
Business Growth Lunch


26 May 2017

Welcome and introductions

Hilary Centeleghe

Senior Growth Manager

Business Growth Hub

Agenda11.30am – Arrival and Registration

12.00pm – Welcome and introductions, Hilary Centeleghe, Senior Growth Manager, Business Growth Hub

12.05am – How can the Business Growth Hub help your manufacturing business, Paul Holt, Manufacturing Advisor

12.10pm – Guest speaker: Terry Scuoler, CEO, EEF – The manufacturers’ organisation

12.20pm – Guest speaker: Leanne Holmes, Operations Director, Cranes Payment Innovation

12.40pm – Introduction to ‘Quick Wins for Energy Efficiency’ workshops, Rebecca Chedd, Environmental Business Advisor

12.45pm – Oldham Engineering Alliance update and ‘£1,000 to start your own business’ campaign launch, Dave Benstead,

Chairman of the Oldham Enterprise Trust

01.00pm – New programmes overview, Hilary Centeleghe, Senior Growth Manager, Business Growth Hub

01.10pm – Q&A

01.20pm – Lunch and networking

02.15pm – Event Close


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• WiFi

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• Password: Working67!

• Twitter:

• @bizgrowthhub

• #BGHEvents

• Feedback forms on tables

How can the Business Growth Hub

help your manufacturing business

Paul Holt

Manufacturing Advisor

Business Growth Hub

Guest speaker

Terry Scuoler


EEF – The manufacturers’ organisation

Guest speaker

Leanne Holmes

Operations Director

Cranes Payment Innovation

Introduction to ‘Quick Wins

for Energy Efficiency’ workshops

Rebecca Chedd

Environmental Business Advisor

Business Growth Hub

Energy Efficiency Service

• New programme of support for SMEs in Greater Manchester

• Key Benefits:

• Save money on bottom line

• Safeguard against increasing energy prices

• Boost green credentials


Our tailored programme of support

3 part service:

1. Quick Wins for Energy Savings Workshop – Benefits of energy efficiency

2. Specialist Masterclasses – A range of advanced technical and managerial energy topics

3. Tailored Action Plan – Clarify and prioritise cost saving actions


How will it help you?

• Start your energy efficiency improvement journey

• Support to implement energy saving projects

• Identify more opportunities to save energy

• Expand your knowledge of energy saving techniques and



Is this for you?

We are looking to support SMEs who want to:

• Save money on their energy bills

• Prioritise easy options to reduce energy consumption

• Demonstrate their environmental credentials to customers

GM SMEs who operate B2B are eligible


Upcoming events

• Quick Wins Workshop – 7 June, Oldham - UCO

• Quick Wins Workshop - 20 June, Bury

• Quick Wins Workshop - 28 June, Trafford

• Quick Wins Workshop - 29 June, Tameside

• Quick Wins Workshop - 6 July, Bolton

• Quick Wins Workshop - 13 July, Stockport


To find out more:




[email protected]

[email protected]


Oldham Engineering Alliance update and

‘£1,000 to start your own business’

campaign launch

Dave Benstead


Oldham Enterprise Trust

New programmes overview

Hilary Centeleghe

Senior Growth Manager

Business Growth Hub

Spark2Scale Programme

• Spark2Scale is a workshop and support programme for aspiring scaleup businesses across Greater Manchester.

• Venue: Chambers Business Centre, Oldham

• Dates & Times:

• 5 June: Business Strategy Workshop 09.30-16.00

• 19 June: Peer Learning (Finance) 09.30-12.00

• 3 July: Peer Learning (Digital Marketing) 09.30-12.00

• 17 July: Peer Learning (Growth Hacking) 09.30-12.00

Spark2Scale Programme

• "Go for it! The strategy workshop has opened my eyes to gaps in my business model“

• "The peer learning is invaluable, I'm learning a lot and making great contacts“



You needs - our help

I need help with my

business strategy

I need to do more with

digital and technology

I want to use innovation

to develop new product

or service

I want to reduce costs

and be more sustainable

I want to start a


I need to access finance

and funding

I want to open new

markets and explore

export opportunities

I need to train my

people or find new


I want to develop my

leadership skills or worn

with a mentor

I want to improve

operational efficiency

Our impact


Please leave your feedback

Please take a couple of minutes before the

networking to complete the feedback form and

return it to the Hub staff

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