Page 1: On the Threat of npm Vulnerable Dependencies in Node.js ... · real-world, active, and mature open source Node.js applications. Our findings show that although 67.93% of the examined


On the Threat of npm Vulnerable Dependencies in Node.jsApplications

Mahmoud Alfadel, Diego Elias Costa, Mouafak Mokhallalati, Emad Shihab, Senior Member, IEEE andBram Adams, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Software vulnerabilities have a large negative impact on the software systems that we depend on daily. Reports on softwarevulnerabilities always paint a grim picture, with some reports showing that 83% of organizations depend on vulnerable software.However, our experience leads us to believe that, in the grand scheme of things, these software vulnerabilities may have less impactthan what is reported.Therefore, we perform a study to better understand the threat of npm vulnerable packages used in Node.js applications. We definethree threat levels for vulnerabilities in packages, based on their lifecycle, where a package vulnerability is assigned a low threat level ifit was hidden or still unknown at the time it was used in the dependent application (t), medium threat level if the vulnerability wasreported but not yet published at t, and high if it was publicly announced at t. Then, we perform an empirical study involving 6,673real-world, active, and mature open source Node.js applications. Our findings show that although 67.93% of the examined applicationsdepend on at least one vulnerable package, 94.91% of the vulnerable packages in those affected applications are classified as havinglow threat. Moreover, we find that in the case of vulnerable packages classified as having high threat, it is the application’s lack ofupdating that makes them vulnerable, i.e., it is not the existence of the vulnerability that is the real problem. Furthermore, we verify ourfindings at different stages of the application’s lifetime and find that our findings still hold. Our study argues that when it comes tosoftware vulnerabilities, things may not be as bad as they seem and that considering vulnerability threat is key.

Index Terms—Packages, npm Ecosystem, Vulnerabilities, Mining Software Repository



The existence of a software vulnerability in a software sys-tem is a major concern for software projects. These vulnera-bilities can cause unimaginable damage for an organizationif exploited. In fact, there are many examples of such cases.One such example is the Equifax cybersecurity incident [1],where a vulnerability in Apache Struts led to unauthorizedaccess to consumers’ personal information and credit cardnumbers.

To make matters even worse, the recent popularityof software ecosystems has only magnified the problem.Specifically, most software systems today have many directand transitive dependencies, which increases the risk ofa vulnerability in a software project. Contrast Security, asoftware security company, reported that 80% of the codewritten in today’s applications depend on external pack-ages, and approximately one fourth of package downloadshave known vulnerabilities [2]. Furthermore, a recent reportby showed that 83% of organizations use vulnerablepackages and that 77% of the 430,000 websites crawled bythem, run at least one vulnerable JavaScript package [3].These reported figures are worrisome given our everydaydependence on software systems.

However, although these vulnerability reports are wor-rying, they impact a very tiny fraction of existing software

• Mahmoud Alfadel, Diego Elias Costa, Mouafak Mukhallalati, and EmadShihab are with the Data-driven Analysis of Software (DAS) Lab at theDepartment of Computer Science and Software Engineering, ConcordiaUniversity, Montreal, Canada.

• Bram Adams is with the Lab on Maintenance, Construction, and Intelli-gence of Software (MCIS), Departement de Genie Informatique et GenieLogiciel, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Montreal, Canada.

Manuscript received xxx; revised xxx.

systems [4], [5]. For example, a recent study manuallyanalysed 60 projects that depend on high severity vulner-abilities, and found that 73.3% of them were actually safebecause they didn’t make use of the vulnerable functionalityof their dependencies [5].

Hence, we argue that not all vulnerabilities are equal. Toget the real picture, one needs to take into consideration thepotential threat of a software vulnerability. Formally defined,the threat of a vulnerability is the potential danger to exploita vulnerability in order to breach security and cause possibleharm [6].

The main goal of our study is to examine the degreethat applications rely on vulnerable dependencies and un-derstand how threatening such vulnerable dependenciesreally are. To achieve our goal, we first provide a threatclassification for the software vulnerabilities based on theirlifecycle. Note that this is a post-mortem classification, usinginformation only available after the fact, for the purpose ofevaluating the threat of dependency vulnerabilities in thedependent applications. We classify software vulnerabilitiesinto three main threat levels: low threat, indicating that avulnerability that affects a dependency was not discovered(reported) yet at a specific point in the application lifecycle;medium threat, indicating that a vulnerability was discoveredbut not yet published (publicly announced); high threat,indicating a vulnerability has been published.

We use our classification and perform an empirical studyinvolving 6,673 real-world, active, and mature open sourceNode.js applications, of which more than half have at leastone vulnerable dependency. We use these classifications toexamine (RQ1) how threatening vulnerable dependenciesin the dependent applications really are, (RQ2) how thethreat levels of vulnerable dependencies evolve through the








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Page 2: On the Threat of npm Vulnerable Dependencies in Node.js ... · real-world, active, and mature open source Node.js applications. Our findings show that although 67.93% of the examined

applications development history, and (RQ3) why some ap-plications end up depending on high threat vulnerabilitiesin order to better understand how we can mitigate suchissues.

Our findings show that although 67.93% of the exam-ined applications have (in one of their recent versions) atleast one vulnerable dependency, 94.91% of the vulnerabledependencies in these applications are classified as havinglow threat (RQ1). Moreover, as applications evolve, theyare more likely to depend on vulnerable dependencies,however, most of the vulnerabilities have a low threat level(RQ2). Lastly, we find that the vast majority (90.8%) of thehigh threat dependency vulnerabilities were caused by theapplications, i.e., vulnerable dependencies had an availablevulnerability fix but the applications did not update to anewer (safer) version of the vulnerable dependency (RQ3).

As a key contribution, we provide an empirically-soundevidence regarding the degree to which Node.js applicationprojects rely on npm vulnerable dependencies and howsuch vulnerable dependencies are threatening through ap-plications development history, while also discussing theimplications of our findings to researchers and practitioners.Besides, we provide an approach to identify vulnerabledependencies in a Node.js application at a given pointin time, taking into consideration our vulnerability threatclassification. Other researchers analysing vulnerabilities innpm dependencies can reuse it. Finally, we provide a repli-cation package comprising the techniques and dataset thatwe used in this study as a means to bootstrap other studiesin the area.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2introduces our vulnerability classification used in this study.Section 3 describes how npm manages dependencies inNode.js applications. Section 4 describes our case studydesign. Section 5 presents our results. Section 6 discusseshow our results lead to direct implications to researchersand practitioners. Section 7 discusses the related work.Section 8 presents the threats to validity. Section 9 concludesour paper.

2 CLASSIFYING VULNERABILITIESIn this section, we explain the different stages a vulnerabilitygoes through in its lifecycle. Then, we define our threatlevels for vulnerabilities using the different stages that avulnerability goes through during its lifecycle.

2.1 Vulnerability LifecycleA software vulnerability is a weakness that allows unautho-rized actions and/or access to be performed. These actionsare typically used to break through the system and violateits security policies [6], [7]. A vulnerability threat is a potentialdanger to exploit a vulnerability in order to breach securityand cause possible harm [6]. As shown in Figure 1, typically,and with emphasis on vulnerabilities in the Node PackageManager (npm ecosystem), a vulnerability goes through anumber of different stages [8].

• Introduction. This is when the software vulnerabilityis first introduced into the code. At this stage, no onereally knows about its existence, assuming that the in-troduction is not malicious. Hence, the potential threatof the vulnerability is quite low.

• Discovery (report). When a vulnerability is discovered,it must be reported to the npm security team. The npmteam investigates to ensure that the reported vulnera-bility is legitimate. At this stage, only the security teamand the reporter of the vulnerability know about itsexistence. The potential threat at this stage is still low.

• Notification. Once the reported vulnerability is con-firmed, the security team triages the vulnerability andnotifies the vulnerable package maintainers. At thisstage, only the reporter, npm team, and package main-tainers know about the vulnerability, hence its potentialthreat to be exploited remains low.

• Publication without a known fix. Once the packagemaintainers are notified, they have 45 days before npmpublishes the vulnerability publicly. Alongside withpublishing the vulnerability, the npm team may alsopublish a proof-of-concept showing how the vulnera-bility can be exploited. At this stage, the vulnerabilityis known publicly and its potential threat is high.

• Publication with a fix. Another (and more common)way that a vulnerability can be published is when afix is provided by the package maintainers. If a fixis provided (before 45 days), then npm publishes thevulnerability along with the version of the package thatfixes the vulnerability. At this stage, the potential threatis not as high as when a no fix is provided, but now theonus is on the application maintainers to make sure thatthey pull in the latest fixes, otherwise they are riskingbeing exploited.

Typically, the vulnerability publish date is after the re-port and notification dates. It is important to note thatalthough the aforementioned stages are generally sequen-tial, we do see cases where it is not. For example, in somecases we see vulnerabilities with a fix date that precedes itsreporting or publication date. The race between developersand attackers starts as soon as a vulnerability is discovered.We use the different stages of a vulnerability to examine thepotential threat of software vulnerabilities next.

2.2 Threat LevelsAs shown earlier, the different stages that a vulnerabilitygoes through significantly impact its threat. Hence, ourstudy is based on the idea that vulnerabilities should beexamined while taking their threat into consideration as thevulnerability timing makes them hard to exploit. We use thevarious stages to ground our argument and define threespecific threat levels:

1) Low threat - before discovery (report). Since verylittle (or nothing at all) is known about a vulnerabilitybefore it is found, i.e., vulnerabilities are hidden in theapplications, we believe that its potential threats andchances of being exploited are very low. Hence, weclassify all vulnerabilities at this stage as having lowthreat.

2) Medium threat - after discovery & before publication:Once a vulnerability has been discovered, there is po-tential that others may also know about it. Moreover,since at this stage the public is still not aware of thevulnerability, the vulnerability might be exploited bypeople who know about it somehow and have the ca-

Page 3: On the Threat of npm Vulnerable Dependencies in Node.js ... · real-world, active, and mature open source Node.js applications. Our findings show that although 67.93% of the examined

Figure 1: Classification of threats over the vulnerability lifecy-cle.

pability to exploit it. Hence, we classify vulnerabilitiesat this stage as having medium threat.

3) High threat - after publication: After publication thisis the time when the chance of exploitability is highest.Of course, if a fix is provided, then the risk is lower,however, if the application does not update then it stillfaces a major risk of being exploited. If a fix is notprovided, then all applications are at a very high riskof being exploited, hence, we classify all vulnerabilitiesat this stage as having high threat.

3 NPM DEPENDENCY MANAGEMENTWe use our defined threat levels to examine vulnerabledependencies in Node.js applications. Since determiningvulnerable dependencies heavily relies on the managementof the dependencies and how they are resolved, in thissection, we highlight how npm dependency managementworks.

Node Packages Manager (npm) is the main packagemanager used by Node.js applications to manage theirdependencies [9]. npm has a registry where packages arepublished and maintained. To date, npm registry hosts morethan 1.3M packages, and has had the highest growth ratein terms of packages amongst all known programminglanguages [10].

To determine the threat of vulnerable dependencies inNode.js applications, we need to understand two impor-tant mechanisms of the npm ecosystem: 1) how Node.jsapplications specify their npm dependencies and 2) hownpm resolves a dependency version, i.e., find the depen-dency version to install in a Node.js application. Node.jsapplications specify their dependencies in a JSON-formatfile, called package.json, which lists the dependencies andtheir versioning constraints. The versioning constraint isa convention to specify the dependency version(s) of thepackage that an application is willing to depend upon. Theversion constraints can be static, requiring a specific versionof the dependency (e.g., “P:1.0.0” ), or dynamic specifyinga range of versions of the dependency (e.g., “P:>1.0.0”).Typically, developers use dynamic versioning constraintsif they want to install the latest version of a dependency,allowing them to get the latest updates/security fixes ofthe package. When a dynamic version is used, the resolvedversion (i.e., the actual version) corresponds to the latestinstallable version that satisfies the constraint [11].

Node.js applications can specify two sets of dependen-cies in their package.json file: development and produc-tion dependencies. Development dependencies are installedonly on development environments, and consequently, is-sues that may arise from them (e.g., vulnerabilities andbugs) have no impact on production environments. On the

other hand, production dependencies (also called runtimedependencies) are installed on both production and de-velopment environments. In our work, we only considerproduction dependencies in our analysis since they are theones that impact the production environment [12].


To examine the degree to which applications rely on vul-nerable dependencies and how threatening such vulnerabledependencies are within the applications, we study a largedataset of mature and active Node.js applications that useexternal dependencies. First, we describe our data collectionin Section 4.1. Then, in Section 4.2 we explain how weuse our threat levels to identify and classify the vulnerabledependencies in the Node.js applications. We leverage thecollected data to answer the following research questions.

• RQ1: How are the threat levels of vulnerable dependen-cies distributed in the studied Node.js applications?

• RQ2: How does the distribution of the threat levelschange as the studied applications evolve?

• RQ3: Who is responsible for the dependence on highthreat vulnerable dependencies?

4.1 Data CollectionOur study examines vulnerable dependencies in Node.jsapplications. We chose to focus on Javascript due to its widepopularity amongst the development community [13].

Packages vs. Applications. The software community classi-fies JavaScript projects into two categories: 1) packages, alsoreferred to as libraries, which are included in other applica-tions using dependency management tools to help facilitateand speed up development. Packages are referred to as”dependencies” of an application. 2) applications are stan-dalone software projects, which are distinct from libraries,where they are not distributed via a package manager andare typically applications for clients and end users ratherthan components to build upon. As mentioned before, theNode.js applications mainly state the packages they dependon (i.e., dependencies) in a file called package.json.

To perform our study, we leverage two datasets:(1) Node.js applications that use npm to manage theirdependencies, and (2) Security vulnerabilities that affectnpm packages. To do so, we (i) obtain the Node.jsapplications from GitHub, (ii) extract their dependencies,and (iii) obtain the security vulnerabilities for npmpackages from npm advisories [14]. The dataset collectiontook place during May and June of 2019.

(i) Applications Dataset. To analyse a large number of opensource JavaScript applications that depend on npm pack-ages and obtain insights on their security vulnerabilities,we mine the GHTorrent dataset [15] and extract informa-tion about all Node.js applications hosted on GitHub. TheGHTorrent dataset contains a total of 7,863,361 JavaScriptprojects hosted on GitHub, of which 2,289,130 use npmas their package management platform (i.e., these projectscontain a file called package.json). Moreover, since both

Page 4: On the Threat of npm Vulnerable Dependencies in Node.js ... · real-world, active, and mature open source Node.js applications. Our findings show that although 67.93% of the examined

Node.js packages and applications can use GitHub as their de-velopment repository, and our applications dataset shouldonly contain Node.js applications, we filter out the GitHubprojects that are actually npm packages by checking theirGitHub URL on the npm registry. The main reason thatwe focused on applications and not packages is becausepackages become exploitable only when used and deployedin an application, i.e., packages do not reside on their ownin production, they should be part of applications that makeuse of them. This filtering excludes 328,343 projects from ourlist of GitHub projects as they are identified as packages andnot applications.

As shown in previous studies [16], [17], some projectson GitHub are immature, hence, to make this study morereliable we refined the dataset using additional filteringcriteria to eliminate such immature projects. In particular,we gather applications that satisfy all the following criteria:

• Non-forked applications, as we do not want to haveduplicated project history to bias our analysis.

• Applications that depend upon more than two depen-dencies.

• Applications that have at least 100 commits by morethan two contributors, which indicates a minimal levelof commit activity.

• Applications that have had their creation date (firstcommit) before January 1st 2017. Since vulnerabilitiestake on median 3 years to be discovered [18], appli-cations in our dataset need to have a developmenthistory long enough to have had a chance for theirvulnerabilities to be discovered.

• Applications that have had their latest commit afterJanuary 1st 2017, as we want to analyze applicationsthat had some level of development in the last 3 years.

After applying these refinement criteria, we end upwith 6,673 Node.js applications that make use of npmpackages. Table 1 shows descriptive statistics on theselected Node.js applications in our dataset. Overall,the applications in our dataset have a rich developmenthistory (a median of 213 commits made by 4 developersand 1,657 days of development lifespan) and make ampleuse of external dependencies (a median of 11 dependencies).

(ii) Application Dependencies. After obtaining theapplications dataset, we want to extract the history ofdependency changes of all applications. This is necessaryto identify the exact dependency versions that would beinstalled by the application at any specific point-in-time.As mentioned in Section 3, Node.js applications specifytheir dependencies in the package.json file, which containsthe dependency list, containing the dependent uponpackages and their respective version constraints. Hence,we extract all changes that touched the package.json fileand associate each commit hash and commit date to theirrespective package.json dependency list, creating a historyof dependency changes for all applications. Note that thesedependencies are not yet resolved, that is, we only have theversion constraints (not the versions) for the dependenciesof each application.

(iii) NPM Advisories Dataset. To identify Node.js applica-tions that depend on vulnerable packages, we need to collect

Table 1: Statistics of the 6,673 studied Node.js applications.

Metric Min. Median(x) Mean(µ) Max.

Commits 100 213 384.60 53,872Dependencies 3 11 14.93 114Developers 3 4 5.33 52Lifespan (in days) 151 1,657 1,730.07 3,575

Table 2: Descriptive statistics on the npm advisories dataset.

Vulnerability reports 642Vulnerable packages 589Versions of vulnerable packages 26,462Affected versions by vulnerability 13,868

information on npm vulnerable packages. We resort to theNPM advisories registry to obtain the required informationabout all npm vulnerable packages [14]. The npm advisoriesdataset is the official registry for npm vulnerability reports,which contains a number of JavaScript vulnerabilities, spe-cific to the Node.js-platform packages.

This dataset provides several kinds of information aboutvulnerable packages relevant to our study. Each report hasthe affected package name, the package versions affected bythe vulnerability, and the versions in which the vulnerabiliywas fixed (safe versions). The report also contains boththe vulnerability discovered (reported) time and publishedtime, which we use in our approach for identifying and clas-sifying vulnerabilities (Section 4.2). Note that a vulnerablepackage could be affected by several vulnerabilities (i.e.,a vulnerable package appears with different vulnerabilityreports due to different vulnerability types).

Our initial dataset contains 654 security reports thatcover 601 vulnerable packages. Following the criteria filtra-tion process applied by Decan et al. [18], we removed 12 vul-nerable packages of the type ”Malicious Package”, becausethey do not actually introduce vulnerable code. These vul-nerabilities are packages with names close to popular pack-ages (a.k.a. typo-squatting) in an attempt to deceive users atinstalling harmful packages. The 12 vulnerable packages ac-count for 12 vulnerability reports. At the end of this filteringprocess, we are left with 642 security vulnerabilities reportsaffecting 589 distinct vulnerable packages. These packageshave combined 26,462 distinct package versions of which13,868 are affected by vulnerabilities from our report. Table 2shows the summary statistics for vulnerability reports onnpm packages.

4.2 Identifying and Classifying Vulnerable Dependen-cies in Node.js ApplicationsTo classify the threat level of vulnerable dependencies ata specific point in the development history of a Node.jsapplication, which we refer to as the analyzed snapshot time,we leverage 3-step approach. Figure 2 provides an overviewof our approach, which we detail below:Step 1. Extract dependencies and resolve versions. Thegoal of this step is to extract applications dependenciesand find the actual dependency version installed at theanalyzed snapshot time. For each application, we extractthe dependency list (with the versioning constraints) at thatsnapshot time from the history of dependency changes.After that, to find the actual version of each dependencyat the analyzed snapshot, we utilize the semver tool [19]that is used by npm to find the latest version that satisfies

Page 5: On the Threat of npm Vulnerable Dependencies in Node.js ... · real-world, active, and mature open source Node.js applications. Our findings show that although 67.93% of the examined

Applications Dataset

Extract dependencies and resolve versions

Identify vulnerable dependency


Identify threat levels of vulnerable


Figure 2: Approach for identifying and classifying vulnerable dependencies in Node.js applications.

the versioning constraint, with an additional restrictionthat the satisfying version should have been released (inthe npm registry) before the application snapshot time. Forexample, an application can specify a versioning constraint(“P:>1.0.0”) at the snapshot May 2016. Hence, the actualinstalled version is the latest version that is greater than1.0.0 and also has been released in the npm registry beforeMay 2016. This step allows us to find the installed versionof the dependency at the analyzed snapshot time.

Step 2. Identify vulnerable dependency versions. Afterdetermining the resolved (and presumably installed)version at the analyzed snapshot time, we check whetherthe resolved version is vulnerably or not. To do so, we checkthe advisories dataset for the versions that were available atthat snapshot point. If the resolved version is covered by theadvisories dataset, we label it as a vulnerable dependencyversion. We skip the whole next step if the dependencyversion has not been mentioned in any advisory, i.e., thedependency version is not vulnerable.

Step 3. Identify threat levels of vulnerable versions.Once we identify the vulnerable dependency versions atthe analyzed snapshot time, we classify each vulnerabledependency version using one of the threat levels we de-fined earlier (in Section 2.2), i.e., we find out the threat levelof each vulnerable dependency version. To do so, for eachvulnerable version, we compare its vulnerability discovery(report) and publication time to the analyzed snapshot time.As we stated previously (in Section 2.2), if the vulnerabilitypublication time of the vulnerable dependency version isbefore the application’s snapshot time then we mark thevulnerability as high threat vulnerability. If the vulnerabilityof the dependency was not published but only discovered(reported) before the application’s snapshot time, then wemark it as medium. And finally, if it was neither publishednor discovered (reported) before the analyzed snapshot time(i.e., no one knows about it at that snapshot time), then wemark it as low.

In cases where more than one vulnerability affects thevulnerable dependency version, we resort to a weakest linkapproach (i.e., we label the vulnerable dependency versionwith the highest threat level). For example, if we find thatthe vulnerable version of the dependency is affected by twovulnerabilities -one having low threat and another as highthreat, we label the vulnerable dependency version as highat that snapshot time.

4.3 Replication PackageTo facilitate verification and advancement of research in thefield, a replication package comprising the data used in our

study along with the analyses used in our study is publiclyavailable1.

5 CASE STUDY RESULTSIn this section, we present our case study results that answerour 3 research questions (RQ). For each RQ, we motivate thequestion, detail the approach used and present the results.

RQ1: How are the threat levels of vulnerable dependen-cies distributed in the studied Node.js applications?Motivation: Prior work showed that a significant amountof application code comes from third party packages, anda non-negligible amount of these packages are affected byknown security vulnerabilities [2]. However, we argue thatnot all vulnerabilities should be treated equally. Hence, inthis RQ we would like to quantify how many of our studiedapplications have at least one vulnerable dependency andwhat the threat level of these vulnerable dependencies is.Answering this question will help us understand the realrisk/threat of vulnerable packages on the software applica-tions.Approach: In order to perform an unbiased analysis, weneed to account for vulnerability discovery time. Prior workshowed that vulnerabilities in npm take on median 3 yearsto be discovered and publicly announced [18]. As a conse-quence, selecting snapshots of our applications in 2019 willpaint an incomplete picture, as most vulnerabilities recentlyintroduced in the package’s code would remain hidden fora median of 3 years.

Since we collected the advisories dataset in May/June2019, we chose to evaluate our applications as of May 2016(3 years prior), which ensures that at least half the depen-dency vulnerabilities introduced in the code are reported inthe current advisories dataset.

Then, we answer our RQ in two steps. First, we examineif the selected snapshot of the application had at least onedependency that contains a vulnerability (irrespective ofits threat level). Then, to determine the threat level of thevulnerable dependencies in the examined applications, wefocus only on the set of applications that have at least onevulnerable dependency using the methodology describedin Section 4.2. In the second step, we quantify the numberof vulnerable dependencies in the applications under eachthreat level. We first check the percentage of overall vulner-able dependencies in each application and illustrate theirdistribution using a Boxplot. We further analyze the distri-bution of these vulnerable dependencies across the threatlevels and plot it using three Boxplots, one for each threatlevel. For example, an application could have 10% of its


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of V













Medium High



ge o

f Vul


ble D




N = 80,373M = 10,154

Figure 3: Boxplots showing the distributions of the percentageof overall vulnerable dependencies in the applications (leftboxplot), and how these percentages are distributed acrossthreat levels (right boxplot). N and M are the total number ofdependencies and the total number of vulnerable dependen-cies, respectively.

dependencies as vulnerable at the analysed snapshot, andsuch percentage (i.e., 10%) could be distributed across thethreat levels as follows: 25% of the vulnerable dependenciesare classified as low threat, 60% of them are classified asmedium, and 15% as high.Results: Of the 6,673 studied applications 67.93% (4533 ap-plications) depend on at least one vulnerable dependency.The affected applications contains a total of 10,154 vulnera-ble dependencies from 149 distinct vulnerable packages. The149 packages comprises 23.21% of the overall vulnerablepackages in the npm advisories dataset.

Figure 3 shows the percentage of vulnerable dependen-cies per application (left boxplot), and the distribution ofvulnerable dependencies at different threat levels (right box-plot). It shows that, on median, 14.29% of the dependenciesin the affected application (i.e., applications with at least1 vulnerable dependency) are vulnerable. Also, Figure 3shows that such percentage of vulnerable dependencies (i.e.,14.29%) is distributed as follows: 94.91% of the vulnerabledependencies are classified as low threat vulnerabilities,2.06% of them are classified as medium, and 3.03% areclassified as high.

Table 3: Mann-Whitney Test (p-value) and Cliff’s Delta (d) forthe different threat levels.

Threat Levels p-value Cliff’s Delta (d)

Low vs. Medium 2.2e-16 0.984 (large)Low vs. High 2.2e-16 0.970 (large)Medium vs. High 2.2e-16 0.335 (medium)

To statistically verify our observation, we perform aone-sided non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test [20] bycomparing the distributions between the different threatlevels. Table 3 shows the p-values and effect size values. Weobserve a statistically significant differences between (low

and medium), (low and high), (medium and high), at p-value < 0.05 for all comparisons. Furthermore, we observe,using Cliff’s delta [21], a large effect size for the differencesbetween low and medium, low and high. Also, we founda medium effect size for the difference between mediumand high. This indicates that the differences between thedifferent threat levels are statistically significant.

Our findings show that 67.93% of the examined ap-plications depend on at least one vulnerable package.However, the vast majority (94.91%) of these depen-dencies have low threat.

RQ2: How does the distribution of the threat levelschange as the studied applications evolve?

Motivation: Thus far, we have analyzed the vulnerabilitythreats of a single snapshot of each application in ourdataset. However, our findings may differ as the applica-tions evolve. For example, a vulnerability with high threaton a given day could have had low threat the week before.

Hence, in this RQ we would like to determine whetherour results generalize to different historical snapshots in theapplication’s development lifetime. Such an evolutionaryexamination allows us to discover whether the trend of thethreat levels changes across different stages of an applica-tion’s lifetime.Approach: Since the different applications are of differentlifespans, we want to find a measure that makes comparingthem feasible. To do so, we use the number of commits as away to divide the applications into different intervals. Sincecommit frequency and time between commits vary fromone application to another, we normalize the applications bysegmenting the lifetimes of each application into five equalintervals (each containing 20% of an application’s lifetimeby time in days), take one snapshot at each interval, thenanalyze it. Although this might seem like a straightforwardtask, it poses some challenges, since we have a large appli-cations dataset and the package.json file in them is updatedsignificantly over the application’s lifetime. For this analysis,we only consider the affected applications identified in RQ1.The last snapshot (at 100%) is the same snapshot that weanalyzed in RQ1 (i.e., May 2016).

Table 4: The percentage of vulnerable applications at differenthistorical snapshots.

Snapshot VulnerableApplications

20% 55.31%40% 58.17%60% 60.87%80% 63.03%100% 67.93%

Results: Table 4 shows the percentage of applications thathave at least one vulnerable dependency for the 5 analyzedsnapshots across their lifetime. We observe that the per-centage of vulnerable applications steadily increases eachsnapshot and varies between 55.31 - 67.93% in the studiedapplications.

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20 40 60 80 100



ge o

f Vul






Overall Vulnerable Dependencies






20 40 60 80 100



ge o

f Vul






Low Threat






20 40 60 80 100



ge o

f Vul






Medium Threat






20 40 60 80 100



ge o

f Vul






High Threat

N = 56,588 M = 7,534





Figure 4: Boxplots showing the percentage of overall vulnerable dependencies and their distribution in each threat level over thestudied snapshots. N and M are the total number of dependencies and the total number of vulnerable dependencies, respectively.

Figure 4 illustrates the distributions of the percentageof vulnerable dependencies at each threat level over thestudied snapshots. The total number of dependencies (N)and the total number of vulnerable dependencies (M) in thestudied applications are shown at the bottom of Figure 4.The raw numbers of the dependencies show that the totalnumber of dependencies increases over time, and so doesthe raw number of vulnerable dependencies.

From Figure 4, we observe that the affected applicationsdepend on vulnerable dependencies at an earlier stage (i.e.,at 20%) of their lifetime. However, we also observe that thetrend observed in RQ1 remains the same, i.e., the overallpercentage of vulnerable dependencies ranges between14.29% - 14.68%. Also, the majority of the vulnerabilitieshave a low threat level, followed by high and mediumthreat. To sum up, our analysis shows that all trendsobserved in RQ1 also hold at different stages of theapplications, albeit the raw number of dependencies doesincrease.

As applications evolve, the overall number of vulner-able dependencies is increasing, however, the medianpercentage of vulnerable dependencies remains mostlyconstant. Moreover, the majority of vulnerabilitiesthey face remain as low threat vulnerabilities, as theseapplications evolve.

RQ3: Who is responsible for the dependence on highthreat vulnerable dependencies?Motivation: In the previous research questions, we foundthat the majority of affected dependencies are impactedby low threat vulnerabilities, throughout applications de-velopment history. However, a sizeable number of projectsdepend on high threat dependencies, which are the most im-portant. This means that those applications depend on vul-nerable versions of dependencies even after the vulnerabil-ity reports have been discovered (reported)-and-published.In such cases, the developers of the applications could knowabout the presence of the vulnerability in the dependency,and hence, should avoid using that vulnerable version, ifa fix is available. Specifically, we want to know who isto blame - the package maintainers for not providing a

Table 5: The percentage of vulnerabilities caused by the lackof available fix patch (Package-to-blame) vs caused by thelack of dependencies update (Application-to-blame), over theapplications snapshot.

Snapshot Package-to-blame Application-to-blame

20% 12.06% 87.94%40% 9.52% 90.48%60% 11.91% 88.09%80% 12.43% 87.57%100% 9.24% 90.76%

version that fixes a known vulnerability - or the applica-tion maintainers for not keeping their applications up-to-date. Answering this will help us pinpoint the causes forhigh threat vulnerabilities in npm applications and developfurther strategies to solve this problem.Approach: To perform our investigation and answer whois responsible for the high threat vulnerabilities in appli-cations, we use the same method to determine high threatvulnerabilities as presented in the first two RQs.

For each high threat vulnerable dependency, we checkthe availability of a safe version of the package for thevulnerability at the analyzed snapshot time. Depending onsuch availability our analysis has one of two outcomes:

• Package-to-blame: if at the analyzed snapshot, no safeversion has been provided by the package maintainersfor a publicly known vulnerability. As the publicationof a vulnerability comes after a period of 45 days, weconsider the package maintainers the responsible forthe high threat vulnerability in applications.

• Application-to-blame: if there is already a released safeversion of the vulnerable package but the applicationcontinues to rely on an (old) version with a publiclyknown vulnerability. Application developers shouldmonitor their dependencies and update to releaseswithout known vulnerabilities, hence, we consider theapplication maintainers as responsible for the highthreat vulnerability.

Results: Table 5 shows the percentage of high threat vul-nerabilities based on our responsibility analysis. From Ta-ble 5, we observe that for high threat vulnerabilities, theapplication is to blame in 90.76% of the cases at the last

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snapshot (i.e., 100%). That means that in 9 out of 10 casesthe high threat vulnerability had an available fix, but theapplications did not update their dependencies to receivethe last fix patch. Note that this observation holds over allsnapshots, with percentages of application-to-blame casesvarying from 87.94% to 90.76%.

Therefore, and perhaps counter-intuitively, high threatvulnerabilities do not exist because packages have unfixedvulnerabilities, rather the real cause is the fact that theseapplications fail to keep up or at least to inform themselveswell enough about a given dependency version. Hence, amajor implication of our study is that application develop-ers need to take updates pushed from their dependenciesseriously, or at least actively track their dependencies, sincethose can lead to very serious effects.

It is important to note that we do not argue about theseverity of the vulnerabilities, but rather their likelihoodthreat of being exploited. Hence, a low severity vulnerabilitycan be very dangerous if everyone knows how to exploitit (high threat level according to our classification). Theinverse is also true in that a high severity vulnerability canhave a very low chance of being exploited if no one knowsabout its existence (low threat level).

Our findings show that applications not updatingtheir dependencies, are the main cause of high threat(more than 87%) vulnerabilities.

6 DISCUSSIONIn this section, we first address the cost of migrating depen-dencies for a safer version (Section 6.1). Then, we discusshow our findings of vulnerable dependencies may lead toimplications to researchers and practitioners (Section 6.2).

6.1 Security Migration CostDevelopers of Node.js applications may use dynamic ver-sioning constraints if they want to install the latest versionof a dependency, allowing them to get the latest updatesfor security fixes of the package. In fact, npm adopts asemantic version scheme [19], where package maintainersare encouraged to specify the extent of their updates in threedifferent levels: 1) patch release, which indicates backwardcompatible bug fixes, 2) minor release, which indicates back-wards compatible new features and 3) major release, whichinforms developers of backwards incompatible changes inthe package release. While our study (RQ3) showed that90.76% of high-threat vulnerabilities have a safe versionavailable for application maintainers (at the snapshot 100%),we manually inspected the fixed versions and the applica-tions version constraints and found that in 43.07% of thecases, the fix is only available in another major release.For instance, an application depends on P:1.0.0, and thefix patch was only released for a major version 2.0.0 andonwards. Hence, to benefit from a fix patch in such a case,developers are required to upgrade their dependencies atthe risk of breaking their own code, since a new majorrelease has breaking changes compared to the version theapplication depends on. This imposes significant migrationcosts, especially for large projects that depend on dozensof packages. Furthermore, this shows that using dynamic

versioning at the level of patch and minor releases (asrecommended by npm) does not completely prevent highthreat level vulnerabilities for affecting Node.js applications.

6.2 ImplicationsImplications to researchers. Several studies have addressedthe problem of vulnerabilities in software libraries [5], [18].Our study, however, complements previous studies by an-alyzing the risks of vulnerable dependencies in the Node.jsapplications, aggregating the vulnerability lifecycle throughthe threat level metric.

Researchers can use our empirical evidence to betterunderstand the risks Node.js applications face due to theirhigh reliance on dependencies. Our results show that mostvulnerable dependencies found in a application snapshothave a low risk of being exploited when considering thelifecycle of vulnerabilities and how applications updatetheir dependencies. Our results also show that the timeelement is crucial to understanding the threat of vulnerabledependencies in applications.

Hence, a major implication of our study for researchersis that not all vulnerabilities are equal, and should not betreated and analyzed as such. Research needs to accountfor more than the existence of vulnerabilities to draw moremeaningful analyses regarding software security, particu-larly for applications in software ecosystems where the levelof dependency continues to increase. Research can use ourthreat-level approach to provide a more refined picturewhen reporting the impact of vulnerabilities. Researcherscan also reuse our approach to help them identify andclassify vulnerable dependencies in the applications (inSection 4.2).

Furthermore, more studies across ecosystems arenecessary to get a broader perspective on the threatlevel of vulnerability dependencies. npm is one of thelargest ecosystems and since applications depend onan increasingly high number of packages [12], Node.jsapplications may be subjected to higher risk of vulnerabledependencies. Further investigation could unveil if thispattern holds in other ecosystems.

Implications to practitioners. Our results revealed impor-tant takeaways for software practitioners. First, vulnerabledependencies are common, 67.93% of the studied Node.jsapplications had at least one vulnerable dependency at thelast studied snapshot. Practitioners need to be in constantalert to update their dependencies and tools that increaseawareness of vulnerabilities, such as Dependabot [22] andnpm audit [23] are evermore crucial for the safety of soft-ware applications, especially because they warn developersas soon as the vulnerability becomes of a high threat level.

Second, practitioners also need to account for the threatlevel of a vulnerability to have a more correct understand-ing of software vulnerabilities in software ecosystems. Ourmethod of analysis can also be used by developers to iden-tify packages that more often raise the threat level in theirapplications. Also, while vulnerabilities are widespread inopen-source packages in the npm, in most cases packagemaintainers issue a fix patch for their vulnerability as soonas it becomes public, which is crucial to mitigate the chances

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of having a vulnerability exploited and cause potential harmto end-users and application maintainers.

Third, our study showed that developers are in needof more tools that go beyond simply warning them of apublished vulnerability. For example, they need tools to helpthem understand: 1) the costs of migrating to a safer versionand whether it is possible to fix a vulnerability withoutbreaking their code, 2) the frequency in which certain de-pendencies have become vulnerable in the past, in order tograb the threats of depending on such packages and betterplan their project maintenance, 3) history of all vulnerabledependencies of their application in order to understandthe frequency and the duration in which their applicationbecame at the risk of a high threat vulnerability in the past.Packages that do not update their code to address reportedvulnerabilities incur in a high risk for applications that usethem and should be avoided by critical applications.

7 RELATED WORKThe work most related to our study falls into two maincategories - studies on software ecosystems and studieson security vulnerabilities in packages. In the following,we discuss the related work and reflect on how the workcompares with ours.

7.1 Software EcosystemsA plethora of recent work focused on software ecosystems.Several works compare different ecosystems. For example,Decan et al. [12] empirically compared the evolution of7 popular package ecosystem using different aspects, e.g.,growth, changeability, resuability, and fragility. They ob-served that the number of packages in those ecosystems isgrowing over time, showing their increasing importance.

Other work focused specifically on npm [24], [25], [26].For example, Fard et al. [24] examined the evolution ofdependencies within an npm project, and showed that thereis a heavily interdependence, with the average number ofdependencies being 6 and growing over time. Wittern etal. [26] investigated the evolution of npm using metricssuch as dependencies between packages, download count,and usage count in JavaScript applications. They found thatpackages in the npm ecosystem are steadily growing. Suchamounts of packages make the spread and discovery ofvulnerabilities much worse, given the heavy dependence onsuch packages and the potential security problems in thosepackages.

Other studies pointed out the fragility of softwareecosystems and provided insights on the challenges ap-plication developers face. For example, Bogart et al. [27],[28] examined the Eclipse, CRAN, and npm ecosystems,focusing on what practices cause API breakages. They foundthat a main reason for breaking changes are the updates ofa dependency. This finding may explain why applicationdevelopers are hesitant to update and explain why we seehigh threat vulnerabilities impacting applications that donot update in time.

Our study differs from the prior work since we focuson the threat level of dependency vulnerabilities in Node.jsapplications. Moreover, we examine how this threat levelchanges as applications evolve and examine the reasonthat high threat dependency vulnerabilities exist. That said,

much of the aforementioned work motivated us to studynpm and focus on examining vulnerabilities in applicationdependencies.

7.2 Security Vulnerabilities in Dependencies/PackagesSeveral works in the literature studied vulnerabilities thatcome from dependencies [29], [30], [31], [32], [33]. For ex-ample, Di Penta et al. [29] and Pham et al. [30] conductedempirical studies to analyze the evolution of vulnerabil-ities in source code, and found that most vulnerabilitiesare recurring due to software code reuse or libraries (i.e.,dependencies). Cox et al. [31] evaluated “dependency fresh-ness” to understand the relationship between outdated de-pendencies and vulnerabilities using industry benchmarks,and found that vulnerabilities were four times as muchlikely to have existed in outdated systems than in updatedsystems. Relative studies by Massacci et al. [32] and Derr etal. [33] are in line with [31]. In general, they both reportedthat vulnerabilities appeared commonly in non-maintainedcode and old versions, and this could be fixed by just anupdate to a newer version. Our study complements thesestudies by examining the threat of these vulnerabilities inthe dependent applications.

More specifically, vulnerabilities that affect packages inecosystems have been studied broadly [4], [17]. For ex-ample, Kula et al. [17] analyzed the Maven ecosystem onmore than 4,000 GitHub projects that correspond to 850,000library migrations, and found that projects were heavilydependent on these libraries, and most projects (i.e. 81.5%)had outdated libraries. The study also mentioned (basedon interviews conducted with developers) that developersdo not update dependencies, and 69% of the intervieweddevelopers tend to be not aware of their vulnerable de-pendencies. Pashchenko et al. [4] studied the vulnerabilityimpact of 200 open-source Java libraries commonly used inSAP [34] organisation, and found that 20% of the vulner-able dependencies are not deployed, and hence, they arenot exploitable in practice. Moreover, they found that themajority of the vulnerable dependencies (81%) can be fixedby a simple upgrade to a newer safe version, suggestingthat software development companies have to allocate theiraudit tools correctly.

Other recent work focused on analyzing vulnerabili-ties in the npm ecosystem. For example, Hejderup’s [35]analysed only 19 vulnerable packages and found that thenumber of vulnerabilities in them is growing over time.Similarly, Decan et al. [18] analyzed the vulnerabilities inthe npm ecosystem and found that the number of vul-nerabilities is growing over time. Also, they reported thatit takes a long time to discover vulnerabilities that affectnpm packages. Our study complements this study by ana-lyzing the risks of vulnerable dependencies in the Node.jsapplications (not addressed by the study [18]), aggregatingthe vulnerability lifecycle through the threat level metric.A recent study by Zapata et al. [5] assessed the danger ofhaving vulnerabilities in dependent libraries by analyzingfunction calls of the vulnerable functions. They manuallyanalyzed 60 projects that depend on vulnerabilities, andfound that 73.3% of them were actually safe because theydid not make use of the vulnerable functionality of theirdependencies, showing that there is a considerable overesti-mation on previous reports. Our study identifies yet another

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source of overestimation by including a time-based analy-sis into a large and comprehensive set of applications (i.e.,6,673 Node.js applications). Zimmermann et al. [36] studiedthe security threat of the npm ecosystem dependencies bymainly analysing the maintainers role and responsibilitiesfor vulnerable packages. They mainly observed that a verysmall number of maintainers’ accounts (i.e., 20 accounts)could be used to inject malicious code into thousands ofnpm packages, a problem that has been increasing overtime. Zerouali et al. [37] studied npm vulnerable packages inDocker containers, and found that they are common in thecontainers, suggesting that Docker containers should keeptheir npm dependencies updated.

To assess the impact of vulnerable dependencies in thedependent Java applications, Plate et al. [38] proposed anapproach that provides a fine-grained assessment of thevulnerabilities that affect dependencies in dependent Javaapplications. In particular, the approach first determineswhether or not the application makes use of the librarythat is known to be vulnerable. Then, the approach triesto determine whether or not the application executes thefragment of the dependency where the vulnerable codeis located. Furthermore, Ponta et al. [39] built upon theirprevious approach in [38] to generalize their vulnerabilitydetection approach by using static and dynamic analysisto determine whether the vulnerable code in the library isreachable through the application call paths. Their proposedapproach is implemented in a tool called, Vulas, which is anofficial software used by SAP to scan its Java code.

Our study focuses on analyzing the threat of npm vul-nerabilities in dependencies, which affected applicationsthat rely on them. In many ways, our study complementsthe related work since, (1) instead of studying security vul-nerabilities that exist in packages, we particularly focus onthe threat of such vulnerable packages by real-world opensource applications; (2) we provide a threat classification forsoftware vulnerabilities based on their lifetime, and we useour classification and perform an empirical study on Node.jsapplications.


Construct Validity considers the relationship between the-ory and observation, in case the measured variables do notmeasure the actual factors. Our dataset contains 654 vul-nerabilities available in the npm advisories dataset. Theremight be other vulnerable packages that have been discov-ered but not yet reported. However, we leveraged up-to-date dataset from npm advisories, which we believe con-tains complete information about the vulnerable packagesreported to them.

With respect to the affected dependencies, we only takeinto consideration production dependencies (i.e., dependen-cies that are required to install and run the application).We ignore other types (e.g., development dependencies),because they have no direct impact on the production en-vironment.

This paper only considered direct dependencies. Ourresults may vary if indirect dependencies are considered,however, due to computation requirements, we focused onthe direct dependencies of applications. In the future, we

plan to expand our technique to consider indirect depen-dencies when considering the threat of vulnerabilities.

We did not consider whether the vulnerablefunctionality in the package actually affects the application,i.e., whether the applications uses the vulnerable code ofthe package. Considering this would be challenging, sinceour dataset is composed of thousands of applications. Thatsaid, our analysis is in line with prior work in the areaof software ecosystems, which also examine dependenciesin the package.json file to associate packages to applications.

External Validity is related to the generalizability of ourfindings. Our study is based on Node.js applications that usenpm. Hence our results may not generalize to applicationswritten in other languages. However, the key concepts anddesign of our study can be applied on other package depen-dency networks. Although npm is a single case, examplesfrom the past have shown that individual cases contributeto the building of a general empirical evidence softwareengineering [40].

Our dataset contains 6,673 JavaScript applications thatuse npm packages. Our dataset might be considered smallwhen it is compared to the whole population of JavaScriptapplications. However, our dataset is of high quality, sincewe filtered out applications that are immature and have lessdevelopment history, by using the filtering criteria used byKalliamvakou et al. [16].


Our study examined software vulnerabilities in npm de-pendencies with respect to their threat on the dependentNode.js applications. First, we defined three levels of threatfor software vulnerabilities in dependencies based on theirlifecycle and performed an empirical study on 6,673 Node.jsapplications to assess how threatening the vulnerable de-pendencies that exist in these applications really are. Ourfindings indicate that the vast majority of vulnerable de-pendencies have low threat on applications that dependupon them. Although 67.93% of the examined applicationsdepend on at least one vulnerable package, 94.91% of thevulnerable dependencies are classified as having low threat.Moreover, we examined why these applications end updepending on high threat vulnerable versions of these de-pendencies. We observed that, in the case of high threatvulnerabilities, the applications are to blame in more than87% of the cases, i.e., a fix for the vulnerable dependency isavailable but not patched in the application. These findingsshow that the assumption that all vulnerabilities that exist inpackages will impact applications the same way is not cor-rect and that vulnerable packages are not always to blame.Finally, our further analysis shows that all of the observedtrends hold across the different stages of the applications’lifetime.

In the future, we plan to further elaborate on the impactof the various threat vulnerabilities on the applications’functionality level. Other data sources can be added toenhance the risk assessment, e.g., severity, exploitability, etc.We also aim to examine if our findings hold for applicationswritten in different programming languages.

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Mahmoud Alfadel is a PhD student in the De-partment of Computer Science and SoftwareEngineering at Concordia University in Canada.Mahmoud obtained a B.Sc. in Informatics fromDamascus University in Syria (2014) and anM.Sc. in Computer Science from King Fahd Uni-versity of Petroleum and Minerals in Saudi Ara-bia (2017). His research interests include empiri-cal software engineering, mining software repos-itories, and vulnerabilities in software ecosys-tems.

Diego Elias Costa is a postdoctoral researcherin the Department of Computer Science andSoftware Engineering at Concordia University.He received his PhD in Computer Sciencefrom Heidelberg University. His research inter-ests cover a wide range of software engineer-ing and performance engineering related top-ics, including mining software repositories, em-pirical software engineering, performance test-ing, memory-leak detection, and adaptive datastructures. You can find more about him at http:


Mouafak Mkhallalati is a Masters graduate.Mouafak obtained his M.Sc. at Concordia Uni-versity in Canada. Mouafak has hands-on expe-rience as a software engineer working on a vari-ety of technologies, languages, and paradigms.His research interests include Software Security,Software Testing, and mining software reposito-ries.

Emad Shihab is an associate professor in theDepartment of Computer Science and Soft-ware Engineering at Concordia University. He re-ceived his PhD from Queens University. Dr. Shi-hab’s research interests are in Software QualityAssurance, Mining Software Repositories, Tech-nical Debt, Mobile Applications and Software Ar-chitecture. He worked as a software research in-tern at Research In Motion in Waterloo, Ontarioand Microsoft Research in Redmond, Washing-ton. Dr. Shihab is a member of the IEEE and

ACM. More information can be found at

Bram Adams is an associate professor at Poly-technique Montreal, where he heads the Lab onMaintenance, Construction, and Intelligence ofSoftware. His research interests include releaseengineering in general, as well as software inte-gration, software build systems, and infrastruc-ture as code. Adams obtained his PhD in com-puter science engineering from Ghent Univer-sity. He is a steering committee member of theInternational Workshop on Release Engineering(RELENG) and program co-chair of SCAM 2013,

SANER 2015, ICSME 2016 and MSR 2019. More can be found at

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