.ia If reeaired.

W A l n l l r - B Y A BafePBfJrABfci KMBLB-aUBD i f voa-au with good eUV reference a sluntioa as aitrse

»od r e i n s u r e , or lo_ocbtin t rr*or* or »!4n aewtus. AV aly at-1 ( W . , 9 b » at, eoiacr it State Urookl.'a, trtt flbor, urokt ri ocu, for two days.

1 — • - 4 • —' -•! '—'•

W A t T s U r - A HlltAlIMHr-BY A WBOTK-1TAST WO-r.aii ** cook. ID t i r « _ < f»o- Ii. bat » , l 3 r o i ; l i

kaowlejisje rg hi r r. uainos in •!! it* brar.chea; no ohjecBoi u> try. I>e«i city refeuet ce t an be sr*>n ustil engaged

» r . between lOkand llth a t j , In the rear, third fiiint <oom.

tbf cod |tl at 167 aft Hour

w JAI TKD-% HIIUATION taat * DIHII iiDtlrratAtM*

baker nodera'Arda paatty. ferenee . Can be s»-en for lat a:.t! id . II< ike store.

w\ HTAIi— RY A B B S ^ E C T I A B U K <UBL A SIT^IA-ti< u aa ffod cook; to a g m d baker; uniier<Hiftuds pa#trf.

to An ex -el rnt toundreas OAr the best of city relarenie. Call for two I A ) * at S66 Tlk »» . ! between :iM uia 33d stt., third floor. b4ck room. . he advertiser to go to the canitr.-.

w w. tog

A H I K P - A SITUATIf>K, BT AvPBSPBOTABLK WO mftu. as wet ntute Apply ftt 157 Grand st.

I l l B D - B Y A BB3PKCT4BI.K TO0HG WOMAN. A situation aa waller or Qhamb>-rmaid la a hotel or board-

hottoe Apply at Kl Laurens at , No. 3, second floor

7A> DV b i r j n baker; dtoto over


a respectable Protestant wnaaan; underatAada her .. mesia. soepe; to a tUat rate bread aad pastry desxens of all ktodft has ao objectloato go a short in tbe coentry. Hest city reference. Can be seen t>akei"t, 143 kast 23d s t , ontl. rngaged.

oc« th.


baker city reference at , for

.T.fO. Ba\o da>s.

A l T d«

A gOOi I ' S ' S At room,

. B D - A HITUATiOH BY A TOUHG WOMAH, TO general hooaework. b a good Waaher and loner, and

Aiaiu enoa. Good city relerences given call for two I ia Smith at., near corner of Butler, third house, back lrookl>n.

WAHTED-BY A YOCHG A M E B I C A H G I R L , A SITDA-B n as seamstress j> a respectable family, or would .take

ebarte it children. no objection to me country. Can gire most sat st'iu-1 ory rrfere.cea Apbly at 165 Ihird ar., between 16th ftndl*ts)8Ui., m the fancy store. ,

w of eith betweei

w alone, wasbi! Call at

w AH e-

fill the has no reterem

TV J A apt

two daj P seen fo_

w »y oi

be arm

Caa be

w and Al .15 uood



m lug excejpted place room Mi

place, iklrd '

w l r referent

w busmesp U3S

8 COOK, BY A PBOTEV k'r.iU of eeohtDg; to s good

soupi and jaaVwi \ H o o i aity re-t»e-d»ysftt 176 17', between

ung woman as eook and washer and Irooer; ia a food brefto ut dernands her business perfectly. Good

Can be teen at her lftat p.aee, II Bond

AHTEO-AHTUATlOHBY ABaWPBOTABLK QIBL chsmbrrmaid and waitrera, or laundress; to capable

kxcellent city reference. Apply at 94 Bast Uth at,, 3d ant 4th ar^Bue*.

AHJTED-A SITCAljUH BT A RESPKCTABLR iii-g girl sa chambermaid apd waitress, or as waitreari

a small nri^ate family, and .a willing to assist in And nomr g Good cif reference from her last place.

JWh »i . near ;id avenue. \

ia ni itn tl ao:

T E D - A B I T U A T I O H A S L A D Y a M A I D O B H l R S y gorernr>*. A d Uwiillng to assist in sewing; could st named either to a private family or female school-, rjectton to tke coutviry, atd can give the best of citj e. Andre** T. W.. t'nioa square Post o3ce.


> TETV-A SITTATTON AS WET NUR^E, BY A RE etaato yocng married woman who has lost her gaby o'd, hfc.t good re'erenoe ** to oharacter. Can be

two days at 89 West 19th t t rear house, flrst floor.

A* T E D - B Y A Hi

RgaPEfTTABLK WOMAN WITH referenee. a tknarten aa curse and plain tewer. Caa

ui :il engaged at 167 East Uth st

HTKIi-BY A RESPECTABLE WIDOW LADY, A a f.siion as housekeeper or to tratel, Ac , with a lady,

leen for two days at 19 2d sC

E D - A SITUATIOH, BY A STEADY, BESPBOT 'e woman, a* good plain cook; to au excellent washer

trader w« uid go aa Uvnadreae. Can be seen for two day* W est 27th s t , earner of 7th Me. , front room, ttrsttknr. cl y lelerrnce.

; A H T B D - A SITUATION. BY A PBOTBSTANT r «peclAble youx g won ao to oook. wash and iron ;;>r

to do ct mral beuaework in a xmaU private family; best of city i el w Caa be seen for two days at Vandam . t , m tke n >ar. urst basemtnt

AHT_rv-BY A RBSPEOTABLE COLORED WOM i S , sltuAtion. as cook in a genteel private family; wash-oted.—t an come well recommended from her Saat i'ati be seen for three days at 83 Ring at. iounk floor,

iu the rear.

A l T K D - B T . A RESPECTABLE MARRIED WOH AH, aiho has lost her baby one to wet nurteat her own

Please call at 175 East 2_d at, between 1st a id 2d av ->, front room. flo.;r

A1TBD— A SITUATIOH, BY A RESPECTABLE ccch woman, as protested cook. Can gire good city

Pleaae call at 46 6th avenue, for two days.

AlTED—A f troll


SITUATION AB COOK, IH A PRIVATB i by a woman who thoroughly understands her

with good city and is a Protectant. Call 13th street, aasoad floor front room.

WAITED—A BTTUATIOH, BT A QOOD PROTESTANT I Brrant girl, to da gsneral housework; good reference

given. 1 Can be seen at Mr. H'Cree's, Ho. 217 7th avenue, second floor.

WAHT1D-TO TAKE A BABY TO WET NURSE. BY A respertAble woman, at her own houae. Inquire at ti_

46th st. Ibirdstorj.

w tbe be s . l t i h i t

A U T B D - A SITUATIOH. AS WET HURBB, BY A respectable married Scotch Preteatoat woman. Can _ive

of city reference. Can he aeen for two day* at u s near >M avenue, room 14

w w m a

w in all i at 22

A * T E D - A ertUATIOH AS BABY'S H U R S E , BY A irspectAble and experienced ttcotck woman. Can be

seen fcjr ihiee days at 27A 10th ere., third floor.

. ITEB-BY A kESPECTABLB WOMAN, A SITU A qontoecok wash and Iron, er to do general ho:ne wort

11 prtrate famly; the hest city reference will be given; i been two years and six months ia her tost place. Call at

No. 3 6p»t near Bowery, in the book store.

«TED-BT A BBSPECTABLK WOMAH, A SITUA-ionsscook; she thomiishly understands her buainess t brancbea; can give .lie best of city reference. Apply Meat,

-Pttsl lUaWatoOl

COt W AKTHD-KT A TOVsfO WOMAN, AB to de aeaeaei boasewerk to a small family.

ore i n ^ t j e at 173 Weei HKhat, aear*kftTtv Jsatg.

TEKT kHaPax Tait-al WOMaH W I S B B 8 T O O B -toeapableof toaaaataruk of a baby, or weald i

travel many rtpftcKytato la fully etn be frretv

eawtof ttiaaffty. ^Caifaf

H » t a j i — • ' ' i •••

A kakaPiCTaBtK W o « . « WAMTS A 8ITBATI0N, toa«4g-w*ajk atat waa, or a> do geaeral fceasewerk. has

U» * • J t - . T i T • * mm tor two days at SO tprtog m , M K j t M j B tke rear

A BBaT_rUtABLI , aad to take care of chll-

i light ckAAitrja-ort. ai a toad dtapoalltoii, aad Uaa ao ofejeouoa to Unng

traa Good n far two day* W ANTEP-BY A DECENT. RESPECTABLE filBL. A

| stufttiontoeook, wa*h tod Iron And do genera; hoine

W A S T E D - A SITUAT1CH AS BEAM8TRB88. AND TO bike care af children, by an experienced gn*L Apply at

t iHickaft . , Braoklyn TUI for Mra. 0'MeiU.

W AHTED-A SITUATIOH, BY A BBBPSCTABLB houng girl, at nurw And taton-ttreta, or to do light

r ham liar work. City reierenetv Ceil for two days at 232 7th ave., arat floor, front room naarlathat

WAMTED—BY A B E S P B O T A B L B YOUHG WOMAH, a aituAtion aa seamstress, to a good dressmaker and

plain sewer. Rat no objection to instruct children in plain English. Saift-y not ao much aa abject aa a tituation la a ree-pectAbie family Caa be seen lor two days at 127 Court at , BrookJ y a) second floor, front room.

W i N T a - D - B T A RBSPICTABLJ. PKR50M, A SITUA-f.oti t t a e a a s t N u to a genteel private family. W»u!d

bk wijliat to do light chamber work also Pleaae call at 1491st ftve-, between 9th and 10th tie., second floor, back room. Ho objection to tbe country.

WAHTRD—A hITUATIOH AS PROFESSED COOK IN k private family, by one who fairy understands her bu

sice&t fan gire tke best of city referenoea. Can be seen for twotkVya At45Wetol3thto,beiweeaatkandathara.



a» child nurse or wait oa an old lady, lies! ot" reference from her iatt employers. Apply at 177 East 12tk s t

A H T E D - A SITUATIOH! BT TWO RBHPBCTABLE J colored yeaxug women, aa cbavmbermaid, waiter and

lAundreaa. or cooks Pleaae eall at Ho. 1 Mechanics allev, between ("Tierry aad Monroe Kg. Caa be t a n for three days. Rett pi city rtlerance g i t f . i

YA JAN TED-BY A RESPECT A BLB WOMAH, A BABY YY to wet nurse, at her ewa residence; good reference.

App J at 3.1 RaatlStk at , between AVS. Band C. Canbeseen for two daya,

I i i ».

WAHTBBwBY A BBSPsKTTABLB WIDOW WOMAH, I a aiutatien aa aurse or to do general housework to a


sma!( family, plactl '

Caa produce good reference from her last Inquire at564 Hudson s t , second floor.

reference giveu. Apply at

YOUHO WOMAH, A nail family or a* aham-

girea. Call ftt » 13th

YOCHG GIRL, IH A d and waiter. Good two dayaailuuFul-

YOUHO WQM VN, A rtvae fatnily; oaewao fadtily sewing; can cut

i lace and embroidery most unexcepuooable

where she has Ured six

YOUHO WOMAN, trener m a private Call at luu irui at .

YOtTKO WOMAH, A 1; i » objection u

2i*t of ctty referenew t t t , between 2d

OP HBAT, TIDY family m •wingiikwi

apt) vary •PptJlfor

i e pfa'a •*» w . * 4 * t » i d *wt * M

RESPECTABLE PBOTBBTAHT ' aa aurae a_d seam

I do all kind* of lb* anea fo-

i M A B d J l


•n-vjATiom w . _ _. A nmm**m WIAVJA <-xT«Ain«ff

J . V - * P t o ! t o 7 o » - MSXZi«etS w J-t •to. ^awnttoynt • •' W A H T B l * " A • t n V l k n U m ' t + u HO PlLkjlM Vl waaMoa aart iraAWSag, to a geatlemaa'S


ooEinra W a

«TAr>TBD-BT AM AMI»TOA*WTD<IW1 A l l T a A T l O l YY a* bo..^kees>rr or to de plaat aewaar a»d asaiat ftoeut

the tease. Oaa he t i ail the week at 68 4.1a* at

T l ? AHIEaV-A HITUAt-lOM BY A R « f l » * 1 F i B L * Rng tak woman, ia a e m a'« F-****»aa * fami'y; ate

to aa exoelle»t cook and b«ker. aad to wdkag In aaatat art*. tke waaktcg and Ironing, or to a v * wask aad Iron or a »I_A i private famllv Tke hsatafstoyrtjfkraslae ean be glvea. ) . «a eall at 2S1 West 2Mk «'.. betsreea Stk and 1th areaaea, fnrtvteaaym, ' •

<k» ANT*r»~Hir TWO BkBPROTABL» tOt/NG (.IRLti, YY atoiers. aauatieas; ana a«**Am»tre«a aad okamk'

and tfce etker AS ekiblrea'a auive and to assist la tke washutg and ironing l » e bw* ot e*ty refer-aorv Please osll a,96 AtlantU- st Brtioilya, ir it Oow.for tkreedt l s

•HikalAdy » an ft* aren for two da/a. Apylr at 241 Hal berry a t , ftratfljor^^ back room.

_V D . i i - ; . t AN AMBBICAWLADT. IA ISITUAYTOH ' * Bsftjaana-rraapar to ft ree-neetabie tamila; ajmerisae pro-ferred rauary not ao imprwaaot a* a a j m t r t i i

cireee ton. Lagra. dagaerretw gftilary, 3a9 tie;*" hosae.


W A'KTKD-A SiTUATlOkj. BY AH A>le»J*I0AM WO man la do gene al Mosewant er ta> eitkiag waahlag

and Irooiag i . a small privets ftm'tr. App y at 212 7lh ar., fv c exu) floor, rroal room. Can be aeen far two daye,

W A H 1 S D - B Y A BJLPBirYABLBPI with geed ctty rw.-reare a attaual

w»itieri ahe Is aery ktod, With eoudreo. two daya at 83 West i»th at , rear kouse, top

tiTaHYOlRL->a as' na~ae or :»n oe aeea for


O WOMAN. A h-vasework.


aituaooa as cbAaabermaid er to *» Beat af city refereaoe given A4>ply at

BT T|TO young weroea one as ckssAhermakt,

lent aeamatreas and the other aa goo* plala loner, or to do tener-l bouse w»-k in i . PI- are iBqu ireAt 26» lat »ve. coranr of UMk s t far two days, oa mer S*t floor, front room. Good reference.

STE10U8 i it an exoei-

wastier aad pHvwte ftrntly



S-TTUATIOH >oun^ girt AS ck*inb; 'iaa»d

281) 2d ave . earner of 17th s t

Yk/ A N T B D . - A BBSPEC . rtlease

TXTANTLD—A SITUATION. BY TT cook; the best of City reference

Vott at., room 26-


HA* goot cUyt

A l EXPBaiENC KD gtren. Apply atylM.

f l / A N T E D - A SITUA-tOX, •yoang woman as eeamatn

!U-lit or aen her work il required. Geed Please call at 20113th tt

BY A RESPECTABLE baa no oBjeattoa to do

retereace ctty retereace given.

X 3 S O O A ' l I U A - E

SITUATIOH WAHTEDr-BY A PIEST RATE HOB'S pi essman. to rna • single or doable eyunaer proas. He

' -torosoBUt. "offloe.

objection to go to any other city; would prcier to r< Good reference given. Address Pressman, garaidofl)

A 8TTLATIOH W A N T E O ^ B Y J t ^ T B A Piou-rUn; a* coacaman; thoroughly I am

buaicess, and tke treatment and care of youa? prefer the country. O004 referotiaea. Adi

MB 199 Herald office.

= A SITUATIOH WAHTED-BY A YOUHG L tedder. Can give good reference. Ad<

Herald office.


wishea a altuattca ia same w hole^ale house learn tbe business in which be is aaaaiMed. kat renceagiven. App'y st 57 Perry st

Y MAN. A er aland* his rset; would W. C , box

D, AS BAR Henry.

OF AOK, iere he can

Actory refe-

CI O A C H M A N . - W A N T E D BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG ' man. a situation as groom or co achm an; uriUerstanda the

care of hotter in ftll it* brandies, aad U willing to make kim self g«s>erallT userui; -to sober aavd steady. Please call at 187 William St., tor two daya.

TTARDWARE.—WAHTED,. BY A YOUHG MAN. A •.iiiation ia a wholesale hardware house. Ha* had BII

years experience in Ike bra-nets. Address X. Y. /.., Uereld office. a

TT PORTERS SITUATIOH WAHTED B f A COLORED j oimg man. or aa coachman ud gardnqr. in whlck latter

capacitie. he was lately to tke employ of the kubrcrtber, to whom apply for referrnce. 8. P. KNGid, .32 Front at

WANTED-A M'.Di-LS AGED MAN OF refereuobt, fully eon-

ver«aatwith tke Bngnah. French Italian and German JUI-gragea; booxkeeptog oy double and by atagjle entry, desire* employment ir some respectable house, e v e i at a very mode­rate salary. For perttou ar* apply at 65 Brejadv -%y.

SnUATIOH lioerat eau -anon, wiik undoubted

HTUAT10N WAHTED-BY A YOUHG MAM. TO work on moulding, sticking or ten not lag machines; per­

fectly understands the making of all kinds of t its Inquire for three days at 26 Grand bt, between. Ike hours of 9 aad 11 o'clock. DjCCLLUM.

WAHTED-AS BOOKKESPEtB OB TBA-vailing eempanion, by a young AnuM whe apeaka and

writes the French. KHSSIAB and German laasuages. Ooed references given. Art. ir ess __ M , box 4,143 Poaf office.


iBLl SITUATION WAHTED-BY A B R S P S C T A B L R YOUNG ii aa. itscbackmsn or gronm, in a respectable family, aad

would make himself generally useful. Be can come well re­commended from his last employer Can be aeen tor two day s at Ho. 3 9th a t , between lat and 2d avs.

SITUATIOH AS CUTTER WANTBD-JBYi A YOUHG man. oi long experience, aad who could influence con­

siderable custom having been In business himself up to the present time bklsry not ao much an object ana permanent situation tn a good houae- Call on John C. Hale, No. S)l Mulberry street, near Hieecker, tor one week.

-WANTED, situation aa rbrctnan and cutter, either in a wholesale or

custom atore; to thoroughly acquainted with every branch of the trade. Addreat J.K., 170 West S4tk at. He wj York.


TO DEUOOISTB-THB ADVKETISER, roughly scouAinied vritk kto business.

10 18 THO to In want of a

.-it nation aa retail aad dispensing clerk. Salary moderate, referenoea unexceptionable. Addreat B. BJ Herald office.

r PHYSICTAH8 AHD D B U 0 0 1 8 T 9 . - A BESPRCT able Protestant man wanta a situation in a physician's

office. Can put up preacrlptiona, or aa light porter ia a drug store. Will make himself In every way useful. Will be high­ly recommended for eobriety>, honesty and caps, tlitjr. Apply in store 134 8tk s t , near 6th avenue, for t w o d a r

DJiv TO SOUTHBBN MERCHANTS.-WANTED, BY AH'EX-perlenced bookkeeper an engagement to Bo South, where

be has resided several yearn Unexceptionable city references furnished. Address C. B., Herald office, HI • ' H i ' |i i "

r WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS.-AN EXPERIENCED druggist, having a goad acquaintance and familiar with

the want* of dr uggists. physicians and countrv merchant*, de sires an engagement with « wholesale houae as salesman and general clerk, with a view to permanent basinets and ulti­mate interest in tke concern, will travel a portion of the time if desired. Firat class city and country references furnished. Address for four daya R. H.. Journal of Commerce office.

fpO AUCTIONEERS.-AN AUCTIONEER OF LONG EX X .pertence in New York, hold ng a commission, and having considtrable Influence to obtaining consignments, Be., wishes a situation; would be a great acquisition to a party com-menctng the buhineaa. Address Auctioneer, box 175 Herald oflice. 71


buatoeat experience a tale house. Salary not muck object ftrat year. Unexception­able reference giveu ft* to character, Act Addreat <*. J., HtraM oolce. A lucrative berth in a retail house would not bn refuted.

h-L j. 1 1 _—

W ANTBD—BY A YOUHO MAH (GERMAH.) WITH good references, hnving been in taeelethiug baalaeaa,

a attuauon as salesman to some ktod of a store where he could make himself useful. Addreas B. B , attC-ryaUei

WANTED.—A YOUHG MAH, WHO HAS rived fr m Ireland, to anxlounto ol-Uui

bookkeeper or corrmpondlng ffierk IB a merci at clerk in a lawyer's office; would engage salary for a week or a fortnight to aJiord a Bookkeeper, box 125 uerftldoffice.

ATRLY AR-situatloa aa

tils honse, or ft moderate

IftL Addresa

WA N T B D - A SITUATIOH, BY A bookkeeper; best of reference* given.' Adi

Herald office.

W AHTED-A SITUATIOH, BY A YOU man, as valet or waiter; belt of ri

W. & s., Herald office.

WAHTED-BY A YOUHO MAH, A 8 clerk; has acme knowledge of bookki

make himself generally useful. The wholesale t erred. Addresa s T. B., Herald orBon.

OMPK-EHT J. 0. L.,


ATION AS ping; would business pre

\ A / A N T E D - A SITUATIOH. BY A YOUHQ MAH, AS A YY shipping entry clerk or collector ia some wholesale

houae iu this city. The beat of referenoea givenflfor honesty, capability, Ac. Please addreas Enterprise, Herald ( l ice.

W A S T E D - A SITUATION, AS COACHMAN, IH A privftto faniily, by a competent angle, nvkldla aged

man, well acquainted with the civ/ i d neighborhood, who i-peaks English and German, aad can furnieh the best of char­acter irotn his late employers. Address V. m, 58 S t Mark's alack. ' ; '

WANTEJ1-BY A YOUNO MAN, WITH A VERY larae aequalatAace, a situation aa salesman or ship ping

clerk in A wholesale dry goods, boot and. shoe, or grocery house. Salary not so much of an object as a permanent situa­tion. Beet of reference given. Adores* George, Herald office. ] ' j j

WAHTED-A EITUATlwH, AS A t»RAUOHTSMA.V, copyist, or any kind of writing, driw'ng, by a person

competent and desirous to make him-e:t generally useful. Best of reiereacea given. Addre-s tt . it . , box 2168 Per. office.

WA N T 1 D - A SITUATIOH AS vain family by » Protaatant man.

lit I WAi td J£R IH A PBI

_. who to fully coiipe test to fill the above aimauon. Ha* the i,r. ,„ w referetiLe. Please eall at, or Addreat L. 43., 162 9th at., I beta tea 3d ana ith avs. Caa be teen for two darn

D T I - r - l a t - I G E B J C E t / p i T I C E s j . aeas-ftaaaaapajBsstaaaaBy a


2b7 Broadway, corner of Beade st A too t. a.<*ra, coachrcen fermers, laborers, Ac., at tkto or the bmnoh office, 128 Green-Wfeh St.

*BBI WA H T K D - 8 S Y E B A L EXPERIEHCED 9BRTAHT8 ^ a f t ^_? ' « i * U H H I H U ' S scJeci Agency. 10 l-Unry

strert. Brooklyn, for excellent situations ready in geaUemeu'a taaattk-a ar«i tke htgbc* .Agra, vu., hou*e*JeepeIr«, g-. to to travel ladine' matda, cooks nurses. waxoa«ien*ea chamber TX& 1 r S S S 2 S - W*__?J_*_»1 B* a^SwHouirworlk anr vanta. V nrtonbtedirelerencea of chamcter a id qnaltflcatlont rnoo-rad. M. B.-a7mploya_nantrot»ftBn i^peckfuily uUcitod

" ' ' ' in i 1 1 1 1 i | i i I •


i S S r ^ T l * w * P1.."1""4 fcr cJarkaTa* tfca*4a, aontiustow, school teachert, barkrepert, poncra, men im tieamers. lit t»e-k^ttorn, and Atewftrdetnes, Q i L l S H * Wfi f a . : fctauc

W- ^ p O r A T MBMOAVDWAY, 4CLBBK 9 ^ » ^ - « r A » l oflice,, _ oiertra for atnrea. 2 J f S S r " ? ^ ^ J ^ M f t g - D e a - , 1 brakemto. 3 I


. „ , , „ r^:.;tS"~*m£*'J*'"-~" * «""AOiu«i, •]ateaneo,Ibt_r-I__F_?^.«5* , ,?r"'i* trartnra, 3 men for exprent wagonn 2

', Propriet _rt.

^COMPETRslTl •k * * " « , waakers au4 Ironera, 3



^ ^ V n l l L n T . a t o r t o . . ^ ^ K ^ f t ? 5 ' 'w^tetttrt AORWTB WAklHn-OBHTl.l lMBM v F BUMMafsM

taot ftsaf eiperlenne to sell Ota o w patent bead res la vartoua r-eaiooa of sha co-uttrv and a an r a l o a a s kxeln aive ngttto wBl be given.

— — ^ , p 8EEE8,473 BraUw**-. aeeond tiary.

A OBH1TS -WANTED. AH ACTTTE.BHRBOBTIO YODIG man. of raod ftddreat and aocostomed to outtoir em

plrrymt-A, Aadrent, w t * refe eacea, J. Z., Pent ailio* M. t „ imatjuSI

A FEW PERSONS WtNTBD—TO) L E T B N A MEW tight tanner bOaiaea* that wtll pay from 93 to 9A a day It

every oily, a-ttoble for lad*** acd gen-emea. Oaa be to your room Only %' re . iiret for toot*, lattraction, Ao. Call at 41. Btstodway, up ataira, room No. A

MAHUFAOrUBIH. keferenee require-. BOOBRBaVBE W A H T E ! - I H A

e_a»__aaUn---u'- Sa ary moddrate. Address box 1117 Pest office

IH A LAWYER'S OFFIOB W A N T E D - W H O let plain fttu. r*n4d, Intend* u»re%d raw, r-*idir.g wito t'« kAahAbi* of »ndf and knaiona a d w . a a g ta u.fil admittMl to tke bar addreas X Y 7, pant

paia. roi 1124 PoatoOioe, ia arri-ina; ef aapwotntpwltk nam%, age, re4Bdea«t), pursuit*, references and comp^nsaUaa ex


1 ply at the General CoUecUon aad Protective Trade Ageneji. 371 Broadway.

P' BTJ GOODS C1.KBB "WAHTBD—W'AHTED FOB A tret ntoir reiAil dry goods »tore, ta a toutherti city, a

clerk tl aroatb'v ae-mair «od anih tbe retail busine>« He must be ft ge tern] band, but etoro-ajly tamliiar tri'h areas g<wit and tuuiit alao be rapaole u t .1 >ag charge i t' e absence o the nrii drift!" 1 o mjet) a peraoc xtrooK iadueeme >ta sen offor • d. At dieaj, wiih naiae and refereece K. H , Herftldoffioe

DR U 1 OteYBK WAHTED -0»<B WBLL A O Q U A I H T E D wuh the city retail aad praaonptloa buatnata, with goad

rrfwentes.rJBAy adares* Apothecary, Herald ufficn.

fjlORBWOMAK WANTED-TO TAKE O H A R G B OF A " fat tory. In the at -aw aewing deptrtanent One who has fttled a i in IIAT place b >fore and caa bring referencea as to obarsot*. oa . tr iy Ac , oaa rind a permaoent place a tkort a-stacce frc*» tl e city. Addrees S , box 1 WW Post o f f ice^

HATlsAIjeSMaN--WANTED, AH EFFICIENT AHD etjieru oced sftleai 3 an in a retail hat store. Inquire at 157

Water street, alter 10 < > clock A M. Atoo, two stout boys.

W.LNTBn.-OOOD WAGES GIVEN TO Mo le o<hrrs need apply. Call tkto moru-

e O'yater Bay, loS Broadway. OTSTJER M*N

a fajet opneer

WHO A RE OUT tlF EMPLOYMENT.- WAHTBD, a n i boys to •pan a cheat ef goad and e i n ih thesa-iay. wiik tall directions, fumiaked on raoept of six


A FOR rSR AHD PAOXEB FOE A CROOK glass sto e; wages $34 per montk. Alia, a oarer re crate* and aaaki far tke atore, wage* $4 pe to T. HJ, Haire, Wi Allan at , one door fretn

TJIJANTEfk-AH vv g >oda (comb*, blittona, Ac )

l , 5 » P o M B n e .

in ad:

Annreat box 209 Post effice, Middle-

KXptcRlKNOKD PACKER OF F A H O T Address, wkh nam*, box

W AHTK9J-A YOU CO MAH ABOUT 16 OR 18 TEARS of age to make b mself generally useful ia a grocery

store upi town. One u- >o resides with his parent* aad desires to lea; u the brtaiv es« c in hear of a permanent situation. Ap< P y co' tier 4th av. tnd |.'2d at.

WANTED—A WHUTK M • N AS WAITER, HE MUST . be single, and al le *o produce unexceptionable city r

ferenee*. Apply at 13 West 21st s t . between 8 and 10 A. M.

TED—A BOY FROM 14 TO 16 YEARS OF AGE, at fan come w '11 recommended, to attend and assist erreotype anibratype and photograph rooms; one

that has] sosne insight In the 'business"wi'l be jirefarred. In quire of Blanvett, && 1 Iroadway, from 10 to 12 A. M.

WArfTElk-IN A W'HOLES ALE WATeH AHD JEWHL-ry cotc—n, an active. Industrloua youag man to act i

traveller tine who ha I some knowledge of t i e business tnd can furniafe testimonials as to character, may ob aln«n perntanu nt situatica. Addreas. prepaid, box 1,701 N Y FobtctBce.

W i l t K D - A LOY AT STORE 80 MURRAY STREET, Vv ibout 15 years o' 1; muatoome well recommended, sa­

lary for iir-1 three iconttt* five dollart a mantk. Apply from S to 11,. for -tree days.

sTED IMMKDI(ATEI T - A YOUNG MAN TO A8 st iu tendiiig bar. For pkrtlcu'ars Inquire at French's seiwaen 11 ftadHo'ciocA A.M. Good .references re


I | M T B » - A WAITER, IN THE DINIHG AMD OYS-t-T rs'<i"n 26A Be wery. Manhattan House; one who Wa­nds opening oysters preferred.

LNT_fJk_.A YOU1 G MvH TO TRKiC OFF BOOTS'; one who m.der.- and* the business and can come well •ieud-d. None o JI-; S need apply to E. A. bro its, ISO


W | S n ' K U - F K . . . t l . K t .

O u l « | LADY WANTED-TO L E A B H THE ART of print coloruig. Also good Jiand* wanted. Apply Kasi lrth t l

I PREHTICE? WAI TED—IH MADAMB DEMORBST'S drectamaklcg eetAb uthment, 875 Broadway, wt.l be paid.

ai.enal'y wtdle learning. and also taught scientific dress cut­ting. None bnt good se tr ers need apply.



COOK IS BEQfAltED IMMEDIATELY IH A GEN tleuien's family; shp must thoroughly understand cook-

n ali it*branches, eiipeciaUy soups, gravies and paatrv; ah Episcopalian p r e f e m d . Apply this morning at No. Grand at. ,


B E A T TIDY OIRlL WANTED—TO TAKE CHABOB of a child ten mot tha old. must be a good plain aewer.

at 19 St. Mark* pUc >, from 10 to 12 o'alook.

COLORED GIRL WANTED—AS CHAMBERMAID AHD toundMBA City reference required. Apply at 2175th

ave iiie, between 3 and :> o'cl. ex i

"BJEWi* AY iron* trooer*. To oomp tent winter and summer, will be guaranteed. ton s laundry, fery.

B O A n a r t M b A K D

9 HPBIHO KTPtriT, H I I E • ingle K«totoaa»e ana)


TBB B O W M E r - A I t W

MABBS FLnOR 4, far atpgle a^nUex-en, te Lat, I t / toom«. ferru-ciere

large rnnmiand hanroaiB

W E W j4a*ia_rtsat 'I i .TH

r . B t d A M T rsBMiaauB a

STEEWf 0MB _ 6 U weatoi Hroadway -lie-trab.e »uralafce4 wi'b boa'd, tor tntattieB and taagle geeUosaen; 1 20

DOOR la let,

Q 1 HOETB MOORE vTBSBT -FURHISHRO OR OM Ol (urntobed inecaa to lat with or - nbaat bsard far aiagie are'irsaeo, or genUrmea and their w- ran Stngto rweaas for peolkmen- |___ _ ; _

A Q UNION SOU ABB, BOBHEB OF SEVHHTBkWTH H O •trees. Fears* avenue, may be ektaaaak very aaaarahsa front roosca no rreerad ffiaw; aatrO a atagto roam far a gente ftaaaj en toorth floor. _^

WALERR 8TBEBT, FIVE OOuRi WBsT OF Rran4anf-A uuwt and g'avWtoi privnle bea-aVag

bAHise for atngte geaMkamen • »d geotieet-n aa j akasr wires. lrrm* raa^ajjtkaa Hot, sn*n aad abawwr hatb* -ran.

Of and



70 B ttoga)

HKMN -TEs-HF BIRSY HAHjoB way.-Parlor and rtortrnktn larfn « M V A

room for roatirsnee. at Ike towHat pin ' Uteqairwd faaatre eaebera.

rr(\ VABIOK BT-UBBT—LAROB BOOMS TO LET TO I « / gv^Uemcn a*d tkeir wive* or .tagle gaavleman. -Isa.

three rmaU rooms to let at *v; *) ta M a weak, witk bward. BOOM4 OH SE

Be'ereaaes nf\ WB8(r 1WENTYTH1BD HT«»Et I U eoi djOoer to let, with f ..i or parttal ooArd.


71 WBBt TWBLPTn BrBRET.-A HB4TLV F B S aU-ied Croat room, eoltftbla 'or a stogie gentiemaa a- a

tenilemnaTaiid at- wtfe, k.u*o foat ata-t famly aa-ai iuaereocos eicktcged.

a*l ST. MARE'S FLADB f lOHTH STB BET. — A PBf O vs'e Fie* ob fasndy wiakas to let with boa*-, a hand

aotrely ^unlattrd uftrtor aad brdrkom, to a g-v_ti.-.»Ai sa l wife, or family; alao single rooms, to g-utletnen; houae Araf eiant dktnar at 6 e'otook.

O f f PEIjNCB STttlvK* FECOND DOOR WBiT OP O I Broadway.—A baadsosne rn-an on the aeeoad floor. with the modern imj»roveme»ta ^AJao * aatall rooai.

a»jtour_jrv_ii-_, _ U - * TS-*W1-J-P_..


- i . Y,>CRAISrlK J POOwB-POB OitftLEaff?H. 4 T MOlrK-I rate pi*.** c t r . ^ . r Bsrfog itrswt »rd broAdtray, op j . a ia ju Ntca-cia* Unttt. b» tn. «_«j at weak, i !

1 V

FCBK1.HJ.D U n u ard

el't-Bl-Ur-NTS WAHf-tO—FOIl A GjkAat-wi'e snrh board ar prtvUega of otcke«

AMreas MerdarH,«_d office, wi'hfull nar-cuarrofTac ctn-moeatio-A. 11; ••. Ac

F t ' t l l " - . . ' PARLOR AMTt BBDEOOM TO iMt-wrtb board, to ft geatUmak aad wife or two atngte ceade

taen ta a private family »«fcx»it eUiCre-5 Term* mod #ate •5'e bonae to 1 !.-»_ai't!» looaied m htxth avenue ' Iktrty 1 a Ik and Fortieth streets. n-ArnssM B G ' aq uare Poet office. ]

HOTIX I*OBGLVaw.-OBKYLBMEH « A * good fuiTtohed mom* A* the , oke Hatnt

rraokf.ct and W.utata atreato. at 2S aaata aaw alkbA b<«t 1*. tn» at s >. nesaU per night Ma etaar obnrgnt at tana- opiam



Apai UT..C-. t* far nUhed en-rnnea. Ho. 2 Anuty street ! Bafeiei oua re«j-ay_4,

m ftHD am B-MlABWaY',-a-iho. wu-wntkearA Pattern

CR TWO rURMxHEO BOOMS TO L£T-Y4> A } aad ge-aieaaa-t. wnh fall Ixiard fjr IA- lady

patufti t-t Lta geaVes_iax, l' pt*teer*f to a ataftli reepeni totot./ - e w a i l i - aTaatTwaktf t_._rtk alreet

p , t_j-_

ROf>MN-k«UTLY I C k f c U i B i D , OPPB-ilFB TtiB'BT bioha-v* betel, oaa be I

aatsng eaiaoa aa baaament CO., HI B'uadwag.

•ad. with good rra'er-aob. Mod Upply to Bra. H, K. BOt^l * ]

TBB M A H H A T T A H H U U H E fOH HUBOPEAM PLjaJBJ j SKA Bow+ry between honsaa aad S-aetoa r*eeu. katena-

faat 4i.i.rr and lea • urnUriiiea in *r*at of aermaaeat or tra»p»r;u-'y Udgtnr* eaa be afx HBBaodatcd wiik good sksffaO rooms. At reasonaeA prieaa |V

WO Ok THRKK rilNGtJt ., , . . . , caXimotiMed w'th parti ai !>->ard la a private fAaaiiy wiae-e :


the j ceo nHtan <ae rwrnlor-t of a home, ftt BM Henry stroat, comer of Wato Broaklyn.

146 1 ntodern improvemeata AJ

w I v F . P L E T PLACE —A G E N T L B M S N AHD HIS •file a!-o a few Wagle ganUesaea, ear be aooaax-xo

<i*u-d witk good board and p.eaaaat raeatA. Befsrenooa gt.ea aad required. '

m BROADWAY COBBEB OF WAtHINOTON place, ever Water e saloon, furatohed parlor aad bed

rooma to let. 1 -mm I .«' ' ' '

4 7 4 7 YtBST TWBHTY FO0RTH STREET.—A OBN-4_iTT I tertian and hi* wife, alao tkrea alette gentlemen wUl rind good beard aad the oonalot 1* of a home, at Ike ftbove aum • bar, on reaaonable terma

SPRIK'l STRRBT - S B V E B a L BOOMS TO LHT. aknd.alao

laqu-re at 278 with or about board, fu-si.-aed ar uafuratsaad; alao a front ptrler ou the firat floor above.

Trim* moderate

282 SIX Til A VENUE -FURNISHED BOOMS TO let, with full or partial beard inahoute with A_ the

modern improvements

Q Q - 1 O J B E E K W I C H STBEBT - B O A B D I N O . - A PEW 0 1 J 1 young mer caa be accommoiated witk board ftt K i t Taylor'* prertna S3 aad S3 60 per weeku

A SUIT OF HAHDSOMELY PUENfSBBD BOOMS-an firat floor, also a raom oa aeeond Boer, (uitab.e for k

family or MaHemen. 160 aaat Foartoeatk street

FIRST CLASS BOA&DING PLACE IS DBSIEBB for a Aeatlesaaa's faaxi-y af five paraet-i, uotil May ar

June nextT A bouse where tkere are ao othsr boarder* wlB be preferred KefereaceswxxhAaged. Address T. W. C., St. Nicholas HMel. l


A FIHBPABLOR, W i r H BEDBOOMR ATt ACHHD, TO lat to gleotlemen. Apply at/No 89 Prince at. near the

Metropolitan Hotel. Pleaae oAj/betore 10 o'elack or Alter 3.

A SUIT OF BOOMS, WITH FULL OR PARTIAL board,!suitable for a family or part? of gentlemen caa be

had by applling At 70 Amity street, house firat class and situa­tion desirable.

A PLEASAHT ROOM AHD BBDEOOM FOR A GRN-tleman an4 wife, a*o, twaategle room* for g-etauaen pletesxt locatjoa. n.d convenient to stages atsf oars Apply at 173 Eaan beveatecLth at .J>a few doora from ttuyvesaat square.

18 KAS Se'

A Ht M i i v k M . r P 0 R M 4 H E D PABlAlR, WITH bath loom and closet attached, to let, to a private familv;

also one Attic room, witk grate and gaa. Apply at 224 Fourth s'reet, opposite Waahiagton parade grouni



A LADYJ WISHES BOARD IN A RESPECTABLE \ vale tamii'. where Here are no other boarder* ft fur­

nished roorjs. with pantry, wnl be requtred. west of Broad-ay Addreas with location and tertna, M. A. S„ Uaian

square Poatonlce. •

LADvTlN SLIGHTLY REDUCED CIRCUMSTANCES would like to meet »ith one or two geaUemen who wouid

sdvance her StOC and ia excracge receive nicely farnlaked tooms. wi|h or wttbou board Addrtss A . B. C , Maditon fiuare Pott office, beferecces givea

A OEKTLKMAN AND HIS WIFE. ALSO A PEW SIN gle gentlemen can be accommodated with peasant fur

1 >-ht'd rooms, with fu'l or partial board. Houae has all the tnodeeo inibrovemenra at STO 1 txth ave uue, one door from Ktventrenth street.

WARM UTXTIEIANT SLEEPING fnrniatied from trfutan «o afty aestt

PUMPTt-H'K teevntar* i^d_Uad», to pArmr er aiumg Sold arkolnaale And r-tail afcri on insta<meato al S3 air cot Hew Yo_k, and 136 f ukon street Kroeklyn.

I APAEMa^rjrE. per week br aaiag ,


aad Ira wtfe wiak to bo_r4 wuk a rrapaetable- pel | vate Get - M family, in tke sto-jagn part of Ike OH, , rxaeaaw -«.ct>»>d a. J i o.u'ri-.rtii *lrr*iiA Ad-ieas, Witk fatal l l s a i tor*. C. Ii.. box ldtl Herald ___.*.

TJl/AHTEC. < r a-uus ouiet

-BOARD FOB AN A L D B R L T LADY it m tke country, not twer .tt rallas .

tfaeeuy of S e » lotk. For suitftme Acciimramatton ft. week will be paid, naalreas p . W 239 MX_O arenue.

. VFTYW iiiBatto

Wn H f ED— BOARD AHi/LOBGINO BY A QUIETBtH gle m»a, *«/n»e where fo the niiacle. or lower part of*

this tit>, wouid prater to board wuk a plain pnrato fatally., having, rf any but few other boardera. T e m * muat bt t n derate. Beatoi reference given vt -.1 nay in advaaee If re quired. Addresa Industry, box 103 Herald office, tor two days, atailng price • ,._ t

IV' ANTEB-BOARD FOR A O B H T I E M A N , LADY, YY fant and nurae; board for Ike lady and servant

Eeur-e must be >.uiei and genteel, where there are na boarder* Addreas aeiram. Broftdwky Peat office.

WANTBD—BY A SINGLE O B H T L E M A H . A BMkJLL furnisbed room wih fire grate ai d partiftl board, la k

private family, in tke vicinity of B r u . c atreet, way Addreas Jason, box 3.499 Post office


m \ V A M KB--ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT B0AE.1, 11 p*rlor aad twa bedrooms on first or aeeond floors;, Witk

modern improrementa in a deairabla aetohbtwkood. Addroaa F. Henry, box 1.5&S Post ofljce. ' • • -

WANTED - A N AMERICAN LADY HAVING LA' loot her infant won id like to have one to banrdi Aid I

would give it the beat of care Wonld lake one from lUaurto, 1 .Addrea. Mrs K. S., Herald office. ] j

WAHTBD—BY AH KLOEBLY AMRBICAH WOMAH". I v itkout any family • jouag child on board, or a {• Akt) |

to bring tip on freeh cow'* milk Inquire for Mr*. Havana, [ 1.9 Ksst 374 at., be ween 2d and 3d avenue*.

• j


biDdhimaelf to a trade Tke beat reference or semsjiftyi-liar honesty, Ac . given Be writes a good hand Pleas* jap-' ply to kto parent*, Ho 10 toafo street, firat Boor, near ta* Bat-;

1 '

A8 GARDEN S B -WANTED. A S(X>TCH, FNGLasMf or Germaa perfect/ ac(aaiLted wuk tke eauMaM ef

grapea grtwhaase ptonts and vegetable garden Bene nke*. apply except such aa can praduce aauafaetory refareaoan a n to sobttoty Bonoty and capability Addreas boi 15 Hew Bocaaiie Poet office, Weatchaatnr co tntv, M. Y._ f

BOYS CLOTHIHG C U T T E B - A STTUkTION WA by a firat elaaa cutter lako has had long experti

tnto city, ana to aapable of designing hi* own pattama, I he warrants to akateo. Hit ssyle of pattern* have long Baeaj prov-4. Tbe best of reference given for capability, A«r bteady exnplojment ami good aalary requirei. >dnrn-4 HexAld office, box IIS. •

A GENTH.IMAN AND HIS WIFE WIHH TO OBTAIN In Brooklyn, In a respectable house, two anfuruished

rooms and tmall place for c e ting i-oceted between south and F ulton ferries, A C areas T. • K.. Herald office.

TL aomeiy LI ate, Ac . 1

OP QUIET HABIT8 CAN HAVE A HAND fiirr.ished front parlor on the firat floor, wuk

at 184 Third avetue

G0VERHBS8.-ANEHGLI8H. OEHEYIAEOR FREHOH ' Protesaant lady wan ed. to reside tn tke family. Satisfac­

tory refer-ajce to tkto a itintry required-, addreat C , 289 51k ave nne.

SHIRT IBDNBRS.-WANTBO. 10 HEW S H I n . stant Employment, Apply at F. Thorn-

East Twenty Ourd aireet, next houae to the'5

IE HIGHEST WAGIIS WILL BB GIVEN TO AH IN-teiligcnt Protestant p ofesned cook, who ha, been brought

upi 111 the businets, ucderjrtftnd* It perfectly, and to thoroughly in. Apply at No. 12 f iver terrace, Hobokea.

r A N T _ B - A YOUNG) WOMAH, TO DO THE COOKING. w ashing and ironink in a private family. One of a good

per. wilting, with good ctty recoaunenda'ions, may call East 17th at , from 8 to 10 A. M.

rANTKD—A PROTEST*NT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, In a pi ivate family. Bhe muat be a good

. Deal in person, at d must come well recommend ed. : others ueed apply ajt 227 West 30th st.

' A N T E D - A S TEACHER IN A PRIYATB FAMILY, a French lady, whp has a thorough knowledge ot the

iforte. None need a >plv unices they caa read music at ght and came well ret unmendeu. Apply ftt 00 10th at ,

10 to SB A.M.

- A H l a j p i - A PROTESTANT OIBL WAHTED TO e * C , Mash and iron, and do the general housework of a

at nail prtsajAe family, O le who understand* her buatoees. ni ay bear of a good situation by calltng between the hours of It} and 2 at 423 Pacific Btre).t, Brooklym • '

IS8 TO OO A FEW MILES IH 1 has had experience, and to compe-

the EngltHh braachea, and who ag for u e family. Apply at 56

, from 10 A. M. till 4 P. M.

'ANTED-A GOVEF Y the country; one wis at to teact young childr

lswUling to assist to r Beach s t , near Greenv

XaTANTMD—A RE ALL,! v'Y irotsor, for a small ti

not thoroughly underataci uaexMptlstoably reoommi and tidy. Wageato. A] kmghby a t , Brooklyn,

r A N T E D - A PROT1 nurae, ia A email pi

, betweao 11 aad 1 o'cl 1 give good city referentj

GOOD COOK, WASHEB AND ily Hone will answer who doea

her business and who cannot be led aa good tempered obliging­

ly at 163 Duffleld. corner of WU-k 10 o'clock, to day or to morrow.

'ANT GIRL, AS CHILDREN'S ate family. Apply at 34 East 25th

k. Hane need apply unlesa they

AHTBD—A HEAT, {TIDY, PROTE8TAHT GIRU TO do the housework for a small family. Apply at j_>l


TJI/ANT1D-A TIBY YF nurto) and seams

726 Greenwich a t

lY AND treai in a

IHDUSTRI0U8 very small family.

GIRL AS Apply at

TVTET HURSEWAHTKII— APPLY AT HO 14 0RAMER »v cy park, en Tuesday, between the hour, of ten A M. and

oae IP. M. It will be uael« us to apply unless of unexception­able, character and provide I with firat rate city references.

WA N T E D - A YOUHG WOMAH TO ATTBHO TO AH . mi ant First claaa r tcommendatlona required. Apply

tt 7S Past 26th m.

he use N

WANTED—AN ELDERLY WOMAH TO TAKE CHARGE of a child ftbout four ; ears old. She will hftve to attend er household datles, a pd muat come rec.mmended by a lie clergyman. She Fill alao be required to sleep at ard may leave at 1 of 5 o'clock every evening. Apply

een 2 and 3 o'clock tan i evening. At 296 9th at.

ANTED—A OOOD PROTESTANT GIRL, TO DO general housework in a small family. Apply at the " o. 8 Putnam av., Bi boklyn, or 230 Water s t , N Y.

WAN1-HV-A TIDY, rYELL BROUGHT UP GIRL from 12 to 15 yeara o age, to assist in the housework of

a small private family. Ap >ly at 84 Eaat 30th at

W A N T H D — A CHAMBERMAID. WAITER GIRL TV nurae, seamstress, cook and-»lauudreaa. The highest

was ta wUl be given to etthe r colored or white. Apply at Ho. 1 ilfi. * t , geveral doora wet t of Broadway.

U A N T E D - A WOMAH TO SEW; ORE WHO HA8 Yf bad experience as mnc thly nurse, as she would be want-

1 •. .a OiAt capacity after a fe,w weeks' sewing Address Sew­ing :furaa, box 1(0, Herald office, stating particulars aa to qua; Jicattons, with refereuc to. Ho others will be noticed.

W A^JTVD-AN EXP1 FllKNCED CHILD'S NUHSfi mtaat be a Scotch or 1 ngltoh Proteatftnt. thoroughly ca

pab e and] well rocommendi d. Apply at 128 5th ave.


W AHVED-IH A SMAU PRIVATE FAMILY, A FIRST rant cook, and good w paher and lroner. ftoae need ap-

p'y bat saeli aa can produce good etty refereac* an to charac­ter tad ottoabllity, to whom iberal wage* will be giveu Ap-ply at 164 Henry st., Brooklyn.



T V ANTBD-AOHAMBE 1MAID AHD WAITRESS IH A TT small family Hon* stood apply unless having etty

reference f t w . » l . A Y

for good eharac. r and competency. Inquire be M.ftnd2P. M,7at«l East29thst

-A OIBL TC DO THE O E H E B A L HOUSE of a small faa illy. Sha must be a good plant X washer and in nor, and come well recommend-

• at Bt Felix atrec t, aaat aide, first door from La-tue, Brooklyn.

ANTED - A YOUHO LADY, WHO C A H FURNISH tke highest tesitmoni* 1 aa to ability and aequirementa.

e a t e o b t a m a sttuaiion in a family where a few hours dafj * tnitftan would be deei tod an equivalent for board, Ac. Adi res* J. E. D , office of L ttell's Living Ago, t t j Broadway.

l k L TO LIVE WITH A SMALL Brooklyn, to take care of a young

Good wftgm and a permanent city refereceas Hotto bnt Pro-

teathauaaatodapply. AadrasaO . boxkleo Powoffiee.

familv boarding In and aa. aeametreaa

Miet gtve good

Sd-tio. wej_*ta.-_ked. WlUgive

«-4i««, atpoij;. c*aS_i

-WAHTBD, A PRACflCAL BAKER AHD wife to take ftt I charge of a flrat elaaa bakery.

' *""' " p e r week wtget and he uaa •1 wEat4t*» ™ aiB9BnU SUwtw

A PLAIN FURNISHED ROOM TO LET, IH A SMALL private family, with con venire ce for cooking; or would

scootnmodate ft lady that, would require nur&uig Apply a; 217 West Twenty fourth street. '

A FUBNISHED ROOM FOR A LADT AHD GBHTLV man; board for the lady only. Inquire at 166 Lnnrena

street, S p y York. . ,

BOARD.-A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE AND TWO SIN gle gentlemen can have board and rooms at 66 Hammond

street, near P eecker, to a firat class houae; pleasant location and convenient to cars and stager

BOARD.-A FEW QBHTLEMkH CAH OBTAIH PLEA eant rooms and partial board in a private Jewish family.

'1 he location is dtairable and convenient to cars and stage*. A pply tor one wee* at 34 Morton atreet.

BO A R D . - A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE CAN OBTAIH board and a large front room and bedroom en second

floor, at 176 Washington atreet. corner of Concord Brooklyn. a l so a single room for a geitleman. Location central and a convenient distance from Fulton and It a- atreet feme*. Terma reaaonable.

BOA ED.—A FEW YOUNG GEMTLEMENCAH BE A C commodated with board: terma moderate; also, ft fur

SITUATION W A N T K D - F O R A MAM WHO practical mechanic, in a carnage furnishing twtakltok

rami as talesman can rat-ueooe trtyte Aorta Aad i*oo«k. also A boy sixtren years ef qge. wuhes a srtua-ioa in a dhoti. aale grocery atore Address jtnfe* 8 Stone. Herald oolce

r JEWELLERS— WANTBD IN A JkWBuKt MAtTV-ftotorT;a foreman ataasMa af takuag akarge af aeia

five hands. He must have good exp-neore in miktor i elaaa work, and muat thoroughly understand his baaM Une*eeati_nable raferamces required as to character aad cApab'lKy, aoce that cam ot give such reference* need aWplr.. Addresa, with real name and full particuJara, D M E . . Herald Offioe | ^T

W ANT ED-TWO GOOD'PAPER MAKERS H H ^ deratind tending a cylinder machine. Apuly at IV

tngallp.orattaemill , Rhinobeck. Dutchea* county. H. J


ANTED—A BREAD F O € « M A N , ^WHO UHD_MU atonds his buaiarm in all its cranches Hone neei apply

unless they can cc-me we; ree•mmeuded for sot tety aadj bor esty; alao a voting tody to attend In the atore. Iaqaira at 6 6th av. > It I '

11 jbed room to back room.

le t Apply at No. 1 sixth aireet, third floor,

BOARD;—PLEASANT ROOMS. WITH BOARD, FOR either transient or permanent boarders, may be obtamed

cm application at No. 82 White itreet, ft few doors from Broad-

* * \ - 1

BOABDi—A GENTLEMAN AHD WIFE OB TWO OR three single gentlemen, caa be accommodated withnlea

sAntroomA and full or partial board. In flrat claaa house, witk the modern Improvenenta, 276 Sixth avenue between ' eventeintb and Eighteenth atresia.

BOARD DOWH T O W N - A GBNTLBMAH AND HIS wife .and two sng_e genuemen can be acwomadatod

with board at 40 Bobtnson atreet, near College ptoee; si** furntohed irootna In tke houae 85 Murray street

UNION SQUARE—A FURNISHED PAR. « or two bedrooms attaohed to let together or

aeparate, iwlth beard in a firstclaa* private house, having the modern improvement*. Reference* required. Apply at 35 Union place.

BOARD IN BROOKLYN-238 HEHRY rTT.. FOURTH door from Amity atreet Single rooms, partial board,

houae firat claaa, heated throughout good aooommodationa, terms moderate, within five mloutea walk of Atlantic and Wall atreet ferries. • _ _ _

BOARD! I N BROOELYN.—A SINGLE OEHTLEMAN caa lie aocommodated with a pleasant room and board in

a genteel family, agreeably located nearFulton ferry. Apply at 60 Sand* atreet n

BOARD IH lor with 1

BOARD IN BROOKLYH.—ONE OR TWO SINGLE OBH tlemen can be accommodated with a neatly furntohed

room, with or without board, ia a small, private family, whore there are ho other boadera. Those wishing the comfor s of a home may apply at No. 6 We-duogton place, Waahington itreet. between Concord and Tillary

BOARD IN BROOKLYN, WITHIN FIVE M1HUTE8' walk of Wall atreet ferry—A gentleman and hto wife

or geveral airgl.- gentlemen can be acoommodfttod with ft large and pleasant raom oa the second floor. Apply at 130 H«nry*etreet between Plerrepoot and Clara streets

BOARD IN BROOKLYN.—A PaRLOR AHD BED-room connecting, on the second floor, to let, with board,

to a gentleman and wife. Alao, a large room on third floor. Referencoa exchanged. Apply at 149 Lawrence a t

BOaRD AHD LODGINGS.—A FEW LADIES AHD OEN-tlemen can be Accommodated with good board and lodg-

inci; a good fire is parlor daily. Terma reasaaabie. Apply at :i> Fra-k'Jn »'.., tear Broadway

BOARD AND LOLGIHG WAHTBD-BY TWO tlemen ard theu wives furntohed rooms requtred

< niy wanted for su-eeis, near Broadway, office

GEN required. board

location between Fourth and Caual Addresa W. M. F . Broadway Poet

BOARD WABTBD— BY A O B H T L E M A H : RITTIHa and bedroom with batha. Ac., breakfast, tea a ; dinner

on Sunday. Would engage for one year if aunod ao_ pay S60Q Boarding bouse keepe>a need not answer Addreas F. T. B., Herald office, for three daya.

BOABD WAHTBD—FOB A LADY AHD CHILD » retpectaie private family or where there are

IH _ . . . _ . _ bnt

few boarders Far good arnotnnxo-aUooa a fair price and ptmrtual nay merit will be made Addresa Mr*, b. A. M Broadwy Post office

BO A B C I H O - A FEW >• INGLE GBHTLBMBN OB A gentkmar. and hto wife ct_ be aecommcdatrd with good

board in an American private family, where there are so tkiMren: ail the comfort* of a gnad home caa te enjoyed. Tt nam moderate. fAppl> at 179 Adams s'reet oruoklyn.

BACK BOOM OH KKf'OND PLOOE WITH OB ATE pantries Ac well 'ttrnihei to let to a gentleman for $3

per week. • Also one room on third floor f - auhed for f t 50 per week. App'y at 16; Greene street between doutioo and Eleeckertt-ee'F • • " ' 1 1 1

CLINTON BOUSE 767 AND 7Bt BROADWAY—TWO genteel aolto of family Apartment* and A fo w single room*

can r ow be obta-ned for tke winter by immedlAte AppUcattoa ai thia hotel, on reasonable term*.

(^OSY ROOMS, GOOD LOOATIOM", ORWTEKT. BOARD .•' and society In select families and boarding koaaes. to tkto

C'iy and Boeklyn. may be obtained At tke Roardera' ax-changa. S46 Broadway. Free te boarders All wishing gen­teel boatidara should apply to Q. M kMITH A BOYD.

LAEOE FURNISHED ROOM TO gaa. kaih Ac.. In the nocse Very

Apply at 98 Whi'ettreei DOWN TOWN - A

let without boariJ desrtrabl* fortwog»ni

rBN_8HRD BOOM1 TO LET - B I X BOOMS OH OMB Boor, together or separate fo a Brat elaaa boo*. Use of

kitobeo If daafred Ihyee mtwu aa wai* from Bread war. Mark's s' Apply at No. 33 S t : 1 iilaee, fcughu atreet

FURNIfcHED BOOMS OH WEST attwajTto tot without board, by a tody

FOURTEENTH whose family 1*

Basel!, no children. and atrirtly private, front room, or and beanon. adjoining, to a at gle see'-emee ef ui t i - f t iaSlSff t i^UUlM •V£dXCAl*.,T.,a»|n*i;T|rse.

OH DEMAHDB UNB BONNE CUISINIEKE. de bonce rexommendatioat. fc»_reaaera

eLire 6 et •> haurea du soir

-»m CU1BTBIBRE FEAHCAI8E, H017V, arrive, deatre ae phvoer dan* una bonne famliie

S ad re-sa- r a 94 rue Baade-

UNE D>.MOIPfcLLE FEk1iiCAl6E7_Alr.RIv « NI Par.*, deatre ae placer dan* une bonne famlUe 1

calae. comme femme de chambre, et pour ropiaam le­an dea dames, et elle pent fournlr de bonnea recoa bona. S'adresaer a 137 Eat Ukne rue, d'un "heure a ql


UNE DEMOI8ELLE FBANCisE. P R O T B S T A H T B T parle Anglato et Alemand. deatre aa placer ow

houaekeeper ou poar eraetgner dea eafftato. 8'i ' .5 rue Pe/ry estre 1ft 4me rue et Blaeefter. 1 . • ' " : 1 ' ——

T H E B A L I . 8EAHOrV. L J . . . J

SPECIAL NOTICE - T H E B A L L OF THE HEW YORE City Guard w LUtake place on Tatxraday evening, J a a s l

ary 28. Tickets S2 each. -T fYlHIBD ANNUAL BALL OF THB YOUHO M I - T W A A 1 aoeiauou far ike benefit of the E-.tnAn CAtkebo <»rpkaana,

to be held at Htalo's aaloon, on Tneaday evantag. Jea-s-r* I: 1SA7. bhalton'a full band engaged. Tickets to admit a t-exaan mi twa iadiea S&.

BoirotukT Maaraant. Andrew L, Byraa. Mie'l J. D. keoiyun Oliver X.

0 ( i « « . j n i < » AUaaa.aaajrT* Theeuore P. Eetty, Edward F. Malien, Daa-tolSwi J a n e s A. CaroUn, Bdm*Mi F. Kelly, Petor Lyaea. Joba B McMenotny, Chartot Hcaaey John A. Me' Hagh Gayncr, JohnM.Coonay, James Lynch, ~ Jnhn A. Hoy V, Edward C Byrak Daniel Lalor. Edward I Murray, John biggins, John W Rice, C. Waters

John A MeLo-gaiia Pmiip J John Kelly, WUliam

eehan Fater Aog-at-ao'NeU, WliTiam i. Kane, Oliver raa-iier,

jaSajy Andrew/ .

Rtehard Joan M-Carttn; ThotnaaH Woo. Waa,

saey Jr.. lohn I. Ketbri Smith, Mlehaol tBnrlrA.

WTXUAH LALoV James >-y_ch, Tra_jr_rer: Jamaa T. Datgaa

car epeaoe 1st YUe Prea>d*.i John W. MnFtofoT rroakieut Chtriat Wright Favor Manager

THE PROMENADE CONCERT AND BALL FOB THE benefit of Ike Nursery axd Child* Hoapttal, will __£

5lace at the Academy of Music on 11 urtday evening, jsth ot anuary, under the direction of tke following manAgert —

•aJVACnas. Mrs, A Le Barbier,

I ones

Mrs. E. C. Aadertrc Mrs 8. J. Bacon, Mrs. 8. L. M Barlow. tors. Isaac Sell, Jr., Mrs. J Bigelow, Mrs. J a*. Brooke, Mrs C. J. CoggUl, Mra. J. CoUea. , -Mrs. E. Cooper, <V Mrs. C. Du Boat, Mra W B Duncan, Mrs Ce Trourtand. Bra. O T. Elliott, Jr. * Mra Frenfanelli, I Mrs. C. Green, Mrs. C. A. Heckscher, Mrs. Wickham HotTrnaa, Mrs. J. A. Iaekn Mra L. C. Jones Mrs. 3. A , K Mra. C. K uh Mra. Jacob Little, B B Anderson, L. ABplrtaft'l Ja*. Bleeeker. Edw'd A . Bibby. J axnoa Brooks, H. W Breroort, Joa Brioghana, J Bigetow. WmiXTnttfcg, S. H. Cary. J. O Coster, C. A. Iiavto, C D u b o i s Henry Delafieid, L. L l>eiAfield. O. B Dorr. R, De Trobriaild, W. B. Duncsa, C B. Begen I n J. kmmet, K Emmet Dr. G. T Eluot, Henry Feariag,



J. P. G. Foator, SiM. Fox h . am Fnller. J.WJ-torftrd, J. W Gerard, Jr M Bosrtaad. G G How-aad. Ogden Haggerty, R B. HonlT R llecsicber. Wm. R HotTsaan, Wm. J ftfl ray FeytoB'Jftudci. L. C. Jones, W. H Jones, John Kane A. M La*rence, Arthai- Leery, H R Laroy Mart Livingston. P Marie R. H.'Measlnger, Dan.. Mstolni

Mr* A Mainew*. Mra. A. R. Matt, Mrs. W. H Paine. Mr* Clarence PeU, Mrs W. FelL Mm O. K. MUler, Mra. O. A. Mia ton

*Mra. D. C. Murray, Mrs. J C Patera. Mra. Wright E Peat Mrs F. R Rtrea. Mra. L. Rutherford, Mrs. G. T. Strang Mrs, B H. finer a-aad. Mra. H. A Stone Mra. J. -eaerascraors, Mra F. aatou-kardt, Mrs. 8. 8. Sands. Mrs. K Ttohe, Mrs. VonDorHeydt, , Mra. Vtoto. j

Br. A B. Matt. O P. Morrto,! 1 . M MewboalA W. H. Paiae. JT. V. Parker. Com Pen-T.. WaJdaa PeU.r BoyalParipat; H, J . BA> B A i J Bober-Jn


nger riaqje. Field.

Trckets $2 each ftflmtntng only one person marjagors.

J F But gle*. C. T.KtAgr C.F.Stopf H. A. Stone. Arthur Shi It.' F. S. i AX.HAAI Alex.TftTlorF W Whltoi F. L. WA44 B. C. Wlnt C. P. Wit B, C. Wr H. H. Wolfe,

to be


Yoang Mean Democratic Union Club, ktonday eveaiag. January 12,1987,

at the • ity Aaaembly Boom*

Tlek«tA three da-'lart. admtttix|«a gimtietaan aad ladies eilB be obtained at Hall A Son*' and at Dodworth s mutoc tool ra..

l_ P. HABRISON, ChAi-n. A . , J . L. Bi.vtnicr. rVecretary.

* ;

WsVlYCIl-CB, alaaT

T V A M O I D a - T H B YBABE JL* akrtnad that wear*

u a t i i w _ . BRwpEctr\>__.T M>-

a»hftx.4a«vrgettoe*af dnvmond yawftlry of ike tat A __rga aav-ort-naxt ot dtaxnends on hand Setting Ike trade Diem.-*i» bought IOT oaah.

^ i T H B - K a B AOO.,414

gTJlkJ*Trt7KJE. a>>_*ajataaaa*as*aa_aa^ ata-aa- i , ai wa>a_.»a-aa_i . . .a . i ._S|»a- iai

FU B N U T B E FOR 8ALK-A FRONT saaTtot' astt

a* good and new betuused Tbe r _

, SOB satin fcrooaiei, tha back parlor famttaaB -to . . BxAeri-O-oe aaUn brcca-ei. Alec t»o fine antrrora «

• dreastpg bureau and be-aahad. They arCl be ao.d Bsrn ; fivo p«r ce A le.-* than cost, aa the owner la A . » ' A \\t-%^-h AOiUvf*n.-MBiv*.acxh^ v-atje.

was made to order three month s Mnsd, tn e very reapect aa when bonght not i fron' parlor furniture is roee«oo4 ftM

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