

Mechanics of J o in te and Faulted Rock Edited by

HANS-PETER ROSSMANITH fnstitute of Mechanics, Technical University of Vienna, Austria


Mechanics of Jointed and Faulted Aock, Aossmanith (ed.) ltì 1995 Balkema, Aotterdam. ISBN 90 541 O 54 1 O

Table of contents


Plenary lectures

Geojoints and geostresses A E Scheidegger

Testing an d modeling of rock joints OStephansson & LJing

On the stress-strain relations for cracked elastic materials in compression E K Lehner & M Kachanov

Simulation of extensive fracture formation and interaction in brittle materials lA L Napier & A P. Peirce

Some consequences of jointing in practical rock mechanics CFairhurst

Analogue modeling of brittle deforrnation: Results and prospects JP.Petit

Solids with cracks








Effective elastic properties of solids with cavities of various shapes 81 MKachanov

Micromechanical anal ysis of anomalous behavior of b-value of rock 85 M Hori & EMaro

Some experimental results on three-dimensional crack propagation in compression 91 A V. Dyskin, L N Genn.anovich, RlJewell, HJoer, 1 S. Krasinski, K K Le e, 1-C Roegiers, E Sahouryeh & K B. Ustinov

Thermodynamk equation of state for brittle materials at incipient failure 97 B.TBrady

Impact induced damage in rock l 03 H P. Rossmanith, R. E Knasmillner & L Mishnaevsky Jr


Volumetric imaging and characterization of natura! fracture networks l 09 C Montemagno & LJ Pyrak-Nolte

Crack growth in the postcritical path of defonnation of sedimentary rocks 113 JPinù1ska

Statistica! theory of strength, deformation and failure of rocks 119 ANStavrogìn & B.GTarasov

Evaluation of characteristics and coefficients detennining the scale effect in jointed rock 125 masses M J Leal Gomes & A Pinto da Cunha

Joint shear behavior

A ne w mode l for the shear strength of rock joints with irregular surfaces T. Kimura & T. Esaki

Post-peak shear behavior of artificial joints ZY.Yang & Y.MHuang

The shear strength of discontinui ti es in Karoo dolerite, South Africa CAJenny & F.GBell

A study of the effect of roughness and inclination of weakness planes on the strength properties of rock and coal V. S. Vutukuri, S. M F. Hossaini & M H Foroughi





Irregular joint shear behavior on the basis of 3D modelling of their morphology: Morphology 157 description and 3D modelling 1 Riss, GArchambault, R. Flamand, S. Gentier & C Sirieix

A re-evaluation of irregular joint shear behavior on the basis of 3D modelling of their 163 morphology: Joint mechanical shear behavior and modelling GArchambault, S. Gentier, 1 Riss, R. Flamand & C Sirieix

A laser scanning devìce to measure joint surface roughness 169 CAJenny

On the heatìng of rock joints induced by earthquakes 175 M Barbero & M Borri-Brunetto

Heated areas during shearing of a rock joint 181 CSirieix, S.Gentier, 1Riss & GArchambault

A cell mapping technique and its application at Roda Sten, Sweden 187 1He

An appraisa1 of structural mapping techniques 193 l Hadjigeorgiou, 1 F. Lessard, E Villaescusa & P.Germain

Rock mass discontinuities surveyings through photoanalysis 201 GCrosta

Probabilistic subsidence prediction based on field-observed data for jointed overburden 207 Y. P.Chugh, K Mehta & G Yang


Stress relief joints of gorge MLLin&JJHung

Constitutive behavior


A new mode! materia! to simulate rock 225 GR. Mostyn & M H Bagheripour

Stress-strain relation mode! of brittle shear zones 231 M Coubal & J Mtilek

Micromechanical modeling of stress-strain behavior of rock mass with oblique joint sets 235 CH.Chan & TH.Huang

Modelling of postcritical behavior of geomaterials 241 L V.Nikitin

An elastoplastic-darnage mode! for rock-like materials 247 JS.Liao

Some examples of autoclastic rock fabric formation 253 B Tomljenovié

Analyses of geomechanical decay phenomena of marbles employed in historical monuments 259 in Thscany CAGarzonio, E Fratini, C Manganelli Del Fà, P.Giovannini & CBLasi

Geology and structural geology

Joints in the Miocene rocks of the Carpathian Foreland (Poland) 267 MRauch

Neotectonic joints, indicators of the contemporary stress directions in the seismically active 273 Chalkidiki peninsula (N. Greece) M D. Tranos, S. B Pavlides & D. M Mountrakis

Joints in the outer flysch Carpathians, Southern Poland 279 TMardal

A comparison of fracture orientation data at different scales in a welded tuff near Creede, 285 Colorado, USA J K Odum, S. E Diehl & ET Lee

Geo-structural an d geomechanical setting of the Carrara Marble quarries, ltaly 291 M Coli

Tertiary paleostress variation in time and space near the eastern margin of the Basin 297 and Range province, Utah B J Kowallis, E H. Christiansen, T. K Blatter & J D. Keith

Faults andfaulting

Fault and joint swarms in a norma! fault zone S.ELaubach, R.EMace & H.S.Nance



What do kink bands mean? l Selles-Martinez


Numerica! study of the effect of grain rotations on materia l behavior in a fault zone 317 E Bauer & l Tejchman

Defonnation bands and early folding in Lower Eocene flysch sandstone, Outer Carpathians, 323 Poland A K Tokarski, ASwierczewska & M BanaS

On frac tal geometry in fault systems of the Upper Silesian Coal Basi n, Poland 329 LTeper & A ldziak

Structural characteristics of tectonic horsts and grabens in the area of zinc and lead ore 335 occurrence near Olkusz l Cabala

Joints and shears of the N-Sudetic Synclinorium 341 AT.Solecki

Dynamic shear development and mineralization at the San Gregorio gold mine, Uruguay 347 T. F. Quadros, lCKoppe &AlStrieder

The dynamics of joint and fault modelling in carbonate rocks - Maslenica structure (Croatia) 355 E Prelogovié, DJamiCié & T. Novosel

Folding and defonnational style in overthrust structures on Krk Island (Croatia) 359 D Jamicié, E Prelogovié & B Tomljenovié

Synergetics of zones of deep faults 363 F.A Letnikov

Quantitative analysis offaulting in the zones oflithospheric extension 367 S.lSherman

Joint hydraulics and hydrojracturing

The role of fractures in regional groundwater flow lRMayer& lMSharp, Jr

In situ stress and penneability in fractured and faulted crystalline rock CA Barton, M D Zoback & D Moos



Theoretical deterrnination of the three-dimensional hydraulic conductivity tensor of fractured 387 rock masses using geometrie data of fractures and the results of the Lugeon-water test S. Nakaya & M Nishigaki

Behaviour of visco-plastic fluids in narrow joints with non-parallel surfaces- Investigations 393 of a rock grouting process A H Zettler, R Poisel & G. Stadler

A non-REV approach and network analysis for groundwater ftow and grouting in jointed rock 399 H-KMoon & K-CLee


A 30 direct shear device for testing the mechanical behaviour and the hydraulic conductivity 407 of rock joints MBoulon

Hydrojacking and hydrofracturing tests in a fissile schist in south-west Switzerland: In-situ 415 stress characterisation in difficult rock K Evans & P. Meier

Process of crack growth from a reservoir formed along a joint by injection of tluid 423 for extraction of geothermal heat HA bé, K Hayashi & T.Yamamoto

Modelling of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical behavior of fractured rocks application 429 for underground waste disposal KSu, MGhoreychi & 1-Y.Renou

A new three-dimensional analysis ofhysteretic thermohydromechanical deformation 437 of fractured rock mass with dilatancy in fractures V.Guvanasen & T.Chan

Experience with hydraulic fracturing stress measuring technique injointed volcanic rocks 443 of North-West Himalaya, India SSengupta, AShridharChavan, DJoseph &NMRaju

Fracture skin effects in groundwater transport 449 J. M Sharp, Jr, N l Robinson, R C Smyth-Boulton & K L Milliken


Acoustic and ion emission from rocks during sonic loading L D Re ed, P. Kolman, M F. Leach, G. A Rubin & S. Chen


State of damage in dry and wet deformed sandstone by laboratory study of acoustic emissions 463 F. C Wagner, A Zang & G. Dresen

On the relationship between acoustic emission parameters and strength properties of rocks 469 V. L Shlatratnik & V. S. Yamshchilwv

Triaxial stress cyclic loading of sandstones 473 Z RambousJcy & L Sosnovec

Dynamic loading test of an opening in a sub-scale jointed rock mass 4 77 P.ESensen)4 S.EBLouin, DEChitty, J. KGran & G.RGreenjìeld, MAGroethe &lG.Trulio

Laboratory investigation of rock joint dynamic behavior 483 S. M Hsiung, A Ghosh, A H Chowdhury & M P.Ahola

Development and field application of joint deformeter and high-accuracy extensometer 489 ATamai & M Kosugi

Measurement of stress distribution around fault and considerations 495 Y. O bara, H K Chang, K Sugawara & K Sakaguchi

Effects of preceding shear history o n shear-tlow coupling properties of rock joints 50 l T. Esaki, K Nakahara, Y.Jiang & Y. Mitani


The shearing mechanism during translation 507 R. O Roko & 11 K Daemen

Characterisation of surface roughness and its implicaùons on the shear behaviour of joints 515 Blndraratna, A Herath & NA ziz

Simulation of the trap-door problem in a geotechnical centrifuge 521 H. G BAllersma


The use of fractal geometry in a joint shear model 529 1 P. Seidel & C M Haberfield

Fractal and geostatistical analysis of rock joint roughness before and after shear tests 535 S. Sabbadini, F. Homand-Etienne & T Belem

Reconstruction and visualization of 3D fracture network using random fractal generators 543 Y.Zhang, Y. P.Chugh & A Kumar

Numerica[ modeling

The 3D Monte-Carlo simulation of rigid blocks around a tunnel 1Jakubowski &ATajdus


N umerical modelling of the interaction of rock support with faulted Iayered rock in coal strata 557 under high convergence W.Muller

Non-representative volume element modeling of equivalent jointed rock mass properties 563 W.G Pariseau

A comparative study on various approaches to model discontinuous rock mass as equivalent 569 continuum O.Aydan, TSeiki, G-CJeong & TAkagi

Numerica! modelling and interpretation of results derived from testing filled joints 575 G Baria, M Borri-Brunetto & F.l.Anaro

Behavioural analysis of discontinuous rock using finite element method 581 AFahimifar

Slope stability

Analyses of slopes in jointed weak rock masses using distinct element method S. C H su & P P Nelson

Buckling failure phenomena and their analysis P. Froldi & P Luna.rdi

Studies o n toppling failure mechanism of slope in discontinuous rock:mass Y.Jiang, T Esaki, M Nagatomi & T.Okada





Analysis of fracture and defonnation processes during flexural toppling in foliated rock 611 slopes D. P.Adhikary, A V. Dyskin & R.J.Jewell

Analysis of complex rotational and translational fai1ure mechanisms in jointed rock slopes 617 L Mongiovì, G Bosco & V. De Gennaro

Stereographic projection wedge stability analyses of rock slopes usingjoint data 623 P. M Maurenhrecher

Simulating technjque of joint network and its application in the stability analysis of rock slope 627 H Wang & Z Y.Tao

Ultimate bearing capacity of strip surface footing on layered rock mass by numerica! 633 modeHng P. Mìscevié & LJasarevìé

Underground voussoir rock beams with large deflections 639 A l Sofianos, A P Kapenis & C E Tsoutrelìs

Inftuence of joints on the stabiHty of shallow seated underground structures at Zawarmala 645 mine G Ravi & B Dasgupta

Seismic rnonitoring of a mine collapse WA Lenhardt & C Pascher

Space and time patterns of induced seisrnicity KHolub



The using of seisrnic method for deterrnining the crack tensors of carbonate rocks from Upper 663 Silesia - Poland A ldziak

Moment tensors for seismic events from Upper Silesian coal rnines, Poland 667 P.Wiejacz

Seismic properties of a generai fracture 673 E Liu, lA Hudson, S. Crampin, W D Rizer & 1 H Queen

Fractal analysis of mining induced seismicity in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin 679 A ldziak & W M Zuberek

Monitoring of vibrations due to a high energy hydraulic hammer in a tunnel driving: A case 683 history G Boria & A Godio

30 tomographic imaging of mechanicaJ conditions in a deep US gold mine 689 M l Friedel, D F.Scott, Mllackson, T.lWilliams & S. M Killen

Rock dynamics

Dynarnic response of a rock mass with a large fluid-filled crack KHayashì, KNiiyama & HAbé



Using dynamic photoelasticity to investigate stress waves interacting with stopes 7CJ7 A Daehnke, lA L Napier, RE Knasmillner & H P Rossmanirh

Reftecrion an d refraction of impulsive elastic waves at a jointed interface 713 KWaranabe

Reftection of el asti c w a ves by a gradient inhomogeneous layer 719 T.Ohyoshi

Deep penetration into mode! rock 725 F.S.Jeng & H H Einstein

The inftuence of tectonic structures on the stress strain conditions and rock bursts induction 73 1 in the vicinity of a longwall face PKonecny

The influence of faults on coal burst hazard in coal seams excavated in its vicinity 737 A. Tajdui, T. Majcherczyk & M Cala

Engineering evaluation of input parameters for two-dimensional analysìs of rockfalls 743 A Frasnelli, A Gajo, L Mongiovì & S. Cocco

The research about forecast an d predìction of rib an d roof fall in underground mine 7 49 C DZhou, S.Y.Zhang & Y.XJiang

Numerica! simulati o n of the blastìng induced disturbed rock zone using the dynamìc lattice 7 55 network model JSong& KKim

Underground openings

Near-face cracking and strength around underground openings 765 C D Martin, R. S. Read. & E 1 Dzik

Mechanics of failure around shallow tunnels in jointed rock 771 M Karaca, O.Aydan, P Egger & M Sezaki

The use of geophysical methods to assess cracked zone properties around mìning roadways 777 HMarcak

Back analysis of the excavation of a large underground cavem in jointed rock 783 T.Ohkami, O.Aydan & Y.lchikawa

Failure and deformati an behavior of rocks around an opening excavated in blocky-jointed 789 rockmass S.G. Kwon, DHLee & HK Lee

The influence of joints on the stability of large underground openings 795 l M lofis, A V. Maksimov & Yu. M Levkin

Post-failure behaviour of coal pillars 801 HWagner

Rock engineering evaluation of jointing in South African coal seams and its potential effect 807 on coal pillar strength G. S. Esterhuizen


Roadheading un der geo-mechanically difficult conditions, and measures for strata contro! 813 HWWild

Interaction between the excavatìon support and jointed rock mass 817 Yu. M Levkin & l M lofis

Stability analysis of constructions in jointed rock mass 823 Ch. N Marangos

Linear arch analysis techniques for the design of underground openings in bedded rock 829 forrnations R. L Sterling, C R Nelson & L Peterson

Effect of clay seams o n the performance of WIPP excavations 835 S.Saeb, CTFrancke &S.1Patchet

Improvement of dimension stone exploitation using structural analyses 841 O. Del Greco, M F ornaro & C Oggeri

Modelling of rock excavation by high energy water jet 847 L M Hlavcic & T Sochor

A laboratory study of hard rock disintegration by high-pressure-water-through bit 853 L Sitek, 1 Vasek & M Vala

Support in jointed discontinuous rock and its protection against corrosion 859 Yu. L Kirillov, S. Ya. Laschenov & V.V. Rukin

Rock bolting

Cab le bolting in poor rock conditions TVirtanen

Contribution of fully bonded rock bolts to the shear strength of joints - Analytical and experimental evaluation E Pelle t, P. Egger & A M F errero

A ne w approach to the prediction of rock anchor capacity C M Haberjield, 1 P. Se idei & S. Baycan

Strata bolting systems and their effects on strata movement and loosening presented by physical modelling MWurtele

The bolting mechanism of rockbolts XLuo

Case studies






Contro l and monitoring of the deforrnation behavior of the jointed rock mass surrounding 899 the planned Konrad nuclear w aste repository in the FRG 1 Gerardi, D. Meister, H Schnier & D. Stuhrenberg

Design and behavior of the Los Angeles Metro during seismic events 905 T P. Smimoff, MA Elioff, 1 E Monsees & 1 L Merritt


Tunneling through the Hollywood Fault Zone for the Los Angeles Metro 9 13 T. P.Smimoff, MAELioff & J. EMonsees

Si te investigations and prediction o n engineering geologica! conditions of the La Sirena 921 Hydroelectric Project, Nicaragua L Mcersk Hansen

A case study of sub-level retreat mining a t Detour Lake Mine using BSM models 927 B Wang, Y. S. Yu & S. Vongpaisal

Shear displacement-induced pore collapse compaction: A mechanism of reservoir 933 compaction D W Rhett, L WTeufel, F. Ramstad, & G H LLmda

Geologica! history and mining seisrnicity in Upper Silesia (Poland) 939 LTeper & G Sagan

Rock mechanics problems related to three arch dams foundated on faulted rocks 945 D Stematiu, T. Bugnariu & Al. Constantinescu


Technique and results of the rock burst prediction 955 N. G Tomilin & KA Voinov

Computer simulation of fracture in rocks 961 E E Damaskinskaya & N. G Tomi/in

Fractal investigation of size effects on strength of intact and jointed rocks 967 P.Guo

Study on the damage model of rock fragmentation by blasting 973 1 Yang & S. R Wang

Performance of alarge scale testing, instrumentation and modelling of an unusual 979 rock-concrete problem 1Adelmar de Mello Franco, M Martins de Matos & 1 LArmelin

Loosened rockmass and its relation to geostress 985 T.BLi, HCLiu &1P.Chen

W ave propagation in layered heavily damaged rock mass 991 K S. Sultanov & BE Husanov

Model for the transition from micro- to macrofracture 997 V. S. Kuksenko

O n the ori gin of nonlocality and localisation in brittle materials L 00 l A V.Dyskin & H-BMiihlhaus

Modeling hydro-mechanical behavior in a fractured rock mass with a discrete fracture l 007 network model S. Ezzedine & D. Bruel

Assessment/remediation ofDNAPL contarninated sites 1013 SHDjafari & GR.Hecox


Modelling propagation of shearing mechanism in jointed rocks subrrutted to forced flui d l O 19 injections DBruel

Analysis of strength and prevention of possible failures in structural elements of nùning 1027 systems at the stage of designing and renovating salt rrunes in Russia BA. Krainev, Yu. D Semenov, A. S. Shneider, DAAkhtyamov & l E Boguslavski

The role of geomaterial interface degradation o n the mechanics of a fracture 1031 A P. S. Selvadurai

Geomechanical and geophysical monitoring as basis for creating the physical model 1039 F. Bldha & lZak

Author index 1047


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