
My favourite invention

By Sasha Golubovska, 8 B

• I think that mobile phone is good invention in the world.

• For me this invention is important? Because I love speaking with people.

• How it all began? Who invented the telephone? History tells us that the question of who still first invented the telephone remains open. Many believe that the phone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. A native of Scotland who lived and worked first in Canada and then in the US, made in 1876, it would seem impossible.

• The are different mobile phone. The are keypads and sensory. Sensory phone are more modern. But keypads are comfortable for me. But I think that all mobile phone are comfortable, because we need there for speaking with each other.

• So, at the moment we have many modern phones and people can speaking with each other, chat with people and find out news and interesting post.

Thank you for attention

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