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    One day not long before my 30th birthday I felt a

    pressure in the back of my neck. All of the sudden itgot hard to breath, like the air was thick and gravity

    was pulling me down. I decided I had to get outside

    to fresh air, but by the time I got to the front door

    both sides of my face were pulled down. I opened the

    door and stepped onto the front porch. It felt like

    somebody had plugged me into a light socket. I could

    not move; I was standing on the front porch and Icould not move. It was getting harder and harder to

    breathe. So I started squeezing my fists together to

    try and fight whatever was happening to me, but it

    wasnt working. I wanted to yell for help, but I

    couldnt speak. My breathing was becoming

    shallower and every second that passed I couldbreathe less and less. I started to realize there was no

    hope; I had wasted my entire life. I would be dead

    within a matter of seconds and I wasn't sure if

    anybody would even care.

    Within the passing of a few moments everything

    got bright white; all the trees and the air everything

    was the most beautiful I have ever seen. It is almostimpossible for me to describe how beautiful and

    bright everything was. I had been praying for god to

    help me. Trying to make a deal with him saying "if

    you let me live I will be a good person I promise".

    "Oh please god please." Just when I thought my life

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    was over I saw an even brighter light floating down

    frompage 1

    the sky. As it got closer and closer I could make out

    that it was a face that looked kind of like the pictures

    of Jesus Christ with no body and a light glowing

    around his head. He looked at me with a look of


    All my life I had thought as long as I stayed tomyself, saved a little money, and didn't hurt anybody

    that I could go to heaven. Without saying a word just

    with his eyed he said, "There is not supposed to be

    any money, and you must help other people". He

    slowly floated back into the sky and I could slowly

    breathe better and better. My color came back fromblue, and after a few months I was able to function

    like I had before. From that point on my life would

    never be the same. What he had told me is that

    everything that everybody that I knew based their life

    on was wrong; and a very different picture had been

    implanted in my mind as to how the world was

    supposed to be. Now who should I believe? The biblewas filled with ways to get money and the churches

    were raised up by collecting it. This is my testament

    to what I have foumd.


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    page 3

    no money may be made off this free document

    informational use onlypage 4

    CHAPTER 1The Day's Before My Findings

    Do you ever pay attention to the money youuse? Find a quarter a dime a nickel and a penny.

    set them all face up, all their faces face left except[for] Lincoln, the penny. His face is facing rightand the coin is a darker color. He was even chosento be set aside in Mt Rushmore. So what is thedifference between these people and lincoln? Hefreed the slaves; he was assassinated. He wasnominated as president with the promise of being

    a mason but then turned his back in them.Now let's try a dollar bill; look at it closely.

    Do you see anything strange about it? Well let mepoint out some of the things I noticed. On thefront where the top right number is located; it issurrounded by a border, and at the top left of this

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    border where the indent is next to the leaves, there

    is a tiny owl. You might need a magnifying glassto see it but its definitely there.on the back you see [an] eagle. There are

    thirteen arrows on the one claw, and the thirteenleaves on the olive branch in the other one, thereare thirteen strips on the shield, and in its beakthere is a scroll that reads E Pluribus Unum

    which also has thirteen letters which loosleytranslated means "one from many". There are 32featherspage 5In the left wing the degrees in the Scottish rite,and 33 feathers on the right wing representing the

    degres of the freemasons.On the back of the bill there is a pyramid withthe capstone missing and it has floating above itwhat is known as the all Seeing Eye. Notice thepyramid has thirteen steps. Above it says AnnuitCoeptus meaning "he favored our undertakings",which has thirteen letters, and under that it says

    Novus Ordo Seclorum which translates to "neworderof the ages", or new world order, which alsohas thirteen letters.

    What is the mason's most sacred number,{[thirteen]}. In the middle it says "in god wetrust" above the one. In god we trust is twelve

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    letters (apostles) plus one is thirteen (God). There

    are twelve Federal Reserve banks under theFederal Reserve act.Now look at the dollar again. On the right

    side where the eagle is there are thirteen starsabove its head. If you connect them they makewhat people think of asthe Star of David. Now ifyou fold the bill in half where the two seals meet,

    the pyramid and the phoenix or eagle. You willnotice that the star above the phoenix covers theall Seeing Eye above the pyramid, indicating it is akey to a bigger 6

    Now look at the pyramid seal, if you draw an

    imaginary line from the A in Annuit to the S incoeptis, the line being the same length as thebottom of the pyramid. Then draw down to apoint where the second O is in Ordo. You willhave an upside down pyramid. You will have thesame symbol as above the eagle, Star of David.Now if you write down the letters at each point

    you will see that it can spell out the word mason.Then if you draw an imaginary line connect theletters that spell out mason in the pyramid seal,starting at M to A to O to S to N and back to Myou get the inverted pentagram, which isconsidered the goat horns in the satanic world.

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    At the Washington Masonic memorial one of

    the windows is a stain glass pictureof BenjaminFranklin 33rd degree mason, and in his hand agolden key. If you flip the bill over to the front,departmentof the treasury seal, on the right, it hasa key according to the "United Staes Departmentof State" it is the symbol of authority over thepeople. Above the key there is a set of scales

    divided by what looks like t-square, but is said tobe a chevron, which also has 13 dots or stars. Nowfold the bill long ways across where the key is, sothe key is not showing, or to where the fold is justat the bottom of where it says, "Federal ReserveNote", "The United States of America". You will

    notice that the end of the key is at the corner ofthepage7pyramid where the letter M was put to representthe word mason, which is the point to the invertedpentagram key, of which you are going to find outis a key to a much larger picture. What I am going

    to do in this book is give you all the keys to thedoors I have found. For example, there is noreference to the Star of David anywhere in theBible. But there is a Star of Remphan, whihc isthe Egyption star god Saturn, whose symbol is a

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    six pointed star formed by two triangles, that

    geometrically numerically equal 666.Acts 7:3 "Yea, ye took up the tabernacle ofMoloch, and the star of your god Remphan,figures which ye made to worship them: and I willcarry you away beyond Babylon."

    Now take a twenty dollar bill and fold it inhalf long ways, with the face not showing. Now

    look at the side with the big big 20, and make surethe words "twenty dollars" are right side up. Nowput your fingernail in the top middle of the bill,above the D. Hold it out in front of you. Grab thebig twenty; pull it toward you and straight down.Then press to make a fold.

    Now take the other side and fold it down thesame way. If it is done correctly you will notice itresembles the begining of a paper airplane. It isalso folded into the mason symbol at the top, thepyramid if you acn't figure itpage 8out these two internet sites had directions at the

    time I wrote this book. ( ( 1+19=20=9/11 n reverse. Ifyou hold the 20 with the small 20s facing you andthe point faceing down you will notice the twintowers with the smoke coming out at the exactspots as seen on TV. Next you you will notice the

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    word America on the left. American airlines hit

    that side.Then you will notice the word united on theright side. United airlines hit that side. Now flipthe bill to the other side, with the point facingdown. You will notice the representation of thePentagon (pentagram) with the smoke coming outfo the center as also seen on TV. Also they told

    you on these television programs that theybelieved another plane was headed for the WhiteHouse. If you look down under the Pentagram onthe 20, you will see the top of the White House flagflying with all its glory, and no smoke coming offit at all. If you do the same thing to the fifty you

    will see the towers on fire and starting to collapse.Then if you do the same thing to the hundereddollar bill you will see you will nothing but smokerising in the air.

    Did you ever learn something you didn'tknow? Only to find it opened up a whole world ofthings you needed to know, but didn't know you

    needed to know them? This is how I woulddescribe the thoughts inmymind. Every time Iwould open up a new door I would findpage 9more keys. The information that I grew up withmostly came from TV, school, and the Bible.

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    These were my original programs. One of the

    things I have found is that there is a whole unseenworld in which these programs are designed tokeep us from.

    I would like to advise you that at this pointyou can put down this book, and continue yourlife the way it is. Believing whatever you havebeen programmed to believe. But if you continue

    reading you will some of what's behind theseprograms, and what they program you not tobelieve. Keep in mind that by the time you aredone with this book your life will never be thesame. You will not be able to take back thisinformation. It will affect your sleep your work

    your relationships, even your religion. It will bepermanently programmed into your brain, andyou will never be able to forget it! ! !

    Lets start with where our solar system is now,and where we think of as earth. It was at first ashapeless chaotic mess, as the Bible says. For itwas nothing but a bunch of comets, meteoroids

    and asteroids etc. of all the shapes and sizesthroughout what is now our solar system. Floatingin space bouncing off of each other some stickingtogether some breaking apart, until one momentin time, before what most of mankind thinks of as

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    time, a gas pocket ignited in space forming what

    we now call the sun, eventually drawingpage 10in counter clockwise motion all bodies around it

    in chaos by its magnetic field and gravitationalpull. This was the beginning of our solar system.

    At some point an extremely large bodyentered our solar system from a clockwise angle.

    If for example you use yourself representing thesun, holding a ball and string representing Venus,then you spin around in a counter clockwisecircle. The ball moves with you, but will not spinitself until it comes in contact with lets say a wall,which will start the ball spinning in a clockwise

    motion.This crossing objects magnetic pull along withthe suns magnetic pull, started the comets,asteroids and meteoroids at their place of(passing) into there circular spins. Like two windsblowing in different directions swirling around incircles the leaves. The comets being made up of

    ice, like snowballs being rolled across the ground,started picking up other comets, meteoroids, adnasteroids, where they're still in motion to this day.

    This object passed the planets that arespinning in different directions. Such as earthspinning counter clockwise and Venus spinning

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    clockwise, another is between Saturn spinnig

    clockwise and Uranus spinning clockwise. Thisstarted a chemical reaction, with the differentelements, creating heat, omitting gases, andforcing the water to spring up to the surface. Thenit waspage 11evaporated by the sun, mixed with the gases

    making our atmosphere.The earth has constantly grown since the tiem

    of its original gathering breaking apart and beingreshaped until it reached the size it is today, 197million square miles. You don't have to be agenius to see the continents once fit together, the

    theory that they did was first given the namePangaea by the German meteorologist andgeologist, Alfered Wegener.

    Now once these meteors, comets and asteroidsenter the earth's atmosphere the ozone layer helpsto keep them in, increasing the earth's size overtime. Although a large mass entering the earth's

    atmosphere, can wreak havoc on humanty, if thesmaller one's do not get through, the earth willstart to deteriorate and die. Since comets are itswater supply. The water could evaporate throughthe ozone a little at a time, until eventually it

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    would be gone, and once the water is gone, so are

    we. These meteors and asteroids bring thenutrients that the earth must have to keep its bodytemperature. Like us the thngs we eat and drink,help to keep our temperature at around 98.6degrees Farenheit or 37 degrees Celsius. If we eator drink something that does not agree with us we

    may get sick run a tempurature, vomit, 12

    The earths core thought to be anywhere fromthree thousand to over seven thousand degreeCelsius. The exact temperature is unknownbecause no one can explore the earth's interior.

    The temperature of the earth is kept bychemicalreactions the same as the human body. I will useoe example of an alkali metal, lithium, because itis in some of household batteries, and it one of themost the commonly used to increase thetemperature in foundries to melt down thingssuch as steel and other metals. When lithium is

    added it increases heat.These meteors, and asteroids, carry these

    metals and if they do not get to the eart, the earthwill start to lose its body temperature causing anice age. Anther way to cause an ice age is byblocking the sun, which can be caused by large

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    impacts stirring up dist into the atmosphere. In

    this case as the dust settled the outer earth wouldheat back up. But if our example, alkali metalsstop hitting the earth, it would turn into what weknow as an ice planet.

    On the other hand, if it gets too much of thesemetals would run a high temperature, and socalled vomit through the cracks it created ti fix its

    ph balance. Throughing up large amounts ofpoisonous gas, while evaporating more water thannormal, which would start the earth to be a dryplanet resembling what we are told, is 13

    Now This is not some type of difficult science

    this is common sense. Our main goal should bestarting up assembly lines in order to build shipsand machinery for the purpose of being able tocolonize another planet, and once this isaccomplished we would be proud, we would socalled gods over that planet.

    Now this has been done before, is happening

    right now, and will happen in the future. Why,because it has to for a race to be able to survive.Every day the earthgets closer to the sun, for thesun is alive too, and it must eat. Everything in itsreach it will slowly draw in tp consume until thereis nothing else for it to eat. and like a camp fire

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    that is out of wood it will burn out. Some say in

    revelations the earth will end in fire, it isinevitable,Now orbiting the sun are other gas pockets

    such as Jupiter. If one of these were to ignite, itwould change earth as we know it. With Jupiterbeing so large it could burn off most of ouratmosphere. Letting an enormous amount of

    water evaporate and escape, which would result inthe catastrophe I explained before, a dry planet,the maximum extreme of global warming.

    It would be possible to fix the problem withour atmoshere if we were lucky enough to survive.By being one of the people who live in or have

    accessto these large underground retreatsm ofwhich most of us have never evenpage 14seen, except for on TV, So the good news is wemight be completely consumed in waht could beconsidered a reasonable amount of time. Becauseon the down side we could be headed slowly for

    the sun, or the new sun, forcing us to dig deeperand deeper into the earth with what evermakeshift tools we could find and keep cool

    But ultimately as the earth heats up it willstart to erupt, leading to the inevitable end ofeither being burned to death by lava, suffocated

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    by the gas, or consumed by the heat of the fires.

    This concept of two suns is called a binary solarsystem, according to NASA over 80% of all solarsystems have multiple suns, and it is very likely wehave another one known as a "brown dwarf" thatmay or may not have been reported found.

    One thing people haven't been told is that in1989 NASA launched the Galileo spacecraft from

    the space shuttle(Atlantis) to intentionally igniteJupiter. It was reported excelled by thegravitational fly by of (Venus), to explore theplanet. But on board was a massive amount ofplutonium a by-product of the fission process innuclear reactors, it is a highly explosive

    compound. It is said to have reached the planet in1995 then circled it till 2003 in which it wasexploded. The detonation caused a largehexagram shape storm to appear on the planetthat could be viewed from earth, many timeslarger than the well known comet,page 15

    shoemaker/levy . To this day large spots are stillbeing reported. People fail to realize that beforethe Galileo mission these spots couldn't be seen byGalilleo because they simply weren't there. Thisproject is based on the sientist Arthur C. Clark'slast chapter of his 1982 book 2010: Odyssey Two,

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    called lucifer rising. In which Jupiter is ignited

    turning into our second sun, renamed Lucifer,illuminating the earth from darknesspage16

    Chapter 2

    The Day's People Should Questiom

    Revelation 22:13 "I am the A and the Z, the

    beginning and the end, the first and last." Theword Alpha meaning (the beginning) most of usare told comes from the Greek alphabet, alphameaning (A), Beta meaning (B), take he A off thebeta and you have alphabet.

    The word omega you might be lead to believe

    comes from the last letter in the Greek alphabet,which is the twenty fourth and is thought of bymost human beings today to mean the end. Butreally in 403 B.C. the ionic alphabet used in theAnatolian city of Miletus was adapted for use inAthens, and by the middle of the fourth century othad become the common 24 letter Greek alphabet.

    (see Encyclopedia Britannica)In reality humans have studied and altered

    the origin of the alphabet for thousands of years,changing it around to better fit the times that theykived in leaving only speculation and myth as toits true creator. SO where do you begin to look at

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    the beginning? I would think the oldest known

    advanced civilizartion on earth, and where isthat?page 17

    In iraq where we have been lead to warbefore 9/11 by George H.W. Bush and after hisson George W. Bush. We are lead to believe by thepress and other television programs that we are

    secretly there for oil control due to the Bushfamily's vast oil interests. But that truly doesn;teven scratch the surface. Kep in mind you willfind very few people in life who are happy thatyou know as much or more than them.

    Before 9/11, I watched a show on television

    about how to start your own government fundedscience laboratory in America and how you couldorder things like anthrax through the mail. Theafter 9/11 they started all the anthrax scares intelevision programs with people getting it in themail, like this was some odd thing, I couldn'tbelieve what I was seeing. That program never

    aired again and the strand that was being sent inthe mail was tracked down as being a rare strandonly existing in United States military labratories,thenit was never mentioned again.

    I couldn't help but to notice an obviuospattern keading to a child like plan that if

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    someone were to get caught doing domething they

    could blame somebody or something else, like thepuppy did it, but in this case terrorists. So Istarted checking into the water and plane scares.In my home town for example they had upped thepage 18protection at the local water plant, and due to thisrecent blotched anthrax sacm I had to wonder

    what's already been done that they were going toblame on the so called terrorists.

    Well I noticed they had put fluoride in thewater many years before, which I found has a socalled shelf life, stored in your body, and cancause a lot of life threatening problems by itself. It

    can create very dangerous chemical reactions inthe body, when introduced with other chemicals.So how could some of these other chemicals getinto our bodies? Well they may be represented asharmless, oh lets say as they said, (dropped fromplanes) on our crops, or dropped as mosquitorepellant, or just straight out of the air. (See

    chemtrails on sodium fluoride has been reported

    as a waste product from the making the atomicbomb, and use by Hitler tp help keep theprisoners subdued. I can't prove that because inorder for me to do so, I am pretty sure that I

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    would never be heard from again. At the very

    least never see the light of day. But I can tell you itwas introduced into our water supply roght afterWorld War 2, and that it is registered by the EPAas a rat poison. (See effects with aluminum oninternet)(See how hard it is to remove$$ oninternet) Help your teeth, right it makes them sobrittle they break apart after biting anything

    remotely hard, and yourpage 19bones so brittle they just snap at the least littlefall, not to mention it causes rare forms of bonecancer in children, and many other forms inadults, studies have linked it as being one of the

    leading causes of arthritis, depression, ect. It isregistered as a hazardous waste product andchemical weapons precursor. So what do we dowith all the waste from our nuclear weapons?Drink it!!! Got water

    Binary weapons system "a third stage(activator) will only be introduced to people not

    related to or in on the project." In short fluoridecan control who lives and dies without anybodyever knowing. (Chemtrails are classified askanyone in the air force)

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    Revalation 8:11 "and the third part of the

    waters became wormwood; and many men died ofthe waters, beacause they were made bitter."Many years back a document surface stating

    that by the year 200 if something wasn't done theearth would be destroyed by human disregard. Itstated key members of the Council on ForeignRelations known as the wise men. Set a plan into

    place to reduce the population, done secretly tomaintain the peoples support, probably untrueright? Where is the most populated city? NewYork... Chemtrails were first reported in NewYork right before 9/11 and still continue to thisday. Once you know what to look for youwill

    notice these Tic-tac-toe gridpage 20patterns everywhere. When chemtrails were firstmentioned, I thought o.k. a bunch of fruit loops...aflue like epidemic started right after the last gridpattern that I saw over my town. The same peoplethat make the fuel for those jets are also

    America's major drug manufacturers. Not tomention the creators of many chemical weapons,all of which who's families founded the Council onForeign Relations in 1921 in New York and arethe same people who caused the great depression.(Example J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller Standard Oil,

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    Rothschild) It is interesting to note that jet fuel

    will neutralize most powdered chemical weapons.In which plane engines would make goodincunerators for disposal.

    While actually dong this type of thinking Icouldn't help but to notice who the so calledterrorists were connected too, Afghanistan.Coincidentally they happen to be the supplier of a

    lot of America's major medical drugs.They are the largest exporter of heroin, and theupium used to produce it. In fact Afghanistanproduces 87 percent of the worlds market, and incase you don't know it, on the market these drigshave an extremely high market value. In fact they

    are wirth more than oil, or gold for that matter,one of the most valuable resources on earth.All they have ever done over there is

    guarantee the price they wanted to buy theirdrugs for, and some of youpage 21may say oh no, we wouldn't do that. We lead the

    war on drugs. So tell me why their productionlevel in 2007 was one of the highest it has everbeen now that we are there. In fact a few yearsback when so called terrorists lowered theproduction level. The CIA helped Afghanistan'sIslamic resistance. Known as the Mujahideen,

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    with a new program involving military assistance

    approved by Jimmy Carter in the Soviet-Afghanwar. Keep in mind the term terrorist only appliesto the peopl who do not help the waelthy rulers ofthe U.S.

    The war on drugs has made some changes forAmericans though, because now 60 to 80 % of allprisoners in all states are in there because they

    either didn't have a prescription, or didn't have alicense to sell, because all of the drugs that youcan get on the streets you can get from a doctor.They have got so many addicts doing so manyyears that they have handed over the new built,owned, and ran prison systems to private

    indiviguals, and beacuse these drug dealers dealwith the same people theydo, and have the time tofigure out what is really going on. They arestripped of the right to make decisions about ourgovernment's future, and given the most time inprison, resulting in the release of child molestersand murderers to make room.

    page 22The war on drugs is nothing more than a

    guarentee that a hand full of people gets all themoney form all the sales of all the drugs in theworld. Which are now designed to cause morehealth problems, so you will have to take more

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    pills. They have started these drug cases out of

    court to keep from being found guilty, check therise of diabetes and heart diseas in the past 20years. It's not because were eating more like theytell you on their television programs. Most ofthese people have been linked to taking certaindrugs.

    Mean while everything that these drug

    addicts own or have ever owned is confiscated,and sometimes their family members and friendsand everything they have ever owned. If they can'tprove how they got these things, is also confiscatedand sold at auction. To help ensure you get aprescription next time. You ever buy something

    and throw away the reciept? Silly shopper that'sthe only proof you have that it's yours.Which in turn makes one question that I have

    heard smoe people ask, why don't they legalize it?And I am sorry to say and no offense, but not avery intelligent question, beacause then they wontbe able to control where people were getting their

    drugs from, which in turn effects who's in control,and this was all acheived by praying on ourignorance, and continues because of our stupidity.Inpage 23

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    fact when they vote to make caffeine and nicotine

    illegal, it will be hard to find anybody who isn't acriminal, unless their smart enough to get aprescription. (See Standard Oil Rockefeller, J.P.Morgan, Rothschild)

    Did you know that George Bush seniorwasonce head of the CIA and 33rd degree freemason?(See when CIA got caught spreading crack

    cocaine to poor neighborhoods)(see experimentson innocent people medical amd biological)(Seewhat contrails look like) (See symptoms of gulfwar syndrome)(See increase in flues in America,bird flue) (see how under developed countriessuch as Cuba have lower infant mortality rates

    and their citizens live longer) just do yourresearch of the past.This is just a thought; what if America was

    just a large business in which the citizens were theproducts used to create the income. Since thesame people that own the drug manufactures, ownthe insurance companies and the money. If the

    citizens were made sick, the ones who didn't haveinsurance, the weak, or unemployed could be leftto die. They would be like the faulty product thatcould not be turned into revenue. While thepeople on Medicaid being still a drain on thecompany could be forced to take only the

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    medication that Medicaid would pay for, which

    could be designed to cause more health problemsleading the way for a quicker death, which overtime will only leave a superiorpage 24race of beings or products, capable of themaximum productivity level due to their provensuccess.

    Pain is the true gateway drug! But whocares!!! None of those things mean a thingcompared to where we're going!!! This next partmay give you nightmares! If you take heartmedication or have a bad heart you may not evenwant to read it. If it starts to upset you and you

    are in disbelief, put down this book, think about itfor a few days, do some research, remember I amjust giving you the keys to the doors, you must bethe one to open them.

    A lot of great biblical civilizations started iniraq, it is known as the cradle of mankind. LikeBabylon known for its wealth and beauty, and

    even before Babylon the Sumerians, a civilizationbelieved to be around 6000 years old. In 1851 aSumerian library containing 22,000 clay tabletswere reporteed discovered by archeologist andexplorer Sr. Austin Henry Liard, having over 100documented firsts such as the first assembly line

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    using cylinder seals printed in reverse, rolling out

    as many tablets into clay as needed. Even the firstbanking system where they were given sea shellsfor various goods and services, such as gold andother precious metals. Just as we do today withour currency even the oldest known recipe,describing how to make beer. They had the firstbicameral congress, first school systmes, first

    writing, math, agriculture, andpage 25what we think of as science, and for reasons whichwill later become clear they new things about oursolar system that many scholars are just learningtoday.

    Their texts are said to say that we were taughtcivilization from beings that came from theheavens to the earth, they were said to be calledAnunnaki. Laurence Gardner stated their writing,"it appeared in a complete and composite form, asif from another world". It is the oldestsophisticated writing in existence.

    The Sumerians had written down theirhistory on clay tablets, some of which are nowstored in museums, with most not even being ondisplay. This a description of one of the mostfamous tablets. It shows the sun with all of theplanets revolving around it. It is written that

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    European scientist dod not know this until 300

    years ago. There is also another planet hey caldNibiu. Some people think tey liv here, others thinkit was sed afuel, such as solar powered engines.The people standing in front of the depicted solarsytem are two humans, and one Anunnaki who issitting. In the depiction they all appear to be thesame size. But if the Anunnaki were to stand up

    he would be at least one third taller than thehumans that are standing. The Anunnaki wouldbe considered giants. I find it interesting that weare programmed to believe thatpage 26all the ancient Pagan gods are imaginary and yet

    every story in the bible is based on them.Just a little info the Latin malum means appleand or evil, depending on the accent. But theapple was only a representation so that childrencould better understand the story of Adam andEve. They lead the rest of us to believe they has no[idea] what this tree was.

    this is the origninal story of genesis asinterpreted from Sumerian text by people such asZechariah Sitchin, Laurence Gardeer and others.This story is told on 7 tablets, known as the seventablets of creation. The planet [that] the Anunnakicame from at one time was ruled by Alulu. But

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    after he was overthrown and replaced by Anu.

    Alulu discovered gold and other precious metalson the earth. Because of the failing Atmoshere oftheir planet gold was very important to them. Imight add its importance is recognized by NASAtoday. Who use it in a lot of equipment such asastronaut helmet eye shields to deflect the sun; itis excellent at stopping rediation.

    Anu set up a mission to bring back as much ofthese metals as possible. The mission was first ledby his son Ea (house on water). Who was calledEnki which meant lord of the earth; he was alsoguardian of the tablet of destiny, which had beenhanded down through the generations. They

    started their first colony at Eridu, (house remotelypage 27constructed) close to the northwest end of thePersian Gulf, where the Trigis and EuphratesRiver meet the gulf, There they started collectinggold from the sea water, long before the rivers orfloods of modern times had eroded the land.

    After Ea did not bring back as much gold andother precious metals expected, a largerexpedition was sent put, commanded by Enlil(lord of the command). His symbol was the eagle,he was over the heavens. He was also the guardianof the tablet of destiny, and half brother to Ea or

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    Enki. The plan was to set up another in southern

    Africa which was called Abzu in the Sumeriantext, and send gold back to Mesopatamia and thento their home planet. According to Zulu legend inAfrica, most ancient gold mines were worked byartificially produced flesh and slaves created bythe first people. They state that they went intobattle with the ape-man when the Great War Star

    appeared in the sky. (See indaba my children)The expedition was set up with 900 Anunnaki,

    There were 600 searching for gold, and 300looking after the colonies, and doing the shipping.After searching for precious metals by means ofhard labor the Anunnaki in southern Africa

    rebelled. It was suggested creating a primitiveworker, which could do the work instead of theAnunnaki. Ea suggested to the elders let us makeman in our image, after our 28

    After the approval of the suggestion, Enki(Ea) and his half sister, Ninki also known as Nin-

    khursag started creating a new race of beings.Ninki known as the lady of life carried the firstworker to term and then gave birth. They called itthe Lulu. After that they decided to use fourteengoddesses or female Anunnaki to make more Luluworkers. Because these workers were sterile and

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    could not reproduce, not to mention the birth

    goddesses were tired of carrying them to term.They decided to try other ways. In which theycreated all sorts of genetic crossbreeds. Like thecentaur half man an half horse, or satyr half manand half goat. The remains of large structuressuch as pyramids, and thousands of othermonuments and texts, or even as what you can

    look look at with your own eyes like theduckbilled platypus or how the zebra looks like astripped horse, and even different races ofhumans, are all that remain to tell this tale today.

    Meanwhile Enlil had manipulated many typesof plants, and had created new hybrd strains of

    edible crops that were easy to grow not needing asmuch care or nutrients as other crops. He putthem in a place he called E.din, where he put oneof the Lulu, Adam; to care for them, but mainlyhe was to watch over the tree of knowledgepage 29

    But the tree of knowledge was not a tree at all

    as many have been led to believe. It was alsoknown as the tablet of destiny, and latter by manyoher names. It was a collection of all good and evilmagic or sorcery. The modern day term for magicor sorcery is astrology or science. Sumerianrecords indicate that it was passed down form

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    Kingu (a son of Tiamat) to Enki and Enlil. It is

    written that it was originally cut into sapphiresthat held the highest expression of cosmicknowingness, with 72 secret branches of wisdom,all the universe had ever been and all it will everbe.

    It is said to contain the knowledge to trap asoul into flesh, or release it from and that it the

    reason why we live in flesh today. It has a systemof reusing spirits, or reincarnation. It is said toexplain how all the souls of those yet to be bornstand before god in th same form as whch theywill live in this world. Many rituals of that timeand still to this day involve being thrown alive into

    the fire as an offering. It is believed this traps thesoul for the god (Enlil) Satan to do with it as hewants.

    Adam's first wife was said to be Lilith,(Symbol owl) and although in modern times she isthough of as being evil. In early works she wasknown as being a guide to the wisdom of

    immortality. She is represented as holding theRings of Shem. The oldest symbols used to showpage 30immortality, and the wisdom of the tablet ofdestiny. She is portrayed as standing on the backof a lion with an owl on each side, wearing a

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    headdress similar to the virgin head of the sphinx

    of Egypt. There are many traditions and stories ofLilith way to many to list. But I think you aregoing to find she was one of the most importantpeople to ever walk the face of the earth. In earlyHebrew tradition, it is said one way to protecttheir children from her was to inribe an amuletwith the names of three angels (Senoy, Sansenoy,

    and Semangelof) then place it around the neck ofthe newborns. It is also said that she could get inyour dreams as an incubus or succubus and thatshe had sex with kings and demons alike.

    She is mentioned in the modern ChristianBible, under many names such as screech owl,

    night owl, night monster, night hag, and nightcreature. This is the version from the Holy Bibleillustrated, Isaiah 34:14 "the wild beasts of thedesert shall also meet with the wild beasts of theisland, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; thescreech owl also shall rest there, and find forherself a place of rest." Eventually Ea and Ninki

    put the ape-man Anunnaki to sleep, the oneknown as Adam. Then they took out one of hisribs, and by extracting it, made a clone of Adam,but a female, (Eve) that would be able to extracteggs, which intern led to modern 31

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    Chapter 3

    Best Secrets Don't Involve Stories

    Ea and Enili had been fighting for a very longtime. Enlil wanted to keep us as slaves. But Eawanted us to be like the gods. Enlil did not knowthat Adam and Eve could reproduce, Ea did nottell him. Genesis 1:27 "so god made man like his

    maker. Like god did god make man; man andmaid did he make them."

    Prince Ea spoke before the council of thegods. He was against the cruelties that the othergods were imposing on his creations. But hiswishes were overruled. (Democracy is as old as the

    stars) So Anu and his son Ea Formed a secretorginization with Adam and Eve known as thbrotherhood of the serpent/snake. AncientEgyption writings tell that uts original purposewas to educate mankind and free us frombondage.

    Enlil was later thrown out of the heavens for

    raping his half sister Ninlil (symbol Venus) severalfollowed him. She later felt bad, married him, andthey both earth known as the underworld.Ancient Mesopotamian and Egyption texts tellthat this brotherhood of the snake was thenquickly taken over. And they began teaching the

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    people Ea was evil. Telling the people that Ea was

    no the Lord of the arth but Prince of darkness,they called himpage 32names such as Lord of Vermin, and later Satanand the devil. They them called Ninki the Motherof Demons which we now know as Lilith. Enlilwas then called the King of Heaven, Father of the

    Gods and later the one true god, he was the fatherof the sun god, and Ninlil became known as theGoddess of Creation, wisdom and war. She tookthe symbol of the owl and they named their firstson Sin. (It is the origin of the word.) These fallenangels promised mankind great powers if they do

    as they are told, their offspring became the rulersof the earth.Enlil (Satan) used the brotherhood of the

    serpent against us. It became his most powerfultool in keeping us spiritually unaware. His reignover the world resulted in one the most wellknown works of all time, the Bible, and the earth

    or underworld became a place where spiritualbeings can be trapped, enslaved, and made tosuffer, the earth became hell, their spirits orghosts are always there watching us, their evenknown as Watchers. It has been said that they tryto form back into flesh in things such as dermoid

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    cysts. Some reference to them can be found in the

    book of Enoch. They influence our lives withoutus knowing. They are both good and evil.Modern man refers to them as Guardian

    Angles and demons and psychics call them spiritgiudes. They make us see when we should beseeing. They make us lookpage 33

    when we should be looking the other way. Whenyou feel someone or something is watching youbut there is no one there, that's them. They gatherin the shadows of the night and hide behind therays of light in the day.

    In ancient times fires were kept burning

    because they can be seen in smoke, in steam, andthe flicker of candles were used to indicate theirpossible presence. This practice continues today inthe candles of the traditional wedding. In moderntimes they are most often seen by infants andpeople who are close to death, but can also be seenby people who have been purposely been deemed

    insane, which in turn has been excepted by theignorant people, who in doing their jobs usemedication to try and convince the so calledinsane people that they do not exist.

    These people are the most important peopleon the face of the earht when it comes to the end.

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    They know which ones are good and which ones

    are evil. I have found in my research that thesethings show them another side of reality that theaverage person cannot see. If you can gain theirtrust, you will be amazed that they tell the samestory. And the farther they live from one anotherthe more convinced you eill be.

    These watchers were the reason for the burnt

    offering in the Bible and the Roman CatholicChurch intructed people to be burned at the staketo please 34

    They can be seen in the smoke rising from thecorpses of burnt flesh, and their symbols are stars.

    Today these symbols are hidden in our currency,displayed on the American flag and lawenforcement officers are made to wear them, justas the Jews were in WWII, they are evendisplayed on their cars. And for all that is true forthe future of mankind I strongly believe and hopethat most of them have no idea that they have

    taken an oath to protect and serve these evil gods.I have always conidered myself a Christian,

    but due to the fact that almost all characters of theOld Testament when individually researched werewell aware of their existence and since even theirhelp in the building of Solomon's Temple was

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    taken out of the Bible, on top of all the other

    information I have found. I can come to no otherconclusion than the Roman Catholic Churchdesigned the modern Bible to keep you fromknowing of their powers. In which they haveconstantly used to obtain control over the world. Iguarantee by the time you have opened the doorswith the keys of this book and have educated

    yourself of this hidden knowledge you will beplagued with nightmares. I must advise you onceagain that if you continue, there will be nowhereto run and nowhere to hide. You will know oftheir existence and they will know that you know.Rest assured they can teach you vast amounts of

    knowlege thatpage 35cannot be denied or just as easily take your life inyour sleep. Depending on what you purpose onearth was deemed to be.

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